Need HELP to unbrick Nexus 4! - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
My N4 is from PlayStore USA, and I live outside of US. A few days ago I did a stupid mistake and flashed a wrong bootloader (please don't ask why - the embarrassment still hurts! ). The N4 is now totally dead - cannot be turned on, and won't boot no matter which sets of buttons I hold down.
I have been searching the net for solutions but have not found any simple enough (for me) solution. I read of several similar cases and the solution has been to send back to Google/LG. As I live outside of US, this isn't much of an option. I have also read about use of Gtag to unbrick devices but this is beyond my capability and this service is also not available in my country. Sending the N4 to my local LG service centre for repairs (there's no International warranty) is a last resort but I am not sure whether they have tbe tools and knowhow to unbrick my N4. They may not even want to get involved!
So I am writing in this forum to ask for help. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Why the hell would you even flash the bootloader manually?
Anyway, there was a thread recently about Qualcomm's debugging mode. However, you'll need the appropriate drivers and most likely other software for it to work.
I don't know if anyone actually got it working, though

I dont know why I did it too - just following wrong instructions ; out of sheer stupidity!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

download the quacomm usb high speed drivers and install them you might have to do have disk to install them in device manager. then doqnload the QPST qualcomm tool. this will allow you to flash phone images and other files here. It should pick your phone up in download state. Only problem now is that the Qualcomm tool only allows hex image files to be flashed. this is where i was stuck

Thanks for the qualcomm suggestion. I will look through it when I return to my home country in a week`s time. But from what you have described, the procedure seems too complex for me. I am also following the other `bricked Nexus 4` thread in this section which I was not aware of till yesterday. All indications are that my bricked Nexus 4 will be a total loss - LG in my country has told me that they will not touch my unit until Nexus 4 is officially launched in my country (that could be a couple of months away), and returning the unit back to Google USA will be extremely difficult, complex and cumbersome as I just learned that the unit has to be returned by the original purchaser from USA (I bought the N4 from a 3rd party in my country). Its an expensive mistake and I can only blame myself for the stupid mistake I made.

Thats how far i got with my bricked nexus thing was there was no images in hex to flash. the only thing i can think of is that you coulld try acking up a phone in QPST and the flash to bricked one. but you would need to enter the *# code to change usb on working phone to diagnostics

chwads2k8 said:
Thats how far i got with my bricked nexus thing was there was no images in hex to flash. the only thing i can think of is that you coulld try acking up a phone in QPST and the flash to bricked one. but you would need to enter the *# code to change usb on working phone to diagnostics
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Not that simple. If you want, read this thread for some good info:

What where you trying to flash?

Anyone tried succesfully?


[Q] Need help... A lot of it Gt-I9500

Sooooo, I've never rooted, or flashed any roms before. That was my first problem. My second is that while attempting to recover data using Mtk Droid Tools I may have sorta... selected the wrong boot/recovery files... now my phone won't boot, The backlight comes on, but after 2-4 seconds it shuts off again. I've never been able to boot the phone into download mode, but now I can't even get into recovery mode either. I've contacted a few unbricking services, but they all refuse to help, because its a clone device.... Am I screwed? :crying:
Ardentes said:
Sooooo, I've never rooted, or flashed any roms before. That was my first problem. My second is that while attempting to recover data using Mtk Droid Tools I may have sorta... selected the wrong boot/recovery files... now my phone won't boot, The backlight comes on, but after 2-4 seconds it shuts off again. I've never been able to boot the phone into download mode, but now I can't even get into recovery mode either. I've contacted a few unbricking services, but they all refuse to help, because its a clone device.... Am I screwed? :crying:
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there is a lot of thread about clone I9500 in Q&A section.
use search button
samersh72 said:
there is a lot of thread about clone I9500 in Q&A section.
use search button
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I can't find anything that fits my situation. I've spent the past 6 hours searching multiple sites without any success.
Without knowing exactly what device you have, like chip set CPU and the like and also what base ROM....
1. Galaxy s4 forums are not going to be of much help anyway, it's a clone so it's not a galaxy S4.
2. Yes I think you might be in a bit of bother...
P.s. my in law had a no name 10" tablet it was Chinese and didn't have gapps, I didn't know anything about it, couldn't find any ROM support any where on Google or xda, tried every technique I know to root, turned out it had secure write only system partition (can't remember the correct name), so gave up...
This is major drawback to buying clone noname knockoffs...
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app

