[Q] Nexus 4 Questions - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I've made a few threads, but gonna ask all my concerns here so I won't have to make multiple threads.
Vibration: The vibration seems dull, seen a few people complaining about that. Guessing that's normal?
Volume: I have my volume set half way on everything, media, notifications, ringer etc. Compared to my Dad's Galaxy S and Mum's S3, the volume isn't as loud as them. Even going to higher levels, the Samsung's volume seems louder, though it might just have a better tone. Either way, half volume on my Nexus 4, games music seems quiet. Normal?
Occasionally I hear a rattle in the phone. Again, normal?
Can artificial lights - like lamps in the house - damage the Nexus 4 screen if the light is shining directly on it?
Accelerometer: How good is it? It works fine, it just doesn't seem as sensitive in games compared to an iPhone or something. Though I might be imagining this.
A friend of mine installs custom ROMs, and downloads apk's from various places. Dunno how legitimate or safe they are. So today, he installed a custom ROM whilst in university off the university's wireless network. He then used NFC to transfer an image to me, but I cancelled it whilst it was connected - because am careful about what I accept on my phone. Just wondering if anything would have transferred to my phone to harm it, or should it be okay? I've already gone through a phase of performing factory resets on my phone in case of viruses etc, and don't want to be doing that again. This friend also sent me a link to The Verge. I didn't open it because I was concerned about opening something sent from his phone. I just saw the link "mobile.theverge etc." Nothing could happen to my phone from just opening links, right? I've already gone through a phase of performing factory resets on my phone in case of viruses etc, and don't want to be doing that again.
Finally, are anti viruses on Android good? I have avast! installed, and each time I scan my phone everything comes back clean so want to know how reliable they are. Can an avast! scan be disrupted by an incoming text? Or wouldn't that affect the scan?
Am a bit OCD about new phones, you see.
Sorry for all my questions.
Many thanks.

Sorry for the bump, just wanna get these answered so I can stop worrying.


[Q] Is the 'suspend process' issue truly a mystery?

I have searched through XDA and read all the threads regarding the 'suspend process' issue. The specific issue is outlined in Issue # 11126 on the Google Code/Android project home...
I am trying to get to the bottom of this, as best as possible. For all intents and purposes, this really appears to be a mystery. Ultimately, it appears as though there is (currently) absolutely no specific reason a to why 'suspend' runs wild until the device is rebooted.
My question is (I know we can all only speculate):
Is there any chance that this could be Google account-specific?
The reason I ask is, I've been doing some "testing," just to try and make sense of this for myself. Here is what I've done/come across thus far...
- My fiancee's first MT4G was a black one manufactured in Taiwan. It had the inferior LCD-SH-C2 screen. Her battery was draining VERY quickly - i.e. before noon, without using the phone for much else other than texting.
- I enabled USB Debugging for her, to "rule out" the init process issue.
- Even though she only had Handcent, Facebook and Angry Birds installed, I removed all of them, leaving only Watchdog.
- I factory reset her phone, twice.
- For all of the above, the device was not rooted. I have since rooted her phone via the steps in this thread.
I'm in the process of creating a new Gmail account for her, exporting ONLY her contacts and then using that account for her new MT4G (Plum) that's scheduled to arrive today. I'm actually thinking of NOT using her new Gmail account at first though, so I can use her original Google account on this new, clean device and see if the suspend issue persists.
I might just be wasting my time, but I enjoy doing this and I don't think it's a complete waste to try and find SOME constant here. Am I nuts for thinking it's tied to the Google account? The Google account seems to be a black box of sorts. There is more than just contacts, apps and settings, yet there is no "window" into everything else that comes down - e.g. I can't log in to Gmail and "configure" it to not restore her wallpaper or WiFi settings. So that's why I say it's a black box of sorts, since it's doing more in the background than we have control over.
Nothing is truly random, at least not in the context of Android and the hardware affected. There has to be some reason why users of various devices, either do or do not experience this issue. Whether it's a specific action or the something that differs between one person's action vs. another person's, there has to be SOMETHING that's triggering this on her device, yet never triggers it on mine. I guess I'm just trying to flush everything out and hope that discussing it will help rule out/rule specific variables.
Let me know what you find. This is driving me crazy! I charge my phone at night, so when I head to work it's at 100%. By the time I'm heading home (4-430pm)... the phone is around 15% battery.
Watchdog tells me suspend ranges from 5%-49% at any given time. I've never had suspend drop below 5% except on fresh reboot. I've noticed, though, after a reboot that the suspend process will slowly work its way back up to using lots of CPU cycles (it starts at, say, .2%, then 10 minutes later its 3%... 30 minutes later its 5%... an hour later its 9%). Battery just gets hotter and hotter due to this.
I'll be checking back to see what you find! Thanks!
mwelliott said:
Let me know what you find. This is driving me crazy! I charge my phone at night, so when I head to work it's at 100%. By the time I'm heading home (4-430pm)... the phone is around 15% battery.
