I successfully installed i9505 Wanamlite. But when I open camera, the system tries to update the camera firmware but won't succeed, the toast message "Update camera firmware, please wait..." keeps showing up.
Any way to fix it and let the camera firmware update?
tsouza said:
I successfully installed i9505 Wanamlite. But when I open camera, the system tries to update the camera firmware but won't succeed, the toast message "Update camera firmware, please wait..." keeps showing up.
Any way to fix it and let the camera firmware update?
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stock kernel with loki doki / shabby penguins auto loki cwm
then revert to new kernel when done updating camera
jetlitheone said:
stock kernel with loki doki / shabby penguins auto loki cwm
then revert to new kernel when done updating camera
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Hello there, thanks for the tip! But I'm not being able to find a stock cwm kernel (i've got the auto loki). Would mind pointing me out where to get it?
tsouza said:
Hello there, thanks for the tip! But I'm not being able to find a stock cwm kernel (i've got the auto loki). Would mind pointing me out where to get it?
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Use the auto loki then flash over wanam lite again just right over the one you have dont wipe anything, run camera app, let it update then flash back your kernel of choice and then reboot and voila
tsouza said:
Hello there, thanks for the tip! But I'm not being able to find a stock cwm kernel (i've got the auto loki). Would mind pointing me out where to get it?
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Reflash Wanam(I'd full wipe, but that's me), flash the attached zip, then boot and open camera app. Let it do it's thing, then reboot recovery and flash kernel of your choice.
All credit goes to iB4STiD(original thread) for the stock kernel.
unremarked said:
Reflash Wanam(I'd full wipe, but that's me), flash the attached zip, then boot and open camera app. Let it do it's thing, then reboot recovery and flash kernel of your choice.
All credit goes to iB4STiD(original thread) for the stock kernel.
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Thanks!!! This worked like a charm =). After flashing Wanam only, phone wouldn't boot, it seems that auto loki didn't work on wanam's kernel (adam kernel). But atfer flashing stock, I could boot and fix everything. Thanks!!! =D =D
tsouza said:
Thanks!!! This worked like a charm =). After flashing Wanam only, phone wouldn't boot, it seems that auto loki didn't work on wanam's kernel (adam kernel). But atfer flashing stock, I could boot and fix everything. Thanks!!! =D =D
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Good to know! I would only recommend flashing kernels from this forum. I've gotten great results out of ktoonz's kernel, for instance!
Also please go over to iB4STiD's thread and give him a thanks too. He did all the work, I merely dug the kernel out of his androidfilehost folder lol.
I know I'm not the only one who can't Odin flash CWM and actually get it to stay after reboot
So, anybody working on an easier, more reliable method?
Migital Warfare said:
I know I'm not the only one who can't Odin flash CWM and actually get it to stay after reboot
So, anybody working on an easier, more reliable method?
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I was able to get it to stick just now by using this kernel... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1307980
Flash mkasik's key fix kernel mentioned above *before* you flash clockwork. Then it will stick. I posted this over in the purple clockwork recovery thread but I don't think its gotten a lot of attention. If you use heimdal you could pull the zimage and recovery.bin from the tar files and flash them at once as well. That should work too.
chrisott9628 said:
I was able to get it to stick just now by using this kernel... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1307980
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Did you Odin the keyboard fix kernel before CWM, or at the same time? If you did it at the same time, does the kernel go in the Phone slot?
Thanks Stilesja
Migital Warfare said:
Did you Odin the keyboard fix kernel before CWM, or at the same time? If you did it at the same time, does the kernel go in the Phone slot?
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I flashed the kernel first, rebooted and then flashed recovery. I used the PDA slot each time.
Migital Warfare said:
Did you Odin the keyboard fix kernel before CWM, or at the same time? If you did it at the same time, does the kernel go in the Phone slot?
Thanks Stilesja
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Glad to help, what made me think of that is I remembered back when purple clockwork came out you would still go into orange clockwork if you did a reboot recovery from the Clockwork App, and it was because there is actually a copy of recovery built into the kernel, then everyone updated their kernels with the new recovery and it was always purple. So when this happened I thought that sprint must have done something to send the three finger boot into the kernel recovery, turns out that must have been the case because a custom kernel fixes it.
