Thought I'd share the updated How To's we have up on the site. All completely with easy to follow videos for newbies.
How To Setup ADB -
How To Load a Theme -
How To Flash a New Recovery Image -
How To Switch to a Different SD Card (for use with Swap, Hero ROMs, etc.) -
How To Backup/Restore Your Android Phone -
Nexus One How To's -
How To: Root the Nexus One (Updated 01.11.10)
How To: Load a Custom ROM on the Nexus One (Updated 1.11.10)
Want HTC Sense UI (HTC Desire ROM) on Your Nexus One? Ok, no problem.
Hope these help people! Enjoy!
amazing... great work... but err.. shouldn't this be in Q&A or General...
this is very useful! good work!
bookmarked!!! thanks heaps!!!
Nice video tutorials. Thank you!
A mod needs to sticky this, then hang flashing lights and **** on it so noobs will stop posting the same questions over and over!
Nice work OP!
haven't watched the vides, but i did bookmark just in case. still haven't pulled trigger on warranty voiderooni yet...waiting for a compelling reason
This will be very useful! good job!
Thought I'd share the updated How To's we have up on the site. All completely with easy to follow videos for newbies.
How To Setup ADB -
How To Load a Theme -
How To Flash a New Recovery Image -
How To Switch to a Different SD Card (for use with Swap, Hero ROMs, etc.) -
How To Backup/Restore Your Android Phone -
Nexus One How To's -
How To: Root the Nexus One (Updated 01.11.10)
How To: Load a Custom ROM on the Nexus One (Updated 1.11.10)
Want HTC Sense UI (HTC Desire ROM) on Your Nexus One? Ok, no problem.
Hope these help people! Enjoy!
For a list of all our How To's (w Videos) sorted by Phone go here -
Great site! Come check it out!
I would like a howto explaining how to uninstall system apps (e.g. the mp3 store, the email app). I don't use it and would like to uninstall them, but I don't know how!
Just a self plug for my guide on these forums
Just wanted to say EXCELLENT video tutorials - I used these to root and flash my virgin nexus one yesterday. HOWEVER, you should make a note that you need to wipe before flashing cynaogen (I got stuck in the boot screen and was freaking out). Doing a wipe fixed this...
Great site & very good video tutorials! Keep it up...
Great Site
I love it, i love it. I wish this was around when i got my g1.
This needs to be made a sticky
Hello XDA Mods "Sticky" please
lnjryan said:
This needs to be made a sticky
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+1, I have been rooting phones since the day the G1 came out. I have to say that site makes rooting practically noob proof. I have used it once or twice when setting up my drivers for SDK/ADB and was very impressed.
Honestly, I wish that XDA would create a section of "How To" videos for rooting the devices that showcases. This would make rooting much easier for noobs.
This gets my vote for "STICKY"!
Well, First of all Excuse my English
I prepared this INDEX of guides, because there are many guides, many duplicated threads about the same tutorials, etc.
This can became confussing for some users.
Sooo in here i'll try to put them in order. I better say first, that i tried to included the updated guides. The ones from a year ago or older where not included, unless i found them relevant or still usefull
Please if i missed a guide/tutorial fell free to PM me.
Starter GUIDES:
Canadian/Australian SGS2
SGS2 Canadian Thread (Bell/Virgin/Sasktel/Rogers) Root/Unlock/Firmware/Modems/Mods
Australian AU Galaxy S II (help/rooting/updates,etc)
International Elementals
[Bible] Galaxy S II Bible: Complete reference (updated 01/02/12)
New here? READ THIS THREAD FIRST. What Is Recovery & Download Mode?
[Recognized Contributors][Sticky Thread] New Members Start Here First
[Guide/Info] What you need to include to get help
[FAQ] GT-i9100 Galaxy S II FAQ thread
[Guide] Back up your data before moving to a new rom
[REF] Guide to the Galaxy S II and Android (04/10/11)
[READ THIS] Got a Boot Loop? Don't post a New Thread!
