How Change Mac Adress? - Galaxy Tab 2 General

İ want change mac adress i changed but not connect wifi i changed mac andress in terminal and bt5 i need help


[Q] Help,how can i change my WLAN MAC address

Help,how can i change my WLAN MAC address?thanks a lot...

[Q] MAC address change after flash

Hi all,
To my work, I can access to the WIFI by giving my MAC address. I gave my MAC address, and ok, I had access.
However, I flashed the rom CloudyG3 and following this, no access to WIFI... I've realized that my MAC address had changed (and I saw I 'wasn't alone in this case) ... So I did a new request for an access with the new MAC address, and it doesn't work ...
I used the application Wireless mac address change to replace the current MAC address with my old address and I regain access to the corporate network ...
So is there anyone could help me to find my old MAC address? I tried to reflash my phone, it does not change ... I tried to pass on the Rom OptimusG3, the MAC address remains on the new ...
Thank you in advance for your help
Mine does the same thing and I cannot get a answer on how to fix the wifi mac address change.
Flash with my Nandroid backup... unsuccessfully...

wlan mac address unavailable

help me sorry english bad I can not open WiFi
If your Device Is rooted you can download MAC changer from play store and change your MAC address to the one you find on the box. ..
Tell me if that worked .
it can not find the mac address does not work

Change WiFi-MAC Address?

I know it's possible and I've tried several apps including 'MacChanger'.
If I change it and view my mac address, it's changed.
If I connect, it says 'Connecting...' for a long time and stops after a while, resets the mac address back to it's default and successfully connects.
Yes the MAC Address is in the right format.
I rooted my phone (Huawei Y550) manually with SuperSU and busybox installed.
Using ifconfig command on the wlan0 interface it doesn't change at all,
and I guess MacChanger uses the method that edits the file containing the MAC Address, which it shows the new mac address, but changes it to the default after connecting.
Any advice?

MAC change

Has anyone figured out how to change the mac address for this phone? I can successfully change the mac address through the terminal but after I get it changed I cannot for the life of me get my wifi to connect to anything after.

