[GUIDE] How to port ROMs from u8800pro to u8800 - Huawei Ideos X5 U8800

How to port ROM
So this is guide "how to port roms from huawei u8800pro to u8800 or from u8800 to u8800pro". Both ROMs (base, port) must have same android version. And if you try this guide you'll port ROM for your device with same features! If you have some question or problem please PM me.
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What is base Rom:
The ROM which is Developed For your Mobile.. (like Aurora, CM7,...)
What is Port Rom:
The Rom Which you want to port to your Device... (like frozenpika,...)
1. So take any clean ROM which is running on your device as Base ROM.
2. Extract it Using Winrar.
3. Take the ROM you want to port. This Port ROM. Extract it also using Winrar.
4. Delete app, Framework, Fonts and Media folder in System Folder of Base ROM.
5. Now copy app, Framework, Fonts and Media folder in System Folder from Port rom to base rom system folder.
6. Now open etc folder in both the ROMs folder.
7. In etc folder of base ROM open permissions folder and copy all the permissions files in Port rom to your base ROM folder except platform and handheld_hardware and then open init.d Folder in Base ROM and Delete Every thing except banner and then copy all the files inside init.d folder of port ROM to Base ROM.
8. Now open buid.prop file using Notepad++ and make changes to these of Base Rom as you wish.
9. In build.prop file change these to same as Port Rom build.prop values.
10. COPY THE set_perm Lines in META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script From Port to Base ROM After Deleting set_perm lines in Base ROM's Updater-Script.
11. Last Step to .zip folders to one
SELECT META-INF, system and boot.img in port folder
Right Click and Select Add to Archive..
Select Zip..
Type the Name.
Click OK..
12. You can simple flash via recovery!
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Is it backwards compatible too? Regular to pro?
Sent from my u8800-51

Somcom3X said:
Is it backwards compatible too? Regular to pro?
Sent from my u8800-51
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Yes, of course. From the U8800 U8800pro and vice versa.

Have you ported any Roms from u8800 pro yourself. If so, please share with us
Sent from my U8800 using xda premium

vercetti19 said:
Have you ported any Roms from u8800 pro yourself. If so, please share with us
Sent from my U8800 using xda premium
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Sorry. I'm very busy now with my ROM Mlora...
Maybe someone can try it!

11. Last Step to .zip folders to one
SELECT META-INF, system and boot.img in port folder
Right Click and Select Add to Archive..
Select Zip..
Type the Name.
Click OK..
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Is this correct?
We made all these changes to base rom, edit build.prop and updater_script of BASE ROM, and then we must zip and flash the PORT ROM folder?

dancer_69 said:
Is this correct?
We made all these changes to base rom, edit build.prop and updater_script of BASE ROM, and then we must zip and flash the PORT ROM folder?
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Yes. Thanks for correct.
Sent from my U8800 running AOSP 4.0.4

Firstly, this a copy of this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1908008
Secondly, it's wrong and inaccurate.

ezet said:
Firstly, this a copy of this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1908008
Secondly, it's wrong and inaccurate.
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Firstly, This guide is for beginners developers which want start with development.
Secondly, it isn't wrong. I tried it.

Mlopik said:
Firstly, This guide is for beginners developers which want start with development.
Secondly, it isn't wrong. I tried it.
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Which ROM did you port?

forumber2 said:
Which ROM did you port?
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I tried port CM9 for u8800 but now I'm waiting for Blefish's CM10.1. He said (on his twitter) that he'll release first preview next week.

Mlopik said:
I tried port CM9 for u8800 but now I'm waiting for Blefish's CM10.1. He said (on his twitter) that he'll release first preview next week.
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And It worked?

forumber2 said:
And It worked?
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Yes. It worked but I formatted disk and I go back to Windows8. So ROM is removed.

Lets see if this works :fingers-crossed:

Somcom3X said:
Lets see if this works :fingers-crossed:
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So? Did you try it?

So? Did you try it?
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Cyan mobile has issues... Trying to fix.
Sent from my U8800-51 using xda premium

Somcom3X said:
Cyan mobile has issues... Trying to fix.
Sent from my U8800-51 using xda premium
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Will you post it?

Mlopik said:
Will you post it?
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Gotta fix the updater script
Sent from my U8800-51 using xda premium

Mlopik said:
Will you post it?
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Mistake in script formatted SD card... Gotta start over...
Sent from my U8800-51 using xda premium

Mlopik said:
How to port ROM
What is base Rom:
The ROM which is Developed For your Mobile.. (like Aurora, CM7,...)
What is Port Rom:
The Rom Which you want to port to your Device... (like frozenpika,...)
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tried to port paranoid android from galaxy s2 to u8800 but it is stuck in bootloop


Stockwells porting script question.