The problem is that after (any) OTA update, the phone will reflash the recovery kernel with the stock boot kernel image on every boot, unless the recovery image is already "up to date". Here's the longer explanation.
Anyways, there's two fixes:
1. Flash a custom kernel, then a custom recovery. (As other have noted.)
2. Once rooted, use root explorer or something to delete the files: "/system/etc/install-recovery.sh" and "/system/recovery-from-boot.p". That will let you run the stock EI22 kernel with a custom recovery.
Thank you folks, you have the questions asked & answered (typically) before I can even ask. Just need to look!!!
mkasick said:
The problem is that after (any) OTA update, the phone will reflash the recovery kernel with the stock boot kernel image on every boot, unless the recovery image is already "up to date". Here's the longer explanation.
Anyways, there's two fixes:
1. Flash a custom kernel, then a custom recovery. (As other have noted.)
2. Once rooted, use root explorer or something to delete the files: "/system/etc/install-recovery.sh" and "/system/recovery-from-boot.p". That will let you run the stock EI22 kernel with a custom recovery.
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Very interesting read (I actually read your "long" explanation a couple of days ago, then re-read it just now), thanks for the excellent, informative explanation! <Thanked>
Do you face problem moving app to SD card!
Do you have problem restoring from Titanium Backup!
Do you face problem installing some apps from Market!
It seems the problem happened after rooting "CF-Root-SGS2_XX_OXA_LPH-v5.2-CWM5.tar" ; Always thanks to (Chainfire)
NEW SOLUTION: Siyah Kernel ICS-(Retouched) 3.0alpha2-LPH
I've just installed Siyah Kernel ICS and everything working fine with me
Please check and update thread if you face any problem.
(Always, Don't forget to backup)
DOWNLOAD LINK: http://gokhanmoral.desean.net/siyahkernel/v3.0/ICS-Only-For-Samsung-ROMS-Not-CM9/siyah3-alpha2.tar
Full details of Siyah Kernel ICS link: http://www.gokhanmoral.com/gm/2012/03/08/siyahkernel-ics-retouched-3-0alpha2-lph
Also, you can use EXTweaks from market: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.darekxan.extweaks.app
Well, Here is two steps solution: Thanks to (donalgodon)
Flash zImage of LPH Kernel original* (by CWM Manager - Flash Kernel**).
. -phone will reboot after flashing kernel
Flash zImage of LPH CF-Root LPH v5.2 kernel* (by CWM Manager - Flash Kernel**).
. -phone will reboot after flashing kernel
* zImage (LPH Original + LPH Root Kernels) download link = www.mediafire.com/?vw8xib282b2pg1i
** How to video = http://youtu.be/ug4c2oG9LBs
That's all........
- Super user is working.
- CWM Manager is working.
- Moving app to SD Card is working.
- Restoring from Titanium Backup is working.
- Installing apps from Market (such as Ant Smasher game) is working.
Hope I added helpful solution.
great its working now good work bro
great its working now good work bro
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You are most welcome
thnks its working now good work
kiriakos1963 said:
thnks its working now good work
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Glad it works with you
this is the only workaround possible but one drwaback would be if you want cwm recovery again, you have to flash the cf root tar file via odin again
Please remove
Is this not the same workaround Chainfire has been discussing weeks ago?
Chainfire said:
Ok, so now I've tested a lot of things, a lot of tries, I'm not sure if it sticks in my head correctly.
I can only get the SD problem when transationing from official kernel + 0 counter to unofficial counter.
Afterwards, it seems flashing back the official kernel (triangle disappears) with ODIN, then flashing back CF-Root with CWM app or Mobile ODIN (preferred) solves the issue for me, every time.
I've also seen it appear/disappear with change of signatures, and then I couldn't reproduce the problem anymore, but the above procedure seems to work.
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crachel said:
Is this not the same workaround Chainfire has been discussing weeks ago?
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Yes, it is, but people are still asking this question without bothering to search(or don't know the terms so are unable to find) and the answer is buried under a few pages of posts.
Maybe this thread is necessary for those people but this has been discussed before so your call.
I did and it works. Thanks.
bala_gamer said:
this is the only workaround possible but one drwaback would be if you want cwm recovery again, you have to flash the cf root tar file via odin again
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I did not understand (maybe because my english is terrible eheh).
