Custom firmware for S7230 (Tester needed) - Bada Software Development

Hi guys,
Is there anyone can test my first cfw for S7230E ?
Links only Via PM yet,
If it works I'll make more modify
Sent from my Apple iPad 2 using Tapatalk HD

I sent firmware about 7-8 people still not answer from anyone
Waiting for 1 user

Thanks to ferloz for testing
Any idea
Boot Binary Download Start Ch[0]
Bcmboot 129.1KB OK[0.1s]
Boot2 695.9KB OK[1.0s]
Drom_dsp 65.5KB OK[0.2s]
Patch_dsp 49.4KB OK[0.2s]
Sysparm_dep 5.9KB OK[0.2s]
Sysparm_ind 71.9KB OK[0.2s]
NVRAM6 3.7KB OK[0.2s]
Wait reset !!
Download Start Ch[0]
FOTA 1363.1KB OK[1.5s]
Amss 7504.7KB OK[8.2s]
Apps 27263.0KB OK[39.4s]
Error : Rsrc1 Write [0.3s]
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The problem is .Rsrc1
Normally dump with WR then saving not flashing
If we change end.bin with Hex like wave 3 again not flashing
Any solution ?

Rsrc1 flashing now ok

Big thanks to ferrloz for testing
Now time to modify full

CFW is in progress ... As soon as I'll finish it and will share with you


ROM DEV (From system.img to

Hi Guys,
I hope someone can help me, I have a vodafone 845 and want to create a custom rom for it.. i have downloaded the orginal rom from huaweidevices and on ubuntu stript it with the use of a perl script. Then i used unyaffs for windows to unzip te system.img after that i created a new zip with systemdirectory, boot.img and META-INF, then i signed the zip and send it to my sdcard.
I booted into recovery and flasht the zip after 1 or 2 minutes after succesfully format of system he begins to copy and then it gives a error on a bin file and stops..
i have used the following website:
Could someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong?
Sorry for my poor english..
nevermind the problem was my update-script..
WI-FI Problem
Hi thought you may be interested in this, I live in South Africa and it seems the original rom has been specifically desighned for our country, seems a few other south african phones are experiencing similar problems
there is a South African rom posted on the huawei web site, resets everything
Tried all the roms so far, your Mr Edition v1.3.2 causes th phone to become unstable, Mr Edition v1.2 works great, but The WI-FI refuses to work
type : WIFI
reason : (UNSPECIFIED)
extra : (NONE)
roaming : (FALSE)
failover : (FALSE)
isAvailable : (FALSE)
Unable to start Wi-Fi
power control is half lit asthough it is trying to activate
Please C if you can find a difference in the setting between the rom u used and the ZA rom found on the huawei web site
thank man
keep on the good work

[Problem Fixed ]