As some of you know, stockwell has a miui porting script. I just began to wonder, can it be modified to port other roms from desire z? If someone could alter it a bit try to port one of desire z roms. I have very little knowledge on linux, but someone with more could do it.
Ret4rt and darksage have this script. They can answer to this question.
Sent from my Huawei Ideos X5
julle131 said:
As some of you know, stockwell has a miui porting script. I just began to wonder, can it be modified to port other roms from desire z? If someone could alter it a bit try to port one of desire z roms. I have very little knowledge on linux, but someone with more could do it.
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U could try and just read the script from the github.. U could see the script will automatically add and replace some files and delete unnecessary file from Desire-Z ROM.. U can do it using windows AFAIK... Try using this tutorial
http://www.freeyourandroid.com/guide/porting-android to know exactly what to put to get the phone booting..
Do you have a link to the script?
PaulMilbank said:
Do you have a link to the script?
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For those who dont know Linux that well (Me too!), u need to figure out those function(rm=remove, cp=copy) and replace it manually in windows..
But updater-script could make it even harder.
Sent from my u8800 using XDA App
julle131 said:
But updater-script could make it even harder.
Sent from my u8800 using XDA App
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Stockwell make it easy for us actually, if u check that github, there's an "overlay" folder.. Inside is all the file needed to add into the desire-z rom,
including the updater script (/ overlay / META-INF / com / google / android )..
izzoe said:
Stockwell make it easy for us actually, if u check that github, there's an "overlay" folder.. Inside is all the file needed to add into the desire-z rom,
including the updater script (/ overlay / META-INF / com / google / android )..
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Okay. I need to install ubuntu to my pc then amd try.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

[ROM] [ALPHA] CyanogenMod9 By alex1301

After a few headaches and some claps on the forehead i finished a very alpha build of CM9 for the IDEOS X5. It was ported from the Galaxy W port of arco68 with the files of Aurora ICS and this guide.
I don't know the bugs, so please PM me if you find a bug.
NOTE: I think i am only too stupid to sign a zip, so you have to sign it by yourselves or toggle verification in the recovery.
Thanks to fjsferreira for re-packung the boot.umg
Thanks to dzo for Aurora ICS
Thanks to arco68 for the Galaxy W ICS port
Thanks ti freeeyourandroid.com for the porting guide
alex1301 said:
After a few headaches and some claps on the forehead i finished a very alpha build of CM9 for the IDEOS X5. It was ported from the Galaxy W port of arco68 with the files of Aurora ICS and this guide.
I don't know the bugs, so please PM me if you find a bug.
NOTE: I think i am only too stupid to sign a zip, so you have to sign it by yourselves or toggle verification in the recovery.
Thanks to fjsferreira for re-packung the boot.umg
Thanks to dzo for Aurora ICS
Thanks to arco68 for the Galaxy W ICS port
Thanks ti freeeyourandroid.com for the porting guide
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Can't flash it, starts but then getting error and no message as the phone reboots. First time ever it has done something like this and my heart skipped...
cirnocirno said:
Can't flash it, starts but then getting error and no message as the phone reboots. First time ever it has done something like this and my heart skipped...
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Did you toggle signature verification first?
Is there any chance for u8800pro?
Sent from my u8800pro using XDA
... finished a very alpha build of CM9 .....
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Please go to advance edition and put a big ALPHA warning in the title thread.
why? is it that bad?
have you tyed? whats working and not?
thanks for ypu effort alex1301
r1c4rd0 said:
why? is it that bad?
have you tyed? whats working and not?
thanks for ypu effort alex1301
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Alpha is not bad nor good, just a phase of software development. Please confirm the rom is working, otherwise I will move it to general section.
poyensa said:
Alpha is not bad nor good, just a phase of software development. Please confirm the rom is working, otherwise I will move it to general section.
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i´m downloading it right now, and will test it in one hour and i will say someting here...
It doesn't install, always Error status 6 in CWM. I replaced the METAINF folder in the zip with aurora, and changed the name of the zip itself, then it installs, but doesn't boot...
Next, I replaced the boot.img inside with the 3.0.8_v2 from DZO, then it boots but never goes further than boot animation
It is not rom development if you just switch some of the files, compress the file into a .zip and post it here.
Can anyone have a look at it and help me? I think the problen is the updater script, because i've only copied the one from aurora.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
I will do a port from desire z
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
will test it soon btw yeah port from desire z would be better.
i have only one problem. the guide says the Easiest way to replace the kernel is to take a kernel update zip for your device, un-zip it and rename the zImage file to "boot.img-kernel" and copy and replace the file of the same name in your directory.
but when i take the boot.img-kernel from the unpacked aurora boot.img, it has 2,6 mb, but when i rename the packed boot.img from aurora to boot.img-kernel it has 3.0 mb. which one should i take?
alex1301 said:
i have only one problem. the guide says the Easiest way to replace the kernel is to take a kernel update zip for your device, un-zip it and rename the zImage file to "boot.img-kernel" and copy and replace the file of the same name in your directory.
but when i take the boot.img-kernel from the unpacked aurora boot.img, it has 2,6 mb, but when i rename the packed boot.img from aurora to boot.img-kernel it has 3.0 mb. which one should i take?
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Boot.img is ramdisk and kernel, compiled into one. You need kernel.
Unpack both boot images, replace kernel with auroras and change init.rc scripts to mount the correct partitions.
On mobile now so can't give a tutorial.
Sent from my U8800 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
the guide i follow says, that i only have to rename the init.devicename.rc to init.huawei.rc. should i also change the init.rc to the one of aurora?
does anyone have the mkbootimg for the X5?
alex1301 said:
does anyone have the mkbootimg for the X5?
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We don't need to have any device specific mkbootimg, any mkbootimg will do it just fine
Sent from my U8800 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
i've uploaded a new version. it's ported from the desire z, but i think it's too big for the x5. i can't upload it to mediafire, because it doesn't load my files correct. so i only can upload it to dropbox, but there is also a limitation of downloads. http://db.tt/u8PrGM5m
alex1301 said:
i've uploaded a new version. it's ported from the desire z, but i think it's too big for the x5. i can't upload it to mediafire, because it doesn't load my files correct. so i only can upload it to dropbox, but there is also a limitation of downloads. http://db.tt/u8PrGM5m
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Can you confirm this one boots?
Sent from my U8800