[GUIDE] Fix an unflashable or soft bricked GSII (I9100G/M/P/T VERSION INCLUDED!)
[Guide]Noob Guide To Set File Permission's [28-08-2012]
Root/UnRoot Guides
[06.07.2012][CF-Root 5.5] K/EFGHIJKLP*, LA*, LP-126BHJQ73SC89DEFWGKIQ - su+bb+CWM4/5
[04/Jan][ROOTING/UNROOTING] DooMLoRD's Easy Rooting Toolkit [v4.0](zergRush Exploit)
[FAQ] [ROOT] Questions about rooting SGS2 via zergRush Exploit
[GUIDE] ROOT/UNROOT Stock ICS Firmware without flashing unsecure kernel
[ROOT]How to ROOT Galaxy S2! [1-Click Root][Video Tutorial][No Odin required]
A complete noobs guide to root using the [CF-Root v4.0] KE2/7/8, KF1 - su+bb+CWM4
[Guide][CWM][Root][ICS] Universal proper rooting for most ICS phones
[TUTORIAL] UNROOT the Galaxy S II on ICS to COMPLETE stock
FAQS/Guide/Additional Info For Rooting S2 - High level summary
How to Root stock JB 4.1.2 using Stock Recovery
Advance guides:
[GUIDE] How to Dual Boot using the Siyah Kernel
[GUIDE][Troubleshoot a failed Odin flash]
[Guide] How To Fix Your USB Storage [emmc] After LQ5
Guide to Dual booting Samsung JB with AOSP based roms
How to Root stock JB 4.1.2 using Stock Recovery
How to make a USB Jig
List of Samsung Secret Codes
Solution for Missing Photos and Videos after flashing new ROM
Sim Unlock using 'GalaxSim unlock app'
[GUIDE] Recover your IMEI in 9 steps
[HOWTO][exFAT][WORK IN PROGRESS] Mount exFAT formatted drives and cards
[GUIDE] Make your own undervolt (GB + ICS)
[Tutorial] How to mount external NTFS drive
[How To] Swap the mounting points on ICS (CM9) for emmc and sdcard
[HOWTO] GT-I9100 Free SIM Unlock via nv_data.bin by Odia
[Ref][Kernel]Triggering actions with touch gestures
[GUIDE] Defining/Creating Triggering Actions Gestures easier
[HOW TO][Windows] Manually Deodex and Odex back
[APP] Ntfs Mounter - Automatically mount NTFS/EXT formated USB Sticks and SD Cards
Solution for Missing Photos and Videos after flashing new ROM
Guide to Dual booting Samsung JB with AOSP based roms
How to make a USB Jig
[30/08 UPDATE][TUTORIAL][GUIDE] Learn to make your own 'eye-candy' mods [Easy Steps]
[FRAMEWORK] Xposed - ROM modding without modifying APKs/flashing (2.0rc1)(04.07.2012)
[GUIDE]How to add customizable 14 statusbar toggle buttons for samsung ROM
[MOD][GUIDE] Mms.apk with Sent time/"Unlimited" Contacts adding//No MMS Convert
[MOD] Hacked Camera.APK for better audio quality, usage with any battery life & MORE!
Sim Unlock using 'GalaxSim unlock app'
[GUIDE] How To Get Emoji Fonts In Rooted Devices
[GUIDE] How to replace a scratched camera
[TUTORIAL][S3 Imitation] Turning your GS2 to GS2.5 (Updated on 11th July 2012)
[TIPS] The Best Way to Calibrate our S2 Battery ! [No root needed, Simple, Accurate]
Get maximum battery out of stock JB ROMs
I'll be adding, while i'll found more or you people send me what you made or found
Thx to all peopple that gived me stuff to add
i'll see if i can make a new layout, because the thread is begining to have some threads that are not well tagged. i must divide it in more cattegories
Nice to see you here Good job, and I'm glad to see my guide in the list
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
kilometers4 said:
Nice to see you here Good job, and I'm glad to see my guide in the list
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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thx! let's see how it goes
Excellent job. Ty
awesome index bro=:good:
Thx guys
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Finally, I found a decent tutorial about how I can un-root my Samsung Galaxy S II back to stock ICS!
