LG E617G - Boot Screen is stuck in a loop - Optimus L3, L5, L7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Alright, so I've got an LG E617G from Bell Aliant, a mobile carrier in Canada. I know it's rooted and it's the most up-to-date OS I could possibly get for this phone, stock, but I can't check the OS at the moment, or at least in a way I know of. I went to reset the phone to factory default settings and it gets stuck in this boot loop. I shut down, boot it back up. Now the boot screen sound doesn't finish properly and it just is stuck in a loop.
I tried to do a hard reset/forced recovery mode thing (Volume Down + Power then go to holding Home only when the LED on the bottom of the screen light up) and that didn't work. Same broken sound and stuck loop. Thinking that the charge might have something to do with it (It was at about 7% when I tried to do the initial reset. Stupid, I know, but I was drunk).
I just tried to do the same hard reset/forced recovery mode thing and that didn't work, same boot screen problem. I searched on the forums here as well as online and the only information that I've gotten is that the L5 is the closest well known representation of the LG E617g so I'm hoping you guys can help.
It should also be known, I did give ES File Explorer root access the day prior to the reset in an attempt to change the actual font. That didn't work so I tried 2 different applications that I found information on. iFont and Font Installer. I tried something with Font Installer and it didn't work so I installed iFont (without uninstalling Font Installer) and installed a font there. That didn't seem to work so I just ignored it. Then I noticed that the font had changed but only on Facebook apps. This was why I wanted to do the reset, to get rid of this font nonsense. Now I think I may have just ****ed it all up.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ask what you need of me, if you do need anything, and tell me a quick way of possibly finding that information or linking to a tutorial how and I will get back to you ASAP. Thank you for the patience and help guys.
I have since solved the problem. I downloaded and installed all drivers again, ran the LG Mobile Support Tool and on the top menu bar I went Customer Support > Recovery and put my IMEI in and hit check. Got my info and another pop up came up. Downloaded the data for my phone (I had to run it in Download mode. I took out battery, held up and down volume while plugging it in the PC, run this recovery mode. I'd fail the recovery mode but then I'd just run the program part again on the computer while keeping it in plugged in.) and installed it. Worked fine after that.

Thanks a lot for this detailed solution!

need4steer said:
Thanks a lot for this detailed solution!
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Ah, no problem. I spend most of my time looking at forums that talk about my exact problem but never a solution. Just wanted to make sure that if anyone ends up with my problem that my fix worked.


[Q] LG Optimus L3 E405 Recovery Dead?

This morning I tried to root my phone so that I can force everything to be moved to a sd card since the storage of the system is low not enough to install apps and to install A mod that is more updated then the current GingerBread OS.
I managed to soft brick the device the rom clearly said e405 obviously the developer has a few bugs anyway I manage to recover from my soft brick by A software 'KDZ' Only issue I have now is when I press volume up on boot I get A notice icon trying to say something (image of the icon is attached below) and when I use ROM Manager to reboot to recovery it will attempt to go there, Instead of going to recovery it goes to A loading page then this erases all my data/apps except SuperUser/Root.
Tried everything and it still does it?
When I use the LG Emergency Software it just goes to a page saying not responding??
Any help and ideas would be grateful so I can fix this issue and move on also im mostly A samsung user and im fairly new to lg.
See thee error message below
Once i get the idea of what the icon is actually trying to say I should be in the right direction.
Spudster1 said:
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Perhaps you can go to ROM Manager, uninstall Recovery, then re-install it?
I don't really know. I'm sorta new to this stuff.
hard reset
Spudster1 said:
This morning I tried to root my phone so that I can force everything to be moved to a sd card since the storage of the system is low not enough to install apps and to install A mod that is more updated then the current GingerBread OS.
I managed to soft brick the device the rom clearly said e405 obviously the developer has a few bugs anyway I manage to recover from my soft brick by A software 'KDZ' Only issue I have now is when I press volume up on boot I get A notice icon trying to say something (image of the icon is attached below) and when I use ROM Manager to reboot to recovery it will attempt to go there, Instead of going to recovery it goes to A loading page then this erases all my data/apps except SuperUser/Root.
Tried everything and it still does it?
When I use the LG Emergency Software it just goes to a page saying not responding??
