user gone mad: USB got off - HD2 General

Hey guys!
Today i got my hands on curious thing. My friend was drunk "as he stated" and somehow he was able to tore off USB port from his beloved HD2. Crazy right, I didnt even believe it was possible as I am an owner of HD2 myself. So Im thinking about maybe try to solder it back together (if possible).
There are some pictures as attachements so you can take a look. The casing isnt damaged at all, its like that USB just fell of.

QQboss said:
Hey guys!
Today i got my hands on curious thing. My friend was drunk "as he stated" and somehow he was able to tore off USB port from his beloved HD2. Crazy right, I didnt even believe it was possible as I am an owner of HD2 myself. So Im thinking about maybe try to solder it back together (if possible).
There are some pictures as attachements so you can take a look. The casing isnt damaged at all, its like that USB just fell of.
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Connector seems burnt, just curious what you'll find inside... If the mainboard look like this that's bad news.
A new connector is cheap but there are different shapes of the inner part so it is possible that it won't fit, check before you begin to solder.

Looks badly burnt to me.
I suspect mainboard no good for repair but worth checking first.
Quite easy to pick up an EU version HD2 for around 40USD (faulty handset) on eBay if can spend a bit of time looking/bidding and in good shape except digitizer, then simply donor best parts to complete one working rebuild.

Hey thanks for replyin! Well I opened it up and it seems motherboard isnt damaged. Well, as far as I can tell . Phone is working with charged battery without problems, so I think its worth a shot. Take a look and tell me what do you think

QQboss said:
Hey thanks for replyin! Well I opened it up and it seems motherboard isnt damaged. Well, as far as I can tell . Phone is working with charged battery without problems, so I think its worth a shot. Take a look and tell me what do you think
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I had a hd2 in a similar condition and attempted this. I failed and it killed the mboard straight away i would only attempt if you really really need too ;/
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

hey buddy, thanks I will be really carefull. I cant really tell you what good is a phone like this without USB connection (and dont forget charging), so this is "operation: must do". Sorry for your HD2 though.

You can pick up a new usb socket from eBay/amazon etc.
It is quite a tricky bit of small soldering & can be very hard if contact points on board are broken below board.
Worth a try but not easy ... If you do succeed, once tested working ok use PU40 adhesive sealant to pack around sides & back of socket as will insulate & help secure socket hopefully helping reduce chance of fracturing joins or dislocating completely again.

Yup! USB is already on the way. Thanks for tips buddy, I will check back here when its done , it should take few days untill new USB is here.

QQboss said:
Yup! USB is already on the way. Thanks for tips buddy, I will check back here when its done , it should take few days untill new USB is here.
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Any news? Did you succeed with the soldering?

straylight975 said:
Any news? Did you succeed with the soldering?
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I'm also interested Any news?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

I wish you all the luck, 'cause you gonna need it! (but maybe you're a soldering master and you know what you're doing...)