Much appreciated.
Good and updated rooting guide
Odoslané z GT-I9100 cez Tapatalk 2
Stileth said:
Good and updated rooting guide
Odoslané z GT-I9100 cez Tapatalk 2
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Gr8 thx for letting me know! On monday i will update it
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
awesome index! :good:
zOunda said:
awesome index! :good:
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subscribed and bookmarked
nice work
neerajganga said:
subscribed and bookmarked
nice work
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Agree. Same done here
Thank you for this nice guide.
I found an additional thread for mounting NTFS-Drives/Cards
I think this is the easiest way to get it working.
y17dt said:
Thank you for this nice guide.
I found an additional thread for mounting NTFS-Drives/Cards
I think this is the easiest way to get it working.
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K thx...ill check it out later
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
I think you can add this one as well:
Thanks for this, really useful.
Really good job , greatly needed .ty :good:
These two might be nice addition:
[TIPS][GB & ICS] ★ Battery Saving TIPS Collection™ ★
[TIPS] The Best Way to Calibrate our S2 Battery ! [No root needed, Simple, Accurate]
I tried MultiROM to install Ubuntu Touch but finally i couldn't boot into ubuntu touch
i read lots of tutorials and watched some videos to find problem but i couldn't find !!!
as main tutorial;
Ubuntu touch preview
i Downloaded files and installation was successfully
i Just got this error that i don't know what to do with it that says not found boot.img and try to use current boot.img
should i flash Boot.img ( to bootloader of N7 !?!?
Or any other download link that contain boot.img or maybe thr s special thing to download and no one mentioned !!!
pls help
Really silly mistake :|
i just flashed both .zip as Add ROM in multiRom
while i should flash first saucy-preinstalled-armel+grouper as Add ROM
and then Flash .zip to it through list ROMs and Add .zip to it
anyway sorry for mistake
and thnks for who read my problem
The guide didn't mention anything about flashing a kexec-hardboot kernel which I remember something about it needing... I have tried both Ubuntu Touch and Desktop on my Nexus and they are barely usable.
Username invalid said:
The guide didn't mention anything about flashing a kexec-hardboot kernel which I remember something about it needing... I have tried both Ubuntu Touch and Desktop on my Nexus and they are barely usable.
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i used kexek kernel it mentioned in MultiRom section
could u pls send links of wht downloaded and then flash?
I'm pretty sure you can't install ubuntu touch aren't you suppose to use ubuntu desktop correct me if I'm .
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium
beastint said:
I'm pretty sure you can't install ubuntu touch aren't you suppose to use ubuntu desktop correct me if I'm .
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium
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now I have both Ubuntu Desktop & Touch
and i tried to developing for Ubuntu Touch
FYI: boot.img is NOT the boot loader.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Ther are two main points here- Ubuntu desktop is installable as standalond AND with multirom. The latter requires kexec. Ubuntu touch is installable as standalone, but not multirom at this moment. Tasssadar has stated he will be fixing the ubuntu touch install process in his next multirom release.
As a side note, Ubuntu desktop can indeed feel very rough to use, but an otg and your basic usb peripherals will make a huge difference.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
rebel1699 said:
Ther are two main points here- Ubuntu desktop is installable as standalond AND with multirom. The latter requires kexec. Ubuntu touch is installable as standalone, but not multirom at this moment. Tasssadar has stated he will be fixing the ubuntu touch install process in his next multirom release.
