[Q] Biting my teeth tring to remove awesome beats from my N7 - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I did hours of research and can not seem to find anyway to permanently remove Awesome Beats from my Nexus 7. I have searched these forums and evrything I try, it still keeps popping up. I just want it gone so I can try a new audio enhancer. Any help is greatly appreciated.

please help

- go into Superuser/SuperSU and drop any root privileges granted to Beats
- Boot into custom recovery & make a full Nandroid backup
- Dirty flash (no wiping no factory reset) the SAME ROM you started with.
If you don't like the result, restore the backup and do things your own way.
What this will do is nullify any changes you made to /system since the time you installed that specific ROM. If you changed kernels, it will also put back the original kernel that was installed with the ROM. If you de-bloated your system or "froze" any apps, this will re-bloat and unfreeze. So depending on what you have done this may roll back more than just Beats. If you are running "rooted stock" this will also unroot the /system partition.
For the future, there is a way to get around this problem - you make a full backup before you start modding. You can roll back easily if you have backups, and not easily without.
good luck

There is no option for awesomebeats i tried bother supersu and superuser

Pillow Pants said:
There is no option for awesomebeats i tried bother supersu and superuser
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I used the word "any". "any" includes the case of "none at all". keep moving.
BTW I have absolutely no idea why you would have both superuser and supersu on the tablet at the same time.
good luck - I'm done.

To expand on what bftb0 has said, if you are on stock, then:
Get the stock image,
extract system.img,
backup device (muy importante!), and finally
flash using: fastboot flash system system.img
Do not wipe data (factory reset).

ucf15 said:
To expand on what bftb0 has said, if you are on stock, then:
Get the stock image,
extract system.img,
backup device (muy importante!), and finally
flash using: fastboot flash system system.img
Do not wipe data (factory reset).
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Yup.. Reflashing is the best way to clear up those files.


