Nexus 4 poor data reception with no contract plan. - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I recently received my Nexus 4 phone and went with a T-Mobile no contract plan. I noticed that I am only getting 2g service. Next to my connectivity bars it shows a G. My data reception is very slow. Is there a way to get faster data speeds by tweaking some settings or am I stuck with the slow 2G speeds? Where I live I am limited to Verizon or us cellular. In order to get a no contract with one of these companies I would have had to get one of their no contract phones. Had to travel about an hour to get to T-Mobile store. Is AT&T any better? Thanks.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

Do you live in an area with T-Mobile 4g coverage? If not, you are borked. If you should have 4g coverage, make sure your APN settings are all entered correctly. They have to be exactly right.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

After doing some research I believe the data service is only going to be 2G. What a bummer! Such a great phone and I can't use it to it's full potential. Only had it a week and looks like I'm going to have to get rid of it already. Thanks for the the info. Guess I'll have to go back to the money sucking Verizon.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

Sounds like you are out in the boonies so chances are tmo is not a good choice for you (ATT is probably lousy too) you don't necessarily have to go back to verizon proper though, pageplus is a viable option and could be much cheaper ($55/mo for unl talk/text + 1gb data) depending on your usage. You won't be able to use the n4 on pageplus but you could always "downgrade" to a galaxy nexus.
edit - Looks like pageplus has some updated plans, the $55 plan now has 2gb of data and they've added a $70 plan that has 5gb of data.

I don't really live in the boonies, but where I live there is basically verizon or us cellular to choose from. Can not use the nexus4 on their networks because they do not support the nexus 4 technology. I only get 2G with t mobile or att and the data speed is horrible. Believe I will be looking for a galaxy nexus 4g phone. At least I can use that on verizons network. Again, thanks for your info.

I received my Nexus 4 form T mobile and didn't really buy in to the whole death grip issue but noticed the cell antenna signal was really jumpy - i first thought it was software related. In my area i have my ime attached to my optimum wifi to pickup a signal which is heavily available on long island, ny. Switching form the iphone and sprint which i always put 3rd behind verizon, att. I assumed t mobile would be an issue but did not expect the poor coverage i got. The iphone on sprint never showed no signal, i actually cant remember one time with my evo 4g, nexus 3, iphone 4, 4s and 5 where i was anywhere saying dam no signal or dropped call while on sprint. tmobile on the nexus 4 would show an empty triangle as soon as i walked inside a building and was non existent in my home. I assumed software because with wifi off it would hold a signal longer, I'm ok with it dropping cell data on wifi and even tried to not use wifi on weak signal but still had issues.
The phone never went to edge, which i would have been ok with becasue it meant i could make a call, nothign worse than no signal at all. my friend had tmobile sg3 and in my house it would auto switch to full edge in my house, my nexus would show one H bar and then go empty until i switched to 2g or turned off wifie to kill my battery while struggling for one H bar.
I actually got tmobile to drop my contract becasue they could not supply a signal boost. i went to straight talk att sim and had issues, better but still issues. Moved on to gophone, while gophone att is the best signal i noticed since getting the phone i have an open support case with LG to send it in and but am waiting until i have my new nexus 4 form google play which is coming monday. I plan to test the new one, non tmobile while i send in the tmobile one to LG and will resell the LG resend if all goes well. im hoping i received a lemon and all my signal issues go away but have been really frustrated to date.
Especially with APN and prepaid settings, at least straightalk att sim had settigns included, the att gogphone is really secredt about what to give me, multiple reps give different info and advise i need different gophone plans.
Its killing the nexus 4, i even tried the t mobile $60 or $65 plan and could not get a signal in my home or get it to switch to 2g automatically.


