VPN & Security FC since 4.2.2 - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Does anyone get force close when accessing 'VPN' and/or 'Security' in 'Settings' since updating to 4.2.2? I do..

+Nybras+ said:
Does anyone get force close when accessing 'VPN' and/or 'Security' in 'Settings' since updating to 4.2.2? I do..
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Try wipe data cause I don't! And think it's just an isolated issue or else more people would be posting about this bud. Try wiping data or other fixes before posting!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium

i get the exact same thing, did you find a fix? wiped cache and dalvik did nothing im hesitant to do a full data wipe.
**edit** data wipe does nothing.

ScumDroid said:
i get the exact same thing, did you find a fix? wiped cache and dalvik did nothing im hesitant to do a full data wipe.
**edit** data wipe does nothing.
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Weird what ROM are you on? Stock?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium

maddoggin said:
Weird what ROM are you on? Stock?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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stock rom, faux123 modified stock kernel for gamma adjustment. OP and i cant be the only 2 people this is happening to.

Works fine for me, but I just use OpenVPN for Android anyway

I've wiped etc before I posted and I'm also on stock ROM & Kernel. weird... it's really pissing me off!

Michealtbh said:
Works fine for me, but I just use OpenVPN for Android anyway
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does settings security work ok for you?
---------- Post added at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:56 PM ----------
+Nybras+ said:
I've wiped etc before I posted and I'm also on stock ROM & Kernel. weird... it's really pissing me off!
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Ya me too man, if i get it fixed ill let you know, Ive tried flashing a different kernel, didn't do anything. Im stumped, and seriously annoyed, i absolutely need to be able to get into my security settings, vpn i don't care about.

Im getting the force close issue on 4.2.2 when trying to get into Settings > Security, which is a rite pain in the arse.

DarkEther said:
Im getting the force close issue on 4.2.2 when trying to get into Settings > Security, which is a rite pain in the arse.
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yes it is quite a pain lol.

i got a fix lads
you need root, and terminal emulator. open terminal emulater and type these lines without the quotes:
type "su" and give permissions
type "mount -o rw,remount /system" enter
type "cd /vendor/firmware/keymaster" enter
type "chmod 0644 *" enter

Same problem here, completely stock, OTA 4.2.2 update

englishpunk said:
Same problem here, completely stock, OTA 4.2.2 update
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If you feel like rooting your device, the fix i posted above is quite easy.

Have y'all tried flashing stock images again?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium

maddoggin said:
Have y'all tried flashing stock images again?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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That was my next step if the fix i posted didn't work. :good:

The fix above also seems to fix the Keymaster issue in Eclipse if any of you are developers! :highfive:

ScumDroid said:
does settings security work ok for you?
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Yes, but I should have mentioned I'm using CM10.1

ScumDroid said:
If you feel like rooting your device, the fix i posted above is quite easy.
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We must have posted around the same time, as i hadn't seen your post when i posted myself. I am rooted, just running stock, after following your steps everything is working fine again, thanks for your help

I can confirm that the use of the terminal procedures above work, I have just tried it on my Nexus 4 and it has resolved my force close issue when accessing Settings > Security.

+Nybras+ said:
The fix above also seems to fix the Keymaster issue in Eclipse if any of you are developers! :highfive:
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Can you elaborate on that? What issue on eclipse?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium


Unroot to update.