4.2.2 update

I am on stock, but rooted, nexus 7 4.2.2. I got notification of the software update sometime last week. I decided I would update. First, of course, I made a full nandoid backup, and titannium backup of all my apps and data. I downloaded rootkeeper and using rootkeeper "unrooted" and set about updating.
The Nexus rebooted, and entered the custom recovery mode (I think it is Amon RA) and then the update failed.
How can I update? What are your thoughts on the update? If I should avoid updating, how can I get rid of the software upgrade nag?
wiredwrx said:
I am on stock, but rooted, nexus 7 4.2.2. I got notification of the software update sometime last week. I decided I would update. First, of course, I made a full nandoid backup, and titannium backup of all my apps and data. I downloaded rootkeeper and using rootkeeper "unrooted" and set about updating.
The Nexus rebooted, and entered the custom recovery mode (I think it is Amon RA) and then the update failed.
How can I update? What are your thoughts on the update? If I should avoid updating, how can I get rid of the software upgrade nag?
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You would need stock Android recovery for it to work I believe, so if you have a custom recovery, that is why it failed.
RMarkwald said:
You would need stock Android recovery for it to work I believe, so if you have a custom recovery, that is why it failed.
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Thanks. I will look into that. Any thoughts on the update?
wiredwrx said:
Thanks. I will look into that. Any thoughts on the update?
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You'd have to get stock Android recovery on there somehow, but if you're doing the official update and you removed any /system/app apps with Titanium Backup or anything, it'll also fail. If you flashed a custom kernel, it'll fail as well. Official updates run system checks to see that the stock files are all there and the correct versions.
You could backup everything you want to save on internal sd card (pictures/music etc), and flash the official factory Google images via fastboot. Or flash custom recovery and flash a 4.2.2 ROM. Either way, you'll have to wipe everything so you'll loose apps and app data, which you'll have to re-install again.
wiredwrx said:
The Nexus rebooted, and entered the custom recovery mode (I think it is Amon RA) and then the update failed.
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The reason it failed is given in the recovery log file located at /cache/recovery/recovery.log
In general, OTAs are meant for 100% stock devices. When someone attempts an OTA on a rooted device, it can fail for hundreds of independent reasons - usually files in /system that got altered or removed by various root-privileged apps. (Sometimes it is not apparent to the end user that their root-using apps have even made such changes). In the current JOP40D -> JDQ39 OTA, the boot partition is also checked, so the OTA will certainly fail if you are using a custom kernel (in addition to any issues with modified files in /system).
Sounds like you are a person who makes Nandroid backups; good for you. If you have a Nandroid backup taken immediately after rooting (before any of these changes took place), it is possible that you could replace the altered files (by pulling the unaltered versions out of the old Nandroid Backups). Unfortunately, it is hard to know how much work this will be**, because during the initial check sequence that the OTA performs, it halts on the first error encountered. There could be only a single altered file causing trouble, several, or many.
** If you use TWRP recovery, the system (& data) image backups are tar files - you don't even need to restore an old backup to retrieve files from other backups.
As you mentioned TiBu, it sounds like your are farmiliar with all this stuff already. Rather than hand-patching your existing ROM, perhaps the right thing to do is to
- Make your TiBu & Nandroid Backups of your current ROM
- Install 4.2.2 factory image & Re-Root
- Make a Nandroid Backup of this (vanilla stock) ROM before you even boot it
- Boot it and restore your Market Apps. (I'm not a big fan of restoring System Apps or their data).