As a side note, Ubuntu desktop can indeed feel very rough to use, but an otg and your basic usb peripherals will make a huge difference.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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Ubuntu Touch works with multiRom
now i have it
> internel CM10.1
and 3 more roms > Stock, Ubuntu Desktop and UbuntuTouch (last release)
x102x96x said:
Ubuntu Touch works with multiRom
now i have it
> internel CM10.1
and 3 more roms > Stock, Ubuntu Desktop and UbuntuTouch (last release)
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You have an older version of Ubuntu touch installed. The newer will not install as is. Refer to this post by tasssadar.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
rebel1699 said:
You have an older version of Ubuntu touch installed. The newer will not install as is. Refer to this post by tasssadar.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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Ubuntu Touch Preview
Daily Build page of Ubuntu;
Touch 13.10
x102x96x said:
Ubuntu Touch Preview
Daily Build page of Ubuntu;
Touch 13.10
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Yes, that is for the old zip installables. The newer nightlies system are in tar.gz with a different structure, not currently supported by multirom. As I said, you are using the old developer preview.
Here are the newer nightlies link
This is tasssadars post from July 4th
" Nah, new Ubuntu touch images gonna need some work. TWRP 2.6 should come out sometime soon (one or two weeks), so I'm gonna do it all at once when it is out - merge 2.6 into my modified TWRP and add support for new Ubuntu touch."
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
rebel1699 said:
Yes, that is for the old zip installables. The newer nightlies system are in tar.gz with a different structure, not currently supported by multirom. As I said, you are using the old developer preview.
Here are the newer nightlies link
This is tasssadars post from July 4th
" Nah, new Ubuntu touch images gonna need some work. TWRP 2.6 should come out sometime soon (one or two weeks), so I'm gonna do it all at once when it is out - merge 2.6 into my modified TWRP and add support for new Ubuntu touch."
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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yup u r right
i just checked the version of ubuntu 13.10
thanks for mention
x102x96x said:
yup u r right
i just checked the version of ubuntu 13.10
thanks for mention
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Tasssadar just released MultiROM v11, so you should be able to install the newest ubuntu touch releases now. Im goint to do the same shortly to see how much progress has been made the last few months. Happy flashing!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
rebel1699 said:
Tasssadar just released MultiROM v11, so you should be able to install the newest ubuntu touch releases now. Im goint to do the same shortly to see how much progress has been made the last few months. Happy flashing!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
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downloading multirom, twrp and newest ubuntu touch
rebel1699 said:
Tasssadar just released MultiROM v11, so you should be able to install the newest ubuntu touch releases now. Im goint to do the same shortly to see how much progress has been made the last few months. Happy flashing!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
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i installed ubuntu touch Saucy Salamander
MultiROM works gr8
Hello everyone,
Before you start flaming me for posting a redundant thread, please hear me out.
After bricking my TF300T (had xubuntu installed and had to f*** with partitions..and I f***** it real good) I've decided to get myself a Nexus 10. I've been doing some research on the matter of running Ubuntu Desktop (NOT touch) on it I've seen many tutorials on how to do it I've come across plenty howtos on how to install it on the Nexus 7.
My question is, is it possible to use the same process/images for my brand new Nexus 10? How different are the devices from each other?
I've seen that Canonical has released a Ubuntu Dual Boot Installer compatible with the Nexus 10. Would it be possible to use the Rabbits kernel I used for the TF300T? Also, as far as I've seen Multiboot is only compatible with the Nexus 7.. or have I seen wrong? Did I make a bad purchase and should've gotten an other tablet?
Thanks in advance for your time and help and my advanced apologies for inconveniencing anyone with this thread.
As far as I know (and I've only triedndoing this once a while back so I may be wrong) there is no way to partition the storage in the nexus 10 to install Ubuntu, and there is no kernel to support it. You would have to run the Ubuntu iso through chroot in the terminal, and then use a VNC client app to use Ubuntu. Effectively, you'd be running Ubuntu in the background whilst running android to view it, so performance (and compatibility) takes a hit.
But, like I say, times and developers have changed so I may be entirely wrong now...
Say you manage to partition the emmc.. Then what? You'll need to port drivers over from Android (not an easy thing to do since they're proprietary).. Ubuntu touch is Android based.
a hammerhead wrote this.