Who is dumping the N4 for the galaxy s4? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Am i the only one that feels this 16gb storage is not enough especially if you play need for speed which takes 7gb?
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I'm sure you aren't, but I love my N4. I bought it for development. Good luck with your S4.
Oh, and INB4L.

persheshhater said:
Am i the only one that feels this 16gb storage is not enough especially if you play need for speed which takes 7gb?
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Not getting the s4, maybe xperia z if Sony gets their sh*t together and releases c6606 soon. I don't use my phone much for gaming anymore, especially larger games like NFS. That's what the N10 is for.

I won't get a S4 unless I win one

I'll probably get one for my girl in a couple months when people who can't pay their bill start selling them on craigslist. I'm ok with my nexus for now, at least till the next one comes out
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Absolutely no chance. 16GB is more than enough for me, Touchwiz is hideous, Exynos devices are notoriously difficult to port AOSP roms to and the device itself will probably be hideous too. I'd much rather have my N4

only is samsung blows the htc one away, i loved the s2 but loathe the build quality of the s3

nex4 is fine, until nexus 5 is out. then i'll switch. its not about specs. i want a free and unregulated android, google is the only one who provides that. i love software and seeing it progress, i couldn't cope with being locked out of everything that concerns android, for a couple of gb. i can't even imagine how a samsung customer watches the I/O, probably they don't, but if they do - how do they manage seeing all the nice things knowing full well its not for them. don't they feel strange when 2 hours after its over leaks rain over xda and everyone's running the latest and greatest, and they just have to wait until next fall?

If it's not vanilla Android then it doesn't get any thought from me
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persheshhater said:
Am i the only one that feels this 16gb storage is not enough especially if you play need for speed which takes 7gb?
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This is why I have the N7
And no I will not switch either. I was close to buying a s3, but the software wasn't up to par with what I am used to. My last device was the Sensation and I took off Sense 3.0 as fast as I could for JB lol. Like moles said, the customizations in just plain Android is great IMO, no need to embellish it with multiple windows or smartscrolling

It will sell on name alone regardless looking and feeling like any other TW device
I don't need a still plastic-y, spec bumped Galaxy S3. After owning the Nexus 4, Samsung is child's play. I've owned and used over a dozen android phones since '08 and the Nexus 4 is the best I've owned/used.
Still, I can't wait to at least play with the Galaxy S4 even though it will feel like an S2 and S3.

persheshhater said:
Am i the only one that feels this 16gb storage is not enough especially if you play need for speed which takes 7gb?
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Not a chance. I have a N10 for things like that, didnt like the build of my Galaxy Nexus (Samsung), dont want a bigger screen and think the skins are horrid.

I love my N4 and won't want a GS4...am I curious about it and its hardware? Sure I am a tech nut and am always curious about new stuff...just like when the new iPhones come out I sit and watch the apple videos and such to learn about it...does it mean I want either? Hell no I don't like touch wiz, or the fact that Samsung still uses hard ware buttons and I don't like iOS or the fact that it hasn't changed in 4 or 5 years other than little things or craptastic things like siri...I love owning nexus devices for one simple reason...the software...besides that this phone is fast as heck on the processor side of things and it just so happens to be one hell of a good looking phone with the added bonus of being unlocked and not bound to some 2 year agreement makes it all the more sweeter with out shelling out $600+ like I would if I wanted the newest galaxy s iteration.
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estallings15 said:
I'm sure you aren't, but I love my N4. I bought it for development. Good luck with your S4.
Oh, and INB4L.
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Lol how u know i am not? And even the samsung galaxy line phones have always had top notch dev support. First i thought 16gb would be enough, then i started feeling it is very limiting not to have the opten of an external sd card (very practical) also the camera quality of the n4 is not one of the best in the market. Anyways yes (the cheap quality of the galaxy+amoled screen in the sun sucks) will see what the s4 has to offer tmrw.
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persheshhater said:
Lol how u know i am not? And even the samsung galaxy line phones have always had top notch dev support. First i thought 16gb would be enough, then i started feeling it is very limiting not to have the opten of an external sd card (very practical) also the camera quality of the n4 is not one of the best in the market. Anyways yes (the cheap quality of the galaxy+amoled screen in the sun sucks) will see what the s4 has to offer tmrw.
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I have owned the Galaxy S, S2, S3 ,Note and Note2 and i liked them all (especialy the Note2) but Nexus devices have something extra imo. Easy to root and restore, fast, no bloatware, and always the latest updates and getting them first.