My carrier dilemma

I have been with att for about 3 years until january 15th when I switched to sprint because of AT&T's bullcrap top 5% throttling thing. I like sprints service but in the middle of the day they're 3G goes horribly slow, like 200kbps to 500kbps.
I work rotating shifts and at about 12am to 4 am it always runs at above 1.5mbps wish it ran like that all day. I noticed that right when I opened the sprint account, I started getting charged for texting internationally to vietnam which I have no idea why as I don't know anyone there. anyways I had them block the single number which they said was only outgoing texts never incoming. anyways, I am lockeed into a contract with sprint now but I called earlier and complained about them changing my discount to only my primary line and told them thats a breach of my contract and voila!!! they said if thats how I feel about it I can cancel My account without ETF fee's. So I have to decide on sprint or att heres the breakdown
on my plans please tell me which one would you guys go with?
Sprint (current carrier)
about $148 a month
1500 minutes with any mobile to any mobile
unlimited text and data
$138 a month for 2 iphones
700 minutes with any mobile to any mobile
A-list: 10 landlines that I can assign unlimited minutes too
unlimited data on both lines
unlimited text
I have about 7000 rolled over minutes sitting there at all times
I like my ATT plan better but the throttling is what is keeping me on sprints side as I consume up to 10GB's a month and ATT is throttling down to less than edge after about 2gb's. Also att seems to give me a more solid signal here in Los Angeles. spriint is spotty in some areas and I have already ran into 2 spots where there is no signal at all in the middle of the city.
which one would you guys choose? Consider that sprint is also supposedly upgrading its 3g network this year and rolling out it's LTE network too
As much as I dislike AT&T, it seems pretty obvious that for you AT&T is the better plan, both in terms of coverage and price. Sprint's 3G is a joke in many places around the country. Unless, of course, you're privileged to live near a good cell site in an area that hasn't been oversold. Sprint claims their Network Vision plan will improve 3G speeds, but I'll believe it when I see it (I have Sprint, but I'm contemplating leaving them for T-Mobile, which offers great coverage/speeds in my area). My question is: how are you paying $148 a month with Sprint on a single line? Even their unlimited everything plan is $109 a month (with a 4G phone), as far as I know.
Sorry that was for 2 lines. With my 18% discount
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
I also find it weird that with sprint u can be sitting in the sAme spot for hours and the signal will keep jumping around. Is that normal with cdma or is it my nexus s 4g ics rom acting up?
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
cell128 said:
I also find it weird that with sprint u can be sitting in the sAme spot for hours and the signal will keep jumping around. Is that normal with cdma or is it my nexus s 4g ics rom acting up?
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
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No, I've noticed that with CDMA, too. I used T-Mobile for a few days a while back for a phone review and the signal was a lot more consistent, but that could have something to do with the frequencies GSM uses compared to Sprint's CDMA, or the protocol itself.

Sprint's Gnex vs Nexus 4

Currently im on Tmobile and i get no signal at my house (NONE, zero, nada, cero). Im restricted to using outdated and slow ICS roms for my HTC sensation because i depend on wifi calling to make calls at home. So its time to GTFO :/ this carrier.
My choices are restricted to the following: (no verizon here)
Sprint, which gets 60%-75% signal here (out of full bars) anywhere in my house gets 3g and LTE.
ATT gets 70-80% with 4g signal and about 50% signal with LTE.
it does really matter the speeds because ill be using wifi, the point is i can atleast receive and make calls at the house.
Ignoring plan options because in ATT its 85 a month with the plan i want and with sprint its 80 (excluding taxes on both).
If i go to Sprint i will be able to get the ol' Gnex with less desirable specs for me but on a slightly cheaper plan and i will be able to use LTE but the biggest deal breaker is waiting for sprint to release the updates.
I was wondering how Sprint GNEX users feel about the slower updates or if theyre happy with their phone.
I can get Nexus 4 with slower speeds but instantly released updates on a slightly more expensive plan.
wanted your input before making this decision! thanks XDA Id really want a nexus because of the pure google experience and the faster updates.
Also: someone told me to just go to sprint and get a Optimus G if i wanted LTE that bad and a strong phone.
Ive never used LTE so im not spoiled but i want to get out Tmobile's slow network (here in PR)
I currently have a gnex on Sprint. I switch my PRL due to the exstreamly slow speeds and the fact I got no data at work. I have gotten a termination letter last week for excessive roaming. I will tell you I will never be under a contract again. I am going to ST with the n4 and yes I am giving up the hope that one day we will have LTE in the area but for now I need reliable data and T-Mobile has good coverage here. Sprint has the best prices out of the big 4 but there service was bad for me.
As for for the gnex... I love that phone but it is handicapped on Verizon and Sprint due to there delay in updates.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app

