[Q] JellyBlast 3 F***ed up my Galaxy Pocket heelp - Galaxy Y GT-S5360 and Duos 6102 Q&A, Help & Troubl

I recently installed the JellyBlast v3 with 3.0.4 patch to my Samsung Galaxy Pocket, everything works fine except for some.
1. Device can't detect SD card
2. Bright white screen appears once the Power Button is pressed
3. Can't connect device to PC
4. Help me pls

BlackViper08 said:
I recently installed the JellyBlast v3 with 3.0.4 patch to my Samsung Galaxy Pocket, everything works fine except for some.
1. Device can't detect SD card
2. Bright white screen appears once the Power Button is pressed
3. Can't connect device to PC
4. Help me pls
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Just flash stock rom via odin

My God…
Am I not actualized or Jelly Blast is supossed to work too in the SG Pocket?
From my knowlegde this ROM is for SAMSUNG Galaxy Young GT-5360 ONLY.
I think that you have to restore it using your nandroid backup via cmw or flash stock rom using odin. Search for the phone that you're using man.
Sent from my GT-S5360L using xda app-developers app

Jeannuel said:
My God…
Am I not actualized or Jelly Blast is supossed to work too in the SG Pocket?
From my knowlegde this ROM is for SAMSUNG Galaxy Young GT-5360 ONLY.
I think that you have to restore it using your nandroid backup via cmw or flash stock rom using odin. Search for the phone that you're using man.
Sent from my GT-S5360L using xda app-developers app
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i think someone ported it from their device..

WonderDroids said:
LOL,take this secure measures to flash via odin.
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How do I do that? Does that need to connect my phone to PC?

BlackViper08 said:
I recently installed the JellyBlast v3 with 3.0.4 patch to my Samsung Galaxy Pocket, everything works fine except for some.
1. Device can't detect SD card
2. Bright white screen appears once the Power Button is pressed
3. Can't connect device to PC
4. Help me pls
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Dont blame the dev for that. IT WAS NEVER MADE FOR YOUR PHONE!
Damn these people!

deathfalls said:
i think someone ported it from their device..
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…but why is he posting in the SGY forum? He should post in the respective post and forum… oh well
BlackViper08 said:
How do I do that? Does that need to connect my phone to PC?
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First of all, before flashing anything, you should make a backup. If you dont have a nandroid backup, go and search for stock roms and odin for your galaxy pocket (be specific with your phone model).
Sent from my GT-S5360L using xda app-developers app

Jeannuel said:
…but why is he posting in the SGY forum? He should post in the respective post and forum… oh well
First of all, before flashing anything, you should make a backup. If you dont have a nandroid backup, go and search for stock roms and odin for your galaxy pocket (be specific with your phone model).
Sent from my GT-S5360L using xda app-developers app
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Pocket has no dedicated forum

BlackViper08 said:
I recently installed the JellyBlast v3 with 3.0.4 patch to my Samsung Galaxy Pocket, everything works fine except for some.
1. Device can't detect SD card
2. Bright white screen appears once the Power Button is pressed
3. Can't connect device to PC
4. Help me pls
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Uh huh, the same as mine when I tried to flash GalaxyY's ROM-JellyBlast with my GalaxyPocket (Mehehe I know that this ROM is not meant for Gpocket, just experimenting) so the results are the same as yours, can't detect SD card and memory card, white screen appears if the device put off and USB storage is not accessible. So, what flashable kernel or ROMs you have in your SD card storage? if you have the vM00 kernels, try to flash some of that then flash a ROM THAT IS compatible with Gpocket. If not, flash your STOCK ROM by using Download mode and download the required files. Search the thread where GT-S5300 stock roms exist
-I forgot, next time DO NOT FLASH ANY ROMs or KERNELs that is not for your device! or else it will totally softbrick your device or even worst (THE HARDBRICK STYLE)

ignorance is a bliss,

memory problem
i flashed my galaxy pocket with jellyblast v3 for pocket....succesfully but after i could not download from the play store to my fon it tells me could not install on storage or usb......can any body help me fix this problem????PLS

osenimax said:
i flashed my galaxy pocket with jellyblast v3 for pocket....succesfully but after i could not download from the play store to my fon it tells me could not install on storage or usb......can any body help me fix this problem????PLS
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No sorry - Jellyblast is a banned rom
flash stock rom via odin and use something else

marcussmith2626 said:
No sorry - Jellyblast is a banned rom
flash stock rom via odin and use something else
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ok tnx,,wht other ROM for galaxy pocket DO U THINK IS THE BEST

osenimax said:
ok tnx,,wht other ROM for galaxy pocket DO U THINK IS THE BEST
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There is no such thing as the best rom - best rom comments also are against xda rules as you just get spam & arguments
this thread will be closed soon - no need to reply

1. We do not appreciate discussions on banned roms.
2. There's no such thing as "best", it's all in the eye of the beholder
Thread closed.