I think my avatar and device roster answers the question.

persheshhater said:
And even the samsung galaxy line phones have always had top notch dev support.
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dev support doesnt mean crap when they have no sources. you get a lot of devs supporting one another by lending a shoulder to cry on or distributing kleenex. i am a follower of teamhacksungs blogs and dev g+ accounts, i like to read what they do. if you have nerves you best go there and take a good look what happenes when samsung releases the next big closed thing coz these guys are basically ****ed, they can sit down now for months and hack stupid things that should be open in the firstplace.

I just don't think an upgrade is necessary. 720p to 1080p is not that big of a difference compared to the jump from QHD or WVGA to 720p, and the S4 Pro is handling everything with ease. When the processor starts falling behind that I can notice it in daily use, or one of the technologies advances in a major way (battery, maybe?), I don't think I will be selling my nexus for another phone.

persheshhater said:
Am i the only one that feels this 16gb storage is not enough especially if you play need for speed which takes 7gb?
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Sell it to me
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I rather wait till nexus 5


Wanna move on but to what!

Hello guys!
Its been a real pleasure being with Nexus S
Its a great cell phone, I love it but now I am at point where I have to change my cell phone, now I wanna buy a LG Nexus 4 but it has not come in my country yet and i dont know when would it come..
So that and the price factor gives me a choice to have either Galaxy Nexus or Galaxy S II (Yes 2 not 3 )
now in my head i dont need fast updates because i always use a custom rom and i am ok with even a lower one,
I have used GB in nexus s even though i tasted JB
So the updates are not a problem for me, I just want a cell phone that can last me at least a year with a nice play for the upcoming games or anything else like that.
What would you advise me to buy? GSII or GNex?
If some other with the same specs or better but with same price factor then kindly let me know..
Can't go wrong with either. If you care about roms then the gnex would be the best since it will get the major android updates til the software is to much for the hardware.
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Seriously, choosing between the GNex and the S2? That's not fair because the S2 was released by Samsung to steal market from the Nexus S after releasing the latter. (IMHO, the S2 is just a Nexus S on steroids). Now if you are choosing between the GNex and the S3, that would be a better comparison, the S3 is better in hardware but would take 10 years to get an update compared to the Gnex, but like you said, if you're happy with ROMs like CM or AOKP, then it would probably matter less.
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GNex would probably be a better choice. It's a pretty great phone.
There will only be one upgrade for me and that will be the s3.
I love the Nexus brand but a Wolfson DAC is a must for me in any new phone.
I'm happy now with my NS. But in a few years I will get the s3.
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converse5 said:
Hello guys!
Its been a real pleasure being with Nexus S
Its a great cell phone, I love it but now I am at point where I have to change my cell phone, now I wanna buy a LG Nexus 4 but it has not come in my country yet and i dont know when would it come..
So that and the price factor gives me a choice to have either Galaxy Nexus or Galaxy S II (Yes 2 not 3 )
now in my head i dont need fast updates because i always use a custom rom and i am ok with even a lower one,
I have used GB in nexus s even though i tasted JB
So the updates are not a problem for me, I just want a cell phone that can last me at least a year with a nice play for the upcoming games or anything else like that.
What would you advise me to buy? GSII or GNex?
If some other with the same specs or better but with same price factor then kindly let me know..
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The SGSII and the GNex are extremely similar. The GNex has a slightly lower pixel density on the camera, but a little larger screen.
If you're in love with AOSP roms, the GNex will be the way to go. If you just want another phone and have the money to blow on a good SD and such, then go SGSII.
I contacted one of the market dealer today and he said that in a few weeks they would have LG Nexus 4
If that comes then i would go for it else I would buy Gnex then
Thanks all for help
converse5 said:
I contacted one of the market dealer today and he said that in a few weeks they would have LG Nexus 4
If that comes then i would go for it else I would buy Gnex then
Thanks all for help
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Surprising that developemt is slow for for the n4 but it pick up soon I suppose
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apatal said:
Seriously, choosing between the GNex and the S2? That's not fair because the S2 was released by Samsung to steal market from the Nexus S after releasing the latter. (IMHO, the S2 is just a Nexus S on steroids)...
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I dunno where did you read hardware info, but, S2 and NS are in no way comparable... S1 have similar hardware to NS, S2 has similar hardware to GN...
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Might want to look at this. Seems like n4 having screen issus like the g2x.
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[Q] Should I buy a Nexus 4 with it being almost a year old?