[Q] Solavei or Straight Talk

I am currently on net10 and noticed that during peak hours my data is almost non existant. I learned that att mvno dont have priority on the network so I think that might explain why despite having full bars my data speeds are horrible during peak hours of the day. I heard that Tmobile doesnt deprioritize mvno so I was thinking of trying Solavei. I already have the sim card and free service for a month. I am just worried about coverage on tmobile's network. So my first question is how are people fairing with tmobile or solavei? I know tmobile is working on their network has anyone seen improvements in coverage? Also I was wondering if people are having the same issue with straight talk on the Att side during peak hours in large populated areas? I live in the bay area but i noticed the same speed issues over the holidays when I was in Memphis, Tn with net10.
IM loving it! i work in the bay area and get great speeds here! and at home also which is in fresno! coverage has gotten allot better and its only getting better! if i were you i would join before the 31st cause you get the free month of service and free sim card... if you want to join hit me up [email protected]...
asqwrd said:
I am currently on net10 and noticed that during peak hours my data is almost non existant. I learned that att mvno dont have priority on the network so I think that might explain why despite having full bars my data speeds are horrible during peak hours of the day. I heard that Tmobile doesnt deprioritize mvno so I was thinking of trying Solavei. I already have the sim card and free service for a month. I am just worried about coverage on tmobile's network. So my first question is how are people fairing with tmobile or solavei? I know tmobile is working on their network has anyone seen improvements in coverage? Also I was wondering if people are having the same issue with straight talk on the Att side during peak hours in large populated areas? I live in the bay area but i noticed the same speed issues over the holidays when I was in Memphis, Tn with net10.
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tmo/solavei coverage ain't bad if you live in a big city or populated area. once you leave the city it usually craps down to edge or you lose signal altogether. but when your getting good signal the data is pretty fast, and no they don't prioritize, you'll get the same speeds on any tmo mvno as actual tmo. only thing I hate about T-Mobile is the indoor signal strength sux. but seeing as how I just got throttled down to .23 mb/s by st at&t halfway thru my billing cycle, I'll be switching back to tmo (solavei actually) next month
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
lowrider262 said:
tmo/solavei coverage ain't bad if you live in a big city or populated area. once you leave the city it usually craps down to edge or you lose signal altogether. but when your getting good signal the data is pretty fast, and no they don't prioritize, you'll get the same speeds on any tmo mvno as actual tmo. only thing I hate about T-Mobile is the indoor signal strength sux. but seeing as how I just got throttled down to .23 mb/s by st at&t halfway thru my billing cycle, I'll be switching back to tmo (solavei actually) next month
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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were you having data issues during peaks hours where you couldnt use data or it was really slow? Also how long ago did you have tmobile im waiting on my sim from solavei but i have been trying to gauge how much of an improvement tmobile has made on their network as far as coverage. Seems like its not much based on research no one has out right said they are experiencing better coverage
Use T-Mobile's coverage map on their website.
asqwrd said:
were you having data issues during peaks hours where you couldnt use data or it was really slow? Also how long ago did you have tmobile im waiting on my sim from solavei but i have been trying to gauge how much of an improvement tmobile has made on their network as far as coverage. Seems like its not much based on research no one has out right said they are experiencing better coverage
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no my data was fine during peak hours on tmobile. I was on tmo up until the 9th of this month then I switched to st at&t
xdviper said:
Use T-Mobile's coverage map on their website.
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I have used the coverage map but user experience is better than looking at a map. Those maps arent always accurate and i feel sometimes the carriers embellish a little bit about their actual coverage. I guess ill just have to wait and see when the sim comes
asqwrd said:
I have used the coverage map but user experience is better than looking at a map. Those maps arent always accurate and i feel sometimes the carriers embellish a little bit about their actual coverage. I guess ill just have to wait and see when the sim comes
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I use att.mvno with H2O Wireless and don't get no peak slowdowns AFAIK. I don't stream videos and in general i view mobile sites rather than full sites as well so maybe that's part of why i don't notice much of a difference. Then again certain parts of AT&T's network are slammed, doesn't matter if it's prepaid of full post paid contract plans.
asqwrd said:
I have used the coverage map but user experience is better than looking at a map. Those maps arent always accurate and i feel sometimes the carriers embellish a little bit about their actual coverage. I guess ill just have to wait and see when the sim comes
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This may sound weird, but I've found T-Mobile's coverage map to be superbly accurate. It's inside buildings where it gets hazy.
To the OP, Straight Talk and Net10 use the same service ..just Net10 charges $5 more for it.
You go with these for the unlimited talk or data? Which is more important? If you can live with 100anytime mins try T-Mobile prepaid they have a 100 anytime min, unlimited text and 5GB of 4G speed then throttled but still unlimited, for $30/month.
Sent from my Nexus 4 16GB using Tapatalk 2
I have been with Tmo for 9 years and 3 months ago cancelled and started a Solavei plan on the Tmo network. I went from a $180/month to $110/month month (2 phones). 4gb (per month) 3G/4G before throttle to 2G was the selling point for me. Tmobile is great if you don't travel out of cities/off the interstate. I've never had problems even when I traveled for my job 100% across America, but I was in cities and rarely went to rural/redneck areas.