Hello frinds please help me to solve the problem
problem is:
my wave2 mobile was updated to BADA 2.01107221647LISS8530XPKG6 with help from one private mobile service centre he made all this update.(now i cant contact him)
now problems i face is
when i use google search the phone software crushed and shows some command lines like window as below
"" page:1/10 <Pi c#>
s/w version :s8530+xp+kg6
modem:Q6270B-KPRBL-1.5. 45T
SHP: VPP R5 2.1.1
BUI L DAT:2011/07/22 16:36:29
to exit
press 0 for 2sec ""
and after pressing the menu button the phone restarts in to " UPLOAD data to pc " screen to restart needs a battery pull out
to solve this i tried to flash a bada 1.3 or ELITE 2.0 ROM using multiloader[downloader V5.56] but here ends up with a problem as below
Download Start Ch[0]
BootLoader 1703.9KB OK[0.8s]
ERR : Dbl Erase
please help me to fix this
Thanks i advance
Go to download mode
Then reflash
Make sure before flashing that drivers for bada 2.0 is installed
If u get the above error again, just click port search again and hit download
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One of the OLDEST bada 2 Firmware...
Try to flash maybe India INU Version...
Use latest Multiloader:
Best Regards
firegun said:
Hello frinds please help me to solve the problem
problem is:
my wave2 mobile was updated to BADA 2.01107221647LISS8530XPKG6 with help from one private mobile service centre he made all this update.(now i cant contact him)
now problems i face is
when i use google search the phone software crushed and shows some command lines like window as below
"" page:1/10 <Pi c#>
s/w version :s8530+xp+kg6
modem:Q6270B-KPRBL-1.5. 45T
SHP: VPP R5 2.1.1
BUI L DAT:2011/07/22 16:36:29
to exit
press 0 for 2sec ""
and after pressing the menu button the phone restarts in to " UPLOAD data to pc " screen to restart needs a battery pull out
to solve this i tried to flash a bada 1.3 or ELITE 2.0 ROM using multiloader[downloader V5.56] but here ends up with a problem as below
Download Start Ch[0]
BootLoader 1703.9KB OK[0.8s]
ERR : Dbl Erase
please help me to fix this
Thanks i advance
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adfree said:
One of the OLDEST bada 2 Firmware...
Try to flash maybe India INU Version...
Use latest Multiloader:
Best Regards
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Thank you so much i am trying now and will update soon
Hello Friends
Still i have a problem
when i push the download botton it show in log window as below
Download Start Ch[1]
Warring : Security fail!!
please help me to fix the problem
firegun said:
Hello Friends
Still i have a problem
when i push the download botton it show in log window as below
Download Start Ch[1]
Warring : Security fail!!
please help me to fix the problem
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Flash in download Mode
Turn off phone then press vol down+camera+power Keys simultaneously
U should see Download Mode in red Text
yakub234go said:
Flash in download Mode
Turn off phone then press vol down+camera+power Keys simultaneously
U should see Download Mode in red Text
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Thanks mate
But from the beginning onwards i am using the Download mode only but no luck here,
Now i am facing one more problem My phone strucks at white screen and says that
FOTA Engine is not installed
plz install below FOTA Eng.
and in multiloader log it shows
Download Start Ch[2]
ERR : Diff BootLoader Nand Size 4000 20000
Lots of
firegun said:
Thanks mate
But from the beginning onwards i am using the Download mode only but no luck here,
Now i am facing one more problem My phone strucks at white screen and says that
FOTA Engine is not installed
plz install below FOTA Eng.
Lots of
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I think u skipped Fota file
You should install fota as well via multiloader
ok but now i struck with this error Log
Download Start Ch[2]
ERR : Diff BootLoader Nand Size 4000 20000
still i dont know how to fix all the problems
I had the same error, but that was because I'm was flashing a S8530 firmware on a S8500??
Try to reset phone to factory settings,then download this and read carefully the instructions(you have bada 2.0 for s8500 and s8530) , use multiloader last version(i think now is version 6.5) and you will have no errors in flashing your phone.I think in the download folder there is a PDF that shows every step you have to take to do the job.If not, Google is your friend.
Problem Fixed
Finally i got my problem fixed with the help latest Driver software
Download Start Ch[2]
Amss 12740.3KB OK[4.8s]
Apps 26476.5KB OK[11.7s]
Rsrc1 37748.7KB OK[14.2s]
Rsrc2 2884.3KB OK[1.2s]
FFS 42729.5KB OK[86.7s]
CSC 37150.7KB OK[77.6s]
SHPAPP 203243.5KB OK[291.1s]
All files complete[494.6s]
For those struct at serial port Error please try with the attached Driver setup below
And Many Thanks to the people who helped me
i'm having the error dbl erase, but only when i try to flash bada 1.2 on 2.0, i want to go back to 1.2 and yes i have full firmware. i can flash 2.0, but just can't 1.2, why's that? how can i go back to 1.2?
now i have S8500BULA3_S8500VFGLA5_SIM on, but i try the other from my country-slovenia too, it's S8500XXLA1_S8500OXFLA2_MOT .
i just don't like 2.0, many bugs and reboot on itself and lagging and so on and on.
so pls help :crying:

[How To][Root Most Qualcomm phones without pc - DISCONTINUED]

