[HELP] Problems Receiving Text Messages on T-mobile's $30 Prepaid Service - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Well as the title says, I've been having issues receiving texts messages on the $30 prepaid plan.
What happens:
-I will randomly not receive a text message, or I will receive it days later(if I turn my phone on after being off all night), or I will receive a message that is one half the current message and one half an old message from days/weeks ago(the are intertwined).
-It happens complete sporadically, no rhyme or reason. It happens at my apartment, while I'm sitting at work, or at the gym. At my lowest signal level I will have 2 bar remaining of "3g" but it's usually around 3 (I'm in Pittsburgh).
What I've tried so far to fix it:
-I had T-mobile swap out for a new sim card.
-I've contacted T-mobile customer service twice. They've "refreshed" my connection to their network, reset my sim, played with my account, etc.
-I'm using Chomp SMS as my messaging app. The issues also occurred when using the stock messaging app.
-I've cleared the cache for both apps.
What I haven't tried and what you may need to know:
-I haven't played with the APN settings all. As far as I know all of those settings are set straight from/by T-mobile.
-I'm not rooted
-I've had this problem intermittently since buying the nexus4 from google in Nov.
-My original nexus 4(which I RMA'ed) also had the problem- looking back I just thought it was the other persons phone. Which makes me believe it's on T-mobiles end, or at least a tweak in an APN setting?
-Zero issues with call clarity, data speeds. All have been perfectly fine.
-It doesn't seem to matter which carrier the person who is sending me the message is on.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Or has anyone else experienced similar issues? I'd like to hope that there's a simple fix that doesn't require me changing to ST and using AT&T but I guess if I have to... I have too. I'm at a complete loss as to what else I could try in order to fix this.
All help, tips, suggestions are welcome. Thank guys!

no44specialk said:
Well as the title says, I've been having issues receiving texts messages on the $30 prepaid plan.
What happens:
-I will randomly not receive a text message, or I will receive it days later(if I turn my phone on after being off all night), or I will receive a message that is one half the current message and one half an old message from days/weeks ago(the are intertwined).
-It happens complete sporadically, no rhyme or reason. It happens at my apartment, while I'm sitting at work, or at the gym. At my lowest signal level I will have 2 bar remaining of "3g" but it's usually around 3 (I'm in Pittsburgh).
What I've tried so far to fix it:
-I had T-mobile swap out for a new sim card.
-I've contacted T-mobile customer service twice. They've "refreshed" my connection to their network, reset my sim, played with my account, etc.
-I'm using Chomp SMS as my messaging app. The issues also occurred when using the stock messaging app.
-I've cleared the cache for both apps.
What I haven't tried and what you may need to know:
-I haven't played with the APN settings all. As far as I know all of those settings are set straight from/by T-mobile.
-I'm not rooted
-I've had this problem intermittently since buying the nexus4 from google in Nov.
-My original nexus 4(which I RMA'ed) also had the problem- looking back I just thought it was the other persons phone. Which makes me believe it's on T-mobiles end, or at least a tweak in an APN setting?
-Zero issues with call clarity, data speeds. All have been perfectly fine.
-It doesn't seem to matter which carrier the person who is sending me the message is on.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Or has anyone else experienced similar issues? I'd like to hope that there's a simple fix that doesn't require me changing to ST and using AT&T but I guess if I have to... I have too. I'm at a complete loss as to what else I could try in order to fix this.
All help, tips, suggestions are welcome. Thank guys!
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I have had this issue on and off with SMS messages and "Waiting Voice Mail" messages over the years (mostly on pre-smartphones and G1). All you can really do is reboot the phone often (at least once a day). I think it's related to messages sent while your phone has no service, but not 100% sure.

For 3 yrs with a half dozen smartphones I had texting issues with tmo and now on straight talk tmo it is the same thing.
It hasn't been as bad as you seem to have it but there do sometimes seem to be heavy delays.


