ERROR: “Documents.library-Ms Is No Longer Working” - Windows 8 General

Hi All, I seem to have a repeating error where my Windows 8 Pro Libraries keep breaking. The error message is "<libraryname>.library-ms" is no longer working. Fixing the error is well documented, here for example:
My problem is that it keeps happening, and it's happening the day after I fix it with the above solution. Plus it's happening for all 4 libraries (music, documents, videos, pictures). So it's a bit of a hassle.
To be clear, I always add my Windows Home Server 2011 folders to the libraries, as that's where my files are stored. I am wondering weather adding a network location is causing the repetition of this error. Has anyone else experienced this? To note, the files on my WHS 2011 server are not mapped to a drive on my Windows 8 Pro PC, and furthermore I have not added the WHS 2011 to the Homegroup - I prefer to keep things basic, but obviously will try something if it might help.
Also, I was running Windows 7 in the exact same configuration for over a year and this problem never happened. So it's definitely Windows 8, I'm just not sure if it's Windows 8 plus WHS 2011 not playing nicely. Any help appreciated.

>I always add my Windows Home Server 2011 folders to the libraries, as that's where my files are stored. I am wondering weather adding a network location is causing the repetition of this error.
Then you should find out. Replicate the WHS content on local storage and use that vs WHS for a few days to see what happens. The mantra of troubleshooting is to minimize your config until you have a known-good setup, then add new stuff one-by-one until you hit the bug. Then (hopefully) you'd have narrow down the culprit.
It's a good thing the corruption happens quickly, as ascertaining cause should be easy. The worst are the intermittent ones that occur over weeks or months.
Assuming there's no permanent fix, a workaround is to write a script for the delete/add fix mentioned. Then at least the hassle is limited to a single click per day.

Just to follow up on this. Thanks for the suggestion, I did try and reset the library's without adding the Server locations. All was fine for a bit, but then the same corruption happened and and the links to the libraries corrupted again. Not sure why. As you can see in the attached, all the libraries except the Videos one is now corrupted Seems like no one else is having this issue though (on XDA anyway).

I've experienced it myself, actually, on the machine where I moved my Documents, Pictures, Videos, Music, etc. folders out of %USERPROFILE% and onto my data drive (as in, D:\Music) then changed the library links. I just added actual links and stopped bothering with the libraries; I pretty much only use one folder for each of those content types anyhow.

Suggest reviewing your search hits more thoroughly for underlying cause(s) and not only the fix."music.library-ms+is+no+longer+working" nets
suggests possible user account corruption.
"The cause of the problem is not far fetched. It could have been a program one installed previously. It could as well have been shutting down a program using the folder without following appropriate means. Like powering of Windows when a program making use of any of the Library folder is working. For example, when converting video files and shutting the computer off without finishing with the converting files."
"Windows 7 introduced libraries as a way to allow users to easily access folders containing certain data from all over their file structure without having to keep them in a specific documents directory within their user profile. The library itself can be accessed and controlled by third-party programs using an API. Unfortunately, that opens the library structure up to occasional crashes and other bugs."
If searches don't help, minimize to a known-good setup: clean reinstall, install drivers (and nothing else), create your libraries, and run this minimal setup for a few days. If problem persists, then hardware could be the cause, and you'd need to minimize hardware config. More likely, problem disappears; add your programs back in small batches to ferret out the cause.
From the frequency of search hits, it does appear WMP libraries are susceptible to corruption. The ultimate workaround is to use a 3rd-party media manager as replacement.
BTW, I assume this isn't a hacktivated Win8, ie no system files were modded to bypass activation. If the latter, replace it. An upgrade install can also be problematic, and a clean install is suggested.