I've been debating buying a Nexus 4 for awhile. At this point, do you guys still think its worth it? I've heard rumors that they might be coming out with a new model this year, plus we have the GS4 and the HTCOne coming out very shortly. Do you guys think its worth the money? I really like the OS, no carrier stuff in it. Plus I'm off contract with ATT, so I dont have to worry about that, ill have good service.
I would still buy it. The N5 is still a rumour and anyway regardless if it does come out you'll always get OS updates before Samsung and HTC.
Maybe wait for a while for the much rumoured Motorola x? Nexus 4 is worth the money. You get what you paid for. Except for sd card and battery life, everything about this is excellent! I am overlooking the camera cuz no one should expect a dslr quality image from a mobile phone.
I am very happy with my nexus 4. Whoever I show it to, is really pleased with design of this device. They have never heard of this phone. In fact the nexus line. Imho, if you look for features on a smartphone go for Samsung, if you look for pure stock experience with updates and support go for nexus 4.
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Just buy it For example, look at the galaxy nexus its been 2 years since its release and its still going strong
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Nexus 4 was released in November. Today it's the 1st of April. Yep, almost a year, only some 7 months short..
Hmm OK, I'll probably pick one up then. I'm just tired of always purchasing the newest handsets to have the features, i just want them when they come out lol. Plus i really like how smooth the android experience is with how google sets up their phones. Are they really heavy by chance?
And I also don't think nexus 5 will support sd card, instead more storage size will be available along with cloud
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Behemyth said:
Hmm OK, I'll probably pick one up then. I'm just tired of always purchasing the newest handsets to have the features, i just want them when they come out lol. Plus i really like how smooth the android experience is with how google sets up their phones. Are they really heavy by chance?
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Heavy?????? I wouldn't say so at 139 grams.
It is hard to me to get any other android phone these days. I used to work at sprint and hated that they weren't going to have nexus 4, galaxy nexus was just too old at the time and with no voice and data...
I have used gs3 and one x plenty, neither work as well as stock android. Touch wiz is buggy and takes away core features while adding new ones that don't work too well, aside from being very laggy compared to stock.
Sense is not bad, but multitasking on it is horrific, even if you root it.
Both aren't great with software updates, HTC ones never come and Samsung ones end up buggy in most cases.
Motorola ui thus far is too inferior to even consider. Point is, no thing really compared to stock in my opinion. You may see much better benchmarks on gs4 but I doubt day to day it'd prove as stable and smooth as n4.
So, to me... Yes, worth the money, specially considering you'd get one for less than $400 with no contract! My only major issue with n4 is the antenna, it is subpar compared to other devices, same was for gn.
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a year old lol its not even 5 month old yet came out the back end of November 2012
What I suggest is find a decently spec phone from sprint and put AOSP on the device and tweak the hell out of it.
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Yeah, i just bought one. I hear the camera is pretty bad, but i never take pictures. I'm sure if i need to it will work for me. Everything else I've heard is positive. Can't wait to get it. I'm going to be going from LTE to HSPA again though, that should still be plenty fast for me.
lol @ almost a year old. April 13th will be 5 months. And yes i would suggest it if you like stock android. If your more into skins and bloat, go for the HTC one or the S4 at nearly double the price.
Yeah, that's my fault. I thought they came out last summer, didn't know they were that new yet. I'm just tired of all the manufacturers screwing with the phones, and the constant problems. Plus the fact that you never see updates, ever. I have a OneX now, and im so tired of how sluggish and slow it is. Plus i have constant problems with it anymore.
Just hoping this is a good move. I can't wait to get it and start using it.
Behemyth said:
Yeah, that's my fault. I thought they came out last summer, didn't know they were that new yet. I'm just tired of all the manufacturers screwing with the phones, and the constant problems. Plus the fact that you never see updates, ever. I have a OneX now, and im so tired of how sluggish and slow it is. Plus i have constant problems with it anymore.
Just hoping this is a good move. I can't wait to get it and start using it.
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updates are immediately, you will never regret a Nexus phone
I've asked myself the same questions as yourself before buying myself the nexus 4.
First, looking at timeline of nexus device releases, I've noticed it releases one at every year. So i assume the next nexus phone will only be here by November-December 2013 even if it will be announced at the May Google I/O.
Galaxy S4 is indeed a great device specwise (even better if you can get the 8 core version). But for me, it's still not a Nexus device, the build quality must be inferior to the current Nexus 4 (based on S3), looks exactly like the S3 which is EXTREMELY popular device (not unique), and the Nexus 4 is much more affordable priced.
HTC One, the only thing that will attract me over the nexus 4 is the full aluminum body. Not a Sense fan. That's it.
So with all those, i ended up with the Nexus 4 and I don't regret it.
Its not even halfway to a year old. Its not outdated hardware. S4 Pro is still one of Qualcomms fastest chips. and the Snapdragon 600 uses the same gpu "Adreno 320"
Almost a year? N4 might be too complicated for you.
And yeah google will release another nexus phone...probably 7months from. The N4 is still the best android phone out and it is the best out of the box android device I've used in 4yrs of android by far.
Its blazing fast despite using an older soc. Faster as there's hardly any overlay on it. Next phone will probably be the X phone which will rumoured boasts the S800 which will be fast but the N4 is no slouch.
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0rigin said:
Nexus 4 was released in November. Today it's the 1st of April. Yep, almost a year, only some 7 months short..
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And most people didn't get their until January!
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[Q] Need some advice... HTC One vs Nexus 4... (jumping ship from iOS)