[Q] Galaxy 3 Custom Rom BY motafoca

This is the thread i'm taking about
I know the custom rom is still not finished yet.. but can some one tell me how do i use these beta(pre-releases) which are listed in these thread...
step by step guide if possible...
There is quide in the original thread... if thats not enough read: how to flash i5800.
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
jazux said:
There is quide in the original thread... if thats not enough read: how to flash i5800.
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
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what are the improvements and bugs of motafoca rom ? thanks
jazux said:
There is quide in the original thread... if thats not enough read: how to flash i5800.
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
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WOW it worked:
What i did:
1. Downloaded the custom ROM (only the PDA file basically)
2. Loaded JPF ROM To ODIN normally, using all the original files
4. Flashed it, once it was successful I loaded to Odin ONLY the PDA file which came with the custom ROM package
IT DID NOT Booted successfully
5. Turn off the phone
6.Hold POWER+VOLUME+HOME keys together
Selected Factory rest/wipe data
7.Rebooted WOW IT WORKED!
I have the same problem as you. I can´t loaded the phone after succesfull flash. But you wrote that you downloaded some PDA file too, but I haven´t got smt like this in download Please, can you help me? thanks
kozusnik said:
I have the same problem as you. I can´t loaded the phone after succesfull flash. But you wrote that you downloaded some PDA file too, but I haven´t got smt like this in download Please, can you help me? thanks
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go here i'm sure you will find the file in here
can you please post some screen shots so that if we like the look and feel , even we ll install it
rudolf895 said:
go here i'm sure you will find the file in here
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At page 5 its a dowload link
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
Works it? Is it stable? I have ultra clean rom JPF, will it work? Whats quadrant score of this rom?
Sent from my GT-I5800 using XDA App
its not a good rom...
1. looks really bad, (looks) not at all impressive...
2. i dont see any improved speed.....
i guess gsam's stock aosp 0.1 custom rom is 100 times better than this.....
gsam , if u are seeing this, please we want next updated version of your great rom..
Link? I didnt saw any custom roms for our phone only this and something in General, i searched bad, right?
EDIT: its ok, link was found
SG 3, 2.2 JPF ultra clean, rooted
any link for any roms/fixes/themes for galaxy 3 can be found here
I think the custom rom by Motafoca is uite good. Atleast no bugs till now, and great battery life. As for the looks I dont think it is any different to the other ROMS. It is just a matter of installing a launcher of your choice if you dont like Ream launcher.
By the way combined with your glossy green framework everythink looks enticing!
By the way Nakul, is there a chance of having that green themes of yours in other colors too? Like sky blue maybe??
Saka911 said:
I think the custom rom by Motafoca is uite good. Atleast no bugs till now, and great battery life. As for the looks I dont think it is any different to the other ROMS. It is just a matter of installing a launcher of your choice if you dont like Ream launcher.
By the way combined with your glossy green framework everythink looks enticing!
By the way Nakul, is there a chance of having that green themes of yours in other colors too? Like sky blue maybe??
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yes thats exactly i am gonna release another theme.....
blue coloured with entirely different icons..
and hope if dark lestats deodexed rom is up, my theme would be full coz the stock apps would also then can be changed.....
Tried this rom.
Hi. Just like to share my brief experience with this rom and highlight a problem to the dev. Everything was fine, but the samsung keypad no longer worked well. It could only input numbers in the portrait 3x4 mode. The reason why I'm using the 3x4 is because this phone's my mom's and it's much easier for her to hit the larger 3x4 buttons than the smaller ones on the Qwerty keyboard.
Thank you motafoca!