SOLVED: Could not create the voice link recording directory

After many hours of research, primarily online, including these forums, and also after "playing around" with my phone, performing three Hard Resets over the last 48 hours (EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING), I have finally been able to solve the Could not create the voice link recording directory issue.
If you use a program such as Total Commander (like me), and you are "cleaning up" your phone's file system by "hiding" folders that you never touch, then you may have suddenly developed the Could not create the voice link recording directory problem.
In my case, after the third Hard Reset, everything was working great. My Notes were working (it was one of the two main programs that caused the error screen), and my Voice Recorder was working (the other problem program). Woohoo!
Then I began my "clean-up," so to speak.
I began to "hide" files and folders that I never touch using Total Commander. I hide them "just in case." I don't want to accidentally delete them for whatever reason.
Well, lo and behold, after hiding about 20 directories, I suddenly noticed that dreaded Could not create the voice link recording directory screen.
I now knew it had to do with the hiding of files and folders, so I unhid all the directories that I had previously hidden. Woohoo, the problem disappeared.
Okay, now I wanted to see which one, or which ones caused the problem, so one-by-one I hid a directory. Everything went well with the Windows sub-directories. Then I decided to hide my Internal My Documents (not the one on the Storage Card) directory. That did it. The problem immediately reappeared.
I immediately unhid the directory, and that dreaded error message stopped appearing.
So, it's the internal My Documents folder that's causing the problem. DO NOT HIDE IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
Perhaps it will work for the myriad folks who have tried and tried to find a solution to this nagging problem. I hope so
It's been a few hours since my post above. I thought I'd try to "hide" the sub-directories within the internal My Documents folder to see if it's a specific directory that's causing the problem, or simply the main My Documents directory.
All sub-directories were hidden, which had no effect. The problem did not occur. The sub-directories in question are:
Business, hhecdict, MagiCall, My Albums, My Music, My Pictures, My Ringtones, My Videos, My Voices, My Wallpapers, Personal and Templates.
Therefore, the problem lies with hiding the main My Documents directory. Sub-directories have no effect.

[Q] Media scanner issue / gallery broken

Is there any way to fix the media scanner so the gallery can be used? Does anyone know why it's broken? Lots of apps require the Gallery.
Yes, the MediaScanner on the Nook is pretty stupid.
I see logcats occasionally of it finding things.
In our 2.1 you can't even invoke it on a directory, only a file.
I gave up using it as a source for book information and do my own scanning.
I haven't looked into why it doesn't work as well as it should.
Renate NST said:
Yes, the MediaScanner on the Nook is pretty stupid.
I see logcats occasionally of it finding things.
In our 2.1 you can't even invoke it on a directory, only a file.
I gave up using it as a source for book information and do my own scanning.
I haven't looked into why it doesn't work as well as it should.
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Can I ask how you do your own scanning? Is there a way to compile the external media db from within the nook without having to offload it and manually enter in the queries/locations of the items? I noticed there is an app in the appstore that searches for certain music files and adds them to the db, seems like something like that can be done. Also, I had some weird phenomenon, I had all the pictures deleted from the downloads directory automatically. I also read some bug reports where occasionally directories with .nomedia in them had images disappear from the sd card. Maybe the media scanner is treating every directory like it has a .nomedia file in it. Probably on purpose since they were trying to extend battery life.
Also, speaking of the battery, I calculated that I'm now getting about 7-9 days of battery on standby/if I don't touch anything, is that normal for a brand new nook newly rooted? If I use it extensively but without games etc. the battery would last 15+ hours.
Also, since you're here and the person to ask, any news on getting audio? Do you forsee in the future it will be as easy as buying a dongle and installing an app?

