About firmware:
This firmware is based on the latest source code CyanogenMod! The firmware will be updated once a week! This test builds, they may be wrong.
System animation
Hardware acceleration
Google now
WI-fi (Thanks Dzo)
Video recording
Bluetooth(Not visible to other devices)
You tell me?
Mods for CyanogenMod 10.1 | 4.2.2 |
Tablet mode
Download Google Gapps :
Google Gapps full version
Google Gapps light version
Download CyanogenMod 10.1 | 4.2.2:
Download the latest version | Version 13
Download the most stable version | Version 12
Download and watch all the versions | All versions
Use only Forumember partition.zip.
1. Copy package to SD card
2. Boot to recovery
3. Full wipe (data, cache, dalvik,)
4. Format /system, /data, /cache
5. Reboot recovery
6. Install pacakges
7. Reboot!
Changelog and Release Notes
[B][U]Update 1 for version 1:[/U][/B]
[FONT="Century Gothic"][LIST]
[*]Fixed Keyboard with swipe function; Added new libraries for radio:
[*]Android.hardware.wifi.xml (for u8800, instead of libraries radio Wi-Fi);
[*]android.hardware.wifi.direct.xml(added for work Wi-Fi);
[*] wpa_supplicant.conf (ported for 8800 from desire z);
[*] Wpa_cli wpa_supplicant (added from desire z);
[B][U]Version 2[/U][/B]
[FONT="Century Gothic"][LIST]
[*]Fixed a problem with the video (but not entirely, the camera records seen, but does not show it, that is, push forward to turn off the recording, go to the gallery, and there is our video)
[*]Added a working hwcompozer (In JB4.2 video goes through the hardware acceleration ... If the camera works, but it does not record video - a problem hwcomposer first.)
[*]Fixed a problem in build. Prop;
[*]removed unnecessary applications from our friends the Chinese;
[*]Added new library modules (odes should already work Wi-Fi and Bluetooth! So me and my friend the developer CM10.1 for Huawei Honor decided that the problem in logcat;
[*]Added latest driver;
[*]Installed default language to English;
[*]Added the necessary sentences like Root Explorer, and others;
[*]Changed region Wi-Fi;
[*]Fixed freezes completely with animation;
[*]add windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec=60
[*][COLOR="DarkOrange"]is still not working![/COLOR]
[*]Added a smooth interface with the commands in build.Prop
[B][U]Update 1 for version 2[/U][/B]
[*]Fixed twitch interface;
[*][COLOR="Red"]Fixed bug with buttons[/COLOR]
[*]Added new drivers for Bluetooth;
[*]Added new driver Wi-Fi;
[*]Fixed a problem with the keyboard;
[*]Improved Build. Prop;
[U][B] Version 3 experimental[/B][/U]
[*]Added new driver for adreno 2xx jb(not working);
[*]Fixed reboot using Huawei u8800 ideas x5;
[*]Added Google gapps;
[*]Fixed a problem with hanging in some applications;
[*]Increased sensitivity;
[*]Added driver with Huawei x6;
[*]Added the application;
[*]Remove any excess;
[*]It is still android 4.2.1 jelly bean cm10.1;
[*]Added an integrated team build.Prop;
[*]Resolved some minor issues;
[*]Updated CMFileManager;
[*]Updated CMFileManagerThemes to the new version;
[*]Updated and added Gallery2 Video Editor;
[*]Added Holo Spiral Wallpaper;
[*]Updated drivers for video hwcomposer.msm7x30;
[*]Added a new kernel;
[*]Bluetooth is working;
[*]Fixed Build. Prop for the new version of the kernel;
[U][B] Version 4 Stable[/B][/U]
[*]Returned the old kernel
[*]Fixed "unfortunately, the process com.android.phone has stopped"
[*]Updated all applications to the latest version
[*]Updated Bluetooth driver
[*]Fixed lag in the interface
[*]Fixed FPS subsidenceIncreased sensitivity of the interface
[*]Still does not work WI-fi
[*]Fixed sleep mode phonereduced power consumption
[*]Added Google gapps;
[*]Fixed a problem with hanging in some applications;
[*]Added the necessary application
[*]Fixed old bugs
[*]Added working for our phone libhardware_legacy.so
[*]Still working on a new kernel
[*]Fixed bug «Unfortunately Gmail has stopped" when the system starts
[*]Super smooth operation
[*]Fixed camera
[*]Fixed Google play
[*]Upgraded to the new version of Google play
[*]Added and updated google GAPPS
[*]Added welcome screen and select the language
[*]Added new driver
[*]And other
[B][U]Version 5 [/U][/B]
[*]Fixed WI-fi (Dzo thanks for his help with the libraries)
[*]Removed the native browser
[*]Added Google Chrome, ES File Explorer, Titanium Backup
[*]Fixed bugs System
[*]Improved system stability
[*]Increased productivity
[LEFT][U][B]Version 6 Stable [/B][/U]
[*]Fixed video recording
[*]Fixed GPS
[*]Added new Google Gapps
[*]The new kernel with new drivers
[*]Modified application camera (video recording is now running in 720p)
[*]The system is shown in its original state
[*]Fixed bugs with the first launch of the system
[*]Fixed a system error
[*]Now firmware weighs 134 MB
[B][U][*]And a lot of other changes[/U][/B][/LEFT]
[B][U]Version 7[/U][/B]
[*]Changed some graphics
[*]Optimized memory
[*]Increased transmission speed usb
[*]Energy Optimization
[*]Google now
[*]Completely stable job Wi-Fi
[*]Fixed bugs with the animation.
[*]Fixed camera recording as 720p
[*]Fixed sensitivity and responsiveness of the system.
[*]Fixed Flashlight (now it works)
[*]Fixed a problem with the native browser.
[*]Fixed problem with sound.
[B][U]Version 8[/U][/B] | Contains many errors and bugs! | Delete
[B][U]Version 9[/U][/B]
[*]Based on the latest source code CyanogenMod 10.1
[*]Based on Huawei u8800pro and Huawei honor
[*]ANDROID 4.2.2 Jelly Bean
[*]Added a new updater-script
[*]Updated all applications
[*]Added updated GAPPS
[*]Added new driver for the radio!
[*]Removed Google now
[*]Increased the size of the firmware 180 MB
[*]The system cleared of rubbish
[*]Fixed all the animation system lags
[*]Fixed all the errors of the system
[*]Fixed all reset
[*]Fixed keyboard and technology Swype (now it works!)
[*]Fixed battery consumption
[*]Fixed system / etc / qcom_cfg.ini for Wi-fi
[*]Fixed Camera (Now the default is the quality 720p)
[*]Fixed responsiveness
[*]Fixed Bluetooth driver
[*]Fixed SD flash
[*]Fixed display of internal memory in the conductors
[*]Fixed system / etc / vold.fstab
[*]Fixed GPS (Ie, faster is better satellites)
[*]Fixed settings!
[*]Fixed a bug when running!
[*]Fixed framework-res.apk
[B][U]Version 10[/U][/B]
[*]Fixed native browser
[*]Fixed root
[*]Removed Google Gapps
[*]Fixed error "android.process.media"
[*]Fixed settings
[B][U]Version 11[/U][/B]
[*]Fixed clock
[*]Fixed and modified settings (Thanks to the Chinese friends)
[*]Fixed HD video recording
[*]Added new features in the camera
[*]Fixed random restart
[*]Fixed DPS Manager
[*]Increased free RAM
[*]Added new libraries for radio
[*]Removed unnecessary applications
[*]Fixed build.prop
[*]Added new kernel with zram, swap mode and smartassv2 (Thanks dwalx)
[*]Added planners vr, sio (Thanks dwalx)
[*]The new core is more productive than the old one.(Thanks dwalx)
[*]Updated application
[*]Fixed a flashlight in the status bar!
[B][U]Version 12[/U][/B]
[*]Fixed Wi-Fi Tethering
[*]Added support for zram and swap in system/etc
[*]Fixed FPS
[*]Flash has become a very fast and stable
[*]All errors have been corrected
[*]Updated application
[*]Removed unnecessary libraries
[*]Updated application
[*]Increased FPS
[B][U]Version 13[/U][/B]
[FONT="Century Gothic"][*]
[*]Revised and updated font Roboto Condensed
[*]Updated sounds
[*]Added new wallpapers
[*]Updated Applications
[*]Removed old and unwanted applications
[*]Removed unnecessary libraries
[*]Bluetooth is removed
[*]Battery life is extended by 2-4 hours
[*]Increased smooth operation
[*]Increased the amount of free RAM
[*]Added more functional app sms
[*]Fixed DSP Manager
[*]A lot of small changes.[/FONT]
Firmware for everyday use![/FONT]
[B]Special Thanks to:[/B]
[*]CyanogenMod Team
Thank you.
This is already updated version, or initial version, which is here in forum?
EDIT: animations are now OK, but swype and video recording does not work.
Davoss said:
Thank you.
This is already updated version, or initial version, which is here in forum?
EDIT: animations are now OK, but swype and video recording does not work.
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This is a new rum, which has been ported directly from Huawei Honor!
A port sm10.1 who is on the forum there was this:*
Initially, this firmware was created to Huawei Honor, then ported to u8800proa only then u8800, why so many bugs!
And my rum was ported directly to Huawei Honor u8800 why so few bugs!
davoss said:
thank you.
This is already updated version, or initial version, which is here in forum?
Edit: Animations are now ok, but swype and video recording does not work.
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Well, next Monday will update it will be fixed!
There are no compatible binaries and drivers for JB for our device. Blefish is currently trying to rewrite them and make them work, but I pretty much sure, that YOU don't have skills to do such a work. You can't "fix" more features, that are already working, for example you can't fix wi-fi because Dzo's driver is incompatible for MR1. You really should give up on this and go port something ICS-based (CM9 for example), because we have a completely working ICS now and it is possible to port such ROMs using newbie porting guides.
Making something newer than we already have requires good programming skills, not just copy and paste files into archive. If you really want to contribute community with ports, go and make something that is possible and learn how to build android from source and other things. Otherwise gtfo imho.
И перестаньте флудить уже одним и тем же портом с про.