[GUIDE] MIUI v4 Center Clock

hellow developer Nexus S and all fellow...
i'm now Nexus S MIUI rom [ROM][MIUI4][NexusS] |30/01| Oodie pRiMe NS V2..
im looking with this link...
just download it and flash CWM...
it really work on my Nexus S..
dont worry...it ok...
see my attachment..
i just want to sharing and hope you all enjoy...
please click button thanks...tq fellow...
sorry for bad english...
nice 1
thank u
just want to share...
ghaf85 said:
hellow developer Nexus S and all fellow...
i'm now Nexus S MIUI rom [ROM][MIUI4][NexusS] |30/01| Oodie pRiMe NS V2..
im looking with this link...
just download it and flash CWM...
it really work on my Nexus S..
dont worry...it ok...
see my attachment..
i just want to sharing and hope you all enjoy...
please click button thanks...tq fellow...
sorry for bad english...
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But doesnt it kill USB mount which is why Oodie stopped using this in v2? Every time i'd plug in and try to mount USB the phone would reboot...
So is USB Mounting fixed or no???
i know this may seem like a silly question, but here it is.....why would you have an apple wallpaper on pure android??? lol
allenxx said:
i know this may seem like a silly question, but here it is.....why would you have an apple wallpaper on pure android??? lol
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sorry for that apple...
what i know nexus s come with linux..
so i think it not weird...
I'm the one that put this zip together in the Captivate section. If you want to keep the gallery, use 7zip or something similar and remove the install.sh file from the zip. I left that in there by accident and it removes Gallery2.apk.
Not sure if you guys have it, but here's the 4 way reboot mod for MIUI V4.
Has anyone tested the USB issue ?
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
Flashed it causes home to force close
chiefy009 said:
Has anyone tested the USB issue ?
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
Flashed it causes home to force close
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hellow chiefy009...
im using rom MIUI v4 Oodie now..
kernel SG-NS-ICS - 05-02-2012 - 11UV|Voodoo|BIGMEM|BLN|BLD|BLX|TW|3.0.19...
no problem at all..
all application and usb mount are really good..
try use this kernel and go to CWM to fix permision..
sorry for my bad english...
keep your mouse cursors on my thank...tq...
I've updated link for center clock in my thread . It works with the 2.2.3 version .
..Generated from OodieMiui via Tapatalk..
getting reboots when connecting usb
chiefy009 said:
getting reboots when connecting usb
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I always get a reboot when mounting USB storage?
There's a bug in MIUI 4 with app2SD. If there is an application installed on SD card and you try to mount the USB storage, MIUI will crash. An example of such application is XDA app. Currently a workaround is to move the application to phone's internal storage by going to Settings > Apps > USB Storage, select the application and click "Move to phone" button. (Note that you may get a hot reboot) After that, do a normal reboot before trying to mount USB storage.
Center Clock Mod - 2.2.10
thank to Oodie ....