Now, with this method, I have my phone rooted but stock recovery. Is there a way to get cwn recovery and no sd problem?
whats with people rating this thread down. sigh...
Mate thank you so muchGave you 5 stars.Flashed the zImage and got all my apps finally over to the SD as the LP6 wouldnt flash on my version of ROM for some reason.If I need to Ill flash the CF-Root back for a CWM backup.Well done.
I dont quite follow this either. I have flashed the zImage of original XXLPH kernel, but now what??
Do I need to flash the kernal again via Odin to get CWM back fully operational??
I have a diff. Firmware, CheckRom6 & Redpill Kernel 1.3. And despite of Download Counter 0 I have the problem with Titanium some apps' not flashing back, too. (had the problem already with CheckRom4 / Syiah, too).
nickmax1 said:
I dont quite follow this either. I have flashed the zImage of original XXLPH kernel, but now what??
Do I need to flash the kernal again via Odin to get CWM back fully operational??
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Just flash the CF-Root kernel's zImage file via the CWM app and you will get root & CWM working again.
akbarhash said:
Yes, it is, but people are still asking this question without bothering to search(or don't know the terms so are unable to find) and the answer is buried under a few pages of posts.
Maybe this thread is necessary for those people but this has been discussed before so your call.
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Even though got to solution by try & error; Yes, it is there in the deep of long thread.
Just want to put it up in simple well detailed steps since many people facing such problems and asking for.....
I followed the advice in Chainfire's very long thread after finding it here, and it worked for me.
I used this procedure:
1. rooted via CF-Root using Odin.
2. flashed the old bootloader using Odin.
3. reset flash counter via Jig.
4. flashed the ICS bootloader using Odin.
5. flashed the stock kernel using CWM app.
6. flashed the CF-kernel using CWM app.
SD works fine and root is retained.
ahh thank you!
thanks, this works fine for me.
you mean after flashing the zimage kernel you need to flash the http://download.chainfire.eu/147/CF-Root/SGS2/CF-Root-SGS2_XX_OXA_LPH-v5.2-CWM5.zip
to get CWM working again?
Let this be a warning, the latest update put my phone in a reboot loop. After trying to apply the update clockwordmod would come up on restart, installation would fail, couldn't see why, too fast, the phone would start up and after 15-20 sec it would shutdown to start all over again.
Don't know what update does as I have a french phone and all update messages come in french. I saw that USB on the go was mentioned and some other bug fixes.
Enter fastbood mode (VOL DOWN+POWER)
From the PC enter:
fastboot erase cache
Can someone more knowledgeable say why the update fails?
the same issue for me with my french moto g
mihmihovic said:
the same issue for me with my french moto g
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It Won't work if you have rooted your phone!
robin0800 said:
It Won't work if you have rooted your phone!
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ok thanks so impossible to install it?
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I was thinking that you need the stock recovery and not CWM or TWRP.
samijam said:
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I was thinking that you need the stock recovery and not CWM or TWRP.
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Yes you do and no root
I had the same problem. You have to go back to latest stock rom before installing the update, and then rooting again. Worked fine for me.
See this guide for example : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2542219
samijam said:
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I was thinking that you need the stock recovery and not CWM or TWRP.
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Stock RECOVERY, KERNEL and NO changes in /system partition whatsoever (including root.)
With some experience there´s nothing easier than flash stock ROM. Or do it thrice a day if you feel like that
had same pb, i try to flash back to stock recovery 4.4 >> nok
i flash the CWM Advanced Edition and its work, no need to flash stock + unroot, i keep my root with this :laugh:
CWM Advanced Edition Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2639583
edit : i lost my gravity Box setting, cz update overwritten system file, i think
OTA_ said:
had same pb, i try to flash back to stock recovery 4.4 >> nok
i flash the CWM Advanced Edition and its work, no need to flash stock + unroot, i keep my root with this :laugh:
CWM Advanced Edition Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2281367
edit : i lost my gravity Box setting, cz update overwritten system file, i think
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This is the Philz recovery for the Samsung S4, I'd recommend you fix the link before we have people wondering what went wrong
fixxxer667 said:
This is the Philz recovery for the Samsung S4, I'd recommend you fix the link before we have people wondering what went wrong
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sorry tks, will edit it
OTA_ said:
had same pb, i try to flash back to stock recovery 4.4 >> nok
i flash the CWM Advanced Edition and its work, no need to flash stock + unroot, i keep my root with this :laugh:
CWM Advanced Edition Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2639583
edit : i lost my gravity Box setting, cz update overwritten system file, i think
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If i understand it... Have you flashed OTA with Phil CWM without reverting phone to full stock (recovery, unrooted and untouched system apps)?