broken hemes :(

can any1 help me out here i just bought an 8525 for 80 off a co-worker he didnt want it because it keeps turning off on him i think its a few loose connections...theres a bit of play in with the battery but anyhow changed batteries same thing so any one know what part i should be replacing and also where i can get parts for this phone. i have tried looking on the site that i use for my other phones but all i find are screens and black housings so if you guys can help me out i'd love it
anyone im looking at it right now and all seems well and i tested the battery on a different fone and everything is green just cant figure it out. also just found out that my jogwheel is broken
That could explain why the co-worker sold it to you for 80 bucks.. .. you might be able to find parts on Ebay .. see if anyone is selling one with a busted screen or something..
thats exactly ehy i got for 80 i knew what it was just hoping for an easy fix i do repairs tho so no biggie just gotta find the parts thanks ill start looking once my ass friend gets off myspace!!!
It can't be a "loose connection" unless the solder from the battery connectors came loose because he battery connectors are connected right to the board.
thats one thing i noticed also the prong look like they have been squished down almost flat instaed of < they are more - but not that bad and there is quite a bit of playu from the battery compared to my good 8525 oh well maybe i can come up on a third and swap out parts. thanks for the help guys any other suggestion i have already kinda fixed the prongs. and now the phone wont even turn on this suck but i know this can be fixed
hey does any1 have a broken hermes they wouldent mind getting rid of i need parts or if ppl wanna be nice to me and my thin wallet and donate their old broken hermes to me i would really appreciate it
Gyngabread Man said:
hey does any1 have a broken hermes they wouldent mind getting rid of i need parts or if ppl wanna be nice to me and my thin wallet and donate their old broken hermes to me i would really appreciate it
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I dealt with a similar case a while back. Going off randomly. In his case it turned out it was the battery connections. They had lost some of their spring tension and he was unwilling to try bending them out a little for fear of causing more damage. In the end we decided that he would try placing a strip of card between the battery and the casing on the side opposite to the battery connections. ie. to press the battery more firmly against the connectors. How thick it would need to be would depend on how squashed the connectors are.
It worked for him and he decided just to leave it in place.
@Gyngabread Man
If you cant fix it let me know. I need the vibrate motor. And no im not kidding

