Part of the screen not responding - Huawei Ideos X5 U8800

The upper part of my screen i.e. Notification part and the Google search part stopped responding since today. Anyone know what may cause this problem? I Reflashed the latest Aurora but still not working.

%99 digitizer fault. If you have warrenty send it to the service, if not than you can buy a digitizer online and fix it by your self. There's a tutorial in general section how to do that.
Sent from my U8800


Where to repair

This morning my Vodaphone 1605 just stop responding to the touchscreen, All the buttons work but the touchscreen does not. I rebooted, reflashed it but it seems to be a hardware problem. Does any one knows of a place in America I can send this phone for repair?
Update: Thinking that all was lost I started looking to see if i could fix the problem, and discovered that when i was trying to fix the screen alignment issue I loosen the screws in the back of the screen, I tight them back and the touchscreen started working, uff was I releaved.... But I guess this information may be of help if someone has the same problem
Repair Contact
1.713.774.7888 or [email protected]

Hd2 screen replacement, now digitizer not working?!?!

For a bit time ago i accidently broke my lcd display on my hd2, and because htc could not fix this cheap i decided to try myselvf.
first i ordered a lcd and a new digitizer and soldered them together and fixed everything just like in the video and the lcd started to work, but now my touch pad does'n work! I can't do anything
Then i took the screen out and ordered a new one from ebay which was assembled from the shop.
And same resault
what could be the problem? I have a danish hd2 and i have tried to update the firmware after i replaced the screen and digitizer and still no respond
what could be the problem?
hey, did u fix the digitizer yet. i had a similar problem. the volume buttons got stuck in and i decided to open it and fix it. right after closing it back the digitizer stopped functioning...............please let me know asap if u managed to fix urs and how u did it thanks
Same problem here
I've got the exact same problem. Replaced LCD and digitizer but it is still not working. Additionally the screen is a little yellowish. Anyone knows if this might be related and any idea who to possibly fix this?
Hi, I have exactly the same problems, even tried with 2 fresh new digitizers. Could it be that they are extremely sensitive on the inside? Or is it some glitch somewhere?
Extremely frustrating!
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
well mine is in the scrapped now. when my digitizer arrives and i sort things out i will get back to you
Hi, I bought HD2 with broken digitizer, so after it came to me I immediately buy new digitizer, didn't look for the cheapert but once again I resolve myself to never buy things for china digitizer doesn't work so I need to new one from USA, send it to my friend and he repair it within day, now everything work... and yes digitizer are very sensitive

Some help trying to fix a Motorola Defy?

Hello, I have a Motorola Defy, that I dropped a few times, so the LCD screen got damaged with blue dots on it, I made a mistake and thought that the problem was on the touch Screen, so I purchased a replacement, installed but, it was damaged, the touch did not respond correctly, I wasn't able to type correctly among other problems.
I got a refund, then ordered a LCD screen replacement, now that I have it here, I install it, and it's broken:crying: I know, bad luck and being a rookie while trying to fix my phone, ok, I put back my old (damaged) LCD screen to use it in the meantime, and the old touch screen, but now, the old touch screen that was supposed to being working fine, it doesn't, it has the same problem as the touch screen that I bought.
Question is: the problem with the touch screen, could be related to the damaged LCD screen? or the motherboard of the phone is damaged? the phone works great, the apps, the games, everything but the touch screen and the LCD screen, but, as I said, I went back to the default touch screen after using the damaged one that I received, and it works worse I don't know what's wrong, please help me out, sorry for the long post
Please post questions in the Q&A section. Moved there.
Put it in the freezer for 1-2 hours
Sent from my MB525 using xda app-developers app
ppero196 said:
Put it in the freezer for 1-2 hours
Sent from my MB525 using xda app-developers app
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Is this true?
true. fix some minor dead pixel if you put in freezer for one day. but your case... im dont hope much.
Try changing LCD + Capacitive Digitizer. (after trying the freezer trick ofcourse)
Well i will tell my story, which is related to your's as well,
i had a phone with resistive touch screen and it got screwed up, that is it does not respond correctly. So, i took it to the service center and they replaced the digitizer (touch screen) saying that previous one is broken. But, luckily the new one didn't responded to any touches they make.So, they replaced it again with the old one quoting that "your phone can't be repaired". So, i took it home with me.
Later i thought to calibrate the screen but the old one is not responding any more, no matter where i press
Later i calibrate it with the help of a software for windows mobile with the help of a PC. It took me to the calibration screen, from where i calibrated it, and voila, it worked... as good as a new one :victory:
long story short,
i think when you disconnected your digitizer, phones default values/drivers got messed up and are unable to find the new or the old digitizer you connect. I suggest you to go to the service center as these screens can not be calibrated.
Is there NO WAY at all to recalibrate the screen from the phone itself? or using an application? the delicalibration might be the problem....I'd like to fix it myself :/ thanks for the tip, never heard about it before!!
saman0suke1 said:
Is there NO WAY at all to recalibrate the screen from the phone itself? or using an application? the delicalibration might be the problem....I'd like to fix it myself :/ thanks for the tip, never heard about it before!!
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Did you change the LCD and the Digitizer (both of em) again ?
dark_prince said:
Did you change the LCD and the Digitizer (both of em) again ?
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I replaced my original digitizer screen for the one I ordered it, it gave me problems, so I went back to the original one, which was working fine, and now it's not fully responding, that's why I'm assuming is something calibration related, thanks!
my search button back light is not glowing ..i saw it is also not glowing in recovery...any help

[Q] is the touch controlled by the digitizer only?Could I have damaged anything else?

I've had my defy screen shattered a while back and sent it to Motorola for repair (they did a terrible job at that). Ever since I got it back I can see small dust particles accumulating inside the screen. Gradually after a couple of months the top right corner became non-responsive and I left it that way for another 4 months until now!
As the warranty period was over, I thought of trying to clean the dust and see if that works. Unfortunately the connector on the touchscreen(digitizer) broke off and it stopped the touch completely.
My Question:
Is it possible that I had damaged something else(can something else be damaged?) that caused the touchscreen to cease functioning? :crying:
I can change the digitizer after buying it from ebay. But I would hate to waste any more money if this doesn't solve the issue. How likely is it that the touch functionality will be restored if I change the digitizer?
LCD is working fine, and I can use the volume rocker and power button perfectly.
P.S. please don't flame me for asking already answered question, I've been through a lot of threads before opening this one.

Strange Display issue

Hello folks,
i have a very strange thing with the display of the new S7 edge from my girlfriend. And after reading arround 4 hours in the forum, i´ve decided to open a thread and asking for help.
I will try to explain what happend. The phone ist brand new and arrived today. After unboxing we running the first start process and during this i realized that the display had a "dead zone". In this zone it is nearly impossible to type or click someting. The rest of the screen works as intened.
After the start process the Nougat update runs and the issue is still there. While scrolling it looks like a lag, but there is no lag only these wired deadzone.
Can someone give a hint what this can be or is this a hardware issue?
I have 2 vids from the issue, but im not allowed yet to posted it here.
Thanks in advance so far.
You have dead pixels, which is not uncommon.
It is a screen issue which can be repaired by replacing the screen under warranty.
You just need to take it back to where you got an show the problem, they will either repair or replace.
I think he was refering to dead zone on digitizer. It doesn't register touch on some areas.
Type *#0*# in dialer and u will be prompted with test app, U have the display option there. Tap on it and U will figure out the rest. If it doesn't draw on that area of the screen, the digitizer isn't working and take the phone to samsung if it's under warranty.