Easiest rooting method EVER !!
No need of PC................
To gain root access, you have to perform the root method by installing POOT apk ..
Download: Poot.apk (
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To ROOT your MICROMAX is now became simple
1) Download and Install poot.apk
2) Now open the poot app then it will require you to install Ministro II, Simply follow the link to Google play store.
3) Then you will be required to update ministro library, please update it.
4) Once you updated the Ministro Library then you will be faced with two options;
1. “Press here to Poot”
2. “Built in root check”
5) Click on the first option which is “Press here to Poot” and after a while, You are going to face with three options.
1. Get Superuser
2. Get root-checker
3. In-built rootchecker
6) Press Get superuser and download superuser app.
7) And finally do a reboot to take effect
8) Congrats you have rooted your phone now
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1.Thanks to Aziz Sayyed for his brief step by step instructions
2.Thanks to dev of poot & Ministro app​
Tested on micromax qualcomm phones worked great..Hope it will work on other Qualcomm too..
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Huawei U8860 Honor;
Samsung Galaxy S Duos S7562
Samsung Galaxy ACE 2X;
LG Optimus Sol E730;
Alcatel OT-908;
Gygabyte GSmart G1345;
Sony Ericsson WT19i Live with Walkman;
Sony Xperia Tipo (Single/Dual)
Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray;
HTC Desire Z;
ZTE V790
Ninetology Pearl Mini i5350
Kyocera Hydro C5170
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hmm Looking Interesting...I was want to try but My phone is Bricked/Dead ; So hope someone Try & Post Result here
n00BXperia said:
hmm Looking Interesting...I was want to try but My phone is Bricked/Dead ; So hope someone Try & Post Result here
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Good luck :good:
on which phones did you test it? will it work on A56?
karan128 said:
on which phones did you test it? will it work on A56?
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Tested on a57..Worled great...And also 100% chance for working on a56...
Our Group Member "Rohit Sharma" Tested & Got Success in rooting his A87..Working Confirmed !
n00BXperia said:
Our Group Member "Rohit Sharma" Tested & Got Success in rooting his A87..Working Confirmed !
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Thank you so much...I updated in tested devices.....
Re: [How To][Root Qualcomm phones without pc]
Will work on a89?
Sent from my A89 using xda premium
ashish33166 said:
Will work on a89?
Sent from my A89 using xda premium
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No It wont...Because a89 is a mediatek device
Re: [How To][Root Qualcomm phones without pc]
I tried to root my Karbonn A9 with this method. It didnt work for me although my phone is Qualcomm based
Sent from my A9 using xda app-developers app
karan128 said:
I tried to root my Karbonn A9 with this method. It didnt work for me although my phone is Qualcomm based
Sent from my A9 using xda app-developers app
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What type of error u got....Between it is better to remove sdcard and try rooting..
Re: [How To][Root Most Qualcomm phones without pc]
dhinesh77 said:
What type of error u got....Between it is better to remove sdcard and try rooting..
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sorry for the late reply. when i update the ministro library it shows error msg. i forgot what was that error.
Sent from my A9 using Tapatalk 2
karan128 said:
sorry for the late reply. when i update the ministro library it shows error msg. i forgot what was that error.
Sent from my A9 using Tapatalk 2
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Sry for delay ..I will update you in two days
karan128 said:
sorry for the late reply. when i update the ministro library it shows error msg. i forgot what was that error.
