[Hint] How to supress annoying BrowserChoice popup - Windows 8 General

You simply create registry entry
and set its value to (DWORD) 0

Annoying browser choice popup for which microsoft have been fined as it never actually appears. Seriously, I dont know anyone who has seen it in the UK.


Tip - How to Disable Clock

Hi folks,
You guys might already know about this but I just discovered how to do it after doing some heavy googling over the past couple of days. Many thanks to the guy at this link who made the discovery!
How to lock down the clock on Windows Mobile devices
I was reading through some of the messages on the microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.compactframework newsgroup when I came upon a real gem of a message.
The key piece of knowledge being, that there is a special registry key, that will disable GUI access for the clock on Windows Mobile devices.
Application State Registry Key for Windows Mobile Clock
If this is set to 0x11 the clock is enabled, as by default. If it is set to 0x30, or probably anything not 0x11, it is disabled and ignores any attempts to run.
If you are writting any kind of salesforce automation applications, or route management software, then you can see just how useful this feature is. You just add a special admin feature to enable and disable the ability to set the time, or handle it entirely from within your application.
Now I just need to find out why this key even exists, since I hate to find out the OS likes to change it under circumstance X.
// disable clock
System.Byte[] offValue = new byte[1];
offValue [0] = 0x30;
OpenNETCF.Win32.RegistryKey registryKey =
OpenNETCF.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"\Software\Microsoft\Clock\", true);
registryKey.SetValue("AppState", offValue);
// enable clock
System.Byte[] onValue = new byte[1];
onValue[0] = 0x11;
OpenNETCF.Win32.RegistryKey registryKey =
OpenNETCF.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Clock\", true);
registryKey.SetValue("AppState", value);
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
And the link to the original source -
I was pulling my hair out over that one the last couple of days!
Hi dav!
I am sorry to burst your bubble, but I tried this registry hack, and found there is an easy way around it, with out editing the registry.
If you hold the OK hardware button (in the center of the joystick, on those devices that have it) then tap and hold the clock (in the task bar) you get a little menu with 2 options: Run and Clock.
If you choose clock from this menu, the app will start and the registry setting will automatically be altered so you will be able to open clock settings normally from now on.
Further investigation showed that the lower 4 bit of the AppState walue (ones digit) simply selects on what tab the clock app will open. Legal values are 1-3. Any illegal value (like 0) will jam the app preventing it from opening by tapping the icon in settings. I suspect that if a command line switch is specified it overwrites the registry value and the app opens any way. (that’s how the menu works)
Just thought you should know.
Hi levenum,
Thanks for the insights! I just tried it too and sadly that is the case ;-( Mmmh, I wonder if there is a way to hide 'Clock' from the Run\Clock thingy? or disable the Clock in some other way?
mmh, back to the drawing board...
Here's what you might try:
Create a cab that deploys an empty clock.exe to windows directory on the device.
Clock.exe is a ROM file, but a cab should be able to overwrite it (it won't work manually). This way no matter who calls it (menu or control panel) they will see the empty exe and nothing will happen.
Sounds like a good idea to me! I'll give it a try and see how it goes. Thanks for your continued help
Worked nice Thankyou!
btw, do you think that overwriting the Clock.exe would have any effect on the 'displaying' of the date in the Today Screen? By clicking the date we launch the Clock.exe program, but something else other than Clock.exe must control what shows the current date, right? I mean, the current date wouldnt just stay on the date on which we delete Clock.exe?
Cheers and thanks again,
Actually, if the exe was responsible for the date on the today screen, you wouldn't see anything once you overwritten it. Today date is just another plug-in. I think its clockdll.dll but I am not sure. Whatever the file name, it takes the date directly from the system clock.
As I understand it clock.exe is just a little GUI utility for setting system time, and alarms.
That sounds right and what i was thinking, always good to have a second opinion for confimration.
All the best,
seems like you guys might know what your doing, so do you know how to get the battery removed and the clock back on the today screen of WM5 latest rom releases....
levenum said:
Hi dav!
I am sorry to burst your bubble, but I tried this registry hack, and found there is an easy way around it, with out editing the registry.
If you hold the OK hardware button (in the center of the joystick, on those devices that have it) then tap and hold the clock (in the task bar) you get a little menu with 2 options: Run and Clock.
If you choose clock from this menu, the app will start and the registry setting will automatically be altered so you will be able to open clock settings normally from now on.
Further investigation showed that the lower 4 bit of the AppState walue (ones digit) simply selects on what tab the clock app will open. Legal values are 1-3. Any illegal value (like 0) will jam the app preventing it from opening by tapping the icon in settings. I suspect that if a command line switch is specified it overwrites the registry value and the app opens any way. (that’s how the menu works)
Just thought you should know.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
wow..thanx for this. worked like a charm on my wing (and 2 yrs after it was posted i might add =P). i thought my alarm clock was lost FOREVER!
I found the following code in this discussion thread:
// disable clock
System.Byte[] offValue = new byte[1];
offValue[0] = 0x30;
OpenNETCF.Win32.RegistryKey registryKey =
OpenNETCF.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"\Software\Microsoft\Clock\", true);
registryKey.SetValue("AppState", offValue);
It looks pretty useful to me but It has some OpenNETCF keyword.
Please suggest me what is OpenNETCF? Is it an additional third
party compact framework and how can I get this?
Also, if it is inbuild reference by Microsoft, from where to get it?
-Abhishek Maitrey
OpenNETCF is an extra SDK for WiMo devices. Search for it....
In this situation it's not needed.

Is there a way to 'de-skin' wm5 or switcht to a 'faster' 1?