[mod][PATCH][AROMA] ROM_PATCH v1.2 for ics- full freedom

thanks a lot to amarullz for providing aroma installer, and thanks to nightshack0 I have taken his installer and modded to work according to my need but dont think that I have just copied and pasted the installer
had you ever feel that another galaxy s variant's forum have a ics rom which suits all your need but you cannot flash it because it is not yet ported to your device but now all this will not happen again with this patch you can install which ROM you want to flash there will be no boundation for you.
if you are getting status 7 or getprop error then a little work from your side is needed
extract the rom to a folder then go to /extracted folder/META - INF/com/Google/Android
from there open updater-script and remove all getprop lines
come back to META - INF folder and delete all three files
zip the file and flash it in recovery
NOTE:- to edit updater script use jota text editor(android), notepad++(windows)
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this patch will let you flash other I9000 or t959 roms I have not tried it on other variant but you can try and let me know if it works, I have tried to flash a nexus s rom and it was not flashing so just flash and let me know there is no harm no soft brick no hard brick just physical button will not work until you flash this patch or another rom
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how to use this patch:- first flash the rom you wanted then this patch and if rom is not flashing read the FAQ
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download link
*AROMA compatible v1.2:- http://bit.ly/rompat12 (39mb)
* AROMA compatible v1.1:- http://bit.ly/JpHy83 (41mb)
* CAPRIVATE patch v1.0:- http://db.tt/35H5A9mH
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PROS:- 1.flash which ics rom you want
2. new world with more rom have been revealed
3. rom chefs work have been reduced because now they do not need to port their rom.
4. small size just 12mb
5. TWRP kernel is pre bundled thanks to KRARVIND
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CONS:- 1. you cannot get the build properties(build.prop) of the rom you are flashing instead you will get the build property which will not be related to any ics rom
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the patch do not contains any file which can cause a bug and patch will only work on ics roms not gb
For further clarification read FAQ on second post
update:- keep the thanks coming guys and I will add the support of aroma installer and new things just keep me encouraged by pressing thanks
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update 2:- hi all if you like my work please rate this thread with 5 stars and also submit it as news tip
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update:- flashed fascinate rom by editing updater script and without resigning got it booted up but it cleared my efs folder so was not getting any network coverage, I got very depressed tried cleared data restore nandroid but nothing works then I thought about efs and with the backup I copy imei files to efs folder and after reboot I got coverage now I will not flash any fascinate rom just for testing but I can say that fascinate rom are working
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Q.:- how to use this installer
Ans:- don't worry about this all the instruction have been given in the installer you just need to flash the package in recovery it is just like installation wizard of windows
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Q.:- will this also work on gb rom
Ans:- no the patch contains a kernel which cannot work with gb rom
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Q:- while flashing a galaxy s ics rom I got an error of assert failed what to do.
Ans:- first flash this patch then go to advance and select reboot recovery with new TWRP recovery flash the rom then again flash patch
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Q.:- why you provided custom build.prop.
Ans:- if build.prop will not be provided then rom's build.prop will change you device's build properties which will not letyou flash files specially created for captivate
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Q.:- can I flash another captivate ics kernel
Ans:- yes you can flash
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Q.:- can I flash a kernel I9000 or T959
Ans:- no you cannot flash
