How to Change the Calander And Contacts Hardware Buttons? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Any reg Hack like the jasjar?

not the answers on your questions but don't want to start a new topic.
is it possible to set a default view over the calender?

Re: How to Change the Calander And Contacts Hardware Buttons
OK, I found a trick but just for the left button.
In the registry:
(default) is the string that will be shown
Open is the path to the executable
Have fun with that
P.S. There are really interesting things in that registry - I browsed it a couple of days ago while travelling in the train

113 is the other key. there is an instruction what to change on . Here is a copy of that info:
"In a nutshell, there is an key called 112 under HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys that contains two entries: the (default) value, which contains the label that is displayed on the Today screen (currently set to Calendar), and an Open value, which is currently set to the Calendar applet's full executable path, "\Windows\Calendar.exe" (yes, include the quotes). Simply change both values as you see fit and it will customize the left soft key.
To customize the right soft key, you have to create another key at the same level as 112, appropriately named 113. The (default) value is automatically created, to where you would simply name it as you need to, but you must add the Open value and give it the full path of the executable you wish to set it to, with quotes, i.e. "\Windows\fexplore.exe"

I've recently changed mine to compose a new SMS (even if the current focus in the Inbox program is e.g. MMS not SMS) with the left softkey, and TomTom on the right.
Fantastic! No need for the default ones on an Exec as there are hardware buttons for each.

q-biq said:
not the answers on your questions but don't want to start a new topic. <snip OT question>
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The whole point of having topics is to keep the answers relevant to the question, silly boy :roll: Tell you what, let's all not bother with them, and put everything in one nice big thread!

Koksie said:
113 is the other key. there is an instruction what to change on . Here is a copy of that info:
"In a nutshell, there is an key called 112 under HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys that contains two entries: the (default) value, which contains the label that is displayed on the Today screen (currently set to Calendar), and an Open value, which is currently set to the Calendar applet's full executable path, "\Windows\Calendar.exe" (yes, include the quotes). Simply change both values as you see fit and it will customize the left soft key.
To customize the right soft key, you have to create another key at the same level as 112, appropriately named 113. The (default) value is automatically created, to where you would simply name it as you need to, but you must add the Open value and give it the full path of the executable you wish to set it to, with quotes, i.e. "\Windows\fexplore.exe"
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In the interests of knowing, anyone tried putting a third one in and seeing what happens? It's interesting that I needed to reboot the phone to get the changes to 112 to apply, but the 113 works in real-time without a reboot.

There is an application in T-Mobile extended ROM that does the same but through GUI and you don't have to go to the registry (you'll have a new shortcut in System menu).


Registry Tweaks

I've been trying to find the WM6 tweak to rename/reallocate the bottom pair of soft keys on my home page 'Phone' and 'Contacts'. I have hard keys for both so current config is redundant.
The WM5 tweaks ( don't seem to be tottally relevant (I have changed my default input device which works fine) as I only have 'Htc_default.tsk' as a sub under HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Today no 'Keys' option.
I've exoprted the registry (TRE editor) but can't find an equivalent 'key' value to edit.
Is it because I'm using HTChome?
Any guidance will be much appreciated.
i use the attached, which is in this forum.
here is a site with other registry tweaks. my favorite, especially useful for the BA with this rom, is the one to minimize pressure when tapping the screen...
The pocketPCtweaks reflects the info in the wiki but cheers anyway.
Thanks for CAB will give it a run and post results.
Pressure minimise has made block recognition input faster and much more accurate - A recommended tweak
This tweak works exactly the same like on WM5. You actually need to create those keys.
Hi do anyone know how to create NEW SMS soft key button, which file to link the button to??
1. save the following text to notepad:
10#"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "SMS" -to "" -body "
2. in the foregoing, the filename will end in .txt (eg. New SMS.txt). rename the filename extension from .txt to .lnk (eg. New SMS.lnk)
3. copy to your ppc
4. use the softkey application to assign it (eg. New SMS.lnk) to a softkey
5. whenever you click on the said softkey, the new SMS will be activated.
* please note that you can change emperor83 with any text you want (eg. Freddie Krueger); it will be subsequently displayed in the message body
raymonds said:
1. save the following text to notepad:
10#"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "SMS" -to "" -body "
2. in the foregoing, the filename will end in .txt (eg. New SMS.txt). rename the filename extension from .txt to .lnk (eg. New SMS.lnk)
3. copy to your ppc
4. use the softkey application to assign it (eg. New SMS.lnk) to a softkey
5. whenever you click on the said softkey, the new SMS will be activated.
* please note that you can change emperor83 with any text you want (eg. Freddie Krueger); it will be subsequently displayed in the message body
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Thank you, it works!! U r great

registry location for soft key text[nevermind]

Sorry, but I can't find this out anywhere. I want to change the color of the text that my softkeys correspond to, but I can't find any documentation on where these registry values are located. Any help is appreciated. This is only for the bottom "title bar" not the top, as I've already located the top.
112 is the left soft key. if you want to customize the right soft key create a key called 113. Inside 113 create a new string value and title is "Default" and set the value as whatever you want to call it (ex. Messenger).
create another string value with the title as "Open" and set the value as the path to the executable file you're wanting to open.
I had seen that reg tweak somewhere before, but it didn't address the color of the soft key text. I appreciate the response, but is there another value I can create that will change the color? Or a different area? I tried using UI tweaker but I'm blind, and someone pointed it out to me. Thanks.

