So the s4 leaks are in... - One (M7) General

Who is on the fence between these two phones and just awaiting the reveal to make the decision? If the s4 is actually the one being leaked today I will absolutely be getting the one no doubt. Was honestly hoping Samsung would change the design up, but I'm pretty sure I will be disappointed again.
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Ddot196 said:
Who is on the fence between these two phones and just awaiting the reveal to make the decision? If the s4 is actually the one being leaked today I will absolutely be getting the one no doubt. Was honestly hoping Samsung would change the design up, but I'm pretty sure I will be disappointed again.
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there was some speculation that they would take off the home button but guess what.. they haven't.. lol
I made a mistake (for 6 weeks) to go on an S3 LTE and sold it straightaway.. the whole HTC experience with Sense is fantastic.. unsure about Sense 5.0 and would take some getting used to.. Sense 4.0 was just about perfect and looked slick..

It's a phone full of Meh, looking forward to tomorrow for my One.

Off Topic. This is HTC One Forum. Also no Phone comparison threads allowed. See Guide Sticky.


Sgs2 or what?

I was just wondering what phone you guys are waiting for, I'm personally waiting for the sgs2, hopefully it comes out soon enough. Seems mostly everyone has gone to the g2x already.
if they did go for the g2x already i feel sorry for them in my opinion. ive seen the reviews and no way is it even close to sg2 not even close to htc sensation. im gonna get either one of those, preferable sg2!
movieaddict said:
if they did go for the g2x already i feel sorry for them in my opinion. ive seen the reviews and no way is it even close to sg2 not even close to htc sensation. im gonna get either one of those, preferable sg2!
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That's exactly what i'm thinking, the g2x isn't that great, I think most people got it because the guy who made cm7 has one also.
cashyftw said:
That's exactly what i'm thinking, the g2x isn't that great, I think most people got it because the guy who made cm7 has one also.
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The reason why a lot of people have gone towards the g2x is the big support from the Dev community. Unlocked bootloader + source has already been released.
Not to mention sg2 has no release date for the u.s, others couldn't wait.
DontJoinTheDarkSide said:
The reason why a lot of people have gone towards the g2x is the big support from the Dev community. Unlocked bootloader + source has already been released.
Not to mention sg2 has no release date for the u.s, others couldn't wait.
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These are reasons why people in this community would buy or take a long look at it, seems like a good phone and most reviews are quite good. Samsung and there slow updates, and lack of source make a tough phone for developers and now that HTC and Moto are locking their bootloaders, its gets harder to dev's to make the fun they make.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Definitely an HTC
I had the choice of G2 or Vibrant me thinking Awesome hardware=better than G2.
I was wrong.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
im thinking of getting the sgs2 or sensation...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
Hands Down SGS2, I love being able to tinker, but even if I cant I love samsung hardware. I gotta say for support though, LG or HTC
I never understood the craze over the g2. Is there something with current roms that you don't like?
Idk about craze over the G2, but it is a fantastic phone, especially for emulators in my opinion, but thats because you can get some nice clocks outta the CPU. I got one (well, not mine, I tinker with my friends) running @ 1.8ghz, and thats pretty sexy playing OOT on there perfectly (almost) In regards to roms, you mean for vibrant? I have no problem with anyones work =) just prefer my own I'm working on =P
I understand that the G2, and all second gen snapdragons for that matter, can clock high, but is there any application other than emulators that use that power. After all, developers have to take care of both the low and high end phones. Plus, you are killing the lifespan of the CPU and lowering your battery life.
The vibrant runs fine on 2.2.1 and is helped by Samsung's GPU acceleration implementation in both the launcher and browser. And once the i9000 gingerbread roms start rolling out, we can only expect greater speed and stability.
Mostly people suffer from nuevo-addiction and waiting is just too much. Also, alot of people who have phones I have noticed once the phone becomes bugfree with lots of support they bail for a new phone to conquer the new phone system.
I am waiting for the S2
if you've got the money why nit? if I'm a millionaire I would buy all the latest android phone.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Most likely a better processor (as long as we don't get the Tegra2 version)
more RAM
G2X then SGS2!
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
I'm looking forward to the sensation. The galaxy s2 wont be significantly better in terms of hardware, and I've got a real bad taste in my mouth from the lack of support my vibrant has received from Samsung. Locked bootloader or not, the sensation is still a pretty good looking phone that I'm sure will perform well.
Worst case scenario, I buy the sensation, hate it and return within 14 days, wait for something else to be released. My vibrant and hd2 should keep me happy until I find something great.
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allthrottle said:
I've got a real bad taste in my mouth from the lack of support my vibrant has received from Samsung.
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To me the problem is buying a carrier altered edition of the phone. The international GS seems to get upgrades just fine. They don't have to wait on Samsung AND then the retarded carriers with all their alterations and other BS. That's what owning my Vibrant has taught me. 100% international & unlocked only from here on in. I'll be buying the International SGS2 as soon as I can, no US version for me ever again.
all i want is a new google nexus phone with a notification led duel cameras with flash and a duel core processor then ill be happy

