Twrp backup issue - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshootin

Hi all. I have the katest versiin of twrp recovery and have been using it to backup my roms but all of the sudden I cannot backup anymore because of the below. Hiw can my data backup size be so large? The below is a log from twrp.
Iata backup size is 126150MB, size: 9802MB, used: 126226MB, free: 8393MB, in data/media: 75MB.
I:Unable to mount '/usb-otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Unmounting main partitions...

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morfiuss said:
Hi all. I have the katest versiin of twrp recovery and have been using it to backup my roms but all of the sudden I cannot backup anymore because of the below. Hiw can my data backup size be so large? The below is a log from twrp.
Iata backup size is 126150MB, size: 9802MB, used: 126226MB, free: 8393MB, in data/media: 75MB.
I:Unable to mount '/usb-otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Unmounting main partitions...
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I had a similar problem like that on g3, can you see internal and ext sdcards from within twrp? I pulled my battery for 30min or so, and it started working again, some how I had lost a mount point. Just something to try.
Good luck.

TheAxman said:
I had a similar problem like that on g3, can you see internal and ext sdcards from within twrp? I pulled my battery for 30min or so, and it started working again, some how I had lost a mount point. Just something to try.
Good luck.
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I do see both internal and external cards. I have taken the battery out for 30min like you have mentioned but the issue still persist.