Help...for dummies at home usb port repair

My wiz (which I love) has developed a loose usb port. It is out of warranty (of course!), and it is not the first MDA to have this issue (I returned 3 over that past almost 2 years for the usb coming loose). It has not fallen out yet, but charging is a chore, as I need to have my plug in the usb in a special way to get it to connect and charge.
Long story short...
Is there a physical fix I can do on my wiz? Since it is not under warranty, I am not too concerned about taking my MDA
Can someone who has had this issue tell me in a step by step manner, how to take the MDA apart and "tighten" the MDA port???
I am hoping to hold out long enough to get the Kaiser...if Tmo ever releases it.
Thank you in advance.
**I have search this forum and even googled...people list sites for $60-100,or say to take the MDA apart and solder it back...I'm broke and wanna go with the second option, but haven't found a step by step about how to actually take the wiz apart and re-solder the usb port**
I'm gonna be unhelpful so if you want to get mad at me, do it now.
I ask what I'm sure others are asking themselves: WHAT have you been doing to your MDAs where the usb port has been getting loose?! Three times?!
I ask not to be embarassing but to help other users from prevent damage to their devices.
Azazello said:
I'm gonna be unhelpful so if you want to get mad at me, do it now.
I ask what I'm sure others are asking themselves: WHAT have you been doing to your MDAs where the usb port has been getting loose?! Three times?!
I ask not to be embarassing but to help other users from prevent damage to their devices.
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Yes, I am quite pissed at you now...
The first one was a replacement for a crappy refurb they'd sent me, and I sent it back immediately as the port came to me loose. The second one came loose, I believe, just by charging it, syncing it, etc (I went through a phase where I changed OS's every 5 minutes...I am an addict, I admit it). The third one came loose (I suspect) when I was charging it in my car and had to hit the brakes hard, and it went flying to the floorboards. This one I have no clue. It worked fine until 2 days ago. I went to charge it last night and noticed it being VERY tempermental, and a bit loose. I would like to fix it before it gets to the point of being complete crap.
All the rumors say that Tmo USA will be releasing the Kaiser soon, and I really want that phone, and would rather not pay the $100 or so bucks swapping out my MDA through insurance, just to have the Kaiser released 4 days later (Murphy's Law affects me a lot).
So.... Help please!!!! I got my hands on the MDA repair manual...and after some head-scratching my husband and I managed to take the wizard apart. Luckily, only the 4 tiny bracket holding the usb port in broke loose, so it was a matter of soldering them back on. My MDA is back to working again. Yay (and whew!)
akashastrega said: I got my hands on the MDA repair manual...and after some head-scratching my husband and I managed to take the wizard apart. Luckily, only the 4 tiny bracket holding the usb port in broke loose, so it was a matter of soldering them back on. My MDA is back to working again. Yay (and whew!)
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I had this same problem... Slamming on the brakes when your MDA is connected to the car charger is never a good idea...
Trust me when I say this though. I wrecked my Integra GSR swerving to avoid hitting a deer. The impact of the car hitting the curb severed all the contacts on the USB port and now the USB port has fallen out of the phone completely...
So all I need to do is solder those 4 connectors and make sure the port is positioned correctly over those 5 tiny connectors and I should be fine? My soldering skills are somewhat sub-par so I don't want to risk it unless I know exactly what needs to be done before I do it. I'm sure you can understand that though.
PS>> I too am only hoping that I can keep my MDA working long enough to get a Kaiser. I have been saving but am not quite there yet...
dharvey4651 said:
I had this same problem... Slamming on the brakes when your MDA is connected to the car charger is never a good idea...
Trust me when I say this though. I wrecked my Integra GSR swerving to avoid hitting a deer. The impact of the car hitting the curb severed all the contacts on the USB port and now the USB port has fallen out of the phone completely...
So all I need to do is solder those 4 connectors and make sure the port is positioned correctly over those 5 tiny connectors and I should be fine? My soldering skills are somewhat sub-par so I don't want to risk it unless I know exactly what needs to be done before I do it. I'm sure you can understand that though.
PS>> I too am only hoping that I can keep my MDA working long enough to get a Kaiser. I have been saving but am not quite there yet...
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Well none of my connectors on that matter I'm not sure...however, I had my hubby dismantle my MDA (which I won't lie, was a real b* think you're breaking it) just to when the port was exposed...he then readjusted the 4 connectors then using silver solder and a gun, made 4 pinpoint attachments. Be very careful...he let the gun get too close and slightly melted the plastic down by the battery release real damage, but if you aren't careful...
Hopefully someone can better answer you about the I said, mine had only come loose and didn't actually break yet.
Good luck on the Kaiser...I'm saving too!!!
akashastrega said:
Well none of my connectors on that matter I'm not sure...however, I had my hubby dismantle my MDA (which I won't lie, was a real b* think you're breaking it) just to when the port was exposed...he then readjusted the 4 connectors then using silver solder and a gun, made 4 pinpoint attachments. Be very careful...he let the gun get too close and slightly melted the plastic down by the battery release real damage, but if you aren't careful...
Hopefully someone can better answer you about the I said, mine had only come loose and didn't actually break yet.
Good luck on the Kaiser...I'm saving too!!!
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Thanks. I'm going to take the chance and attempt soldering it back in place and just leave the 5 pin connectors touching where they're supposed to be soldered to. It's already broken and won't even hold a charge right now so really I have nothing to lose. Worst comes to worst, it won't work after I'm done but then again, it doesn't work now.
Wish me luck!!
MDA - HTC Wizard - 8125 Broken USB Port Fix Guide or Repair Manual needed
akashastrega said: I got my hands on the MDA repair manual...and after some head-scratching my husband and I managed to take the wizard apart. Luckily, only the 4 tiny bracket holding the usb port in broke loose, so it was a matter of soldering them back on. My MDA is back to working again. Yay (and whew!)
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Seems this is a definite design / manufacturing flaw considering ALL of these USB ports seem to break within an unrealistic time frame.
Help please, still looking for MDA /Wizard repair manual. Know where I can find it?? 10Q
Here you are:
Some guys charge this file for US$7.99....- -"
let me know how your repair attempt goes. I'm in the exact same situation. Mine isn't completely broken, but it takes LOTS of fiddling to get it to charge, and I can't get an activesync connection at all. Because it still charges, though, I'm guessing that its not completely broken off which will make my repair job slightly easier....
My USB Repair experience