How to change order of Quick Tasks

Hi all, does any of you know how can I change the order of apps that appear when I open the Keyboard of HTC Touch Dual? I would loke to have "new SMS" first.
Thanks in advance.
Hi tintinxp,
The task settings are located in the registry as follows:
If you navigate to this key (using regedit or Resco reg explorer) you will see the following tree structure:
App_0 New Email
App_1 New SMS
App_2 New MMS
App_3 New Appointment
App_4 New Task
App_5 New Note
App_6 New Contact
Each of these keys contain substrings named opos and ypos. o pos is 0 meaning distance from the left of screen, y pos contains numbers ranging from 40 to 280 (increments of 40) meaning distance from top of screen.
Change the ypos of App_0 to 80 and the ypos of App_1 to 40. This will move the New Email down 1 position and move the New SMS up 1 position. You should also be able to change the position of the other application entries by changing the y pos.
When you open the keyboard the new order should show New SMS as the first entry and New Email as the second entry. You also need to do a soft reset for the changes to take effect.
A word of advise -You are making changes to the registry so it is advisable to make a back up befor making any changes.
I am not an expert so if anyone wants to jump in and confirm the above steps please do.
Step 2
When we change the y pos values the corresponding items will move position up or down according to the values we set. When you open the keyboard APP_0 will be highlighted by default, which, in the example above, will be New Email.
Now we need to go back into the registry and change the key values. App_0 is the entry for New Email and App_1 is the entry for New SMS, we need to rename these keys now. Because of duplicate name issues we proceed as follows:
1.Rename App_0 App_00
2.Rename App_1 App_0
3.Rename App_00 App_1
Now when you open the keyboard the first entry New SMS will be highlighted by default. Soft reset needed.
Sorry found and corrected a typing error
Hi Khan3. Thanks indeed for your clear instructions. I will try and let you know if worked.
It seems that you really know about these tricks. I posted an issue that I have when I click on a/s button on Kboard... The first prioriry is always "s" when should be "a" for spanish. Do you know how o edit and change these priorities?
Thanks indeed.
Hi tintinxp,
Sorry mate but I have only had my new touch dual for 2 days and I am still "playing" and learning.
Glad I was able to help and hopefully input something of value in return for the invaluable tips and advice I have got from this great site.