URGENT! Help Needed - phone may be bricked, not sure what to do

Hello everyone,
I have a Desire HD (Telus) rooted with Android Revolution 5.2.6 installed and 4ext recovery mod.
Overnight my phone locked up and then after popping the battery I could get maybe 30 seconds of use before it would crawl to a halt and lock up again.
I decided to try to wipe the phone and reinstall. Except all of the processes don't complete now. I'll either get (Error 1) or (Error 255) when trying to use the SuperWipe, install the ROM or use the "Wipe all partitions" option.
Right now it's in the 4ext recovery mod and since I've tried all of the wipe options is it safe to try to reboot (back into recovery) or have I wiped 4ext off as well? I have googled this and can't find an answer.
I've noticed that there is a new version of 4ext available (I have 4.1.3 RC2) but apparently the only way to update is via the app store - which obviously I can't do right now.
When trying to format system partition the screen goes blank for a few minutes and eventually returns to the main menu with no info other than a bunch of "E: Can't mount /cache/recovery" messages. The partition list shows system/data/cache as ext4 with only "iB" in the free column.
I'm not sure what to do. Can anyone offer some suggestions?
Here are some recovery log snips:
| Wiping Script |
| This operation will remove all your data |
| You have 10 seconds to remove the battery |
| to cancel this procedure |
unmount of /cache failed; no such volume
about to run program [/sbin/erase_image] with 2 args
1. Erasing & formatting EXT4 *CACHE* partitionCreating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 314572288
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 6400
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 1200
Blocks: 76799
Block groups: 3
Reserved block group size: 23
Created filesystem with 11/19200 inodes and 2459/76799 blocks
(cache is unmounted already)
error: file_write: write: I/O error
E:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 1)
Installation aborted.
MD5s are valid for the super wipe and the new rom:
Checking md5sum..
md5sum for this file:
Checking md5sum..
md5sum for this file:
Here's what happens when I try to flash the ROM:
| Android Revolution HD |
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 585104896
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 7143
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 2232
Blocks: 142847
Block groups: 5
Reserved block group size: 39
Created filesystem with 11/35715 inodes and 4603/142847 blocks
| by mike1986 |
| Be patient - 1st boot may take a while |
>>> Formatting partitions
error: file_write: write: I/O error
E:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 1)
Installation aborted.
W:failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p27 (Invalid argument)
W:failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p27 (Invalid argument)
E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/log
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/log
W:failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p27 (Invalid argument)
W:failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p27 (Invalid argument)
E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/last_log
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/last_log
W:failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p27 (Invalid argument)
W:failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p27 (Invalid argument)
W:Can't unlink /cache/recovery/command
-- Formatting boot...
Formatting /boot...
I:Formatting unknown device.
-- Formatting system...
Formatting /system...
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 585104896
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 7143
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 2232
Blocks: 142847
Block groups: 5
Reserved block group size: 39
Created filesystem with 11/35715 inodes and 4603/142847 blocks
error: file_write: write: I/O error
This is out of my league really technically. Is the rom zip OK? I see the error starts with that file. If all else fails I would try to put another rom file onto the SD Card and flash that in case it's just a bad file. (or bad SD Card)
In my experience I've only ever done any or all of the following:
wipe data/factory reset
wipe cache
wipe dalvik cache
wipe battery stats
format system
format data
(I've never done or wiped or formatted anything else.)
Hopefully a more technically experienced person can help.
I'm really uncomfortable formatting partitions, so I never touch them. I'm not sure of the state of yours. You could try to flash the smallest rom file you can. ie. the smallest rom zip size.
Thanks for the reply - I did upload another ROM and it failed in the same way. The logs are clearly indicating something wrong with the Flash filesystem on the device.
I don't know if I can shut down to swap the card and boot back into the 4EXT recovery - does "Wipe all partitions" remove 4EXT as well?
I have tried formatting partitions as EXT3 as well and no dice - here's the recovery log:
Formatting /system...
I:Formatting unknown device.
I:Formatting ext3 device.
Warning: 256-byte inodes not usable on older systems
Warning: could not read block 0: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read
/sbin/tune2fs: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.
tune2fs 1.41.6 (30-May-2009)
Formatting system completed.
Formatting /data...
I:Formatting unknown device.
I:Formatting ext3 device.
Warning: 256-byte inodes not usable on older systems
Warning: could not read block 0: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read
/sbin/tune2fs: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/block/mmcblk0p26
Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.
tune2fs 1.41.6 (30-May-2009)
Formatting data completed.
Formatting /cache...
I:Formatting unknown device.
I:Formatting ext3 device.
Warning: could not read block 0: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read
ext2fs_mkdir: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while creating root dir
Formatting cache completed.
partition | fs | capacity | free
mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 on /system failed: Invalid argument
df: /system: can't find mount point
umount: can't umount /system: Invalid argument
system ext3 558 MiB iB
mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk0p26 on /data failed: Invalid argument
df: /data: can't find mount point
umount: can't umount /data: Invalid argument
data ext3 1175 MiB iB
mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk0p27 on /cache failed: Invalid argument
df: /cache: can't find mount point
cache ext3 300 MiB iB
mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 on /sdcard failed: Device or resource busy
sdcard fat32 1945 MiB 1.3GiB
I use amon ra recovery but it seems to me that your partition is somehow damaged, you should copy everything thats on ur sd card onto your computer and try formatting the sd card on the computer, see if that reformats the entire sd card and gets rid of the ext4 partition. If it does, then copy the recovery zip on there and try to reflash the recovery. Then try to repartition.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
Synergies14 said:
I use amon ra recovery but it seems to me that your partition is somehow damaged, you should copy everything thats on ur sd card onto your computer and try formatting the sd card on the computer, see if that reformats the entire sd card and gets rid of the ext4 partition. If it does, then copy the recovery zip on there and try to reflash the recovery. Then try to repartition.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