The only downside (if its a downside) is that the Solavei website is fairly stripped of information about your phone plan. You really just log in and pay your bill (or setup auto-pay). There is no statistics (minutes/data/call log/etc...) like Tmobile had so you will have to use apps to track that stuff. I re-Rom a lot so it is tough for me to track statistics smoothly but this is really trivial and not a big deal.
The data being used on Straight Talk with TMob is a hairy one..on HowardForums some say they get capped at 4gb then some say at 7-10gb, but supposedly tmob is cracking down on the mnvos for data usage..
Atat on the other hand will straight up kick your ass off data completely on mvnos. But tmobiles own prepaid offerings aren't bad and you know what they say is what you'll get. And the T-Mobile my account info app on the play store works for their prepaid.
Sent from my Nexus 4 16GB using Tapatalk 2
ztmike said:
To the OP, Straight Talk and Net10 use the same service ..just Net10 charges $5 more for it.
You go with these for the unlimited talk or data? Which is more important? If you can live with 100anytime mins try T-Mobile prepaid they have a 100 anytime min, unlimited text and 5GB of 4G speed then throttled but still unlimited, for $30/month.
Sent from my Nexus 4 16GB using Tapatalk 2
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FYI - Straight Talk operates on both AT&T and T-Mobile and even Verizon in some places. You can get SIMs for either service depending on your phone (excepting Nexus and other unlocked devices where you can use both - even swap around if you want to).
ztmike said:
To the OP, Straight Talk and Net10 use the same service ..just Net10 charges $5 more for it.
You go with these for the unlimited talk or data? Which is more important? If you can live with 100anytime mins try T-Mobile prepaid they have a 100 anytime min, unlimited text and 5GB of 4G speed then throttled but still unlimited, for $30/month.
Sent from my Nexus 4 16GB using Tapatalk 2
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I wanted to try Solavei because I heard it has data roaming while T-mobile prepaid doesnt. I figured that would help a little with coverage for data also 100 mins is too little for me I can run through that easily in a day( I work remotely from home 2 days out of the week so meetings can run over)
Thanks for the reply patiently waiting on the sim card hopefully I get good results on tmobile i just think Net10 and I guess Straightalk are pointless if i cant use data well during certain times of the day despite having full bars. It happened to me on too many occasions this past month in two different cities.
I've been using Straight Talk (with ATT Sim) for about a month and haven't run into any issues with using data throughout the day. I haven't reached the throttle point yet though.. Speeds with ATT are consistently 3mbit (yes, a lot slower then TMobile, but better coverage).
madferretx said:
I've been using Straight Talk (with ATT Sim) for about a month and haven't run into any issues with using data throughout the day. I haven't reached the throttle point yet though.. Speeds with ATT are consistently 3mbit (yes, a lot slower then TMobile, but better coverage).
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Do you live in the bay area or similar place with a lot of people?
Don't do Solavei. I had it for a few days and data is very jumpy. I'm right outside of Dallas and my speeds were worse than Metro PCS. I think at one point it got down to 100-200 kbps. Way worse. And when I tried to set up my APN settings to get MMS and Solavei Web to work when only one or the other was working I went through two customer service reps and they didn't know what the hell they were doing. I got a refund and just went with a tmobile contract plan where I'm getting unlimited everything with no caps for $64 a month. I hate caps. Just stay away from Solavei.
Had AT&T ST, now T-Mobile prepaid, switching to Solavei soon.
For me on AT&T my phone gets decent reception in buildings, but T-mobile's HSPA+ is very fast outside big corporate buildings, which I prefer actually for streaming media. T-Mobile prepaid doesn't offer conditional call forwarding, so that's the main reason I'm switching to Solavei since I can't use Google Voice as my voicemail without that feature. AFAIK they are the only T-Mobile MVNO that offers it.
Did a bunch of reading.
I use/need:
1. ~800 minutes
2. ~1.5GB of data (was using 500MB on sprint, assume I'll use more on faster network)
3. Mostly urban, rarely rural. Willing to forego data when out in the wilderness
4. Google Voicemail
5. Would like to be less than $50/mo and/or 'contract free' (don't want to pay phone subsidy when I own my phone)
T-mobile $30 prepaid plan: Ruled out by 1.
Straight Talk - T-Mobile SIM: Ruled out by 4.
T-mobile $60 prepaid plan: Ruled out by 5. ($10/mo+ * 24 = a new nexus phone)
AT&T $65 plan: Ruled out by 2, 5.
Looks like my options are:
A: Solavei - T-Mobile Network
1. Faster when data works
2. Same priority as T-mobile customers
3. 4GB on 4G data before throttle
4. Voice+Data roaming
5. Possible to save $20/mo if I refer 3 subscribers and they're sure to use my referral code (I already have 2 possible)
6. Seems to be better in congested areas (from visually reviewing data on rootmetrics)​
1. $ more than ST
2. Smaller overall network
3. Weaker building penetration
4. Expects me to become a network marketer to save, new users most likely won't properly attribute my referral
5. If you do sign up 3 referrals, you're basically on-contract and won't want to leave because of the savings, even if quality starts to suffers​
B: Straight Talk - AT&T Network
1. $5-8 less than Solavei
2. Bigger overall network = better voice+data coverage
3. Better building penetration
4. Easy to switch​
1. Slower data
2. Random throttling. Is it 70MB/day? Is it 2GB/mo? What is it? You'll end up asking: "WHY DID YOU THROTTLE ME?" They'll end up saying: "Dunno, see if it's faster next month. Everything is fine on our end."
3. Lower priority voice+data in congested areas/times. Network is getting beat up by iPhones+iPads.
4. No data or voice roaming​
I looked at:
I've read several reports of poor T-mobile service in Buffalo, NY, but the fresh maps (-90 days) on these sites say otherwise. Willing to try magenta first, then fall back to random throttling and low priority on ST-ATT.