[FUN] Elf in the refrigerator

Hi, I'm the proud owner of an ELF(in). I bought it on ebay very cheap because it was in bootloader mode. Thanks to the gold card method I've been using it with no problems at all.
Yesterday I bought another one (ELF), it hangs after 3-5 seconds of power on (bootloader, loading windows, etc). Sometimes the screen just shuts off, sometimes everyting becames green. So, I decided to put it in the refrigerator and see what happens. After 15 minutes I powered it up and it works! I take it out and hangs almost immediately. Is this just a faulty unit? No hope for it? (I don't want to carry my refrigerator everywhere).
If someone has any ideas, I'm listening.
hahaha, i love this post. sorry i'm not able to offer too much help but I had to comment. I know my parents used to freeze batteries to make em last longer. Tried a different one?
Well yeah, I tried soft reset, hard reset, the battery from my working Elfin, etc.
Try the microwave... for two minutes?
There already was a thread about this problem (maybe you bought it) and already then my answer was to take the device apart clean all the dust and dirt inside and give it another shot. I had a nokia with the same problem and when i opened it it was full with dust and fibres from my pants everytime whe put it in our pants there comes a bit of dirt in it and because of the rubbing it acumulates inside the device and it enters in protection-mode (nice word????) because of overheating ate least that was the explanation they gave me when i contacted nokia at the time.........You can't loose anything by trying
becosemsaida said:
There already was a thread about this problem (maybe you bought it) and already then my answer was to take the device apart clean all the dust and dirt inside and give it another shot. I had a nokia with the same problem and when i opened it it was full with dust and fibres from my pants everytime whe put it in our pants there comes a bit of dirt in it and because of the rubbing it acumulates inside the device and it enters in protection-mode (nice word????) because of overheating ate least that was the explanation they gave me when i contacted nokia at the time.........You can't loose anything by trying
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Haha.. what do you do in your pants?
becosemsaida said:
There already was a thread about this problem (maybe you bought it) and already then my answer was to take the device apart clean all the dust and dirt inside and give it another shot. I had a nokia with the same problem and when i opened it it was full with dust and fibres from my pants everytime whe put it in our pants there comes a bit of dirt in it and because of the rubbing it acumulates inside the device and it enters in protection-mode (nice word????) because of overheating ate least that was the explanation they gave me when i contacted nokia at the time.........You can't loose anything by trying
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I already cleaned up, and still the same. It's clearly an overheating problem, it's been in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and works like a charm. Not very useful though as it's no longer a "portable device"!
Tr0cken said:
I already cleaned up, and still the same. It's clearly an overheating problem, it's been in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and works like a charm. Not very useful though as it's no longer a "portable device"!
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Just buy one of those mini refrigerators... carry it around on your back (along with a VERY long extension cord) and have your Elfin inside. When you need a snack or need to call, the fridge is always there!
dsixda said:
Just buy one of those mini refrigerators... carry it around on your back (along with a VERY long extension cord) and have your Elfin inside. When you need a snack or need to call, the fridge is always there!
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haha....good to see you (dsixda) pal, still keeping up with the jokes....unlike some of us....oh yeah man...i know i been away...but i jus cudnt pass this one out and seeing you're here as well....
trying to catch up soon on the forum and now i wil have a present from M$ when i come back onboard....6.5 right....lots of questions you can expect from me dsixda...
and for the topic of this thread....this is a very cold case indeed!!!
dsixda said:
Haha.. what do you do in your pants?
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LOL!!!!! what do you can expect man???
Well, I hope you didn't pay much for it. You can always keep it handy for spare parts when you might need some. My first thought was that you might want to try using a different battery, but I see you already tried this.
ayyu3m said:
haha....good to see you (dsixda) pal, still keeping up with the jokes....unlike some of us....oh yeah man...i know i been away...but i jus cudnt pass this one out and seeing you're here as well....
trying to catch up soon on the forum and now i wil have a present from M$ when i come back onboard....6.5 right....lots of questions you can expect from me dsixda...
and for the topic of this thread....this is a very cold case indeed!!!
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Haha! Where were you man? I was going to throw an S.O.S. out to you last week for XIP porting help
But alas, you disappeared to Guantanamo Bay or somewhere
Is there not a small watch size battery in these devices - Perhaps it needs replacing?
See picture I included at the bottom of the device. I got this picture from the complete disasembly guide in the elf forum.
I knew about people who used the refrigerator to overclock their PCs, but this thing you're doing is amazing!
dsixda said:
Just buy one of those mini refrigerators... carry it around on your back (along with a VERY long extension cord) and have your Elfin inside. When you need a snack or need to call, the fridge is always there!
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I used a small box with ice when I connected it to the PC for rom updating, perhaps I should carry that box. I know it sounds bizarre but it works fine when refrigerated!
hotrod101 said:
Is there not a small watch size battery in these devices - Perhaps it needs replacing?
See picture I included at the bottom of the device. I got this picture from the complete disasembly guide in the elf forum.
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I disconnected that battery and it works just the same without it!
Any more ideas on how to fix this Elf?
try booting into windows and looking at the cpu speed, if it is normal lower it to the minimum and see if it hangs then.
eitherway, u must try reflashing everypiece of firmware, especially the radio firmware before giving up. (yeah, u might have to put ur laptop in the fridge with the phone )
Try lowering the clock speed with and Overclocking tool. Homescreen ++ gives u temp report. With that u can know if the temp is the real problem.
Liquid Nitrogen is the answer
Fix a fan on it
Haha, how about fixing a computer fan at the back of the pocket pc, it needs cooling.
Maybe the temperature sensor of the ppc has been spoilt, reporting the wrong data to the brain, thus the ppc restarts.
Ok, finally my Elf is working with no crashes at all outside the fridge! I found the solution in this thread:
Thanks to Firestarter42 for the tip and okti for the mini-tutorial. I think that info should be in Elf's Wiki page.
However! I've got another problem... I've attached a screenshot. Any ideas?

