Reboot when trying to change user - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi there,
I have an annoying problem with my N7.
Everytime I try to change user, the device reboots... Even when I delete the old user, and try to create another one : same issue.
I'm with CM10.1 Experimental (stable one) and already had the same issue with the stock rooted 4.2.2 one.
Any idea?


HELP! System UIDs Inconsistent

Hi guys,
ok so basically I asked for help on this in a thread thinking it was ROM related, but now I know it's not. I flashed cm 10.2 after stock 4.3 and what happens is that when I try to restore my backups they don't work (I mean TB installs them, but they FC as soon as I open them). Thinking it was CM related I tried another 4.3 ROM and same issue there (I tried all 4.3 ROMs on xda).
I then decided to go back to 4.2.2 thinking it was 4.3 related and again with yesterday's PAC nightly the issue is still there...
This is what I see when I reboot my phone:
"System UIDs Inconsistent
UIDs on the system are
inconsistent, you need to wipe
your data partition or your
device will be unstable.
I'm Feeling Lucky"
Any ideas guys?
Get the Fix Permissions application from the Play Store.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
theraf90 said:
Hi guys,
ok so basically I asked for help on this in a thread thinking it was ROM related, but now I know it's not. I flashed cm 10.2 after stock 4.3 and what happens is that when I try to restore my backups they don't work (I mean TB installs them, but they FC as soon as I open them). Thinking it was CM related I tried another 4.3 ROM and same issue there (I tried all 4.3 ROMs on xda).
I then decided to go back to 4.2.2 thinking it was 4.3 related and again with yesterday's PAC nightly the issue is still there...
This is what I see when I reboot my phone:
"System UIDs Inconsistent
UIDs on the system are
inconsistent, you need to wipe
your data partition or your
device will be unstable.
I'm Feeling Lucky"
Any ideas guys?
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you can find a solution in this post:
I tried it and it worked.

[Q] Paranoid Android 201312

Hello all and I hope you all had a fab Christmas!
Yesterday for the first time my Nexus4 told me that my ROM is no longer cool. It also told me there is a new ROM in town, better and slicker. I decided to try it out. Custom ROM downloaded the new ROM for me and then I wiped out my PA 3.99. Did a cache wipe and a factory reset. Installed the new ROM which was downloaded into the PARANOIDOTA folder. Now comes the funny part. I got two messages one that there is a problem with google play and another that there is a problem with services or something like that. All this messages preventing me to use the phone while I could clearly see the massive soft keys in the background. Clicking ok on these messages wouldn't do anything as they will switch from one to the other. I rebooted and cleared again and reinstalled again with the same result. Can anyone share some light why it didn't work?
I mention that I used CMR v6.0.4.3
I think you needed to flash KitKat gapps after flashing the new rom
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

[Q] Little help needed from a Defy+ & CM7.2 user

The accelerometer is defective on my Defy+, as a result it stops working sporadically. With the stock firmware it could be reactivated by restarting the phone, but now I have CM7.2 on it, and CM deals with the problem differently: at the first occasion the device file disappeared ( /dev/kxtf9 ) from the system, probably got deleted automatically by the OS. Now I'd like to recreate it manually hoping that it could be a workaround, but unfortunately I don't know the device major and minor numbers. Could someone please tell them to me ? Thanks.

[CLOSED] Multiuser on CM12 on Nexus 10

Anyone tried CM12 on their Nexus 10 yet?
I installed it, and then tried to add new user (wife), wizard started, i entered gmail acount and password and then weird things started to happen.
Accessibility option was immediatelly started and I am unable to switch it off (Accessibility means the tablet starts to speak what you see, you can't click normalny on things, pretty annoying).
Tried it with different accounts too.
Any help would be appretiated how to disable this auto-accessibility starting after new user is added..
Currently Guest profile seems to be working ok, the drawback is, that after switching you have to confirm you want to continue in previous guest session..
EDIT: Forgot to mention that CM12 on my Nexus10 runs pretty fast compared to stock 5.0.1 (unfortunatelly, I installed CM12 day before Google announced 5.1 lollipop).
Settings > Users > Add New User Help
sarnowak said:
Anyone tried CM12 on their Nexus 10 yet?
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Settings > Users > Add New User
While Creating New user it just stuck at cyanogenmod logo and light blue screen and with processing for a long long time and it never complete.
Any help in this matter please.
All things are successfully done. Rooting, Flash, Recovery, Rom, Gapps, All set and working for owner user fine and fantastic, but New user creation is nor finishing it just continuously processing and processing and processing.
Tried installing Rom many times.
Nightly built cm12 20150313 fixes this issue.
I can now create new profiles with no problem.
sarnowak said:
Nightly built cm12 20150313 fixes this issue.
I can now create new profiles with no problem.
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Can you provide a download link!
Put in Google: cm12 manta download

Xiaomi mi A1 wifi problem

After some thoughts i decided to change ROM to my phone(bad idea:crying . having done that some times before to my previews phones it seemed not a big deal,but with that one i came across to a lot of problems, from not having recovery partition to other ones....after one day i managed to try AOSP but without GApps and i was not that amazed . I decided to get back to stock ROM for my phone, but i am now facing another problem, wifi is not connecting.
Before you critisize and tell me to read the other posts, i have to say that i didn't flash another ones persist file or changed the MAC address.
Unfortunately being stupid i have not made a system backup...
I am trying to find a solution,thank you very much!
Currently running Android 8.1
michalis.tsil said:
After some thoughts i decided to change ROM to my phone(bad idea:crying . having done that some times before to my previews phones it seemed not a big deal,but with that one i came across to a lot of problems, from not having recovery partition to other ones....after one day i managed to try AOSP but without GApps and i was not that amazed . I decided to get back to stock ROM for my phone, but i am now facing another problem, wifi is not connecting.
Before you critisize and tell me to read the other posts, i have to say that i didn't flash another ones persist file or changed the MAC address.
Unfortunately being stupid i have not made a system backup...
I am trying to find a solution,thank you very much!
Currently running Android 8.1
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Chek your Wi-Fi MAC in Settings, if it starts with 00:00:00 or something like that, probably you got your MAC messed up. Wich ROM you flashed? This bug should not be happening because every ROM fixed this issue.
Your MAC can be restored to original, you need to use tool called "Tissot Persist Resurector" wich you can find here:
Also never flash anyones Persist.img file, because that will destroy your mac forever!