Can Anyone

Can Anyone Help Me I Am Porting A Rom And I Am Getting
com.android.process.media FORCE CLOSE
What can I Do?
Which rom are u trying to port?
Which rom are u using as base?
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
chetan tuteja said:
can anyone help me i am porting a rom and i am getting
com.android.process.media force close
what can i do?
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give completr information about rom and try posting in development section
Here You Go
i Am Porting Blackstar Rom From Galaxy Pocket taking Evox As Base
can give us logcats?
Here You Go
problem with new edition jelly bean
im using samsung galaxy y s5360.. i flashed new edition jelly bean custom rom and it is stucked at the logo....
want a solution to get it out..
plzzz do something guys...........
shiva4ulove said:
im using samsung galaxy y s5360.. i flashed new edition jelly bean custom rom and it is stucked at the logo....
want a solution to get it out..
plzzz do something guys...........
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Try reflashing stock rom...
follow guides and u must get your sgy gt s5360 back...
but the new problem is.............
i've reflashing stock rom usin odin but the problem is odin is not recognizing my device...
what to do???????????
Download the usb driver of galaxy y
Connect the phone to the usb without pressing and buttons...ull reach a battery screen....drivers will start installing ...
Then remove the usb cable and get into download mode and connect the usb cable again...some more drivers will be installed...
One of the drivers needed is the samsung modem ...
This driver gets installed when ur in download mode...after this automatically odin will detect ur device..
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
So ?
What Should I DO?
Oh srry chetan :/
So ur porting it from pocket huh..
Tell me how did u try to port it?
7zip method?
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
Here Is It
I Used This
Thats the 7zip method ..a good method for porting roms if ur using cm7 or other cm as base but using a custom rom as base u have to be carefull while copying from the initd folder and even the app folder....
Make sure u dont touch any folders
And that media error occurs when the media folder is replaced....
Try porting again with just copying the app and framework
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
SSSidGGG said:
Thats the 7zip method ..a good method for porting roms if ur using cm7 or other cm as base but using a custom rom as base u have to be carefull while copying from the initd folder and even the app folder....
Make sure u dont touch any folders
And that media error occurs when the media folder is replaced....
Try porting again with just copying the app and framework
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
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I Will Port That One Later And I Started ANother I Only COPied framework and apps,It Succesfully booted And Yes It Is From Pocket Again And Here Is A Bug List
>Launcher keeps on restarting It Works Perfect First Few Minutes
>MMS And COntacts Apps But Nothing COmes Grey-Grey Screen
Any Idea How TO Solve them
Replace the launcher from ur base and mms and contacts too..
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
As you said com.process.media forcecloses, you should work only on the apps and framework in the system/app & system/framework folders. If you tried to mod other files without knowledge, you may brick your device permanently.
* Kaustubh
kaustubh.rockstar said:
As you said com.process.media forcecloses, you should work only on the apps and framework in the system/app & system/framework folders. If you tried to mod other files without knowledge, you may brick your device permanently.
* Kaustubh
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he is porting a different rom now...and he ggot everything to work except for the launcher and the mms and contacts he could just theme them from the png of the rom and we will have a new rom in no time
BTW..sum1 port cm 9 or 10
SSSidGGG said:
he is porting a different rom now...and he ggot everything to work except for the launcher and the mms and contacts he could just theme them from the png of the rom and we will have a new rom in no time
BTW..sum1 port cm 9 or 10
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Well I didn't see the earlier comments.
p.s :: cHeck the development forum for the new cm9 nightly alpha 2.
[email protected] do you have permissions from b16h22 ??
[email protected] leave the boring stock, and take cm7 as base, as easy as ****..
what most people do :: take a cm7 theme from somewhere & copy pngs in the framework
delete the others, compile the framework.
assemble some apps, get them together. Your Rom is ready.
But I never did like that.
Anyways, gudnight.
I Have Permissions And It Booted But The Bug List IS THere In The Earlier Comments WHAt Can I Do FOr Them This Will Be My First Contribution For Galaxy Y CAN ANYONE HELP