Any help and ideas would be grateful so I can fix this issue and move on also im mostly A samsung user and im fairly new to lg.
See thee error message below
Once i get the idea of what the icon is actually trying to say I should be in the right direction.
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I saw that icon after flashing back to stock rom with KDZ and a hard reset worked for me. Pull the battery, make sure you not connected to USB or charger, then press and hold home key and down volume while you press power on. Release power when you see LG logo, hold the down and home for a while until you see android unpacking a box. It takes about a minute to see this, so you gotta wait for it. The phone reboots or shut downs, don't rememberwhich
kurtstraker said:
I saw that icon after flashing back to stock rom with KDZ and a hard reset worked for me. Pull the battery, make sure you not connected to USB or charger, then press and hold home key and down volume while you press power on. Release power when you see LG logo, hold the down and home for a while until you see android unpacking a box. It takes about a minute to see this, so you gotta wait for it. The phone reboots or shut downs, don't rememberwhich
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Ok I will try that and let you know if it works in a few hours I gave the phone to my brother for free since I bought A samsung (used to samsungs and love then
Anyway should also mention that when I try to reboot into recovery with rom manager it reboots goes to the loading box thing then it wipes my data Like i said I tried that method in a few hours and get back to you here.
didn't work ;.(
Man go to the screen u have posted the images above , then use KDZ to flash back Man!
This is "DIAG MODE" so select it in KDZ program
So select KDZ file ( download if u have tried urs so far)
No error .. when u click to start upgrade ur phone will apper in emergency mode. Then the KDZ will flash flawslessly
Sent From ... Lg e400 <-- {[Brasilian Here]}
Still didnt work it flash though but still didnt fix the recovery..
These lg are actually useless a simple firmware flash should do the job.
LG staff are also rude to be honest rang up and because I tried to root and I was doing the right thing going back to stock they denied support and hang up without me giving A reply. Glad ive switched back to samsung s4 and Apple IPhone 5C.
Thanks for attempting to help :.)

OTA Bootloop Help

I have a Verizon LG G2 I tried to flash my backed up stock recovery with Flashify so I could flash the most recent OTA. After accepting the OTA update my phone restarted, tried to install the update, hung at a black screen but was still turned on. If I power it off and back on it shows the LG logo, some white text, then goes to the same black screen. What appears to be happening is that my backup recovery did not restore properly and it's hanging when it tries to go into recovery. It's almost like my recovery partition is blank.
I've tried to follow the instructions to flash back to stock, but I do not believe I'm actually able to get my phone into download mode. When it is plugged into my windows 7 computer with the LG drivers installed it shows up in device manager as QHSUSB_BULK.
Is there any way for me to push a stock recovery, or even a custom recovery to my phone so I can somehow salvage it, or am I permanently bricked?
toopty said:
I have a Verizon LG G2 I tried to flash my backed up stock recovery with Flashify so I could flash the most recent OTA. After accepting the OTA update my phone restarted, tried to install the update, hung at a black screen but was still turned on. If I power it off and back on it shows the LG logo, some white text, then goes to the same black screen. What appears to be happening is that my backup recovery did not restore properly and it's hanging when it tries to go into recovery. It's almost like my recovery partition is blank.
I've tried to follow the instructions to flash back to stock, but I do not believe I'm actually able to get my phone into download mode. When it is plugged into my windows 7 computer with the LG drivers installed it shows up in device manager as QHSUSB_BULK.
Is there any way for me to push a stock recovery, or even a custom recovery to my phone so I can somehow salvage it, or am I permanently bricked?
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I have the same exact problem. exactly the same. mine doesnt even show up for download mode. this sucks!
cgillie92 said:
I have the same exact problem. exactly the same. mine doesnt even show up for download mode. this sucks!
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I'm still trying to find a solution I will post here if i have any luck. I've dug through a lot of forum posts and I think what makes us unique is the fact that we have a corrupt or blank recovery partition.
toopty said:
I'm still trying to find a solution I will post here if i have any luck. I've dug through a lot of forum posts and I think what makes us unique is the fact that we have a corrupt or blank recovery partition.