hard bricked

i seem to have hardbricked my mytouch 4g. no signs of life no bootloader recovery charging lite nothing. it is shown as a qualicom hs downloader device on my pc. does annybody have the files to flash through qpst by chance to restore the partition table. because if i can atleast get a working partition table i can get somewhere and possibly recover the device. a qpst factory device image would be even better though if anyone has eather of these please post them in the thread
I gave it a shot, but a few issues led me to give up the attempt:
1) The QPST instructions I found required using an mmi code to put it into diagnostic mode in order for QPST to operate. Those have never worked on my phone (either my old mytouch or new one, on both stock and custom ROMs). It might have something to do with being no-contract/prepaid.
2) I searched around and couldn't find a single successful story of someone using QPST on any HTC gsm phones with a qualcomm msm8255. Lots of noble attempts, but no results.
3) A QPST backup would contain the phone's IMEI, which is pretty sketchy and not something I would want to share. I was going to look into making a backup for myself, and if I could find a way to zero out the IMEI I would consider sharing it for unbricking purposes, but couldn't even get past step 1 anyway, so that was a bust.
4) FYI, for $12 I picked up a broken mytouch on ebay and swapped the motherboard when I destroyed mine a couple months ago. Far lower frustration level. That's my contingency plan, anyway.

HardBricked nexus 7 (i think its HardBricked anyway)

Hi, im kinda new here, but i really need help. i think ive hardbricked my nexus 7 (it wont start and the bootloader is wiped, the computer recognize the device as "APX" or something like that) and in one post they talked about blob files and a blob tool, can anyone help me with that? i have no clue how to compile/decompile the blobtool and what program i should use, can anyone give me a tutorial of any kind? (with what programs to use and in what steps)
thanks ahed
I have a nexus in the same condition. As far as I can see is dead. The blob thing only works if you copied it before it died as it is device specific.
Would be grateful if anyone could help though.
Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
I have the same issue. my brother says it bootlooped after updating (this happened a while ago), he then tried to flash the bootloader and then killed it. the device shows in APX mode in windows. I managed to install the Naked drivers and get it to recognize as a Asus Transformer device but I'm not sure where to go next with that. It has been gathering dust since last couple of months. I am hoping some good developer would take interest and solve this thing once and for all.