Re: [ROM] [v0.1] Cyanogenmod 10.1(Android 4.2.1 for U8800)
nagato.fm said:
There are no compatible binaries and drivers for JB for our device. Blefish is currently trying to rewrite them and make them work, but I pretty much sure, that YOU don't have skills to do such a work. You can't "fix" more features, that are already working, for example you can't fix wi-fi because Dzo's driver is incompatible for MR1. You really should give up on this and go port something ICS-based (CM9 for example), because we have a completely working ICS now and it is possible to port such ROMs using newbie porting guides.
Making something newer than we already have requires good programming skills, not just copy and paste files into archive. If you really want to contribute community with ports, go and make something that is possible and learn how to build android from source and other things. Otherwise gtfo imho.
И перестаньте флудить уже одним и тем же портом с про.
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Well, Blefish, I think, will give Mlopik some compiled hardware.legacy.so thing that, in principle, will make it possible to load Dzo's wifi driver on CM10. Developers talking to one another can lead to great things. But I agree when you say that playing around with files simply won't fix things, he can give up on trying to fix wifi with that method. Let's wait and see.
Sent from my Huawei U8800
fjsferreira said:
Well, Blefish, I think, will give Mlopik some compiled hardware.legacy.so thing that, in principle, will make it possible to load Dzo's wifi driver on CM10. Developers talking to one another can lead to great things. But I agree when you say that playing around with files simply won't fix things, he can give up on trying to fix wifi with that method. Let's wait and see.
Sent from my Huawei U8800
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It won't happen until Blefish has his phone fixed again, I think. And it can never happen also.
And the thing is not to stop trying to develop something, the thing is to stop making nonsense and leaves without figs. Blefish is working on CM10.1, so why not try to port some other ROM, AOSP 4.2.1 or some AOKP? The forum is all flooded with non-working not-fixable SAME CM PORTS.
nagato.fm said:
It won't happen until Blefish has his phone fixed again, I think. And it can never happen also.
And the thing is not to stop trying to develop something, the thing is to stop making nonsense and leaves without figs. Blefish is working on CM10.1, so why not try to port some other ROM, AOSP 4.2.1 or some AOKP? The forum is all flooded with non-working not-fixable SAME CM PORTS.
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I'm not a dev, but that is 100% true, for example that port of CyanogenMod 10 there at least 3 topics with all the same problems (because after all it's pretty much the same ROM) and now for this one there are already 2 topics. The devs should really try to port or build something ICS-based like CM9 or 4.0.4 AOKP, because after all ICS is fully functional for our U8800.
I'm agree with @nagato.fm @fjsferreira and @itsDinis. We have those ROMs,but If you want fix this,you will more toil than compile a ROM from a device source.
I'm making CM9 tree (I know we already have a ICS ROM) for make CM9,AOKP,LeWa,LiGuX,ParanoidAndroid. I tried port those ROMs,but it is very hard and we aren't sure it will work.And we have ICS kernel so this kernel may not fully compaitable with 4.1.x and 4.2.x
My suggestion is wait Blefish or compile ROM from your source.
Re: [ROM] [v0.1] Cyanogenmod 10.1(Android 4.2.1 for U8800)
ilyaaa299 said:
-WI-Fi and others!
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This wifi bugs killing me
Sent from my U8800 using xda premium
Tmp341 said:
This wifi bugs killing me
Sent from my U8800 using xda premium
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Read carefully the cap threads!
itsDinis said:
I'm not a dev, but that is 100% true, for example that port of CyanogenMod 10 there at least 3 topics with all the same problems (because after all it's pretty much the same ROM) and now for this one there are already 2 topics. The devs should really try to port or build something ICS-based like CM9 or 4.0.4 AOKP, because after all ICS is fully functional for our U8800.
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That's right and i don't understand why all of 3 devs developing CM don't join and try to fix all bugs from same CM10. Why we need so much roms for our phone which is becoming old and "not supported" i think not.
dark_vader said:
That's right and i don't understand why all of 3 devs developing CM don't join and try to fix all bugs from same CM10. Why we need so much roms for our phone which is becoming old and "not supported" i think not.
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Stop! Enough is enough! What other rom???? All past rom portiravany were poor, and contain a lot of bugs, but now they are much smaller. Almost do not! Once again the post and I end up developing the firmware! Thank you! With respect ilyaaa299 ....
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Unicorn9x said:
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Good jooob !! Thanks
U8800 forum runner
ilyaaa299 said:
About the Rom: This Rom is based on CM from Huawei Honor. I will gradually correct the different types of defects and bugs. If someone wants to help me with fixing bugs, you are welcome to private messages. I cannot work on it all day, so the Rom updates will be released on every Monday! I will work on it and improve it!
Problems with porting this ROM:
This rom is even better than the Aurora ICS and others of this kind! But however, not without bugs! Everything is working correctly , except wi-fi and Bluetooth, because Huawei honor and Huawei u8800pro have the same modules ,but not compatible with our 8800 wi-fi and Bluetooth modules, which is why there is many drivers for u8800 pro, it is very easy to port without consequences! Therefore, I already know where is the problem with wi-fi and Bluetooth, less than half is in the nucleus and more than half of the drivers themselves in the phone as follows:
- Android.hardware.wifi.xml (not from our module wi-fi and Bluetooth)
-android.hardware.wifi.direct.xml (this halyard generally no, although it should be)
- wpa_supplicant.conf
- Vendor \ firmware
- System \ bin
- Wpa_cli wpa_supplicant
That is it! The rest is all right! And yes, I have a few days to talk with the developer of cm10 for Huawei Honor. And if we do everything right with the kernel, then all you need (see list) we will take from HTC Desire, there modules are such as ours! In general, all will be, but I am not promising!
General information about Cyanogen Mod 10.1:
-the system is faster and better than Aurora ICS
- Multilanguage’s
-New buns Android 4.2
-New features and so on....
- System animations
- Stock keybord with Swipe function
- Camera
- Adb drivers and storages
- Phone sees a flash card, regardless of its capacity!
-WI-Fi and others!
Google Gapps for cm10.1
ROM v1
update 1
1. Copy package to SD card
2. Boot to recovery
3. Full wipe (data, cache, dalvik,)
4. Format /system, /data, /cache
5. Reboot recovery
6. Install pacakges
7. Reboot!Update 1:
Fixed Keyboard with swipe function; Added new libraries for radio:
- Android.hardware.wifi.xml (for u8800, instead of libraries radio Wi-Fi);
-android.hardware.wifi.direct.xml (added for work Wi-Fi);
- wpa_supplicant.conf (ported for 8800 from desire z);
- Wpa_cli wpa_supplicant (added from desire z);
Moreover, others.
Thanks to guys which ported this ROM
Thanks to dzo for his kernel
Thanks to infernno for his translation
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Good work . Thank you !
Did the camera have fully function (both photos mode and video recording mode) ?
hung.ngomanh said:
Did the camera have fully function (both photos mode and video recording mode) ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Camera have fully function but video recording doesn't work.
Re: [ROM] [v0.1] Cyanogenmod 10.1(Android 4.2.1 for U8800)..Updated 1..
So for now it's just a test Rom...
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Project... Droid ACE v4 Special Edition
Version... 211212 DroidACE v4/v3--> CHECK 2ND POST FOR DOWNLOADS
Created by... masterex567
Based On... Special Edition - CM9final3 by maclaw
v3 - CM7 Unofficial RC3 by vo-1
Changelog, Extras + more... on 2nd post
What's New?
Special Edition:
DroidAce had long gone, and a resurrection was due. This special edition based on CM9 compiles all the latest features available to cm9 and various mods to ensure device stability. Main importance has as always been given to the three aspects:
After working on these for quite a while, i can successfully say that the job has been fulfilled.
Well. It's come to an end. It's been a long journey since i started deving for DroidACE, I've learnt alot from it and I believe it's now in it's perfect stage. Basically with this rom, i've focused on three main things :
I've tried to combine all those elements to put them into one.
Great Battery life and Performance from the Unnoficial RC3 Base, and the UI is your choice
Special Edition v4
These are screenshots from Droid Ace v4l
These are screenshots from Droid Ace v3 final
Xperia theme and launcher:
Holo Launcher and JB Theme:
Special Edition:
Based on CM9final3 by Maclaw
Sense Style Multitasking
Three Lockscreen Choices in installer:
*Default with batman lockring
V6 Supercharger fully incorporated!
1% battery mod
Over 24000 advertisements blocked.
Xperia z2 default sounds
Viper audio mod for increase in quality of music
Cust*om boot animation
Added google now
Full screen album art on lockscreen
Lockscreen rotation
Modded settings background
Cleaned up system
30 step volume mod for music and alarm
Touchscreen sensitive tweak
Patched services.jar
DroidAce Vault with performance settings
Center clock
Center date
+many more
Based on CM7 Unofficial RC3 by vo-1
Latest Firekernel
Adrenaline Engine and Boost
Jelly Bean Notification Drawer
Aroma installer with many customization options
Improved: GPS, Dialing, Internet, Graphics, Battery, Scrolling, RAM Management
Amazing Audio with AC!D, Dolby Mobile, ALSA, Beats, Audio FX, 30 Volume Steps
****LOTS**** of Free RAM
No Ads, blocked over 20,000 hosts
Working LED torch from notification power widget
No 2ext /...2SD scripts by default
New custom boot animation
Custom Pattern unlock
Custom Lockscreen (Based on xperia) with all CM Lockscreen options
Roboto Font
ICS Style Settings
Updated apps
Modded Xperia Launcher (removed share app ability, and changed default homescreen view)
Stock Xperia Sounds
Awesome wallpapers
BLN Support
Build.prop done correctly
Updater script done correctly
Increased PopUp sensitivity
Various performance tweaks
+ many more
How to Install?
Copy Zip to SD Card
Reboot into recovery
Wipe Data/Factory Reset
Install Zip From SD Card
Choose Zip from Sd Card
Select the ROM zip file you downloaded
Continue with Aroma Installer
XDA for allowing me to present my work
Vo-1 for Base and Resources
Samsung for sounds, and Ace.
Zeppelinrox for V6 Supercharger
Zuhang for Viper Audio Mod
SkyWalker for amazing port on lockscreens
draggonnn for FireKernel OC: https://github.com/dragonnn/firekernel-ace
Imbawind for Adrenaline Engine and boost
121C4 for Boot Animations, Drawables, Wallpapers, Lockscreen.