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Thanks for the reply. The problem isn't the SD card itself it's the internal flash memory. 4EXT can read and calculate the correct MD5 sums of the images on the SD card. It fails when trying to format the internal flash.
Telek said:
Thanks for the reply. The problem isn't the SD card itself it's the internal flash memory. 4EXT can read and calculate the correct MD5 sums of the images on the SD card. It fails when trying to format the internal flash.
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Is there a way you can remove your sdcard and then boot into recovery and try to do a factory reset/restore?, maybe try flashing a stock rom. I know this may not be abit of help but i would like to try and think of all possible things to do.
Synergies14 said:
Is there a way you can remove your sdcard and then boot into recovery and try to do a factory reset/restore?, maybe try flashing a stock rom. I know this may not be abit of help but i would like to try and think of all possible things to do.
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I've tried the factory reset/restore and it didn't work. I'm worried about powering off right now because I don't know enough about how recovery is setup. Since all partitions have been wiped will I be able to boot back into 4EXT recovery?
Edit: thought you had a Desire not a desire hd, sorry
Telek said:
I've tried the factory reset/restore and it didn't work. I'm worried about powering off right now because I don't know enough about how recovery is setup. Since all partitions have been wiped will I be able to boot back into 4EXT recovery?
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try downloading a stock released rom, not a custom rom and rename it to and place it on your sd card. turn off your phone and go into the bootloader menu and it should auto detect the file and it will ask you if you want to update. Choose yes and see if it installs. Thats installs the rom bypassing the recovery mod telling it to install on the partition.
madmaxx82 said:
Edit: thought you had a Desire not a desire hd, sorry
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The ext3 format was a desperate attempt to get something to work. The installer before (check the top logs) was formatting as ext4.
I currently have 4.1.3 RC2 installed.
Synergies14 said:
try downloading a stock released rom, not a custom rom and rename it to and place it on your sd card. turn off your phone and go into the bootloader menu and it should auto detect the file and it will ask you if you want to update. Choose yes and see if it installs. Thats installs the rom bypassing the recovery mod telling it to install on the partition.
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OK I'll give that a try. I have the file from when I rooted my phone - that should work?
Telek said:
The ext3 format was a desperate attempt to get something to work. The installer before (check the top logs) was formatting as ext4.
I currently have 4.1.3 RC2 installed.
OK I'll give that a try. I have the file from when I rooted my phone - that should work?
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I got a shock when I saw ext3 since you had posted in the Desire forum's 4ext thread! The Desire has yaffs2 partitions after all
I really hope you get your phone working after flashing the ruu!
Telek said:
OK I'll give that a try. I have the file from when I rooted my phone - that should work?
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I'm not exactly sure. You can take anything and rename it as and flash it. Chances are, the file you have is the recovery program. Im not sure where you can get a stock rom for your phone at. but if you find one, make sure its legit and the download is correct and use the method i mentioned. Let us know what happens.
madmaxx82 said:
I got a shock when I saw ext3 since you had posted in the Desire forum's 4ext thread! The Desire has yaffs2 partitions after all
I really hope you get your phone working after flashing the ruu!
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Yeah my bad - I didn't even notice it was the wrong thread.
Ok so is there a that will work for the Desire HD?
Telek said:
Yeah my bad - I didn't even notice it was the wrong thread.
Ok so is there a that will work for the Desire HD?
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Is there no shipped roms thread for the Desire HD? Get an official RUU like Synergies14 suggested
---------- Post added at 05:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 AM ----------
If you want I can package you a recovery you can flash from inside recovery.
I said it wasn't possible because I thought you had a desire. Now that this has changed it's no problem.
But I really don't think it could solve the problem.
Maybe the best would be to really flash an official ruu so you know if your device is ok or not ok.
If the ruu doesn't boot/flashing fails (not because of cid errors, but during flashing), then you really should send it in..
madmaxx82 said:
Is there no shipped roms thread for the Desire HD? Get an official RUU like Synergies14 suggested
---------- Post added at 05:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 AM ----------
If you want I can package you a recovery you can flash from inside recovery.
I said it wasn't possible because I thought you had a desire. Now that this has changed it's no problem.
But I really don't think it could solve the problem.
Maybe the best would be to really flash an official ruu so you know if your device is ok or not ok.
If the ruu doesn't boot/flashing fails (not because of cid errors, but during flashing), then you really should send it in..
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I agree - I'm trying to find a stock ROM.
Does this one look good?
I don't know what ACE means.
Telek said:
I agree - I'm trying to find a stock ROM.
Does this one look good?
I don't know what ACE means.
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BTW: How did you get s-off?
Do you have supercid?
I'm not so familiar with the desire hd I must admit.
---------- Post added at 05:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 AM ----------
Ace is the name of the Desire HD.
madmaxx82 said:
BTW: How did you get s-off?
Do you have supercid?
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The one I just linked is
RUU_Ace_Gingerbread_S_TELUS_WWE_2.43.661.1_R_Radio _12.56.60.25_26.10.04.03_M
I should be able flash that and then go back to Revolution?
I followed these guides to root and s-off. I think I supercid'd as well but honestly can't remember. How do I check?
EDIT: Yes, I believe that does SuperCID as well.
Telek said:
The one I just linked is
RUU_Ace_Gingerbread_S_TELUS_WWE_2.43.661.1_R_Radio _12.56.60.25_26.10.04.03_M
I should be able flash that and then go back to Revolution?
I followed these guides to root and s-off. I think I supercid'd as well but honestly can't remember. How do I check?
EDIT: Yes, I believe that does SuperCID as well.
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Oh I see so you really have telus desire hd I suppose?
Then I think you should just use the rom zip linked in the rooting guide again.
madmaxx82 said:
Oh I see so you really have telus desire hd I suppose?
Then I think you should just use the rom zip linked in the rooting guide again.
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Yes I do have Telus DHD - and I was just posting that I was going to use that ROM from the rooting guide since I'll have to use it again anyway in order to re-root my phone
Is it possible to make a with the latest 4EXT before I go this route? I'd rather give that one quick try before I have to re-root the phone.