Phone Retexting

Atrix - Alien Rom.
Apparently my phone is sending the same texts to some people over and over again.
My bill is already jacked up, any ideas to fix this?
This is a network level issue and not a phone issue if rebooting does not fix it.
You will have to conact your network
This issue has to do with the tower you're on. Sometimes shoddy tower signals can result in a mix up and your phone thinking a message insn't sent when it is. So it gets stuck in this loop of sending a message repeatedly. I would try turning your phone off, taking your SIM card out, booting up, turning off phone again and replacing SIM card.
edit: OH yeh and delete the sent messages before you do.
I hope you guys are correct because i remember having a problem with an old Motorola chocolate a white back which I purchased on ebay for my girl friend, I had to buy her a new phone from AT&T because the one I got her was spamming out text messages
I have had the reverse problem of recieving multiple (sometimes infinite) messages with my Atrix, i also believe its a tower problem. But I assure you, it is better to send than recieve.
ertDeath said:
Atrix - Alien Rom.
Apparently my phone is sending the same texts to some people over and over again.
My bill is already jacked up, any ideas to fix this?
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Had this issue with sending a message to my sister. The problem is with the network the people you are sending to. Their network, (even if it's the same provider), is not sending message received data back to your phone. Call your provider and tell them. When this happened to me I made sure I wasn't being charged for the same international text message over and over. The constant repeat of sending the message will stop after 72 hours, as this is when the networks are set to cancel repeats for non delivery. I spent an hour on the phone with AT&T before they finally figured out the problem was network related.
WiredPirate said:
I have had the reverse problem of recieving multiple (sometimes infinite) messages with my Atrix, i also believe its a tower problem. But I assure you, it is better to send than recieve.
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I just had the same problem two days ago
When life sucks I just enjoy the head
I have the problem with incoming messages every few days. I use Go SMS and ill get one message over and over . Then no other incoming sms will come but outgoing will work. I usually find if I reboot with custom tethering APN on this will initiate the problem and also changing batterries from the BH6X to the BH5X seems to initiate it. Usually now pulling the battery and rebooting with the standard APN AT&T will fix the problem for me. Not sure if this is helpful but I was dealing with it a lot and I have had it happen once since the method above is used.
Sent using the phone with the biggest balls....Atrix 4G

HELP. 6P not receiving texts/BLANK SMSC

To start, I'm on Android 7.0 using the September security patch and am rooted.
Never had an issue with this phone before. Ever since yesterday morning I have not been able to receive anyone's text messages. I'm not sure about MMS but I haven't gotten any of those either. The weird thing is that I can SEND texts just fine....and I can also send text messages to myself and they come through.
After digging and researching I accessed that hidden settings menu by typing *#*#4636#*#* into my dialer and looking at the SMSC number which should be for Tmobile, my provider, +12063130004. However, it's blank and I'm unable to change it. Hitting "update" gives me an "update error" in the field and if I hit refresh I get "+12063130004",145 with the quotes and the 145. If I hit update from there and reboot it's still blank. If I put in +12063130004 and reboot it's still blank.
I have data, I can make and receive calls and surf the web. So far I've tried switching sms apps to no avail. I'm currently using google messenger. I've tried removing the sim and placing it back in. I went in to TWRP wiped cache, dalvich cache and data and it did nothing. Finally I reverted to a nandroid I made about a month ago when sms was working fine and it's still not working.
I'm out of ideas fellas. At my wit's end here!
Oh, I should also let you know that I think this all started when my girlfriend sent me a text message that i received yesterday morning. It was the last text I was able to get......she's on a cruise so she sent it somewhere near mexico....I think it made my phone have a massive brain fart and I'm not sure how to fix this bug. Please help!!
No one? I've found nothing on the web..
This may sound obvious, but have you tried using a factory image to return to stock?
Sounds like you've done everything but that.
I suppose you could also try deleting your APN and manually entering a correct one for your carrier. That's helped me in the past on other devices when I've had weird data/service issues.
Funny you asked. I did a full wipe and returned to stock on the latest November build. Still a no go. People still get my texts and I can still use data/make and receive calls fine. I'll try the APN suggestion now.
As far as APN's go, I tried to reset them to default. I even tried deleting all of them except for the one I was using which in the past for other devices helped with certain issues. I then created a custom APN setting that I found on the 6p forum that helped other users with SMS/MMS issues....no help for me.
I can still send SMS,mms, make and receive phone calls. No idea what to do!!!
I have a similar but different issue. I can receive messages just fine. But sometimes when i send messages id say about 40% of the time my message gets stuck at the "sending" and it takes sometimes up to 10min for it to send. I can speed the process up if i go to the secret menu and toggle the radio off and on.
Im on ATT BTW. I thought it had something to do with ATT shutting down the 2G network and the phone getting confused as to which network to send messages on but im no expert its just a theroy.
PS. I had this problem pop out of nowhere. Had it start randomly on PN6 (last build) so i upgraded to PN7 same thing on 2 different versions of the ROM. And now im on SuperAx 7.1 and still have the issue.
Ive always had problems with Nexus's and messages. When i had the Nexus 5 i actually had to warranty it out because MMS all of a sudden would not work at all.
I received one text today from someone. That's it. Not getting all the missed sms messages and not getting any additional sms messages.