To make a long story short, I'm trying Android for the first time after being a diehard Apple user... (I'm currently on the iPhone 5)
Anyways, I was looking at the following three phones:
Nexus 4
Galaxy S4
I jumped the gun and ordered the Nexus 4 but then I realized that the 16 GB model I ordered didn't have any SD storage so I have to fit ALL my music and videos (video podcasts) into the small 16 GB space. I'm also losing LTE support but I can deal with that.
My Nexus 4 is coming tomorrow and I was told to refuse delivery to send it back and get a refund.
In the meantime I ordered the HTC One developer edition for the unlocked bootloader (seems important for rooting, flashing alternate ROMs), but now I read that alternate ROMs often lose hardware features like camera post-processing, image stabilization (?), etc.
Now I'm still undecided because I didn't realize that flashing custom ROMs would lose features like that...
I do really like the idea of stock Android (and the very latest updates) but the higher resolution, and more importantly bigger storage, of the HTC One is making me think I should go that route.
Can anybody give me any advice?
EDIT: I also forgot that the Nexus 4 has a much smaller screen size due to the LCD buttons taking up much of the screen realestate...
As far as your media goes do you use Google Play at all? You can at least have all of your music uploaded into the Google Play cloud and not worry about installing it on your phone. Just a thought.
Yes you are in quite a pickle. The problem is that there are too many different android devices out there which shine in their own way but that can be a good thing. Anyway personally I'd go with the galaxy s4-brilliant specs and an sd card slot, I was going with the nexus 4 but I am a hardcore gamer so that was out of the picture. Also I'm not fond of htc's . The galaxy s4 will have brilliant and lots of developers for roms, kernels ect and I would advise you to get it.
Anas553 said:
Yes you are in quite a pickle. The problem is that there are too many different android devices out there which shine in their own way but that can be a good thing. Anyway personally I'd go with the galaxy s4-brilliant specs and an sd card slot, I was going with the nexus 4 but I am a hardcore gamer so that was out of the picture. Also I'm not fond of htc's . The galaxy s4 will have brilliant and lots of developers for roms, kernels ect and I would advise you to get it.
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Don't listen to him the one or the nexus 4 will do you good just use cloud storage. And a custom ROM will remove those in screen buttons.
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Seeing I just ordered my Nexus 4 today I would advice that. It offers pure Android, so no Touchwiz.
But if you can afford it I would suggest the HTC One. That phone is damn sexy
sofakng said:
To make a long story short, I'm trying Android for the first time after being a diehard Apple user... (I'm currently on the iPhone 5)
Anyways, I was looking at the following three phones:
Nexus 4
Galaxy S4
I jumped the gun and ordered the Nexus 4 but then I realized that the 16 GB model I ordered didn't have any SD storage so I have to fit ALL my music and videos (video podcasts) into the small 16 GB space. I'm also losing LTE support but I can deal with that.
My Nexus 4 is coming tomorrow and I was told to refuse delivery to send it back and get a refund.
In the meantime I ordered the HTC One developer edition for the unlocked bootloader (seems important for rooting, flashing alternate ROMs), but now I read that alternate ROMs often lose hardware features like camera post-processing, image stabilization (?), etc.
Now I'm still undecided because I didn't realize that flashing custom ROMs would lose features like that...
I do really like the idea of stock Android (and the very latest updates) but the higher resolution, and more importantly bigger storage, of the HTC One is making me think I should go that route.
Can anybody give me any advice?
EDIT: I also forgot that the Nexus 4 has a much smaller screen size due to the LCD buttons taking up much of the screen realestate...
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You have an iPhone but complain about storage and SD slot haha...
1. Google music
2. Research before posting