TWRP can't mount '/data'

So for the last couple of days I've been trying to set up my custom recovery. TWRP installed via goomanger but when I try to do a backup it can't mount data. This is what I get.
E:unable to mount '/data'
E: unable to recreate /data/media folder
updating partition detals...
E:unable to mount '/data'
E:unable to mount internal storage
E:unable to mount/data/media during gui startup.
running boot script...
finished running boot script.
E:unable to mount /data/media/twrp/.twrps when trying to read settings f
E:unable to mount '/data'
E:unable to mount '/data'
E:unable to mount '/data'
E:updating partition details...
E:unable to mount '/data'
*total number of partitions to back up: 3
*total size of all data: 2073mb
*available space 28041mb
[backup started]
*backup folder: /external_sd/twrp/backups/1e0bf818/1970-01-08--02-24-1
backing up system...
breaking backup file into multiple achives...
*generating md5...
*md5 created.
E:unable to mount '/data'
My progress bar gets maybe 1/4 of the way complete and then the message at the top of the screen changes to
Backup Complete
I've tried Fix Permissions and have also selected Flash ROM from GooManager so that it could locate any newer version of TWRP and install. I keep getting the same result. Can't mount data. My Data is also showing 0mb
So you're going to start a new thread with the same question huh.
Sorry we couldn't help. Maybe if you keep asking all over the place the answer will magically appear.
Peace out.
leaderbuilder said:
So you're going to start a new thread with the same question huh.
Sorry we couldn't help. Maybe if you keep asking all over the place the answer will magically appear.
Peace out.
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Yes, that's exactly what I did. The reason for that is the last time I asked it, the question was tacked on to a thread that said nothing about the issue in the title. I figured this would be a better way to catch the attention of someone that was familiar with the issue. How bout using a little common sense before running your mouth...peace out
Please do not begin new threads for a question that you've already asked.
Also follow rule #1 and search before posting, this question has been asked and answered
Thread closed.