is it the phone or is it sprint???

Some texts won't come through I also am getting repeat texts. Some voicemails either. I called Sprint to refresh on there end and all of a sudden everything comes through at once. Some of the messages were 4 days old. Wtf. My first reaction is to to be pissed of at Sprint cause I can't stand the network. So my question is should I contact essential?
I was literally about to post this same question. I think it has something to do with our preferred network type/enhanced lte mode/APNs or some variation of it. My only work around for now is using Google Voice, however MMS is still giving me issues.
Maybe it is a combination of essential AND sprint! Following this thread in hopes that we can figure out a fix.
Edit: I wonder if the issue will be resolved once we receive the update. I read that we can sideload it but I haven't got around to it yet. Have you updated yours?
It's Sprint. Used the have problems with my Nexus 5 but haven't had any issues with the essential. Just as a test, check your signal when you have the issues and see if you can get the sender to do the same thing. My mom, who has terrible signal at her house, will send me double texts sometimes. But if she is out and about, no issues
Sent from my PH-1 using Tapatalk
I originally hadn't had this problem. Just got an RMA replacement today and was having this problem on the new one. I updated the profile and the problem seemed to go away. But I've only received 2 factor authentication texts so far so not really comfortable saying it's fixed yet.
But if you want to try it:
1. Go to Settings
2. Tap About Phone
3. Tap OMADM Updates
4. Tap update profile.
Updating prl here would be worth doing too.
OP and others, still having issues? got this phone saturday and have been getting duplicate texts.... i can deal with that but not completely missing texts.
iamkoza said:
OP and others, still having issues? got this phone saturday and have been getting duplicate texts.... i can deal with that but not completely missing texts.
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I am still having this issue of duplicate texts. My temp fix is using Google voice and turning off the messages notifications. However, I had to create a Tasker profile to notify me when I get mms.
I've done all the updates to no avail.
I am not experiencing any of the issues being mentioned on this thread. Had my phone almost a week now and no issues at all. Texts and calls, etc all work fine. No duplicates.