Nexus S T-Mobile

Does anyone know if there is still any place that sells brand new GT-I9020T Nexus S phones?
Best buy
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and will that work on T-Mobile 3G? I see that it is listed as an AT&T phone
You have to pick the Tmobile one. They sell all 3.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
are you sure? I don't see the T-Mobile Nexus S listed on their site...
Try a Store!
traded an htc sensation for mine. no regrets
having trouble deciding between the Nexus S and the upcoming nexus prime.. the prime looks cool but 4.65 inch screen just seems impractical for a smartphone...
the prime is not going to be released any time soon
hope that helps
wait seriously? how do you know?
melterx12 said:
having trouble deciding between the Nexus S and the upcoming nexus prime.. the prime looks cool but 4.65 inch screen just seems impractical for a smartphone...
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4.65" is including the part for "buttons" since they will be on the screen as there aren't any physical keys. so technically it isn't 4.65"
but is it really not coming out anytime soon?
melterx12 said:
but is it really not coming out anytime soon?
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Depends on your definition of "soon".
As of right now it looks like it will be released around November.
If you want a cynic's opinion, here it is: The Nexus S was old-hat before it was even released. The only benefit was the ease of unlocking and getting updates first, which sounds awesome until you realize that the initial versions of GB were massively buggy. I'd expect the same for ICS. Add to that the fact that HTC is making it so you can easily unlock all of their phones and the list of reasons why I would want one gets much, much shorter. Non-existent, in fact. I'm actively looking for a way to get my hands on a device with hardware that wasn't dated before the first model rolled off the line or wasn't succeeded months later by a phone with a key feature the original was lacking for a more than sub-par carrier. I've said it before, but to save you the trouble of reading it somewhere else, I should have learned my lesson about buying Samsung phones after the Epic 4g debacle but I didn't. I have now and I'll advise anyone against buying their POS devices.
what does gingerbread being buggy have to do with samsung?
AllGamer said:
the prime is not going to be released any time soon
hope that helps
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I'd say before the end of the year is "soon"
melterx12 said:
what does gingerbread being buggy have to do with samsung?
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When did I say it did? Never? Yeah that's the answer to that. See there are things called 'lists' where you mention many things that are all related to one other topic but are not necessarily related to each other. Like a grocery list. See cereal and baby spinach are not related to each other but they are both things I need from the grocery store. Just like GB being buggy and my hatred for the way Samsung treats its customers are both reasons why I wouldn't want another nexus device but they are not related to each other. Does basic sentence structure make sense now?
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kenvan19 said:
When did I say it did? Never? Yeah that's the answer to that. See there are things called 'lists' where you mention many things that are all related to one other topic but are not necessarily related to each other. Like a grocery list. See cereal and baby spinach are not related to each other but they are both things I need from the grocery store. Just like GB being buggy and my hatred for the way Samsung treats its customers are both reasons why I wouldn't want another nexus device but they are not related to each other. Does basic sentence structure make sense now?
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I think he was confused (as was I) by the fact that your conclusion didn't really follow from your argument. You complained about the phone being outdated and you complained about gingerbread being buggy and then you ended by concluding that you shouldn't have bought a Samsung phone. But everything you complained of was Google's doing.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I just picked up an i9020t Nexus S knowing full well that the Nexus Prime is coming. You know why?
Refined Galaxy S hardware
Comfortable rounded edges (looking at you, captivate)
Great ROM support, with ICS on the horizon
Respectable battery life
Pretty freaking fast
So yeah, the phone's hardware is dated. However, the Nexus S is my favorite size and shape, and OC'ed to 1.2ghz with some speed hacks from different places, I can't even imagine wanting for more speed. Now, this is all my opinion, but you can land a Nexus S now for a reasonable price. So get one and have several happy months of hacking!
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App

Moving on?