Elessar76 said:
If i understand it... Have you flashed OTA with Phil CWM without reverting phone to full stock (recovery, unrooted and untouched system apps)?
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ps : when i update the xposed Framework, & reboot my G, i get back my gravitybox setting
OTA_ said:
ps : when i update the xposed Framework, & reboot my G, i get back my gravitybox setting
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What variant r u using? I'm waiting for the us gsm update for xt1034 so I can have native otg USB. I already have philz installed so if I can just flash over my rooted stock ROM that would be awesome!
Sent from my XT1034 using Tapatalk
newellj79 said:
What variant r u using? I'm waiting for the us gsm update for xt1034 so I can have native otg USB. I already have philz installed so if I can just flash over my rooted stock ROM that would be awesome!
Sent from my XT1034 using Tapatalk
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Last version, falcon non gpe
This is touchwiz rom.
supersu will fc but it works.
not my work or any leak.
use at own preference.
i will not be responsible.
do not share link anywhere to other sites. pls be this low and leaker anonymous.
no need bootloader.
do not ask for n3 features.
do not make mirrors even if its down.
Instructions :
full wipe recommended then flash using philz v6.15.4.0 or v6.19.3.0
make update binary in philz option from (x) to () then flash.will solve all errors and boot.
link to philz :http://goo.im/devs/philz_touch/CWM_Advanced_Edition/n7100
How to screen record ???
How to enable art??
(this will bootloop/stuck on samsung logo for sure 100%)
go to recovery mount /system and /data
then use adb
adb pull /data/property/persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib
open the file and replace the "libart.so" with "libdvm.so" (no quotes) and vice versa.
for dalvik use "libdvm.so" ///////////// for art use "libart.so"
adb push persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib /data/property/
enjoy bootloop.
some files might be missing.
why?? bcoz if anyone can find how to enable art then it will be too beautiful.
Credits :
XDA for all guides and some materials.
Reserved ?
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk
tryunus said:
Any more informations? TW/CM? Screenshots? That we know what we flash
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no ss sorry. its tw rom.
Note- Those facing problem with bootloop, flash TWRP You don't even need to select any option like in Philz as stated in OP. Just do a clean install (wipe system, data, dalvik, cache).
i'm hoping someone will post some screenshot :fingers-crossed:
Tnx ravi.
thank you so much ..
update : supersu will fc but it works.. only app needs to be updated i think from chainfire for this leak.
or kernel to be patched for permissive or disabled.
Thank you, @ravijani--it's too tempting an opportunity to miss.
does this have knox or any bootloader in the rom ?
and it is possible to go back to 4.3 if required
cc154 said:
does this have knox or any bootloader in the rom ?
and it is possible to go back to 4.3 if required
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did i said its tar file?? i said flash with latest recovery.
knox wont be a problem.
cc154 said:
does this have knox or any bootloader in the rom ?
and it is possible to go back to 4.3 if required
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No,its knox free and without BL
Yes,you can revert to 4.3
I guess there a zillion folks downloading right NOW--speeds are sloooooow.........patience, please.
mannyvinny said:
No,its knox free and without BL
Yes,you can revert to 4.3
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Thanks for the reply - just wanted to be sure - Thank you
I have a problem , i came from stock 4.3 , i flashed the rom in philz with full wipe twice and still stuck at the samsung logo.
Any suggestions?
romica said:
I have a problem , i came from stock 4.3 , i flashed the rom in philz with full wipe twice and still stuck at the samsung logo.
Any suggestions?
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flashed properly??
ravijani said:
flashed properly??
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First time yes the rom flashed properly and stuck at samsung logo , then i flashed the latest philz recovery 6.19.3 and almost at the end of the flashing i had error 7.