Do we have to unroot the Att Galaxy s4 to update. Thanks in advance.
Sent from my GT-19505 using xda premium
phonetechkid said:
Do we have to unroot the Att Galaxy s4 to update. Thanks in advance.
Sent from my GT-19505 using xda premium
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I took the update while being rooted. If you dont save your root, it will remove your root unless you back it up.
phonetechkid said:
Do we have to unroot the Att Galaxy s4 to update. Thanks in advance.
Sent from my GT-19505 using xda premium
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This is being discussed in the various update threads. Some swear they were able to update while rooted. However, most note that they lost root after the update. Others, like myself, who have modified ANYTHING after rooting are unable to get the update to run without flashing back to stock.
hamzer11 said:
This is being discussed in the various update threads. Some swear they were able to update while rooted. However, most note that they lost root after the update. Others, like myself, who have modified ANYTHING after rooting are unable to get the update to run without flashing back to stock.
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If I changed build prop can I just change it back and install update. Or do I still have to unroot. Thanks in advance.
Sent from my GT-19505 using xda premium
Mine failed at 30%.
Turns out I used the mods for tethering. Renaming files allowed it to update.
This is why you NEVER delete those files in the system directory.
phonetechkid said:
Do we have to unroot the Att Galaxy s4 to update. Thanks in advance.
Sent from my GT-19505 using xda premium
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No, but updating will remove root access. Just use the same method you used to root in the first place and all will be normal
cpufrost said:
Mine failed at 30%.
Turns out I used the mods for tethering. Renaming files allowed it to update.
This is why you NEVER delete those files in the system directory.
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How about if I deleted some att apps
Sent from my GT-19505 using xda premium
cpufrost said:
Mine failed at 30%.
Turns out I used the mods for tethering. Renaming files allowed it to update.
This is why you NEVER delete those files in the system directory.
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Looks like I should unpatch my Email apk and try the update again before rooting my phone again.
phonetechkid said:
How about if I deleted some att apps
Sent from my GT-19505 using xda premium
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Not sure about deleting them. I froze a ton of apps in TB, really treading with caution here as without CWM it's going to be PITA to get it going again! This is my work phone and even though I have plenty of other phones that take micro sims I have a lot of special apps I need so doing it (at least during the week LOL) would be a major impediment to me.
If you nix APKs the updater can't find them and aborts. That is what I have read anyway and renaming the original and odex file back worked.
Of course I had to re-root but that was no problem.
I may be stuck with this ROM in the meantime but I positively cannot work without a rooted phone. It would be like riding a motorcycle with square wheels. Ok that may be exaggerating a bit, but you get the idea.
phonetechkid said:
How about if I deleted some att apps
Sent from my GT-19505 using xda premium
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Well if you odin back to stock you should get back anything you may have deleted, no?
SysAdmNj said:
Well if you odin back to stock you should get back anything you may have deleted, no?
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I mean if I deleted some att apps will the update still work. Thanks in advance
Sent from my GT-19505 using xda premium
phonetechkid said:
I mean if I deleted some att apps will the update still work. Thanks in advance
Sent from my GT-19505 using xda premium
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I dont know but what I suggested to you worked for someone else and they got the update.
SysAdmNj said:
I dont know but what I suggested to you worked for someone else and they got the update.
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Oh sorry thanks for reply
Sent from my GT-19505 using xda premium
I am unable to run the update as well. I have used ODIN to restore to factory but the update still failed after 30%. I even performed a master reset and wiped all data from the phone. After the reset I ran update and it again failed at 30%. Was hoping someone more senior on the forums would know what the issue may be? I an new to Android, being an iPhone user since the beginning, and cannot figure out why the update is not applying.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Will822 said:
I am unable to run the update as well. I have used ODIN to restore to factory but the update still failed after 30%. I even performed a master reset and wiped all data from the phone. After the reset I ran update and it again failed at 30%. Was hoping someone more senior on the forums would know what the issue may be? I an new to Android, being an iPhone user since the beginning, and cannot figure out why the update is not applying.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Restore to the factory by Kies, it worked for me :good:
pakxelaos said:
Restore to the factory by Kies, it worked for me :good:
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Thanks. I'll give that a try.

