TIL: Organizing and playing music through iTunes - G1 General

I just thought this was kinda handy. I have most of my favorite music taking up about 10GB on my SD card. I rarely use my phone as a portable music player but I get great use out of it for playing music on my work computer. This suggestion isnt for everyone, but if you work, listen to music through headphones, can install itunes, and a constant USB connection. For once I finally feel like I am in control of my music library instead of it controlling me.
I installed iTunes on my work computer
Setup the iTunes directory to my music folder on my SD card (in my case it was P:/music)
Add all your music to iTunes from the SD card (drag and drop)
Consolidate your library if you have iTunes set to keep your folder organized
Now whenever my phone is plugged into my USB at work I can listen to all my music (as a bonus, now it all sorted/named properly.....FINALLY!!!)


Music Trouble After Transfer?

OK, so using the provided 'doubletwist" software I transferred about 400 songs to my HD2 from iTunes last night... here is the problem:
The Windows Media Player recognizes all of the songs, artists, albums, etc...
The "player" on the homescreen has over half of my songs labled as "Unknown Artisit/Unknown Album...
I'm EXTREMELY picky about having my album art and order and not that little music note picture...
What went wrong here and how can I get it right?
When ever I transfer music I do not use the DoubleTwist or whatever it might be. I just connect my phone and select use as flash drive not the active sync option but the one below it. I have a designated music folder on the MicroSD and just do a drag and drop into the folder. I have a PC at home and Mac at work. What I do is drag the music onto a folder on my desktop from itunes and it copies the mp3 and then i drag it into my music folder. It works and every one of my albums have album art. Hope this helps
Umby888 said:
OK, so using the provided 'doubletwist" software I transferred about 400 songs to my HD2 from iTunes last night... here is the problem:
The Windows Media Player recognizes all of the songs, artists, albums, etc...
The "player" on the homescreen has over half of my songs labled as "Unknown Artisit/Unknown Album...
I'm EXTREMELY picky about having my album art and order and not that little music note picture...
What went wrong here and how can I get it right?
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Sounds like the where not relabeled right. I dont use Ianything lol so not sure if there is an option the change how it labels the MP3.
Umby888 said:
OK, so using the provided 'doubletwist" software I transferred about 400 songs to my HD2 from iTunes last night... here is the problem:
The Windows Media Player recognizes all of the songs, artists, albums, etc...
The "player" on the homescreen has over half of my songs labled as "Unknown Artisit/Unknown Album...
I'm EXTREMELY picky about having my album art and order and not that little music note picture...
What went wrong here and how can I get it right?
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I also tried installing and using the double twist, which I gave up on. For some reason, it kept reading a card I had inserted into the SD port. What I did is I turned the phone off, took out my micro sd card from the phone (you do this by pushing it in towards the center and letting it go. you can hear a little click.) Then I used the card reader and put it into the SD port on my laptop. I was able to use the windows media sync option that way, and everything transfered over fine including album art and songs and titles and such. I hope that helps!
PS, would a moderator be so kind as to lift the restrictions of embedding links and reposting within 5 minutes from my account? I would greatly appreciate it!
I will try both of these and see what happens... Doubletwist is simply dreadful
FYI, I tried syncing the music last night without pulling the card out of my phone this time, and it seems to be working now. I don't know if it makes much difference, but I went into the windows media player in the start menu-- start>media>windows media player, and updated the library because as far as the phone knew, I still had songs on there that I had deleted. But I didn't try looking at the music on the HTC sense menu.

Media Player/HTC Music Player and iTunes/iPod Use

I currently have all of my music (15,000+ songs) set up for use with Itunes/iPod. I would like to try to use Windows Media Player with the HD2. However, I am concerned about letting Media Player access my files that are currently cataloged in iTunes.
1. Can I set up Media Player so that it accesses the mp3 and m4a files but doesn't copy or move the files from the iTunes folder?
2. If I add the music to the Media Player system, can I rate the music in the Media Player without changing or disrupting the music files themselves?
3. Can Media Player playlists be created without disrupting the iTunes system?
If you currently are using Media Player/HTC Player AND iTunes/iPod successfully, can you tell me if there are any issues that need dealing with? Up until now I've been manually copying music to the HD2. Unfortunately, there seems to be some sort of corruption issue if I delete files that I've added to playlists from within the HD2 Player. I'm assuming that using Media Player to create lists is easier and more secure than creating lists from manually copied files.
Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
The easiest way I recommend which I my self did is Find your Itunes library on your computer copy it to your HD2's storage Card and from there do whatever you like.
hagba said:
The easiest way I recommend which I my self did is Find your Itunes library on your computer copy it to your HD2's storage Card and from there do whatever you like.
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From my original post: "Up until now I've been manually copying music to the HD2. Unfortunately, there seems to be some sort of corruption issue if I delete files that I've added to playlists from within the HD2 Player."
As far as I know you should delete songs from the folder that you have your music in it usually on your storage card that should not be any problem,another way is that you use the ActiveSync to sync your music files from your computer to your device,in this way whenever you add or delete a music file on your PC it will be automaticaly synced to your Phone,this sure is the better way.

how do I add musice to my stock muic player

pretty much lost on this one.. want to add my own songs
Wait, wut?
You want to add music from your computer to your phone so you can listen to it? Just copy the songs from your computer's hard drive to your sd card. Or if you're lazy like I am, and use itunes you should get tunesync off the android market.
Sent from my hand.
What he said ^^ or get Music Box app and download free music. The music app retrieves all mp3s from phone and organizes them for you.