UOT Kitchen for Lockscreen mods
Chris95X8 for Base Theme
Driffex for JB Theme
r-ikfoot for AC!D Sound Mod
Amarullz for Aroma Installer
Modulus for Windows 7 font
mobint for holo launcher
tamingsari2k for modded ics theme in v1
fla.sh for motorola droid boot animation in v1
lovetz for beats audio + alsa
Real Networks for Real Player
ra3al for xperia home
lagloose for GPS and Sensors Patch
itasoulas for gps hw.
tamingsari2k for drawables in notification drawer
balamu96m for ICS Style Settings Feedback.
badjaguar007 for signature banner
adgoosuc for signature banner
namakerorin for audio FX
# PM me if you think you should be here
Download Links, Addons and More.
Click this text or the image below for downloads page
v4 - 16/08/14
Based on CM9final3 by Maclaw
Sense Style Multitasking
Three Lockscreen Choices in installer:
*Default with batman lockring
V6 Supercharger fully incorporated!
1% battery mod
Over 24000 advertisements blocked.
Xperia z2 default sounds
Viper audio mod for increase in quality of music
Cust*om boot animation
Added google now
Full screen album art on lockscreen
Lockscreen rotation
Modded settings background
Cleaned up system
30 step volume mod for music and alarm
Touchscreen sensitive tweak
Patched services.jar
DroidAce Vault with performance settings
Center clock
Center date
v3 - 21/12/12:
-A way better and more customized Aroma experience.
-Jelly Bean Notification Drawer
-Improved stability
-better ram management
-xperia lockscreen
-Droid wallpapers v3.
-Optimized all apks
-Finalized each aspect of the rom, to make everything perfect.
-and loads of other i don't remember
-Check 1st post for full rom specifications
Changelog for v2.1 - 09/10/12
-Updated Theme to V10. (still modded with ICS Elements)
-New Boot Animation.
-New USB Mount image.
-Replaced Smileys in Pattern with new png's.
-Added More wallpapers to Droid Wallpapers.
-Better Ram Management. (Only 65 MB Used)
-112 MB Free.
-Real Player replaced with stock CM7 Music Player.
-FireKernel Updated.
-Added Roboto Font.
-Removed ICS Style Settings
-Fixed Dialer Issue.
+still updating changelog.
v2 bugs fixed - 18/08/2012
-Fix Home Button and Lockscreen Issue
-Fixed Clock Issue.
-Fix Reboot on Google Accounts
-Fix all other Google Related Services.
-Updated Play Store to 3.8.15.
-Updated Super User to latest one.
-Updated Real Player, now it looks soo good.
-Fixed some bugs in super user binary
- Includes all v1 features
-Updated Base to Unofficial RC3
-All Bugs fixed
-Aroma Installer
-Fully Integrated Adrenaline Engine
-Stock Samsung Sounds, with S3 Lock Sounds.
-Added Droid Wallpapers v2 (Even better walls)
-Added Awesome boot animation
-Modded Xperia Theme heavily with some ICS Elements
(Things like scroll bar, and emoticons)
-Modded Xperia Home
(removed share app ability and more)
-ICS Style Settings
-GPS Fixed and Enhanced
-Added BLN Support
-Firekernel Updated
-Init.d scripts modified
-Build.prop done properly
-Updater Script done properly
-Removed Window Transparency
-Increased PopUp Sensitivity
-Fixed Lock Pattern Bug
-Added Delivery Reports
-Removed Window Transparency
-Various Performance tweaks
+ many more
No Mirrors Allowed, And Not Allowed to extract specific modded apps from ROM.
Especially not the boot animation, It's an exclusive.
-- If you are encountering ROOT problems. Flash this: http://d-h.st/tSJ.
-- On boot, status bar shows nothing. Just complete setup wizard then connect usb, or headphones.
-- AFAIK, nothing else. If you find something, post in this thread.
1.ROM Contains two themes, Xperia Trans and Xperia Non-Trans
2. Xperia Home is 0.91b Multi Resolution
3. All apps patched with apk manager.
4. Xperia Animations Supported
5. Real Player is replaced with stock cm7 music player.
6. Play Store is at V 3.7.15
7. Dialer Screen, Call Recieving Screen, and Calling Screen have all been modded to Xperia S.
8. For Faster UI. Open Spare Parts, Set Window and Transition Animations to Fast.
9. About Phone in Settings is now "About Droid"
10. Calibrate Your Battery for even better battery life
Wireless and networks: Working Great!
Performance : Works Great also, very less lag
GPS : Some Improvements, recommend to set country through http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1200089
Games : Games work great, Agent Dash Works Really Nice.
Benchmarks in screenshots in First Post.
Only for V3:
Flashable zips:
Google Talk: Click
Gmail: Click
Quickpic: Click
ICS Layouts Patch Click Me.
ICS Layouts Undo Click Me.
ICS Layouts Procedure
1. Download both the files above
2. Copy them to sd card
3. Go to CWM, MOUNT SYSTEM and Flash PATCH
4. Reboot
5. Go to CWM, MOUNT SYSTEM and Flash UNDO
6. Reboot
7. Go to CWM, MOUNT SYSTEM and Flash PATCH
Soft Buttons ICS Click Me.
TO UNDO, Just Disable Soft buttons from CM Settings > Tablet Tweaks if you applied by mistake.
Procedure to Install
1. Download the .zip file
2. Copy them to sd card
4. Flash the .zip file.
5. Reboot.
To Mod the soft buttons go to CM Settings > Tablet Tweaks.
hey im waiting for the link !! wanna try this can u make a patch for centerclock with no overlap thankss good job bro !!!
dredremon said:
hey im waiting for the link !! wanna try this can u make a patch for centerclock with no overlap thankss good job bro !!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yup. Patches are gonna be up in second post. Center Clock. Soft Buttons and Transparent Status bar. Uploading. don't forget to add "first" to your post!
oo thanksss so transparent status bar center clock with carrier name dude dont forget to add that !! thanks cant wait .
Waiting for dl link..
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
waiting ..gonna this delicious rom of yours
Not bad dude. :good: Btw they say that Bravia Engine doesn't really work and fries up the chip?
Shadow xD said:
Not bad dude. :good: Btw they say that Bravia Engine doesn't really work and fries up the chip?
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Click to collapse
Yup..Maybe..That's why on second thought I never included the whole thing. Just a placebo. Forgot to edit! Thanks for the info though!
If this is how looks, i will give it a try, thanks dude and keep going!
Sent from my Galaxy Ace
Waiting for MF mirror :thumbup:
sent via SGS III
gboy2011 said:
Waiting for MF mirror :thumbup:
sent via SGS III
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Mediafire Link done!...
Check OP.
problem dude i flash ur ROM i cant install my uot themes and after flashing the ics layout the status bar are gone
dredremon said:
problem dude i flash ur ROM i cant install my uot themes and after flashing the ics layout the status bar are gone
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Weird....Tried Reflashing? And what instructions did you follow for the ICS Layouts?
Because, I'm using it on my Ace, with the ICS Layouts and no issue like that.....
Make sure you followed the instructions. I tried the ROM on my Ace, and two of my friends. No problem with them.
Any more info you can provide?
For UOT Themes, Did you try copying it to system \app using a root explorer?
I'll do some more debugging.
ok will try to reflash the rom hope the problem got fix my uot themes doesnt need to copy to system
and others problem dude the wallpaper resolution arent good low reso.
dredremon said:
ok will try to reflash the rom hope the problem got fix my uot themes doesnt need to copy to system
and others problem dude the wallpaper resolution arent good low reso.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Okkk. I'm soon gonna roll out a patch, which fixes all those problems! What Dimensions do you suggest for the wallpapers? 640 * 480* ?
downloading it =) will try it out and post
masterex567 said:
Okkk. I'm soon gonna roll out a patch, which fixes all those problems! What Dimensions do you suggest for the wallpapers? 640 * 480* ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think 800+ for hpdi for good.quality
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
It looks good man!!!! Going to try!
Volkswagen is cool and I hope to own one.
Thank you.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
CyanogenMod 10.2.1 4.3.1 for the Ideos X5 Pro (U8800Pro)
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
This is my build of CyanogenMod 10.2.1 for u8800pro. It is unofficial and unsupported by the
CyanogenMod team. This ROM is for all kinds of people but to those who have at least basic knowledge on android. However if you damage something by not following my instructions, do not ask how to fix them, actually I couldn't care less if you
have issues with this ROM after the modifications you have done.
TURBO BOOSTED - Prepare to feel the Heat! SD Card NOT affected!
This is the smoothest and fastest ROM you will ever try!
The Rom is rock stable for an average user but keep in mind the Rom is in WIP stage so expect some minor hickups but I am trying my best to resolve these issues.
I've decided to keep this rom simple and I've not added all the extras some other roms have added, because in my eyes keeping it simple keeps it more stable... If you want all those extras you can readily find them and flash them after the rom... but if you've flashed the extras don't complain in the thread about things not working....
ROM Info
Based on the latest android 4.2.2 presented by Ivan Autumn.(Da_Nya)
Removed couple of apps.
New QM drivers.
Better I/O performance
Plenty of image/sound/performance tweaks including PimpMyRom.(x)
Patched CRT.[no lag]
Not Working
Bluetooth(device can receive files but cant send)
You tell me
Coming up next
New kernel with Bluetooth fix
Format to factory settings.
Wipe cache.
Wipe dalvik cache.
[Optional]Wipe battery stats.
Format system.
Install ROM.
Flash latest gapps(NEW GAPPS) I provide here!Any other gapps will not work and will crash the phone!
Developer Options: change: 1. Window Animation Scale 2. Transition Animation Scale 3. Animator Duration Scale. By default they are set to "1x". Change it to "0.5x". This will make transitions and animations on your phone much faster and make you feel that your phone is super fast.
IMPORTANT!(Having problems turbo boosting your device? Click here)
Open a terminal session(terminal emulator) and get superuser rights with the command: su
Command: cd /system/etc/init.d (now you are in the init.d folder, where the script is)
Command: chmod 775 98swap_cache_v300 (now the script has execution rights)
Command: chmod 775 98swap_data_v300
1)Continue SvTeamv5Final project
2)Features from Nexus 4
3)Smooth Scrolling
4)Patched CRT to remove lag
5)PimpMyRom tweaks(-x)
7)[B]I think[/B] i fixed bluetooth
8)New QM drivers
9)Add CM wallpapers
10)Latest cm10.1 files
11)Added CrossBreeder feature
13)No FPS limit
14)Updated CM10 bootanimation
15)[B]MANY[/B] tweaks
16)Fixed a bug with keyboard
17)Gapps Included
18)[B]Fixed bluetooth[/B]
19)Removed some tweaks so that ROM is cleaner
20)Fixed sound(!)