vs986 & ls991 - FirehoseProgrammer, Raw, & Patch - for - QFIL & QPST

These are the Folders & Files I used in the DE-HARD-BRICKING of the Verizon variant of the LG G4. The word out on the streets is that plenty of infected Qualcomm tools have been floating around, so I decided to share with the XDA community, as far as I know, the most recent and infection free versions that really work. I can feel for the ethical hackers out here that need to get things done with the peice of sound mind that there is nothing involved that may risk their machines security or waste time with tweaked versions that wont work for some reason or other. About the Firehose, Raw, & Patch... These are THEE ones for vs986 & ls991. I DO NOT KNOW if they will work with any other variants, although, I SUSPECT that they may work with all G4's. On the other hand . . . they very well may not. AGAIN, I DO NOT KNOW. Only vs986 & ls991 are confirmed. I am looking for HardBricked G4 owners to use these with non-confirmed variants to establish a consensus of statistics to universally root the G5 using Qualcomm Utilities. I know, Iknow. eMMc & UFS are different, Bro. BLAH! Blah! BlAh! I'm only asking for volunteers whom have a G4 in the 9008 coma and have nothing to loose. If somebody knows something that I don't, that can convince me I'm wasting my time, I am open to "practical reason". or if somebody knows that these DO WORK for all G4 models on all Android LP & MM, then this I'd also like to know also. Misdirection shan't be tolerated. MY un-bricking method is posted here
Driver Enforcement>
I'll be putting together a more detailed tut. if I feelm it's needed. but for now I'm assuming most of us are pretty far along. A big thank You to TheMadScientist for being the first volunteer of the G5. MODs , if this needs to be moved feel free.
There are things which are important when it comes to using this method
first of all there are no infected files out there. at least none I'm aware of and you can believe me I know a little about this topic.
the next thing is that it highly depends on what files you are using because they are device specific! I don't say they would not work though but they will make your phone a different one.
there is NO universal one package available to unbrick all device models with the same files! This is just imposssible.
There is one method available which is able to convert any G4 and for this just check my PoC thread in the G4 forum.
It's not possible to make all this without device specific files because you flash parts of the bootloader stack and those are always device specific.
I haven't looked into your files here yet but when they work for both device models then your files are converting ones which means either it will convert to ls991 or it will convert to vs986 depending on what files you have. I strongly believe you have those for the ls991.
I can say that I have all of them and I investigated then in deep.
There are some rare for ex for the H815 which work without converting and without blowing the fuses. But there some named as h815 but containing converting to ls991.
Keep in mind that converting a device this way may be irreversible depending on the files used.
If you blow efuses you're lost and its not possible to have your previous device model back again. Well ok when you buy a new mainboard then.. But that's the only way.
I just want to warn users especially bc I'm working on a safe way for converting a device forward and backwards.
When you have a vs986 and used that method: you should bring your device in fastboot mode. Check the serial. Does it starts with LGLS991....? Then you converted the device.
Sent from my LG-H815 using XDA Labs
Well put.I agree with every thing you mention. Although the end result I'm achieving is download mode to flash the correct FW that matches the board. This is why I only use the files related to laf and take notice that I am not including the boot.IMG because that would essentially be a game changer like you said. I personally am not interested in converting carrier variants.
I'd like to add, I have personally used these firehouse ,raw, & patch on both sprint and Verizon g4's to handle 9008 bricks. I just don't have in my possession an AT&t or TMO to try these files with. If anybody has an AT&T or TMO G4 that is 9008 bricked and would like to attempt something they have not tried yet. Do Not include any boot.IMG in the created recovery folder that is to be flashed. We are achieving download mode. That's it. To be able to use LGUP TO FLASH kdz or tot.
ls991 "Download Mode" recovery image
I have taken this and simply relaced sprint stuff with verizon stuff. maybe I should rename my thread from "unbrick " to "recover download mode".
If when
If when I flash the ls991 recovery folder to vs986 in QFIL, fastboot is acheived and the command prompt window report back as my verizon with the correct serial number. maybe this info can be useful to you, I hope. Because I change carriers more than I change devices and the crossover is a major PITA.
gratefuldeaddougie said:
If when I flash the ls991 recovery folder to vs986 in QFIL, fastboot is acheived and the command prompt window report back as my verizon with the correct serial number. maybe this info can be useful to you, I hope. Because I change carriers more than I change devices and the crossover is a major PITA.
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What do you see in fastboot? Can you make a pic for me?
Sent from my LG-H815 using XDA Labs
I can not today. As I have sold the vs986 but am receiving 2 more bricked vs986's this week. I will post a pick. Pic of phone or PC cmd window? Which is of interest. Just curious although I'll post both.
gratefuldeaddougie said:
I can not today. As I have sold the vs986 but am receiving 2 more bricked vs986's this week. I will post a pick. Pic of phone or PC cmd window? Which is of interest. Just curious although I'll post both.
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no just a photo of the fastboot screen is enough. thx
btw: the download you link in your OP does not contain any image files - only the XMLs and the firehose?! or do i miss something here?
I wanna jump on the hard brick train
Just everybody remember improper use or jumping the gun can lead past hard brick to totally unrecoverable device seen it happen a many times.
Ready Set Go
Before I begin, In reference to infected files, there are many discussions such as this Today I received a vs986 that as of first connection does not appear in device manager. I'm gonna be reviving it regardless of what it may needs. It's 98% cosmetically and I got it for $29 and I love doing this. the process will be documented and posted. And most of all I'd like to thank TheMadScientist & steadfasterX for their inspiration or I wouldn't be doing this. Let's cross are fingers and hope for a 9008 brick. I'll force QDloader mode with test points and screenshot the device manager and go from there. If a hardware issue is present then I will deal with that deck of cards first. Until then. . . . . . . . .. .
@ steadfasterX
Maybe I assume too much. I imagine that those who have made it this far are aware of the fact that they should have a copy of the firmware version they bricked on. At least as the bare minimum to get started with. Be back tomorrow with the results.
Having trouble? Extract folder / Move folder into QFIL folder as a folder not as individual files / load the firehoseprogrammer, patch, & raw / Flash / Remove battery / insert battery / hold volume up and plug in at same time until "download mode" appears on device / wait for drivers to install ? flash vs98627C.kdz with LGUP.
This will only work if the device bricked on 27C or earlier. If you know what FW version you bricked on the extract that FW and replace the appropriate files in the recovery image folder. (for ls991 sprint>
i have my g4 on 28a so it means is not possible yet with mine ? :S
This guy figured it out back in May. Exactly the method I used. Here is his guide> I can now confirm this works only with the files from the version of FW that the device bricked on. .
28a kdz mega link
gustax said:
i have my g4 on 28a so it means is not possible yet with mine ? :S
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i downloaded the fw 27c and tried to extract the dz and happened the same issue, so i guess the problem is te software, but i dont know what a i need, any advice?
gustax said:
i downloaded the fw 27c and tried to extract the dz and happened the same issue, so i guess the problem is te software, but i dont know what a i need, any advice?
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I will try the extraction on my PC. I have learned something about this method this weekend. This is a one time shot. After the second attempt the device blows a fuse. I believe the firehose programmer is the same, but, the raw & patch files are specifically for the sprint. I think I may have permanently bricked a device attempting to re-create the scenario in which I was successful with during the first go at it. I'm gonna look at the 27C.kdz real quick

