Is it possible to put Android 4.1 on a Nexus 4 - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I hate what Google have done with Bluetooth in 4.2 onwards, and was wondering if it were possible to put Android 4.1 onto a Nexus 4?
I know there are no factory builds, but would it be possible to compile a version to support the N4 hardware?

If a 4.1 rom would excist you could, but it doesn`t You have to build one yourself. Why not go back to Gingerbread or Froyo while you`re at it :silly:

No binaries = no 4.1 build


Of course not silly.
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Yes, it is possible to get Android 4.1 on the Nexus 4.
Most Optimus G 4.1 drivers and other stuff work on the Nexus 4.
Here is a thread for an Android 4.1 ROM "ported" over from the Optimus G. It's quite buggy and not suitable as a daily driver, though.
I don't know if the Optimus G folks have a working CM10 (4.1) for their device, but if they have you could probably port that one over with some effort.


[Q] insallation Custom Rom on nexus 4

Hi , i am new at forum and i want to installation custom rom . i have few questions .
1 - what is different stock rom and custom rom ?
2 - what is the best stabil rom for my nexus 4 ?
3 - i want to install rom brainmaster 's Lucid rom , Xylon rom and CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightlies but i can't select . What is more good or that your used rom ?
4 - my nexus 4 is Android 4.2.2 baseband M9615A-CEFWMAZM-2.0.1700.48 and JDQ39
can i install JOP40D Rom to my nexus?
Please forgive me for bad english and opened topic to here.
Thanks for everything
A custom ROM is basically a modified version of the AOSP version. Custom ROMs are mostly built and developed by enthusiasts. They add new features e.g. customisation or functionality. They also provide bug fixes.
On non-Nexus devices they bring the newest Android version to devices that are not officially supported by the manufacturers. This doesn't play a role foot you, because Nexus devices get the updates immediately after their announcement.
You can install whatever custom ROM you want as long as it is made fit the Nexus 4. You may brick your phone otherwise.
Just look for a guide for rooting and install a custom recovery like TWRP or CWM.
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I've only flashed CM10 and paranoid android, CM10 is just so good i don't really see any reason to flash anything else. It's also pretty much stock as far as ui so not hard to get used to.
Sent from my Nexus 4
Trouble with CM10
wareju said:
I've only flashed CM10 and paranoid android, CM10 is just so good i don't really see any reason to flash anything else. It's also pretty much stock as far as ui so not hard to get used to.
Hi, I've just flashed CM10 on my brad new Nexus 4, I forgot to flash the gapps, since I have rebooted I have CM10 logo and nothing else, please help, what can I do ?
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crackbyte said:
my nexus 4 is Android 4.2.2 baseband M9615A-CEFWMAZM-2.0.1700.48 and 4.2.2 bootloader
can i install JOP40D Rom to my nexus?
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Any answers to this? I've asked the same thing in a few different places and haven't received a definitive answer. Thanks in advance
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Kitkat - N5 Factory Image or AOSP?

There are several roms for kitkat on the nexus all promising everything works and good speed...some are based on the nexus 5 factory images...others are based on the aosp question is which is going to give the "most bang for the buck"?
Does using "ART" actually provide verifiable app speed increases?
famewolf said:
There are several roms for kitkat on the nexus all promising everything works and good speed...some are based on the nexus 5 factory images...others are based on the aosp question is which is going to give the "most bang for the buck"?
Does using "ART" actually provide verifiable app speed increases?
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Yes for the second question.
Dont know if you know that KITKAT is not out official for N4. So now we all running the hybrid version of KITKAT.
The binaries used are from 4.3. So just wait for the official N4 KITKAT ROM or else till then try the N5 KITKAT PORT v3 OR AOSPA KITKAT. Both are good,but PORT is better.
Go with the Port
Though the ASOP build make it out first, the N5 Port is super stable and just about everything is working. It's now my daily driver.
og1502 said:
Though the ASOP build make it out first, the N5 Port is super stable and just about everything is working. It's now my daily driver.
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+ one on the Nexus 5 port, the only thing that doesn't work for me is compass although navigation works.
there are some complaints in the thread that some things don't work, but those are from people who cant follow instructions.
One question on the Nexus 5 port, do you know which browser can watch Flash video/content?
I have installed the latest flash player 11.1 apk. Suppose the Firefox can show the flash, but it fail. Have a search on web, there is no much information about it...
Also the new business search in dialer and new caller id feature only works in port. For now...
[ LTE Nexus 4 | Kit Kat ] ?

Request Paranoid for Alcatel 997/997D

So Alcatel 997/997d got a new upgrade to Jelly Bean 4.1 so i was wondering is it possible for someone to make paranoid for it?
Not possible for now (mediatek source issue) but maybe soon.
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great device
Shadowmaniac said:
So Alcatel 997/997d got a new upgrade to Jelly Bean 4.1 so i was wondering is it possible for someone to make paranoid for it?
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Definetly a good phone...lets hope in the future.

Best Rom for Nexus 7 (2012)?

I'm searching for a good Android 6.0 rom for the Nexus 7 (2012). I have already tried some out, but all of them had problems with lag/stuttering... I know thats because of its old hardware, but is there any rom which runs smooth?
iason747 said:
I'm searching for a good Android 6.0 rom for the Nexus 7 (2012). I have already tried some out, but all of them had problems with lag/stuttering... I know thats because of its old hardware, but is there any rom which runs smooth?
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Pure Nexus with parrot mod and fstrim is about as good as you will get on that machine.