Hi, you know how on Windows XP you can disable the whole 'theme' service, all the shadows, alpha blending etc and the system runs much faster?
Well, I'd like to do that with my Universal. Does anyone know if it's possible at all? TIA!
From the Universal WiKi pages (http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Universal_Registry)
To set or remove the operator phone skin
The setting is at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Phone\Skin'
The 'Enabled' DWORD value can be set to '1' to show the operator skin or '0' to show the default skin
How to Disable the Start Menu Animation
Set the "AniType" value data to 0 (Set to 6 to return to full animation).
Soft reset.
How to Enable Window Animation
Set the "Animate" value data to 1 (Set to 0 to return to no animation).
Soft reset.
Yup, done those. But I was more talking about the wallpaper and stuff like that. Completely remove the wallpaper and so on.
Wallpaper and stuff won't make much difference. Best bet is to hardreset, skip the extended rom, and thus completely disable all phone skinning, which is an enormous PITA drain on the CPU.

Received Message Viewing Problem

This newbie got greedy--after various successful registry tweaks I tried getting rid of the "message sent" display that follows sending a text message. But my Cingular 8525 did not have the "Settings" key and following values that the post described for disabling the feature and I tried creating a settngs key and didn't to it successfully.
Bottom line is now when I open a text message the device immediatley scrolls down to the bottom of the page where there is no message and it is blank so I have to scroll back up to the top. With emails, it scrolls to the middle of the page. Any advice andor assistance would be appreciated.
Answered Myself
Turns out the problem was one of the registry tweaks I made, namely altering the behavior of the navigation button when using Explorerer. I undid that change and my problem with text and email messages is solved.
Fyi, here is the tweak that I needed to undo:
Navigate without stylus
The default behaviour for your device's four-way direction button in Pocket Internet Explorer (PIE) is to jump between hyperlinks/form fields on a web page. To change this behaviour so that the button scrolls the page left, right, up and down, use the following tweak:
\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Navigation\4-Way Nav = 0 (DWORD decimal)
And to re-enable hyperlink/form field navigation:
\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Navigation\4-Way Nav = 1 (DWORD decimal)
You may still jump between links using Tab and Shift-Tab using the built-in hardware keyboard.
This setting may not stick after a soft reset.
Yes, glad you solved the issue. For those who may have done the tweak using third party software - it's commonly known as "smooth scroll" then you will find that your tab behaviour in messaging is altered. For example you can no longer tab from name/contact to the message body.

SMS Notifications

Anyone having problem after sending SMS? The notification seems to be like a few seconds lag/freeze after I pressed dismiss.
Same here. I've stopped bothering pressing dismiss. I just wait for it to disappear. Seems like it's about the same time.
Same here. Seems to be a systematic issue.
I too faced the same problem. Found some registry hack to modify the notification.
Navigate to:
Registry Key: HKCU\Control Panel\Notifications\Default
Registry Value: Options
Registry Data: 0 to 11
Here are the description for the different registry data values:
0 show icon
1 show icon and play notification sound
2 show icon and vibration
3 show icon and vibration and play notification sound
4 same as 0
5 same as 1
6 same as 3
7 same as 3
8 show icon and notification bubble
9 show icon and play notification sound and show notification bubble
10 show icon and notification bubble and vibration
11 show icon and play notification sound and show notification bubble and vibration
I changed the value to 3 and the bubble does not pop up. But the icon and the sound notifications still operate the same. It's a workaround until they fix this silly problem.
relazz said:
Registry Key: HKCU\Control Panel\Notifications\Default
Registry Value: Options
Registry Data: 0 to 11
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nice find, but when i checked my registry i found that the current value is set to 13
any one with the same value?
yes, check the sms thread i started to see how to really fix this simple issue
schienz said:
Anyone having problem after sending SMS? The notification seems to be like a few seconds lag/freeze after I pressed dismiss.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I had the same problem. However, I've since removed the notification with XperiaTweak
I have another problem, the icon for new message disapers... First it showed up as it should but then it just stoped (I got a new message but the big icon didn't show up) Then i got it to work again and now it disaperd again and won't come back.
I tried going to HKCU\Control Panel\Notifications\Default Options and changed the Data to 3, rebooted and it still don't work. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I just uninstalled TweakXperia 2.0 and i got my icon back...
Edit 2:
So i just installd it again, first i redownloaded it from cliffords.nu.
The settings i changed was
Disabel security warning @ installation - Unchecked
Activate "Default panel at startup" - Unchecked
And now it works...
why am i not be able to change the option string "value"?
can someone help?
how come im not able to change the value?

Is it possible to change Softkey on Start Menu?

As the title says, is it possible to change the soft key "Lock" to "Back"?
I think it is more natural to have "Back" button here.
how can I make the change?
I think there must be a registry hack to do this, and I have searched through the forums, but I have not found a solution yet.
I disabled Sense, but this "Lock" button does not go away, so, I suppose this may not be a registry hack of Sense, but it is rather WM6.5.
Can someone shed some light on my problem? Thank you.
I like new Sms better
1. Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\\Manila key in your registry
2. If you don't have a String entry called LandscapeMenuRSKPath, add it.
3. Edit the value of LandscapeMenuRSKPath to read: \windows\tmail.exe
4. If you don't have a String entry called LandscapeMenuRSKText, add it.
5. Edit the LandscapeMenuRSKText value to read: New SMS
6. If you don't have a string called LandscapeMenuRSKArguments, add it.
7. Edit the value of LandscapeMenuRSKArguments to read: -service "SMS" -to ""
Thanks, but I am talking about Start Menu of WM6.5 (screen with icons in a hexgonal arrangement). On this screen there is a soft key "Lock", and I would like to change it to "Back", if possible...