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Ive looked through a lot too. and its crazy how that would happen i made sure it was rebooting correctly before i took the ota and then when i did the ota bam! only screens i can get to come up are the hardware key control mode and the factory hard reset which both go to white screens after I do them both. every one else probably has not taken the ota.
cgillie92 said:
Ive looked through a lot too. and its crazy how that would happen i made sure it was rebooting correctly before i took the ota and then when i did the ota bam! only screens i can get to come up are the hardware key control mode and the factory hard reset which both go to white screens after I do them both. every one else probably has not taken the ota.
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One difference in what mine is doing and what your phone is doing. I go to a solid black screen not a white screen. It's very hard to tell my phone is even turned on. I'm having to look if the back-light to verify if it's on or not. I can hold my power button for 10 seconds through one LG logo cycle and then it turns off.
toopty said:
One difference in what mine is doing and what your phone is doing. I go to a solid black screen not a white screen. It's very hard to tell my phone is even turned on. I'm having to look if the back-light to verify if it's on or not. I can hold my power button for 10 seconds through one LG logo cycle and then it turns off.
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I hope someone helps us out. I really cant afford a new one because the warranty is void. I was going back to stock because of all of the little bugs that need to be ironed out in roms. cause kit kat is around the corner hopefully and my problem virtually is the same i might have had my brightness on auto or something prior to that.
Foolow this tutorial to get your phone back.
Partager.info said:
Foolow this tutorial to get your phone back.
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Thanks for the link. I'm tryingto follow the instructions,but when I get to the step where i plug in my phone it just showes up as a bunch of failes partitions, and slows my ubuntu to a crawl. I'm a linux noob, is there a command i can run to stop this from happening? I also created a reply asking this question in the link you sent me.
Thanks for the help.
Partager.info said:
Foolow this tutorial to get your phone back.
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After following the instructions on the above link i was able to get fastboot status on my phone. It did not fully restore my phone however. I was able to flash twrp via fastboot. I was then able to boot into twrp and run the command at this link via twrp terminal http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2451696
Thanks to everyone for all your help.
toopty said:
Thanks for the link. I'm tryingto follow the instructions,but when I get to the step where i plug in my phone it just showes up as a bunch of failes partitions, and slows my ubuntu to a crawl. I'm a linux noob, is there a command i can run to stop this from happening? I also created a reply asking this question in the link you sent me.
Thanks for the help.
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How did you get past the ubuntu slowing down? I cant win for ubuntu freezing due to all of the failed partitions either so close but yet so far =/
cgillie92 said:
How did you get past the ubuntu slowing down? I cant win for ubuntu freezing due to all of the failed partitions either so close but yet so far =/
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Ignore all the message, unplug you phone get ready to type the command, plug it in and immediately press enter to run the command. it took some trial and error, and i had to use this other post to help me out. I actually got fastboot working first, then used this post to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2477595 to get download mode working, and to flash twrp recovery. After that i used this post to run the command line from with twrp. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2451696 . I didn't have to flash the factory tot to my phone, but i have that option now because download mode is working. This process will work, there is hope for you getting your phone back. I'm fully recovered. I decided 12B is not worth it in the mean time, but if you want 12B you need to flash the factory tot and then upgrade. There is a way to root 12B, but as of this time you are unable to get Custom Recovery on it.

lg mobile support tool stuck at 49%

i tried going back to stock firmware using the method in general section but i always seem to get an error at 49%. can someone explain how to get passed this.
i using the t-mobile d801.
also my recovery seemed to have gotten erased because i cant boot into twrp anymore.
LG G2 Stuck @ 49%
El Killer said:
i tried going back to stock firmware using the method in general section but i always seem to get an error at 49%. can someone explain how to get passed this.
i using the t-mobile d801.
also my recovery seemed to have gotten erased because i cant boot into twrp anymore.