CWM cannot restore /system due to no space (ZTE Blade C V807 / V889s)

Hey guys, I was trying to increase app storage by re-partitioning the internal storage with Mt657xRepartition_EN.apk, where I selected 1gb for app storage. The next step was to wipe data/factory reset. Post this step, the phone is stuck at boot logo. So I tried restoring my backup via CWM and it failed while restoring /system. The log reveals that system cannot be restored due to no space left on the partition. As per my understanding, the above repartitioning was for data partition, but it may have messed up something. Here is full log while trying to restore system from advanced restore:
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 2048
Blocks: 131072
Block groups: 4
Reserved block group size: 31
Created file system with 11/32768 inodes and 4206/131072 blocks
SDCardUpdate.apksdcarda7d2cf64.0bouncycastle.odexl ibbinder.solimobilelog_jni.soProcyon.oggOrganDub.o ggtar: write error: No space left on device Vendor_045e_Product_028e.klError while restoring /system!
When connected to MTKDroidTools, the device is recognised in CWM recovery, but the kernel and baseband fields are empty. There is a blue dot at bottom left with some Russian word (see attachment). With MTKDroidTools, I was able to recover block map on the ROM (see attachment) where it says the following: System space is 64,27,77,088 bytes. The recovery on the PC says the system.ext4.tar file is 52,72,86,272 bytes. Therefore it should be able to restore, right? Also, isn't cache a bit too big at 485490688 bytes, which is same as usrdata at 463mb? usrdata was about 463mb before starting this, so that means partitioning failed, right? (I had selected 1 gb for the same).
When backup was made with MTKDroidTools, I found this:
- nodl_pmt
- PMT tables found
- PMT tables OK, 18 blocks found
--- Kernel Block Map to PMT mismatch!
BlockName Offset
Kernel: __NODL_BMTPOOL 0x00000000FFFF00A8
PMT: Not present! ??????????
--- scatter from PMTis write to the file:
- Use it if SP FlashTool errors of 8038 or 4050 occurs
Although the backup was successful, it's a backup of dead system.
Other Details:
Note: 1. I am able to restore /data and /cache from CWM recovery. I'm a bit worried to try restoring boot partition
2. Backup was made using Custom CWM recovery made with MTKDroidTools
Device: ZTE Blade C
Processor: MT6577 by Mediatek
Storage: 4gb (about 430 to 460mb was internal storage (apps) and 2.2gb was phone storage (media))
ROM: Official, was rooted with vroot and replaced by SuperSU.
I tried flashing custom rom via spflashtools, but it seems to stay stuck at 0% with word searching below (It does recognize that connected at start). Probably has to do with the fact that the phone cannot connect properly to PC when connected in preloader mode (I have installed preload drivers, but the phones seems to connect and disconnect every second)
I really need to revive this device, preferably with some extra space in usrdata partition, if possible. I have browsed several threads and collected this information based on that. Any pointers, help, information, diagnosis, guidance, steps, etc. would be much appreciated. I'll try my best to find my way to the solution. Please tell me if you need any other info. This device is at the edge of bricking. And I had given this to my dad on Father's Day 2 days back. He wasn't receiving emails due to low storage and I told him I can fix it. It would be terrible if I tell him I killed his phone.
I had created this thread before in XDA Assist, but it was promptly closed saying to proceed to device section. Thanks for consideration to those who read through and did not reply for being unable to help.
msmsmsmsms said:
Hey guys, I was trying to increase app storage by re-partitioning the internal storage with Mt657xRepartition_EN.apk, where I selected 1gb for app storage. The next step was to wipe data/factory reset. Post this step, the phone is stuck at boot logo. So I tried restoring my backup via CWM and it failed while restoring /system. The log reveals that system cannot be restored due to no space left on the partition. As per my understanding, the above repartitioning was for data partition, but it may have messed up something. Here is full log while trying to restore system from advanced restore:
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 2048
Blocks: 131072
Block groups: 4
Reserved block group size: 31
Created file system with 11/32768 inodes and 4206/131072 blocks
SDCardUpdate.apksdcarda7d2cf64.0bouncycastle.odexl ibbinder.solimobilelog_jni.soProcyon.oggOrganDub.o ggtar: write error: No space left on device Vendor_045e_Product_028e.klError while restoring /system!