Extend you ProgrammLauncher menu

Last night i was playing around with the Program Launcher menu and discovered that you can extend it by simply adding some values in the registry.
The registry key to do all this is:
Standard the subkeys are numbered from 0 to 29.
You can extend your Launcher menu by adding a new group of 3 empty program buttons by adding 30, 31 and 32 (so new subkeys). Always add keys in groups of 3. So 33, 34 and 35 and so on. Don't know if there's a limit on this one.
A number subkey should contain the following values:
String - DispName
String - IconPath
DWORD - IsReadOnly, dec value 0
String - Path
You can leave the string values open because they are automatically filled in when you add a new shortcut.
Don't forget to adjust the following value also. It's in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/HTC/Manilla/ProgramLauncher/totalItemCount (dword, dec value), change to the max number op empty program places. I tried with 50.
You can now disable TF3D and re-enable it again to see the new empty program buttons or you can simply soft reset your device (reboot windows mobile).
This should work perfectly. But some problem I'm having is, after having installed the cabfile with which you can wipe the first 4 (unremovable) program shortcuts, I'm not able to add any program shortcuts anymore. Well i can select a program which i like in the program launcher as a shortcut, but the shortcut is not added to the launcher menu. I uninstalled the cabfile, and rebooted windows mobile, but the problem isn't solved with that. Some one know a solution to this?
TheWizzard2203 said:
Last night i was playing around with the Program Launcher menu and discovered that you can extend it by simply adding some values in the registry.
The registry key to do all this is:
Standard the subkeys are numbered from 0 to 29.
You can extend your Launcher menu by adding a new group of 3 empty program buttons by adding 30, 31 and 32 (so new subkeys). Always add keys in groups of 3. So 33, 34 and 35 and so on. Don't know if there's a limit on this one.
A number subkey should contain the following values:
String - DispName
String - IconPath
DWORD - IsReadOnly, dec value 0
String - Path
You can leave the string values open because they are automatically filled in when you add a new shortcut.
You can now disable TF3D and re-enable it again to see the new empty program buttons or you can simply soft reset your device (reboot windows mobile).
This should work perfectly. But some problem I'm having is, after having installed the cabfile with which you can wipe the first 4 (unremovable) program shortcuts, I'm not able to add any program shortcuts anymore. Well i can select a program which i like in the program launcher as a shortcut, but the shortcut is not added to the launcher menu. I uninstalled the cabfile, and rebooted windows mobile, but the problem isn't solved with that. Some one know a solution to this?
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Great tip!
I have the same problem that the shortcuts are not added though...
What does work is to add the path and name manually...
To easily create more keys you can also export 1 key and edit the key name in notepad (increase the number by 1) and import the key again.
I think you need to edit some more keys.
Could it be you need to add the program path as a string value in the root of ProgramLauncher as well?
At least I increased the totalItemcount to 32.
of course you can add the shortcuts manually through the registry, but that's not quite the solution. Are there more people having this problem?
Yeah I have the same problem, I get empty boxes to add more programs but can't seem to make the button register a program unless done manually via registry.
Great find though, Thanks
i use mine own cabfile, works great, to find it goto xperia rom forum, and one of the sticky post is called FTP, by mostberg, goto mostbergs ftp and goto rom, touch x, addons, there you will finjd the cabs needed for top icons, not home atm, so cant post the cab right now sorry, but goto ftp there it is...
Is this the menu you see when long-clicking on the Hang up key?
Deleted. Sorry.
Thanks a lot. I've finally reached to remove that "Business mail" locked shortcut on my TD2. I can now replace it by another one !
smaberg said:
i use mine own cabfile, works great, to find it goto xperia rom forum, and one of the sticky post is called FTP, by mostberg, goto mostbergs ftp and goto rom, touch x, addons, there you will finjd the cabs needed for top icons, not home atm, so cant post the cab right now sorry, but goto ftp there it is...
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I cant find the file...
i ave add 6 new space for program in the start menu but i cant add the programs... i add the link in the registry, but doesnt work...
any working solution yet??

Silent edit of single registry entry on startup

I've got a Tilt 2 Rhodium with the stock AT&T ROM. I've removed nearly all the accessible bloat, and have done my share of registry edits to make it usuable now. There is just one sticky problem that seems beyond my limited abilities and I seek your help.
The built-in YouTube app's registry key calls for a proxy to be used: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\YouTube - (or something close to that value). For whatever reason, my YouTube app times out on connect when that default value is in place. When I replace the value with [BLANK] or delete the REG_SZ all together, YouTube functions perfectly.
The problem is that changing this registry key does not survive a restart or a reset - I believe it even restores itself intermittently. I made a CAB file that I can run but it just seems ham-fisted to me to have to run it manually, choose the target, click ok, etc., and frequently. Is there a way for this lone registry value to be blanked or deleted automatically on restart or YouTube launch? Or better yet, to prevent it from being repopulated with the default value automatically?
Any help will be tremendously appreciated.
You could try Dotfred's famous task manager. It supports many different command line parameters, and one happens to be registry modification.
[filepath] /silent
Theoretically, you can create a shortcut to the task manager, which uses the parameter to point to the .reg file containing the registry setting you'd like. If you don't know the format of a .reg file, I suggest you export any key in your registry with any reg editor, then open the .reg with a text editor to learn the format. Then, you could place the shortcut in your \Windows\Startup folder, which points to the registry folder, and it would (in theory) change the registry key on startup. Also (in theory), you could use RunEveryDay to create a scheduled task (using your command line parameters pointing to the reg file) to periodically change this value to [blank] on a schedule.
You could also do all of this with a provXML, but .reg is just as easy, and IMO requires less work in formatting it. Hope that helps
I use mortscript to write a reg value every reset.
if you need help send me PM
Thank you both for the assistance and thoughtful responses. I will look into them.
Meanwhile I've searched the phone's registry for the string "" which is the actual value of the "ProxyName" registry entry at HKLM\Software\HTC\YouTube. It comes up in three other places.
I'm not an expert, but I'm comfortable with deep tinkering and have yet to break something I couldn't fix. So, thinking that one of these three other places is from where the refresh is coming, I plan to delete those values also and see if that prevents the repopulation of the ProxyName value with the default string.
If it doesn't work, then I can always revert the three other values to the default and use a script program instead.
The value appears to be repopulated upon any change in the network environment, be it activating/disabling WiFi or "data conection," and also apparently when I connect with ActiveSync - not 100% sure about that though.
Thanks again, both of you.
Thanks guys, knowing you had my back encouraged me to explore. I fixed the issue, have a look if you're interested:
Ciao and thanks again,