3. IPhone is so easy a caveman can use it
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Anas553 said:
Yes you are in quite a pickle. The problem is that there are too many different android devices out there which shine in their own way but that can be a good thing. Anyway personally I'd go with the galaxy s4-brilliant specs and an sd card slot, I was going with the nexus 4 but I am a hardcore gamer so that was out of the picture. Also I'm not fond of htc's . The galaxy s4 will have brilliant and lots of developers for roms, kernels ect and I would advise you to get it.
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And you know this B/C!!!
I would love to see the new nexus look like HTC one. Its so sexy.
Any of those 3 phones are great. Based on what you want on the phone, I think S4 most suits your needs.
Sent from my Nexus 4
blitzzz3434 said:
I would love to see the new nexus look like HTC one. Its so sexy.
Any of those 3 phones are great. Based on what you want on the phone, I think S4 most suits your needs.
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Nah I say the one is a better buy especially if he's coming from an iPhone.
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May I suggest iPhone 5s?
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Anas553 said:
Yes you are in quite a pickle. The problem is that there are too many different android devices out there which shine in their own way but that can be a good thing. Anyway personally I'd go with the galaxy s4-brilliant specs and an sd card slot, I was going with the nexus 4 but I am a hardcore gamer so that was out of the picture. Also I'm not fond of htc's . The galaxy s4 will have brilliant and lots of developers for roms, kernels ect and I would advise you to get it.
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No matter how many Devs...one word...EXYNOS
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Being a fan of both iOS and Android platforms, both have compelling feature sets. That said, there are many exquisite handsets for Android lately. The Nexus 4 has been out for a while now and we should start seeing leaks for the Nexus 5. And my current personal favorite is the HTC One. My Nexus 4 tragically met it's demise on a tile floor at Subway earlier this week and rather than go from 4s to 5 or replace my Nexus 4 I'm going to give the HTC a try (only thing left to confirm is the level of NFC support... SE included or not for Google Wallet). I would see which handsets meets your needs then go for that one. Also FWIW, until Apple comes out with a bigger screen, not just taller, I'm not going to upgrade my iOS. The HTC device also seems a bit sturdier than the Nexus 4 with it's aluminum back. As for the samsung offerings... personally I don't like them. I had a Google Nexus and was completely unhappy with the AMOLED screen and cheap plastic chassis. Just my 2¢.
I would get the HTC one !
Sent from my Nexus 4
HTC One is nice, until you realize you can't even service the battery without destroying the phone.
Most people end up selling their phones before they need to replace the battery. Phone batteries nowadays last at least 4-5 years if not more.
Sent from my Nexus 4
I wager development on the N4 will be alive & well long after people have moved on from S4 or HTC One--just look at the GNex's lifespan of relevance. If you're looking for a solid, dev-friendly phone to last a while go with an N4.
And maybe a case, depending. Now if you're not a cheap-ass & feel adventurous to boot get the S4 as well when it comes out. Who says you have to choose
You wont loose lte just flash .33 radio or the other old ones.
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If key lime pie was not coming in may, then i would have got the s4. But since key lime pie is coming in may, it means that nexus 4 will get it right away,while htc and samsung will wait at least six months.
I've used plenty of sense phones, HTC makes great hardware but stock android > sense.
Coming from iOS the N4 is an easy transition, only two things that are really different are widgets (you don't have to use these) and the app drawer so you will be able to pick it up just fine.
I bet you're going to hate the android OS since you only used iOS. Try it before you buy, but it seems you already made that mistake and you blindly bought a Nexus.