Watchdog tells me suspend ranges from 5%-49% at any given time. I've never had suspend drop below 5% except on fresh reboot. I've noticed, though, after a reboot that the suspend process will slowly work its way back up to using lots of CPU cycles (it starts at, say, .2%, then 10 minutes later its 3%... 30 minutes later its 5%... an hour later its 9%). Battery just gets hotter and hotter due to this.
I'll be checking back to see what you find! Thanks!
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According to XDA and Issue #11126, you're not alone.
What's really bugging me is that neither my first MT4G, nor its 1st replacement or its 2nd replacement, have ever done this. My fiancee's first phone did this. She is now using my 2nd replacement while she waits for hers to arrive (today). So a device that never exhibited this issue, over the course of at least a week of normal-for-me use, started exhibiting this issue for my fiancee maybe a day or so after using the phone.
I thought I had "solved" it when I didn't see it crop up the first day she used my replacement phone. She was quick to let me know I was incorrect.
So I've got serious pressure here - all of my MT4G's haven't exhibited the out of control 'suspend process' issue while I was using the devices, but with her, it does. <queue the jokes>
We own our own business, so we're in the same room all day long while we use our phones. I was the first to tell her, "it's something you're doing." I'm only repeating myself by saying that I blamed it on an app she installed or something she "did" to cause it. After factory resetting, what...2, 3 times...I'm starting to forget; after checking the apps that are installed (and removing all of them); after verifying every setting from USB Debugging, screen brightness, account sync, etc. I seem to at least be able to say, "every single setting, shortcut, widget, app or usage pattern, does not produce the issue on any device I have used with my Google account, whereas it does with my fiancee."
That's the most difficult part to get absolute - the usage pattern. She's doing such basic things though, but I know that even the slightest of difference can produce different results.
I will most certainly report my results, futile or not.
The only common denominator I've noticed so far is that it only affects Sense UI devices.
Chadastrophic said:
The only common denominator I've noticed so far is that it only affects Sense UI devices.
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That seems to be the constant, to a degree. I'm seeing people state that they're having this issue on anything from the Samsung Galaxy S (i9000) to a Nexus running Cyanogen 6.1. That's people stating it though, so I'm not sure if they're actually experiencing the same issue or not.
I am biting my tongue, but I think I found another common denominator...I am going to post back in a coupla days once I've seen it last for this entire week.
i'm running cyanogenmod 6.1 on a desire hd and have been experiencing the suspend process problem exactly as described in this thread a nubmer of times now over the last week. so its definately not limited to devices running sense.
the only circumstances this behavior hasnt shown is when running 2g only with all other sorts of communications and sync off
zero_oli said:
i'm running cyanogenmod 6.1 on a desire hd and have been experiencing the suspend process problem exactly as described in this thread a nubmer of times now over the last week. so its definately not limited to devices running sense.
the only circumstances this behavior hasnt shown is when running 2g only with all other sorts of communications and sync off
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Yeah, it didn't seem 100% related to devices running Sense, so thanks for posting back to this.
My fiancee was experiencing this across her first two MT4G devices and has yet to experience the issue on her third and final MT4G. I want to see it run the rest of the week though before I share, but the issue did pop-up for her pretty much within 24-48 hours on her first two MT4G's.
Shlongwoodian: I have been following your posts as the "suspend" process has been affecting me since I received my phone the first day available. However, I am reluctant to send for a replacement as all else is great on the unit I have and there seems no gaurantee that a new phone fixes this issue.
I have tried Tmo and HTC and both seem clueless; therefore, I appreciate your research and look forward to any "fix" short of waiting for Gingerbread.
Anyone have any wisdom to pass on? This issue is driving me crazy! I've noticed it most on my black MT4G (w/the good screen) after browsing the web, youtube or using the media player. My wife's red MT4G (w/the inferior screen) has had no issues and her battery is amazing! The first day she got her phone her battery lasted 24 hours without even conditioning it! Granted she doesn't use it like I do mine, but it is still a huge difference. When this issue comes up on mine, I'm dead within 3-4 hours. I have Watchdog set so when it alerts me I just soft reset. That clears it up until it decides to come back at random intervals. It usually doesn't come back until I open the browser, etc. With as much as I use my phone (I am constantly on the road), it becomes a major pain to have to constantly monitor battery life. Any help is greatly appreciated!!!
Man, I am sorry to report that I gots nothin'. Ok, here was my original theory...
I was speculating that "something" inside the Google/Gmail account was the cause. My reasoning being, essentially, your info is stored in a database. When you get an Android device, that online database is synced locally with the phone's database. We each have different databases and there is more than just your apps, Market links, contacts, etc. I never exhibited the /suspend issue on phones that she experienced the /suspend issue on. I figured it was database-specific.