Introducing Android Oreo (Go edition) for with 512MB to 1GB RAM!!

Finally we can expect Android Oreo 8.0 for Nexus 7...
Android Oreo devices with 512MB to 1GB of memory will come with the all the Go optimizations.
akashkyh said:
Finally we can expect Android Oreo 8.0 for Nexus 7...
Android Oreo devices with 512MB to 1GB of memory will come with the all the Go optimizations.
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Is it a rom? Because it says minimum of android nougat
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Ice Zodiac said:
Is it a rom? Because it says minimum of android nougat
Sent from my MI 5 using Tapatalk
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Its a ROM to be made specifically for devices with 512MB to 1GB RAM!!
akashkyh said:
Finally we can expect Android Oreo 8.0 for Nexus 7...
Android Oreo devices with 512MB to 1GB of memory will come with the all the Go optimizations.
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This doesn't mean we'll build oreo for the aging N7, even with app optimizations and system optimizations oreo still probably won't run well on the Nexus 7 2012. I don't even see why we bother with android, what we need to do is work on Sailfish, because that runs buttery smooth on this tablet. Who knows though, maybe we'll see a Sailfish OS 2.x build for the 2012 Nexus 7 soon
Anyway I would be surprised if android go actually makes the Nexus 7 noticeably faster, heck, I would be surprised to see an oreo build at all.
Galaxyninja66 said:
This doesn't mean we'll build oreo for the aging N7, even with app optimizations and system optimizations oreo still probably won't run well on the Nexus 7 2012. I don't even see why we bother with android, what we need to do is work on Sailfish, because that runs buttery smooth on this tablet. Who knows though, maybe we'll see a Sailfish OS 2.x build for the 2012 Nexus 7 soon
Anyway I would be surprised if android go actually makes the Nexus 7 noticeably faster, heck, I would be surprised to see an oreo build at all.
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I would hope that the Devs manage to port it to the grouper, because AOSP Nougat with no gapps is fairly usable, so I think Oreo isn't much heavier than Nougat
Bert98 said:
I would hope that the Devs manage to port it to the grouper, because AOSP Nougat with no gapps is fairly usable, so I think Oreo isn't much heavier than Nougat
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I prefer Sailfish OS, its faster, smoother, and much much much more lightweight.
late to this party, but as an owner of a grouper, i can report that my sony xperia sp of similar vintage is running google go built on 8.1 with great success
As another owner of a grouper I would like to see this come to some light and possible development. Available for testing too ..
So I feel dumb as I created a thread asking about exactly this without realising this thread exists... You can add me to the list of people that would be interested in seeing this come to life.
additional info : the xperia sp with this enabled has far greater battery drain in standby than the "stock" oreo - presumably due to power used in shuffling memory space
standby with it enabled is ~ 36 hours... but without it is 9 (yes, that's NINE !) days
Lol I just brought my nexus 7 2012 back to life. Rooted, installed twrp. Android go/Oreo would be nice.
Majin101 said:
Lol I just brought my nexus 7 2012 back to life. Rooted, installed twrp. Android go/Oreo would be nice.
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mine's doing great service as the music media hub in the kitchen / living area, porting flac files from the server using neutron (great app !) via bluetooth to the nad d3020 and onto a 2+1 wharfedale speaker set - sounds fantastic
it's on 7.1.2 security patched to jan 2018
if you don't use it already, i recommend wugfresh's nexus root toolkit :good:
scruffy1 said:
mine's doing great service as the music media hub in the kitchen / living area, porting flac files from the server using neutron (great app !) via bluetooth to the nad d3020 and onto a 2+1 wharfedale speaker set - sounds fantastic
it's on 7.1.2 security patched to jan 2018
if you don't use it already, i recommend wugfresh's nexus root toolkit :good:
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Witch rom version ara you using?
kodacy said:
Witch rom version ara you using?
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whatever wugfresh has suggested was the latest when i did it
5 april 2018
3.1.10 nougat
scruffy1 said:
whatever wugfresh has suggested was the latest when i did it
5 april 2018
3.1.10 nougat
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I don't think wugfresh has suggestions of firmware
kodacy said:
I don't think wugfresh has suggestions of firmware
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i used stock grouper rom for developers i guess
it was a standard, not a custom rom
scruffy1 said:
i used stock grouper rom for developers i guess
it was a standard, not a custom rom
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Thank you for the tip, Nexus 7 Tulip running smoother then ever now.
Unofficial Oreo 8.1 AEX rom runs very fluidly on my nexus 7 flo (using gapps 8.1 pico). Its much better than any other rom that I've tried. It comes with the elementalX kernel and substratum built in (has 9 custom themes).
DarkkEnergy said:
Unofficial Oreo 8.1 AEX rom runs very fluidly on my nexus 7 flo (using gapps 8.1 pico). Its much better than any other rom that I've tried. It comes with the elementalX kernel and substratum built in (has 9 custom themes).
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but we have nexus 7 Grouper/Tilapia
you know that you are referencing a rom from 2013 right? grouper/tilapia is way outdated and isn't android kit kat or something like it.
