Is it possible to change Softkey on Start Menu? - HD2 General

As the title says, is it possible to change the soft key "Lock" to "Back"?
I think it is more natural to have "Back" button here.
how can I make the change?
I think there must be a registry hack to do this, and I have searched through the forums, but I have not found a solution yet.
I disabled Sense, but this "Lock" button does not go away, so, I suppose this may not be a registry hack of Sense, but it is rather WM6.5.
Can someone shed some light on my problem? Thank you.

I like new Sms better
1. Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\\Manila key in your registry
2. If you don't have a String entry called LandscapeMenuRSKPath, add it.
3. Edit the value of LandscapeMenuRSKPath to read: \windows\tmail.exe
4. If you don't have a String entry called LandscapeMenuRSKText, add it.
5. Edit the LandscapeMenuRSKText value to read: New SMS
6. If you don't have a string called LandscapeMenuRSKArguments, add it.
7. Edit the value of LandscapeMenuRSKArguments to read: -service "SMS" -to ""

Thanks, but I am talking about Start Menu of WM6.5 (screen with icons in a hexgonal arrangement). On this screen there is a soft key "Lock", and I would like to change it to "Back", if possible...


Changing left menu button on MDA Pro to contacts

If I change in the registry the 112 key to "contacts" it doesn't work. If I change the registry to poutook.exe contacts, it doesn't work.
What am I missing, I use the reg tweak for changing the button from the wiki universal page:
"To change the softkeys on the Today screen
The left-hand softkey settings are at 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\112', the right-hand softkey settings are at 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\113'
The 'Default' string value can be changed to whatever text you wish to have displayed
The 'Open' string value can be changed to the program you wish to run when the softkey is pressed "
Ok, I worked it out.
\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Contacts\Contacts.lnk does the trick.
It's a bit long, but I cannot find the correct direct app link. Anyway it works like this.......

How to Change the Calander And Contacts Hardware Buttons?

Any reg Hack like the jasjar?
not the answers on your questions but don't want to start a new topic.
is it possible to set a default view over the calender?
Re: How to Change the Calander And Contacts Hardware Buttons
OK, I found a trick but just for the left button.
In the registry:
(default) is the string that will be shown
Open is the path to the executable
Have fun with that
P.S. There are really interesting things in that registry - I browsed it a couple of days ago while travelling in the train
113 is the other key. there is an instruction what to change on . Here is a copy of that info:
"In a nutshell, there is an key called 112 under HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys that contains two entries: the (default) value, which contains the label that is displayed on the Today screen (currently set to Calendar), and an Open value, which is currently set to the Calendar applet's full executable path, "\Windows\Calendar.exe" (yes, include the quotes). Simply change both values as you see fit and it will customize the left soft key.
To customize the right soft key, you have to create another key at the same level as 112, appropriately named 113. The (default) value is automatically created, to where you would simply name it as you need to, but you must add the Open value and give it the full path of the executable you wish to set it to, with quotes, i.e. "\Windows\fexplore.exe"
I've recently changed mine to compose a new SMS (even if the current focus in the Inbox program is e.g. MMS not SMS) with the left softkey, and TomTom on the right.
Fantastic! No need for the default ones on an Exec as there are hardware buttons for each.
q-biq said:
not the answers on your questions but don't want to start a new topic. <snip OT question>
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The whole point of having topics is to keep the answers relevant to the question, silly boy :roll: Tell you what, let's all not bother with them, and put everything in one nice big thread!
Koksie said:
113 is the other key. there is an instruction what to change on . Here is a copy of that info:
"In a nutshell, there is an key called 112 under HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys that contains two entries: the (default) value, which contains the label that is displayed on the Today screen (currently set to Calendar), and an Open value, which is currently set to the Calendar applet's full executable path, "\Windows\Calendar.exe" (yes, include the quotes). Simply change both values as you see fit and it will customize the left soft key.
To customize the right soft key, you have to create another key at the same level as 112, appropriately named 113. The (default) value is automatically created, to where you would simply name it as you need to, but you must add the Open value and give it the full path of the executable you wish to set it to, with quotes, i.e. "\Windows\fexplore.exe"
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In the interests of knowing, anyone tried putting a third one in and seeing what happens? It's interesting that I needed to reboot the phone to get the changes to 112 to apply, but the 113 works in real-time without a reboot.
There is an application in T-Mobile extended ROM that does the same but through GUI and you don't have to go to the registry (you'll have a new shortcut in System menu).

registry location for soft key text[nevermind]

Sorry, but I can't find this out anywhere. I want to change the color of the text that my softkeys correspond to, but I can't find any documentation on where these registry values are located. Any help is appreciated. This is only for the bottom "title bar" not the top, as I've already located the top.
112 is the left soft key. if you want to customize the right soft key create a key called 113. Inside 113 create a new string value and title is "Default" and set the value as whatever you want to call it (ex. Messenger).
create another string value with the title as "Open" and set the value as the path to the executable file you're wanting to open.
I had seen that reg tweak somewhere before, but it didn't address the color of the soft key text. I appreciate the response, but is there another value I can create that will change the color? Or a different area? I tried using UI tweaker but I'm blind, and someone pointed it out to me. Thanks.

Soft Keys

On my Fuze, i reprogrammed the soft keys on the TF3D by editing the registry here:
LSK is left soft key and RSK is right soft key.
I like to reprogram my left soft key to open a the New text message screen. On the fuze, this is what i used:
homeLSKPath: \windows\tmail.exe
homeLSKText: newSMS
HomeLSKArguments: -service "SMS" -to " "
When i used these settings on my TP2, it only goes to the threaded text message menu.
Does anyone know what i need to use in the homelskpath and homelskarguements to get the soft key to open to the new text message menu?
ngravatt said:
HomeLSKArguments: -service "SMS" -to " "
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I dont think there is a space between those quotes.
ngravatt said:
HomeLSKArguments: -service "SMS" -to ""
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
nice. works now
thanks for the quick insight on the soft key change, ngravatt.
+1 for this whole thread. After updating to 6.5 the Softkey Manager software I was using no longer works. I knew there was a registry edit, but the key I was editing didn't have any effect. Thanks.
I would like to change my right soft key to Lock like in the Start Menu, but I haven't managed to find the entry for the Start Menu lock... so I wouldn't know what to type.
I found a thread where it said the path was \windows\DeviceLock.exe, but I don't have any DeviceLock.exe in the Windows folder. So what I would need to know is where the Start Menu lock points to...
Any suggestions?
EDIT: Found the DeviceLock.exe, all good!

Need help to change Starhub TV shortcut to lock device.. [Solve!!!!!]

Have anybody tried to change the "Starhub TV" shortcut to lock device shortcut?
if can let me know how to do it pls...
thanks alot..
I solve it already!!!
just use registry editor to edit the shortcut value of Htc touch flow 3d
Edit the following
And change the 2 String values 'HomeLSKPath' and 'HomeLSKText'.
change the string of HomeLSKPath to "\windows\endkey.exe"
change the string of HomeLSKText to "Lock"
PS: the end key must assign to lock device at then end key setting.
Have a nice day!!

