Nexus 4 Home Screen Flashing. - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So Today I was just out with friends when I took my phone out and realized the display kept flashing , not like flashes of white but the display seemed like it the color in the screen kept flashing, I rebooted my phone and it kept doing the same thing. After the third reboot it was back to normal, My question is has anyone experienced this before?

choob6634 said:
So Today I was just out with friends when I took my phone out and realized the display kept flashing , not like flashes of white but the display seemed like it the color in the screen kept flashing, I rebooted my phone and it kept doing the same thing. After the third reboot it was back to normal, My question is has anyone experienced this before?
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I experienced the same thing a couple of days ago, luckily I haven't had problems since.

Try to turn off auto brightness and check again.
Are you using stock firmware/kernel or modded?

Nexus 4 Home Screen Flashing
AdamLange said:
Try to turn off auto brightness and check again.
Are you using stock firmware/kernel or modded?
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Bone stock, It seriously seemed like the Display was going to die. Right after it just blacked out.


[INFO] Random Reboots aren't True Reboots

I think many of you are misinterpreting the "Random Reboots" you're experiencing. Unless the screen goes completely blank, then it is not a true reboot, if all it does is flash back to boot animation it is just the graphical shell crashing.
Good point, I did notice that it booted up significantly faster than a full reboot when it happened to me before and that it only dropped to the boot animation.
That makes a lot of sense actually
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Thanks for the suggestion - that does make some sense. Is there a way to verify this, though? In my case, my DInc will be in a stand on my desk - screen off, so I can't actually see what happens - when I'll hear it vibrate, and I'll notice the white HTC screen followed by the boot animation. It's only done this since I rooted, and it has done it with at least three of the ROMs I've used.
CaptBananaPants said:
Thanks for the suggestion - that does make some sense. Is there a way to verify this, though? In my case, my DInc will be in a stand on my desk - screen off, so I can't actually see what happens - when I'll hear it vibrate, and I'll notice the white HTC screen followed by the boot animation. It's only done this since I rooted, and it has done it with at least three of the ROMs I've used.
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Yeah, same deal. I have learned to do "real" reboots, especially after rooting. What I mean is actually turning it off, counting to like 20 (maybe pull the battery), and then turn it back on.
Recently I had an issue with the capacitive buttons not lighting up at all so I tried a "quick" reboot (the kind that requires root) and it did nothing, then I tried a "real" reboot and they work fine now.
Agreed. I can confirm the Atrix is not doing a full reboot. I had a call on speaker phone then all of a sudden my screen showed the boot animation and I could hear the other person talking for an additional 15-20 sec while the phone finished "booting". Our conversation was not ended until the home screen came back up, at this point my bars/service dropped to no service. Also, I have not rooted or modified the Atrix, its stock.. w/LauncherPro+.
WiredPirate said:
Agreed. I can confirm the Atrix is not doing a full reboot. I had a call on speaker phone then all of a sudden my screen showed the boot animation and I could hear the other person talking for an additional 15-20 sec while the phone finished "booting". Our conversation was not ended until the home screen came back up, at this point my bars/service dropped to no service. Also, I have not rooted or modified the Atrix, its stock.. w/LauncherPro+.
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I had those "reboots" twice now. Once while using Maps and once while sitting on my desk not being used. I was also using LauncherPro+. I wonder if that might have been part of it. I stopped using LP+ and haven't had a "reboot" yet (knock on wood)