21)Patched libsqlite for better I/O performance(thanks to [B]pika[/B])
22)New build.prop
23)New drivers
24)Edited kernel for better performance(thanks [B]ivan[/B])
25)End development(x)
26)Re-opened development
27)New Kernel(thanks to [B]pika[/B])
28)Re-fixed sound(XD)
29)As smooth as this ROM can be(fully tweaked)(!)
30)Read installation to make crt animation and generally the animations of the phone SUPER fast(do it)
31)Bluetooth doesn't work with new kernel(Use older kernel if you want bluetooth/I dont remember what changes i had done to the other kernel to make them on pika's kernel too.)
32)Sound appears not to work on the new version. Working on it.
33)I was going to upload this on 20 of March but uploaded it on 18 instead.
34)[URL="http://www.mediafire.com/?zhn7y67c61hjsz9"]Sound problem fix(less smoother)[/URL](Only set permissions and replace if you don't have sound)
35)Slow-small updates from now.
[B][U]CyanogenMod 10.1 by Nick[/U][/B]
36)Bluetooth works again
37)Sound works again
38)New adreno200 drivers
39)Gapps included
40)Youtube works
41)Updated to latest 4.2.2 by Da_Nya
[B][U]CyanogenMod 10.1 by Nick 20130414[/U][/B]
42)Improved speed of ROM
43)Improve smoothness of ROM
45)Fix reboots
46)Updated some files
[B][U]CyanogenMod 10.1 by Nick 20130428[/U][/B]
48)Fixed battery drain(thanks to qisu2011)
49)Fixed some minor bugs/typos
50)Fixed a bug with calendar
51)Changed some parameters
52)Added smoothness tweaks
53)Fixed status bar problem
54)ROM still buggy because of the old kernel
55)Fixed Hands-free
56)Fixed 3rd part camera bug
57)Fixed search button bug
58)Removed volume rocker wake
59)Faster USB mount
60)Bug in TWRP fixed
61)Merged with latest 4.2.2 by qisu2011(thanks bro ;))
[B][U]Alpha 6[/U][/B]
62)[B]UN-TESTED[/B]. This ROM is meant only for testers. Hopefully WiFi&Bluetooth will be fixed
[B][U]CyanogenMod 10.1.0 by Nick 20130525 BETA4[/U][/B]
63)Merged with files from latest CyanogenMod 10.1.0
64)Fixed RAM issues(thanks to [B][U]delta_roh[/U][/B] and [B][U]Harbir[/U][/B])
65)Fixed error with ramdisk
66)Error with camera fixed
67)Flashlight problem corrected
68)Many more
69)Browser FC fixed
70)Phone not appearing in drawer fixed
71)Error in ramdisk corrected
72)Lockclock updated
CyanogenMod 10.1.0 RC2 20130530 Stable[/U][/B]
73)build.prop fixes
74)Fixed space problem
75)GAPPS now can be installed properly for those who had turbo boost enabled
76)Reduced ROM size quite a bit
77)Settings FC fixed(WiFi)
78)File manager added
79)Camera&Gallery FC fixed
[B][U]CyanogenMod 10.1.0 RC5 20130619 Stable[/U][/B]
80)[B]Incredibly[/B] smooth and fast!
81)All changes in RC5 by CyanogenMod Team.
[B][U]CyanogenMod 10.1.3 by Nick 20131213[/U][/B]
82)Based on latest CM10.1.3
83)New kernel by herna
84)Re-done UI(framework,systemui and android.policy.jar+many others) to look like 4.4 KitKat
[B][U]CyanogenMod 10.2.1 GAB[/U][/B]
85)Based on Android 4.3.1
86)Updated system files
87)Based on latest CM10.2
88)Minor changes
FEATURES of "Gimme a Break" Update
- Based on JellyBean 4.2.2
- BusyBox 1.21.1 (/etc/init.d scripts support)
- Rooted
- Battery saving & performance (lot of) build.prop tweaks
- Zipaligned APKs
- [B][COLOR="Red"]!!NEW[/COLOR][/B] Gradients Navbar&Status Bar [COLOR="red"][B]NEW!![/B][/COLOR]
- [B][COLOR="Red"]!!NEW[/COLOR][/B] Funny Broken KitKat Easter Egg [COLOR="red"][B]NEW!![/B][/COLOR]
- Volume Rocker Waker
- Precise Volume Control
- Smooth Scroll patch
- CRT screen off
- [B][COLOR="Red"]!!NEW[/COLOR][/B] KitKat ringtones[COLOR="red"][B] NEW!![/B][/COLOR]
- [B][COLOR="Red"]!!NEW[/COLOR][/B] KitKat Bootanimation[COLOR="red"][B] NEW!![/B][/COLOR]
- CM audio media
- [B][COLOR="Red"]!!NEW[/COLOR][/B] GoogleHome Launcher inside [COLOR="red"][B]NEW!![/B][/COLOR]
- CM calculator
Some Design Restyling :
- Animation Framework by eng.stk (Hint: Set to 0.5X)
- !!NEW White Stockish Battery NEW!!
- !!NEW White Clock NEW!!
- !!NEW Persistent kitkat Menu Button NEW!!
- Custom Wifi notification icon
- !!NEW KitKat Softkeys NEW!!
- Navbar Holo highlight
- !!NEW KitKat Fonts NEW!!
- !!NEW A Bootanimation: The Kitkat one NEW!!
- !!NEW white Visible Power Menu in status bar NEW!!
- !!NEW white Stautus Bar ON like in Kitkat NEW!!
- !!NEW Grey KitKat header NEW!!
- 12/13/2013 GIMME A BREAK
This is not Android 4.4!
- [SystemUI; android.policy] KitKat Gradient Status & Nav Bars (Thank You for the guide @ATTACK)
- [SystemUI] Persistent Menu Button
- [framework-res] Removed outer-ring In Lockring
- [SystemUI] White Icons on status bar (also new ADB icon)
- [SystemUI] New Power Menu Icon
- [SystemUI] Kitkat Quick Settings Icons
- [SystemUI] New Kitkat Softkeys
- Added kitKat Bootanimation
- Added kitKat Sounds
- [SystemUI] New white KitKat status_bar_close_on
- [android.policy.jar] Disabled Lockscreen Tint
- [framework-res; framework; SystemUI] Added a New Broken Android Easter Egg (not the KitKat but funny XD)
- [Settings] Kitkat Settings Icons
- KitKat Font
- [SystemUI] White clock
Some people feedback:
"In my opinion a very good ROM, by far best of any JellyBean I tried on this phone. Really nice job on this one !"
"Quite smooth, wonderful job!"
"But it will be better if can get the file manager form CM, btw nice ROM, thx"
"Nice work! Works fine"
"good release, thanks"
"I have tried this ROM for last two days and i think that is very good."
"rom is stable now."
"Great rom with few lags. Bluetooth and Wifi working great!"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Before using latest version make sure to backup your current ROM, evrything should be fine but I dont have a device to test this ROM thus there can be problems.
CyanogenMod 10.2.1 GAB
Old Downloads
Wifi fix by Ivan only if you have problems with wifi
CM-U8800PRO132003-BY-IVAN_NickV2-signed.(Release by Nick)(NEW WORKING LINK)
CyanogenMod 10.1 by Nick temporarily working (/)
CyanogenMod 10.1 by Nick d-h.st new link
CyanogenMod 10.1 by Nick-20130414-u8800pro
CyanogenMod 10.1 by Nick 20130428-u8800pro
CyanogenMod 10.1.0 RC2 20130529
CyanogenMod 10.1.0 RC2 20130530
CyanogenMod 10.1.0 RC5 20130619
CyanogenMod 10.1.3 20131213
Having problems? Ask politely here and if you do not find a solution then
ROM development is stopped.
All the critical bugs have been fixed and the ROM is stable enough for daily use.
[STRIKE]I will only resume development when and [B]IF[/B] an update from da_nya/Ivan/DRT Team/qisu2011/others comes
since they are the only ones the actually work on cm10.1[/STRIKE]
I will not support users and answer questions from users which:
- are running a custom kernel
- have flashed mods
- modified system files
- didn't follow my instructions word by word
- are unfriendly
Even if you tell me that your problem is not related to your custom kernel /mod / magic => I DON'T CARE!
Your mod => your problem!
RAM management issues were fixed by delta_roh,Harbir and their TURBO BOOST script! Don't thank me for this but go here instead and thank them!
Ivan Autumn
TopDroid(faster animations)
vocal sintesys is not working
massi729 said:
vocal sintesys is not working
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Click to collapse
Can you explain me a little bit better what is not working so I fix it please?
Hi, 'm new here, I would like to try ur ROM, but since I'm now using Cuvetto's JB 4.1.2 --> update 1.02.
I wanted to know if I could just do this the installation u mentioned above instead of turning back first
to ufficual ICS 4.0.3! does it change somting if I keep CWM modded by Cuvetto wich is v6.0.1.0
instead of ur's v6.0.1.5?
Format to factory settings.
Wipe cache.
Wipe dalvik cache.
[Optional]Wipe battery stats.
Format system.
Install ROM.
Like always fix permissions!
objr said:
Hi, 'm new here, I would like to try ur ROM, but since I'm now using Cuvetto's JB 4.1.2 --> update 1.02.
I wanted to know if I could just do this the installation u mentioned above instead of turning back first
to ufficual ICS 4.0.3! does it change somting if I keep CWM modded by Cuvetto wich is v6.0.1.0
instead of ur's v6.0.1.5?
Format to factory settings.
Wipe cache.
Wipe dalvik cache.
[Optional]Wipe battery stats.
Format system.
Install ROM.
Like always fix permissions!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I recommend using the recovery by Ivan( there is no need to go back to official ICS.
it boots but no sound at all!!!!!fc at dsp manager and if you change it with awesome beats the same.you must be carefull!!!!
SvTeam said:
Can you explain me a little bit better what is not working so I fix it please?