Sent from my A9 using Tapatalk 2
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Sorry for very late,
If download fails uninstall ministro and reinstall then redownload libraries....
After downloading libraries click press here to poot ..U r phone will stuck with blackscreen or it will reboot..
If it with blackscreen take out battery and restart then hurrily open poot and again press "Click here to poot" (If these option available)
Then you will see 3 options like "get superuser app" but not stable ..These options wil disappear soon...So as soon as you got 3 options download superuser app and enjoy
I tried this poot on galaxy mini 2 S6500D.
First time attempt to tap "press here to poot", my phone was blank and reboot immediately.
I check su file not pushed in /system/xbin.
Reboot my phone manually, and open poot again...
This time poot show debug text, instead of suddenly reboot my phone.
It say :
2012 giantpune
[+] opened device
[+] Set logging mode
[+] Resolved symbols
[+] Mapped 0x10000000
[+] Hooked 0xc02fcf6c
[-] Error running kernel-mode code
[-] Failed to clean up our mess
[-] Current && current != last + 1: 0000ffff 0000ffff
[-] Haxx has run its coarse. Reboot the device to play again
A demon materialized while pooting. Error code: 87
su binary was not written
You need to restart your device
Second attempt without reboot, produce error 22.
Did it had any chance to root my phone?
I know It was used for Cherry W100, but aleast it nearly identical to Mini 2. Thats why I test poot.
physcodelic said:
I tried this poot on galaxy mini 2 S6500D.
First time attempt to tap "press here to poot", my phone was blank and reboot immediately.
I check su file not pushed in /system/xbin.
Reboot my phone manually, and open poot again...
This time poot show debug text, instead of suddenly reboot my phone.
It say :
2012 giantpune
[+] opened device
[+] Set logging mode
[+] Resolved symbols
[+] Mapped 0x10000000
[+] Hooked 0xc02fcf6c
[-] Error running kernel-mode code
[-] Failed to clean up our mess
[-] Current && current != last + 1: 0000ffff 0000ffff
[-] Haxx has run its coarse. Reboot the device to play again
A demon materialized while pooting. Error code: 87
su binary was not written
You need to restart your device
Second attempt without reboot, produce error 22.
Did it had any chance to root my phone?
I know It was used for Cherry W100, but aleast it nearly identical to Mini 2. Thats why I test poot.
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In your first attempt you ave rebooted manually right...After that you have pressed "press here to poot"
then ended with error code :87
And did you noticed the change in options ?? you will get three options namely 1.Get suer user 2. get root checker and 3. xxxx
though ended with error code...If you got three options means yours is rooted.....:good:
Then press get superuser to complete the process........
and final thing dont concentrate on message displayed..concenteate on options available in poot app......Because same error came in a57 but it was rooted
I successfully rooted my galaxy mini 2.
Using poot for h866c or huawei ascend y.
physcodelic said:
I successfully rooted my galaxy mini 2.
Using poot for h866c or huawei ascend y.
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Its nice to hear ....Will you pls share the link of app u used ??
Btween thanks for informing your status..It will be helpful updating devices in worked devices list
Iam sorry for the late reply.
Iam sorry too if i cant post the link, iam on mobile now.
You can google giantpune thread, say "lg optimus elite poot androidforums"
There you can download all poot version.
physcodelic said:
Iam sorry for the late reply.
Iam sorry too if i cant post the link, iam on mobile now.
You can google giantpune thread, say "lg optimus elite poot androidforums"
There you can download all poot version.
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No problem bro...I got the link of the that app..Thanks for that...