good luck
bftb0 said:
The reason it failed is given in the recovery log file located at /cache/recovery/recovery.log
In general, OTAs are meant for 100% stock devices. When someone attempts an OTA on a rooted device, it can fail for hundreds of independent reasons - usually files in /system that got altered or removed by various root-privileged apps. (Sometimes it is not apparent to the end user that their root-using apps have even made such changes). In the current JOP40D -> JDQ39 OTA, the boot partition is also checked, so the OTA will certainly fail if you are using a custom kernel (in addition to any issues with modified files in /system).
Sounds like you are a person who makes Nandroid backups; good for you. If you have a Nandroid backup taken immediately after rooting (before any of these changes took place), it is possible that you could replace the altered files (by pulling the unaltered versions out of the old Nandroid Backups). Unfortunately, it is hard to know how much work this will be**, because during the initial check sequence that the OTA performs, it halts on the first error encountered. There could be only a single altered file causing trouble, several, or many.
** If you use TWRP recovery, the system (& data) image backups are tar files - you don't even need to restore an old backup to retrieve files from other backups.
As you mentioned TiBu, it sounds like your are farmiliar with all this stuff already. Rather than hand-patching your existing ROM, perhaps the right thing to do is to
- Make your TiBu & Nandroid Backups of your current ROM
- Install 4.2.2 factory image & Re-Root
- Make a Nandroid Backup of this (vanilla stock) ROM before you even boot it
- Boot it and restore your Market Apps. (I'm not a big fan of restoring System Apps or their data).
good luck
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Thanks for the detailed breakdown. I may just update with your instructions. Are you aware of a way to suppress the nag screen.

[Q] re-enable OTA updates Nexus 7

Hi all,
I have a nexus 7 running Android 4.1.2 stock w/ root. Some months ago, I disabled the OTA update notification - but I can't seem to remember how!
I want to now re-enable OTA updates so that I can update to the latest android version, and not lose my installed apps.
I've searched the device for FOTAKill.apk inside /system/app, and its not found
I've also searched for frozen / hidden apps using Titanium Backup Pro... nothing
When I enter Settings -> About Tablet -> System Updates... it says I'm up to date... but I'm not, considering I'm running 4.1.2.
Any help or pointers in re-enabling OTA is appreciated!!
- make a full nandroid backup.
- using fastboot, flash the system.img file from the 4.2.2 factory image to the system partition.
- using your custom recovery, reflash a SuperSU root kit bundle.
- using the custom recovery, wipe cache and dalvik-cache.
If you don't like the result, restore the nandroid backup and proceed in a different fashion. It will probably break things like stickmount and any other changes that you caused in /system.
Note the above method is for use by lazy and sloppy users. A better approach is to make TiBu backups of only your market apps, bite the bullet, and start from scratch with a flash & (new) configuration of a pure stock ROM. In any case, every conceivable procedure should start with making a full nandroid backup and getting it copied to a safe place off the tablet.
I will also say that unless odd problems crop up, the portions of the factory install procedure (using fastboot) that deal with erasure or flashing of the userdata partition should be skipped, as these steps completely wipe your /data storage - including your /sdcard area in /data/media/0 and any CWM/TWRP nandroid backups!
It's not really clear why these steps would be needed unless the /data ext4 filesystem in the userdata partition got corrupted somehow. A more sly approach would be to use the custom recovery's "factory reset" procedure to clean up /data - either before or after flashing the factory ROM - and completely skip anything that touches the userdata partition in the factory install instructions.
good luck