those of you on tmobile

Want to switch to T-Mobile from VZW at end of my Verizon billing cycle around Nov4 (anywhere before that maybe like 2-3 days)
How is signal treating you guys without band12?
I will be joining my friends plan he has 2 lines for 100 unlimited everything so my line will be +40
I understand on 5.1.1 there is no wifi calling on Moto X but that might change in 6.0 and maybe with 6.0 they will add band12?
One place I travel to frequently has very bad tmo signal inside the building nothing has changed since year ago when I tested tmobile otherwise everywhere I go signal is always great (while I tested)
I'm guessing that you're on the East Coast, in the NY area (based on the screenshot of your Speedtest results). I'm also there, and I recently switched from Verizon to Ting (which runs on the T-Mobile network).
What can I say? Verizon is king when it comes to coverage, signal strength, and network speed. Absolutely unbeatable anywhere along the Northeast Corridor (Boston to Washington DC). If you are highly mobile for work in remote areas (e.g. upstate New York), then you'll want to stick with Verizon purely for coverage reasons.
T-Mobile coverage and signal strength is going to be lower than Verizon in most areas, but will still retain acceptable signal strength in most areas that aren't rural. Network speeds on LTE are acceptable (around 8Mbps - 12Mbps downstream, and 1.0Mbps upstream).
If you spend most of the time on your smartphone near WiFi, you'll be fine switching to TMobile to save yourself some money.
kent1146 said:
I'm guessing that you're on the East Coast, in the NY area (based on the screenshot of your Speedtest results). I'm also there, and I recently switched from Verizon to Ting (which runs on the T-Mobile network).
What can I say? Verizon is king when it comes to coverage, signal strength, and network speed. Absolutely unbeatable anywhere along the Northeast Corridor (Boston to Washington DC). If you are highly mobile for work in remote areas (e.g. upstate New York), then you'll want to stick with Verizon purely for coverage reasons.
T-Mobile coverage and signal strength is going to be lower than Verizon in most areas, but will still retain acceptable signal strength in most areas that aren't rural. Network speeds on LTE are acceptable (around 8Mbps - 12Mbps downstream, and 1.0Mbps upstream).
If you spend most of the time on your smartphone near WiFi, you'll be fine switching to TMobile to save yourself some money.
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I am mostly in the city though and on Verizon I am out of contract but I am just sick of this company (Wireless part) right now around 45$ 30GB to share+2GB free for 3 months vs T-Mobile same price everything unlimited.
What does your usage look like (minutes, text, data GB) per month, as a typical month of usage on VZW?
kent1146 said:
What does your usage look like (minutes, text, data GB) per month, as a typical month of usage on VZW?
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Last month was a round 5k texts 5.6GB and around 500 min just for my line.
I like to watch soccer games on my phone and always have to watch it in lowest quality instead of HD and listen to spotify everyday at highes quality as well.
So many reasons to want tmobile lol
Wow. That's a whole lot of usage.
So yeah, go with T-Mobile's unlimited plan. You'll be better off with that.
kent1146 said:
Wow. That's a whole lot of usage.
So yeah, go with T-Mobile's unlimited plan. You'll be better off with that.
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Yea man that's what the plan is. The one place I spend a lot of time has weak service otherwise everywhere I am is great signal so I am silently hoping that either 6.0 or moto releases new radio fast with band12 support so I can dump Verizon forever and ever lol
By the way were you receiving calls from winback team from Verizon? just wondering I don't have contract anymore so it wouldn't matter and they would not be able to offer me anything anyway but for people who were on contract they would cancel your contract if you came back and all that sort of stuff
I moved from Verizon to T-Mobile a few years back with no issues. I would double check if the location your referring to has any type of WiFi close by. Keep in mind Motorola has really good antennas so if you tested it a year ago on a different phone (Samsung or Nexus 5) it might hold a signal better. At one point I had a Nexus 5 and MotoX 2013 and one of the main reasons I kept the MotoX was due to significantly better signals in the same place.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