[Q] Weird screen defect - Screen blank after boot

Hi all,
I got my Nexus 7 from the Play Store a couple of months ago (one of the pre-orderers). The first time I turned it on, I noticed the screen slowly dimming and turning off during the boot animation. I would see the 'X' but it would slowly fade out, disappear totally and then reappear on full brightness. The screen then totally turned off after completing booting and I couldn't see anything. A couple of reboots later and the screen finally turned on which was great. The tablet would run anything perfectly after that except if I turned the brightness to the lowest setting which would cause the screen to turn off. This didn't bother me either since I always use it on full brightness anyway.
However, over the last couple of weeks I noticed the touchscreen becomes unresponsive after prolonged use. This made me decide to get it replaced. I called Google who said they would send me a replacement :victory:.
Here's the problem...Since I was rooted and running CWM recovery I decided to revert to the factory image for warranty purposes. So I reverted to stock and rebooted but I now have the same problem I had at the first boot. My screen won't turn on! I tried rebooting a couple of times to see if that would do it but it just happens everytime.The bootanimation completes and the screen just turns off. The problem is I can't relock my bootloader which is going to jeopardise my warranty IMO since my tablet is scheduled for return on the 12th of this month (10/12/2012).
Well finally could anyone please help? Has anyone had the same issue? What steps did you take?
Sorry for the long post. I'm just worried that I'm going to be stuck with the defective tablet which I worked hard to save the money for in the first place
BUMP. I really need any help I can get since i've got less than 48 hours to get it fully stock before the courier comes to pick it up for RMA.
Did you follow this guide to return to stock/relock the bootloader? I had this exact same problem and your best bet would be to get an RMA.
Actually I did perform all those steps but I just can't seem to enter the stock recovery. I just keep getting the Android with the red triangle. Thanks for the suggestion anyways. I'll give you a thanks just for that
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Sounds to me as if your auto brightness is stuck....wake it up and shine a flashlight or something on the screen. If you can see your screen, go into settings and turn off your auto brightness.
Well I did what you said and guess what IT WORKED! Thanks a million. I'm really dumb for not having thought of that..
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app