If a table contains a value, or rather, does not contain a specific value (or if columns are missing, etc.), it can cause an application to respond in a negative way. Sometimes, this causes an error to bubble up in an application. Other times, it doesn't. In my experience, I've seen much more subtle issues in databases, that don't cause errors or a crash, but instead just cause "undesirable results."
When my fiancee got her final, good replacement Plum Glacier, we started with a completely new Google account. We thought we nailed it, when a handful of days passed without seeing /suspend get out of control, leading to Android System and/or OS sucking down battery life. I think it was nearly a week into it and one day while she was out, she realized she lost battery life really quickly - i.e. left the house with 90% and by the time she got to the store, shopped for a bit and looked, her phone was down to like 30-40%. She knows how to check for /suspend and it was, of course, back.
It's still not something that can be completely ruled out, since it's not a very air-tight test. There could be something about my Google account (which I've had pretty much since Gmail beta was available) that's keeping me (and others like me) from getting it or that idea could be crap.
For some reason, I have never, ever seen this happen on my Glacier(s) running stock 2.2.1. Phones that I never saw the issue on, she saw the issue on. There is so much speculation around it, but it just seems like "some people" don't experience it and "some people" do. It's all over different devices, different skill levels, etc. No apps, same apps, whatever and it happens to some but not others.
Sorry to get anyone's hopes up. I'll keep looking for differences/similarities though and if I find anything at all I'll - or if anyone else finds anything, no matter how ridiculous it sounds (yes, we've tested the 'rock' and it doesn't appear to suffer from the /suspend issue) - post it here.
Thanks for trying! It was a good theory. So . . . now what? Is there any way to get this ranked higher with Google, HTC, etc. to get more people working on it? It is really driving me nuts! It mainly happens after I use the web browser, then put the phone on standby for some reason. I can't even use the browser any more without needing to reboot it to save battery life. There is another thread, but specifically for the Evo and I think one for the Nexus one, all with the same problem. What if a new thread were started that is not device specific? That way we can get more people to star it and maybe Google or whoever will pay more attention to it! I would hate to think that we are stuck with this problem until when and if we get upgraded to 2.3. I would suggest rooting and flashing a new ROM, but even those with custom ROM's are having the same problem, so that's not going to help. Thoughts???
jpiano said:
It mainly happens after I use the web browser, then put the phone on standby for some reason.
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It truly is a mystery to this day. I've seen people say, "it happened right after I installed Handcent" or "it happens as soon as I do..." No one has come up with any concrete evidence thus far.
My fiancee has Handcent, I have Handcent. I used Handcent heavily, never had an issue. She stopped using Handcent - still has the issue. We've gotten so granular in our troubleshooting, we're literally tracking every step. LOL i.e. I pressed the trackpad to wake the phone, once; I unlocked the phone, I swiped my thumb once to view my Watchdog Widget on the screen to the left of my homescreen, etc., etc., etc.
So, for now, we just wait? My phone (and all previous phones) have been just fine. My fiancee however...yeah, I'm trying to find a fix pretty quickly.
One common theme that I've seen with this issue is that it only happens after I put the phone to sleep. I have never seen it crop up while actually using the phone. Maybe we're going about it the wrong way in trying to identify an app, etc that's causing the problem... perhaps it is simply the code involved in putting the phone to sleep and that's why there hasn't been any consistency with what one does to make it appear. In your experience, have you ever seen or heard of it showing up while the phone is being used? Perhaps it's just on mine that it works that way, but I thought it was worth mentioning. I know nothing about code or how android works so please forgive the noob comment if this is an obvious one. Merry Christmas!
I've got this problem big time. Returned my first phone because I thought it was the phone. First few days were good but lately its back and as bad as ever. First thoughts were angry birds twitter or wifi but I have no idea. If I can't figure this out I might have to sell this phone.
I will try to post some more thoughts. I think you're onto some good ideas here.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
(Re-posting from the developer's Google blog where others are following this issue): Interesting about using the phone without a Google account. Not sure if this is relevant or not, but I've noticed something else with consistency. Granted I wasn't able to document the behavior through system panel at the time, but this has consistently happened. When suspend goes crazy, I can get it to stop simply by charging the phone! Even if I charge the phone for a few seconds, then unplug, it stays dormant without having to reboot. Noob speaking here but perhaps the part of android that actually logs the battery usage is suspending when the phone goes to sleep? When it us charging, this log is reset and clears the process from running. If this is even possible, then could someone write an app that clears this system log? Maybe by mimicking what happens when the phone is charging, we can at least temporarily clear the issue without the need tovl reboot? Again, I know nothing about all this so sorry if this is all irrelevant. Just sharing what I've noticed to be consistent. Thoughts??
Also, I saw on another xda blog (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870557&page=2) that someone linked this issue to a corrupt photo on the sd card. After formatting the card and restoring some files, says the issue has not returned!
jpiano said:
Also, I saw on another xda blog (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870557&page=2) that someone linked this issue to a corrupt photo on the sd card. After formatting the card and restoring some files, says the issue has not returned!