SymbioticGenius said:
I moved from Verizon to T-Mobile a few years back with no issues. I would double check if the location your referring to has any type of WiFi close by. Keep in mind Motorola has really good antennas so if you tested it a year ago on a different phone (Samsung or Nexus 5) it might hold a signal better. At one point I had a Nexus 5 and MotoX 2013 and one of the main reasons I kept the MotoX was due to significantly better signals in the same place.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
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I tested few weeks ago AS well but on droid turbo not moto x, and yeah they have time Warner and soon fios so fast internet is not an issue. Are you able to use Wi-Fi calling AS IF now ?
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
I've never had to use WiFi for anything lol
Nexus 6 has had it for a while, I remember testing it, didn't care for it, haven't had a need to use it yet. It's not available yet for the MotoX but it's expected (not sure if confirmed) to be activated with marshmallow. I will state that marshmallow has a new toggle for it so I wouldn't be surprised if every phone has it at some point.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
SymbioticGenius said:
I've never had to use WiFi for anything lol
Nexus 6 has had it for a while, I remember testing it, didn't care for it, haven't had a need to use it yet. It's not available yet for the MotoX but it's expected (not sure if confirmed) to be activated with marshmallow. I will state that marshmallow has a new toggle for it so I wouldn't be surprised if every phone has it at some point.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
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Yea there is only one place with bad signal where i spent a lot of time but band12 is in this area just not yet with moto hopefully soak test will add it.
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
You can see if Band 12 is in a particular area with this: . Combined with T-Mobile official coverage map, you should be able to get a good idea of the T-Mobile coverage of an area.
It looks like T-Mobile is using Band 12 to fill out national coverage gaps. That's a good thing IMO, if Band 12 has reach/penetration like they say it does. (I live where there is no Band 12 yet, so I haven't tested it.) There are maps floating around (see for example) of the national coverage that T-Mobile plans by end of the year, this planned coverage looks like a blanket similar to Verizon, I think much of this will be the added Band 12 areas. Based on T-Mobile track record, I believe they will get there, if not by end of year then not long after that.
I bought the MXPE counting on Motorola to update it with Band 12 /VoLTE support in the near future, with the idea that it will support it by the time Band 12 is deployed where I need it. The LTE Discovery app is a good tool to see what LTE Band (or other) the phone is using in a particular area, too.
There are still gaps in the T-Mobile national coverage where Verizon has decent coverage while T-Mobile does not. I traveled through one a few days ago, in a rural area about 15 miles from my house. Verizon phone had decent signal, but T-Mobile phones (MXPE and iPhone 6s) had no signal. Since iPhone 6s has robust wireless support including Band 12 /VoLTE, the fact that it had no signal there means there was no T-Mobile signal.
So you just have to look at the maps and see if T-Mobile has coverage where you want coverage. That and actual testing. (If I was on Verizon considering T-Mobile, I would probably buy a month of prepaid T-Mobile or MetroPCS service, pop the T-Mobile SIM in the XT1575, and just try it. "One proper test is worth a thousand expert opinions".)
One thing adding even more wrinkles to all this is the increasing number of LTE roaming arrangements between the tier 1 carriers...
Tinkerer_ said:
You can see if Band 12 is in a particular area with this: . Combined with T-Mobile official coverage map, you should be able to get a good idea of the T-Mobile coverage of an area.
It looks like T-Mobile is using Band 12 to fill out national coverage gaps. That's a good thing IMO, if Band 12 has reach/penetration like they say it does. (I live where there is no Band 12 yet, so I haven't tested it.) There are maps floating around (see for example) of the national coverage that T-Mobile plans by end of the year, this planned coverage looks like a blanket similar to Verizon, I think much of this will be the added Band 12 areas. Based on T-Mobile track record, I believe they will get there, if not by end of year then not long after that.
