Beats Audio - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi everybody, i beg your pardon for my bad english, anyway, I had a motorola milestone 2 with megabassbests and now i installed the NexusLouderV4B1-TestBuild_2 on my nexus 4. I made a comparison and i found that the megabassbeats is 100 times better than nexus louder. Is there any way to install the mileston bests audio on my new nexus 4?
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werba59 said:
Hi everybody, i beg your pardon for my bad english, anyway, I had a motorola milestone 2 with megabassbests and now i installed the NexusLouderV4B1-TestBuild_2 on my nexus 4. I made a comparison and i found that the megabassbeats is 100 times better than nexus louder. Is there any way to install the mileston bests audio on my new nexus 4?
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Try awesome beats. Or viper4android with beats IRS.
You will find both on xda in Android development
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Already tested
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The Nexus 4 is a bit tricky to find that sweet spot in AMAZING sound. After hours of trial and error (No kidding), and previous knowledge of experience from other devices. I've found that for the Nexus 4 you need to flash the Nexus louder mod, and combined it with a custom kernel and use that kernel's sound settings via either trickster mod, franco kernel updater app, or faux123 kernel enhancement pro app. I'm sure there are others, but those are the main 3 I alternate in between.
I could go into specifics about my settings and my setup, but as everyone tends to say people's preference and tastes in music are all different.
I hope this helps some.

I'm using the paranoid android custom ROM Abd I do not want to change it. If that the only solution i resign myself
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If you're looking to get great sound through the rear firing speaker then this phone isn't for you; viper4 android however works wonders on headphones.
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No, i'm looking to get a grat sound through the headphones. I just thought that isn't strange that the mileston's beats audio works better than the N4 one
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Bluetooth headphone help required

Hi guys , bought a set of Kitsound beamers Bluetooth headphones to pair with my Nexus 7 and my iPhone 4s. They paired first time with the phone but don't seem to make themselves visible on my nexus 7....any help / advice will be well thanked.
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Are you running a custom Rom?
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No its stock only , bud.
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Found them
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Quiet hours??

Today I read a post that talked about some app of quiet hours.
I my mind is not bad I remember that android had this on 4.0.4???? Am I wrong? Cause my nexus 4 on 4.2.2 doesn't have it.
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Not on stock. CM has had it since gingerbread though. Maybe even froyo.
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PA must have added it in because I have it and I'm running PA.
You could also use the app called - Battery Widget. It has the feature to set up quiet hours. You could also setup a tasker script for the same.
Thanks , mm yeah, I thought that was a stock option.
It would be nice google to add it.
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danfalcas said:
Thanks , mm yeah, I thought that was a stock option.
It would be nice google to add it.
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Google just puts the bare minimum and if you want more. Do it yourself and install a app or flash a custom rom. That's the joy of having android, the possibilities of adding things yourself
I personally don't use profiles.
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What is the best sound enhancement I can apply to my new nexus 10? I've installed acid audio. It definitely made an improvement. Thanks
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treIII said:
What is the best sound enhancement I can apply to my new nexus 10? I've installed acid audio. It definitely made an improvement. Thanks
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I like viper4android.
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audio quality

i hav gt a nexus 4 nd i m nt satisfied wid its audio performance.kindly suggest me some good apps to enhance my audio quality
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Check out viper for android it helped with my sound quality
In order to install viper do i require to boot my N4
also plz help me out how to install viper
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low nexus 4 sound

my nexus 4 's sound output is very low.
i'm using franco kernel, 4.4.2 miui rom.
You can try installing viper4android and increasing the gain, works fine for me on stock 4.4.4.
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lolcakes203 said:
You can try installing viper4android and increasing the gain, works fine for me on stock 4.4.4.
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you mean this one; ? (a chines app)
ARDV said:
you mean this one; ? (a chines app)
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Use this
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jd1639 said:
Use this
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what i should use :
High Quality Mode: Available for processors with NEON.
Super Audio Quality: Available for processors with NEON
how to know that my processor has NEON?
Use the super quality, Nexus 4 SoC is capable of running NEON instructions.
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lolcakes203 said:
Use the super quality, Nexus 4 SoC is capable of running NEON instructions.
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i did,
but i don't feel any change !
Did you enable it for all the different sound outputs and then for the output you felt was too low increase the master gain? It won't do anything unless you enable it and set it up. You also need to go to sound and change the equalizer from system default to viper4android.
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lolcakes203 said:
Did you enable it for all the different sound outputs and then for the output you felt was too low increase the master gain? It won't do anything unless you enable it and set it up. You also need to go to sound and change the equalizer from system default to viper4android.
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it's working now
thanks a lot
Great! Glad to hear it is working!
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