Windows Phone loosing momentum? - Windows Phone 8 General

Am I alone when I fell like Windows Phone loosing momentum? I mean Windows Phone is starting to get boring with no major changes to the UI or functionality. I feel like all MS is doing it stringing us along with small updates but never giving us what we want for example we've been asking for the option to use custom tones for notification alerts like for MMS and SMS and still nothing, it's like they don't care what we have to say. Or the notification hub that a lot of people want, ability to create custom theme colors for tiles and I can go on and on.
Another thing is at least to me it seems like they procrastinate on getting things done and then they rush to get it out at the very last minute and we get things like the Lumina 920 and the HTC X8 with their issues with rebooting and freezing and so on. I still have issues on my WP8 that I use to have on my WP7 device, for example when trying to send an email at work with a pic attachment; it seems like it won't send because it doesn't recognize my email password even though it's correct.. I always end up having to delete my email account and recreate it for it to work!!!
Yea I know that WP8 is still young, bla, bla, bla... Well that's my lil rant; I'm sure that there is a lot of you out there that have similar opinions with either the lack of functionality or other problems with the phone and some that are just plain happy with whatever MS dictates that you need or not. If MS says you don't need custom ringtones or MMS or cut and paste some people just agree with them but not me, all I'm asking is for simple / common functions and options that have been around since like Windows Mobile.

I agree with the custom notifications stuff. The built in tones are awful.
I never had any issues with emails and pictures.This is most likely a problem from the email service provider rather than the phone itself.
WP needs more APIs so that developers can actually develop something creative. DirectX and C++ are not enough, and they can only be used for games anyway.

It still has momentum as regards the development of the operating system.
It is just starting from a bad position.
WP7 had a huge number of basic features missing.
WP8 has probably halved this list or better.
With the "blue" update I am expecting WP8 to have all the basic features in place.
If there is compatibility with Windows RT apps that implies big improvements to the Windows Phone APIs.

I don't know how it can be 'loosing momentum'.
WP8 is barely 3 months old...
All this comparison with the Android and iPhone platforms really annoys me. Those particular platforms have been around for years and years, hence the thousands and thousands of apps.
WP is easily the best and most modern mobile OS out there. That includes the 'new' BB OS (which looks like Android to me).
The tweaks to the OS WILL come. Be patient.
I loved my WP7 Omnia 7, and I love my WP8 Lumia 920. Slick and great to use.
If you want customization options galore, then get an Android device...

sinister1 said:
Am I alone when I fell like Windows Phone loosing momentum?
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I doubt it, be patient. And if it is in the US, it's not elsewhere. Elsewhere it's only starting. iPhone is so outdated and android is beta, apps keep crashing. Windows Phone is quality.

Looking at my Apps Download numbers it doesn't look like it's losing Momentum in the Marketplace. When WP8 arrived, the numbers increased from 1000 - 2000 Downloads/day to 5000-6000 and have been in that range pretty much ever since. To me at least that looks like a pretty steady influx of users. Especially given that I didn't see a slow-down after christmas sales.
On the API front a lot of stuff was added in WP8. I admit that there are still holes that developers who were part of the early access programm (Windows Phone SDK) have communicated to Microsoft. Still lots of things developers were asking for are now there. Native code perhaps was the biggest part of it (and most requested I guess) and they also have the native APIs looking very similar to WinRT. They will have to bring this to the Managed side as well and it will be interesting to see how they fare in that regard.
Native code does not only provide for easier porting of games but also allows better and faster image and audio processing which some Apps require to make sense on a mobile device, although I don't know too many that take advantage of that.
The ability to integrate Tell Me into Third Party Apps is one of the coolest features they built into WP8 but I have to admit that it has rarely been used so far and not in the best implementations. Bluetooth APIs have also been added which as well was a rather glaring omission in WP7. The ability of Apps to start other Apps or to launch documents in other Apps that support the file type was also added but again: there are not that many Apps supporting it right now. Offline mapping functionality is now available to Apps which to my knowledge similar to the system speech engine integration is also something that currently isn't available on competing platforms.
To cut it short: quite a lot changed under the covers. Not everything people would have wished for has happened but the platform has become a lot more capable. But, it hasn't been available for most developers until launch and doing interesting stuff based on the new features takes time. We've currently mostly seen early adoptions of new features into existing Apps. New concepts have not arrived but I'm pretty sure people have Apps in development that will take advantage of what was added.
Where you are correct is that there are some pretty annoying omissions in improving certain built in features. It starts with custom notification sounds (which should not be to hard to do based on how it was implemented in WP7 homebrew software and continues on in new features that didn't go quite far enough. BitLocker is there but can only be enabled using an Exchange-Servers Security Policies. PDFs are now displayed in the Office Hub but can't be stored there from the Internet or when received through an E-Mail. They'll have to work those kinks out because I honestly believe: there are not that many really big functionality gaps in the OS by now but many, many annoyances that add up.

I think that now that BlackBerry is back in the game, EVERYONE is going to have to step up. I was cleaning and came across my old phones, right now I'm looking at a Nokia Lumia 810, an HD7, a TP2, and an HD2....Microsoft needs to stick with something instead of constantly abandoning things...hell, I have 2 years of Zune content that I can't use on my new phone.
Sent from the fetal position using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

StevieBallz said:
Looking at my Apps Download numbers it doesn't look like it's losing Momentum in the Marketplace. When WP8 arrived, the numbers increased from 1000 - 2000 Downloads/day to 5000-6000 and have been in that range pretty much ever since. To me at least that looks like a pretty steady influx of users. Especially given that I didn't see a slow-down after christmas sales.
On the API front a lot of stuff was added in WP8. I admit that there are still holes that developers who were part of the early access programm (Windows Phone SDK) have communicated to Microsoft. Still lots of things developers were asking for are now there. Native code perhaps was the biggest part of it (and most requested I guess) and they also have the native APIs looking very similar to WinRT. They will have to bring this to the Managed side as well and it will be interesting to see how they fare in that regard.
Native code does not only provide for easier porting of games but also allows better and faster image and audio processing which some Apps require to make sense on a mobile device, although I don't know too many that take advantage of that.
The ability to integrate Tell Me into Third Party Apps is one of the coolest features they built into WP8 but I have to admit that it has rarely been used so far and not in the best implementations. Bluetooth APIs have also been added which as well was a rather glaring omission in WP7. The ability of Apps to start other Apps or to launch documents in other Apps that support the file type was also added but again: there are not that many Apps supporting it right now. Offline mapping functionality is now available to Apps which to my knowledge similar to the system speech engine integration is also something that currently isn't available on competing platforms.
To cut it short: quite a lot changed under the covers. Not everything people would have wished for has happened but the platform has become a lot more capable. But, it hasn't been available for most developers until launch and doing interesting stuff based on the new features takes time. We've currently mostly seen early adoptions of new features into existing Apps. New concepts have not arrived but I'm pretty sure people have Apps in development that will take advantage of what was added.
Where you are correct is that there are some pretty annoying omissions in improving certain built in features. It starts with custom notification sounds (which should not be to hard to do based on how it was implemented in WP7 homebrew software and continues on in new features that didn't go quite far enough. BitLocker is there but can only be enabled using an Exchange-Servers Security Policies. PDFs are now displayed in the Office Hub but can't be stored there from the Internet or when received through an E-Mail. They'll have to work those kinks out because I honestly believe: there are not that many really big functionality gaps in the OS by now but many, many annoyances that add up.
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I may have misunderstood you-
but are you saying that one particular app is getting 5000-6000 downloads, per day, on wp8 devices ?

Must be one heck of an app. Frankly I haven't found one great one, yet.

Yes, 1 App 5000-6000 downloads / day. Although it's WP7 AND WP8. I have never bothered to find out if I can filter the data to see WP7 and WP8 separately. And as for it being good: it seems to do what lots of people want it to do although I actually do believe myself that for some an alternative App might be better. I always tried to keep it simple and not overload it with too many features. Other developers of similar Apps have done it differently.
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I've attached the download chart from 1st of September to mid of February as it is provided in the Dev Cenetr. The left scale shows daily Downloads (purple line), the right scale displays total Downloads (black line) just passed the 1.4 Million Download mark).As you can see there have been 664 000 Downloads in that timeframe.

StevieBallz said:
Yes, 1 App 5000-6000 downloads / day. Although it's WP7 AND WP8. I have never bothered to find out if I can filter the data to see WP7 and WP8 separately. And as for it being good: it seems to do what lots of people want it to do although I actually do believe myself that for some an alternative App might be better. I always tried to keep it simple and not overload it with too many features. Other developers of similar Apps have done it differently.
View attachment 1740415
I've attached the download chart from 1st of September to mid of February as it is provided in the Dev Cenetr. The left scale shows daily Downloads (purple line), the right scale displays total Downloads (black line) just passed the 1.4 Million Download mark).As you can see there have been 664 000 Downloads in that timeframe.
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What's the name so we can try it out?
Paid or free? Doesn't matter I'm willing to support.

Connectivity Shortcuts - has been free for most of it's life but I added Ads some months back. I believe it is still getting the fine Download numbers due to the fact of it being one of the first two Shortcut Apps. I'm pretty sure you'll have tried out one of them and that being said: most of them are quite trivial in idea and implementation (so I would guess you will stand by your finding of no nice Apps). But this is getting pretty much Offtopic.
Posting the chart motivated me to look through the more detailed data. I still can't tell WP7 and WP8 apart but according to that sales have scaled back following Christmas in countries like the US or Germany (which kind of is expected given strong holiday sales). The sustained influx of users seems to come from countries where newer devices are still being launched. That spike you can see in mid-January was 4000 sales in China on a single day although I have no idea as to what happened that day (it wasn't the Lumia 920 launch - I looked it up and that was in mid-December).
In the end I believe that my Download data is kinda similar to the Facebook-Metric that several blogs have employed to calculate WP growth due to the fact that the App is part of Microsoft's collection for productivity and is also being featured in Nokia's App Highlights-App. Still this in no way yields us definitive data on how WP is doing but given how the chart reacted to some of the events in WP's life it seems we can still draw some conclussions based on that data.

StevieBallz said:
Connectivity Shortcuts - has been free for most of it's life but I added Ads some months back. I believe it is still getting the fine Download numbers due to the fact of it being one of the first two Shortcut Apps. I'm pretty sure you'll have tried out one of them and that being said: most of them are quite trivial in idea and implementation (so I would guess you will stand by your finding of no nice Apps). But this is getting pretty much Offtopic.
Posting the chart motivated me to look through the more detailed data. I still can't tell WP7 and WP8 apart but according to that sales have scaled back following Christmas in countries like the US or Germany (which kind of is expected given strong holiday sales). The sustained influx of users seems to come from countries where newer devices are still being launched. That spike you can see in mid-January was 4000 sales in China on a single day although I have no idea as to what happened that day (it wasn't the Lumia 920 launch - I looked it up and that was in mid-December).
In the end I believe that my Download data is kinda similar to the Facebook-Metric that several blogs have employed to calculate WP growth due to the fact that the App is part of Microsoft's collection for productivity and is also being featured in Nokia's App Highlights-App. Still this in no way yields us definitive data on how WP is doing but given how the chart reacted to some of the events in WP's life it seems we can still draw some conclussions based on that data.
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Ok now I see why you have so many downloads. One of the most useful apps on the platform.

Enough chaps, no need to make posts personal attacks.
Sent from my Arc using xda app-developers app

I feel more like a disappointed by the WP8 release.
It just feels like a Windows Mobile 2003/5/6 all over again! Where Microsoft overpromised and underdelivered. Where every new major release added very little on the table, and where iPhone added a whole set of new experiences.
I didn't really buy the whole "locked" device for your own good bull****, as you are not "root". I like the Windows Mobile custom builds that improved your experience or even fixed some bugs.
In a sense, the "spirit" of the Windows Mobile (chaos), moved to the Android. There is all sorts of custom builds and apps.
With the recent release of Android 4.2, that improves the animation speed (makes it as smooth as WP), there is no good reason, not to update.
I gave it a chance... it did not lived up to it.