"Warning: No file_contexts"

Does anyone know what's the cause of this? I built Omni yesterday and it was fine, but I tried to flash another one I built today and that's what it tells me followed by the phone getting stuck during the bootanimation when the logo turns fully green. And, the thing is that I checked the zip and there is a file_contexts.
rickoslyder said:
Does anyone know what's the cause of this? I built Omni yesterday and it was fine, but I tried to flash another one I built today and that's what it tells me followed by the phone getting stuck during the bootanimation when the logo turns fully green. And, the thing is that I checked the zip and there is a file_contexts.
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The file_context warning has nothing to do with you not being able to build. See if you can get a logcat to see what is going on.
Sent from my Xperia T using Tapatalk
scanno said:
The file_context warning has nothing to do with you not being able to build. See if you can get a logcat to see what is going on.
Sent from my Xperia T using Tapatalk
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No no, you misunderstood. I can build fine, but I can't boot.
I saw the same warning, with no apparent ill effect, on these I just flashed:
HTC One and GS3 seem to be running fine.
rickoslyder said:
No no, you misunderstood. I can build fine, but I can't boot.
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Sorry that was a typo, I ment boot (auto correct is a pain sometimes).
But getting a logcat (if you get that far in the boot process) can help in diagnosing the problem.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 4
scanno said:
Sorry that was a typo, I ment boot (auto correct is a pain sometimes).
But getting a logcat (if you get that far in the boot process) can help in diagnosing the problem.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 4
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Doesn't let me logcat. I'm gonna download Rebellos's Omni and see if that boots, probably should have done that first thing now that I think about it..
rickoslyder said:
Doesn't let me logcat. I'm gonna download Rebellos's Omni and see if that boots, probably should have done that first thing now that I think about it..
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Hmm works with Rebellos's zip..
*sighs* Resynced and rebuilt today and it's booting first time. Don't know what changed but mods, you can lock/delete this now.
I got this trying to do adb push to a Nexus 4 and the ROM will not flash...
nvm missunderstood.
gleggie said:
I got this trying to do adb push to a Nexus 4 and the ROM will not flash...
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Wiping data and system seems to be what made it work for me.
[NO file_context ] problem with OmniRom 4.4.2
my phone is N7000 .. and i downloaded omnirom 4.4.2 from the site and paste it into the sd ,, when i make a flash to this rom .. a message appear to me
WARNING : no file_context
plz help me :-/
I think its the issue of that particular nightly build. I too had the same experience. So I flashed with another nightly and it works fine. After this error I changed to stock ROM but the flash counter didn't reset to 0. I tried to flash 3 times and now the counter is showing as 3. Can anyone advise me to reset it
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I got the same warning in recovery what does it mean?
Ronii10 said:
I got the same warning in recovery what does it mean?
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My guess would be vastly outdated recovery but who knows.
Okay how do i update?
i am using system extractor and repacking, but it saids needed file_contexts. i dont know is the one in the rom zip or i need to make a new one?

Chainfire's Root

Link below ~
its ready
it now says our model is supported.... who will be first to test it out, lol
evilbeef54 said:
it now says our model is supported.... who will be first to test it out, lol
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Here goes nothing..
camdz said:
Here goes nothing..
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fingers crossed, good luck
evilbeef54 said:
fingers crossed, good luck
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The hardest part was waiting for the Samsung drivers to install onto my laptop!
It worked..and Im rooted!
There was a warning that popped up when I opened SuperSU that says KNOXX is enabled, and asked if I wanted to try to disable. I chose "yes" and it prompted me that it is now disabled. Im not sure what that means though? I was under the impression KNOXX was here to stay?
camdz said:
The hardest part was waiting for the Samsung drivers to install onto my laptop!
It worked..and Im rooted!
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awesome, me too, rooted now, de-bloating commences
I love coming home from the Sprint store and being able to root immediately. Here we go!
EDIT: 30 seconds later, I'm rooted.
it doesnt seem to like it when you delete system apps through TiBu, lol, TiBu crashed upon deleteing the lumina tool bar and one of the other apps, they went away though so we win, lol
So glad to have the root (it worked just like it said). Time to clean up the bloatware now. Thanks!
Yes, it did only take 30 seconds. No drivers needed on Win 8 update 1 update 1.
Im rooted. That was easy. Thx to Chainfire. Amazing
Won't let my download the zip, just tells my its corrupt on both my laptop and PC, any ideas?
So this is use with Odin, correct?
Sent from my SPH-L710 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
camdz said:
The hardest part was waiting for the Samsung drivers to install onto my laptop!
It worked..and Im rooted!
There was a warning that popped up when I opened SuperSU that says KNOXX is enabled, and asked if I wanted to try to disable. I chose "yes" and it prompted me that it is now disabled. Im not sure what that means though? I was under the impression KNOXX was here to stay?
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That disables the software side of KNOX. The part in the bootloader is still there
eloko said:
So this is use with Odin, correct?
Sent from my SPH-L710 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Tether? what is everyone using to tether once rooted?
evilbeef54 said:
awesome, me too, rooted now, de-bloating commences
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Pretty sure it does but did it trip the KNOX counter?
Did anyone else loss their wifi with rooting their phone?
---------- Post added at 05:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:13 AM ----------
ernicoats said:
Did anyone else loss their wifi with rooting their phone?
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Fixed seems I had to put in airplane mode then back out.