I bought the MXPE counting on Motorola to update it with Band 12 /VoLTE support in the near future, with the idea that it will support it by the time Band 12 is deployed where I need it. The LTE Discovery app is a good tool to see what LTE Band (or other) the phone is using in a particular area, too.
There are still gaps in the T-Mobile national coverage where Verizon has decent coverage while T-Mobile does not. I traveled through one a few days ago, in a rural area about 15 miles from my house. Verizon phone had decent signal, but T-Mobile phones (MXPE and iPhone 6s) had no signal. Since iPhone 6s has robust wireless support including Band 12 /VoLTE, the fact that it had no signal there means there was no T-Mobile signal.
So you just have to look at the maps and see if T-Mobile has coverage where you want coverage. That and actual testing. (If I was on Verizon considering T-Mobile, I would probably buy a month of prepaid T-Mobile or MetroPCS service, pop the T-Mobile SIM in the XT1575, and just try it. "One proper test is worth a thousand expert opinions".)
One thing adding even more wrinkles to all this is the increasing number of LTE roaming arrangements between the tier 1 carriers...
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I actually have a friend who works at tmo he even typed the address and showed me all types of signal available to me and band12 was all over it. I hope that soak test brings b12.
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
T-Mobile for data hogs like me is great. Unlimited data for $30, I used around 10GB a month alone. But that is the only reason I use T-Mobile. Coverage pretty much sucks. If I am in the Bay Area CA its fine great signal. As soon as I leave the area I'm lucky if I get 3G speeds let alone a signal. Indoors is even worse. Went to the movies the other day, phone was dead inside no signal at all. My friend who is on At&t got a full 4 bars of LTE. T-Mobile is great for data and coverage in the cities, you leave those cities and you'll be lucky to even get a signal...
falcon26 said:
T-Mobile for data hogs like me is great. Unlimited data for $30, I used around 10GB a month alone. But that is the only reason I use T-Mobile. Coverage pretty much sucks. If I am in the Bay Area CA its fine great signal. As soon as I leave the area I'm lucky if I get 3G speeds let alone a signal. Indoors is even worse. Went to the movies the other day, phone was dead inside no signal at all. My friend who is on At&t got a full 4 bars of LTE. T-Mobile is great for data and coverage in the cities, you leave those cities and you'll be lucky to even get a signal...
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I mainly spend time in the city Brookyln & Queens so I don't think it should be an issue but one place where I spend a lot of time otherwise everywhere else it's pretty good when I tested it.
Cell Spot
If there is one place you work or live with poor coverage, T-Mobile also has a couple of options that are basically either a range extended or an internal "tower" so you can use your phone inside where you don't get coverage.
Ugh. In principle, I'm not a fan of that at all.
T-Mobilr is basically telling cuatomers to buy hardware, install it themselves, possibly connect it to their home internet networks (and use your bandwidth), for potentially multiple people that don't live in your household.
All of this, because T-Mobile didn't invest in building out network infrastructure like Verizon did.
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
ExDis said:
If there is one place you work or live with poor coverage, T-Mobile also has a couple of options that are basically either a range extended or an internal "tower" so you can use your phone inside where you don't get coverage.
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Yea I am still staying with VZW for now. But there are 2 places that I spend time that have weak service one has no cable internet so that won't do any good even verizon there has weak service 3G and 1 weak bar of lte.
So I am testing tmobile in some place I mainly spend 2 time in 2 places , 1 there is edge and weak LTE -116 around that,I just can't do anthing for the phone to pick up band12 signal. I am running true-pure-x MM
always band4 or HSPA/+ or EDGE.