Nexus 4 Advice?

Sorry, I know this topic is EVERYWHERE but I still cannot decide..
I currently have a Samsung Galaxy S3. I'm thinking of getting the N4 just cause its so cheap, however I've been looking at the HTC One as well.
Hardware wise, HTC one leads.. I love the front facing speakers, and the fact that its HTC makes it even better.. I loved the HTC Nexus One, so solid...
I'm still torn between these two phones, and I need someone to let me know what I should go for. Is it worth the extra $250-$300 for the HTC one? OR should I just get the N4?
Get it and don't look back. Whatever you do though, get the 16gb version. The 8gb version just leaves you with 5 gbs of usable data, and that is noooo good. I get better battery life than my girlfriend who has an s3, and I am constantly beating her phone in very unscientific tests that I run.
The Nexus is a beautiful phone, how about getting it...and if you don't like it sell it and get the One. You would get pretty much all your money back as they are very popular
yea you could get a lot of money if you sell it afterwards just for the fact it is unlocked out of the box:good:
xxsashixx said:
Sorry, I know this topic is EVERYWHERE but I still cannot decide..
I currently have a Samsung Galaxy S3. I'm thinking of getting the N4 just cause its so cheap, however I've been looking at the HTC One as well.
Hardware wise, HTC one leads.. I love the front facing speakers, and the fact that its HTC makes it even better.. I loved the HTC Nexus One, so solid...
I'm still torn between these two phones, and I need someone to let me know what I should go for. Is it worth the extra $250-$300 for the HTC one? OR should I just get the N4?
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I use the N4, but if I were to get a new phone today, I would definitely consider the One. I think it's designed really well and I too like the idea of front facing speakers. I like having music on around me and when I'm away from home, I'll often use my phone for playing music. When it's convenient, I'll use my earbuds. When not, I may have to resort to playing it through the speaker. Even with the LG bumper lifting the back off the surface it's resting on, the sound coming out of the speaker is more tinny and muffled compared with my past phones. Finally, while I enjoy the design of the N4 and its liberal use of glass, it does have a certain sense of fragility to it which I don't associate with the aluminum clad One. If you do get an N4, I''m sure be unhappy. But I wouldn't mind if I could get LTE data speeds.
HTC One and the Nexus 4 are tough. If you can manage putting AOSP on the One, it'd be awesome. I'd have a tough time too.
Get two nexuses!
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I think your comparison is really not that ... Uhhhh... Justified... Esp due to the price range... If you want to decide between newer high end phones it should probably be the ONE vs the S4... Not the One vs the N⁴...
I personally do love the n⁴ but I must say the ONLY 2 things which gives it an edge over anything else is the Vanilla/prompt updates, and the reasonable price. If I had the extra money to spend I would definitely get the ONE or S⁴ Google Edition... Alas I don't tho...
So if you could get the One then I would say go for that... Just try to get the unlocked boot loader version (developer edition) so you can do as you please with roms...
Sent from my Nexus⁴
DrunkFuX666 said:
I think your comparison is really not that ... Uhhhh... Justified... Esp due to the price range... If you want to decide between newer high end phones it should probably be the ONE vs the S4... Not the One vs the N⁴...
I personally do love the n⁴ but I must say the ONLY 2 things which gives it an edge over anything else is the Vanilla/prompt updates, and the reasonable price. If I had the extra money to spend I would definitely get the ONE or S⁴ Google Edition... Alas I don't tho...
So if you could get the One then I would say go for that... Just try to get the unlocked boot loader version (developer edition) so you can do as you please with roms...
Sent from my Nexus⁴
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If I do not get the Developer version of the one, am I still able to unlock the bootloader?
Edit: nvm, quick google says "Yes" to all carriers
Edit2: Still trying to decide, I CAN put down another $300 on the HTC one.. but I'm not sure if its WORTH it.. thats the problem
xxsashixx said:
If I do not get the Developer version of the one, am I still able to unlock the bootloader?
Edit: nvm, quick google says "Yes" to all carriers
Edit2: Still trying to decide, I CAN put down another $300 on the HTC one.. but I'm not sure if its WORTH it.. thats the problem
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I think it will be and I'll tell you why...
If Its unlockable then you can get to the latest firmware updates if not the same day, within say 2-3 weeks using cyanogen or some ROM who will update...
Your getting a better camera and screen and aluminium body with front stereo speakers... That's excellent hardware well worth the extra money... Because if you use the phone alot... All these factors come Into play in the long run... If your more of a casual user who primarily uses the phone as a phone... Then its probably not worth the extra money...
In my opinion my phone is like a laptop replacement... I use it ALOT... Hence I rather spend more on a phone than a Computer as the computer just collects dust with a powerful smartphone...
Sent from my Nexus⁴
Here you go - the Google Edition of the One:
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Sorry if im posting in the wrong section but i was wondering after i have rooted and installed a custom rom on my nexus 4 can i still get official android updates such as 4.3 jelly bean
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Cherag Shag said:
Sorry if im posting in the wrong section but i was wondering after i have rooted and installed a custom rom on my nexus 4 can i still get official android updates such as 4.3 jelly bean
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No... You will need to be on stock for that...
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So will cyanogenmod release a version based on the latest jellybean
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Cherag Shag said:
So will cyanogenmod release a version based on the latest jellybean
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Yes ever ROM will
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If you are not planning to use the camera much, get the N4, otherwise go for the HTC.
Ultimately it's up to you.
Sold my Galaxy S4 today and bought a Nexus 4 again. The S4 was laggy as hell and packed with way to much bloatware. The screen, speaker and camera however we`re very good. But overalll it was a dissapointment for me. While on paper the specs look great the firmware is very bad atm so the performance is meh......
what would happen if i updated my nexus 4 to 4.3 jellybean on a custom rom like cyanogenmod
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Cherag Shag said:
what would happen if i updated my nexus 4 to 4.3 jellybean on a custom rom like cyanogenmod
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It would explode
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You have to keep the retail price in mind. If you get the HTC one and a new phone comes out, how popular will your phone become? The HTC one x was a good phone but as of now it's selling for around $230 on eBay. I had a galaxy nexus which was released 2 years ago and I still sold out for 280.
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[Q] Get N4 now or wait for N5