Restoring after wipe clean from 4.2.2 to 4.3 via Titanium BU

Sorry guys may I ask a question relative to restoring apps via TiBU?
Before flashing stock 4.3 I had updated TiBU and backed up my apk's+data
Wiped everything to have a clean slate for TRIM to work perfectly and I've started to restore my apps.
TIBU takes forever to install a single apk, actually never ends.
If I try to install apk from the market and then restore only the data from TiBU the app crashes.
After that I cannot reinstall the app anymore even from the play store.
Is there a way to overcome this?
PS: I have already tried the solution Menu/Preferences/backup folder location
PS2: Nexus 4 - built JWR66Y - FRANCO r178
vagos696 said:
Sorry guys may I ask a question relative to restoring apps via TiBU?
Before flashing stock 4.3 I had updated TiBU and backed up my apk's+data
Wiped everything to have a clean slate for TRIM to work perfectly and I've started to restore my apps.
TIBU takes forever to install a single apk, actually never ends.
If I try to install apk from the market and then restore only the data from TiBU the app crashes.
After that I cannot reinstall the app anymore even from the play store.
Is there a way to overcome this?
PS: I have already tried the solution Menu/Preferences/backup folder location
PS2: Nexus 4 - built JWR66Y - FRANCO r178
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I don't trust TiBU. its a real mess for me. I for one backup my ANDROID folder, and flash all apps through recovery. and then copy back the Android folder on SDCARD.
How did you root your 4.3 image? Many custom kernels break root on 4.3. Try re-flashing SuperSU or re-flash ROM and stick to the stock kernel.
via Nexus Toolkit. I'm still rooted even after applied Franco, but I'll revert back to stock kernel just to check your possibility.
Even the saved TiBU apk's are not getting installed.
How can I re-install the broken apps which were affected from TiBU? As I mentioned even fresh installation from the play store is not processed.
I was hoping to avoid re-flashing and re-rooting from scratch.
Nope even with stock kernel I face the same problems. Any suggestions?
I guess there's something wrong with your /data partition. I'd either start over with flashing the factory image or at least format /data (not wipe, really format). Don't forget to backup your internal sdcard content first, it will be deleted with both methods.
Also I'd recommend not using a toolkit for flashing the factory image and rooting. It's easy enough using fastboot and a custom recovery. This way you'll be on the safe side, not missing any errors etc.
Make sure your TiBU directory is set to storage/emulated/legacy/TitaniumBackup, not storage/emulated/0/TitaniumBackup.
It worked for me, anyway. Well, after having to perform a factory reset, as it screwed up the UUIDs, that is
Thanks for the suggestion. You were right my path was storage/emulated/0/TitaniumBackup.
I revert it to the suggested one but I have the same issue.
Factory reset, start from scratch, initial path storage/emulated/legacy/TitaniumBackup
The same problem which also end up destroying the fresh apk as well.
Tell us exactly what you're doing. Which ROM / image, software, versions, procedure, all the details. Maybe something other well ring a bell.
As already quoted
1. Before updating to 4.3, I updated TiBU to the latest version and kept backup of the apps+data
2. Clean flash of stock 4.3 ROM (JWR66Y) via Nexus Toolkit
3. Root (Busybox, SU etc)
4. Flashing Franco Kernel r178
5. Installation of TiBU
6. Try to restore - PROBLEM
Plan B:
1. Factory Data Reset
2. BusyBox gone but still have root access
3. Stock ROM - Stock Kernel - Rooted
4. Install TiBU
5. Restoring - PROBLEM
Description of the PROBLEM:
I cannot restore apk's is getting into a loop and never ends.
I can restore data to an installed apk, but then the app crashes
I cannot re-install the (restored) app via playstore, I get "unknown error code during installation -24-"
Current situation
1. Factory Data Reset again
2. Franco r178
3. No restores via TiBU
Don't shoot me, but it still sounds like the TiBu 4.3 ROM backup folder path problem. Here's what I do and what works for me:
1. Open TiBu
2. Click on "Menu"
3. Click on "Preferences"
4. Click on "Backup folder location"
5. Click on "DETECT!"
6. Click on "Whole device"
7. Choose "/storage/emulated/legacy/TitaniumBackup"
8. Click on "Use the current folder"
9. TiBu will now ask if it should move the other backups to the new folder, say no.
10. Exit the preferences with the back key
11. TiBu will now reload with the new preferences
Now restoring should work if the path is the problem.
About loosing root with a custom kernel on 4.3 ROMs:
If you lose root by flashing a custom kernel it may still seem like root is active, i.e. the root frontend app will still be there and ask for root permissions etc. Try the following to ensure that TiBu is running with full root privileges: Uninstall some unimportant system application (some Gapp for example, like Google Currents - backup first if you need it). If uninstalling gets cancelled with a message like "Can't find the apk file", it's likely that root doesn't work properly.
Come on man, I hate to give up
Thanks for the inspiration but unfortunately:
1. I can unistall, backup and restore properly Google Currents (hence proper root)
2. Back up folder was set properly also by verifying your steps (2-10)
And again if I try to restore an old app (not the data) it gets to the familiar loop.
Ok. I'd now flash the full factory image, thus resetting every partition (backup internal sdcard first). Please try without a toolkit to be safe. You need the drivers installed (your toolkit should already have taken care of that) and have adb and fastboot ready. There are batch/shell scripts included in the factory image which invoke the fastboot commands in one step.
Next flash a custom recovery with fastboot and use it to flash SuperSU for root access.
Refrain from flashing a custom kernel now and try if you can successfully restore with TiBu at this point.
If you can, the problem was either one of your partitions/filesystems f_cked up or the toolkit doing something wrong.