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I wonder if you're on to something with the SD card. I've been thinking I haven't seen the suspend issue return on my phone in quite a while. I just realized that the only thing I've really changed is installed a new 16 gb SD card. Since then, no suspend process problems. For those who are having the problem still, I wonder if removing or formatting their cards would show any improvement? Worth a shot if at least to eliminate another possible factor.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
That's cool that this thread is flushing out other ideas and possible variables. I like the idea of connecting it to the charger for a couple of seconds, but my fiancee is so used to just rebooting her phone each morning and sometimes again by mid-day, that it's easier for her to do just that.
jpiano said:
Even if I charge the phone for a few seconds, then unplug, it stays dormant without having to reboot.
Also, I saw on another xda blog (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870557&page=2) that someone linked this issue to a corrupt photo on the sd card. After formatting the card and restoring some files, says the issue has not returned!
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I like the microSD Card notion. This is such a weird issue, that it's so easily associated with other items - e.g. applications, usage patterns, etc. This seems feasible though, but the only way to know for sure is to reproduce it. My fiancee experiences the suspend issue daily, if she doesn't reboot regularly. So, I should be able to take her microSD card and use it in my phone and get the suspend issue. I don't want to 'muddy' up by swapping microSD cards, so I'll try reformatting her card and see if that makes any difference. She usually sees the issue within 24-48 hours of a fresh boot, so it shouldn't be long before we see if that fixes it or not. I can check the card for errors, etc. as well.
werk said:
I just realized that the only thing I've really changed is installed a new 16 gb SD card. Since then, no suspend process problems.
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I'll be upgrading to a 16 GB Class 10 soon, so I can give her my Samsung if need be. I'd really like to see if this is it though. It would explain the "some people get it and some people don't" pattern.
I also noticed that the minute I plug the phone in the problem goes away. Not sure why, just confirming it happens to me too. I also should note that when I returned my phone, they popped my old SD card into my new phone. So if there is an SD card issue with a corupt file/photo that could be something as well. I wonder woody if your girlfriends phone has had the same SD card after how many times did you say you traded it in? BTW, a side note, how did you exchange it so many times? After I took mine back to the store on day 14 they told me I wasn't able to exchange it again.
I do have a 16GB SD card but just haven't had time to install it. Wanted to double check which things I need on the new one from the old one, but it might be a good way to test this issue. Let me know some ideas before I swap the cards and maybe I can help test this.
Also, one more thing, what is the app you're using to log stuff? I'm just using Watchdog Lite right now.
I've got to figure this out or this is a dealbreaker for me. I have waited 3 years to upgrade phones, first time on Android, really wanted iPhone but wanted to stick with month to month from TMob. If this continues I think I will move to Windows Phone 7 or iPhone if I have to, but I really like this phone when the battery is not draining like a leech.
Just wondering what process you went through when you upgraded SD cards. Did you copy any files over to the new one or just start blank?
royhobbs said:
Just wondering what process you went through when you upgraded SD cards. Did you copy any files over to the new one or just start blank?
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Just straight copied the existing files over from the old card to new one (new one in phone connected via USB, old card in SD adapter in my laptops SD card slot). I think some Angry Birds files didn't make it due to long paths, but reinstalled it and no problems since then.

[Q] random freezing/crashing when listening to audio

Ever since the Gingerbread update (and subsequent 2 patches) I’ve noticed that my DX will occasionally shut down(?) while listening to audio, it doesn’t matter if it’s streaming or a local file, podcast or music, at some random moment everything stops on my phone and the only way to get it restarted is by pulling/reinserting the battery.
So far it has happened while using Google Listen, Pocket Casts, Pandora, and Winamp
Other audio players where it hasn’t happened it is Google Music (both stock and beta), TuneinPro, SoundCloud, and Scanner Radio, though I don’t know if it hasn’t happened on these by design or it’s just that I haven’t used them as much as the ones were the freeze/crash happens.
The reason why I’m not sure if it’s a freeze or a crash is that it seems like theirs is still power, it’s just that nothing is responding, the screen is black, nothing lights up, and pressing and holding the power button does nothing so I get the impression it’s stuck in some strange loop that clears once I pull the battery.
This is my second DX this is happening to, my 1st DX was replaced by Verizon for dead pixels so this doesn't seem to be related to just a bad phone.
Is anyone else having this problem? Any suggestions of a resolution?
I have had similar issues a well, maybe happens once a week though. Mainly when I have my cassette adapter running and doing other things at the same time. Haven't gotten too bad to try repairing it yet though.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
MrWall said:
Ever since the Gingerbread update (and subsequent 2 patches) I’ve noticed that my DX will occasionally shut down(?) while listening to audio, it doesn’t matter if it’s streaming or a local file, podcast or music, at some random moment everything stops on my phone and the only way to get it restarted is by pulling/reinserting the battery.