T-Mobile Pixel 4 Not Getting Certain Texts

Has anyone else had this problem? I've got a stock Pixel 4 from T-Mobile that just doesn't get texts reliably. Doesn't seem to matter whether the sender is on an iPhone/Android. Sometimes they'll come in days late from when they were originally sent - sometimes not at all. I've tried all sorts of different texting apps besides the stock one. I've exchanged the phone at T-Mobile for a new one with a fresh SIM card - same issue. If I factory reset the phone, I'll get a flood of all the missed texts and it may work fine for like a week until the problem creeps up again. I've tried with chat features on and off. Nothing seems to fix this and I've had friends tell me they had similar issues and only solved it by switching to a different phone, but I don't have that luxury since I don't have Jump On-Demand. Stuck with this BS and super disappointed considering it's Google's own phone.
Prior to owning the Pixel, my wife and I had the exact same issues with our OnePlus 7's. Text messages were even going to the wrong contacts. We tried everything to remedy the problem via OnePlus. We even contacted T-mobile and they tried resetting our networks as well. Nothing worked. I finally got a hold of a representative at T-Mobile that said they were upgrading the network in our area and multiple customers were experiencing the same issue. So, we immediately switched to another messaging app and let our contacts know the issue and the new preferable way of contact. Now we own the Pixel, our SMS texts are fine and haven't experienced any issues, but it's more likely related to the network than the phone. But I'm still paranoid after that experience, so we hardly ever text anymore and rely on another messaging app with family and friends.

Cant send SMS... Sometimes?