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HEY! I'm on the d801 as well and I've been where you're at a number of times, unfortunately. But I've always gotten out. Here's the conclusion I've reached. Trying to flash directly back to stock without wiping all the partitions first is what makes the RDTool get stuck. It's like the phone runs out of memory and can't host a full Gig+ of data since your last ROM is in the way. Sorry if I'm wrong but I'm only assuming you didn't wipe everything except the Internal storage. The good thing every time this has happened to me is that your recovery partition should be intact. Mine always is, and we're on the same variant. Another thing, booting back into recovery is not impossible. It's all in the timing it takes from the first time you see the LG logo while holding volume - and the power button, but don't let go. What worked for me was to let the phone cycle between off and boot power states twice until the phone is completely off again. You may even notice the LED indicator flash red. Release your keys if the phone stays off and immediately hold the combo down again until the phone tries to boot again just don't let go of the buttons. Once it powers down again, leave the phone alone for a few minutes. Come back and this time get ready to boot into recovery. The combo button press will initiate boot but don't let go until the next time you see the LG logo flash, then quickly release and depress the vol down power up combo and hold. May take a minute longer than usual but the reset menu should pop up thereafter. Tap power 2 more times and you should back into recovery. It's worked every time for me. Let me know if you're good and whether this helped!
Good Luck,
try with x86
El Killer said:
i tried going back to stock firmware using the method in general section but i always seem to get an error at 49%. can someone explain how to get passed this.
i using the t-mobile d801.
also my recovery seemed to have gotten erased because i cant boot into twrp anymore.
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i had exact same issue that progress stucked on 49%. if you are using 64bit OS, try to flash it with 32bit(x86) OS
good luck
tinydynamite00 said:
HEY! I'm on the d801 as well and I've been where you're at a number of times, unfortunately. But I've always gotten out. Here's the conclusion I've reached. Trying to flash directly back to stock without wiping all the partitions first is what makes the RDTool get stuck. It's like the phone runs out of memory and can't host a full Gig+ of data since your last ROM is in the way. Sorry if I'm wrong but I'm only assuming you didn't wipe everything except the Internal storage. The good thing every time this has happened to me is that your recovery partition should be intact. Mine always is, and we're on the same variant. Another thing, booting back into recovery is not impossible. It's all in the timing it takes from the first time you see the LG logo while holding volume - and the power button, but don't let go. What worked for me was to let the phone cycle between off and boot power states twice until the phone is completely off again. You may even notice the LED indicator flash red. Release your keys if the phone stays off and immediately hold the combo down again until the phone tries to boot again just don't let go of the buttons. Once it powers down again, leave the phone alone for a few minutes. Come back and this time get ready to boot into recovery. The combo button press will initiate boot but don't let go until the next time you see the LG logo flash, then quickly release and depress the vol down power up combo and hold. May take a minute longer than usual but the reset menu should pop up thereafter. Tap power 2 more times and you should back into recovery. It's worked every time for me. Let me know if you're good and whether this helped!
Good Luck,
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still no luck
El Killer said:
still no luck
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OK. So tell me, what ROM were you on, which recovery version and name are you using, why were you flashing back to stock, i.e. were you having problems, what kind. Explain as much as you can in detail. Need to retrace your exact steps to best get you fixed up!
tinydynamite00 said:
OK. So tell me, what ROM were you on, which recovery version and name are you using, why were you flashing back to stock, i.e. were you having problems, what kind. Explain as much as you can in detail. Need to retrace your exact steps to best get you fixed up!
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i was using pa4.0 and wanted to go back to stock because i preffered the lg ui. i had twrp i restored my back up of stock but when i rebooted i got into fastboot mode.
twrp wasnt working after i had restored my back up go straight to fastboot was stuck in fastboot until i found a thread explaining how to get out of fastboot and restore download mode.
managed to get download mode working and tried to flash stock with mobile support tool and got the 49 percent error,
my phone never really displayed any progress just says download mode with a white box and blue dots
El Killer said:
i was using pa4.0 and wanted to go back to stock because i preffered the lg ui. i had twrp i restored my back up of stock but when i rebooted i got into fastboot mode.
twrp wasnt working after i had restored my back up go straight to fastboot was stuck in fastboot until i found a thread explaining how to get out of fastboot and restore download mode.
managed to get download mode working and tried to flash stock with mobile support tool and got the 49 percent error,
my phone never really displayed any progress just says download mode with a white box and blue dots
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K, now if you're only seeing the blue dots when you attach by USB your phone to PC, then you're not fully in DL mode to process the kdz. You should see a white wheel in the center of the screen when you connect and a viewing mirror near the base of your phone with ROOTED in red directly below that. And you're sure your PC is detecting your phone? You've the drivers installed? Because when RDT tells you to run the tool, you'll see some binary code in the viewing window I spoke of, the white wheel will turn and below it will be shown the COM port to which you're connected and a solid thin red bar will begin to fill a space in the viewer showing you the progress.