So far it has happened while using Google Listen, Pocket Casts, Pandora, and Winamp
Other audio players where it hasn’t happened it is Google Music (both stock and beta), TuneinPro, SoundCloud, and Scanner Radio, though I don’t know if it hasn’t happened on these by design or it’s just that I haven’t used them as much as the ones were the freeze/crash happens.
The reason why I’m not sure if it’s a freeze or a crash is that it seems like theirs is still power, it’s just that nothing is responding, the screen is black, nothing lights up, and pressing and holding the power button does nothing so I get the impression it’s stuck in some strange loop that clears once I pull the battery.
This is my second DX this is happening to, my 1st DX was replaced by Verizon for dead pixels so this doesn't seem to be related to just a bad phone.
Is anyone else having this problem? Any suggestions of a resolution?
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Only time I ever had an issue like this was one of 2 things happened... either the phone overheated, or I ran the memory out... do you use a task killer? I personally like using a task killer, even though they say GB automatically shuts down background apps when needed, I always found my phone faster and more responsive using a task killer. Just a preference but TaskXP for multitasking works very well for me and it is free on the market. If you have any questions about setting it up you can pm me.
On another note... if you are using so many apps to listen to audio, I'm assuming you probably have it hooked up in your car, maybe on a dash mount... check and see how warm your phone gets, as my DX runs pretty warm too, I had to modify my mount to allow for heat dissipation and I never had a problem after that.
I don't use a task killer mostly as you stated because gb is supposed to manage it well enough but also because it doesn't suppress apps so I kept noticing things restarting right after the app killer did it's thing.
actually I mostly get around on motorcycle and I'm not a fan of using headphones while riding. for the most part, when I'm listening to my dx that's all I'm doing with it because I'm usually preoccupied with something else at the same time.
So in short, when it crashes it's when it's only playing audio
Good suggestions though since I didn't cover what I was doing when it crashes
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
A factory reset will cure this.
rocko73 said:
A factory reset will cure this.
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one would think but I've tried that a few times with the first DX and it didn't resolve the situation.
rocko73 said:
A factory reset will cure this.
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I'm sure there is more than one issue that could lead to the unexpected reboots, so I doubt there is any easy and universal panacea, much as I wish there were. Factory resets haven't worked for me on either of my 2 DX's, and I can guarantee that overheating is not relevant on mine. It comes and goes, and I thought that perhaps I had it beat, but it's still there.
I've been through a number of SBF's, cache clearing, data clearing, factory data resets, etc., app removals with no resolution. It's most prone to spontaneous reboots while running audio apps, or navigating with Google Maps.
I am not too familiar with some of the acronyms used here but I am having the same problem. The reboots started to happen after I downloaded the latet OS update code. So far Verizon has been unable to help me fix the problem,. I will be going back to Verizon today and will update you with the outcome. So far Verizon has not been all that helpful.
Verizon reloaded the OS yesterday. I will know if that cured the problem after I do an hour on the bike this morning in the gym.
Same issue
I'm having the same issue; it happens when using Google Listen or Audible, more frequently with the latter. I've noticed the problem happens most frequently when I hit the power button to turn off the screen; about a half-second after the screen turns off, the phone crashes. Sometimes it reboots itself, but most of the time I have to remove the battery and then turn it back on. This happens only when listening to audio, and it doesn't matter whether it's through the audio jack, Bluetooth or the speaker. I've formatted the SD card and done multiple hard resets, but the problem continues.
I noticed that my DroidX only seems to do it when the screen is off. As far as I can tell if you keep the screen on it should not crash.
Nobody seems to know what to do about it. Verizon knows about it but Motorola seems to be clueless. Their crappy tech support only said it was a problem with the phone, but didn't know if it was a hardware or software bug. I have has the issue across 2 Droid X devices so I figure it is more likely just Motorolas crappy software.
I have installed the latest revnumbers daily build and it hasn't conked out yet.
Verizon is of course happy to keep swapping them out under extended warranty coverage at no cost. Not that it actually helps much.

[Q] Just a list of the problems I'm facing...

I apologize in advance if this is a repeat post in any way. I have searched a lot through the forums and didn't really find the answers I needed. It's very possible I missed them, with the millions of posts, so I thought I might make a post of my own.
I got my Nexus 4 a couple days ago and I'm facing the following problems:
1. Battery drain is ridiculous. I'm getting 12 hours with fairly light usage (I don't do any gaming), but everything (except Bluetooth) turned on
2. My charger makes a weird humming noise when the phone is not plugged in
3. When I'm on a call, I lose data 90% of the time, and I constantly lose service in places I have never had any problems
4. If I have my phone plugged into my car via aux cable, phone calls sound funny. It sounds like the person is standing ten feet away form their phone.
5. My earpiece has a weird noise to it
6. If I tap the phone on top, it sounds like something is lose in there
7. I can't run a Speedtest for the life of me, and I can't find APN settings that fix that for me
Is anybody else facing these problems? I'm afraid my device is faulty, but I don't want to wait 2 months to get a replacement...
Everyone of your " problems" has its own thread. I'd point you in the right direction for a few of them, but I'm busy at work. I just figured i'd let you know to search and you'll find what you're looking for
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
AssassinFuze said:
I apologize in advance if this is a repeat post in any way. I have searched a lot through the forums and didn't really find the answers I needed. It's very possible I missed them, with the millions of posts, so I thought I might make a post of my own.
I got my Nexus 4 a couple days ago and I'm facing the following problems:
1. Battery drain is ridiculous. I'm getting 12 hours with fairly light usage (I don't do any gaming), but everything (except Bluetooth) turned on
2. My charger makes a weird humming noise when the phone is not plugged in
3. When I'm on a call, I lose data 90% of the time, and I constantly lose service in places I have never had any problems
4. If I have my phone plugged into my car via aux cable, phone calls sound funny. It sounds like the person is standing ten feet away form their phone.
5. My earpiece has a weird noise to it
6. If I tap the phone on top, it sounds like something is lose in there
7. I can't run a Speedtest for the life of me, and I can't find APN settings that fix that for me
Is anybody else facing these problems? I'm afraid my device is faulty, but I don't want to wait 2 months to get a replacement...
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nope. perfectly fine here
1. may GPS and other background syncing is causing the problem?
2. No sound here.
3. You shouldnt lose data while on call...you should be able to call and have data at the same time
4. Havent tried since the base of the aux is too big to fit
5. the earpiece is known to have static/buzzing noise if your talking about that
6. most probably its the camera. its been noted that if you place your phone down (back first) it rattles...that is due to the camera. If you shake it, then its another metal piece inside that rattle. i have both, though it rattles, i dun "feel" any loose parts
7. what carrier are u using for apn?
can you define "searched a lot?"

Really slow Note 3

Hi guys,
I just purchased a Galaxy Note 3 a week ago. However, I'm noticing that this phone has a major problem (at least, I consider it a problem). Turning the screen on and off has a bit of a delay.
To show what I mean I made this video in which I use a Desire HD to compare it with.
You can clearly see that the Desire HD turns on and off immediately, however.. the fancy Note 3 has to wake up, make a pot of coffee, read the morning news and then decides to switch on the screen.
Is this just my phone? Do more people experience this? Why does my phone do this?
I don't have a second Note 3 and I'm waiting for somebody to test it with. So I'd like to know how other Note 3 owners experience this.
There are many other things about this phone that really disappoint me, but this is one of the things that annoy me the most.
(p.s. I already tried a factory reset, didn't chance a thing...)
Thanks you for any replies/help.
supervinnie40 said:
Hi guys,
I just purchased a Galaxy Note 3 a week ago. However, I'm noticing that this phone has a major problem (at least, I consider it a problem). Turning the screen on and off has a bit of a delay.
To show what I mean I made this video in which I use a Desire HD to compare it with.
You can clearly see that the Desire HD turns on and off immediately, however.. the fancy Note 3 has to wake up, make a pot of coffee, read the morning news and then decides to switch on the screen.
Is this just my phone? Do more people experience this? Why does my phone do this?
I don't have a second Note 3 and I'm waiting for somebody to test it with. So I'd like to know how other Note 3 owners experience this.
There are many other things about this phone that really disappoint me, but this is one of the things that annoy me the most.
(p.s. I already tried a factory reset, didn't chance a thing...)
Thanks you for any replies/help.
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I think that something is wrong with your phone, my wakes up almost emmediately
supervinnie40 said:
Hi guys,
I just purchased a Galaxy Note 3 a week ago. However, I'm noticing that this phone has a major problem (at least, I consider it a problem). Turning the screen on and off has a bit of a delay.
To show what I mean I made this video in which I use a Desire HD to compare it with.
You can clearly see that the Desire HD turns on and off immediately, however.. the fancy Note 3 has to wake up, make a pot of coffee, read the morning news and then decides to switch on the screen.
Is this just my phone? Do more people experience this? Why does my phone do this?
I don't have a second Note 3 and I'm waiting for somebody to test it with. So I'd like to know how other Note 3 owners experience this.
There are many other things about this phone that really disappoint me, but this is one of the things that annoy me the most.
(p.s. I already tried a factory reset, didn't chance a thing...)
Thanks you for any replies/help.
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Something up there mate my phone is on soon as i press the button
my guess is ...
that its "some form of lag" caused by an app ??
have you got Svoice enabled ? /
or otherwise its some "app setting "( eg a launcher/camera )
that power button functions , is also assigned to and causes delay ??
Further have you check Svoice settings ?
it does sometimes cause lag as it waits for second press on "home button "
i disabled it completely /otherwise uncheck in S voice settings.
have you tried to wake phone with home button press,not power button.?( any lag ? )
i use Sview cover to open cover and note 3 wakes up straight away !(use no power button at all )
but if i press power button ,wakes up ....immediately !
same with me pressing home button,wakes up ..immediately.!