I will try again , now i'm flashing via odin the official 4.3 ENA3 and i will try again
Silly question--but, did you make a Nandroid backup before flashing the 4.4.2 ROM?? If so, why not restore?
my phone is bootloader unlock, does it mean I can flash the third part recovery like TWRP, and use it?
MY guess yes..
Sent from my LT30p using Tapatalk
allen_ho said:
my phone is bootloader unlock, does it mean I can flash the third part recovery like TWRP, and use it?
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TWRP will not work on the OTA, yet. However, there is a working CWM in the HD forum. I flashed it to my M and have zero issues with it.
RikRong said:
TWRP will not work on the OTA, yet. However, there is a working CWM in the HD forum. I flashed it to my M and have zero issues with it.
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I flashed the CWM recovery too...it does boot to recovery
but it seems to be some problem with CM11 package, the assert check shows my device ID is empty so the recovery just abort the installation.
I want to flash CM11-m6 snapshot....any ideas?
falleny said:
I flashed the CWM recovery too...it does boot to recovery
but it seems to be some problem with CM11 package, the assert check shows my device ID is empty so the recovery just abort the installation.
I want to flash CM11-m6 snapshot....any ideas?
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CM11 won't work if you've updated. Apparently, the boot loader is updated and the ROMs haven't been updated for it.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
RikRong said:
CM11 won't work if you've updated. Apparently, the boot loader is updated and the ROMs haven't been updated for it.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
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Bad news...Looks like i will be stucked in full bloated stock rom for sometime...thank u
falleny said:
Bad news...Looks like i will be stucked in full bloated stock rom for sometime...thank u
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You have an unlocked BL, just flash SU to get root, and delete/freeze apps. That's pretty much what I did and used Xposed on top of that.
I haven't tried it yet, buy couldn't you just rsd back to an earlier build then flash your custom ROM?
Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
I fastboot flash the lastest CWM recovery, but it didn't work for the CM 4.4.2 ROM, and twrp, it didn't work again. why? does the VFW rom change something?
allen_ho said:
I fastboot flash the lastest CWM recovery, but it didn't work for the CM 4.4.2 ROM, and twrp, it didn't work again. why? does the VFW rom change something?
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None of the ROMs have been updated to work with the new recovery. Just give it time.
RikRong said:
None of the ROMs have been updated to work with the new recovery. Just give it time.
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what's that mean?
do you mean the third part recovery didn't work cause the VFW rom?
allen_ho said:
what's that mean?
do you mean the third part recovery didn't work cause the VFW rom?
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It means that none of the ROMs out right now will work with the new CWM. Also, quit trying flash TWRP. TWRP is not compatible with the new KK, yet.
Got it, many thanks
My xt907 Has the OTA 4.4 update and an unlocked BL. I don't have a custom recovery installed anymore. Is it possible to flash SU or superuser and get root with fastboot. If so. Please help! Thanks. I'm ok with flashing CWN if need be. I just want root to install a Xposed and remove bloatware.
Ahoalton said:
My xt907 Has the OTA 4.4 update and an unlocked BL. I don't have a custom recovery installed anymore. Is it possible to flash SU or superuser and get root with fastboot. If so. Please help! Thanks. I'm ok with flashing CWN if need be. I just want root to install a Xposed and remove bloatware.
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I'm pretty sure you can use fastboot/ADB to sideload zips, though I'm not super familiar with the commands so I wouldn't know how to explain it to you.
I am familiar enough with the commands, but I am unable to find the zips to flash. any help would be great.
Egg all over the face
I was one of the people who thought it would be cool to update to the OTA immediately without waiting and reading... I got the CWM recovery going and rooted stock 4.2.2 , but I really cant wait for TWRP to get updated so I can get back to my Rom, or really any supported Rom would be better then stock. I have only myself to blame.
Eclipse00 said:
I was one of the people who thought it would be cool to update to the OTA immediately without waiting and reading... I got the CWM recovery going and rooted stock 4.2.2 , but I really cant wait for TWRP to get updated so I can get back to my Rom, or really any supported Rom would be better then stock. I have only myself to blame.
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Looks like the new TWRP is here, but still needs one tweak. Please follow this thread for updates.
TWRP for KitKat Bootloader