Also, be sure when attempting the first steps I gave you to boot into recovery that you are not USB connected. It won't work.
And, try to remember if your phone was well enough charged, should have been at least 80% full. It happened to me once that I couldn't boot recovery and my phone would go to fastboot like yours until I left it alone to charge and then I repeated the stepsvi laid out to get back into recovery. This part is paramount!
I used to be in your same situation. I thought I had bricked my phone for good. I finally figured it out. Here is my solution from my Thread.
Esteef said:
Okay, after 12+ hours of trying every method possible on XDA I finally resolved my issue. I will update the first post just incase any others care or fall into the same dilemma I was in.
The LG Mobile Support tool would not download the firmware and it would NOT ask me for my IMEI to download it either.
So my solution....
Installed LG Mobile Support Tool then Installed the LG Drivers. (FROM HERE http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2471370
BEFORE I connected the phone to the computer. I opened the LG Mobile support tool clicked (Options on the top right).
When the dropped down opened, I clicked the (Upgrade Recovery) option. THEN, is when the prompt opened to ask me what my IMEI is.
Before I entered my IMEI, I connected my phone to the computer in download mode, then proceeded to enter my IMEI and hit OK.
This is when the LG Mobile Support tool SUCCESSFULLY downloaded the latest official LG firmware and installed it.
*** BE AWARE, with the phone connected to the PC, the prompt NEVER appeared to enter my IMEI.
*** But with the phone disconnected, the prompt came up every time. This might be the trick for some people.
*** with the IMEI prompt opened, I then connected the phone , entered the IMEI, then hit OK. BOOM HERPES....
Well I'll polish this up more later. I hope this works for every LG G2 Variant and not just the T-Mobile one (D801)
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tinydynamite00 said:
K, now if you're only seeing the blue dots when you attach by USB your phone to PC, then you're not fully in DL mode to process the kdz. You should see a white wheel in the center of the screen when you connect and a viewing mirror near the base of your phone with ROOTED in red directly below that. And you're sure your PC is detecting your phone? You've the drivers installed? Because when RDT tells you to run the tool, you'll see some binary code in the viewing window I spoke of, the white wheel will turn and below it will be shown the COM port to which you're connected and a solid thin red bar will begin to fill a space in the viewer showing you the progress.
Also, be sure when attempting the first steps I gave you to boot into recovery that you are not USB connected. It won't work.
And, try to remember if your phone was well enough charged, should have been at least 80% full. It happened to me once that I couldn't boot recovery and my phone would go to fastboot like yours until I left it alone to charge and then I repeated the stepsvi laid out to get back into recovery. This part is paramount!
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yeah my computer does recognize my phone. but i cant run adb or fastboot anymore. all drivers are installed also.
i never got the while wheel or any progress indicator. so i guees im not really in download mode.
i let my phone charge for a few hours and try your method again and let you know what happens
El Killer said:
yeah my computer does recognize my phone. but i cant run adb or fastboot anymore. all drivers are installed also.
i never got the while wheel or any progress indicator. so i guees im not really in download mode.
i let my phone charge for a few hours and try your method again and let you know what happens
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Sounds good. A full charge can make all the difference. I learnt the hard way! One or more of us will be along should you need further help.
I do hope you get this sorted! I've come back from the brink too many times to not believe you won't.
Do as esteef recommended..
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Falaco147 said:
Do as esteef recommended..
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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im trying but i get a battery to low error. i guess i need to charge it longer
i owe you all a million thanks for helping me unbrick my phone. i really thought i was left with a paper weight and then i tried esteefs method again i really owe you guys thank you for the support
El Killer said:
i owe you all a million thanks for helping me unbrick my phone. i really thought i was left with a paper weight and then i tried esteefs method again i really owe you guys thank you for the support
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You are welcome... The first time I did it too my battery was at 28% and I panicked since I got the low battery error.
I could of sworn that my phone officially became a paper weight. My heart dropped.