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Click to collapse
for example, if i use copilot gps i can't ear the vocal instruction for the route
I'm sorry I just found this problem will be fixed in next version(tomorrow)
EDIT:I think the problem is in build.prop so just change the existing build.prop with this one. EDIT2: Sound problem fixed. Just replace the other one with this one and set permissions.
I tried that ROM changing the build.prop and all is working perfect to me! THANKS FOR THAT ROM!!! PERFECT 11 OF 10! The only bug is to fix the video playback, if you get that, we will have perfect 10.1 ROM, bluetooth also works perfect, I could change the name.
Re: [ROM]SvROMv6BETA4.2.2
Here you have Screenshots
Enviado desde mi U8800Pro usando XDA Premium HD app
Oe mure bug is that we need to reboot phone for using wifi after we turn off that
Youtube works???
pikachukaki said:
Youtube works???
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm working on youtube.
SvTeam said:
I'm working on youtube.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So to get that correctly...you took ivan's rom...didnt know how to fix the sound (you get me) can't fix BT can't fix video can't fix youtube..and now we have 3 identical roms in the forum with the same bugs....
aa and btw...i have my signature to the files i edit
pikachukaki said:
So to get that correctly...you took ivan's rom...didnt know how to fix the sound (you get me) can't fix BT can't fix video can't fix youtube..and now we have 3 identical roms in the forum with the same bugs....
aa and btw...i have my signature to the files i edit
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Click to collapse
well no I don't really get you. Just before uploading ROM i made some final changes to build.prop but didnt test it because i only added tweaks. When people said there is a problem with sound i tested build.prop and realized that that is the problem with sound. so i prefer pming me and talking greek because i dont get what you are trying to say.
Speaker problem
Hey guys, I have some noise after my speakers while playing music, any way to fix that? I remember from cuvetto's rom that I had a similar noise but it was while making a call and it was fixed out by replacing amss.mbn somewhere... May I do the same thing with the amss.mbn I used with cuvetto's? B927 baseband
objr said:
Hey guys, I have some nice after my speakers while playing music, any way to fix that? I remember from cuvetto's rom that I had a similar notice but it was while making a call and it was fixed out by replacing amss.nbn somewhere... My I do the same thing with the amss.nbn I used with cuvetto's? B927 baseband
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can try that amss.nbn(havent tested it) or flash awesome beats v5 from first post.
SvTeam said:
You can try that amss.nbn(havent tested it) or flash awesome beats v5 from first post.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Unfortunately my problem wasn't solve out by flashing awesome beats v5 in the first post since the problem persists... Though I don't know if I flashed it well since after doing it I can see any awesome beats app in my installed applications... Call speakers are just great though... Only problems while listening to music... Please help...
To activate AwesomeBeatsV5(Premium)
Terminal Emulator:
Close Window
Re: [ROM]SvROMv6BETA4.2.2
ported roms will have same bugs as Base rom... so if you take Ivans rom as base and port from other device the bugs like wifi bt youtube and all will still be there..
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
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Built from ReVolt Sources | Based on Android 4.3 JellyBean
ROM Control Features (from AOKP)
Hybrid Engine | Paranoid Preferences (Thanks to PA Team & Carbon ROM)
Updates Center | GooManager (With Push Notifications)
CyanogenMod Profiles
Power Widget
Navigation Bar Color
Status Bar Color
Option to select Saving Location in Camera
Option to control cursor in text fields using volume keys
Multi User Option
Advanced Phone Options from CyanogenMod (Vibrate on Answer, Every 45 Sec., On Call waiting and Hangup)
Different Pattern Sizes
Apex Launcher
Nova Launcher
Trebuchet Launcher (ReVolt Version)
cLock App (Lock Clock) (CyanogenMod)
Expanded Desktop (Hide StatusBar & Navigation Bar)
Pie UI (Paranoid Android)
Font Size Controlling
DPI Changer
AOKP Ribbons
CRT On / Off Effect Controller
Lock Screen Targets (CyanogenMod)
Lock Screen Shortcuts (Paranoid Android)
Full List of Features on ReVolt Website
Why ReVolt ROM ?
ReVolt ROM is based on AOKP Source with Cherrypicks from CM. ReVolt ROM offers you smoothness, Stability. I will not say for Example that It's the Best ROM(Because Every Developer can Say whatever he wants about his ROM), You try it and let me know what you think ...
ReVolt Sources:
ReVolt ROM is an Open-Sourced ROM .... The source could be found on GitHub Here
Kernel Sources
Sources could be found at GitHub
Please Don't Forget to donate if you like my Work ! Donate Here
Installation Steps
If coming from a Stock ROM:
1-Root your Device
2-Wipe Data
3-Wipe Cache
4-Wipe Dalvik-Cache
5-Flash ROM
6-Wipe Cache / Dalvik-Cache
7-Enjoy ReVolt ROM !!
If Coming from another Custom ROM:
1-Wipe Data
2-Wipe Cache
3-Wipe Dalvik-Cache
4-Flash ROM
5-Wipe Cache / Dalvik-Cache
6-Enjoy ReVolt ROM !!
If Upgrading from an older ReVolt Build:
1-Wipe Cache
2-Wipe Dalvik-Cache
3-Flash ROM
4-Wipe Cache / Dalvik-Cache
5-Flash GApps
6-Enjoy ReVolt ROM !!
Download Links
Builds | Google Apps (Needed for Nightlies)
Got Questions ? Post them in the Support & Help Thread over Here ... This thread is for Development, Fixes, & Feature Suggestions
Get Latest Changelog from goo.im/devs/Revolt/Changelogs/
[COLOR="Red"]Version 4.4:[/COLOR]
1- Added support for various devices (officially support over 25 devices now !)
-m7ul, m7tmo, m7att, m7spr, jfltecan, jfltetmo, jfltespr, jflteusc, jfltevzw, jflteatt, and more !!
2- Added BAMF Theme Engine
3- Memory Leak Fixes (in frameworks_base and in frameworks_native)
4- Various updates and fixes for HTC One users
5- Addition of HALO multi-window notification system (By PA)
6- ReVoltControl has been added :
- ReVolt Control is an application based on ROMControl (By AOKP) which features various features specially for ReVolt ROM
7- Added Welcome app to help users know the ROM
8- Added option to share with people you use ReVolt ROM (In Settings => About Phone)
9- ReVoltLauncher has been added with various features
10- Replace CircleMOD with CM's Circle Battery with more functions
11- Added Rush Battery (Thanks to Rootbox)
12- Update Roboto Font (From Android 4.3)
13- LTE Toggle Fixes
14- Add Network Speed Indicator (Thanks to Team ThinkingBridge)
15- Added TeamBACKED's Toggle colouring system (Thanks to them and daxxmax)
16- Added HALO Colourizing engine (Thanks to daxxmax)
17- Halo could save it's place and can be disabled
18- MultiUser Selector has been cleaned up
19- Add 2G/3G option to Profile Connections
20- Added Music Toggle
21- Option to launch apps from Recents in Floating mode
22- Privacy Guard has been added
23- More Pie Options and optimizations
24- Various fixes and deadlock fixes
25- Fix Lockscreen FC/Reboot
26- Option to pause Underlaying app in Halo
27- Fix BatteryBar showing in all 3 places at same time
28- More Battery Friendly
29- New Auto-Brightness Controlling system
30- Lockscreen see Through
31- Low Battery Sound Policy Controller
32- Show date on 2 lines in Notification Center
33- Pie : Angle Chooser
34- Smoother and Faster Notification pull down
35- AOKP Ribbons updated
36- Fix Tablet UI Battery showing 0%
37- WirelessADB Toggle
38- AOKP Ribbons Toggles
39- Fix IME Switcher staying on top
40- Fix StayAwake Toggle
41- Don't Enable WiFi when AirPlane Mode is on
42- Added Hybrid Toggle
43- Added ReVolt Statistics
44- Added Hardware Key Remapping
45- Add CMFileManager (Except for AROMA Devices)
46- Add Apollo Music Player (Except for AROMA Devices)
47- ReVoltLauncher support Per-App-Color
48- MMS Updates
49- More Features added to Camera (Except for Nexus Devices_
50- Update Dark ReVolt for EMail app and add it for Calculator
51- HTC One users have a powerful kernel
52- Use PA's Custom Kernel for Nexus 4 Users
53- Fix Grouper Build and Fix n7000 and n7100 builds
54- Added optimizations for mako users
55- Specific Fixes and features for devices
56- Gesture Lockscreen Added
57- Add Custom Lockscreen BackGround option
[COLOR="Red"]Version 4.3:[/COLOR]
1-Merges Latest AOKP and CM changes
2-Added AOKP Ribbons
3-Added StayAwake Toggle
4-Fix hot reboots
5-Fix Navigation Bar layout on Phablet UI
6-Fix Per-App-Color System (Thanks to Bajee11)
7-Fix SOD on lockscreen while on lockscreen (PAC Rom)
8-Add Permissions Manager
9-DARK ReVolt is extended to Calendar, Keyboard and E-Mail
10-Hidden StatusBar Pulldown Feature
11-Fix Pie Toggle (Thanks to Bajee11)
12-General fixes and memory leak fixes
13-Added feature from CM Camera
14-Add initial Support for Oppo Find5, Samsung Galaxy S4(jfltetmo and jfltecan) & HTC one
15-Fixed SystemUI crashes
16-Fixed FC on Tablet UI mode in Lockscreen (Thanks to DaxMaxx)
17-Modular BackUP tool added
18-Added build info in flashing
[COLOR="Red"]Version 4.2:[/COLOR]
1-Has latest merges from AOKP Sources
2-Add Power Widget
3-Add Notification Widgets
4-Fix Lockscreen Delay issues
5-Fix Pie issues
6-Dark ReVolt is much better now
7-Fix ROM Control weird problems
8-Remove Xposed Modules
9-GooManager is now properly supported
10-Returned the MultiUser Feature
11-Feature so Wallpaper won't be reset if SystemUI is restarted
12-A lot of fixes
13-Revamp Customizations in Settings
[COLOR="Red"]Version 4.1:[/COLOR]
1-Based on Latest AOKP Source with latest Merges
2-Fixed the ASCII Graphic size while installing
3-Add Custom Toggle
4-Add Reboot Toggle
5-Add Screenshot Toggle
6-More options in Lockscreen in ROM Control
7-Add Paranoid Preferences with Hybrid Engine and support for Phone UI, Tablet UI, Phablet UI & PA Colors (Still beta and buggy)
8-Dark ReVolt starts to take action
9-Add option to daydream while on wireless charger (Only Nexus 4)
10-Add option to disable Camera sounds
11-Removed the duplicate CM Profils in Settings
12-Power Widget
13-Add Status Bar Hide Toggle
14-Add option to disable 270 degree rotation
15-Added Scrollable Toggles
16-Completely Revamped Lockscreen Section in ROM Control
17-Add A LOT of options in Mms
18-Added CM's Calculator for more functionality
19-Bug Fixes
20-More Translations added
[COLOR="Red"]Version 3.3:[/COLOR]
1-Based on Latest AOKP Sources (With Build 3 Merges too)
2-Fixed Battery Issues with all devices
3-Removed duplicate Cameras faced on some devices
4-Updates and fixes for PIE UI
5-Fixes for FCs
6-Added option to enable or disable Electron Beam (CRT On and Off Effect)
7-Added DPI Changer
8-Update Xposed App
Nexus 4 :
1-Added HalfBreed Tweak in kernel (thanks to Moles)
2-Added TouchControl Support
[COLOR="Red"]Version 3.2:[/COLOR]
1-Based on Latest AOKP Sources
2-Fixes for Signal Issues
3-Lock Screen Targets added (ReVolt Control)
4-Pie UI added (ReVolt Control) (Thanks to Paranoid Android Team)
5-Updated Solid Explorer
6-ReVolt Control is completely polished with new UI and new Icons (Thanks to Kroz's Hue Theme)
7-Updated Xposed Intaller and Xposed DPI
8-Re added Multi User which was by mistake missing from some builds :D
9-Fixed Performance Control FC from Settings App
10-Fixes for WiFi weird actions
Nexus 4 Specific :
1- Support for Stable Builds (No AROMA Installer for now, but GApps and launchers are going to be included)
2- Some fixes so Pie won't FC
Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100 :
1- A LOT Of work so the battery would work MUCH MUCH Better
2-Updated DorimanX Kernel to 7.46
Samsung Galaxy S3 I9300 :
1- Fix Siyah Kernel Problems and Lag issue by adding a newer one
2- Re added Missing MultiUser from 3.1.0
Big Thanks
1-XDA Developers
2-bajee11 (Aroma Installation Files)
3-AOKP Team
4-CM Team
5-Cyberboob (Logo / Wallpapers / Signatures / ReVolt ROM Thread Organization)
6-BigDenn (Bootanimation)
7-TheWierd (Download Center / Support)
8-ReVolt ROM Supporters & Loyal Users
9-Synergentick (Testing Beta Builds)
10-Carbon ROM (making the port of hybrid engine to AOKP base)
Review by Zedomax @galaxys2root.com:
Review by galelo11 @youtube: | | | | Review by MrSindo86 @youtube:
Review by hypnobabes @youtube:
Social Networks
Facebook Page
Follow me On Twitter
How to use Paranoid Preferences :
This guide is written by Paranoid Android Team on how to use the app ... Let's give them all the Credit they deserve for there AWESOME Work !!