UNBRICK XOLO Q700|| Patition SD Card|| Swap||update

Bro right now I am on Dark world Rom... I am not able to flash this cok rom.. whenever i try flashing using SP tools it gives an error.
It tells Failed to open COM port 1 and stuff related to UART.. i tried going back to my cwm nandroid backup of stock rom and tried flashing this again.. same old error... can u help me...?? tell me wat i am doing wrong...??
OR ATLEAST BUILD A NEW MIUI with the NEW STOCK ROM Q700i as BASE please.. i badly loved your MIUI because of its smoothness.. since SD card was not getting detected..i could not use it..
aniketh12 said:
Bro right now I am on Dark world Rom... I am not able to flash this cok rom.. whenever i try flashing using SP tools it gives an error.
It tells Failed to open COM port 1 and stuff related to UART.. i tried going back to my cwm nandroid backup of stock rom and tried flashing this again.. same old error... can u help me...?? tell me wat i am doing wrong...??
OR ATLEAST BUILD A NEW MIUI with the NEW STOCK ROM Q700i as BASE please.. i badly loved your MIUI because of its smoothness.. since SD card was not getting detected..i could not use it..
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Did you folow the step?? You have to press firmware upgrade. When it giving error?? When loading scatter?
Sent from my xperia qhd using xda app-developers app
hey rajit, i tried all the steps as you mentioned, but it wasnt successful. for some reason even after installing the drivers my phone isnt being detected by flash tools.. maybe its because my pc is 64bit and the drivers arent..
but yeah, even i agree with aniketh, wish you could use this roms base and create miui rom from this.. it'll be awesome.. i loved that rom except for the sdcard issue.. i got the fix for the data as i posted in the other thread.. but still a FC when trying to switch network modes.. wish you could make a fresh one fixing mainly the sd card issue.. thanks
helpful thread… downloading firmware now. and also waiting for ur Xperia QHD Rom.
rajit said:
Did you folow the step?? You have to press firmware upgrade. When it giving error?? When loading scatter?
Sent from my xperia qhd using xda app-developers app
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Yes i followed all your steps... it loads everything after i press firmware/ upgrade..
then when i insert phone through USB cabel.. the phone boots up immediately...
SP flash tool says the phone booted before it could execute some startup command to flash rom.. i tried with many drivers.. same thing.. my phone boots up (Bootsplash appears- Evil Android bootsplash from Dark world rom) before SP flash tool can actually flash the rom... :crying:
Tried again.. now it said SOC verification failed...!! please help me.. or instead of all this hassles.. I have proper working cwm.. can somebody make a cwm package for tis stock rom.. or still more better idea.. somebody who has flashed this successfully and working.. can take a cwm nandroid backup and upload that... so other users who are finding trouble flashing through SP flash tools can restore theat nandroid backup.. VOILA new updated rom... please somebody take time and upload
flashed Q700i firmware successfully.now waiting for your upcoming rom.
abhinav2hd said:
flashed Q700i firmware successfully.now waiting for your upcoming rom.
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how did u do it..??
Many of us here are not able to do it...!!
can u plz take a nandriod backup of it and upload somewhere and post the link here.. many of us are helpless because of the errrors from SP flsh tool... it would be helpful bro..!!
aniketh12 said:
how did u do it..??
Many of us here are not able to do it...!!
can u plz take a nandriod backup of it and upload somewhere and post the link here.. many of us are helpless because of the errrors from SP flsh tool... it would be helpful bro..!!
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This is the solution ->>> http://www.mediafire.com/download/06i9q9137o85vbf/SP_Flash_Tool_exe_v3.1312.0.139.zip. <<<-Latest FlashTool.
Those errors are related to SP Flash Tools especially the 3013(SOC verification failed). I seriously doubt the role of drivers in causing those errors. So give this version a try.
nattysinister said:
This is the solution ->>> http://www.mediafire.com/download/06i9q9137o85vbf/SP_Flash_Tool_exe_v3.1312.0.139.zip. <<<-Latest FlashTool.
Those errors are related to SP Flash Tools especially the 3013(SOC verification failed). I seriously doubt the role of drivers in causing those errors. So give this version a try.
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finally got it to work.. thanks a ton! cheers
Successfully upgraded to Q700i
here are my screenshots.
Successfully flashed Q700i firmware
Hello All,
Just wanted to share that even I successfully flashed the new firmware to my Xolo Q700. I did used DOWNLOAD button. There was no problem noted. Memorycard problem is solved. But my observation is this though this new firmware is improved, it is un-noticeablly slugish. Otherwise very happy to have this. Thank you all who contributed for bringing this new firmware in focus.
sachin.gokhale said:
Hello All,
Just wanted to share that even I successfully flashed the new firmware to my Xolo Q700. I did used DOWNLOAD button. There was no problem noted. Memorycard problem is solved. But my observation is this though this new firmware is improved, it is un-noticeablly slugish. Otherwise very happy to have this. Thank you all who contributed for bringing this new firmware in focus.
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You can use thanks button
Sent from my XOLO Q700 using xda app-developers app
ROM's download Link's down.
Rom link not responding error 404
hi rajit bro ..1st recive thanks for u work.. brother you so mentioned links for rom & drivers are not responding .. i tried for two days and a no. of times but without sucess kindly do something ..thanks in advance:good:
grt work !!
rajit said:
XOLO officially has released the update for XOLO Q700 and it supports Over the air (OTA) updates as previous ....
Please get the updated rom on XDA so we can flash it at our homes
[SIZE="2[COLOR="DarkRed"][/COLOR]"]THE images from other device.. don't Worry .. its only for your help[/SIZE]
1)Install Drivers.
2)Open SP tool
3)Select 'Android Scatter file' inside ROM folder.
4)Now Shut_Down XOLO Q700
5)Click Firmware_Upgrade Button.[DONT PRESS DOWNLOAD]
6)Connect Phone{Switched off} to PC via USB Cable.
7)If everythings right,Flashing will proceed..
8)Wait till It finishes..A green ring is displayed on completion..
9)Now Close SP tool..Remove Phone from PC..
10)Switch ON the phone...It is successfully Flashed...
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Download link for Firmware not working. Please check. Can I flash this once official firmware update to my rooted phone. Is it recommended to officially update my rooted q700? My battery draining quickly even after greenify use. Please help me out. This is the only discussion page found over the net for Xolo Q700 my <3
Sent from my Q700 using Tapatalk 2
is there a android 4.3 update or ROM for xolo q700?
download link not working
provided download link doesnt work resolve it...
netcitizen said:
is there a android 4.3 update or ROM for xolo q700?
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kkt890 said:
provided download link doesnt work resolve it...
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binary13 said:
Download link for Firmware not working. Please check. Can I flash this once official firmware update to my rooted phone. Is it recommended to officially update my rooted q700? My battery draining quickly even after greenify use. Please help me out. This is the only discussion page found over the net for Xolo Q700 my <3
Sent from my Q700 using Tapatalk 2
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Hi All, Please google for needrom website. Find stock ROM for Xolo Q700i, register at the website. Then you can download. Links are perfectly working !!! Just try !!!