Vanilla Nexus 7 MTP Problem Win7 Transfer Issue

I am having an issue backing up files and folders from my Nexus 7 to my Windows 7 PC through the provided USB cable. The problem itself is that when I copy a folder from my Nexus 7 to my harddrive, only the folder will copy but none of the contents. I can still copy individual files from within that folder but not all the time and only some of the time I can copy groups of them. I can copy groups of folders only sometimes also. It seems random which files do not copy and they are not large files but very small only 15kb word documents.
I just got off the phone with Google's support service but no one there knows anything about the issue. The guy I was on the phone with didn't even know what MTP was. He suggested trying troubleshooting steps for fixing Windows XP problems, and told me to use Google Drive. Neither of those were good options for me. He also told me that another tech would tell me the exact same thing. I nearly lost it at that point, but I asked him to escalate the problem anyways and hopefully they will get back to me within a few days.
There is another thread about this same problem but it was posted last year and the title does not match well. That is why I have started a new thread.
If you also have this problem please respond so we can get some discourse going on the issue. If you know of a fix let me know. I've tied everything you can do from re-installing drivers to stopping all apps on my device. It's a vanilla Nexus 7 so it could be an Android 4.2.1 issue.
Please don't respond and tell me to use Google Drive or other cloud services or some app. I know of all the other routes for transferring files.
Try re-booting your Nexus 7 by turning it off and then back on. The file list that MTP shows on you Windows computer is often out-of-date and does not match the actual files on your tablet. Your Windows computer may show files that have been deleted and may not show files recently added so it gets confused when trying to transfer these ghost files. Re-booting seems to make the MTP file list current.
There may also be a file refresh app in Google Play that does something similar to re-booting.

Previous Versions/Shadow Copies

I searched and checked the FAQs, nothing appeared on this.
Micro. said some blabber about no one used this in Win 7 and that it slowed down the system. I used it, and loved it, along with a lot of other power users if you Google it.
Apparently, there are still shadow copies in Win 8, so I copied the folder to the window pane on the left in explorer. In the address bar, type:
e.g. \\mylaptop\c$\Spongebobsquarepants
Has anyone else been using this? Apparently on the network, previous versions, including the tab is still there. Anyone have any tips on this? If I could get the previous version tab in the properties section I would run around naked singing.
Shadow Copies are still present, but they're (in theory) used only for the "System Restore" feature that's been around in one form or another since Windows ME. You may recall that on Vista and Win7 you had to manually enable Previous Versions for any drive but the system one, and stuff like that? My guess is that that's why the feature didn't get enough usage; people didn't have it turned on to use it much.
Anyhow, like you, I made very heavy use of Previous Versions and was pissed to see it get cut (the new Windows Backup is almost good enough to be a substitute, but they serve different purposes, dammit!). I'd love to see a way to get it brought back for data files (as opposed to system files and programs only).
There is also "File History" which works much the same way but from a seperate GUI.
The backup files have to be stored on an external drive, but you can get around this by creating a network share that points at one of your local drives.
And it only does Libraries, but since you can create libraries, and put any folders you like in them, it means you can back up pretty much anything.
marcd2k12 said:
There is also "File History" which works much the same way but from a seperate GUI.
The backup files have to be stored on an external drive, but you can get around this by creating a network share that points at one of your local drives.
And it only does Libraries, but since you can create libraries, and put any folders you like in them, it means you can back up pretty much anything.
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Ah, I never knew this. I tried selecting the same drive as Windows 8 but it refuses, I selected my other partition with Windows 7 and it accepted that location. I'll see how that goes. Thanks a lot.

get Kodi to be able to add hard drives?

i have 2 hard drives 1 with my movies 1 with my tv shows i can manuly go in and play any of them, but if i try and add them to my libary wont let me says make sure i have permission to access folder or something like that
to fix this issue will i have to root?
nobody? root looks kind of a pain so ill only do it if thats only way
I don't use the library function on Kodi myself (prefer folder structure navigation).
But one thing worth trying could be to ensure either the media files, or the library data location, are within a top level folder on the drive named exactly "NVIDIA_SHIELD". It'll give network access to that folder (and also some remote read/write access if I recall correctly).
No, you should NOT have to root to make this work. I’ve done this myself within the last month with stock Android TV using the lastest version. The OS should scan the drives when you plug them and to make them available for use. Once that’s done, you should be able to add them to Kodi. Obviously, you’re having issues with permissions which can be an issue with Linux sometimes though it seems to be less prevalent in Android. I don’t know if it’s from the OS that you used prior to the Shield (I’ve had that happen before). I’m sorry I don’t know how to help you more but you definitely can add the files to the library without rooting the device. In fact, if it’s a permissions issue, you could go through rooting the device and find that it doesn’t actually solve the issue at all.