I had bought a N4 in January this year and gave it to my cousin last month. Now I'm using her aged Galaxy S and need to upgrade sooner or later.
The N4 still looks to be the best phone for my needs, but I'm also intrigued by the possible N5 in a couple of months.
Shall I get the N4 now or wait for N5 for 2-3 months?
srathi said:
I had bought a N4 in January this year and gave it to my cousin last month. Now I'm using her aged Galaxy S and need to upgrade sooner or later.
The N4 still looks to be the best phone for my needs, but I'm also intrigued by the possible N5 in a couple of months.
Shall I get the N4 now or wait for N5 for 2-3 months?
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Either way you could probably wait for the N5 come out before you decide on anything because if you get the N4 it'll be cheaper when the N5 is out or get the N5 if you decide you like it.
You can always wait for the next big thing or you can buy right now what you want.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
N4 was good but is actually dated now, IMO. These things have very short lives at the top. Get a newly announced phone.
NCguy said:
N4 was good but is actually dated now, IMO. These things have very short lives at the top. Get a newly announced phone.
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Yeah man, 4 krait cores and 2gb of ram is so out of date..
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Wait for nexus 99! It's supposed to be a beast!
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Atomix86 said:
Yeah man, 4 krait cores and 2gb of ram is so out of date..
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No LTE, a not so great camera, and pretty bad battery do make it a bit dated. The software runs great on the N4. But there are some definite hardware limitations that need to be upgraded.
bozzykid said:
No LTE, a not so great camera, and pretty bad battery do make it a bit dated. The software runs great on the N4. But there are some definite hardware limitations that need to be upgraded.
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LTE isn't everywhere and its nothing special, why post in the nexus 4 thread if gonna diss it?
"iPhone=Boat shoes,sweaters over shirt/tie,whores,non prescriptive glasses with slicked hair,hipster concerts,too much ignorance"-sent from my NEXUS 4
bozzykid said:
No LTE, a not so great camera, and pretty bad battery do make it a bit dated. The software runs great on the N4. But there are some definite hardware limitations that need to be upgraded.
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Running LTE as we speak! It's pretty damn fast!
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bozzykid said:
No LTE, a not so great camera, and pretty bad battery do make it a bit dated. The software runs great on the N4. But there are some definite hardware limitations that need to be upgraded.
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LTE is easily achievable for someone with technical skills. I also don't really like the battery and the lack of an SD card.
NExus 4 is still a good phone. I got one about six weeks ago and it's great for me.
It all just depends on what you want and how long you are willing to wait. I have no idea when the N5 will be announced, but if you think you can wait for it to come out, then wait. Even if you decide you'd rather go with the N4, then you can get it cheaper when the N5 rolls out. Either way, if you wait you win, you either get the newest device or you get a still pretty good phone on the cheap.
Of course, if you can't wait, you are still getting a pretty good phone in the N4.
In my opinion, in the end either way you come out with a pretty good phone.
bozzykid said:
No LTE, a not so great camera, and pretty bad battery do make it a bit dated. The software runs great on the N4. But there are some definite hardware limitations that need to be upgraded.
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If you had thrown in the lack of SD card argument you would've hit every reason people were telling us to not get the phone on launch day.
moffa~ said:
LTE is easily achievable for someone with technical skills. I also don't really like the battery and the lack of an SD card.
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LTE only works on band 4 which is rarely used in the US except on T-Mobile. AT&T only use band 4 in a few places. This is not a LTE phone for 99% of people.