As the GS3 is out, the GS2 will be dropping in price. I'm toying with the idea of jumping ship. I'll be keeping the DZ as spare as I do everytime I change.
Just wandering if anyone feels this a bad move. The GS2 section is highly active with native ICS and lots of good devs I know from my days with GS1.
The only thing preventing me is the amazing development going on here. This is by far the most active forum I have been a part of.
Unless someone wants my DZ of course
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
personally, I'd buy the DZ again if it where to break today... All those new and shiny smartphones are great, however I really love the hardware keyboards and dislike the onscreen keyboards (I've tried many). I am hoping/waiting for a newer smartphone like the DZ! (If any manufacturer where to release a smartphone with a Meamo derived OS and a hardware keyboard, I'll buy it on pre-order!)
I know what you mean. HW keyboards are good. My tab is a asus transformer with keyboard dock. I don't mind the onscreen kb's on phones. I regularly use the DZ in portrait mode.
Just feel like a change and the GS2 is still a top spec phone. I realise it sounds like I'm trying to convince myself. I'm actually trying to convince myself not to
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
Edit: I agree with you on meamo with a keyboard. Had a go on a nokia N9 and its was great.
If you are trying to convince yourself to NOT get a new phone: Do you actually *need* a new phone? Or do you just want to have another new gadget to fool around with?
Hmm you caught me I am a bit of a serial gadget swapper. The DZ is one of longest I've had a phone (got it in sept). Its the fifth android device I've had in 2 years. All of which I've rooted etc. You're right, I don't NEED a new phone. I am on a sim only contract purely so I can swap to whatever I want.
Do you think we will get much better performance out of the DZ? I can't help but think we are getting the best possible out of this.
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I will buy One X, but I will use Desire Z as my tablet, I will flash AOKP in tablet mode, and voila! It will be pretty hard to don't have a keyboard, but I don't need the keyboard on 4.7 screen, I've tried to write something on the onscreen keyboard, and it was almost as DZ, but it will never be the same.
Sent from my HTC Desire Z using XDA
I will be on board with the sgs3 as soon as tmobile gets it. My contract is up in august so should be just in time. Can't wait. The hw keyboard is a thing of the past for me. These phones are getting larger, and it makes it easier for someone like me with big fingers. Now on the g2, a hw kb is a must.
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
Well, I've been toing and froing with orange about various things and they offered me something i couldn't refuse. A heafty discount. Along side an early upgrade of a moto razr. Having played with it for a few hours I am very happy with it. No ics yet but literally any day now.
Going to keep the dz as a spare and also keep an eye on development here.
Thanks for all the hard work. Its been emotional
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I have a g2 and a hercules. It's been a lot of fun. I've had 3 galaxy nexus pass through my hands. Sold them all.
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Karakoram2 said:
I've had 3 galaxy nexus pass through my hands. Sold them all.
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Can I ask why? My bro has a gnex and i quite like it.
Sent from my XT910 using xda premium
I see no reason to buy a new phone. G2 is still fast and has a nice slide out keyboard and build quality.
I'm thinking the same myself... My contracts up in about 2 weeks. Is it worth it to wait for the Galaxy S3, because it seems like the specs are pretty close to the Galaxy S2?
EDIT: I'm waiting. It comes to T-Mobile 2 days after my contract ends so I figure, why not! Excited already.
Just thought I'd update you on what I did.
I got. Motorola RAZR on an offer I couldn't refuse. Its lame that moto haven't pushed out ICS yet but I am running a leak that came out a couple of weeks ago. It runs great and I'm really happy.
In the long term I will probably change to whatever nexus device comes out in the autumn. Or the galaxy s3.
Going to pop in here from time to time as I have given my dz to my dad to see if he likes having a smart phone. He'll probably keep it and get a new battery for it.
Sent from my XT910 using xda premium