Essential Phone hardbricked after trying to sideload android 10

Hello everyone.
First of all i was on the beta program for android 10 until like Q4 but since i was't able to play DFFOO i decided to downgrade the OS back to the last official build, and that was the android 9 june/july build.
I followed everything on the essential website in order to downgrade and i got it right, sort of. Everything was working fine except for the fact that the phone just wouldn't update at all. it'd just throw me an error, not big deal i though, until android 10 came out and since i wasn't getting it on my phone on it's own i decided to sideload it and here we are
I also folllowed everyhting on the Essential's website except for the fact of using the last Pie build i thought it was not big deal (idk if that mattered) so everything went fine until the installation reached 94% and then it said: Installation complete (i thought it was weird but not much else) next thing i do is select reboot now and boom.
All i get now is the sound of windows if i connect it to my computer and the "Qualcomm HS-USB QDloader 9008" under the ports section in device manager, no ammount of holding and pressing buttons will make it come back to life, so i come here for help, worst case scenario i'll have to buy a new one (they're pretty cheap second hand)
I'm sorry to say this to you, but you are out of luck... The QDL mode is because of 2 reasons:
-Joined D- and GND on a stripped cable
-Bootloader corrupted.
The most common thing is the Bootloader was corrupted because of 2 files: hyp.mbn and rpm.mbn. Either was downloaded bad or was flashed but have issues on those 2...
Essential won't release the Firehose files to unbrick the device. My PH-1 was bricked by May OTA and they refuse to repair my device.
In a post I made on Reddit I explain something about this issue, and what causes it. But without the Programmer and the Firehose, you can't recover the device.
Why would Andy Rubin not put out the Firehose when Essential is supposed to be a developer friendly phone!?!? Makes no sense.
IngJulian_RVLX said:
Essential won't release the Firehose files to unbrick the device. My PH-1 was bricked by May OTA and they refuse to repair my device.
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Do you think there is a possibility they will release them in the future eg when new model comes out or when support for PH-1 ends? Or are other manufacturers always leaked & not "official" leak? Suppose most leaks for other phones are from service centres, vice kinda answers my own question.
IngJulian_RVLX said:
I'm sorry to say this to you, but you are out of luck... The QDL mode is because of 2 reasons:
-Joined D- and GND on a stripped cable
-Bootloader corrupted.
The most common thing is the Bootloader was corrupted because of 2 files: hyp.mbn and rpm.mbn. Either was downloaded bad or was flashed but have issues on those 2...
Essential won't release the Firehose files to unbrick the device. My PH-1 was bricked by May OTA and they refuse to repair my device.
In a post I made on Reddit I explain something about this issue, and what causes it. But without the Programmer and the Firehose, you can't recover the device.
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Thanks for the quick reply, oh well, at least i didn't buy it at its 700 dollars lauch price.
i'd like to read that post though, mind sharing the link?
Noct1070 said:
Thanks for the quick reply, oh well, at least i didn't buy it at its 700 dollars lauch price.
i'd like to read that post though, mind sharing the link?
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I did the same thing, and ended up in the same situation, so this is definitely a reproducible problem. Contacting Essential support in hopes that they're willing to fix... but from what I'm reading around the web it's not likely. ?
Just adding my two cents. I had this exact same issue and Essential reached out to me. Told me I could ship my phone to them and they would fix it. Low and behold, they did. At the cost of only shipping, we'll worth the wait to get the phone back.
I guess depending on warranty age and registering, retail vs eBay used purchase, etc