[Q] Nexus 4 randomly turning off, intermittently not being able to restart

Hi guys,
Not exactly the most positive of first posts but here we go. There's a problem with my phone that I can't find the solution for...
Essentially my phone randomly turns itself off (no power down sequence, almost as though the battery's being taken out if you know what I mean) and then it has difficulty in fully booting again. For some reason it also likes to revert my wallpaper back to the original as stock.
The first thing that I thought of was malware, with the wallpaper - so I tried a couple of anti-malware apps to no avail. As my device was rooted, I then flashed back to stock, locked and unrooted it and checked the behaviour. Again to no avail (then again I've never rooted/unrooted so this may have been done incorrectly). By the looks of it, the worst case scenario is a problem with battery connections/hardware...
So the question is have you guys come across this before? Is there a solution to this or is Google/LG going to have to give me a replacement?
Many Thanks.
Weird, I just had this happen couple hours ago, I was watching a video and close the app. I press the power button to put it to sleep. Just like 20 second later, I press the power to wake it and it don't do anything. I had to hold the power button to turn it on. I check the battery status afterward and it looks like it drop between 5-10 percent in the chart after it turn on. The battery must have failed or something. This also happen to my wife phone couple weeks back, although she had to do a hard reset(power+volume up and down) it have not happen again though.
First of all, welcome to XDA community!
Now, have you done anything with your phone? As in, root it? Flashed custom kernel? Flashed custom ROM? We would love to help, but you need to provide us what we need
kyokeun1234 said:
First of all, welcome to XDA community!
Now, have you done anything with your phone? As in, root it? Flashed custom kernel? Flashed custom ROM? We would love to help, but you need to provide us what we need
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Okay, here's what I had done when this all started:
- Rooted and unlocked.
- TWRP custom recovery
- Standard Kernel, no custom ROM.
I've reverted as much of this back to stock as possible through a nexus tool-kit, but it still has the issue. If I'm missing anything out let me know.
Thrice87 said:
Okay, here's what I had done when this all started:
- Rooted and unlocked.
- TWRP custom recovery
- Standard Kernel, no custom ROM.
I've reverted as much of this back to stock as possible through a nexus tool-kit, but it still has the issue. If I'm missing anything out let me know.
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Did this happen before you had the phone rooted? Also did this happen one time only or happened multiple times? I also had this problem, but just turning off and not turning back on part. But that was only one time event and I believe it was because of the custom kernel.
kyokeun1234 said:
Did this happen before you had the phone rooted? Also did this happen one time only or happened multiple times? I also had this problem, but just turning off and not turning back on part. But that was only one time event and I believe it was because of the custom kernel.
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This started yesterday, and I rooted it as soon as I got it 2 weeks ago, so I don't think the root has caused any issues. It's now happening rather often, to the point where it's unuseable
Thrice87 said:
This started yesterday, and I rooted it as soon as I got it 2 weeks ago, so I don't think the root has caused any issues. It's now happening rather often, to the point where it's unuseable
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That's odd. Did you download any apps recently that might've caused this issue? Maybe root apps?
kyokeun1234 said:
That's odd. Did you download any apps recently that might've caused this issue? Maybe root apps?
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The only 2 apps that I downloaded the day before were cerberus and titanium backup, both of which are well known. Either way they were the day before the problems started.
Thrice87 said:
The only 2 apps that I downloaded the day before were cerberus and titanium backup, both of which are well known. Either way they were the day before the problems started.
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Doubt that these will cause any issues, but could you try uninstalling Cerberus just in case? Thanks
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
kyokeun1234 said:
Doubt that these will cause any issues, but could you try uninstalling Cerberus just in case? Thanks
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Well, after completely reverting the phone back to its stock version and pretty much everything else, it's still doing it - which surely points to a problem with the chip (or something). So, I've contacted google about a replacement and so far so good - got through in 5 minutes and sorted out the RMA and everything, should be delivered in the next few days.
Thanks for the help anyway. I'm going to avoid rooting this one for the time being to see how it behaves.
I experienced "random shutdowns" and even posted about it here. Turns out it was my belt holster that was somehow the culprit. I don't know if it was mashing some weird button sequence to turn off the phone, or if the magnet interfered or something else, but as soon as I got it out of that holster I had no more random shutdowns.
I doubt yours is the same problem but I thought I'd post mine.
hfuizo said:
I experienced "random shutdowns" and even posted about it here. Turns out it was my belt holster that was somehow the culprit. I don't know if it was mashing some weird button sequence to turn off the phone, or if the magnet interfered or something else, but as soon as I got it out of that holster I had no more random shutdowns.
I doubt yours is the same problem but I thought I'd post mine.
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Yeah that's not my problem at all Lol. Glad you've figured it out and I bet that magnet caused the issue IMO
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Funny I had the same thing happen to me last night. I was using the phone put it down for a minute or two and then could not wake the phone. What was interesting was when I couldn't get it to turn on I plugged in into the charger and let it sit for a few hours. When I was finally able to restart it using the the power, vol button the battery was at the same level before the incident. In other words whatever happened prevented the battery from being charged. I am stock and rooted and haven't loaded any new apps in over 2 weeks
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I have almost the same problem as the op but I do have a shut down sequence. It does randomly shut down itself. The first thing I got the phone I rooted it and it was fine working on modaco for 2 weeks then one day it kept shutting down upon boot until like 10 tries later I successfully got back in but lasted only a few mins and sometimes hours. Im gonna rma this pos and I hope I can get it replaced soon. I try it with stock rom and kernel then modaco with stock kernel then modaco with faux kernel. Same problem.
I had these problems earlier ... I just gave HARD RESET by pressing power key for more than 5 sec.
Then i figured, it was due to Undervolting ! and Processor going to a DEEP SLEEP all together !
So i removed UVing and it was cool since then ! ... Although my signature says the rest !
I bought my N4 about 2 weeks ago, and it has turned itself off 3 of the nights I've had it. I don't have any hard evidence, but I have a theory on why it's doing it.
At first I thought it was because I used a Motorola usb cord instead of the stock cord because I read some people's theories on the internet, but it happened again (twice) after using the stock cord.
It seemed like it only shut off if I left WiFi turned on when I went to sleep (even then it was still a random occurrence). I went into my advanced WiFi settings and noticed Wi-Fi Optimization was turned on with the text "Minimize battery usage when Wi-Fi is on". I thought it might be the problem, so I turned it off. I left WiFi on last night, and the phone was still on in the morning. Again, it is still a random occurrence even with WF on, so I'm going to leave WF on at night for a few days/weeks and see if it happens again. I'll post back with results.
If anyone else has already tried this or has figured out a solution, let me know.
The same happens several times a week with my nexus 4 running latest cyanogenmod. I will revert it to clean stock in a few days to see how it goes. I don't think that is a hardware problem but time will tell.
MildewMan said:
I bought my N4 about 2 weeks ago, and it has turned itself off 3 of the nights I've had it. I don't have any hard evidence, but I have a theory on why it's doing it.
At first I thought it was because I used a Motorola usb cord instead of the stock cord because I read some people's theories on the internet, but it happened again (twice) after using the stock cord.
It seemed like it only shut off if I left WiFi turned on when I went to sleep (even then it was still a random occurrence). I went into my advanced WiFi settings and noticed Wi-Fi Optimization was turned on with the text "Minimize battery usage when Wi-Fi is on". I thought it might be the problem, so I turned it off. I left WiFi on last night, and the phone was still on in the morning. Again, it is still a random occurrence even with WF on, so I'm going to leave WF on at night for a few days/weeks and see if it happens again. I'll post back with results.
If anyone else has already tried this or has figured out a solution, let me know.
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Don't know if anyone is keeping up or cares, but I wanted to update and say that this did not fix the problem. 4.2.2 also did not fix the problem. I guess I could try getting a new one from Google.
My wife and I are both having this problem. Hers is completely stock, I'm unlocked and rooted. I was hoping it would be fixed with 4.2.2, but if it hasn't then it maybe time to get replacement N4s
I can't imagine this issue is very widespread, since there have only been a few threads about it. Its a big nuisance especially because it usually happens at night when I'm expecting my alarm to go off at night.
I hadn't wanted to send for replacements since it seems like a software issue but I'm getting fed up.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Just had this problem occur with my N4 last night..... Phone is 2 weeks old.
Went to bed, plugged in the phone to charge [it was at about 50% or so, so not exactly low].
Woke up at 8.30 wondering why my alarm didn't go off at 7.30.... looked over and the phone was off.
It also didn't want to turn back on either. Took about a minute of holding in the power button for various amounts of time before it finally kicked to life [at 100% charge too].
This is going to be a real problem if this problem reoccurs. At home I have a clock radio but I travel a lot and rely on my phone to wake me up!
Here's hoping we can start to identify what is causing this issue. All I can add is that it is not low-battery related.
As stated in the sig. Phone is unlocked/rooted with stock rom.