Moving onto the Samsung GS3

After an amazing turn of events, I just won an international version of the sgs3 and when it arrives, I'll probably be rooting and using the sgs3 as my new phone.
I would have to say that my experience with the DZ has its ups and downs (I'm looking at your stupid hinge design and the need for new springs HTC), but it was a fantastic phone.
I wish HTC would come out with another top of the line qwerty phone but alas, it probably wont happen anyways since their lackluster attempts.
I guess I'll be in this forum for not that much longer which is a sad thing because the dev community here is really really amazing...
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mputtr said:
After an amazing turn of events, I just won an international version of the sgs3 and when it arrives, I'll probably be rooting and using the sgs3 as my new phone.
I would have to say that my experience with the DZ has its ups and downs (I'm looking at your stupid hinge design and the need for new springs HTC), but it was a fantastic phone.
I wish HTC would come out with another top of the line qwerty phone but alas, it probably wont happen anyways since their lackluster attempts.
I guess I'll be in this forum for not that much longer which is a sad thing because the dev community here is really really amazing...
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please let us know you experiences with the SGS3
You won't be let down man. Such an awesome device..
Ics is so fluent and with the jb leaks out now, just kickass.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
mrbmg said:
You won't be let down man. Such an awesome device..
Ics is so fluent and with the jb leaks out now, just kickass.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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I'd also really appreciate hearing about your experiences with the S-III. One of my sons just got one but he is not technologically inclined at all and won't be doing anything out of the ordinary to his, even though I'm itching to get my hands on it!
I used Odin to root. Was so simple. They have two recoveries for now. I use cwm for now but they have another touch based recovery called trwp (I think spelling)
The battery life is great, right after I rooted they came out with another ics update. I immediately put it on my phone via flashing through cwm and kept root through a dev name wildchld. Upgraded radio through a flash in cwm and stayed on the uvlah Rom for a couple of days. Couldnt help myself and that same dev has a Rom called exqisit and flashed it and been on it every since. They have and odex.apk from Paul obrien, so odexed it and it's as smooth as butter. Got 20 hrs of heavy use yesterday!! The leak jellybean is out from Samsung but I want to hold out as long as possible and play with ics some more.
Having a great time with this phone though. Loved my g2, but this is on another level, as would be expected. Getting used to touchwiz and no hw keyboard is interesting but quite easier then I thought it would be. The screen is HUGE!! All in all I'm very happy.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Well, if I recall correctly, the international gs3 may be quad core. The Tmo US version isn't, that I do know. So I'm now on a black sgs2, since it was half the price of the 3 at target and had almost the specs. (Sure the sgs3 has lte, but that doesn't matter much where I live.) Will be updating the g2 to jb soon since I just updated the sgs3 to it. That way the fallback phone won't be too jarring if I need it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
The international GS3 has quad core and 1GB RAM the US model has 2GB RAM and Dual core. I bought a G2 in July off contract for $150 since my dad won't get me a data plan or texting -_-
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this is such a sweet thing to know.. I'm definitely going to have to start reading on rooting guides and also roms to go for. I don't think i'll be liking touchwiz so I would probably be pushing for a vanilla ICS or JB.. then maybe get a sense like theme over it (I like how sense has a big phone button on the bottom)
btw, do you guys recommend a case or a skin for the phone? I have the skin but i keep on getting annoyed that eventually it gets peeled off and no company makes a skin that fits perfectly.. some even have like a 2 mm gap on each side which drives me nuts
I have an otterbox, but I'm not really digging it that much. Doesn't feel real secure to me but is doing the job.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
I'm wondering if I will not replace my DZ with a GS3 too... right now, I don't have the money to spend, but when I will, I really hope (but don't really believe ) there will be another physical keyboard device released here in Europe (France)... But I know I might have to take a full touch device, because every manufacturers are doing this, iPhone-like smartphones... And the GS3 seems to be one of the best of them!
Mine is wearing a transparant TPU case, fits perfectly
niice... Well I ended up just buying a metal insert battery backing and a screen protector.
That should cover the important parts.
I'm currently trying out omega's rom with nova launcher... so far so good. Any rom suggestions?

Probably gonna get this because Samsung won't release any info.