Reserved #1
Reserved #2
Is camera working?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Enjoy ReVolt JB !!
oblikas said:
Is camera working?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's not tested yet ..
Funny thing I was browsing goomanager app yesterday and saw this Rom there. Lol. Figured it would come soon. Welcome and thank you!!
Sent from my Oppo Find 5
osmosizzz said:
Funny thing I was browsing goomanager app yesterday and saw this Rom there. Lol. Figured it would come soon. Welcome and thank you!!
Sent from my Oppo Find 5
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah, i just didn't have any time to open thread !
Big fan of AOKP. Thank you for this.
Allanitomwesh said:
Big fan of AOKP. Thank you for this.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No probs, enjoy ReVolt JB !!
Hows it going guys ??! Everything great ?
johnhany97 said:
Hows it going guys ??! Everything great ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I haven't tried the RoM out but will eventually. Open a tread in Oppo forums as everyone seems to be over there.
Sent from my Oppo Find 5
---------- Post added at 09:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 AM ----------
Actually I'm going to try it out now and report bugs.
Sent from my Oppo Find 5
I have to beta test Firefly first,but I'm just longing for this. That's a good idea,post here
The find 5 comes with it's forum app so more users are there than here. AOKP FTW.
When I installed this ROM, I am trying to change the DPI to 320 or to 240. After a reboot android is crashing and cant enter my sim code. First I tried 320dpi after that 240 both crashing.
Whatsapp is neither working, get message: cant use on tablet.
Denniswoot said:
When I installed this ROM, I am trying to change the DPI to 320 or to 240. After a reboot android is crashing and cant enter my sim code. First I tried 320dpi after that 240 both crashing.
Whatsapp is neither working, get message: cant use on tablet.
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Click to collapse
changing dpi caused my phone to crash as well, after reboot I always got a popup error (forgot thou what it said
Installing shortly.
IMHO, you don't need to head over to oppo forums unless you really want to. Many of us hang out, and I always rely on XDA as the source for up to date ROM development.
charlatan01 said:
Installing shortly.
IMHO, you don't need to head over to oppo forums unless you really want to. Many of us hang out, and I always rely on XDA as the source for up to date ROM development.
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Click to collapse
Awesome !!
Been running this ROM all day on the Oppo Find 5 today as a business user. Definitely nice, and I love the features.
Couple of items -
1) I tried to use voice to text to send an SMS today, and I kept getting an FC with Google Search. Once I updated it via Market it worked.
2) Drained the battery this evening, and I noticed when the phone goes to shut itself off, it kept popping a window saying android system... must've done it 10 times and then the phone finally shut off.
3) I don't know if this is ROM related, but the screen back light stayed on when plugging the phone in to charge... like the battery animation shows up, then goes away, but the screen stays lit.
Great job thus far!
[ROM][4.4.4][P7300/P7310][PORT] Nameless (19-07-2014) & Omni (26-07-2014) LAST UPDATE
Hello Guys,
I'm presenting you a thread for ported KK [4.4.4] ROMs from (P7500/P7510), these ports aren't quite unstable yet
These ROMs are still in the BETA phase [even for p4], so they aren't ready yet for daily use,
but I though that might keep our 2011 tablet alive for a little longer ,
although I should mention that Nameless ROM is way better than Omni.
Many users were porting these ROMs by themselves, but for example porting the new (3/10) release of Namless ROM [using the normal way]
is crashing repeatedly with com.android.phone and will make your tablet useless, I managed to solve this [thanks to kasper_h], also I fixed offline battery charging glitches:fingers-crossed:
:::.NamelessROM Section.::: (Omni in the second post)
What is working! :
GPS is incredibly fast
Camera (rear and front)
3G & Calling & SMS [P7300]
Sound and Recording
USB Connection
Reboot into recovery
ART function is kinda working
Everything else seems to be fine
Known Issues :
You might have system UI FC once every boot [same for p4 users] SOLVED
Location toggle in quick settings panel isn't working SOLVED
Tablet's microphone in voice calls does not work
Lockscreen rotation does not observe the rotation lock flag
Maps direction is 180 degrees off
I'll enlist every bug that users report here
A work around for the rotation bug (thanks to nqk)
Install Xposed framework and App Setting module
Force orientation (portrait/landscape/auto)
Screenshots :
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Instructions :
Copy the zip to your device
Reboot into recovery
Backup of your system (optional)
Do a factory reset and format [/system & /data & /cache]
Flash the Zip
Download links :
GT-P7300: nameless-4.4.4-20140719-p5-HOMEMADE.zip - 162.2 MB
GT-P7310: nameless-4.4.4-20140719-p5wifi-HOMEMADE.zip - 160 MB
Old Changelogs :
Changelog of 07-July-2014 :{according to original thread's OP}
Latest Nameless & CM changes
Changelog of 30-June-2014
Latest Nameless & CM changes
Bugfix: FC in Settings->AnimationControl->Keyboard fixed
Changelog of 21-June-2014
Latest Nameless & CM changes
Version: Android KitKat 4.4.4_r1
Version: This is a private branch of the NamelessROM
Feature: Reboot into recovery on top level of power menu
-- Reboot: short press == reboot, long press == reboot save mode
-- Recovery: short press == recovery, long press == bootloader
Feature: Developer options allways visible
Feature: Enable MTP by default
Apps: Simple Explorer replaces NamelessROMs internal 'Documents' file explorer (credits to DF1E)
Apps: Added BeeGee Stats for feedback about ROM installations
Feature: Rotateable lockscreen
Changelog of 15-June-2014 :
Update: Latest Nameless & CM changes
Update: Phone APK working again
Update: CWM recovery should work again (not tested)
Change: Reboot into recovery removed from top level of power menu (part of move to official build)
Changelog of 08-June-2014 :
Update: Latest Nameless & CM changes
Update: Clean-up of the code
Update: Android 4.4.3_r1.1 update
Changelog of 25-May-2014 :
Update: Latest Nameless & CM changes
Apps: Simple Explorer replaces NamelessROMs internal 'Documents' file explorer (credits to DF1E)
Feature: Reboot into recovery on top level of power menu
Reboot: short press == reboot, long press == reboot save mode
Recovery: short press == recovery, long press == reboot (jump into bootloader doesn't work)Performance: Archidroid optimizations (as implemented by NamelessROM sources)
My local changes for this build:
Brand new kernel built from sources after including the latest changes
Separated P7310's kernel from P7300's one, so now P7310 has a kernel built specially for its configs
Updated the ramdisks' files from omni files (old by pax0r) to namless ones
Included all kernel modules from p4
Changelog of 15-May-2014 :
V1.03 (His version count)
Update: Latest Nameless & CM changes
Feature: Enable MTP by default (after full wipe installation)
Feature: Developer options always visible
App: Added BeeGee Stats for feedback about ROM installations
Changelog of 10-May-2014 :
Update: Latest Nameless & CM changes
Update: Multiuser: User icon in quick settings corrected
Fix: Separate background picture for lock screen
Changelog of 06-May-2014 :
Update: Latest Nameless & CM changes
Update: Added more fonts (for none latin alphabets)
Feature: Added moveable navigation button (left, middle, right)
Feature: Added navigation buttons in status bar for extended desktop
Not working: Selecting a different Lockscreen wallpaper leads to a FC (investigation ongoing)
Changelog of 13-Apr-2014 :
Updated source codes to latest releases from NamelessROM & CM
Recompiled and published
Small simple boot animation (as the original Nameless boot animation seems to make problems)
Changes according to my test:
Solved system UI FC every boot bug
Solved location toggle in quick settings panel isn't working bug
Changelog of 23-Mar-2014 :
Many upstream updates from nameless & CM
Updates to CustomLauncher (I have had no more FC's)
It seems they have added OmniSwitch
Old Releases:
GT-P7300: nameless-4.4.4-20140707-p5-HOMEMADE.zip - 161.59 MB
GT-P7310: nameless-4.4.4-20140707-p5wifi-HOMEMADE.zip - 159.39 MB[/B]
GT-P7300: nameless-4.4.3-20140615-p5-HOMEMADE.zip - 161.52 MB
GT-P7310: nameless-4.4.3-20140615-p5wifi-HOMEMADE.zip - 159.23 MB
Credits & Special thanks :
BeeGee_Tokyo (new maintainer)
kasper_h (he is the best)
Nameless team
:::.OmniROM Section.:::
What is working! :
GPS is incredibly fast
Camera (rear and front)
3G & Calling & SMS [P7300]
Sound and Recording
USB Connection
Reboot into recovery
ART function is kinda working
OmniSwitch (needs reboot to enable)
Everything else seems to be fine
Known Issues :
I didn't found any (yet)
I'll enlist every bug that users report here
Screenshots :
Instructions :
Copy the zip to your device
Reboot into recovery
Backup of your system (optional)
Do a factory reset and format [/system & /data & /cache]
Flash the Zip
SuperSU is included in the ROM, no need to flash
Download links :
GT-P7300 (3G): omni-4.4.4-20140726-p5-HOMEMADE.zip - 173 MB
GT-P7310 (WiFi): omni-4.4.4-20140726-p5wifi-HOMEMADE.zip - 169.3 MB
Old Releases:
Omni ROM for GT-P7300 (3G): omni-4.4.4-20140708-p5-HOMEMADE.zip - 172.55 MB
Omni ROM for GT-P7310 (WiFi): omni-4.4.4-20140708-p5wifi-HOMEMADE.zip - 168.91 MB
Omni ROM for GT-P7300 (3G): omni-4.4.3-20140612-p5-homemade.zip - 171.88 MB
Omni ROM for GT-P7310 (WiFi): omni-4.4.3-20140612-p5wifi-homemade.zip - 170.38 MB
Credits & Special thanks :
AAccount (the maintainer)
kasper_h (he is the best)
Omni team
Gapps For KK ROMs [ART Compatible]
GApps Standard 4.4.2 (27/2)
Removes AOSP Camera and AOSP Gallery and Replaces it with the Google variants
Removes AOSP Launcher2/Launcher 3 and CM Trebuchet and Replaces it with Google Now Launcher
Adds Google Search aka Google Now
All necessary syncing apks and libs
GApps Minimal 4.4.2 (27/2)
~20 MB
Syncing apks and libs, etc.
