Noob question about ROM Manager and Zip Installing - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys,
Was browsing through some android videos and had once come across a video on Rom Manager and how one needn't have to boot into CWM to flash ROMs etc.
Just wanted to ask, can I also install/flash zip files directly from ROM Manager Premium as well?
For example a certain transparent status bar theme requires me to boot into CWM and flash it, can I just use the ROM installer in ROM Mgr to install/flash such zip files?

newuxtreme said:
Hi guys,
Was browsing through some android videos and had once come across a video on Rom Manager and how one needn't have to boot into CWM to flash ROMs etc.
Just wanted to ask, can I also install/flash zip files directly from ROM Manager Premium as well?
For example a certain transparent status bar theme requires me to boot into CWM and flash it, can I just use the ROM installer in ROM Mgr to install/flash such zip files?
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yes but the problem with this is that rom manager is not compatible with all devices and if you get a boot loop you cant get to rom manager. its only OK for roms you know for sure are 100% stable lol
i would hate to start from scratch with original OTA crap personally


looking for a guide on installing custom roms

is there a guide i can follow to install the unrevolved rom or any other custom rom
thank you
This really helped me understand a lot of how this stuff is done. It's written for the Nexus One, but the process should be similar.
The site is : theunlockr ... Click on How To's --> android --> then Nexus One.
Scroll down to "How to load a custom ROM"
Hope this helps. Goodluck.
Edit: UGH! STupid thing wont let me post the link.
i believe there are only 2 ways to install a custom rom. One way is to install an from your custom recovery (or any zip when using koush's custom recovery) the other way to install a rom is to do a nandroid restore. Which method is used depends on the rom. For unrevolved just download the zip, boot into recovery, select install zip from sd card, then go to your download folder where the zip should have downloaded and install it, reboot
make sure to download and install the using this same method otherwise you wont have a market among other google apps which makes it difficult to use your phone
1st back up your apps with titanium backup
2nd. download Rom Manager in the market the free version will work for now but eventually when more roms get loaded into it the paid version is worth it.
3rd. plug your usb into your pc and the other end into your phone
4th move zip file with out renaming it to your sd card. (Jager 1.1) for example
5th open rom manager click on top link flash clockwork mod recovery. Click incredible click ok.
6th. Install from sd card find the zip(jager 1.1) click on it box opens up very important.(back up data ...check mark wipe ..check mark) done thats it. Now just wait for it to install...
Prob the fastest method out there and the easiest. Takes about 2 or 3 mins to get it installing a new rom.

[Q] Porting Generic ROM

Anyone know porting generic ROM (original htc ROM) to tattoo
eg Hero/Wildfire ROM to tattoo
main problem is custom recovery cant open/flash them they say bad zip or ROM
& orig. recovery match signature for phone - ROM
if any custom recovery can flash orig. ROM please tell me or how to extract orig. ROM
can HSPL can do this
Have you tried putting it onto your sd card and opening the file directly using a file manager app ??
Also what recovery are you using?
alpick36 said:
Have you tried putting it onto your sd card and opening the file directly using a file manager app ??
Also what recovery are you using?
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yes I did
custom recovery 1 amanra maverick 2 clockworkmod
now I m working Rom kitchen
direct update wildfire ROM not working we may retain tattoo kernel & make mix ROM
its my exam time so I don't have much time I will work on it in Feb

RCMix3D Tweaks

RCMTeam Tweaks Customize a Custom Installs there .. Where do I paste a zip to him he chose because I wanted to overdub another bootanimations?
help me ? ? ?
I'm working on the same thing I did find out that INSTALL CUSTOM THEMES is not ready yet I get but if you look in your system/data/local you'll find the bootanimation that's running now but that's were I'm stuck so maybe you can get further.
as i understand from you , you want to change the boot animation?
if so you can flash any zip that u want to
abra-kadabra said:
RCMTeam Tweaks Customize a Custom Installs there .. Where do I paste a zip to him he chose because I wanted to overdub another bootanimations?
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Just flash a theme zip from recovery menu (no wipe, just flash)

[Q] MultiRom kernel flashing?

I got Paranoid 3 as my internal rom, running franco kernel. However, gaming and file transfer with computer seem slow and laggy as a 2gigs movie took 15 mins to copy from pc to nexus 7, so I'd like to install stock rom and stock kernel as an alternative I can use when I want to transfer files. The problem is Multiboot only allow separate kernel for external roms as boot.img, and the kexec patched stock kernel (any many other kernels) is only released under .zip flashable. So does anyone have any solution to this? Please tell me
Um, what's the problem with flashing stock kernel over then stock ROM through Install menu in the recovery?
Fatal1ty_18_RUS said:
Um, what's the problem with flashing stock kernel over then stock ROM through Install menu in the recovery?
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Well, there are too options to flash zip:
- flash zip thru install menu. This affects the internal ROM and Roms that share kernel with internal one
- flash zip thru multi boot -> manage roms -> choose a specific rom . The description already says that 'don't flash kernel with this option' and if I did, the ROM wouldn't boot.
So, way I see it, there's only one option to inject a boot.img that houses a kernel to the eexternal ROM, but the kernels I need are not released as a .img
Bump ? Anyone ?

[Q] Latest official Google Play Edition?

I have a brand new Samsumg Galaxy S4 but I hate TouchWiz. I want to have the purest Android experience.
I'm a bit new with this phone and haven't used Android in two years now so I'm a bit lost.
What is the latest official Google Play Edition available for my S4? It doesn't have to be Lollipop (although that'd be nice), it can be on KitKat. As long as it's official and untouched (if such a thing exists)
Thank you for your time and help!
I use this rom
It's mostly stock but with a few features added. It has an aroma installer from which you can choose what to install. E.g if you want stock kernel or custom kernel.
GDReaper said:
I use this rom
It's mostly stock but with a few features added. It has an aroma installer from which you can choose what to install. E.g if you want stock kernel or custom kernel.
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Thanks! I'll definitely try it. The only thing is I tried to install TWRP yesterday but the phone started to load it and then stopped. There was a tiny tiny progress color but when I just restarted the phone without completing the process, it worked fine which shows that it didn't even start.
I flashed TWRP using Nandroid manager (from google play) and the img file you get from the twrp site.
That's the only method that worked for me.
TWRP Image
Nandroid Manager
If you're on stock rom, nandroid manager will prompt you to install busybox app from google play (since stock roms don't have busybox). Just download it and install busybox using that app.
Then you can use Nandroid manager to flash that twrp recovery image. Then boot into recovery to make sure it works
Thank you! I've installed TWRP now. I'll continue the tutorial and keep you posted!
Alright it worked! Thanks a bunch!
No problem