Possible root achieved? False alarm

Seen this posted somewhere, is this method authentic?
Sent from my SM-G900V using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Haven't tried it yet, but gonna guess no on this one.
Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I'm gonna guess no too, but i signed up and downloading now
Dennisg34 said:
I'm gonna guess no too, but i signed up and downloading now
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How did it go? Has anyone else tried this out?
waleed300 said:
How did it go? Has anyone else tried this out?
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Currently downloading still, since I only signed up for the free account it;s really slow. Gonna be a couple hours..luckily I'm at work and can wait
That seems to be the method to root the Developer Edition.
zo0d said:
That seems to be the method to root the Developer Edition.
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Yeah I was thinking that too, just wondered why 1. The date was May 29th and 2. It didn't mention it was Dev Edition?
Does the dev edition have a different build number on it? Everything matches to my device. Still downloading the files
Sent from my SM-G900V using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
bruderhood15 said:
Does the dev edition have a different build number on it? Everything matches to my device. Still downloading the files
Sent from my SM-G900V using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Here is what is shown on the official site "G900VMKAVZW" soooo ?
I hope will work for the att version also
Here goes nothing....
Well, I got a pass!..but then root checker shut me down sooo I'm not quite sure what this is???
Nothing to see here. It's just a stock non-rooted odexed firmware tar. No different than what's on Kies.
That site/article is nothing more than a click bait.
Walter.White said:
Nothing to see here. It's just a stock non-rooted odexed firmware tar. No different than what's on Kies.
That site/article is nothing more than a click bait.
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yeah i realized that once i did some more research, oh well, made me feel all giddy inside being able to friggen Odin something.. haha
EVOme said:
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So I got the Oden3_v3.09, and I went for it. Got the 'Pass' and now I get a different response when I go to Superuser, "There is no SU binary installed..." and TWRP manager crashes now. The good thing is, I didn't brick it. Next idea please.
spinwizard said:
So I got the Oden3_v3.09, and I went for it. Got the 'Pass' and now I get a different response when I go to Superuser, "There is no SU binary installed..." and TWRP manager crashes now. The good thing is, I didn't brick it. Next idea please.
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As stated above this is merely a stock ROM which is why you were able to get a "pass"
Dennisg34 said:
As stated above this is merely a stock ROM which is why you were able to get a "pass"
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Yea, but this flashaholic, got to 'oden' something, on his S5... and got his 'fix'!
Delete please
kprice8 said:
^^^^^^^^^^^ My brain hurts trying to understand this post.
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He's addicted to flashing phones and was finally able to do so...