There's an awful lot to say about that post my friend! The changes from 2003 to 5 were massive though, both on the surface and under the hood, 5 to 6 was more like a refinement, what was to come after 6.5 was wrong though, it flew in the face of what was happening with IOS ad android and I for one am glade it got caned. WP isnt supposed to be compared to the others, its different an for good reason, I will admit that the security side is the only reason I haven't got a Wp8 device, but WP7s security (interop unlocked) with root tools is the clear answer to the problem but....
Sent from my SGH-i937 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
---------- Post added at 09:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 AM ----------
.... As to what made wm good, well again your right, it was the customization factor, it was and still is the best OS pocket PC platform out there, but the sales model was never going to work, and android is starting to see the effect too, MS made the core platform, sent it to OEMs who pissed all over it, it then got sent to the networks who all took a giant dump on it, we ended up with slow, bloated devices with no drivers to support the hardware and MS shouldered the blame! The proof of what wm could have been is here in the real roots of xda dev, what was still lacking from our custom roms was developed drivers that made use of the device. All those android lot may think they are all jazzy and new but wm had similar skins decades ago lol, it just needed some TLC!
Sent from my SGH-i937 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

dazza9075 said:
There's an awful lot to say about that post my friend! The changes from 2003 to 5 were massive though, both on the surface and under the hood, 5 to 6 was more like a refinement, what was to come after 6.5 was wrong though, it flew in the face of what was happening with IOS ad android and I for one am glade it got caned. WP isnt supposed to be compared to the others, its different an for good reason, I will admit that the security side is the only reason I haven't got a Wp8 device, but WP7s security (interop unlocked) with root tools is the clear answer to the problem but....
Sent from my SGH-i937 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
---------- Post added at 09:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 AM ----------
.... As to what made wm good, well again your right, it was the customization factor, it was and still is the best OS pocket PC platform out there, but the sales model was never going to work, and android is starting to see the effect too, MS made the core platform, sent it to OEMs who pissed all over it, it then got sent to the networks who all took a giant dump on it, we ended up with slow, bloated devices with no drivers to support the hardware and MS shouldered the blame! The proof of what wm could have been is here in the real roots of xda dev, what was still lacking from our custom roms was developed drivers that made use of the device. All those android lot may think they are all jazzy and new but wm had similar skins decades ago lol, it just needed some TLC!
Sent from my SGH-i937 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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history, repeating?
but then there are the wonderful custom roms. you remember your favorites from wm, they're reincarnated with better hardware (touch screens rock now!) and more mobile centric applications.
the deficiencies of wp8 don't have custom roms to supplement (or did i miss them, sorry) - so what is the natural progression for folks who want a little more of this or that ?
the next step for wp is __________ ?

we can all blame Apple, really, for being so creative..
but more accurately, we can blame HTC for abandoning all of its WinMob users to try and copy the iPhone
but more specifically, we can blame the uncreative doofs at Microcrap for trying to copy the above two companies
or more directly we can blame all the little braindead users out there who think their phones need to be swiped
what is with that swiping crap? its lamest thing i've every done in my entire life.
do you really need to swipe everything? is that really the main purpose of you owning a phone?
because all i'm seeing is different ways to swipe things... and thats because users are apparently so shallow and pathetic, that the best thing they can do with their phone is be seen by others swiping it
and to be extra 1337, they dream of being able to swipe it in some different direction than other people
but really.. lets analyze whats happening.. take away the swiping, and what are they doing? the most useless crap ever to have existed on the face of the planet.. thats what
its like planet of the living braindead around here..
i dont need a phone that matches my haircut, piercings, butterfly tattoos, & painted nails..
and no, no matter how i'm swiping, i'm not going to believe i'm hip, fashionable, advanced, or the slightest bit interesting
screw your swiping.. why dont you make my phone useful & productive, instead.. how about that?

The whole point of this forum is to make our devices better, and share our knowledge about how to do so. This thread does not do that, and does not bring anything positive whatsoever. In fact, this is purely a rant thread, and with that in mind I'm going to close it. Discussion is one thing, but there's nothing positive to be had here.
Thread closed.


Jumping ship to the new iPhone?

You don't have to read this, you can just vote.
Ok, we have all heard about OS 3.0.
Faster, multi - tasking, A2DP, other bluetooth improvements such as file transfer, MMS, video capture, onboard video editing software included, etc..
The new iPhone to be released end of June is also going to have a few hardware changes. Have heard that it is 16 to 32 gb, that there is a 5mp autofocus camera with a quality lens on back, and a 3mp on the front (compared to our VGA), thinner (of course, pretty much a guarantee), possible bigger and sharper screen, etc...
It seems to me as if Apple has really (unlike MS) done what a company should...analyze the competition (primarily Android but also webOS and RIM), and redesign and improve their product accordingly. They have gotten rid of pretty muh all of the stupid annoyances, made it faster and smaller, and given developers much more access to different system level things for their apps, along with about a million other changes and improvements that you can and probably have read about. I am also really thinking that they will have good integration with things such as facebook, gmail, and outlook.
I really think there will be no question and that it truly will be the #1 device really without any competition. The only competition I can see is maybe something such as the HTC Magic that is thinner, has a larger, higher res screen, and comes stock with unbranded Android 1.5 (such as some of the HTC line up we have seen).
I just DESPERATELY hope that Apple isn't so stupid and naiive as to not put on MORE BUTTONS! Buttons are always better...always having to quit what you're doing and go back to the home screen to do ANYTHING would drive me insane...I love texting on my HD, then pulling up the phone and calling someone, sticking it on speaker, then going back to texting...that's not too much to ask I don't think.
So vote!
As for what I'm doing. I am jumping ship to the new iPhone. If I find it doesn't satisfy me, I will sell it and get the best Android handset I can find. Hopefully something like the Magic, but thinner, having a bigger, more high res screen, and comes stock with unbranded Android 1.5. If no new non - keyboard Anroid handsets are out by that time...Magic it is! (if it is ever released)
im gonna have to see the official specs and the actual device before i decide anything,if what is mentioned is true then perhaps. but im looking more at the Palm Pre than the iPhone, we will see
Ok, firstly MS is doing something about it, they are working on two new OSs at the moment, secondly its not MS that makes the phone, this is the problem and the holy grail with WM phones, firstly its a problem because MS has no say what hardware is used with its OS, this means like its desktop cousin it needs to support many things well and i believe to an extent it achieves this, but it doesnt excel at any of them. Its the holy grail because with the Iphone, you get 1 phone, 1 set of gear, 1 design for every possible usage, with WM devices you get exactly what you want because you have the choice to choose different phones, different specs and design for your needs.
Im leaving out Android here for 1 reason, it sucks, no no hear me out, apple has a HUGH following with its iPods which translate in to potential iPhone sales, android has a "bunch of Hippies" style of following, they are not classy, they are not even that good but its an alternative to the evil of Microsoft and ties of Apple which makes then appeal to others and thats fair enough, its a market as good as any.
But here is the reason ill be sticking with my Microsoft Windows Mobile based PDA, it works, it works fairly quick, it looks as good as an iPhone and i can install pretty much anything i want on it. Weres Tomtom for android or the Iphone? where is memory Map? where is the ease of use when syncing with Outlook? wheres Igo8? core player? world card mobile? the various language programs? all my security and tracking programs, the million and 1 apps available on the net, free or paid that have a propper support base if it all goes wrong, data retrivel?
some of those i use every day, i use many others every day, and yes there may be alternatives for some, but unless i can get them ALL working on one of the other two devices ill not change because i need them all and thats as simple as it gets.
With a desktop OS you can dual boot or virtual PC it, an thats fine if thats your thng, but you cant do that at the moment on the PDA and even if you could i doubt i would because its a hassle i can do without, WM works and works well enough and im sure its only going to get better.
And what will be the screen resolution of new iPhone?
Current iPhone is a no go for me - with such low screen resolution reading eBooks and surfing the internet is really, really bad.
Waiting eagerly for the new iPhone so definitely jumping ship...
I've got a Mac and syncing is nearly impossible. I've tried all sort of apps but none worked perfectly. I really need to sync address book and calendar and I've had enough of transferring mp3 files one by one, artwork not working etc etc.
the mp3 function is very important for me and the iPhone is perfect for that.
only problem I've got is I don't like the iPhone's current design. It's so 2 years ago. Hopefully they'll come up with a nice sleek design.
Why are Windows Mobile Apps falling behind IPhone ones?
One of the things that has always interest me when making such a decision is: What do developers think? How do they view developing for iPhone versus for winmo platform?
To gain insight into the thinking of developers, including some rather big names in winmo application development, you guys might want to read these extremely interesting threads:
dazza9075 said:
Ok, firstly MS is doing something about it, they are working on two new OSs at the moment, secondly its not MS that makes the phone, this is the problem and the holy grail with WM phones, firstly its a problem because MS has no say what hardware is used with its OS, this means like its desktop cousin it needs to support many things well and i believe to an extent it achieves this, but it doesnt excel at any of them. Its the holy grail because with the Iphone, you get 1 phone, 1 set of gear, 1 design for every possible usage, with WM devices you get exactly what you want because you have the choice to choose different phones, different specs and design for your needs.
Im leaving out Android here for 1 reason, it sucks, no no hear me out, apple has a HUGH following with its iPods which translate in to potential iPhone sales, android has a "bunch of Hippies" style of following, they are not classy, they are not even that good but its an alternative to the evil of Microsoft and ties of Apple which makes then appeal to others and thats fair enough, its a market as good as any.
But here is the reason ill be sticking with my Microsoft Windows Mobile based PDA, it works, it works fairly quick, it looks as good as an iPhone and i can install pretty much anything i want on it. Weres Tomtom for android or the Iphone? where is memory Map? where is the ease of use when syncing with Outlook? wheres Igo8? core player? world card mobile? the various language programs? all my security and tracking programs, the million and 1 apps available on the net, free or paid that have a propper support base if it all goes wrong, data retrivel?
some of those i use every day, i use many others every day, and yes there may be alternatives for some, but unless i can get them ALL working on one of the other two devices ill not change because i need them all and thats as simple as it gets.
With a desktop OS you can dual boot or virtual PC it, an thats fine if thats your thng, but you cant do that at the moment on the PDA and even if you could i doubt i would because its a hassle i can do without, WM works and works well enough and im sure its only going to get better.
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1. We all know MS is doing something about it. But we also all know that virtually all MS products suck. We also all know that MS is SLOOOW...therefore (like I said), by the time winmo 7 is released, it will already be behind. It will be released around 3rd quarter 2010...that's ridiculous. Another year from now Android will no longer be so new, and Apple will have put out something entirely new as they know ppl will be getting tired of iPhone by then. Not to mention what RIM and Nokia will be doing.
2. Where is the basis that Android sucks? It is faster than WM, that much is for sure. It is also more customizable. It is more modern. 3rd party app support does not make an OS good or bad....your argument that they suck cuz they don't have apps is no good to me. Sure it can make or break the success of the OS but...that's got nothing to do with the OS itself. Android has a LOT on WM and WM has...virtually nothing on Android. It looks ancient, it runs ancient, and it's that simple. I think we can all agree on that last line there.