(No lag at all .)
(but above then,is my experience in tracking " cuplits/apps " responsible for various lags on my phone
The result is my phone is very, very smooth ,no lags or hiccups....
I have the N9005 ,stock, not rooted .
good luck.
Thanks for the replies guys.
I don't have any launcher apps running. I like to keep things smooth and optimized, so I turn off everything I don't need. No Air Gesture, No Svoice etc.
I've been playing with this the last week, and haven't really been able to find anything.
However, I just wanted to delete some stuff and reset some settings and removed my SD card to be safe. Since I removed the card, it seems the screen reacts a bit faster....
But does that make any sense? Could there be anything that could cause this lag/delay that has to do with the SD card?
My current card is a 16gb class 2. But I can't find any info on why the phone would slow down when a slow SD card is used.... Just doesn't make much sense.
In the meantime I continue testing and trying. Others have said that there might be something wrong with my phone, but when I compare stuff with other Note 3 tests, then it all seems ok. Installing an app takes the same time, opening a heavy app too, starting up is just as fast and even after a full factory reset everything seems to be fine.
Mine has a bit of a delay too...I was wondering if it was only me. With mine it's pretty erratic though - sometimes it takes a full second or so to activate the screen, while other times it comes on almost instantly.
I did notice on many occasions using the home button to wake is quicker, plus it's generally easier to get to one handed.
p.s. do you have the Verizon variant?
Good to read that somebody else noticed this to.
In the mean time I have been testing some more. After disabling almost anything that could have to do with either cpu usage or lockscreen usage, removing the SD card, removing the sim card, deleting many apps and using a very low res image, the phone becomes almost as quick as the Desire HD.
There is still a difference, the Note 3 is still a tiny little bit slower, but it has been improved.
However, if I need to do all this radical stuff to make a 2.3 ghz powerhouse perform the same as a 4 year old 1 ghz calculator.... then this phone is just not worth the money I spent on it.
Very, very dissapointed.
After my testing I applied all my previous settings, apps and such to a phone from my friend. Just like you said (siciliano) there is a noticable delay. An erratic delay, but still noticable. Sometimes it's really quick, other times it's really slow.
My Desire HD has never shown any delay... not even when I'm downloading 5 apps at the same time (which makes it quite slow).
This phone will go on for sale tomorrow. I'm not gonna spent 600 euro on a toy that can't perform the way it should.
p.s. No, it's not a Verizon phone. I bought the phone, without phone-plan or anything. Just the phone itself.
I think it's very safe to assume that if you think there's a problem then there likely is. Sometimes you have to turn the question round or switch focus... scratch your head all day about 99 maybes yet you have 1 factor that swings it.
Certainly when it comes to testing leave things out like memory cards or SIMs. Sounds like you have and it's not happy. All might not be lost though. Perhaps the stock firmware didn't load well. Have you tried updating OTA or via Kies or Odin? And was the device bought from a regular vendor?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I just checked mine - same delay. So I restarted it. Now no delay.
@jonty, I got the phone from a well known Dutch re-seller (phonehouse). Unfortunately my results and/or problems seem to be repeatable, which makes me believe that it's not just my phone.
I h aven't used any other ROMs, but I did give it a factory reset (twice in 2 weeks...) and I have swiped the cache. Both did not make a difference.
Even better, right after the reset, the delay is bigger then when I optimize the settings (which means turning pretty much anything and everything off... stripping down the phone via settings).
@Bulbous, how did it take you to get the delay back again. I've tried restarting a few times, but after +/- 5 minutes the delay was the same again.
I just don't understand why a powerhouse like this phone has so much trouble with such a simple thing....
It's like asking Einstein to tell me 1+1=? and then he has to take his calculator out....
If you experience lag like this something is wrong. Note 3 should have no lag at all. I have about 150 user apps adding to the stock apps and have never experienced any lag whatsoever.
If you do, you have fu..ed up your phone somehow..
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
slight delay like 0.5 sec to 1 sec is ok cos it is normal as the phone required to enter deep sleep. (google to understand it)
any more than that might be faulty software or hardware.
if i were to encounter such problem, i will first remove the sdcard and reboot..if not fixed, then format.. without sdcard inserted, reboot and try again.
if not fixed, then i would send to SC ask them check.
the reason i remove sdcard because the phone might still scanning in the background.
Although unfortunate it might just be that the device is defective. Although it's new it can still happen.
But before you go the repair/replace route you should at least consider installing any OS updates if there are any and perform a complete wipe. Then see how it performs before installing any memory cards or other software. Perhaps also install a system info app (afterwards) and make sure the chip, cores and other spec are what they should be as fakes do exist.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
try this method maybe will help u http://forums.androidcentral.com/sa...-note-3-lags-sometimes-slow-here-how-fix.html
Something is wrong it shouldn't be that slow, comment above is useless as it's not an animation.