KK 4.4 !! [Solved] Wifi Regional problem with sim card inserted

For 4.4 goto 2'nd post
This is for JB 4.3.1
If you like me have the problem of : ( wifi + sim_card ) = wifi not working
here is the fix : credits to HTCZ715E
but just 1 more step , after making the new "telephony-common.jar" and adb push , and chmod 644
you HAVE TO wipe dalvik+cache
without wipe dalvik+cache it never worked for me.
HTC MyTouch 4G
[ROM] CM-10.2 | AOSP 4.3 Jellybean [KANG] [Oct-11]
Well heads up to the android 4.4
non of the previous solutions is not working :crying:
today i tried ROM Legacy Carbon 4.4
so i started to use my knowledge about cracking from the old MS-dos ages !!!!!!!!! and i cracked the bcmdhd.ko file
using IDA dissembler and HexEdit the bcmdhd.ko file.
Now wifi works again. :good:
The problem is that , in this method i cannot provide a universal file and you have to make your own cracked driver ".ko" file.
Or the developers of each Rom should use the working source code for the wifi driver which has the complete support for all languages.
refer to this post:
and also here are some lines from logcat (i changed my mcc , mnc and country to XX ) with the cracked driver.
(i prefer to use cracking instead of patching because it was previously we called it)
D/Tethering( 1874): Exception adding default nw to upstreamIfaceTypes: java.lang.NullPointerException
E/wpa_supplicant( 2047): wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: failed to issue private commands
E/WifiStateMachine( 1874): Failed to set country code XX
D/MccTable( 2051): updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=XXX, mnc=XX
D/MccTable( 2051): getLocaleFromMcc to null_ir mcc=XXX
D/MccTable( 2051): getLocaleForLanguageCountry: skipping no language
D/MccTable( 2051): WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE set to ir
I/WifiService( 1874): WifiService trying to set country code to XX with persist set to true
D/MccTable( 2051): updateMccMncConfiguration updateConfig config={1.0 XXXmccXXmnc ?locale ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/? themeResource=null}
I/ActivityManager( 1874): Config changes=3 {1.0 XXXmccXXmnc en_US ldltr sw384dp w384dp h615dp 200dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h tball/v s.6 themeResource=null}
The whole problem started from the "wldev_set_country" function in "C" code in a ".h" file of wifi driver.
i don't have the knowledge to manipulate the source code of the wifi driver and compile compile the ".ko" file.
This method is not for pplz who don't know about reverse engineering.
So i opened the "bcmdhd.ko" in IDA disassembler and select the ARM Architecture.
Then searched for the "wldev_set_country" function and in the disassembled code there is some Branches which should be re-routed.
for example: (these are the OP-Codes of ARM cpu)
BNE loc_206E4 in the hex view window "08-00-00-0A"
BNE = Branch if not Equal , (and must have to change to just Branch no matter what is the result of compare )
0A = BNE
EA = B (Branch)
AA = BGE (Branch if Greater or Equal)
..... and etc
The important thing is that in IDA hex-view for examaple it shows : 000206BC 08 00 00 1A
but at the bottom of window it shows: 000206F0 <= this is the address which u needs to find and change in your hex-ediotor
and in hex editor we will change that 1A to 0A
The whole process i re-route 4 branches to get success.
Also i've checked it , and there is no need to appliy the previous patch "telephony-common.jar"
Only the bcmdhd.ko driver needs to patch
I attached the cracked version of my bcmdhd.ko file.
you can try it , BUT IT MAY NOT FOR YOUR COUNTRY AND/OR YOUR SIM CARD and for sure it only works in some Roms
this is the driver version from dmesg
Dongle Host Driver, version
Compiled in drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd on Nov 18 2013 at 17:0