[Q] HD2 motherboards

Thanks to HTC and the garbage job they do baking the electrical components in their phones I am looking for a HD2 mobo or someone who can do some PCB repair and at least get my mobo charging again. I have dumped money into a new digitizer and lcd, front keypad and mobo main flex cable and the main problem that caused me to destroy all those parts in the first place (micro usb port) still isnt fixed after my attempt at resoldering it to the board. Anyone? Thanks ahead of time, I've lurked here for a while and never really posted so I cant look in the classifieds I take it.
BullGawd said:
Thanks to HTC and the garbage job they do baking the electrical components in their phones I am looking for a HD2 mobo or someone who can do some PCB repair and at least get my mobo charging again. I have dumped money into a new digitizer and lcd, front keypad and mobo main flex cable and the main problem that caused me to destroy all those parts in the first place (micro usb port) still isnt fixed after my attempt at resoldering it to the board. Anyone? Thanks ahead of time, I've lurked here for a while and never really posted so I cant look in the classifieds I take it.
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Are you by any chance located in the New England area? If so, I may be able to help you out. We would have to meet up somewher. If not, good luck finding some that can solder contact points that small.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
Jaytronics said:
Are you by any chance located in the New England area? If so, I may be able to help you out. We would have to meet up somewher. If not, good luck finding some that can solder contact points that small.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
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Unfortunately no, Im in central Florida
I'll post some pics later when I get home from work, when the port broke it lifted the traces for pins 4 and 5 which I understand are the ground. Pin 1 is apparently the +5 volt pin. Thats all I need, I can do without being able to communicate with the phone via PC. I really have no reason to use ADB with this handset and any ROMS can be loaded via my SD reader/writer in my PC and just reinsert the card to the phone after.