I'm hoping somebody has experienced this before and found a fix and can help me out...
All day I've been struggling to send SMS messages... I'm on, magisk rooted, with RICE installed. Everything was working great but today when i woke up, i was unable to send SMS messages...
I'm receiving them, but sometimes they are delayed and i get a few at a time with nothing coming in again for a short time after that, but i've made no changes to my phone in the last 2 days. I've rebooted a few times between then and now (twice yesterday, just because), so i cant really understand why i would just randomly be unable to send text messages or why they are received in bursts like this?
I've gone in and reset my "Wi-Fi, Mobile & Bluetooth" settings from within the reset options, and this appears to fix the issue, but only for a minute or so and suddenly they stop sending again... I thought maybe its the tower, so i used my daughters phone to text my wife and that worked perfectly fine. Immediately before and after, mine wouldnt send.
Any ideas, links, or guidance that might help me figure this out?
Since there's been some updates and no responses to my thread, i wanted to revisit this and see if i'm still the only one on earth with this issue.
The issue seemed to have completely gone away on its own, no idea why or how... But a couple weeks ago i decided to install the update to on my IN11AA. Ever since, my phone will randomly stop receiving SMS messages completely. I can still send, just cant receive. The only way to fix this is to reboot.
Anyone else with this issue? Anyone find a reason for this? A fix perhaps?
PMad said:
Since there's been some updates and no responses to my thread, i wanted to revisit this and see if i'm still the only one on earth with this issue.
The issue seemed to have completely gone away on its own, no idea why or how... But a couple weeks ago i decided to install the update to on my IN11AA. Ever since, my phone will randomly stop receiving SMS messages completely. I can still send, just cant receive. The only way to fix this is to reboot.
Anyone else with this issue? Anyone find a reason for this? A fix perhaps?
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Seeming this issue doesn't seem to be widespread, could be a carrier side issue?
It's a shame we don't have dual boot capabilities because you could have switched to stock and checked.
Also try a secondary SIM from maybe someone in your household and send using that SIM and see what happens.
I know there are delays after rebooting, I do a lot of magisk module work and every reboot try sending notifications using SMS or some other methods and I get around 3 mins no send or receive but not at the length you do.
LOGMD said:
Seeming this issue doesn't seem to be widespread, could be a carrier side issue?
It's a shame we don't have dual boot capabilities because you could have switched to stock and checked.
Also try a secondary SIM from maybe someone in your household and send using that SIM and see what happens.
I know there are delays after rebooting, I do a lot of magisk module work and every reboot try sending notifications using SMS or some other methods and I get around 3 mins no send or receive but not at the length you do.
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I just had the issue again yesterday. Wife and I started texting eachother at about 8am, except, i didnt receive any of her messages until 5:30pm when she got home and told me she had been texting me. I rebooted 3 times, which once usually resolves the issue but not this time. I had to go into the settings and reset my WiFi/Mobile/Bluetooth settings, then it worked immediately.
Because of the solutions, i wouldnt think its a sim issue, but im going to test it anyway. I've factory reset a few times in the past and i still get the issue. I've had the issue while rooted and not rooted. Four of us have phones, 3 are Samsung and then there's mine, and mine's the only one with the issue.
PMad said:
I just had the issue again yesterday. Wife and I started texting eachother at about 8am, except, i didnt receive any of her messages until 5:30pm when she got home and told me she had been texting me. I rebooted 3 times, which once usually resolves the issue but not this time. I had to go into the settings and reset my WiFi/Mobile/Bluetooth settings, then it worked immediately.
Because of the solutions, i wouldnt think its a sim issue, but im going to test it anyway. I've factory reset a few times in the past and i still get the issue. I've had the issue while rooted and not rooted. Four of us have phones, 3 are Samsung and then there's mine, and mine's the only one with the issue.
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What SMS app are you using? I wonder if you have enabled RCS messaging the new Google style messaging? Because maybe it uses WiFi to download some of the SMS, and if your carrier doesn't support it maybe you only receive it when you are on WiFi.
Try on WiFi then try just on mobile data and see if you notice.
I attached a photo check the top setting. Google might be persisting your setting (if you are using Google messages)
Also why don't you and your wife try a simnswap next time you happen and you are both at home, if your wife doesn't receive it then it's sim/network related.
LOGMD said:
What SMS app are you using? I wonder if you have enabled RCS messaging the new Google style messaging? Because maybe it uses WiFi to download some of the SMS, and if your carrier doesn't support it maybe you only receive it when you are on WiFi.
Try on WiFi then try just on mobile data and see if you notice.
I attached a photo check the top setting. Google might be persisting your setting (if you are using Google messages)
Also why don't you and your wife try a simnswap next time you happen and you are both at home, if your wife doesn't receive it then it's sim/network related.
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I'm using Google Messages, and yes i do have RCS enabled. I dont believe thats the case though because the messages that are blocked are sometimes just an "ok" message. I'm almost always on WiFi though too.
The primary issue with sim swapping with my wife is that we would need to swap sims for up to 2 weeks since sometimes I have no issues for 2 weeks, then i get the issue once or twice a day for three days. The worst part (for me anyway) is that her screen is SHATTERED on her phone (she's using a Note10+) and its hard to see anything, so i've been trying to get her to get a new phone. I think we might be FINALLY upgrading her (after 5 months) to an S21 Ultra, so maybe we'll give that a shot there.
I'm actually wondering if it has something to do with messages for web. I've noticed that the issue only really happens after using that, but.. It doesnt always happen after using messages for web, so it might just be a coincidence.
I'm pretty sure its not Google Messages, or RCS, and fairly certain its not messages for web, because i used to use Signal only, and i still had the issue a few times.
PMad said:
I'm using Google Messages, and yes i do have RCS enabled. I dont believe thats the case though because the messages that are blocked are sometimes just an "ok" message. I'm almost always on WiFi though too.
The primary issue with sim swapping with my wife is that we would need to swap sims for up to 2 weeks since sometimes I have no issues for 2 weeks, then i get the issue once or twice a day for three days. The worst part (for me anyway) is that her screen is SHATTERED on her phone (she's using a Note10+) and its hard to see anything, so i've been trying to get her to get a new phone. I think we might be FINALLY upgrading her (after 5 months) to an S21 Ultra, so maybe we'll give that a shot there.
I'm actually wondering if it has something to do with messages for web. I've noticed that the issue only really happens after using that, but.. It doesnt always happen after using messages for web, so it might just be a coincidence.
I'm pretty sure its not Google Messages, or RCS, and fairly certain its not messages for web, because i used to use Signal only, and i still had the issue a few times.
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When you say "ok" are you just sending short messages or the suggested replies by Google?
I had problems with auto reply in notifications for a while.
Tbh I just use telegram or signal becuase they don't require being connected to the device directly when using the web/desktop versions.
Yeah swapping for 2 weeks isn't great!
Interesting you had this issue with signal too, sounds like Google cloud messaging (needed for any app push notifications and messaging) is in a standby mode.
You got naptime or servicely installed? Shame no one else is seeing this issue might be easier to diagnose