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i made the attachment for this Rom
[ROM][UNOFFICIAL] LegacyCarbon 4.4 \\ 18.11.2013 \\ Built From Source
you should unzip it and use "adb push" and "chmod 644 "
adb root
adb push bcmdhd.ko /system/lib/modules/
adb shell
cd /system/lib/modules/
chmod 644 bcmdhd.ko
and reboot
HTC MyTouch 4G
[ROM][UNOFFICIAL] LegacyCarbon 4.4 \\ 18.11.2013 \\
I test this file on [ROM][Official][4.4] Evervolv Nightlies
It's compatible And works 100% :good:
BobZombiE said:
I test this file on [ROM][Official][4.4] Evervolv Nightlies
It's compatible And works 100% :good:
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Did you use it? Bug important? I want to know some information. Thanks!
Sure , i'm using this patched driver almost on all Roms i'm testing and never had any wifi problems.
Sent from my myTouch 4G using xda app-developers app
BobZombiE said:
I test this file on [ROM][Official][4.4] Evervolv Nightlies
It's compatible And works 100% :good:
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Camera, cam recording, and Browser? What any problem?
If I want back Rom 4.3 after install 4.4. Can I back?!
Thank so much your infomation!
hdhthed said:
Camera, cam recording, and Browser? What any problem?
If I want back Rom 4.3 after install 4.4. Can I back?!
Thank so much your infomation!
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go to the related thread and take a look , or make a nandroid backup and try.
Evervolv 4.0: at this moment: Camera does not work at all . but stock browser is ok :good:
Carbon 4.4 Rom : at this moment : Camera & Cam recording is ok. but stock browser does not work. u have to use other browsers like firefox
Yea! Make a nandroid backup ,after I can restore in Recovery. Have lost root?
hdhthed said:
Yea! Make a nandroid backup ,after I can restore in Recovery. Have lost root?
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i don't think so
BobZombiE said:
i don't think so
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Mean? You think lose root or cant restore a backup nandroid ?
hdhthed said:
Mean? You think lose root or cant restore a backup nandroid ?
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i'm root and s=off , HBOOT 75
and flashed, backed up, restored my phone more than 100 times last week . and never lost root
This is my old phone... Fun to be back here.
I am asking about this modified driver. I need to find out first if my phone uses this driver (looks like a broadcom driver), but if it is, I am going to try it.
My question to the author is: do the changes you made make this driver location agnostic? Because you changed the BNE, to just branch, it seems that you are allowing it to function regardless of the country (in the MMC).
I have an HTC One running 4.4 and my issue is that I really need to use channel 13. My router is set to 13, but no matter what changes I make to the wi-fi region encoding (the region encoding change is successful), I still am limited to only channels 1 to 11.
So I just thought I'd ask to get your input on this...
help me solve my wifi issue
BobZombiE said:
For 4.4 goto 2'nd post
This is for JB 4.3.1
If you like me have the problem of : ( wifi + sim_card ) = wifi not working
here is the fix : credits to HTCZ715E
but just 1 more step , after making the new "telephony-common.jar" and adb push , and chmod 644
you HAVE TO wipe dalvik+cache
without wipe dalvik+cache it never worked for me.
HTC MyTouch 4G
[ROM] CM-10.2 | AOSP 4.3 Jellybean [KANG] [Oct-11]
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Hey guys ... I'am a normal user having sony xperia ion Lt28h .... I've just flashed CM11 unofficial rom but I have a wifi problem ..... can you teach me how to solve my regional wifi issue as I am in syria and have faced this problem earlier so i know it's a regional problem ..... thx for help