Swapping Motherboard

Unfortunately I dropped my xt907 (with some serious force) and smashed the screen.It appears that the phone itself is still functioning because lights are flashing, its making notification sounds and when connecting to my computer via USB i can access all my files. Since i dont want to buy a new one and be handcuffed with a locked boot loader I'm going to attempt a repair. Does anyone know if putting my motherboard into another phone (maybe with a bad ESN) will bring my phone back to life? My other thought was to salvage the motherboard, battery and camera and just install them in a brand new LCD screen, digatizer and backing. any feedback would be appreciated!
Just pick one up off Ebay or something and swap the screens... Its rather easy to do in my opinion... I usually grab one that's water damaged...
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
ezknives said:
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Btw how is KK soak bld hunting getting on?
I wish it was as simple as replacing the screen but the backside got all messed up too. I managed to get the board out but in doing so there was a tiny metal hinge looking thing that broke off the backside of the board next to there the power plug. I'm sure that completes a circuit somewhere so I guess my little project is over. not good.
aviwdoowks said:
Btw how is KK soak bld hunting getting on?
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The ole lady won't let me on the PC to flash back to stock I on the hunt for a recovery flashable unmodified stock ..
PantherVT said:
I wish it was as simple as replacing the screen but the backside got all messed up too. I managed to get the board out but in doing so there was a tiny metal hinge looking thing that broke off the backside of the board next to there the power plug. I'm sure that completes a circuit somewhere so I guess my little project is over. not good.
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can you post a pic...
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
here are some photos. I have circled the area of the motherboard that was chipped. In motherboard1 the piece that broke off is in the photo as well. In the backing photo I circled the area that may be a contact point to complete a circuit.
Yeah that looks done... It may just be for the wifi but doesn't look like it can be Jimmy rigged ... I was thinking maybe a touch of foil on it but I don't see any tracers to make the connection
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
Yeah i think some solder and a a little luck would be my only shot. Ill probably just try to buy a used one that someone already unlocked.
That's for the LTE Rx antenna. The motherboard will probably still work, but you will have diminished LTE reception.
That motherboard might still be useful for someone who is using their phone on GSM networks and can't use LTE anyway.
I might be interested in it if you'd be willing to sell it real cheap.
GnatGoSplat said:
That's for the LTE Rx antenna. The motherboard will probably still work, but you will have diminished LTE reception.
That motherboard might still be useful for someone who is using their phone on GSM networks and can't use LTE anyway.
I might be interested in it if you'd be willing to sell it real cheap.
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Thanks for the explanation. If I end up selling I'll let you know. Do you think the antenna can be reattached and become fully functional again?
PantherVT said:
Thanks for the explanation. If I end up selling I'll let you know. Do you think the antenna can be reattached and become fully functional again?
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Hard to say, but in my opinion, the answer is YES. I don't think you'll have any chance of finding the broken trace, I sure can't see it in that photo and I'm guessing it's not visible. However, I bet one of those tiny components near where it used to be was directly connected to it. You would need either a wiring diagram or trace an undamaged motherboard with the ohms setting of a multimeter to see if any of those components were directly connected to the terminal. You could then probably reform that gold terminal with tweezers, and solder a very, very tiny wire between the solder end of the appropriate component and that terminal and use a good strong epoxy to glue the terminal back down to the board in its correct location. You'd need a really good pencil-tip soldering iron, really steady hands, and good soldering skills to do that kind of micro-soldering.
I'm thinking to part out the RAZR M that I bricked over the weekend. If you're interested, I can test my board to see if any of those nearby components have continuity to the terminal.
Not sure if you're still wanting to fix it, but I pulled my bricked RAZR M apart today and saw this is a pretty easy fix.
That terminal connects directly to the lower of the 2 black SMD components. In fact, I didn't notice before, but in your pic there is still some visible trace connected to it. Should be pretty simple to epoxy the terminal back onto the board and solder a short piece of wire onto the remainder of the trace.
I do want to fix it and will be giving it a try! I'll post the results
PantherVT said:
I do want to fix it and will be giving it a try! I'll post the results
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Good Luck.
I made a Mobo Transplant also once.
Got a Broken LCD phone which was damaged before the OTA (that locks our BL)
And took that and swapped it into mines =)
Now i have a good Phone with a Unlocked BL
And sold my old one back out for same price =) Win Win for me.