Google Camera 4.4.2 (16/1)
Automatically removes AOSP Camera/Gallery and adds Google Camera/Gallery
FaceLock 4.4.2 (16/1)
Adds Face unlock
GenieWidget 4.4.2 (16/1)
Adds stock news and weather widget
AOSP Calendar Sync 4.4.2 (16/1)
Adds syncing ability for AOSP Calendar (not in Core or Standard packages)
AOSP Browser Sync 4.4.2 (16/1)
Adds syncing ability for AOSP Browser (not in Core or Standard packages)
Original Thread (you can find more Gapps mirrors here)
Personally I prefer [and have tested] the minimal Gapps package, it is the best
Will try it out ASAP. OMNI pave the way but Nameless is by far much faster.
So far this is what I got. Installed right over the previous version of Nameless without wipe. Have to reinstalled the Xposed (expected).
- 3G
- Wifi
- Wifi Location
- Camera (front and back)
Not Working:
- Voice Calls (partially, headphone is OK, tablet microphone does not)
Not tried:
- Bluetooth
- ART (using Xposed so can't do it)
Issues: (Asides from the issues reported from the Nameless P4 thread)
- SystemUI crashes once at after each reboot when using Xposed framework but managed to come back right away and things seems to work OK.
- Lockscreen rotation does not observe the rotation lock flag
- Maps direction is 180 degrees off.
I have a Galaxy Tab 8.9 and I use it mostly for playing music right now, so if I can help with the development let me know
which one is better??
abadan said:
which one is better??
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Click to collapse
Nameless ROM is more stable, although you might have system UI force close once every boot
[it is also happening in the latest build on p4 thread, not a problem with my port]
Omni ROM has tons of features and currently there is no force close in it
so the choice is yours, another thing to mention though, users like Nameless more than Omni [all of them will advise you to use Namless]
omarainea said:
Nameless ROM is more stable, although you might have system UI force close once every boot
[it is also happening in the latest build on p4 thread, not a problem with my port]
Omni ROM has tons of features and currently there is no force close in it
so the choice is yours, another thing to mention though, users like Nameless more than Omni [all of them will advise you to use Namless]
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Click to collapse
ok , i will try nameless and feedback about it,
and try omni too....
have good time?
---------- Post added at 09:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 AM ----------
does it support multi windows?
does it support xposed mods?
I did a quick test by doing dirty upgrade over the last omni build. Was very slow after bootup for about 5 minutes but after that has been excellent. It is noticeably better than omni in terms of speed and smoothness. Still running dalvik mode as I have xposed installed, but going to remove it and try changing to art mode.
I have had the FC mentioned in the OP but recovers and can get back into settings ok.
Only really minor issue so far is on the lock screen, when there are notifications underneath the unlock button, I cant press the button. Its the notification that gets selected.
Great work with this rom. This may stop me going back to your modified stock ICS build.
decky006 said:
I did a quick test by doing dirty upgrade over the last omni build. Was very slow after bootup for about 5 minutes but after that has been excellent. It is noticeably better than omni in terms of speed and smoothness. Still running dalvik mode as I have xposed installed, but going to remove it and try changing to art mode.
I have had the FC mentioned in the OP but recovers and can get back into settings ok.
Only really minor issue so far is on the lock screen, when there are notifications underneath the unlock button, I cant press the button. Its the notification that gets selected.
Great work with this rom. This may stop me going back to your modified stock ICS build.
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Click to collapse
i flash it whitout any wipe and its very cool now, thanks....
please add file manager for nameless
i cant install any thing in nameless
but nameless is very smooth !
abadan said:
please add file manager for nameless
i cant install any thing in nameless
but nameless is very smooth !
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Click to collapse
Hmmm, you should send any file manager to your tab through Bluetooth, then install it
I mean I didn't remove anything when I ported the ROM so it is default in Nameless ROM that it doesn't have file manager
and it's kinda hard to reupload the ROM again, maybe in the next build.
So if bluetooth way doesn't work for some reason, I can make you a flashable zip to install a file manager
omarainea said:
Hmmm, you should send any file manager to your tab through Bluetooth, then install it
I mean I didn't remove anything when I ported the ROM so it is default in Nameless ROM that it doesn't have file manager
and it's kinda hard to reupload the ROM again, maybe in the next build.
So if bluetooth way doesn't work for some reason, I can make you a flashable zip to install a file manager
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Click to collapse
yeah , you are right.
i have omni now!
why :
1.nameless was better than omni in some sections , and had very well charge.
2.name less was smooth and gread in every section!
3.nameless browser had broken for me!
4.nameless had some other greade extra than omni.
1.omni is smoother than namelees for me.
2.omni dont have any bug!
3.omni support more thing and have some good ...
4.omni is more better for me!
5.i dont know why , but i have joy with it.
6.i think its the best rom that i have seen ever.
but it is my idea!
you may flash other rom?
and thanks for port these roms.
omarainea said:
Original Thread (you can find more Gapps mirrors here)
Personally I prefer [and have tested] the minimal Gapps package, it is the best
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same here, I use the minimal Gapps of @BaNkS.
Some observations using this ROM:
1. HD videos stutter (youtube & mx player) same as on the P4
2. screen flickers on some games like PVZ2, etc. even candy crush
3. wifi & 3g, gets broken sometimes (keeps on searching, disconnect, then afterwhile connect)
4. auto-brightness seems off or rather delayed. not as responsive as stock
5. skype video call not working (no video at all). maybe an issue with skype?
Overall, this is still better than omni. Next time will test OC, ART and scripts.
why i cant use wifi direct?
This ROM is quite good. Great options, nice look. It seems to have a similar lag to other good ROMs for this tablet.
I've noticed that the tab is not entering deep sleep. There are two wakelocks that are on too much: tx_hsic and wlan_rx_wake.
Thanks again!
Sent from my GT-P7310 using xda app-developers app
upconvert said:
This ROM is quite good. Great options, nice look. It seems to have a similar lag to other good ROMs for this tablet.
I've noticed that the tab is not entering deep sleep. There are two wakelocks that are on too much: tx_hsic and wlan_rx_wake.
Thanks again!
Sent from my GT-P7310 using xda app-developers app
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Click to collapse
You're getting tx_hsic wakelocks? HSIC wakelocks are related only to 3g models, so maybe kernel used was for P7500 since you can use P7500 kernel for P7510. As for wlan_rx_wake, try to turnoff wifi or set tab to flight mode.
New version up on the P7500 thread. Hopefully, we will soon see the P7300/7310 port
ehcan said:
New version up on the P7500 thread. Hopefully, we will soon see the P7300/7310 port
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Click to collapse
I have ported it yesterday, and the links are in the OP, build date is 23-Mar-2014
Please read before you post
omarainea said:
I have ported it yesterday, and the links are in the OP, build date is 23-Mar-2014
Please read before you post
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My apologies. Have updated the 23-03 version over 10-03. So far so good.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
About Us:
Dirty Unicorns is a project that started out with no name. It was a project that was first based off AOKP back in the early days of Jelly Bean. In the early days it was just a one man show on one device, the EVO 3D. Since then, many others have joined the project and it has grown exponentially.
We have seen a lot of talent contribute to this project of ours. Big or small, the focus was always on contributing to the community. That is ultimately why we do what we do. After Jelly Bean, we decided to move to a new base, OmniROM. While AOKP was fun, OmniROM proved to be even more exciting base because it challenged us to see what we could do with a project that had different goals in mind. We learned a lot and again, gain contributors. With Lollipop, we moved to an AOSP base with a lot of patches from CAF to make our older devices function as they should. We grew even more and learned a whole lot more.