Success flashtool to flash Global Firmware on my G8232 ! Guide for newbiew (like me)

I got this G8232 as Gift from my USA's cousin which has disable fingerprint manager by default. This issue make me sick. I want it back by flash my phone to global firmware. But problem:
1. Flashtool newest version have no G8232 in device list. Okay if you stuck at this here is trick:
Download Device update for flastool here:
- Extract you will have folder G82xx
Open flashtool (newest version) wait until it loaded all script you will see there are only 94 device loaded
see pic:
how do you upload pictures
- Copy folder: G82xx to %userprofile%\.flashTool\devices (copy this to "RUN")
- Back to opening flashtool click: Device - Manage - Import. You will have 95 devices imported with notice:
"06/039/2017 21:39:25 - INFO - Loading devices database
06/039/2017 21:39:25 - INFO - Loaded 95 devices"
how do you upload pictures
2. All done ! Go ahead make your own ftf firmware by xperifirm and flash your phone.
3. While flashing you may got notice:
06/040/2017 21:40:46 - INFO - No matching loader found
06/040/2017 21:40:46 - WARN - No loader found or set manually. Skipping loader
And flashtool will popup using 41.fsc click YES then all go through.... (if not restart your PC reinstall flashtool drivers and restart over again)
how do you upload pictures
Bravo now my G8232 fingerprint manager is back ! Big thanks everybody !
Thanks, which FW did you use?
Thanks for the quick and easy guide. Very helpful and I have successfully created an FTF file as a test. Just curious which firmware you used? I'm looking for something that has as little bloat as possible but understand each variant will come with some.
Example, did you use the customized SG, HK, etc. release?
Thanks in advance!
Avalanche46 said:
Thanks for the quick and easy guide. Very helpful and I have successfully created an FTF file as a test. Just curious which firmware you used? I'm looking for something that has as little bloat as possible but understand each variant will come with some.
Example, did you use the customized SG, HK, etc. release?
Thanks in advance!
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My G8232 release with USA firmware with fingerprint is disable
I living in Vietnam so i use Xperifirm and make FTF with Costumized VN Firmware and flashed my phone. I'm sure u can flash any global ftf firmware to make fingerprint manager is back
ru image host
XuanDinh said:
My G8232 release with USA firmware with fingerprint is disable
I living in Vietnam so i use Xperifirm and make FTF with Costumized VN Firmware and flashed my phone. I'm sure u can flash any global ftf firmware to make fingerprint manager is back
ru image host
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Giúp mình với. XZs k nhận driver để flash TFT. mình tìm đủ các driver rồi mà đều báo fail khi add driver (
Only get this:
29/004/2017 23:04:06 - INFO - No flash script found.
29/004/2017 23:04:06 - INFO - Flash script is mandatory. Closing session
29/004/2017 23:04:06 - INFO - Ending flash session
29/004/2017 23:04:06 - INFO - Flashing finished.
29/004/2017 23:04:06 - INFO - Please unplug and start your phone
29/004/2017 23:04:06 - INFO - For flashtool, Unknown Sources and Debugging must be checked in phone settings
29/004/2017 23:04:06 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
29/004/2017 23:04:12 - INFO - Device disconnected
Janus00 said:
Only get this:
29/004/2017 23:04:06 - INFO - No flash script found.
29/004/2017 23:04:06 - INFO - Flash script is mandatory. Closing session
29/004/2017 23:04:06 - INFO - Ending flash session
29/004/2017 23:04:06 - INFO - Flashing finished.
29/004/2017 23:04:06 - INFO - Please unplug and start your phone
29/004/2017 23:04:06 - INFO - For flashtool, Unknown Sources and Debugging must be checked in phone settings
29/004/2017 23:04:06 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
29/004/2017 23:04:12 - INFO - Device disconnected
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same for me also
3mozz said:
same for me also
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Another user in the patch thread solved it. You have to copy the G82XX patch to the device folder to overwrite the files and then press export first before importing the folder in flashtool.
"Delete that folder add the new folder then click export and then import the new folder and tadaa worked for me"
Hi guys. I have a question. So I have the US dual sim version as well. If I flash to global firmware do I lose my DRM keys for the camera?
Basically all I want to do is use global firmware to get fingerprint reader working. I don't really care for rooting it. I want to keep my camera DRM working. I tried reading a guide but it only shows me how to root. But I don't want to root.
How to video
I made a how to video a few weeks back on how to activate the fingerprint sensor.
I was having issues like the ones mentioned above and after several failed attempts I figured out what worked
This damn thing doesn't let me post links so just Google how to activate the fingerprint sensor on the Xperia xzs or just search for my channel using my username on YouTube
can you help me sir plz
contact me on my Gmail
[email protected]
i don't know how to do this method ?!
Does your phone keep receiving automatic updates from sony?
Does your phone keep receiving automatic updates from sony?
Please upload Sony Xperia XZs Global Firmware
XuanDinh said:
My G8232 release with USA firmware with fingerprint is disable
I living in Vietnam so i use Xperifirm and make FTF with Costumized VN Firmware and flashed my phone. I'm sure u can flash any global ftf firmware to make fingerprint manager is back
ru image host
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could you help me sir to do this?
skipper1448 said:
How to video
I made a how to video a few weeks back on how to activate the fingerprint sensor.
I was having issues like the ones mentioned above and after several failed attempts I figured out what worked
This damn thing doesn't let me post links so just Google how to activate the fingerprint sensor on the Xperia xzs or just search for my channel using my username on YouTube
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what is your username on youtube?
Shadow_Company said:
what is your username on youtube?
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I deleted the video a while ago. It's a 6 year old phone at this point.
skipper1448 said:
I deleted the video a while ago. It's a 6 year old phone at this point.
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could you contact me to provide help?
[email protected]