Screen is flickering now

I tried rebooting into recovery and the screen showed up a weird pattern and started fading now i rebooted and the screen started flickering like crazy now it faded back to normal has this happen to anyone?
casonswag said:
I tried rebooting into recovery and the screen showed up a weird pattern and started fading now i rebooted and the screen started flickering like crazy now it faded back to normal has this happen to anyone?
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A couple of times, also on the galaxy nexus. TWRP, right? Probably some glitch, nothing to worry about.
Vangelis13 said:
A couple of times, also on the galaxy nexus. TWRP, right? Probably some glitch, nothing to worry about.
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Yup im using twrp it scared me for a sec the screen looked real weird like it was still showing the same image on the screen but it was fading out its back to normal now

[Q] Screen Problem SGH-1337

So, just recently I had a problem with the phone when I tried turning on the screen but instead got small coloured pixels and the screen started glowing green. When I rebooted it rebooted normally but the screen stayed the same. It seemed like everything else but the screen display was working. Don't know if that makes sense to you guys. Has anyone else encountered this problem?
Only problem I encountered with S4 wqs straight out of the box after connecting to a genie to transfer data for a customer the screen on the S4 just went haywire and snowy like an old tube tv. Other than that haven't seen anymore screen issues.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
htcslic said:
Only problem I encountered with S4 wqs straight out of the box after connecting to a genie to transfer data for a customer the screen on the S4 just went haywire and snowy like an old tube tv. Other than that haven't seen anymore screen issues.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
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That's exactly how the screen looked. Do you have any idea how it could occur?
luster_12x said:
That's exactly how the screen looked. Do you have any idea how it could occur?
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Honestly didn't happen till it was connected to the Genie. Other than that I am clueless.
Tapped from the Shear Galaxy Near You!
Similar screen death problem
I have had an AT&T Galaxy S4 SGH-I337 for 2 weeks and love it. I was having a battery drain issue but powering off and back on seemed to fix it (also I am no longer ending the Google Play Music process from the Task Manager which may have caused the common "Media Server" battery drain I was having).
But today, I had a similar problem as the OP =(
Unlocked my phone (using the pattern to unlock) and it lagged as it tried to display the home screen. When the home screen showed up, the colors immediately went whacky, all white-washed and faded, then a half second later and the screen went black. Screen completely dead.
I can still hear sounds from the phones and see the status light so I know the rest of the phone is still working. It responds to me unlocking the phone and pressing the home, back, and settings button.
I will be taking my phone back to AT&T this evening but just wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions or solutions. I will post an update after visiting AT&T.