Anyone know a good music player with playlists?

I used to keep my Ipod Nano in my car hooked up with an Aux cable but my Ipod's screen died so I ripped all my music from it onto my hard drive with different folders corresponding to different playlists i had set up.
I remember setting up playlists in the default android music app but they disappear everytime i flash a new ROM.
Ideally, I would like a music player that is able to use the playlists I have setup in Itunes but I do not mind making playlists again as long as they save the playlists on the SD card.
Anyone know of a music player that saves the playlist on the SD card so if I have to hard reset, i dont lose the playlist?
Hey, this might be something you're interested in.
The app Audiogalaxy allows you to stream audio to your phone from wherever you setup the server.
You just download the app and download the server from the website and you can use whatever folders you set up with the helper.
I have access to all 60gb of my music as long as I have a data connection streams great. : )
Winamp... Also, if you d/l winamp on your computer you can sync it with itunes and your itunes playlists. then you can also sync your phone with winamp. At least I am pretty sure that's right.
Sweet, I will try these out after work!
I like the sound of this. I'll try it out now
I like stock Samsung player,but if you want something different i recommend DoubleTwist-its nice looking,simple and has streaming.
You could try the MiUi music player found here on xda.
Sent from my always stock, froyo Epic
Use Meridian. You can back up your playlists using the Play Q tab. Simply export your current playlists to the play Q. You can export the play Q lists to the regular playlist tab after flashing new roms. I love that feature
Also with winamp, you can push your music to your device over a wireles network, no cables needed!
RE: best music player with playlists...
I've tried a few music players and have to agree that Winamp is really good (and free). It just got a update and I think improved it a lot. The playlist function is really well done. I'm going to have to try the wireless transfer. Thanks for that tip!
Mortplayer. Its the bomb completely customizeable.
cd's or tapes?

playlist problem on rebooting

All of my music is on a 200gb sd card. In google play music I created a number of playlists over a couple of days. I recently rebooted phone and noticed that most of the playlists had lost all of their songs. Rebooted again and another couple of playlists went the same way.
The music still exists on the sd card. The artists and albums are still present in the Play Music library and still play ok.
Anyone else had this.......or even better, a solution
Edit - seems to occur after a power off and power on rather than a reboot
ericjennings said:
All of my music is on a 200gb sd card. In google play music I created a number of playlists over a couple of days. I recently rebooted phone and noticed that most of the playlists had lost all of their songs. Rebooted again and another couple of playlists went the same way.
The music still exists on the sd card. The artists and albums are still present in the Play Music library and still play ok.
Anyone else had this.......or even better, a solution
Edit - seems to occur after a power off and power on rather than a reboot
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I have done a few tests and can now say that the problem only exists if the playlist points to music on sd card. If the playlist points to music on internal storage then rebooting the phone does not affect the playlist.
Therefore it seems likely that rebooting the phone causes the path to the music files (on the sd card) to change, so play music can no longer find the songs even though they still exist on the sd card.
PS......emailed Samsung Support, their reply was that rebooting the phone causes all of the music files on the device to be deleted (even though I explained that my music is on sd card not device memory and that the music files still exist, just they don't show up in the playlist)
What about trying another music player, or another playlist format (like M3U, but maybe for that u need another music player too)... in my personal experience, the music was the biggest problem because I feel like Goole Play Music is worst that windows media player xD, and actually find a good media player is so hard, but never tried GPM, so maybe is a problem from the app and no the phone itself
QBerto said:
What about trying another music player, or another playlist format (like M3U, but maybe for that u need another music player too)... in my personal experience, the music was the biggest problem because I feel like Goole Play Music is worst that windows media player xD, and actually find a good media player is so hard, but never tried GPM, so maybe is a problem from the app and no the phone itself
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Yeah, using Poweramp now..........and I've found I prefer it to GPM so should be grateful that I had the problem
Yeah.. annoying as.. Wasted hours putting playlists together on Music Player only to have contents get deleted when power off / on.. Read something about being able to make sd card 'adoptable storage' by tweeking developer options.. may give this a try, but it involves formatting the current sd card, so plan to try when i have some time.. Frustrated GS7 User
Ooo another Jennings