I'm glad you are up and running with the rest of us!
hey !
I have the same problem, but... I can't acces to the recovery :/ i tried to install CWM (with Freegee) over Team win recovery and... boot loop :
The rom 4.2.2 flex was gone, no boot animation
-When i pres volum down + power, i have the reset menu, but after that, there is a black screen and it's written at the top left "started usb_start Fastboot Mode ()"
Please, i need your help, i'm so afraid !!
Thx !
Esteef said:
I used to be in your same situation. I thought I had bricked my phone for good. I finally figured it out. Here is my solution from my Thread.
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I know this thread is a bit old, but it saved my butt. Your method worked perfectly. Thank you for this post.
My LG F460 was bricked (error 570), only download mode was working. Esteef method works fine even my pictures and programs was saved. Thanks!

Emergency help; Stuck at LG logo

Please buy hyelton a beer or a damn new phone. He's a hero.
This worked: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2432476&highlight=decrypt
Hey guys, but of an emergency here...
I'm stuck at the LG logo after flashing the Pacman ROM with the latest unofficial CWM, and it seems to have failed at Formatting system. All four touch buttons on the bottom were blue, as if they had been pressed and highlighted. No response from anything.
Reboot. Then it got stuck on the LG logo. I can't access CWM anymore, holding power + vol down does nothing, I just go back to the logo. I'm running a D802.
This was a pretty standard flash for me, I have done this many times, so I was confident in it, but now have no way back into a phone I desperately need within hours.
Process went as follows;
Full wipe, format, initialize install, it failed/crashed/whatever, rebooted, now stuck on logo, unable to access CWM, and obviously unable to access ROM.
USB Debugging was on, but as the ROM doesn't exist anymore, not sure how much help that'll be.
I'll gladly go back to either CWM or TWRP, as well as stock ROM or whatever. I can sort all that out later, right now just need things back in running order.
Edit1: I can't even turn it off. It simply boots up again, so now also worried of damaging display or battery.
Edit2: It's not showing after entering "adb devices". List is empty.
ANY help appreciated.
I'm running Windows 8, and no, I will not be able to reinstall to W7 or Ubuntu.
Thank you

LG G2 D802 brick problem (I tried different solutions)

Hello everyone!
I really hope I can find help here. I wanted to install Cyanogenmod 13 on my LG G2 D802 32GB. In the end I think I bricked my phone. I want to mention that I already searched for help on the Internet and tried many tutorials, but nothing helped.
First, I rooted my phone using this One click root method (before, I tried doing that other ways but it didn't work). So far, so good.
Then, I installed TWRP via Autorec. And here came the first problem. I booted into recovery mode and then the phone wouldn't start anymore. I started getting "Security error" along with Lg logo, when I wanted to turn on the phone. Actually I can't remember if I wiped everything in Recovery mode before or after getting this error, but I did anyway. Then I didn't get this security error message anymore, just stuck with lg logo.
Anyway I was still able to get into recovery or download mod, so I tried installing CM. But I couldn't acces my phone memory through PC and I didn't have CM installer zip on the phone. I tried copying CM installer into the phone using ADB push command. It did copy, it said it succesfully installed but since then every time I turn on my phone Lg logo just blinks for a fraction of a second and the phone will not turn on. The screen is black, but it remains "on" (there's nothing on it but you can see it's not totally turned off).
After that I tried every tutorial I could to install CM or stock ROM. I tried downloading different LG firmwares, including one found on a page where I had to enter my IMEI. But it's always the same problem: when I use LG Flashtool ( 1.0.54 ) it gets stuck. After clicking on System Upgrade I'm not asked about the language (as tutorials suggest), but it just opens LGMobile Support Tool, which says that my system is up to date.
OK, I think that's all I can say. So, the main problem is that I cannot use LG Flashtool, which is neccessary to install stock ROM in all the tutorials I have seen. Of course, I would like to install CM 13 still, but now th emost important thing is to get my phone to work again, even on stock system.
I hope we can solve this problem. Thank you all in advance!
Can you boot in download mode?
If you have download mode you can easily reflash stock
If you cant get to download mode you have to reflash all the partitions here is thread
After reflashing all partition you should be able to boot in download mode, then you can flash stock
xarekusu said:
Can you boot in download mode?