Planning to switch Carriers, Verizon or AT&T.

I am planing to switch carriers from Sprint to At&T or Verizon. I have three lines, big data user (~14-17Gb). I currently have unlimited data with sprint, but their data coverage is limited for me. I preordered the N6SP and wanted a know the communities opinion between the two. I know that my data will be limited and will be mindful.
goofydragon1 said:
I am planing to switch carriers from Sprint to At&T or Verizon. I have three lines, big data user (~14-17Gb). I currently have unlimited data with sprint, but their data coverage is limited for me. I preordered the N6SP and wanted a know the communities opinion between the two. I know that my data will be limited and will be mindful.
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Go with cricket
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A
I guess it depends on the coverage each one provides in your area. If they're both reliable, AT&T plans seem a bit more $ friendly for multiple device users. Your call.
T-Mobile. Keep the unlimited data and get a better signal. I think they are still offering 14 day test drives so you and your family can check out out and see how it works in your area and areas you frequent. I moved from Verizon years ago and never looked back.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
SymbioticGenius said:
T-Mobile. Keep the unlimited data and get a better signal. I think they are still offering 14 day test drives so you and your family can check out out and see how it works in your area and areas you frequent. I moved from Verizon years ago and never looked back.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
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hard to believe that tmobile gets better signal...
Verizon has the best coverage, but is the most expensive. Also look into Google's Project Fi. It uses T-Mobile and Sprint networks as well as Wi-Fi calling and you only pay for the data you use ($10/GB).
Sent from my LG-V410 using Tapatalk
In my experience I'll rank them as follows:
Verizon (best building penetration)
T-Mobile (best combination of coverage and speed)
ATT (slightly better coverage, speed sucks)
..... Anything else prepaid/whatever
Sprint (nothing good to say) *silence*
Most recently in the top floor of my house a visitor had no signal with sprint at all whereas I was fine on T-Mobile.
In my father's office in Manhattan he has no signal from T-Mobile on the first 4 floors but fine anywhere above, but Verizon works in the basement.
In my mother's office (in the middle of a brick college building) she had no signal on T-Mobile only in her office, but as soon as she stepped out of her office anywhere else in the building she's fine. Verizon works fine in her office.
However in a recent hospital visit neither of my parents phones worked on Verizon but I was fine on T-Mobile.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
I've had all of them except for Sprint. Verizon will find a way to screw you over and charge you more for nothing. AT&T is just expensive for marginal amounts of data. T-Mobile isn't the best but I have 2 lines with unlimited everything and pay $100 a month so for me that's the best compromise between everything. I get up to 80mb/s DL where I live which is better than At&t or VZW surprisingly. On the other hand their coverage in the middle of nowhere is nonexistent whereas the other two usually have something. It just depends on what your need and how the coverage is where you live.
Pilz said:
I've had all of them except for Sprint. Verizon will find a way to screw you over and charge you more for nothing. AT&T is just expensive for marginal amounts of data. T-Mobile isn't the best but I have 2 lines with unlimited everything and pay $100 a month so for me that's the best compromise between everything. I get up to 80mb/s DL where I live which is better than At&t or VZW surprisingly. On the other hand their coverage in the middle of nowhere is nonexistent whereas the other two usually have something. It just depends on what your need and how the coverage is where you live.
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I agree.
T-Mobile is the best compromise.
Not saying they have the fastest network or signal everywhere, but their prices are pretty good and if you're in a pretty popular area - signal is actually pretty good too.
Check your coverage map?
A few years ago, I would NEVER have recommended At&t and I was about to switch to Verizon (as soon as my contract was up).....Then, in my area, At&t installed several new LTE towers and I have better reception than any of my Verizon friends. Even when camping in the middle of nowhere, I can get signal every now and again where they don't.
I also like the fact you can be on a call and use data at the same time...... Don't do it much, but sometimes it comes in handy. For example, my wife calls and asks "what time is the show tonight"? I can pull the phone away from my ear, pull up the website and find out and let her know. Verizon may have changed this in the past few years, but you couldn't do this with them last I knew? You would have had to say "I'll check and call/text you back".
But it basically comes down to checking your coverage map.... I manage a friends Verizon account that is very similar to my At&t account, and the prices are all about the same. At&t did recently have a "double your data for $0 extra" promotion that I got in on and I've seen Verizon run these from time to time as well.
So.....As I've said a few times, it just comes down to coverage.
I have Verizon now and had att at one point , they were both about the same price for me. att had better coverage at certain spots and same was true for Verizon. My verizon LTE service has been great in central NJ and i cant speak for att but a friend of mine has att and says the LTE is good. Now i can say i would stay away from sprint i have a few friends who have it and when we are all together they are always not able to use there phones cause there service is at one bar to nothing.
I think you cant go wrong with either ATT or Verizon they both have one of the best networks in the us in my experience. main thing to note is ATT isnt as locked down as verizon is. Verizon is not as easy to bring a unlocked phone into there network IE moto x pure, and nexus 6 (before they sold it) and the new 6P. they have gotten better but still a lot harder then it needs to be
just my 2 cents
I moved off AT&T to try Project Fi. Was perfectly happy with AT&T, but Fi was cheaper and seemed very interesting. Had a huge problem with their Hangouts calling feature - it kept my N6 from being able to make/receive calls. If I uninstalled Hangouts from all my devices/computers, including the N6, the phone would work fine. After 2 weeks of no Hangouts, I was about ready to put a nail into my head. So, I switched to Verizon.
Now, I have used Verizon on my work phone for years. The coverage they have helps ensure I can use the phone while on business travel. That's great for businesses, but honestly doesn't mean much for me when I'm at home and all the carriers give adequate service. Now that I think about the extra $ the Verizon plan costs me, the fact that I have to subscribe to visual voicemail for an extra $3 a month where I didn't have to before, and that it took an act of congress for them to issue me a SIM card for a "NON-VZW Device"... I'm kind of wondering why I just didn't go back to AT&T. Or even T-mobile. ... well, anyone but Sprint.
Yeah it was an act of congress to get my nano sim activated too , now they do offer a free version of the visual VM that im using now. I looked into project Fi but the cost wouldn't be much cheaper i use way too much data lol
If someone actually looked at the prices of the new plans you would see that ATT and Verizon are about the same and in some cases V$ is even cheaper...not by a lot....This is for a single phone..but I dont think its much different with multiples. Go with whoever has the best coverage..but even then its probably a wash at this point too.
