xBox music cloud - Windows 8 General

i had lots of music in my music cloud from Xbox music. I use it on Surface RT and Notebook. For some reason ALL cloud music is removed. even the songs i have in a playinglist are not in my cloud any more. I don't have an xBox music Pass. Anyone an Idea how this could happen?? I don't want to add all my music to the cloud every day because that are not little.


TIL: Organizing and playing music through iTunes

I just thought this was kinda handy. I have most of my favorite music taking up about 10GB on my SD card. I rarely use my phone as a portable music player but I get great use out of it for playing music on my work computer. This suggestion isnt for everyone, but if you work, listen to music through headphones, can install itunes, and a constant USB connection. For once I finally feel like I am in control of my music library instead of it controlling me.
I installed iTunes on my work computer
Setup the iTunes directory to my music folder on my SD card (in my case it was P:/music)
Add all your music to iTunes from the SD card (drag and drop)
Consolidate your library if you have iTunes set to keep your folder organized
Now whenever my phone is plugged into my USB at work I can listen to all my music (as a bonus, now it all sorted/named properly.....FINALLY!!!)

DLNA apps

I was trying out some DLNA apps the other day, as I have a DLNA server (Buffalo NAS) with some 9,000 songs and 30,000 photos. All of the computers/laptops use iTunes to access the server.
I was pretty interested that the NAS's DLNA seemed to categorize all the songs in a number of ways, and that the different players seem to handle it well.
Most of the apps seem to be capable of letting you use your phone as a controller to output to another DLNA capable device, e.g., a TV.
Some of the apps are only good for selecting and downloading a file directly to your SD card.
2Player DLNA Music Player was good at playing music files. Can output to another DLNA client. Simple interface, and allows selection of source and output via drop lists. Hit and Miss on iTunes album art, seems to be setup to not get art unless you are playing the song/album. Very quick to play, allows you to build playlists of songs and stays active in background. Only for audio/music files. Simple widget with 'now playing' and start/stop and next track control or just the controls I did get it to hang on a FLAC file. FREE and donate for karma-ware versions
UpnP DLNA Media Downloader: excellent at finding all types of files and only downloads to phone or output client prior to playing. I don't want to do this, I want to play from the server via a cache/buffer. If I want to download or sync (which is one of the functions), I can get WinAmp for Android which syncs, and has a really nice widget to play.
iMediaShare - automatic DLNA client, finds server(s) by self, needs time to populate lists and doesn't seem to cache much stuff in an intellegent manner (such as those lists) on your phone. Great match-up with iTunes album art. So, selecting an album via the Menu/Play All causes it to scan. Asks each time which device to output, recognizes Rockplayer and generic Android Music players. Asks too often and where. Should have a 'Settings' page to store/select these defaults. Doesn't stay active unless on main screen. Didn't find my DLNA photos, but did have a main page with iPod-like media on the web, YouTube, Picassa, TED, etc. I only played with free version.
Winamp Since there is a desktop version that syncs to the itunes or DLNA server, the Android version can hookup to that and sync to that. Stores music on SD card. It's not what I was looking for since to sync it must have an active windows computer and doesn't play directly from server. Winamp also takes over the music functions, and if you have a bluetooth music device that the X10 actually talks to as a controller, it will over ride the Mediascape app to play the music. Has some neat interface functions such as being accessed when the phone is locked. Nice widget for home screen.
There are some others out there, what have you tried?
2Player DLNA Music Player works precisely for wht i wanted

Fed up with Zune and DTwist? Turn to Itunes

A week ago I posted about the TuneLink car adapter that allowed me to use Bluetooth to Aux in in my car. With this app in place my phone is now my sole source of media outside of my house.
The problem I have is there is no native desktop software for Android music. Zune doesn't sync with android and recently switched to a zpl playlist format that adds too many steps to move files from Zune-> Windows Media-> To my Evo.
Doubletwist just isn't a finished product. The desktop application is lackluster and slow. Moreover I hate their media player, I prefer MIUI's player or the stock Droid player.
My answer was to give Itunes a try. We all know it manages music well and adds and adds artwork but I never tried a 3rd party sync platform.
My answer was Tunesync. It's an expensive $5 app that manages and syncs playlists wirelessly between my EVO and Itunes. Works well and doesn't eat up much battery life. For me this is perfect because I only have the 8gb stock memory card and I don't need my entire library on my phone, just my favorite playlists.
Finally, I used Windows Live Mesh to sync the "My Music" folders between my laptop and my desktop just in case I want to update my phone from the road or on vacation. I recommend this setup for anyone looking to manage their music.
Doubletwist airsync works well too..its just slow.
The Doubletwist desktop software is garbage. I need something more polished like Winamp, Zune, Itunes.
I use itunes for my desktop music. I just use doubletwist to transfer my music. Can't wait for google to finish up google music with the native sync service.
I agree that Doubletwist is not usable. For starters, they claim that they cannot sync smart playlists from iTunes. You can sync them to start, but if your playlist is updated, doubletwist won't pick up on the update. I mean, the main reason I want to sync with itunes is because of the smart playlists in itunes, which I LOVE. Doubletwist staff claims that it is due to iTunes' locked down system. That is bogus, because other apps do it fine.
Instead of tunesync, I suggest isyncr:
The UI isn't flashy, but all I need is something to sync my itunes playlists to my phone. It just works. The wifi addon is excellent. It recently got a feature called "live playlists" which is just like itunes' smart playlists, so you can create your own playlists on your phone from the music you sync to your device. The developer is really on top of things - he responds quickly to emails and is always adding features. He recently added the ability to upsync your photos and video, as well as the amazon mp3s you buy on your phone. I love it.
iTunes is the worst media manager for Windows IMHO. I'm surprised nobody mentioned MediaMonkey... it puts all others to shame.
For wireless sync with Android, WinAMP is definitely the way to go. I just can't give up PowerAMP on my Android, so I can live without wi-sync.
itunes is horrible on windows. I love it on my mac though. (I don't mean feature wise)
Anyone who says iTunes is good is using a Mac. That **** is like a virus on Windows.
I agree with a previous poster...Media Monkey.

real player play lists

Hey guys, I have been using real player for a whole and i love the UI. I love having an app that I can play music and videos from the same app. The problem is, My playlists are not showing up with real player. I am using sailing media sync to sync my itunes playlists. (I have an apple TV and use itunes to play my movies on my TV) I have tried exporting my playlists onto my SD card and also onto the internal storage. I have wiped and reset. I have honestly donr just about everything short of creating my playlists directly on my tablet. I am trying to avoid doing this.

music player

Hi all, anybody know of a music player that will syce between multiple devices including a pc? I usually use the Amazon music app but they've discontinued music uploads. Amy help would be great thanks.
Google play music is not without its flaws but it will at least do this (as long as you can live with uploading only from the PC or by using workarounds like a cloud storage synced folder).
I never noticed Amazon had disabled uploads for non-paying customers - there were things I liked better about the player, but the free storage limit was too small to be useful to me anyway.
if you use iTunes you can use iSyncr and sync your playlists to your android devices and use Poweramp or a music player of your choice. Poweramp is a top notch player with a high quality EQ btw. I used to use Google Play Music from time to time but it is lousy at syncing from my computer to the cloud and to the phone and tablet. it adds the same albums like 4 times over in the playlists and gets them all screwed up. So i gave up.
This is googles sync tool, point it at your music folder on your PC and let it rip. Songs will be streamable from the Google music app.
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