[cm7] Crazy Poster..

Crazy Poster​
can u help me, i cant install any rom except the ultimatum .
i nt sure why.. not even cm7 roms...
Magpir said:
can u help me, i cant install any rom except the ultimatum .
i nt sure why.. not even cm7 roms...
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You may have to flash another kernel?
brijeshep said:
You may have to flash another kernel?
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What kernel to.flash I tried flashing a stock based custom Rom still bootloop
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Magpir said:
What kernel to.flash I tried flashing a stock based custom Rom still bootloop
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
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Flash rom base XXKPH and reflash rom after clean installation.
mickael.webmaster said:
Flash rom base XXKPH and reflash rom after clean installation.
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where to get this rom? and why /
can u explain? flash through odin or recovery ?
Magpir said:
where to get this rom? and why /
can u explain? flash through odin or recovery ?
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pass: WorkStation
Flash rom base S5830XXKPH With tass-Odin 4.3..
Pack tass-Odin, Driver and Recovery Flash Odin: Here
For people who are not equipped with Samsung Kies on the PC ..
- Install the drivers for your device Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830
Connect to your PC using a USB cable ..
- Placed on your Sd Card "recovery-clockwork-"
- Update zip from Sd Card
- Install Recovery Galaxy Ace
Thank you XDA Developer (checksum: md5: ba3d09df567757081da5dd6e8fb2d0b0)
mickael.webmaster said:
pass: WorkStation
Flash rom base S5830XXKPH With tass-Odin 4.3..
Pack tass-Odin, Driver and Recovery Flash Odin: Here
For people who are not equipped with Samsung Kies on the PC ..
- Install the drivers for your device Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830
Connect to your PC using a USB cable ..
- Placed on your Sd Card "recovery-clockwork-"
- Update zip from Sd Card
- Install Recovery Galaxy Ace
Thank you XDA Developer (checksum: md5: ba3d09df567757081da5dd6e8fb2d0b0)
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sure this will work? i dont want to come with a bootloop again...
Magpir said:
sure this will work? i dont want to come with a bootloop again...
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If you follow the first step this Rom runs very well. (Wipe data factory)
I put you on resettlement own because you have known the problem on all Cm7. In fact, if you had installed a CM10 then this is normal, this change priorities about the origin. The clean reinstall and it's over.
mickael.webmaster said:
If you follow the first step this Rom runs very well. (Wipe data factory)
I put you on resettlement own because you have known the problem on all Cm7. In fact, if you had installed a CM10 then this is normal, this change priorities about the origin. The clean reinstall and it's over.
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What first step, which one u referring to . The Odin procedure or yr op
Magpir said:
What first step, which one u referring to . The Odin procedure or yr op
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First step
- Wipe Data/Factory Reset
- Install Zip From Sd Card
- Choose Zip From Sd Card
- Restart..
You said it doesn't work for you then flash by Odin XXKPH. If you don't do that I suggest you find another topic.
How to use xthemer.. can you explain?
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
immy28 said:
How to use xthemer.. can you explain?
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Flah it in CWM after installation of this rom. You can choose to change when you like.
But which file? Your link is not zip. All other file in your link. I think.
Give me zip file link.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
immy28 said:
But which file? Your link is not zip. All other file in your link. I think.
Give me zip file link.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
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Google shows contained for safety, top left: File / download (Fichier / télécharger).
View attachment 2495670
I can not find. Can u give mediafire link or others?
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
immy28 said:
I can not find. Can u give mediafire link or others?
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
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Add thread thx.
Magpir said:
can u help me, i cant install any rom except the ultimatum .
i nt sure why.. not even cm7 roms...
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Who want to tell me what he thinks of this success?
If I put ThemeChooser and ThemeManager in .zip before installing Rom would it be possibly to put and use other themes?
denis022 said:
If I put ThemeChooser and ThemeManager in .zip before installing Rom would it be possibly to put and use other themes?
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It's possible to flash "Chooser & Manager" after installing the rom but know that if I deleted they take up much space, uses battery resources and starts the system memory, for this reason my theme is to direct and flashable on this rom at will. :silly:
