CPU frequencies reset when screen is off? - Nexus 10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm just curious if anyone has encountered this.
I tend to UC my processor when I am casually browsing the web and whatnot; my settings stick until my screen turns off. Then when it wakes back up the frequencies are at the default values? Tried updating busy box but that didn't fix it
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duarian said:
I'm just curious if anyone has encountered this.
I tend to UC my processor when I am casually browsing the web and whatnot; my settings stick until my screen turns off. Then when it wakes back up the frequencies are at the default values? Tried updating busy box but that didn't fix it
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I know this thread is from the way back...
Have you tried installing from APKMirror the "Kernel Adiutor (ROOT) 0.9.73 beta (Android 4.0.3+)" has allowed me to lower CPU MAX Frequency and have it stick after BOOT!


[Solved with a future kernel update] SetCPU Faux Kernel 0.1.9

Am I doing something wrong? No matter what I do. I cannot get setcpu to cap at 1200Ghz, it always resets to 1300Ghz. No matter what rom I use it wont stay set. It always resets
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Do you have the "set at boot" box checked off?
If so, under Settings > CyanogenMod Settings > Performance do you have the CPU set at 1200 and have set at boot checked off?
I hope someone corrects me if I'm wrong, but I believe there may be a bug with SetCPU. You can try CPU Tuner or that other app which does the same thing to confirm.
In any event, you may be able to circumvent it by setting up a profile. Just an idea. Let us know how it goes!
Maybe a bad version of setcpu or oc kernel. I haven't had any issues but I'm on HomeBase and have setcpu limits on screen off 216/456 and battery <50 1000. Been working superb I must say.
I use CPU Master and haven't had any issues at all.
Sent from CM7 Pre-Beta 4 on Atrix 4G.
No problems with setCPU. Just check off "apply at boot"
Hmm,i have the same issue with stock 2.3.4, setCpu and both faux or kholks kernel,very weird, i will try profiles, later today.
Same here, I have mentioned it many times and actuallly thought I was the only one.
Sent from my Tab using a pigeon.
Ok, i just tried the profiles and still to no avail. Very weird and rather annoying
I've also mentioned this a few times and have since moved back to 0.1.7
Try wiping setCPU's data from the manage applications menu.
Nope, same thing happens. The interesting thing is that if I cap it at 800 MHz, it tops up at that. Any step higher and the cap doesn't work.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
drdino said:
Nope, same thing happens. The interesting thing is that if I cap it at 800 MHz, it tops up at that. Any step higher and the cap doesn't work.
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Very odd. You could also try wiping cache and dalvik if you haven't already.
Have you had this issue with any other ROMs?
I am more or less having the same issue. The annoying thing is that sometimes it would work but sooner or later, after a reboot, or changing the settings, it would go off again.
One thing that seeme to help is to set both slides to the min setting then just move one slide at a time, one click at a time and wait a few seconds between changes, till you get the settings you want... did not always work but it did more often then not.
I am going to try cpu master see if that does work for me.
Yeah it's weird. Whether it sticks or not seems totally random.
Hi, I'm on stock 2.3.4 and tried using CPU Tuner, it seems the kernel still won't act accordingly to the max cap I set.
Just like when I use SetCPU, even with the slider set max to 1000 and "Set on boot" ticked, it still jumps to 1300 sometimes.
So the problem could be with kernel, but I don't really know
bapaogoreng said:
Hi, I'm on stock 2.3.4 and tried using CPU Tuner, it seems the kernel still won't act accordingly to the max cap I set.
Just like when I use SetCPU, even with the slider set max to 1000 and "Set on boot" ticked, it still jumps to 1300 sometimes.
So the problem could be with kernel, but I don't really know
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That's what I figure. I've tried everything.
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amwbt said:
That's what I figure. I've tried everything.
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Here's the good news:
drdino said:
Nope, same thing happens. The interesting thing is that if I cap it at 800 MHz, it tops up at that. Any step higher and the cap doesn't work.
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Had the same problem with my atrix when I had one, prevented me from using any oc kernel.
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bapaogoreng said:
Here's the good news:
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Very good info. Thanks for posting! Greatly appreciated.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium

[Q] CPU Clock speed

So I was trying to mess around with CPU profiles and I noticed that the low end of the CPU is clocked at 1GHz. If I lower it with Rom Toolbox, it just goes right back up after I leave the menu. the profiles won't stick, governors don't make a difference, and I'm a little confused.
Can someone shed some light on this for me?
I thought the lowest speed was 384 MHz? Install CPU Spy and check what it says.
It is 384MHz. The lower frequency change because of project butter that make the cpu run at a higher frequency when you touch the screen.
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Dont you need a custom kernal in order to change the clock speeds?
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No, we can already change it but it won't stick since it has its own frequency management.
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Is this somewhat similar to perflocker in HTC devices? It had to be disabled to change any cpu settings AT ALL with the stock kernel.
hervelo said:
No, we can already change it but it won't stick since it has its own frequency management.
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That is why..
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ed10000 said:
I thought the lowest speed was 384 MHz? Install CPU Spy and check what it says.
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You're right. I guess it just has its own profile to set at 1GHz when the screen is on, because the CPU Spy showed it in Deep Sleep/384Mhz for the majority of the night.

[Q] Random turn off?

I have a nexus 4 16GB, rev_11, fast bin alongside Franco kernel r34 with cm10.1 13th Jan build!
Every night after a long day of using my phone I charge it, I have a remaining 20% every time I go to do so. It charges fine but every time when I wake up in the morning, my phone is turned off? How? I charge it while on and am lost on how it turns off? I have to the power button to get it on again; I'm afraid that I maybe damaging it, it's a long shot but am curious.
I have searched the forum for an answer but couldn't find one, hoping you guys could help me off!
Thank you in advance:thumbup:
..sent from space.
Nothing people? Please help? /
..sent from space.
What are your CPU frequencies? Also, what governor and I/O are you using?
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Max 1512 and Min 384 with interactive governor and row I/O; these were the default settings from the kernel :thumbup:
..sent from space.
amarb70 said:
Max 1512 and Min 384 with interactive governor and row I/O; these were the default settings from the kernel :thumbup:
..sent from space.
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Try changing your governor
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But interactive is the strongly recommended one the kernel and in general? :S
..sent from space.
amarb70 said:
But interactive is the strongly recommended one the kernel and in general? :S
..sent from space.
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Not really.... Just try changing it and see if it fixes your SOD problem.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
I will and will report back) thank you my friend, is that what my problem is? Screen of death? I thought that was something else, how is a screen of death possible on Franco's kernel? it only does that btw while on charge, no other time..
..sent from space.

Mysterious ticking noise

Hi, recently i noticed, this annoying popping/ticking noise while listening to music and talking on the phone using headphones. Anyone had this problem before? It only appears when the screen is off.
Using PA with franco kernel. N4 16gb.
Can you try raising your screen off frequency a few notches?
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I could try, but then my battery life would surely get worse :/ are you sure that's the reason?
To be honest i don't even have an app to change it, any suggestions?
Qbsti said:
I could try, but then my battery life would surely get worse :/ are you sure that's the reason?
To be honest i don't even have an app to change it, any suggestions?
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You'd change it in settings, display
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jd1639 said:
You'd change it in settings, display
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Oh, the screen off timeout, i though he was talking about cpu frequency when the screen is off. Well having my screen on the whole time is not a solution when im daily listening to music for ~4h.
Sorry for the miscommunication. I was actually referring to the max screen off frequency, the setting adjustable in most kernel managers (I believe the Franco kernel manager has this setting, as does trickster, etc). It might reduce battery life slightly, but its worth a shot to try to fix the issue. I am not 100% sure that this is the reason for your problem, though, just trying to give you suggestions.
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Thanks, ill try it next time it occurs and report back here if it solves the issue.

Ondemand governor problem

Hi, I am not sure what info I am missing, tried to look didn't find an answer.
The problem is when ever I use ondeman governor the phone freezes in 10 sec. and turns off. No matter what kernel , it did it on JB and now same thing on lollipop.
Any idea why and if it can be solved?
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