When connected to MTKDroidTools, the device is recognised in CWM recovery, but the kernel and baseband fields are empty. There is a blue dot at bottom left with some Russian word (see attachment). With MTKDroidTools, I was able to recover block map on the ROM (see attachment) where it says the following: System space is 64,27,77,088 bytes. The recovery on the PC says the system.ext4.tar file is 52,72,86,272 bytes. Therefore it should be able to restore, right? Also, isn't cache a bit too big at 485490688 bytes, which is same as usrdata at 463mb? usrdata was about 463mb before starting this, so that means partitioning failed, right? (I had selected 1 gb for the same).
When backup was made with MTKDroidTools, I found this:
- nodl_pmt
- PMT tables found
- PMT tables OK, 18 blocks found
--- Kernel Block Map to PMT mismatch!
BlockName Offset
Kernel: __NODL_BMTPOOL 0x00000000FFFF00A8
PMT: Not present! ??????????
--- scatter from PMTis write to the file:
- Use it if SP FlashTool errors of 8038 or 4050 occurs
Although the backup was successful, it's a backup of dead system.
Other Details:
Note: 1. I am able to restore /data and /cache from CWM recovery. I'm a bit worried to try restoring boot partition
2. Backup was made using Custom CWM recovery made with MTKDroidTools
Device: ZTE Blade C
Processor: MT6577 by Mediatek
Storage: 4gb (about 430 to 460mb was internal storage (apps) and 2.2gb was phone storage (media))
ROM: Official, was rooted with vroot and replaced by SuperSU.
I tried flashing custom rom via spflashtools, but it seems to stay stuck at 0% with word searching below (It does recognize that connected at start). Probably has to do with the fact that the phone cannot connect properly to PC when connected in preloader mode (I have installed preload drivers, but the phones seems to connect and disconnect every second)
I really need to revive this device, preferably with some extra space in usrdata partition, if possible. I have browsed several threads and collected this information based on that. Any pointers, help, information, diagnosis, guidance, steps, etc. would be much appreciated. I'll try my best to find my way to the solution. Please tell me if you need any other info. This device is at the edge of bricking. And I had given this to my dad on Father's Day 2 days back. He wasn't receiving emails due to low storage and I told him I can fix it. It would be terrible if I tell him I killed his phone.
I had created this thread before in XDA Assist, but it was promptly closed saying to proceed to device section. Thanks for consideration to those who read through and did not reply for being unable to help.
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Hey there, I know it's bit late (i dunno if not too late), currently there are no safe ways to repartition Blade C (i've also tried about year ago with mine... just starting form scratch)
You can always reflash that Blade C (or V889S/v807s) with SP FlashTool and stock 4.1.1 JB (or so). Rom (and scatterloading file) can be downloaded at NeedRom website (need to register first, it's free so don't worry ;] )
One more thing... flashing with this method will recreate partions on your phone yet you'll lose all the data so if u can connect via cwm backup everything you can.
oh. Here's working SP Flash Tool

Persist error

I have a problem. In TWRP, the only thing my Cool1 cannot mount is persist. Every execution always showing "Failed to mount '/persist' (Invalid argument)". What should I do? Change TWRP?
I was helped by downloading the file from the thread below and restoring "backup" as a partition backup by TWRP
the file might have been removed from the link you provided. if you still have the backup, can you please provide it. @dziubson

TWRP 0mb of internal storage

Already tried to Format Data, Repair File System and Change File System (to EXT2 then EXT4). It always shows "Failed to mount '/data' (Device or resource busy).
I appreciate any help.
heitormvl said:
Already tried to Format Data, Repair File System and Change File System (to EXT2 then EXT4). It always shows "Failed to mount '/data' (Device or resource busy).
I appreciate any help.
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Flashing the DM Verity file should fix this for you.
SteveMurphy said:
Flashing the DM Verity file should fix this for you.
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How do I do that?
I managed to fix it by flashing the official system on it with Odin and then installing a Custom ROM with TWRP.