It has been an awesome learning experience and is still not over! We are still learning every day and continue to move forward. Lastly, we DO NOT accept, nor ask, for donations. We don't believe in that. Everything that is necessary to keep this project going is out of our own pocket. Gerrit, Jenkins, Websites, Devices, etc. We will never ask for a dime. All we do ask, is that you have patience, search, read and try to enjoy the process with us!!
Kernel Source:
Flashing Instructions:
- Verify that you're using the latest version of TWRP
- Perform a FULL WIPE as described below if coming from another ROM or a different version of Android
(A full wipe is when you wipe system/data/cache)
- Flash the latest version of this ROM
- Flash recommended GAPPS linked below
Don‘t flash gapps after you boot up DU! This will kill your device. If you want gapps, then flash it right after you wiped your phone and flashed DU.
- Reboot and ENJOY!!
**If you fail to follow these instructions, please don't bother reporting any bugs**
**If you use Xposed, please don't bother reporting any bugs**
**If you use another kernel, please don't bother reporting any bugs**
Change Log:
Version 10.3
[B]Version 10.3[/B]
- Update to Android 6.0.1_r46
- Lots of translations
- Lots of CMTE fixes
- Add interpolators to qs tiles animation
- Fixes the system server crash issues caused by null pointer in NetworkPolicyManagerService
- Screenshot Crop and Share
- Dynamically Configurable Pulse Bar Dimensions
- Fix WaveGenerator memory leak
- Fix overflows in amrwbenc
- Fix for rounding error during encoding
- Enable Wifi Display to support 1920*1080 60fps
- Fix high battery drain after using flashlight
- Fix de-referencing NULL mSource
- Added null check for memory reference
- Fix a video recording issue when sw encoder is used
- Fix compiler warnings
- Fix cameraId type of onDeviceStatusChanged
- Allow media server to disconnect camera even unlocked
- OmniSwitch: cleanup BitmapCache handling
- Remove gallery option from mid-screen shortcuts
- Power/reboot dialogs dim
- Remove bluetooth only when connected toggle
- Add back 'setOnlyAlertOnce' to notification for restricting background data
- Introduce ScreenType class
- Battery bar enhancements
- Fix lcd density theme derp with text edit color
- Restore custom DPI density after updates
- Remove unused observer in AmbientDisplayTile
- Tighten up how we execute a theme change
- Clean up spaghetti factory in BatterySaver tile
- Updated DU-About layout
- Show charging current in mAh on lockscreen
- Keyguard charging current switch
- Fix wakelock blocker's janky layout
- Fix animations duration slider preference janky layout
- Headers overlay support!
- Fix du logo size inside DU-About
- Fix Quick settings tiles font themes derp
- Update theme in CellBroadcastReceiver to match settings
- Fix wrong label for Desktop backup password
- Change battery full level from 90 to 100
- Bring back the 'AOSP look' in Settings
- Fix double tap power launching custom lockscreen icon
- Fix default app for default grants
- Grant signature permission to setup and search
- Fix adb over network
- Use VectorDrawable's for rendering battery
- Add UI/UX capability to attach a saved video to a MMS message
- Display humidity and wind data in LockClock forecast dialog
- National data roaming is off when no active subscriptions
- Adjust the CAF task manager layout
- Harden against null bitmaps from provider still processing
- Lots of Camera2 (AOSP Camera) fixes
- Fix jank with 'Show4LTE mod'
- Make Launcher3 theme aware (for real this time)
- Add animations to quick settings tiles
- Added support for video and audio mms attachments
- Speed up notification panel pulldown animation when called externally
- Make sure to expand all the way when flinging
- Fix phone crashes after tapping Data Usage in Settings
- Stop adjustConfigurationLw causing sleep/lock
- Fix possible NPE in Settings
- Fix Storage Applications Manager dropdown
- Allow sorting Applications by size in Settings
- Fix the memory leak in TetherSettings
- Use DocumentsProvider API helper methods
- Long press StatusBarHeaderView to launch ThemeChooser headers
- Show title of category in browser fragment (CMTE)
- Battery fixes from CM (vector)
- Added RTL support to theme chooser
- Stop resetting per-app overlays all the time!
- Add More Storage preference to Gallery2
- Fix dismissing Play Store app installed notification
- Mark Pixel C keyboard as having hardware autorepeat
- Separate default header handling from contextual headers
- Fix google-explicit-constructor warnings
- Fix batterySendBroadcast not synchronized issue
- Fix system crash caused by invalid array index of LegacyTypeTracker
- Fix possible OOB
- Fix resume box appear when reopen a video by Gallery
- Fix facing check in CameraUtils
- Fix misleading indentation
- Gallery's progress bar stay at 0 when play some clips
- Fix so you can go back in Time zone page
- IP protocol shows wrong in ApnEditor
- Fix the memory leak in DrawOverlayDetails
- Use correct icon for sim card
For detailed change log, check http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z
For a detailed change log, check http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z
Credit and Thanks:
We would like to give thanks to everyone that contributes to the Android community, big or small because every bit counts. Although we can't list each and every contributor within the Android community, we would like to highlight some of the teams and individuals that have made it possible NOT only with just this version of DU but throughout the years because we don't ever want to forget where we came from nor those that have helped us!
That said, on behalf of the DU team we say THANKS to....
JMZ Software
Baby Jesus
Code Aurora Forum
Omni ROM
Android Open Kang Project (AOKP)
Android Ice Cold Project (AICP)
Max Weninger
Team Black Out
Pure Nexus Project
Grarak - For providing us with CM builds so early
**If we have left someone or some team out, we apologize and please PM us**
Download Links:
All builds - https://www.androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=70109
GAPPS - http://download.dirtyunicorns.com/files/gapps/(Use Banks or DU TBO)
Frequently asked questions:
* Please do not report bugs in JIRA or the G+ community as this is an unofficial build. Report all the bugs in this thread only.
I'm on a TEST BUILD and have this bug, can you help?
Please keep any discussion about test builds in the G+ community!
How can I get Viper4Android working?
Check this thread out https://plus.google.com/+JasonPasch5/posts/6JDRjdL2mKM
Are you coming from a ROM with Layers?
Make sure you remove your 'overlay' folders and perform a FULL WIPE
My battery stats are all messed and reporting the wrong percentage, what can I do?
Stop using another kernel. Do a FULL WIPE and flash the ROM again
Is this ROM CM based or AOSP based?
This ROM is based off AOSP
Does this ROM have layers or the CMTE?
This ROM uses the CM theme engine
Pulse doesn't work with [insert music app]
Check this thread out https://plus.google.com/101146731143183859725/posts/TcSzc61xuVx
I'm getting a FC from the theme chooser, what gives?
This is due to restoring data/apps from Google. Go ahead and clear data and cache for theme chooser and theme provider then reboot you should be good moving forward.
I changed my LCD density and now the navbar looks weird, what gives?
This is currenly an issue that we are aware of and addressing. For now after you changed density reset navbar layout or stay on the stock density.
* Same as CM
Other Links:
G+ community - https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/109738128866939227235
ROM Source - https://github.com/DirtyUnicorns
Gerrit - http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com
Crowdin (translations) - https://crowdin.net/project/dirtyunicorns
Jira (Bug Report / Feature Request) - http://jira.dirtyunicorns.com/
XDA:DevDB Information
Dirty Unicorns, ROM for the OnePlus 3
Source Code: https://github.com/DirtyUnicorns
ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
ROM Firmware Required: Unlocked bootloader with root and custom recovery installed
Based On: AOSP, AOKP
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: v10.3
Stable Release Date: 2016-06-19
Created 2016-06-19
Last Updated 2016-06-19
BEAUTIFUL Gonna flash this right out of the box when I get my OPT Monday!
Can also use open gapps : opengapps.org
Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk
Congratulations and much thanks for the build.
Will GravityBox MM work on this?
chr0 said:
Congratulations and much thanks for the build.
Will GravityBox MM work on this?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
As OP said if you use xposed dont report any bugs.
madsponge26 said:
As OP said if you use xposed dont report any bugs.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Although technically....
1 year old OP2 couldn't get DU working as RIL had issues. I'm quite surprised to see this rom for OP3. Good work dev. It'd be great if you can help us to port the same for op2. This is a humble request.
Edit: RIL is now working in OP2 DU and will see a build soon.
Did you change the values to take advanteges of the full 6gb RAM ?. As pei said in twitter ?
Gesendet von meinem Nexus 6 mit Tapatalk
CroW_D said:
Did you change the values to take advanteges of the full 6gb RAM ?. As pei said in twitter ?
Gesendet von meinem Nexus 6 mit Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I didn't hear about that until recently. Although you can do it yourself by using a simple build.prop editor.
##W4TCH0UT## said:
I didn't hear about that until recently. Although you can do it yourself by using a simple build.prop editor.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ah ok thank you. I get mine on monday. First flash this and change the values by myself. Thank you for your time And briniging up this awesome rom . Stay dirty !.
Gesendet von meinem Nexus 6 mit Tapatalk
process. com.android.phone has stopped during setup.
Tried 2-3 different gapps.
jutinarora said:
process. com.android.phone has stopped during setup.
Tried 2-3 different gapps.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk
Same issue here, I used the gapps which you suggested (bank gapps)
I also have a question, does the alert slider work? (On CM13 it doesn't)
Tried. No luck
##W4TCH0UT## said:
Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
jutinarora said:
Tried. No luck
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
OK, looks like I'll need logs, can you get me a logcat? From computer
Also, you wiped the previous ROM fully, right?
jutinarora said:
process. com.android.phone has stopped during setup.
Tried 2-3 different gapps.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes same problems not until an update
Yes. Performed full wipe.
##W4TCH0UT## said:
OK, looks like I'll need logs, can you get me a logcat? From computer
Also, you wiped the previous ROM fully, right?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
YES! I've missed DU since my Samsung s4. Did a horrible blunder and bought a Sony Z3+ which never got DU because it's pure **** and works best as a cutting board...
Sent from my E6553 using XDA Free mobile app
Ok guys, I'm uploading a new version of DU with probable fix for the com.android.phone has stopped error.
Please refrain from downloading the current version.