---------- Post added at 10:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 AM ----------
Cream$ickleHJ said:
LTE isn't everywhere and its nothing special, why post in the nexus 4 thread if gonna diss it?
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I love my N4 but it is lacking in hardware compared to many of the latest phones. I will certainly be updating when the new Nexus comes out later this year.
I'm now on my 3rd nexus 4 because the Sammy s4 and the HTC one just didn't do it for me. After I brought them .
The nexus 4 won't be outdated for a long time. All this jargon about more cores...ghzzzz...ram.... Etc will make nothing any more then what it can already do. The n4 runs like a gem. My battery is lasting more then 22 hours. Screen is perfect. Memory is suffient. Ram is fine. Speed is awesome. Camera is great with some tweeks. Lte runs fine.
The only reason ppl change soon is because of advertisement and bigger numbers mean better ... Comparing my n4 to an s4 I had its so much more smoother and better on most tasks.
Hell even the galaxy nexus is still a cracking phone.
Get the n5 if you feel it will bring more into your life. I can bet most of its features will be portable asap....
Either way a nexus is a great phone.
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wardy01 said:
I'm now on my 3rd nexus 4 because the Sammy s4 and the HTC one just didn't do it for me. After I brought them .
The nexus 4 won't be outdated for a long time. All this jargon about more cores...ghzzzz...ram.... Etc will make nothing any more then what it can already do. The n4 runs like a gem. My battery is lasting more then 22 hours. Screen is perfect. Memory is suffient. Ram is fine. Speed is awesome. Camera is great with some tweeks. Lte runs fine.
The only reason ppl change soon is because of advertisement and bigger numbers mean better ... Comparing my n4 to an s4 I had its so much more smoother and better on most tasks.
Hell even the galaxy nexus is still a cracking phone.
Get the n5 if you feel it will bring more into your life. I can bet most of its features will be portable asap....
Either way a nexus is a great phone.
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The biggest gripe about the device is probably the storage. Hardly getting by with the 16gb since I use it for music as well. Have about 1gb of space left which I reserve for downloading roms and whatnot and I barely have any music stored on it. Lack of LTE out of the box was also a pain for a couple months before I decided to go on XDA forums since I am on T-Mobile. If T-Mobile is in your area and you have good coverage, no reason not to switch to them since they don't have contracts and have the cheapest unlimited plan. Either way, just wait for the N5 announcement so you can either get the N5 if you decide that you want better features right out of the box or get the N4 and save a bunch of money.
Grow up.. do a market research and decide for yourself.. seriously.. ppl want everything told to them these days..
NCguy said:
N4 was good but is actually dated now, IMO.
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What exactly is outdated?!
Two things that You can get "better" with newer phone:
1) FHD screen (why do You need this? N4 screen is HQ allready)
2) More pixels to camera (and as You know - more pixels doesn't mean BETTER camera)
Nexus 4 is great phone but you can think htc one or s4 if you have money to buy them.
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This is why I'm starting to hate the android mainstream community, all you talk about is the Latest HTC or Samsung Device and brag about specs...those are not the only phones available,..I don't know how apple people stand that **** either
Sent from my Nexus 4
My two cents. I knew about the moto x, and possible nexus 5 but I went with the nexus 4 because its well-known inside and out. Pure Google, or nodded Google for us modders, and its half the price(or a quarter of the price through T-Mobile) than the "latest and greatest" which honestly aren't that great. I get in the 20k mark on antutu, only to be beat out by the one and s4. The camera isn't that bad, and its loads better than some of my older phones, and most importantly no skinning or waiting for updates.
The nexus 5 honestly will probably be slightly better but I love my nexus 4. I'd say go for it now as the new phone may have another guarded Qualcomm chip. At least this one isn't so guarded.
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