3. "android has a "bunch of Hippies" style of following, they are not classy, they are not even that good"
- Gotta admit that you really lost me there.
4. Windows Mobile is in fact rather slow, even on good hardware with good drivers.
5. Windows Mobile crashes all the time even fresh after a hard reset, no apps installed, on an official ROM (just like the desktop Windows!)
6. iPhone has better syncing solutions that ActiveSync and Outlook.
7. Just FYI to all reading this...I am a Windows user and have been for years (all my life). I am not an outsider looking in and criticizing Windows w/o due reason and experience. I recently installed OSX86 on my PC however truly is really nice. MS sucks. Bottom line, and there is really no avoiding it.
8. All OS's have pro's and cons. There are just as many if not more arguments against all your arguments for Windows Mobile. My point is simply that the new iPhone truly is a lot better than any Windows Mobile device running the latest WM 6.5.
MrYdude said:
And what will be the screen resolution of new iPhone?
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No kidding. Couldn't agree more. Coming from a Touch HD and having looked at a lot of friends iPhones...their screens look terrible when reading text (altho they do have 16 million colors compared to our 65,000. Side note: Android also has 16 million colors).
Sadly though I have read that they plan not to change the resolution in order to keep all apps usable. I reallly hope not.
It's true, MS does not have any influence on the phone hardware.
However, an operating system's success is not about hardware potential or software potential or about a combination of both: it's about a tangible offer of potentially attractive software which can be easily obtained via a single entry point, i.e. an APP STORE. That's currently the BIGGEST drawback of the WM platform. I love the customization part of WM but it took me ages to get there. Many users won't take that road and therefore go for the iphone.
There's also a lock-in effect to this -> More users to an OS platform means that developing for that platform gets attractive, thus attracting developers and making the apps offer even more powerful. That in turn increases the chances of attracting new users to the platform, etc.
Honestly, considering all this, do you really a 50 megapixel camera or a nVidia Geforce 8800 GTX in your phone ?? What about all the already hidden potential in your phones which never gets explored because developers and users do not get a realistic chance to discover all of its limitations ?
I'm pretty sure that the new iPhone does not support multi-tasking, you're still stuck to doing one thing at a time. I believe Apples official unofficial stand on it is that they spent way too much time and money on their failed push notifications, and they're not going to allow multi-tasking. (Apple does not like to say it's wrong...and if they would release multi-tasking, I'm sure they'll call it something else, and put a patent on it for no reason).
You know what...
I just love the WM and WM based devices.
They have ALL i need
They are fully customizable and have fully multitasking support.
With iPhone, you will get what it is, and you will get stucked with iTunes and online store
Many iPhone apps (though looks amazing) are not so usable
I just need functionality much more then a great user interface
Peace all
Well i won't go for the Iphone i have my HD and i'm stuck on it to change something that good you need to buy something "special" and from the looks of it the new Iphone will be a bit better than the last one so why do i give a great amount of money to switch to something "a bit" better.Let's see Palm Pre and other Android devices now the market will be devided not only for WM an Iphone but Android and Palm OS also so i won't hurry to go for the new stuff as you can never know which one is better until you try them for at lesat 4-6 months maybe even let's wait and see "newer" is not the same as "better" .
andes83 said:
Well i won't go for the Iphone i have my HD and i'm stuck on it to change something that good you need to buy something "special" and from the looks of it the new Iphone will be a bit better than the last one so why do i give a great amount of money to switch to something "a bit" better.Let's see Palm Pre and other Android devices now the market will be devided not only for WM an Iphone but Android and Palm OS also so i won't hurry to go for the new stuff as you can never know which one is better until you try them for at lesat 4-6 months maybe even let's wait and see "newer" is not the same as "better" .
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I really think it is going to be more than "a bit better".
As you saw there are hundreds of features and fixes in the new OS, plus new hardware changes such has considerably better CPU, double the RAM, better camera, thinner etc..
iori said:
You know what...
I just love the WM and WM based devices.
They have ALL i need
They are fully customizable and have fully multitasking support.
With iPhone, you will get what it is, and you will get stucked with iTunes and online store
Many iPhone apps (though looks amazing) are not so usable
I just need functionality much more then a great user interface
Peace all
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There are lots of misconceptions about iPhone, so I don't blame you for having incomplete or wrong information.
iPhone is extremley customizable too, and you too can have multitasking once jailbroken. Therefore, you do not get what it is - you get what you want it to be. You don't get stucked with iTunes and online store. You get the benefit but you can also get things outside iTune and online store.
Whoever gives you the idea that the iPhone aplls are not useable does not know what he is talking about. When app store was first available, many low quality applications did get listed. Not anymore. Whether you're an advanced IT network adminstrator, sales executives, finance director, web site marketer, shipping agent, there are really nice applications for you. Trust me on this one. Don't just anyhow believe people who tells you that iPhone is just a toy and winmo is for corporate use. iPhone can be as corporate as you want it to be.
Anyway, iPhone is still quite poor on the GPS domain.
6 or 7 apps (park lane, radar, around me, traffic, etc) to do all that my iGO can natively do... and still no turn-by-turn soft buyable on the iPhone.
I want a real all in one, and neither the actual iPhone or the next one won't be a real one. My friends who own an iphone have all get a specific GPS, and well, everything's said...
Roupette said:
Anyway, iPhone is still quite poor on the GPS domain.
6 or 7 apps (park lane, radar, around me, traffic, etc) to do all that my iGO can natively do... and still no turn-by-turn soft buyable on the iPhone.
I want a real all in one, and neither the actual iPhone or the next one won't be a real one. My friends who own an iphone have all get a specific GPS, and well, everything's said...
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Yes, that's tue still. If you're in US, there is an application called G-Map, which on the surface looks quite decent, but nothing outside US yet. However, this is expected to change with Firmware 3.0. The reason why there was none in the past was because Apple did not allow any such application, thanks to their stupid policy. Respectable company like Tom Tom would of course refuse to release it into the "underground" cydia store. With the policy change by Apple, TomTom is expected there soon.
I'm all for having everything in one device too, and GPS has been a sore point for me. The other sore point is the fixed battery, but that I can accept because iPHone's battery life is not bad.
1, im sorry but your statment about everything MS produces are rubbish, is in fact rubbish, i cant comment what you do with your PC / Mobile but i rarely have system crashes, on my mobile i cant even remember the last time i was forced to do a hard reset, on my desktop im using one of the most stable OSs ive ever used and its BETA! I do agree it takes them time to produce the software and i do agree that in the past SOME of their projects are flakey but not all.
"2. Where is the basis that Android sucks?"
You miss the point of an OS here, if nothing good works on an OS NO ONE will use it, its that simple, If i cant use the programs i need then that OS is useless to me, it may have a place in the linux following groups who challenge everything MS and claim to be better than everything else but in the real world if i cant use what i want to use its useless. MS also has a massive software base including various distribution sites, some free some not, everything is cated for. Android looks no better than my WM device with Touch flo, its no quicker, i know this because i have both of them sitting in front of me.
Because something is more modern doesnt make it good, take the Pentium 4 over Pentium 3 as an example. but i agree android IS more customizable
"Android has a LOT on WM and WM has...virtually nothing on Android"
Really? a LOT is a big statement that i bet you cant quantify with factual information and not hand back subjective reviews and "feelings" about things.
"It looks ancient,"
The core OS does yes, but tell me, is android not a Shell over a command line? i believe it is, So technically the core OS on android looks crap too but thats just nit picking!
"it runs ancient"
that makes no sence, only and new programs work on it fine, quick and responsive so what makes an OS ancient?
3. "android has a "bunch of Hippies" style of following, they are not classy, they are not even that good"
- Gotta admit that you really lost me there.
Ah yes i was refering to Linux and its intresting cult of followers but i retract that statement as it was below the belt.
"4. Windows Mobile is in fact rather slow, even on good hardware with good drivers."
nope, it isnt to me, graphics wise its slow compared to hardware excelerated devices, whats bizzar is that the phone can still pump out ok graphics on its CPU and still multi task, if qualcomm released graphics drivers for many of the 7xxx based chipsets i think you will find a near perfect device. but even without that it works....just!
"5. Windows Mobile crashes all the time even fresh after a hard reset, no apps installed, on an official ROM (just like the desktop Windows!)"
I really cant comment, since WM2002 ive not had that on a multitude of different devices. and Windows doesnt do that either, perhaps the common denominator here is the user.
"6. iPhone has better syncing solutions that ActiveSync and Outlook."
quantify please?
"7. Just FYI to all reading this...I am a Windows user and have been for years (all my life). I am not an outsider looking in and criticizing Windows w/o due reason and experience. I recently installed OSX86 on my PC however truly is really nice"
I too have used Linux, OSX and all the different versions of Windows and they have there places i do agree that in different markets different OS's suit different people. but tell me which one of those is the best for all markets all be it perhaps not as good as the other OS's designed for those markets?
"MS sucks. "
you lose all credibility with that statment attact a spacific product if you choose but to say Apple sucks or MS sucks is crazy and wrong.
"Bottom line, and there is really no avoiding it.
8. All OS's have pro's and cons. There are just as many if not more arguments against all your arguments for Windows Mobile. My point is simply that the new iPhone truly is a lot better than any Windows Mobile device running the latest WM 6.5."
You started off well there, but lost it at the end, PROVE to me that the new OS is better on the Iphone? without using speculation and subjective views an opinions.
I believe MS will be increasing the colour depth on the new devices but i doubt it will make any significate difference, except in its speed. what the WM based devices need is some new tech that uses resistive screens without the 70% (about that) loss of light, that in turn would increase battery life. Dont say capacitive screens, a stylus can be very useful, but definitely a combination of the two somehow.
there are 3 killers for me with the iphone
1. no gps (it has a chip but nothing other than gimmickey apps for it)
2. resolution too small
3. no multi tasking - if I can't listen to mp3's while driving on my bluetooth stereo whilst having TomTom tell me where to go its no good.
Now we know that the new iPhone is gonna ship with TomTom but unless they sort the other 2 issues I wont even be looking at it, let alone ditching my beloved HD.
lancemate said:
there are 3 killers for me with the iphone
1. no gps (it has a chip but nothing other than gimmickey apps for it)
2. resolution too small
3. no multi tasking - if I can't listen to mp3's while driving on my bluetooth stereo whilst having TomTom tell me where to go its no good.
Now we know that the new iPhone is gonna ship with TomTom but unless they sort the other 2 issues I wont even be looking at it, let alone ditching my beloved HD.
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Hi Lancemate,
How do we know that the new iPhone is gonna ship with Tom Tom? I must have missed that information somewhere.
I'm too disappointed with Steve Jobs for not providing multitasking. So, looks like we still have to jailbreak to get that.
HD's resolution is very nice. No doubt about it. Although vast majority of the applications (phone, weather, music player for example) would not really miss this. Web surfing is in my mind a leading exception, as it would be nice to be able to clearly read the font without zooming in. It is for me a compromise, although an acceptable one for myself. I guess one has to take everything into account (multitouch vs resistive, number of applications available, speed, smoothness, stability, user interface, etc) and decide for oneself if such a compromise is worth it.
its all over the internet mate and has been for a while
lancemate said:
its all over the internet mate and has been for a while
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I'm aware Tom Tom and Navigon will be available, but as separate purchase rather than being shipped with the phone. Guess I misunderstood what you said. Thanks anyway.

It's CRAP....but I like it....what do I do?

I'm in two minds.
The HD2 is a GREAT piece of hardware. I've had three different ones since November.
It looks excellent, the screen is gorgeous, the build quality superb
But I have two major gripes:
There is very little decent software: and by 'software' I mean things programmed from the ground up to provide access to things I like to do, such as Facebook. All the Apps that I DO find to provide this function either have a clunky and ugly Windows CE look to them, have jerky scrolling and/or provide very inconsistent/downright SH** functionality (See Microsoft Facebook App).
Unfortunately I am a big social networking and multimedia user and for me ALL the Twitter clients, Facebook clients and IM clients pale into insignificance compared with those available on Android and iPhone OSx. Logging into 'lite' versions of Twitter or Facebook through a browser just isn't good enough for me: I have seen the light.
There is a great deal of software development outside of the Marketplace - YES - but most of THIS development seems to be more about fixing core problems, missing features, settings and stability fixes than providing nice apps with a pleasant user experience.
Now I KNEW the Marketplace was poor before I got the HD2 BUT I expected it to improve somewhat. It seems though that a new app is thrown in there about once every six months...the Marketplace is just DEAD IN THE WATER, and all the while stupid companies like SPB sell their rip-off wares therein I feel that the Marketplace will be tarnished.
As I said though I KNEW the Marketplace was poor before I bought the HD2, but here I come to my bigget gripe with the HD2...
Its reliability.
Slag the iPhone off all you like, but my 3Gs (which had a tethered jailbreak and therefore needed plugging into windows to boot it back up if it was turned off) never ONCE needed restarting nor turned off whilst I was at work. (And before anyone mentions it I had backgrounder installed so I WAS multitasking)
On the other hand I have to reboot my HD2 at LEAST once EVERY DAY, regardless of which ROM I have installed. Now I have been using Windows Mobile phones for years and years and I KNOW that Windows Mobile is unstable and unreliable, but I was kind of hoping that with the super powerful processor, extra RAM and Windows Mobile update that I wouldn't have to worry about this any more.
I just cannot cope with the SMS app slowing down, missed keypresses and the cursor jumping to the start of the text all the time; I get fed up of everything freezing up; the screen not turning on but the lights still coming on on the keys; things going jerky for no reason.
NOW I know I'm going to get some asshole telling me I must have faulty hardware blah blah blah. BULL****. I've had three of the phones and it's the same whether I use a custom or standard ROM. I close down apps, and still things stay slow and jerky until I restart the conclusion:
I am no fanboy....not of ANY device. I will buy whatever I think is best and for HARDWARE there is nothing to beat the HD2; I love it....the software though seems to be showing its age REALLY badly, so now I just don't know what to do.
Yes I know that no device is perfect, but out of the iPhone 3G/3Gs/HTC Magic/Hero and Dext that i've owned/own NONE of these devices have genuinely hampered my ability to do NORMAL 'phone' things like sending a text by slowing down and getting glitchy for no reason...not EVERY DAY anyway...until the HD2 came along.
I'm going to keep my HD2 for another month or so and give it a chance as - like I said - I DO LOVE the hardware, and when it works WELL it is a very nice device to use...
But I'd like to hear from anyone else who's not having a good experience with the HD2, and what they would like to see from the device in the future and how much more of a chance they are going to give HTC to fix the problems discussed regularly on these forums.
I don't want to hear from people who think the phone is perfect....I'm not interested in your views as they are clearly tarnished in some way by either an amorous obsession with Windows Mobile or a lack of variation in the phones you've owned. I don't particularly want to hear anyone criticising the iPhone or Android either as this is pretty irrelevant.
Just please can someone tell me I'm not the only one, and offer some suggestions as to what might help or what phone they are considering as replacements.
Many thanks
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I'd say return it (since it's your 3rd time) and get an android or go back to your iphone. No point in lamenting about the OS if you're unwilling to make things work.
It's my third time because I sold my first upgrade for the money and my DEV phone broke.
What exactly do you mean by 'unwilling to make things work?' I've tried every tweak and fix I can; every task manager I could find and applied every patch available: would you define this as unwilling?
I want to hear from other people who have a similar experience to me and what they plan to do: wait or buy a different device.
I don't want to hear from people who get defensive and patronising at the very idea that their precious phone is less than perfect.
I haven't contributed twice as many posts as you through unwillingness, Lude219, so please don't try and make me feel small.
I am genuinely in two minds about what to do and thought that I would like to hear like-minded views and suggestions, not thinly-veiled insults.
forum (a public meeting or assembly for open discussion)
I empathise.
From my perspective:
1. WinMo & apps - Agreed. HUGE room for improvement.
2. Reliability - Top notch. No unneccessary reboots required, no hangs/freezes/non-responsiveness/missed keypresses/cursor jumping
....maybe it's your phone.
Doesn't bad luck come in threes? Maybe your next HD2 will be as good as mine. (p.s. I'm using 1.61 stock rom)
I had the N97 before this, and im really happy to have moved on, the HD2 owns the N97 ,... Nokia died .. sadly .. The best was the N95
Anyway, regarding the HD2, yes I love it, but what you said is actually ture
I for once thought that by getting the HD2, I will be able to connect with friends .. I thought its facebook integrated because you can add their info in contacts !!
But the blackberry, a new wall post, an inbox message, even a POKE .. you get a notification ...
I really thought the HD2 is more social .. but the facebook app sucks ...
A bit dissapointed at that part .. but oh well ... If you had the N97, you cant really complain alot ... The n97 killed nokia (IMO).
Sell it, wait for Xperia X10 - it seems this should be a social network beast.
And comes with Android 1.6 with tons of apps to choose from...
Not that those would have the eye candy look of iPhone apps by all meanings...
But you will have what you want. I don´t think you are the HD2 type.
I'm not sure why you need to restart the phone every day because I certainly don't have to do that. I'd say that you're problem is related to some software you've installed rather than the phone or the OS. I don't have any stability or reliability issues with Windows Mobile.
Perhaps you need to reflash an official ROM and install the apps you use one at a time to determine which one(s) are causing you problems?
I've been surprised by all the problems with the HD2 myself. I don't own one yet but I've been wanting to get one since I first saw the leaked specs.
Unfortunately every HD2 that I've tried over the last two months has not been usable. I've tried different units from different vendors, sometimes for several hours and in each case the primary problem has been the keyboard.
Yes, it's far to sensitive but there are a number of other problems with it including the jumping cursor. I've used that keyboard on the HTC Hero without any problems so it should really be easier to use on the HD2. I know, I can install tweaks to reduce the screen sensitivity (although it's great for everything else) or install other keyboards but I'd like to see HTC address these problems first.
Anyway I have started thinking that the problem with things like SMS, phone slowdowns, etc, etc may not be WM 6.5 related but rather HTC Sense related.
I would like to know if anyone has managed to try a Sense-free ROM or better yet the closest thing they can get to a vanilla WM 6.5 build on this hardware, perhaps with and without the multi-touch driver.
I'm going to try and hold out for a bit because HTC haven't really managed to fix any of the major bugs and they still haven't addressed a number at all.
The Pink Camera issue has been reduced (but not fixed 100%), the camera flash is a problem, they have failed to fix the SMS issue twice already and they still have to address a whole slew of other problems including the 3G connection problem. I'm going to try and wait and see if they do so either this month or by MWC next month, possibly even alongside the next version of WM 6.x.
I also have an issue with available apps but in my case it's missing apps from the iPhone and Android and the lack of depth within apps in Android, so that limits my options.
These are the alternate devices that I'm looking at:
Acer neoTouch
Samsung Omnia II
Samsung Omnia Pro (not so much anymore)
Blackberry Storm 2 (a bit of an odd one out)
Since you like Android you may want to look at:
HTC Bravo (not released yet)
Acer Liquid (you can get the CPU unlocked to 1GHz)
Also since you like Apple you may want to see if anything of interest is announced next week.
The Acer neoTouch has the same CPU as the HD2 but much less RAM and a very light skin on it and it seems to work really well. It also seems to be faster than the HD2 so this is my next choice unless something crops up to makes me think otherwise.
The Samsung Omnia II is a possibility but it is a lot less powerful than the Snapdragon phones. It has a decent 1500 mAh battery and an AMOLED screen as well as the option of 2, 8, or 16 GB of internal storage depending on the model.
The Samsung Omnia Pro is really there because I was looking at it as an alternative to the HTC Touch Pro 2 because it had a faster CPU and a flash. However after trying phones with lager screens than my TyTN II I think that I could live with a software keyboard.
I'm really hoping that the three phones above are added to the forums here at Xda-Developers because that will make the buying decision easier. I'd really rather not loose the great support that comes from the users of this site.
The Blackberry Storm 2 is an outsider but still a possibility as a last resort (but I may end up with one anyway since I want to replace my current phones with two new phones - I use one with a local SIM while traveling). I don't really like the clicky screen that much but it does work well. Right now there is no working VOIP software for use with Skype over 3G available and I'm waiting to see what happens with the BIS upgrades that are meant to happen this quarter and next quarter to see if it can be made to work for me.
I have decided to go back to the Iphone - nothing beats it for ease of use, application / media support and obvious sync ability if you own a Mac. The HD2 Hardware, screen and size is awesome but I find the WM and HTC UI just too messy and clunky compared to the Iphone. I have kept it though until a more cleaner UI is designed and the Windows apps store improves - Infinity looks promising...but by then the new iphone will be here - and other makes will always be playing catchup in terms of innovation and UI simplicity.
I suppose you cant beat it for customising though, but I don't want to spend half my time fiddling with silly theme tweaks and icons.
hawrai68 said:
I have decided to go back to the Iphone - nothing beats it for ease of use, application / media support and obvious sync ability if you own a Mac. The HD2 Hardware, screen and size is awesome but I find the WM and HTC UI just too messy and clunky compared to the Iphone. I have kept it though until a more cleaner UI is designed and the Windows apps store improves - Infinity looks promising...but by then the new iphone will be here - and other makes will always be playing catchup in terms of innovation and UI simplicity.
I suppose you cant beat it for customising though, but I don't want to spend half my time fiddling with silly theme tweaks and icons.
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But how do you go from a 5mp camera (although pink spot crap) to a 3mp camera with no flash !!!!!
On bright day, Iphone camera is just as good...and I prefer a bit of grain on darker scenes to pink spot of doom and blurry shots on HD2 - the video on iphone is just as good also...but the HTC is great and I miss it.
ZaZu90 said:
But how do you go from a 5mp camera (although pink spot crap) to a 3mp camera with no flash !!!!!
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On bright day, Iphone camera is just as good...and I prefer a bit of grain on darker scenes to pink spot of doom and blurry shots on HD2 - the video on iphone is just as good also...but the HTC is great and I miss i
Agreed... Social networking and multimedia software for HD2 is pretty low quality or completely missing compared to other platforms. I think that Microsoft is not releasing any update for their social networking apps because they're totally focused and committed to deliver WM 6.6 and WM7. Before switching to another phone I'd wait feb/march to see what Microsoft will show about these updates and if they will be available on our HD2.
Personally, I think that WM7 with its supposed wow-effect and eye candy will give a huuuge boost to the software catalogue of the platform and deliver strong social networking capabilities.
Taking about reliability... I just have to reset my device sometimes because my texts gets stuck in the outbox, but this problem is HTC related and I hope will be fixed asap. The same thing can be said about most of any other software issue on HD2. Based on some analysis that I did by observing the active processes on my phone, there are some memory leaks or high CPU usage also Start (HTC Sense), services.exe and HTC Messagging while the device is performing some SMS-related tasks or HTC sense is updating contacts and linking them with the newest Facebook Updates.
Also, by having tried for quite a long time a "vanilla" version of WM 6.5.x, I can say I didn't had any single problem that caused me to soft-reset the device, and the system itself was fast and stable. Then I went back to a modded ROM with sense built-in just because of the extra eye candy (I don't like how titanium/spb shell or pointui 2 look).
So my suggestion would be to wait a couple of months to see what Microsoft has under the hood and then decide what's the best for your needs.
EDIT: It seems that itje managed to grab a 2.06 version and will include it soon in his new rom, so it may bring some fixes to the most outstanding bugs (but have new ones aswell... we just have to wait and see)
For facebook try:
so far it beats the facebook app and the lite site.
hi mate, i was watching the hd2 for a couple of months andi i finally got one about 2 weeks ago now. i must say initially i loved it, the look, the size the style, i thought it was perfect, but over the past week things are starting to annoy me now. ive had to pull my battery out a fair few times due to the screen staying blank but the buttons being on, message lag is the worst, its got to the point where im opening and closing the menu 3 times until its caught up... also im getting general lag and slowness in the menus now aswel. i have no music on here, about 20 photos, i havent done anything to it because i only just found out how to get into the registrys! its a joke, and you can say 'install the tweaks and roms' or whateve r,but why should we rely in people here at xda to adress the flaws and fix them, when the least id expect from a £500+ phone is to be able to send a text lag free! also, web browsings ridiculously poor image quality, poor you tube video quality, its crap! ive tried i.e., but its buggy, opera is my favored but with horendous image quality, and opera mini is the worst browser ive ever used...
In time cant wait to start customising it and playing around, but with things i want to, not because i have to due to htc's laziness...
I've not even considered sending i back once, and i wont, i love it, but im hoping htc are going to address and fix these things that shouldnt need fixing!
matt_attack_2k1 said:
hi mate, i was watching the hd2 for a couple of months andi i finally got one about 2 weeks ago now. i must say initially i loved it, the look, the size the style, i thought it was perfect, but over the past week things are starting to annoy me now. ive had to pull my battery out a fair few times due to the screen staying blank but the buttons being on, message lag is the worst, its got to the point where im opening and closing the menu 3 times until its caught up... also im getting general lag and slowness in the menus now aswel. i have no music on here, about 20 photos, i havent done anything to it because i only just found out how to get into the registrys! its a joke, and you can say 'install the tweaks and roms' or whateve r,but why should we rely in people here at xda to adress the flaws and fix them, when the least id expect from a £500+ phone is to be able to send a text lag free! also, web browsings ridiculously poor image quality, poor you tube video quality, its crap! ive tried i.e., but its buggy, opera is my favored but with horendous image quality, and opera mini is the worst browser ive ever used...
In time cant wait to start customising it and playing around, but with things i want to, not because i have to due to htc's laziness...
I've not even considered sending i back once, and i wont, i love it, but im hoping htc are going to address and fix these things that shouldnt need fixing!
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I never had to take the battery out of mine, it never crashed, image quality was superb when browsing and You Tube videos were perfect!
Stoic33 said:
For facebook try:
so far it beats the facebook app and the lite site.
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Thanks for that - works great !
I used to have wm phone 3 years ago while there was nothing better in the market and it did the job very well. Then I bought an iphone 3G and I saw the new meaning of user friendly interface and responsive phone. I had the iphone for 2 years and 3 days ago I bought the HD2. Now the iphone looks like comparing DOS with windows! The iphone interface is so simple and the CPU is very slow. It crashes sometimes (once per 10 days approx) and Apple policy is the worst! They want to control their clients and release whatever and whenever they want. When I first got it I couldn't even send MMS or use my own ring tones(there was a whole list of things you couldn't do even though they were supported by the hardware). You cant customize anything because they want to keep and maintain an 'apple' look. Before I got my HD2 everyone had an Iphone whenever I was (train, bus, streets) and I was feeling like I was one small piece in the mass that apple was controlling...
HD2 allows you to do many things whitout comrpimising the user friendliness. I only restarted my phone after I installed critical updates. The battery lasts the same but at least you can replace it whenever you want. Also you can upgrade the memory and connect many different bluetooth devices. Yesterday I connected my bluetooth keyboard and wrote a page in word mobile. Can you do that with the iphone? I synched my contacts with facebook and now I have all the pictures automatically filled. Also with the HD2 you can play almost every media file without transcoding. Can you do that with the iphone? Of course not...The hardware allows you but Apple dont..
Also what about the radio? The led flash?
I am very happy that I moved from the Apple game into a free device that you can do whatever you want but at the same time having this very good looking GUI that makes you feel like being in the future....
I kept my iphone at home as an alternative console/pda because I knew that some programs and especially games will be missing from HD2 so whatever does not exist on HD2 (yet), it is on the iphone.
biofotis said:
I used to have wm phone 3 years ago while there was nothing better in the market and it did the job very well. Then I bought an iphone 3G and I saw the new meaning of user friendly interface and responsive phone. I had the iphone for 2 years and 3 days ago I bought the HD2. Now the iphone looks like comparing DOS with windows! The iphone interface is so simple and the CPU is very slow. It crashes sometimes (once per 10 days approx) and Apple policy is the worst! They want to control their clients and release whatever and whenever they want. When I first got it I couldn't even send MMS or use my own ring tones(there was a whole list of things you couldn't do even though they were supported by the hardware). You cant customize anything because they want to keep and maintain an 'apple' look. Before I got my HD2 everyone had an Iphone whenever I was (train, bus, streets) and I was feeling like I was one small piece in the mass that apple was controlling...
HD2 allows you to do many things whitout comrpimising the user friendliness. I only restarted my phone after I installed critical updates. The battery lasts the same but at least you can replace it whenever you want. Also you can upgrade the memory and connect many different bluetooth devices. Yesterday I connected my bluetooth keyboard and wrote a page in word mobile. Can you do that with the iphone? I synched my contacts with facebook and now I have all the pictures automatically filled. Also with the HD2 you can play almost every media file without transcoding. Can you do that with the iphone? Of course not...The hardware allows you but Apple dont..
Also what about the radio? The led flash?
I am very happy that I moved from the Apple game into a free device that you can do whatever you want but at the same time having this very good looking GUI that makes you feel like being in the future....
I kept my iphone at home as an alternative console/pda because I knew that some programs and especially games will be missing from HD2 so whatever does not exist on HD2 (yet), it is on the iphone.
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The iPhone that you had for 2 years is either the 1st or second generation iPhone, and they are of course slow. The 3GS is not slow compared to Leo.
If you just jailbreak your phone, which is a mere 30 seconds affair comprising clicking a button when running BlackRa1n, then the things which you want to do including typing on bluetooth keyboard would be possible.
The only real attraction of Leo compared to iPhone is the screen size and resolution. The pink patch in the camera spoils the otherwise better camera. As for speed, I think there isn't differential.
Using window mobile instead of Android is however the biggest weakness of this device. There is no future in window mobile. Any application that we invest in on Leo today will not be compatible with WM7, if there is going to be one released at all before Leo becomes average or dated.
The WM6.5 UI is extremely stale. Good applications are hard to come by. Many applications and developments are in the nature of fixing up stuffs in order to correct bugs or make them more useable. Nobody is developing application on an OS that's at the end of its shelf life.
You could always check out the Nexus One also. It's gotten good reviews everywhere that I've read.

Response to Hack-A-Day - Post Screenshots here

This is a thread to show hack-a-day what a unprofessional and outright dumb move they made by posting that article. I think it would be a great idea if everyone dropped a comment on the hackaday site for the 10 missing things for Android / 10 things for Gingerbread article and post the screenshot here. I have attached mine below along with the link to the article.
And yes I am really angered by their dumb approach. How do you not know that Android has folders, I mean co'mmon.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Per cxdist, just to show I am not trying to drive hits, Article Below
Top 10 features we’d like to see in Android 3.0
posted Jul 10th 2010 8:00am by Jacob Nahin
filed under: android hacks, rants
Poor Google. Despite its numerous capabilities with smartphones spread across a variety of carriers, Android still struggles to garner the prestige and positive perceptions of iOS 4. Sales continue to rise, but at the end of the day, the average person is still left lusting for an iPhone. Well, here are 10 features that should be added to Android 3.0 that could change the tide.
1. A no-brainer task manager.
Google says Android doesn’t need a task manager, that it closes programs efficiently without any user-intervention, substandard apps often suck memory dry. Because of this, Android users are forced to download complicated task-managers, each with its own odd UI, and weigh which one works the best. Google, please fess up to the problem and put something in there a computer novice could use. Something with big buttons would be nice.
2. Stable Multitasking
Speaking of crashes, multitasking on Android is a mess. A little optimization here wouldn’t hurt. Better yet, while this may run counter-productive to us power-users, why not release a lite version of Android 3.0 that doesn’t support multitasking? Not every user needs it and lower-end phones would appreciate it
3. Swype
Google, your Android keyboard sucks. That’s why the fine folks at Swype Inc developed their product. Sure, some of the newer Android phones like the Droid X are releasing with it built in, but it would be a boon for the OS to come packaged with this software.
4. IR- sender support
On the hardware side of things, an IR-sender support is a “duh.” Imagine a next generation of remotes running on Android. Better yet, how would you like to control your lights and home-entertainment center with your phone without the sometimes-complicated mess of configuring through a network?
5. Universal pinch-to-zoom
Some apps have it. Some apps don’t. C’mon, this should be standard by now.
6. Folders
Google, you copied iOS’s homescreen UI, why not do it again? Many of users have outgrown their limited pages and would like a way to add some organization to their mobile lives.
7. SD-Card support for app-storage
If users are going to download a ton of apps from the Android Market, they need somewhere to put them. Users with rooted phones can already do this, but expandable storage should be standard in app-filled world with insatiable memory lust.
8. Built-in syncing
If the Android is going to succeed as a user-friendly platform, it needs to make it easy for people to add their music, photos, and video to their phones. It’s simple Google. Develop some web-based software and launch it as a beta. You do it for everything else…
9. Standardized UI for all apps
I’m all for artistic interpretation, but the reason so many functional apps get low scores is because they work differently than the rest of the OS. Once again, do what Apple did and come up with better UI guidelines.
10. Better market
Why can’t I queue downloads from the web? That would be awesome. How about a better way to navigate the store from my laptop? Despite the thousands of apps the Android Market hosts, it is stuck with the same problems as Apple’s iOS4. More importantly than any of the above, Google needs to innovate here. Change the way mobile markets work Google and you could win this war.
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They got you driving up site hits. Sounds like a great move to me.
cxdist said:
They got you driving up site hits. Sounds like a great move to me.
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Oh no dude, I cant stand hackaday, there just punks because they deleted the comment i left on the site. I mean an alternative would be just to post the article here and comment here. F&#K their hits.
I can't agree more that the article was written by a bumbling idiot, but how is this remotely related to development. Don't be a fool too, post in the right section.
isolated_epidemic said:
I can't agree more that the article was written by a bumbling idiot, but how is this remotely related to development. Don't be a fool too, post in the right section.
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Dude your right. Mod please post in the General Nexus One section. Thanks, Its 4:00am here so my bad.
flak0 said:
Dude your right. Mod please post in the General Nexus One section. Thanks, Its 4:00am here so my bad.
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Great find though, I always enjoy a solid chuckle before bed. Just like Fox News that guy apparently did zero research on his subject matter.
isolated_epidemic said:
Great find though, I always enjoy a solid chuckle before bed. Just like Fox News that guy apparently did zero research on his subject matter.
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lol true. i hate fanboys that don't know shiznit!
1. A no-brainer task manager.
Just because Google hasn't integrated it itself doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The article is right that Google hasn't released their own, but a task manager like ATK works perfectly fine. There are plenty of missing things in iOS4 that customers have relied on third party developers to fill the void.
2. Stable Multitasking
I lol'ed. Multitasking on my N1 works wonders compared to the "multitasking" on my iOS4 iPod Touch.
3. Swype
The default keyboard doesn't suck (I personally prefer it over Swype). But it is retarded to not acknowledge that Swype's closed-beta situation right now and limited manufacturer partners is probably the reason. Not Google.
4. IR- sender support
I couldn't care less about IR at this point. Haven't had it on a phone in years and don't miss it one bit. I'd rather have the ability to control devices over WiFi. Devices still relying on IR need to catch up as opposed to Google going backwards.
5. Universal pinch-to-zoom
Has anyone been able to pinch-to-zoom yet on their iOS4 homescreens? 'nuff said.
6. Folders
I didn't realize that the organized folders I have on my stock Android homescreens are figments of my imagination or have been magically created in my sleep by anally organized unicorns.
7. SD-Card support for app-storage
Really? Hi Froyo. Oh and I wish I could move apps to SD on my iPod Touch... (as most know, "storage capacity on an iDevice does not equal the amount of app RAM).
8. Built-in syncing
For media, I will say I do agree. A 1st party sync tool for media would be nice. But for PIM functionality, I much prefer the OTA syncing as opposed to having to remember to tether to my MacBook when I need to move info (except for those on Exchange which doesn't really count in this case because it goes without saying).
9. Standardized UI for all apps
God forbid developers have the right to design their apps the way they see fit instead of being told they all have to look a certain way!! I'm a unique and creative guy. I like my apps the same way.
10. Better market
iOS4's walled garden approach makes sense in many ways and doesn't make sense in many others. Android's approach leaves more of a possibility for trouble. But crap apps fill most of Apple's app store (not saying there isn't tons of crap in Android's market though) and clearly the walled garden approach isn't in place to give users only apps worth needing/buying. My one Android suggestion in this category? Buy AppBrain.
The One feature needed on Iphone 5...
The ability to hold a telephone conversation. Seriously Apple, fix that $***
How hard is it to get a non-biased article? Or at least one that respects the pros and cons of both operating systems. Anyhow I wrote the following, can't see it getting posted though
Seriously? This is the most impressive piece of fan boy horse **** I’ve read in a long time. Both operating systems have their pros and cons but to put zero research into an article is simply embarassing.
1 is nonsense as you can end each application through the settings – applications menu.
2 and 3 are purely subjective and as android is *OPEN* you can replace/hack the default keyboard in mere seconds.
4 While I would like this feature, I can’t see how it’s a DUH! feature. It’s obvious this will be integrated with the release of Google TV and similar.
5 makes zero sense as not all applications need pinch to zoom. Would p2z really be necessary in the calendar application or the music application? No. Also where is iOS’s p2z on the home screen? Oh its missing….
6 Now this is my favorite part, android has had folders since 1.5. That’s right, before iOS 3.
7 Froyo supports this perfectly, nuff said.
8 I agree with this point, a better *MEDIA* syncing experience is necessary. However application and data syncing even after a factory reset is perfect at the moment, I simply sign into my google account and everything is restored.
9 Please don’t restrict Android like iOS, we like originality and uniqueness. Demanding system wide standardization pretty much gives up on any significant advancements in the future.
10 This day in age no-one needs to queue downloads. If you’re using a connection which needs to queue sub 1mb downloads then Android vs iOS is the least of your worries. Admittedly I would like a way to access the marketplace on my laptop.
All in all, there was zero subjectivity in this article. Even on the areas that any Android user would agree to, the attitude used is that of an iOS fan boy. Poor show hackaday.
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adambenjamin said:
The One feature needed on Iphone 5...
The ability to hold a telephone conversation. Seriously Apple, fix that $***
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hold down the mute button for a couple of second and it'll change to hold.
mtl171 said:
hold down the mute button for a couple of second and it'll change to hold.
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I'm pretty sure they were referring to the high rate of call dropping and call failures that many people use as a target of insult towards the iPhone crowd. Not the ability to put the call on hold.
obstacles can kill said:
I'm pretty sure they were referring to the high rate of call dropping and call failures that many people use as a target of insult towards the iPhone crowd. Not the ability to put the call on hold.
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supposedly the new iphone fixes it. though you lose bars when you hold it(messed up reception algorithm)
We seriously need a new blog site to respond to all of those biased, ignorant, uneducated, and lack of research articles posted in many blog sites (even sometimes the big sites make mistakes too). I think a site like this would be fun to read
ohh, I mean hold, as in not drop the call actually. My iphone could not hold on to a call.
NexusDro said:
We seriously need a new blog site to respond to all of those biased, ignorant, uneducated, and lack of research articles posted in many blog sites (even sometimes the big sites make mistakes too). I think a site like this would be fun to read
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Well I turned my rebuttal to it into a blog post on my site. If anyone supports my response to the article, you are more than welcome to share it.
Oh and if linking to my site for this reason is against policy (I don't think it is because I've seen external linking previously), I fully apologize and will remove the link or will understand if a mod does it.
And here is the pic I used for the article:
Thanks Everyone for your Input & responses. I agree with building the blog site against this article. Hackaday will not only lose credibility but they will also lose readers. Thats like Engadget saying that Android needs Adobe Flash in 3.0. I mean really, okay I will go back to work now.
The posting:
They have since admitted that the article is not very accurate.
Hello HaD readers,
Sorry for the delay in updating this. I was on probation while the editors worked with Jason to figure out some things.
Clearly, for my recent debut article, I didn’t research Android OS well enough. After reading each of your comments, I realize that the article fell short of HaD’s and its readers standards for high-quality writing and reporting. Every point I made in the article were problems I noticed in my experience with Android, but I should have done more research on others’ experiences and the capabilities of each version of the OS. To each reader, I am sorry and will do better by you in future posts.
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1. A no-brainer task manager.
Google says Android doesn’t need a task manager, that it closes programs efficiently without any user-intervention, substandard apps often suck memory dry. Because of this, Android users are forced to download complicated task-managers, each with its own odd UI, and weigh which one works the best. Google, please fess up to the problem and put something in there a computer novice could use. Something with big buttons would be nice.
Included in a OS thats designed to take care of this?
2. Stable Multitasking
Speaking of crashes, multitasking on Android is a mess. A little optimization here wouldn’t hurt. Better yet, while this may run counter-productive to us power-users, why not release a lite version of Android 3.0 that doesn’t support multitasking? Not every user needs it and lower-end phones would appreciate it
Is there anything more stable than the linux kernel? brainwashed by apple?
3. Swype
Google, your Android keyboard sucks. That’s why the fine folks at Swype Inc developed their product. Sure, some of the newer Android phones like the Droid X are releasing with it built in, but it would be a boon for the OS to come packaged with this software.
It does not suck. Again the door is open to install any number of keyboards and choose!
4. IR- sender support
On the hardware side of things, an IR-sender support is a “duh.” Imagine a next generation of remotes running on Android. Better yet, how would you like to control your lights and home-entertainment center with your phone without the sometimes-complicated mess of configuring through a network?
heard of Google TV? You can control it using the network/wifi. An IR sender would be nice and geeky, but not required in a phone.
5. Universal pinch-to-zoom
Some apps have it. Some apps don’t. C’mon, this should be standard by now.
(and again) The OS supports it. Apps that need it can incorporate it.
6. Folders
Google, you copied iOS’s homescreen UI, why not do it again? Many of users have outgrown their limited pages and would like a way to add some organization to their mobile lives.
thats a nice big rock you got there
7. SD-Card support for app-storage
If users are going to download a ton of apps from the Android Market, they need somewhere to put them. Users with rooted phones can already do this, but expandable storage should be standard in app-filled world with insatiable memory lust.
thats a nice big rock you got there
8. Built-in syncing
If the Android is going to succeed as a user-friendly platform, it needs to make it easy for people to add their music, photos, and video to their phones. It’s simple Google. Develop some web-based software and launch it as a beta. You do it for everything else…
best sync in the industry. No need to isntall iToons bloatware. More anti-google statements. Their betas are excellent!
9. Standardized UI for all apps
I’m all for artistic interpretation, but the reason so many functional apps get low scores is because they work differently than the rest of the OS. Once again, do what Apple did and come up with better UI guidelines.
The default UI is standardized, the SDK provides so much scope for customizing . If you want a shiny UI wait for gingerbread.
10. Better market
Why can’t I queue downloads from the web? That would be awesome. How about a better way to navigate the store from my laptop? Despite the thousands of apps the Android Market hosts, it is stuck with the same problems as Apple’s iOS4. More importantly than any of the above, Google needs to innovate here. Change the way mobile markets work Google and you could win this war.
Desktop market browsing is about to be released. (get out from that rock and watch GoogleIO 2010). Downloads DO get queued