I'm probably gonna get the one because HTC got me all excited with the specs. I've always been a Samsung fan but since there's nothing really known about it I'm too hyped up about this phone to change my mind. Lol poor Samsung lost a buyer.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda premium
I'm getting it because of the quality of the phone and the huge amount of development this phone will have due to it being release to so many carriers
Slithered from my HTC One X+
spitfire2425 said:
I'm probably gonna get the one because HTC got me all excited with the specs. I've always been a Samsung fan but since there's nothing really known about it I'm too hyped up about this phone to change my mind. Lol poor Samsung lost a buyer.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda premium
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Haha Im sure you won't be disappointed, especially with the excellent build quality of the HTC One. Also nice Avatar, A Day to Remember is great.
The phone looks simply beautiful. Kinda sad that its not a full 5". Adtr is like my favorite band. Homesick is basically all I play in my truck.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda premium
Better try to wait until s4 revealed then compare it and decide...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Samsung will never beat HTC in the design and materials,that's why I stick to HTC, I love how they give us premium devices
vegetaleb said:
Samsung will never beat HTC in the design and materials,that's why I stick to HTC, I love how they give us premium devices
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Exactly :good:
If you want toys, go for Samsung. If you want solid smartphones, go for HTC
Samsung phones are for sure easier to hack and easy to fix if something goes wrong.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda premium
spitfire2425 said:
Samsung phones are for sure easier to hack and easy to fix if something goes wrong.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda premium
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Not really
Slithered from my HTC One X+
Or you could just wait till march...I mean it isn't that far away and you will then have all the info you need for a decision. That is what I'm doing. Plus I don't usually like to be the early adopter of the first batch of new products...always seems to be some sort of problem that pops up.
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Ddot196 said:
Or you could just wait till march...I mean it isn't that far away and you will then have all the info you need for a decision. That is what I'm doing. Plus I don't usually like to be the early adopter of the first batch of new products...always seems to be some sort of problem that pops up.
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saying that i have brought htc desire and htc sensation on launch date and neither has had a problem. But i have heard stories of problems with new phones.
Lets hope htc have done enough testing on this one to make sure they are only little!
Well I probably won't be able to get a phone in march anyways, gotta wait for some other stuff to clear up so I'll have plenty of time to make my decision.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda premium
What specs do you want Samsung to announce?
The gap between HTC one X and the S3 was about 2 months.. Its less than a month this time around.
Not sure what you expect from Samsung.
Its almost certainly going to be'
5" , 1080p, 441ppi, 13mp camera, 2600mah battery, 1.9ghz S600 and 2gb ram.
The One looks great and I'm seriously considering getting it.. but I'll wait to see what Samsung has to offer...
Exactly. I read on gsmarena that the s4 will have a full 2.0 GHz processor. Guess we'll just have to see.
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superchilpil said:
Not really
Slithered from my HTC One X+
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I don't know about fixing... But rooting/flashing..... Have you tried Odin? OMG, 5 Minutes and WHABAM.... Much easier
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
superchilpil said:
I'm getting it because of the quality of the phone and the huge amount of development this phone will have due to it being release to so many carriers
Slithered from my HTC One X+
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thats actually a pretty good point :good:
Odin rocks. It literally takes longer to download it and set it up than it takes to flash a recovery. There's no boot loader to unlock and you don't have to s-off.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda premium
Blind loyalty is dangerous. HTC rushed the launch of the One X and had tons of problems with it. The DNA/Butterfly seems to be faring better. An all-metal mobile device with multiple radios/antennas is a risky move. Every manufacturer that tried it before (including Apple) has had wireless issues. Based on that, victory rallies and celebration for both HTC and the One should be held off until after it’s been in people's hands for a few months. HTC’s never had any issues with hyping their devices but sometimes that hype has been ahead of the actual device/functionality. So the One could be a turning point for them (I hope it is) or its forum could light up with issues like the One X's did. It's way too early to call.
As for the SGS4. Samsung has a multi-billion dollar chip business and spends billions on R&D specifically for that division. To launch the SGS4 which should sell upward of 50MM units with a competitors SoC is asinine and that SoC would be used for a year's worth of production. Same thing applies to moving to LCD with their huge investment in AMOLED. For them to launch a "me too" device that mirrors the One and XZ would be marketing suicide and they know that. Most of the rumors everyone's picking up originated with Samfirmware which is hardly a reliable source based on their track record. If I was betting, I'd go with the SGS4 having a Samsung SoC and SAMOLED display in addition to other new features not on competitive phones. We'll see in three weeks.
yea i think we need to remind those defect figures were only in the first three months or so after a couple of month build quality picked up immensly
but BarryH is right, early adopters oftern burn
that being said, i think HTC experimented with the DNA/Butterfly well enough to prepare for this launch
this leaves the metal casing, i don't think anything can go awfully wrong just dont hug it and expect signal
There is one big difference to the One X launch
the One X was HTC's first polycarbonate unibody, in metal they are experts, and the One X was really rushed even shipped with freaky unfinished software, the HTC One seems to have been cooking for quiet a while and they are already pretty experienced with those chipsets
So many freaking amazing things about these phones. The decision is becoming waay tough.
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