God damn ****ing phone!! - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

What's the freaking deal with people not being able to hear me on the other end when I have speaker phone on. I have to literally shout for them to barely hear me! Pointless to use speaker phone with this POS
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Is your microphone plugged with lint and dirt?

Do you have a case? If so, maybe its covering up the mic?

No lint in it and no case. I am on CM right now but it did the same thing with stock. Not sure what the deal is or how to verify whether its software or hardware related.
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Calls sound "far away"

My wife's having an issue where calls through the earpiece are hard to hear. You can hear an ambient sort of noise which sounds like its at normal volume but callers on the other end sound very quiet. She has resorted to putting every call on speaker to hear. Her mt4g is stock, non-modified/rooted. Any idea what the problem could be, or what I could try fix it? I tried searching, but the search on the mobile app isn't as easy to use as the full site.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
Well this should be in Q&A but it sounds like hardware. Has she dropped in water or any other liquid? If not and you bought from tmo you should have a warranty to cover a replacement
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
I bought it 2nd hand a month ago, so no chance of warranty replacement through tmo. Was hoping there'd be a fix available without having to wipe the phone. The water indicator is still white and there doesn't seem to be any physical damage.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App

Rattling sound when phone put down.

Last week,my Nexus 4 slipped out of my hands, face down on It's screen. I thought I was screwed, but luckily the phone was perfectly fine.
Since that day though, it seems like the usual rattling sound that comes from my Nexus , is becoming worse. Maybe it is just inside my head, but maybe not.
Especially when I lay my phone on a hard surface, I hear an irritating rattling sound, coming from the top of the phone.
Does anyone else experience this? Or is it just me? My Nexus is working perfectly fine tho, so nothing has broken.
I am waiting for your thoughts!!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Camera shutter? That's made a slight rattling sound for me, it may have become worse for you since you dropped it
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

Very faint crackle from ear speaker

I've noticed my nexus 4 has a crackling sound from its ear speaker very faint almost not noticeable without close inspection oh and its started to heat up to about 38 to 40c not sure if that's a good reason to RMA it . but hey you never know if its hardware or software fault
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
If I put my phone to my ear, even with the screen off, I can hear a rediculously quiet clicking static sound, is this what you mean? I only notice it when I try to notice it so it doesn't bother me, an RMA would be pointless and more trouble than what its worth.
dannyling said:
I've noticed my nexus 4 has a crackling sound from its ear speaker very faint almost not noticeable without close inspection oh and its started to heat up to about 38 to 40c not sure if that's a good reason to RMA it . but hey you never know if its hardware or software fault
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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This is a known issue. No need to RMA, the new device will more likely than not have the same problem.
Sent by carrier pigeon
That's good I thought I was going mad as for the heating up it get so hot only my sgs2 gets hot but I think that's the rom could this all be fixed by android 5.0
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

Slight bump on external speaker port - defect?

Ok, just got the phone and on the bottom of the back of the phone where the speaker output is it is slightly raised...it seems normal, but unecessary so im just wondering if everyones is like that or if mine has a slight cosmetic defect...
Again...it seems normal. just a little out of place/unneccessary ...and its jot the actual speaker itself but on the back cover where the port for the speaker on the middle line it is raised slightly
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2
I think it is just a design flaw.
Sent from my Xoom using xda app-developers app
Could be there for when the phone is on a flat surface you can still hear the sound.
I'm not really sure tho.
Alright cool...justvwanted to make sure mije wasnt the only one...will be requesting this thread be shutdown as soon as I get to my pc
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2
I'd say keep it up. It assisted in answering a question of mine as I thought it was a defect at first glance.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2
My Galaxy Note had the same bump, it helps to elevate the speaker if it's on a flat surface. I never consciously noticed it until now

Headphone jack broken?

Hey everyone, so today while walking home, I noticed that one of my headphones wasn't working and I was pretty pissed because I love my headphones, anyways, so I tried my other headphones and experienced the same problem, so I concluded my phone broke. So, I've spent about 20 minutes poking around with it and blowing air into it, and I've managed to get one side working, but the other side isn't. One thing I noticed was that the side which isn't working is the side with the mic and these headphones -do- have the 4th prong. I don't have any 3 prong headphones to test with, so I'm going to go to my friends house and test with his, but does anyone know how to fix this because I love my four-prong headphones because the clicker and they're just awesome. Thanks, all help is appreciated.
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update, so I tried it with 3 prong headphones, and just like before, the left side isn't working :[
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Tanmaynarang said:
update, so I tried it with 3 prong headphones, and just like before, the left side isn't working :[
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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if its in warranty, they will fix it.
Rooting and all never matters for hardware damages!
Hmmm, I bought it off craigslist, but it was brand new, do you think warranty applies? And do I call LG(
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