Root Achieved on Verizon Note 8 Snapdragon

Just wanted to ensure everyone here knows that root was achieved for Snapdragon processors. I had nothing to do with this except to root my Note 8 based on the below link.
See thread below for instructions.
What is the possibility of a fix so that we can charge the battery to 100%?
b3y0ndd34th said:
What is the possibility of a fix so that we can charge the battery to 100%?
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0% without terrible hacks that require the phone be unusable. It's built into the combo/eng bootloader that makes root possible
partcyborg said:
0% without terrible hacks that require the phone be unusable. It's built into the combo/eng bootloader that makes root possible
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I see, Thank you for that information. I guess I will wait to see if Xposed Framework is made to work with this device.
My only real draw to rooting is the Per App DPI and a modified hotspot app
partcyborg said:
0% without terrible hacks that require the phone be unusable. It's built into the combo/eng bootloader that makes root possible
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They were able to overcome this with the S7, and Keep samsung pay working so I am hopeful they will find a way for the note8.
It might take awhile but it will come. Other than 1 or 2 mods i feel no need to root. But I would like to have the dual speaker mod.
This setup runs very smooth and fast. System root, no lag. Very resource friendly.
how do you like root so far? I just put the unlocked version would it be worth going to the rooted version?
Rooted then reverted back to stock but now I can't get any of the stock Verizon apps back ie visual voicemail app. Does anybody know how to get these back? I wanna be able to update to Oreo later on without any issues.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
b3y0ndd34th said:
and a modified hotspot app
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Is there a link to this app?
plainbum said:
Is there a link to this app?
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There are tons of them just Google it
plainbum said:
Is there a link to this app?
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I don't have one, I want one though. If all else fails, after rooting I was able to the ADB trick, but I still have to turn off mobile data, turn on hotspot, turn mobile data back on.
I really want to be able to click the hostpot button and have it just turn on.
volcalstone said:
Rooted then reverted back to stock but now I can't get any of the stock Verizon apps back ie visual voicemail app. Does anybody know how to get these back? I wanna be able to update to Oreo later on without any issues.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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I have the same issue and would love to have Visual Voicemail again.
b3y0ndd34th said:
I see, Thank you for that information. I guess I will wait to see if Xposed Framework is made to work with this device.
My only real draw to rooting is the Per App DPI and a modified hotspot app
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Yeah I'm waiting for xposed before I even buy a Note 8, can't live without it
Bob the tomato said:
I have the same issue and would love to have Visual Voicemail again.
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volcalstone said:
Rooted then reverted back to stock but now I can't get any of the stock Verizon apps back ie visual voicemail app. Does anybody know how to get these back? I wanna be able to update to Oreo later on without any issues.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Did you flash the userdata partition when returning to stock?
reocej said:
Did you flash the userdata partition when returning to stock?
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Thanks for your reply.
I heard about doing that but didn't know how. I do know that I have the Verizon boot up screen and the 4G LTE logo for the data. It looks like I got HD voice but not for video. I can't even get WiFi calling to activate too.
If you could help me that would be great otherwise I might have to do a warranty replacement which is a last resort that I don't want to do in the first place.
volcalstone said:
Thanks for your reply.
I heard about doing that but didn't know how. I do know that I have the Verizon boot up screen and the 4G LTE logo for the data. It looks like I got HD voice but not for video. I can't even get WiFi calling to activate too.
If you could help me that would be great otherwise I might have to do a warranty replacement which is a last resort that I don't want to do in the first place.
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Just click ums option in odin and select the userdata partition and flash.
the UMS option is grayed out.
reocej said:
Just click ums option in odin and select the userdata partition and flash.
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Figured it out. Need to change UMS in the .ini file to "1"
Bob the tomato said:
Figured it out. Need to change UMS in the .ini file to "1"
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Hi, were you able to flash the userdata partition? I'm not sure how to do this or if I even have the necessary file if needed. I was able to get the UMS button to show with your instruction but now I'm stuck.
---------- Post added at 10:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 PM ----------
reocej said:
Just click ums option in odin and select the userdata partition and flash.
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Is this under the option tab or UMS button? Do I need another file? Seems like I'm missing something. I'm going to do a search here in the mean time. Btw it seems like I have to use Comsy Odin 3.12 to flash my files without errors.
Thanks for all of your help so far.
Ok looks like I finally was able to get all my Verizon apps back on it. I had to download the N950U firmware which had the USERDATA file that I needed to flash. I'm not sure why there is even a N950U1 firmware to begin with.
I have the August security patch and is still have the U1 baseband. WiFi calling is working but I didn't activate my visual voicemail yet but the app is there though. I didn't activate video calling yet because I would need to setup basic voicemail service first.
Thanks again for all of the help guys.
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