[Q] My thoughts on Android vs iOS apps

I recently got myself a Nexus 4, my first Android phone, and had been using it as my main phone for the past five days. I come from the iOS world (keen jailbreaker) and my initial reactions were very positive:
Love widgets and how convenient they can be
Love the extent of customisation
Love the big screen and clean UI in general
Love the hardware (camera and speed)
Love Google service integration (maps, contact, calendar) = just works
However, there is one aspect that really bothers me and I wanted to hear what other people think.
iOS apps are often more polished than their Android equivalent, in another word they contain less bugs. I find Android apps crash more often and some of the functions don’t always work. Example: I found a bug in Skype that the ringing tone continues to sound even after the call is connected. Skype has been around for so many years and yet there is a bug?
Android don’t always get the newest or most updated apps because it is easier for developers to create apps on iOS. This can lead to some core function of an apps missing compare to their equivalent on iOS. Example: I have a Synology NAS at home that acts as my media hub, which can be remotely accessed by Synology-made streaming apps on the iOS. On Android, the video app isn’t available and the music app is very buggy and lacks some very core functions.
Due to the ever increasing range of Android devices, that is at a pace faster than iOS devices, I feel there is a greater chance of an Android device becoming unsupported by an app than an iOS device. This means potentially one has to upgrade to a new Android device sooner than they can afford or wish to.
There is a greater range of apps, including games, on iOS. Example: I really would like a decent photo editing app, such as Snapseed, on my Android but can’t seem to find one that I like. Official Simplenotes app is also unavailable on Android.
I suspect the defragmentation of the Android ecosystem is, in part, responsible for the problems I mentioned and it’s something I don’t see Google can do much about anytime soon. Therefore, in my mind, the situation is likely to remain the same for a while which makes Android less appealing to me. Understandably, it is a complex and widespread issue that is inherent in the Android world.
Sorry about my boring post but I have two days left to refund my Nexus 4. Should I keep it or refund it?
Thanks guys
hankdu said:
I recently got myself a Nexus 4, my first Android phone, and had been using it as my main phone for the past five days. I come from the iOS world (keen jailbreaker) and my initial reactions were very positive:
Love widgets and how convenient they can be
Love the extent of customisation
Love the big screen and clean UI in general
Love the hardware (camera and speed)
Love Google service integration (maps, contact, calendar) = just works
However, there is one aspect that really bothers me and I wanted to hear what other people think.
iOS apps are often more polished than their Android equivalent, in another word they contain less bugs. I find Android apps crash more often and some of the functions don’t always work. Example: I found a bug in Skype that the ringing tone continues to sound even after the call is connected. Skype has been around for so many years and yet there is a bug?
Android don’t always get the newest or most updated apps because it is easier for developers to create apps on iOS. This can lead to some core function of an apps missing compare to their equivalent on iOS. Example: I have a Synology NAS at home that acts as my media hub, which can be remotely accessed by Synology-made streaming apps on the iOS. On Android, the video app isn’t available and the music app is very buggy and lacks some very core functions.
Due to the ever increasing range of Android devices, that is at a pace faster than iOS devices, I feel there is a greater chance of an Android device becoming unsupported by an app than an iOS device. This means potentially one has to upgrade to a new Android device sooner than they can afford or wish to.
There is a greater range of apps, including games, on iOS. Example: I really would like a decent photo editing app, such as Snapseed, on my Android but can’t seem to find one that I like. Official Simplenotes app is also unavailable on Android.
I suspect the defragmentation of the Android ecosystem is, in part, responsible for the problems I mentioned and it’s something I don’t see Google can do much about anytime soon. Therefore, in my mind, the situation is likely to remain the same for a while which makes Android less appealing to me. Understandably, it is a complex and widespread issue that is inherent in the Android world.
Sorry about my boring post but I have two days left to refund my Nexus 4. Should I keep it or refund it?
Thanks guys
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Sure, it's easy to develop a "polished" app with no bugs when your consumer audience is using a handful of IOS-based devices. The reason Android apps SEEM more buggy is that there are hundreds of different devices that use the Android OS. Problems are going to arise due to differences in hardware, but a good developer nails these problems and their app will evolve into a polished, bug-free work of art.
---------- Post added at 01:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 PM ----------
hankdu said:
Sorry about my boring post but I have two days left to refund my Nexus 4. Should I keep it or refund it?
Thanks guys
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To answer your question, though, you should keep it. There's not a WHOLE lot going on with the nexus yet because of availability issues, but bugs will be squashed. Have patience. As more devs get their hands on it, it will get a lot better.
Refund it - that is one more device available for us on the play store ?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I won't tell you that you're a fan boy, or that you're stupid for thinking the way you do. It's clear.
Ask yourself this: are apps what you need to make your phone productive and useful?
I asked myself this question and found out, no. I use core apps like chrome, power amp, twitter and they're all well polished apps.
The freedom of the OS matters more to me than the apps, then again android apps are that bad.
Good luck
Return it. You want to just use the phone, as a phone.
ios is for you.
Photo apps
hankdu said:
I recently got myself a Nexus 4, my first Android phone, and had been using it as my main phone for the past five days. I come from the iOS world (keen jailbreaker) and my initial reactions were very positive:
Love widgets and how convenient they can be
Love the extent of customisation
Love the big screen and clean UI in general
Love the hardware (camera and speed)
Love Google service integration (maps, contact, calendar) = just works
However, there is one aspect that really bothers me and I wanted to hear what other people think.
iOS apps are often more polished than their Android equivalent, in another word they contain less bugs. I find Android apps crash more often and some of the functions don’t always work. Example: I found a bug in Skype that the ringing tone continues to sound even after the call is connected. Skype has been around for so many years and yet there is a bug?
Android don’t always get the newest or most updated apps because it is easier for developers to create apps on iOS. This can lead to some core function of an apps missing compare to their equivalent on iOS. Example: I have a Synology NAS at home that acts as my media hub, which can be remotely accessed by Synology-made streaming apps on the iOS. On Android, the video app isn’t available and the music app is very buggy and lacks some very core functions.
Due to the ever increasing range of Android devices, that is at a pace faster than iOS devices, I feel there is a greater chance of an Android device becoming unsupported by an app than an iOS device. This means potentially one has to upgrade to a new Android device sooner than they can afford or wish to.
There is a greater range of apps, including games, on iOS. Example: I really would like a decent photo editing app, such as Snapseed, on my Android but can’t seem to find one that I like. Official Simplenotes app is also unavailable on Android.
I suspect the defragmentation of the Android ecosystem is, in part, responsible for the problems I mentioned and it’s something I don’t see Google can do much about anytime soon. Therefore, in my mind, the situation is likely to remain the same for a while which makes Android less appealing to me. Understandably, it is a complex and widespread issue that is inherent in the Android world.
Sorry about my boring post but I have two days left to refund my Nexus 4. Should I keep it or refund it?
Thanks guys
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Here comes a list of photo apps I hope you will like. I have them all installed on my Note 2 and am often forced to use more than one of them to get the results i wish. This does not however bother me. Nor does it bother me that some cost over a whole $1 to buy.
PicsPlayPro + great for making basic adjustments - no sharpness or fine rotation
Pixlr - this is brand new and very promising. Has both fine rotation and sharpness - no historgram or curves like PicsPlayPro
TouchRetouch +fantastic at removing annoying objects or people from plain backgrounds - you must know it's limits
Afterfocus + the best I know of for getting that shallow portrait depth of field.
SketchBookPro - this is more of an art program but you can import pictures add layers, text and paint to retouch. - you need the S-Pen
PicSayPro: lots of gimmicky filters and effect +++layer masks!!
The following are a collection that are both camera and filters or just cameras
HDRPro ProHDR? +++very good for landscapes, interior architecture -don't try photo people
Picturesque + some amazing effects can be achieved with this app. Check out #picturesque on Instagram
Lastly Cymera needs to be mention for its 5 different cameras, its fun filters
Hope this helps. Welcome to android.
Oh, I almost forgot my favourite camera FV-5. Silly name great camera.
I would never get an Android tablet because of the lack of premium quality apps. I would want apps like Garage Band which Android has nothing remotely close to. Like on a PC the app selection for a tablet is the most important aspect of the device, and iOS crushes Android in that department.
I can live with the limited premium app selection for a phone because I dont use my phone as a computer or for doing serious tasks.
dankoman said:
Sure, it's easy to develop a "polished" app with no bugs when your consumer audience is using a handful of IOS-based devices. The reason Android apps SEEM more buggy is that there are hundreds of different devices that use the Android OS. Problems are going to arise due to differences in hardware, but a good developer nails these problems and their app will evolve into a polished, bug-free work of art.
---------- Post added at 01:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 PM ----------
To answer your question, though, you should keep it. There's not a WHOLE lot going on with the nexus yet because of availability issues, but bugs will be squashed. Have patience. As more devs get their hands on it, it will get a lot better.
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After some thoughts and insightful opinions from other android users - I have decided to keep the device. You are right, the availability is an issue at the moment and I believe android apps are only going to be come more polished as time pasts.
qwahchees said:
I won't tell you that you're a fan boy, or that you're stupid for thinking the way you do. It's clear.
Ask yourself this: are apps what you need to make your phone productive and useful?
I asked myself this question and found out, no. I use core apps like chrome, power amp, twitter and they're all well polished apps.
The freedom of the OS matters more to me than the apps, then again android apps are that bad.
Good luck
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You've made some very good points and I seemed to have forgotten the key here is how I intend to use the device. All the core apps I use are all very polished on Android and, in fact, I like them more than on iOS because of all the available customization options. iOS at the moment has no jailbreak for many of their new devices and I foresee jailbreaking becoming more and more difficult. I enjoy the freedom on Android. Thanks for your advice :good:
Dmwitz said:
Here comes a list of photo apps I hope you will like. I have them all installed on my Note 2 and am often forced to use more than one of them to get the results i wish. This does not however bother me. Nor does it bother me that some cost over a whole $1 to buy.
PicsPlayPro + great for making basic adjustments - no sharpness or fine rotation
Pixlr - this is brand new and very promising. Has both fine rotation and sharpness - no historgram or curves like PicsPlayPro
TouchRetouch +fantastic at removing annoying objects or people from plain backgrounds - you must know it's limits
Afterfocus + the best I know of for getting that shallow portrait depth of field.
SketchBookPro - this is more of an art program but you can import pictures add layers, text and paint to retouch. - you need the S-Pen
PicSayPro: lots of gimmicky filters and effect +++layer masks!!
The following are a collection that are both camera and filters or just cameras
HDRPro ProHDR? +++very good for landscapes, interior architecture -don't try photo people
Picturesque + some amazing effects can be achieved with this app. Check out #picturesque on Instagram
Lastly Cymera needs to be mention for its 5 different cameras, its fun filters
Hope this helps. Welcome to android.
Oh, I almost forgot my favourite camera FV-5. Silly name great camera.
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WOW! THANK YOU! That has saved me so much time and they all look very intriguing! One of the positive things about Android is that there seems to always be a lite version to try out before one decides to upgrade to the full version. I may be wrong with what I said earlier about couldn't find a good photo editing app. Again, much appreciated for your recommendations :good:
idividebyzero said:
I would never get an Android tablet because of the lack of premium quality apps. I would want apps like Garage Band which Android has nothing remotely close to. Like on a PC the app selection for a tablet is the most important aspect of the device, and iOS crushes Android in that department.
I can live with the limited premium app selection for a phone because I dont use my phone as a computer or for doing serious tasks.
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I know what you mean - i got an ipad and that is what I use if there is an iOS app that I really want to try out. Its very hard to give up ios completely.
After reading the responses I got from this thread, I have decided not to return my N4. Here goes why:
None of the android apps is buggy to the extent that they are unusable. I suspect since JB has only just been released, bugs will be ironed out gradually. Android apps may not have all the functions as their iOS equivalent but the missing functions are not absolutely vital to me. There are usually some work around for the missing feature, such as use another app or just simply use a laptop. Many of the core apps I regularly use on my phone are polished on Android. In fact, I actually prefer the experience of these core apps on Android more than on iOS. The amount of tweaking I can do is simply too much to give up after having enjoyed the freedom of doing so. When I first unzipped a file on the N4, oh my, I was like “sweet!”.
I had forgotten that the key to my choice between iOS and Android was how I intended to use my phone. Having recognized this the choice between the two systems was an easy one - Android was clearly better (for me):
gmail and youtube apps were both better
video playback supported more format
reading experience was amazing thanks to the amazing screen
web browsing was wayyyyy smoother
apps were better integrated into each other
Looks like the N4 is here to stay
Thanks everyone for your input!
idividebyzero said:
I would never get an Android tablet because of the lack of premium quality apps. I would want apps like Garage Band which Android has nothing remotely close to. Like on a PC the app selection for a tablet is the most important aspect of the device, and iOS crushes Android in that department.
I can live with the limited premium app selection for a phone because I dont use my phone as a computer or for doing serious tasks.
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I am exactly the opposite. I can't really do anything on iPad since what I do need jailbreak at least. I need a Tab that could run Linux, or access one. I'm waiting for the day it comes to some Android Tablet and then buy 1. I now have an iPad that is sitting somewhere. Ever since I received my Nexus 4 I have never touched the iPad again. I don't have an Android tab to compare, but my friend's tab are pretty bland. It's pretty much a blown up version of the phone.
You can run Ubuntu on N7.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
I would defiantly agree with you. iOS apps are more polished on the whole. While this isn't 100% true, I feel like many apps on iOS are more trustworthy and more likely to just work. Android on the other hand you have to filter through a ton of crap...
But then a polished Android app is just as functional as a polished iOS app. There is no reason why a well made app for iOS would be better than a well made Android app.
hankdu said:
[*]Due to the ever increasing range of Android devices, that is at a pace faster than iOS devices, I feel there is a greater chance of an Android device becoming unsupported by an app than an iOS device. This means potentially one has to upgrade to a new Android device sooner than they can afford or wish to.
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I think you feel this way because you come from the Apple ecosystem. As a quick and dirty Apple developer I find myself getting increasingly frustrated with our newer OS updates breaking things. Even pulling sysinfo seems to be different with every OS they release.
Google as well as their app developers are both well aware that most of the android community is still running on Gingerbread, so I don't think you'll see your Nexus 4 go out of style anytime soon. Keep in mind that you also have a Nexus device, and will in all likeliness be one of the first to taste Key Lime Pie whenever it's released.
Warrior1975 said:
You can run Ubuntu on N7.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
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I know. Thats why i said that. Wait until the day you can run Ubuntu on iPad.
sent from my straight out of limbo 2 Nexus 4 using XDA-premium
wngmv said:
I know. Thats why i said that. Wait until the day you can run Ubuntu on iPad.
sent from my straight out of limbo 2 Nexus 4 using XDA-premium
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I must have misunderstood your post. It seemed like you were waiting for Ubuntu to come to an android tab from the way you worded it.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
You chose well. I had every iPhone from the original to the 4s and I do agree with you that apps seem more polished, but that's not everything. I've actually read articles where iOS apps crash more than android, but apple's way of programming will hold a still of the last image on the screen until the app restarts, all without the user knowing... Now, I have no proof of this, it's just something I read.
As for android, there's just more that can be done even without rooting. I was so tired of the jailbreak cat and mouse game with apple, but everything that I couldn't get on iOS, is all right there on android.
My last point in beating this dead horse I'd that this entire response was easily written by using Google's stock swiping keyboard! Nothing like that with apple....
Sent from my De-Sensed HTC Vivid using xda premium
I consider myself lucky to have a jail broken ipad 3. Jailbreak is declining and it's a pity.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

Thinking of leaving Windows Phone for Android?

Holy $#!^ don't do it! I had some issues with the WP8 upgrade that upset me enough to try out the competition. I left the Lumia 920 for the HTC One 4 months ago. I will say that having apps for everything and the ability to flash Rom's is cool, but that's about it. The OS sucks. I have jotted down some of my personal grievances in case anyone who thinks like me is thinking of switching. This will hopefully prevent a ton of wasted time and money.
• Overall OS is buggy and a total resource hog. It requires premium hardware specs to deliver an experience close to the smoothness and fluidity found in Windows Phone and iOS, but still doesn’t achieve that. And don’t even think about matching performance of budget Android phones vs. budget Windows Phones, not even in the same league.
• It requires almost daily reboot’s to keep performance from suffering or the OS from completely crashing. This usually depends on how many apps I use on any given day but is still far, far lower in performance reliability than Windows Phone.
• It is the most virus prone mobile OS available. This is pretty huge. In addition, Google data mines every account you set up on the phone. As soon as I set up my company IMAP account, and I mean, next day, I started receiving junk for the first time in 4 years. Absolutely unforgivable.
• Touch responsiveness is a joke. The delay on the keyboard response, for example, when you’re used to iOS or WP is unbearable for me and feels super low quality
• The graphics and icons are kind of toy which requires a launcher and icon pack to remedy. Even then, most packs I tried only covered half the apps I needed and the remaining app icons looked stupid. So I had to individually edit icons to get something acceptable to me.
• Communication apps are horrible. Mail, Contacts, Messaging and Dialer apps can all be replaced by better alternatives, but you run into issues when using one Dev’s dialer, another’s contacts app because the contacts app has a dialer that sucks and vice versa but when both are installed...... Forget it. It’s all a confusing mess that forced me back to the stock applications experience, which sucks.
• Most Android users and developers will tell you that the only way to get the best performance out of Android is to flash a custom ROM. In other words, Google has done such a rookie job on this OS that a community of non-paid hobbyists (Who are incredibly talented and people who help others to seemingly no end) are the go to guys when you want to achieve today’s standards in smartphone performance! Only, not all ROM’s are created equally and aside from the pains of flashing until you find something you like, you risk bricking your phone and voiding the warranty. Google should hire these Dev's and release something quality from the gate!
• Music library management is so painful for me. I, like many people have used iTunes for years and also used Zune and Xbox Music. Apple is the obvious winner here as iTunes works seamlessly with iOS. Windows Phone has a clean little desktop app that syncs my iTunes playlists and songs, but it’s an extra step. Android requires a desktop app and Android app combo. There are a bunch and the one I found the least annoying was TuneSync but I couldn’t get it to work via USB so it took an eternity to sync a few playlists. And, the stock music player is ****.
Honestly, I don't understand how Android has the explosive market share it's enjoying today, I hate it. When I compare it to Windows Phone or iOS, it's like a cheap knock off of what a smartphone OS is supposed to feel like. They have apps, lots of apps and some of which I will really miss. But the OS? When comparing straight up performance, integration of services, stability and reliability, polish, fluidity and built in communication suite, for me it's no contest and I can't wait to get back to Windows Phone!
Hope this helps someone!
You just dun get ride in Android OS for my
For me Android is great, not so like Windows Mobile, iOS still ok if for daily use.
Of course if in smoothness Windows phone and iOS are more smooth than Android, but that's got something Android can found but other OS can't found one; and also in Android 4.3 this problem is finally solve (by using my Nexus 7 2nd gen)
For my opinion, Android is more to those engineering ppl, Windows phone is more to business ppl
nahh, its just you.
1) I dont have to reboot my phone. my uptime is like 100 hrs, and no lag or bugs or anything like tat.
2) what are you doing.. seriously? two questions. did you install porn? -virus+spam and how many instant messaging apps do you have? -lag
3) icons are smth i complain about as well. android and iOS is the same type of icons. windows give a sense of class.
4) itunes, seriously?? i stop using my ipod coz of itunes, i threw away my iphone coz of itunes. music syncing is a piece of crap, especially on a home computer.
5) touch responsiveness? i tink you got to send ur unit to the service centre, probably got a faulty unit
6) custom roms are there for a reason. Google provide a vanilla rom: smooth and minimal. All the other manufacturers are making their own rom=lag/useless. So custom rom are made for ppl to give variety, like PA having hybrid prop, and aokp having lots of stuff to customise.
7) Communication app problem? its coz ur used to ur WP. when i use WP, i feel like throwing it away too.
8) music app really kinda sucks tho, i just stream.
Windows phone really look classy, and i like the feel. but with the limitation, it obviously show why the market share keeps dropping.
iOS-getting outdated. iOS 7 looks cool, but usability is so last decade
WP- classy, for non-tech people who is so lazy to make their phone look special
Android- too much customization, but everyone's device is unique. well except those non-techie again.
Ubuntu- cool, but still buggy.
Wp class for no tech people ok but no file manager, no manual network setting....nooo
sss2sssss said:
You just dun get ride in Android OS for my
For me Android is great, not so like Windows Mobile, iOS still ok if for daily use.
Of course if in smoothness Windows phone and iOS are more smooth than Android, but that's got something Android can found but other OS can't found one; and also in Android 4.3 this problem is finally solve (by using my Nexus 7 2nd gen)
For my opinion, Android is more to those engineering ppl, Windows phone is more to business ppl
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Android for engineer people? What exactly has android that helps "engineer" people?
jacktay94 said:
nahh, its just you.
Windows phone really look classy, and i like the feel. but with the limitation, it obviously show why the market share keeps dropping.
Ubuntu- cool, but still buggy.
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Actually Windows Phone's market share is increasing... Blackberry is the one that's slowly dwindling.
Agree with you on Ubuntu... I'm interested to see the "final product".
Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk 4
I made the mistake of getting a WP8 phone after being an Android fan for some time. I currently own a Nokia Lumia WP8, an iPhone 5 for work and the Galaxy S and Galaxy S2 in a drawer at the house.
No phone is perfect, Android has it's share of issues, as does iOS as does WP8. It's just that Android and iPhone can at least do the things they do and do it well. WP8 still doesn't have a decent facebook app or decent map app, the data speeds are significantly slower than other android/ios phones that are on the same network, push notifications sometimes don't come through until far after the notification was originally pushed. Battery life is sub-par, little customization of the OS, even the larger and more popular applications that actually do manage to make it to WP8 end up having their gui re-written and tailored to look like the rest of WP8 which actually becomes pretty boring and mundane after a while, you can't even get any decent browser options like Chrome, Firefox or even Opera for that matter. Instead, what you end up finding are a bunch of knock-off applications written by little-known dev companies or freelance programmers with all sorts of Chinese, Indian or Russian sounding names that are garbage and do who-knows-what in the background.
I could go on, but suffice it to say, this will likely be my last Windows Phone purchase. The WP8 gui looks decent and is snappy and smooth but beyond that, it doesn't do a whole lot.
really i am in the other site i dont like the sandbox of windows mobile 8 i came to windows mobile from somewhat more easily customized oses symbian and android.
as of now i am going back to android
i ve had a nexus 4 and i had no lag
also an os that doesnt let you do anything with it is not really working as a smartphone at least ios has been jailbroken for a while and some things can be used as they should have been used .
in my opinion windows mobile must rid of locks on is sure that if it doesnt let you do anything it would be lag free but what is the gain then?.
and by that i say that i may come back when a jailbreak is near my phone (ascend w1)....
ericdude said:
I made the mistake of getting a WP8 phone after being an Android fan for some time. I currently own a Nokia Lumia WP8, an iPhone 5 for work and the Galaxy S and Galaxy S2 in a drawer at the house.
No phone is perfect, Android has it's share of issues, as does iOS as does WP8. It's just that Android and iPhone can at least do the things they do and do it well. WP8 still doesn't have a decent facebook app or decent map app, the data speeds are significantly slower than other android/ios phones that are on the same network....
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I would disagree with most of this except push notifications . I have done a few data speed tests because I was suspicious that the One was actually slower but apps like speedtest reflected comparable results for my wife's Lumia 920 vs. my One. Nokia's Maps are really nice, better experience than Apples but I do like Google's offering the best. More points:
Battery: My phone is off the charger at 7 a.m. and back on at 10 p.m. I operate a small business so tons of talk time tons of navigation, I notice no difference in battery performance from my 920 to the One
OS Customizing: Don't really care about this but its true. I have tried 10 to 15 launchers and God knows how many Rom's trying to customize an experience that Android can't deliver. I like the WP OS and really have no desire to make any changes to it with the exception of a few features I would like MS to add.
Apps - I think I already addressed this
Browser - I would go heads up with any browser vs. IE 10 mobile. To say its not decent is just old school MS bash talk to me. Its fast & fluid like everything built in to the OS
But, I defend Windows Phone because I like it and feel like the experience it offers is superior to what I get from Android. You obviously feel the same about Android. I'm only writing this because I think people can tell when someone thinks the way they do, so for people who think like I do and love the Windows Phone OS, my advice is that you stay put unless you can afford to play around with competing devices.
BTW I bashed Android without pointing out what I love about Windows Phone:
People Hub – deep social integration with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype and offers superior groups and room’s options
Search – Instant results for local eating, shopping and events. Integrated music DNA search, integrated vision search supporting barcodes, QR, MS Tags, CD, DVD and book covers.
Groups – Offers users the ability to share group calendar, group OneNote notebook, group pictures and group chatting
Messaging – Facebook chat integration and integrated location sharing etc.
Dynamic Icons – Instead of a static image Live Tiles provide live updates and can be pinned in 3 different sizes
Deep App Pinning – Instead of just an eBay icon, users can pin an eBay item tile to the Start screen and view updated information right from that tile. Or, pin an actual TuneIn station.
Microsoft Office – Free and complete Microsoft Office mobile suite
Kid’s Corner – Cool to keep the kids in a sandbox
Online Backup – SkyDrive integration offers backup features for photos, instant photo upload, music, documents, phone app list and phone settings. The SkyDrive capabilities on Windows OS makes sharing and using data across smartphone and tablet or PC seamless and better than any competing option
jacktay94 said:
nahh, its just you.
Windows phone really look classy, and i like the feel. but with the limitation, it obviously show why the market share keeps dropping.
iOS-getting outdated. iOS 7 looks cool, but usability is so last decade
WP- classy, for non-tech people who is so lazy to make their phone look special
Android- too much customization, but everyone's device is unique. well except those non-techie again.
Ubuntu- cool, but still buggy.
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Nah, it's not just me bud:
1) "my uptime is like 100 hrs, and no lag or bugs or anything like that" - Seriously!? You can keep your phone on for 4 whole days without bugs or anything! Bravo, thanks for making my point.
2) "what are you doing.. seriously? two questions. did you install porn? " I'm operating a small business. No porn and I didn't say I personally got a virus. I said the Android is the most susceptible and that I DID get data mined to a private work email that was never spammed in the 4 years since I created it. Until Android
3) I obviously agree.
4) "iTunes, seriously??" Yes seriously. For starters I purchase all of my music and iTunes has a massive catalogue. Also, this music is for me and my family. I have to send it to multiple devices (PC's and mobile devices) and multiple OS's. Android is the biggest problem child in that mix.
5) "touch responsiveness?" I have had 3 HTC Ones actually. Press a key on the keyboard and watch how long it takes the keyboard to respond. Then try it on a Windows Phone. Pretty clear
6) "custom roms are there for a reason" your reasons are nonsense. Here is a quote from the about of my favorite ROM "a stock ROM experience with the ability to choose the features and functions they want, demand performance and expect stability!" NOTE THE STABILITY AND PERFORMANCE PART
7) "Communication app problem? its coz ur used to ur WP." No it's not. I think the iOS communications suite is superior as well.
8) "music app really kinda sucks tho, i just stream." I do that too but I have a massive music collection I love to listen too
Bottom line is that I just don't like Android. I know that there are a lot of people who Android works well for I mean them no disrespect. I am not trying to talk them in to moving to my favorite OS and would never do that. I am sharing my experience for people who like the same kinds of thins I do and thought about trying the competition, even though they like Windows Phone. Many would be disappointed and for them, I say don't waste your time or money
TechJunkiesCA said:
Nah, it's not just me bud:
1) "my uptime is like 100 hrs, and no lag or bugs or anything like that" - Seriously!? You can keep your phone on for 4 whole days without bugs or anything! Bravo, thanks for making my point.
2) "what are you doing.. seriously? two questions. did you install porn? " I'm operating a small business. No porn and I didn't say I personally got a virus. I said the Android is the most susceptible and that I DID get data mined to a private work email that was never spammed in the 4 years since I created it. Until Android
3) I obviously agree.
4) "iTunes, seriously??" Yes seriously. For starters I purchase all of my music and iTunes has a massive catalogue. Also, this music is for me and my family. I have to send it to multiple devices (PC's and mobile devices) and multiple OS's. Android is the biggest problem child in that mix.
5) "touch responsiveness?" I have had 3 HTC Ones actually. Press a key on the keyboard and watch how long it takes the keyboard to respond. Then try it on a Windows Phone. Pretty clear
6) "custom roms are there for a reason" your reasons are nonsense. Here is a quote from the about of my favorite ROM "a stock ROM experience with the ability to choose the features and functions they want, demand performance and expect stability!" NOTE THE STABILITY AND PERFORMANCE PART
7) "Communication app problem? its coz ur used to ur WP." No it's not. I think the iOS communications suite is superior as well.
8) "music app really kinda sucks tho, i just stream." I do that too but I have a massive music collection I love to listen too
Bottom line is that I just don't like Android. I know that there are a lot of people who Android works well for I mean them no disrespect. I am not trying to talk them in to moving to my favorite OS and would never do that. I am sharing my experience for people who like the same kinds of thins I do and thought about trying the competition, even though they like Windows Phone. Many would be disappointed and for them, I say don't waste your time or money
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1) yupp, i just switched my phone off ystd, coz i changed the battery. after like one whole week of being on.
2)You probably registered your email in some website tho. Android didn't give me spam
3) yeahh
4) dont you find it a hassle when you sync ur family members playlist when u just wanna charge your ipod? your from the states, so i understand, coz we in malaysia dun buy much music, especially on itunes. hehe wat i do is just copy+paste, no need to complicate things, back to basics.
5) hmmm, i probably need to post a video of me typing then. hahaha! but really, was it on custom rom?
6) the most stable rom: vanilla, pure android is most stable man. performance is overclocking, google wont endorse that.
7) coz both are simple. too simple. hahaha!
8) like play music app, whole library free for a month, wat other collection do you want?
nahh, just making conversation. planning to get a lumnia 600+ series as a for fun phone, just wanna check out the real feel of using WP, when i get the budget. hehe
I have both Android and WP. What I like in Android is that I can do pretty much anything with it like on a PC, but that's where it stops. I have a Samsung Galaxy S which is a pretty old phone and I have a custom rom with Android 4.2 on it. The phone came with android 2.3 and Samsung just decided it did not have enough RAM to run 4.x well and stopped updating it. Well, it is much less laggy on the custom ROM with 4.x than the stock ROM with 2.x. I would never trust an Android device as a phone, it just is too crashy and buggy OS to do anything important. With the stock ROM it rebooted many times when I tried to answer a call etc, and web browsing exprience just sucks. This has to do with the low memory but 512MB should be enough for a phone. When I browse the web on Android, other apps that run in the background get killed and eventually the browser stops working too (Just like on good old Symbian ). My WP7 (Samsung Omnia 7) has nearly identical specs and I have no memory problems, I have several hundred megabytes of free RAM no matter what I do and browsing is very smooth. Also it's annoying when you need to take a quick pic of something important and the Camera app crashes on Android... One thing Android does better than WP is scrolling long lists - it takes ages to scroll a long list on WP, but on Android the scrolling accelerates when you scroll..
OP keeping WP circlejerk alive as always
Taurenking said:
OP keeping WP circlejerk alive as always
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Seriously? Grow up
Edit - and go away. This is a WP thread. Why droid people are here making negative comments never ceases to amaze me. I don't read your threads let alone comment in them.
ericdude said:
I made the mistake of getting a WP8 phone after being an Android fan for some time. I currently own a Nokia Lumia WP8, an iPhone 5 for work and the Galaxy S and Galaxy S2 in a drawer at the house.
No phone is perfect, Android has it's share of issues, as does iOS as does WP8. It's just that Android and iPhone can at least do the things they do and do it well. WP8 still doesn't have a decent facebook app or decent map app, the data speeds are significantly slower than other android/ios phones that are on the same network, push notifications sometimes don't come through until far after the notification was originally pushed. Battery life is sub-par, little customization of the OS, even the larger and more popular applications that actually do manage to make it to WP8 end up having their gui re-written and tailored to look like the rest of WP8 which actually becomes pretty boring and mundane after a while, you can't even get any decent browser options like Chrome, Firefox or even Opera for that matter. Instead, what you end up finding are a bunch of knock-off applications written by little-known dev companies or freelance programmers with all sorts of Chinese, Indian or Russian sounding names that are garbage and do who-knows-what in the background.
I could go on, but suffice it to say, this will likely be my last Windows Phone purchase. The WP8 gui looks decent and is snappy and smooth but beyond that, it doesn't do a whole lot.
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I don't really care about a "decent" FB app so I'll give you that one. But if you think that Google Maps is anywhere as good as Here, you have no idea what a good map app is. Or maybe you don't have a Lumia. Nokia's mapping software is going to be the industry standard soon now that it's available for iOS. You know those fanboys are having a hard time without a usable map app.
MS Office + SkyDrive - 'nuff said.
People Hub - only webOS Synergy was better
Nokia Cinemagraph - best stock animation and GIF creator
The fact that WP8 can be as fluid and lag-free as any other OS without needing 20 cores and 4 GB of RAM speaks volumes about the OS itself. PalmOS was probably the only other OS that was as resource-friendly as WP, Symbian a close second.
I don't dislike Android, or iOS for that matter, I just find WP8 to be the best all-around combination of phone and OS. MS has stringent rules about how their OS is to be presented and that might not be such a bad thing.
Windows phone 8 isn't windows mobile. They're two different os.
Sent from my Nokia 521 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Taurenking said:
OP keeping WP circlejerk alive as always
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Ahh look I'm blushing! Hey, trolling forums of devices or operating systems you don't use speaks volumes of how engaging your platform must be, not to mention your personal life. Hope things pick up for you!
I'm considering getting a lumia 925 or 1020 to replace my HTC One. I've become bored with android and ios. What're everyone's thoughts and anything I should know before making the switch?
Sent from my HTC_PN071 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Amrut223 said:
I'm considering getting a lumia 925 or 1020 to replace my HTC One. I've become bored with android and ios. What're everyone's thoughts and anything I should know before making the switch?
Sent from my HTC_PN071 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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wait for the snapdragon 800 nokia phone if you can; if you're gonna buy an old phone instead of a new one, make sure you don't have a not for resale phone(demo unit).
Many apps won't work, you'll have to make do for a while... what is your typical phone use?
Why wait for the new soc. From what I've been reading wp runs smooth on almost anything. I have no interest in benchmark scores. I simply want to get decent battery life.
Speaking of which. How does the lumia 925 hold up in that respect?? Reviews seem to have mixed feelings about it.
Sent from my HTC_PN071 using Tapatalk 4