Flash the latest stock firmware - if that doesn't help I'm clueless to what could cause this.
Its the sd card...I used a class 2 and I had lags..changed to a new class 10 and everything was instantaneous
Teleported from my SM-N9005 from the Enterprise
dcracks said:
Its the sd card...I used a class 2 and I had lags..changed to a new class 10 and everything was instantaneous
Teleported from my SM-N9005 from the Enterprise
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Can anyone confirm this? This could very well be the problem because I know for a fact my sd card is very old.
I'm gonna buy a new 64GB sd card soon anyway, so I'll make sure it's fast.
I had some delay when turning the screen on/off, but im pretty sure that something was corrected in one of the multiple firmware updates that i have installed because i don't have it any more.
tWoBrO said:
I had some delay when turning the screen on/off, but im pretty sure that something was corrected in one of the multiple firmware updates that i have installed because i don't have it any more.
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Just out of curiosity, are you rooted? How did you go about updating?
My phone is not rooted, I'm using stock room. I was talking about official Samsung firmware updates. Running version MJ7.

Disturbing Sounds Coming from phone ( Samsung Galaxy S4 SGH-1337 - 5.0.1)

On 3 separate random occasions now. I have set my phone down for the nite. Plugged in the charger and was I was watching TV or reading heard voices comming from my phone. When I leaned over and listened it sounded like audio from a pickup truck ad (on the 2nd occasion) and as soon as unlocked the phone the audio stops. The screen is completely off when this occurs and there as no apps open when I unlock the phone. The phone was locked for at least 30 min on the last occurrence. I have scanned my phone with malwarebytes & avast both turn up nothing.
Has anyone else experienced anything like this ???
Screen off/locked
Strange Audio plays
Unlock phone nothing running (no youtube or games open)
Audio Stops
WTF??? :silly:
Your charger is generating radio interference that the S4 is picking up when charging. It's not something to worry about.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Your charger is generating radio interference that the S4 is picking up when charging. It's not something to worry about.
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Thanks for the hypotheses but I very much doubt that is the case. Radio reception in the room I was in is very weak as it is below ground level. I am pretty sure on one occurrence the phone may have not even been plugged in at all. The audio is clear(not static-y) but at a low volume since i usually have the ringer low in the evenings, and it was definitely playing over the devices speakers.
You misunderstand. This is not like tuning in a radio. Your charger was generating the noise and the S4 picked it up due to being close to the charger. Try a different charger and see if you get the noise again.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
You misunderstand. This is not like tuning in a radio. Your charger was generating the noise and the S4 picked it up due to being close to the charger. Try a different charger and see if you get the noise again.
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I have been using an Anker 40W 5 port charger for almost a year and this has never been an issue. There is no way that it was this charger. It is not a some cheap clone either with some copper wound around a piece of iron acting as a transformer/ Antenna. The USB cables are all HQ with shielding as well. It was definitely an audio advertisement file playing not broadcast radio.
My question is more is there some malware/adware that could have been piggy backed in with a game or app?
Just wondering if anyone else has encountered this before?
If you get your apps from outside the established stores like Google Play or Amazon Underground you shouldn't have any malware. From outside the stores, you may very likely have gotten something. You'll need to go through your apps though one by one, and find out which one is generating this.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
If you get your apps from outside the established stores like Google Play or Amazon Underground you shouldn't have any malware. From outside the stores, you may very likely have gotten something. You'll need to go through your apps though one by one, and find out which one is generating this.
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I only install from Google Play store or Amazon. But some apps that do pass approval of Google still might have aggressive advertising cookies or popups through their adverts built into the app.
I should also clarify that by DISTURBING Sounds, I meant that the phone is 'off' and on the table and then suddenly I hear a voice coming from the phone.
I found the experience disturbing. Firstly because it was late at night and was alone then heard an unannounced voice (not a ring tone or a beep).
Then I began to worry my phone was infected or hacked by something or someone.
What would be worst is if I was just straight up having an auditory hallucination or my home was haunted by a truck salesman. But I am 99.99% certain it was the phone playing the audio.
It would be great if there was a simple explanation like 'oh yeah sometimes in a game when you watch a video to get a free bonus powerup sometimes the video player crashes but the ad is still in memory and once in a blue moon the video unfreezes long after you closed the app and begins to play even though the screen is locked.'
But I guess this has not happed to anyone else.
I found the culprit!!!
I had this app [My Fitness Pal] installed on my phone and found several other users complaining in this forum.
This is bullcrap. I can understand having a banner in app. I can understand popups or videos that play while you are in the app.
But playing audio when you are not using the phone is MALWARE.
I am boycotting this company and all others who think this kind of intrusive advertising is in any way acceptable.
Take the advice given on that page and flag the app as inappropriate in the Play Store.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Take the advice given on that page and flag the app as inappropriate in the Play Store.
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Already done. =)