If you have download mode you can easily reflash stock
If you cant get to download mode you have to reflash all the partitions here is thread
After reflashing all partition you should be able to boot in download mode, then you can flash stock
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Thanks a lot. I followed the instructions in the first post on the first site that you linked, using kdz file. Everything seemed to go well and I was already happy, but... It seemed that the stock flashed (on the computer it said that the installation was correct, on the phone the screen showed Update Software and it went to 100% percent), then the phone restarted and started updating apps for Android. And that is normal I suppose. But then, after it finished, it turned off, turned on and started installing those apps again. After that it turned off. When I wanted to turn it on, it showed me LG logo and then android logo for a fraction of a second. Then sometimes it would turn off completely and sometimes turn on again and show logos again. I assume that's what is called bootloop. So I followed the tutorial which said I should do factory hard reset. I entered the screen (power+vol down buttons), confirmed two times that I want to do the reset. It said the reset will start automatically, but nothing happened. The phone just turned off immediately and the same situation with logos (Bootlooping?) appears. So the problem now is that I cannot factory reset the phone.
pagi111 said:
Thanks a lot. I followed the instructions in the first post on the first site that you linked, using kdz file. Everything seemed to go well and I was already happy, but... It seemed that the stock flashed (on the computer it said that the installation was correct, on the phone the screen showed Update Software and it went to 100% percent), then the phone restarted and started updating apps for Android. And that is normal I suppose. But then, after it finished, it turned off, turned on and started installing those apps again. After that it turned off. When I wanted to turn it on, it showed me LG logo and then android logo for a fraction of a second. Then sometimes it would turn off completely and sometimes turn on again and show logos again. I assume that's what is called bootloop. So I followed the tutorial which said I should do factory hard reset. I entered the screen (power+vol down buttons), confirmed two times that I want to do the reset. It said the reset will start automatically, but nothing happened. The phone just turned off immediately and the same situation with logos (Bootlooping?) appears. So the problem now is that I cannot factory reset the phone.
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I'm having a similar problem on my vs980 except I can't access recovery anymore but everything else is the same.
Edit: I actually can access recovery
You messed up pretty bad before you fixed a problem, you created another.
Have you tried to go back to stock using downoad mode and kdz?
Use this tool : http://forum.xda-developers.com/lg-g2/development/tools-srk-tool-useful-toos-lg-root-twrp-t3079076
iubjaved said:
You messed up pretty bad before you fixed a problem, you created another.
Have you tried to go back to stock using downoad mode and kdz?
Use this tool : http://forum.xda-developers.com/lg-g2/development/tools-srk-tool-useful-toos-lg-root-twrp-t3079076
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OK, well, this is strange. The phone is working again, but actually I have no idea why I downloaded the tool from your link, installed it and ran. Then, following the yt tutorial, I went to the step where I was supposed to "look and remember the disk number that have so many partitions". I didn't anything there, though. And then, all of the sudden the phone started updating Android apps and then turned on as after factory reset. Weird, but it's working fine
By the way, can someone post a link to a tutorial on how to install Cyanogenmod 13 on LG G2 D802 32GB? I would still like to install it, but I want to avoid all the problems that I had now. So is there any good step by step tutorial that I could use to install CM?
Anyway, thanks all for help
pagi111 said:
OK, well, this is strange. The phone is working again, but actually I have no idea why I downloaded the tool from your link, installed it and ran. Then, following the yt tutorial, I went to the step where I was supposed to "look and remember the disk number that have so many partitions". I didn't anything there, though. And then, all of the sudden the phone started updating Android apps and then turned on as after factory reset. Weird, but it's working fine
By the way, can someone post a link to a tutorial on how to install Cyanogenmod 13 on LG G2 D802 32GB? I would still like to install it, but I want to avoid all the problems that I had now. So is there any good step by step tutorial that I could use to install CM?
Anyway, thanks all for help
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Download the rom from cyanogenmod website and put it on your phone memory.
Download Gapps from opengapps.org and place on the phone memory.
Go to recovery.
Make a full nandroid backup( all the partitions) , wipe all except internal storage.
Flash the rom along with the gaaps zip.