Issues with restoring recovery using TWRP-3.0.2-0

I'm having issues with restoring the factory image of stock Android 6.0.1, I'm using
 @Heisenberg guide to create the fresh back up image on TWRP-3.0.2-0. Once I create
the back up, I boot into the OS and perform a factory reset, when i do that the phone resets
into TWRP, and performs the wipe to the device, when i go to do the restore, it freezes
at about 39%, and reboots fully trying to enter the OS, but its corrupt due to TWRP restarting
in the middle of the recovery.
I did at one point upgrade to Android N, but reverted back to android 6.0.1 if that makes a difference.
TL;DR - Created a fresh factory image of 6.0.1 using TWRP, cannot recover with it, TWRP freezes at 39% every time.
What options are you selecting to backup/restore?
Heisenberg said:
What options are you selecting to backup/restore?
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I'm doing a back up selecting the system/data/boot/vendor boxes, leaving everything else unchecked, and a second back up with only the EFS,
When i go to restore, I'm just using the first back up, leaving the EFS alone unless ever needed, and am selecting the system/data/boot/vendor boxes
DeathSentinels said:
I'm doing a back up selecting the system/data/boot/vendor boxes, leaving everything else unchecked, and a second back up with only the EFS,
When i go to restore, I'm just using the first back up, leaving the EFS alone unless ever needed, and am selecting the system/data/boot/vendor boxes
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I can only think that your backup is corrupt. Also, instead of booting into Android and performing a factory reset that way, just go into the advanced wipe section of TWRP and wipe only data. Maybe you'll just need to flash the factory images to get the phone booting up fresh again.
That's where it gets interesting, I've flashed the factory 6.0.1 image, then flashed twrp, created the back up again, did the advanced wipe as you said, did the restore again, and same result, at around 39% of the recovery the phone reboots and the back up gets corrupt. My main goal is to make sure this back up absolutely works before I root and start playing around with flashing xposed modules, but I'm unable to do a successful restore for the life of me.
DeathSentinels said:
That's where it gets interesting, I've flashed the factory 6.0.1 image, then flashed twrp, created the back up again, did the advanced wipe as you said, did the restore again, and same result, at around 39% of the recovery the phone reboots and the back up gets corrupt. My main goal is to make sure this back up absolutely works before I root and start playing around with flashing xposed modules, but I'm unable to do a successful restore for the life of me.
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I'm stumped, I really don't know why it wouldn't be working if you're performing the backup the way you say you are. Sorry I can't be more helpful. If it's any consolation, a backup probably isn't strictly necessary because you can always get back to stock by flashing the factory images.
Heisenberg said:
I'm stumped, I really don't know why it wouldn't be working if you're performing the backup the way you say you are. Sorry I can't be more helpful. If it's any consolation, a backup probably isn't strictly necessary because you can always get back to stock by flashing the factory images.
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I'm stumped too, I've been able to do this effortlessly in the past with this phone, my Nexus 9 and m8 GPE, it wasn't until I upgraded to N and reverted back to 6.0.1 this started to happen. I've even gone as far as trying different versions of twrp, but have had the same result.
I'm just worried in a worst case scenario I'm away from a comp, something crashes and I can't do a restore via twrp, I could be SOL until I get to a comp with adb.
i had a similiar problem , but when i got into the stock image , i went into settings and did a factory reset from there , no worries your BL stays unlocked , once thats done get whatever apps you want back , disable fingerprint /security junk , then boot into bl just like the guide says , youll be able to fastboot install recovery , (boot back into bl, then scroll to recovery and start a gain) then make your backups yor OG & EFS , then reboot , get su reboot into recovery install and yould be be fine , i think you can also try fastboot format userdata , as well
DeathSentinels said:
I'm stumped too, I've been able to do this effortlessly in the past with this phone, my Nexus 9 and m8 GPE, it wasn't until I upgraded to N and reverted back to 6.0.1 this started to happen. I've even gone as far as trying different versions of twrp, but have had the same result.
I'm just worried in a worst case scenario I'm away from a comp, something crashes and I can't do a restore via twrp, I could be SOL until I get to a comp with adb.
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Just keep a ROM zip + gapps on your phone at all times, if you run into trouble you can flash that.
That definitely makes sense , i always dk that
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA-Developers mobile app

Stuck in boot loop, how can I save my app data?

OK, I played with Titanium Backup and removed some Samsung apps like S health... Now I am stuck at boot loop and phone wont start. I am on stock rom 6.01 rooted. tried everything I could read:
- installed TWRP - did not quite work, gave me an error "is not seadroid"
- installed CWM - I can boot into it, but not much I can do to fix the boot, I tried wiping the partition cache and dalvik, but not help
- installed root again with stock recovery, nothing..
If I install the latest version of stock firmware, will I loose my app data? All I care about is to preserve my notes from ColorNote I read somewher that if a rom does not have userdata img, it wont wipe. Does the stock firmware have that? I am just looking for a way to get back in, backup stuff, and then reflash properly.
I tried going the adb route, but nothing there either. In cmd it says now unlock your phone for the pull command to compete, which obviously I cannot do.
Any other options to save my ColorNotes and Pictures?
OK, I was able to execute:
adb pull / C:\Myfile
This copied system files pretty much. How do I copy the app data or personal data - that's what I actually need
Got lucky...
I had to flash the latest stock firmware, but because I was running it anyway, just not the latest security patch, I the system ended up upgrading and all my files were preserved. It is as if I simply got the monthly patch.