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Q.:- can you give some info about TWRP kernel
Ans:- a bigmem kernel with 720p recording patch originally can be found in Slim Ice rom thanks KRARVIND for this
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Q.:- what can happen if I forgot to flash this patch
Ans:- nothing serious just the physical keys (menu, back etc.) will not work except this everything will be normal just boot to recovery and flash the patch and keys will work again
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Q.:- I like your work where can I donate you
Ans:- my work is not that much to be donated and I got pocket money from my father I am just a teenager of seventeen just press thanks button and rate this thread with 5 stars, I will be happy
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Q.:- Is there any modem provided Ans:- no, there is no modem in the package and will be provided in next update following in 3-5 days
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1. added bootanimation support
2. removed 30 data fix script
3. added vold.fstab
4. added shutdown charging animation files
5. only single modem is there to decrease size of the patch
6. added a new splash screen
1. Added support of AROMA INSTALLER (thanks AMARULLZ)
2. Updated Semaphore kernel
3. Removed some unwanted files
4. Added some Init Scripts
5. Removed Lib files
6. Added Modem.bin
tested roms
a list of tested roms is here
1. infinitum (currently ported)
2. myics ultimate fusion
3. galaxy s cm9 kang build
4. team icssgs
Interesting. Will check it out
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
Interested to try this out... waiting for link. I'm feeling daring today.
edit: thread updated while I was posting- I'll report back when I try it out.
cool... So where is the link?
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA
guys I have just created the thread it will take time to complete link have been added
oooh whats this lol
sorta like Hellraiser from the infuse forum
Cool it's there yeah let's see )))))
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA
Really? Wow! that sounds awesome!! Gonna try it for sure.
Any feedback? Lol
Just to clarify
I flash this after ANY ICS rom on Any(galaxy s) Phone?(Such as Galaxy s II) Or Just for vibrant?
Also I flash the patch first then the rom Of My choice? Or what o.o
[email protected]$$ GONNA TRY THIS OUT NOW!
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
Can somebody explain how the hell I use this o.o Im confused
patrick8996 said:
Can somebody explain how the hell I use this o.o Im confused
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Hi confused! I'm perplexed. Would like to this as well.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
shaker2k said:
Hi confused! I'm perplexed. Would like to this as well.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
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Lol Guess Im gonna try it o.o
Gonna flash this patch and find advanced(wherever that may be) and then flash an SGSII Rom
patrick8996 said:
Lol Guess Im gonna try it o.o
Gonna flash this patch and find advanced(wherever that may be) and then flash an SGSII Rom
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I think it's just i9000 and i9020 (google nexus). Not sure though.
swayjd said:
I think it's just i9000 and i9020 (google nexus). Not sure though.
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damn it o.o
so i can flash a nexus one ics rom on my cappy? i dont get it
@OP, can you explain us what this does?

[ROM][ICS][DOWNLOAD]Project Official Lite ICS by SvTeam HAPPY NEW YEAR

Hello xda members! I've got a new ROM for you and this time its a lite ICS based on official by Huawei but A LOT smoother and faster!
Android Version 4.0.4
Added graphics tweaks.
As smooth as this ROM can be.
Faster Wifi.
Removed unused apps.
New bootanimation.
Better Signal.
Better Battery.
Better camera/photo/audio quality.
Other performance tweaks.
You have to be on OFFICIAL ICS for this to work!
Wipe cache.
Format/ factory reset.
Wipe cache.
Format system.
Install ROM.
Fix Permissions.
IN ORDER TO GET YOUR ROM TO WORK PROPERLY YOU MUST DOWNLOAD : http://www.mediafire.com/?uci2qcrie6lnian
They are some extra files that i removed from system/app in order to make the ROM smaller and upload it on mediafire. Just download them and either move them to system/app before installation or push the to system/app after installation and set permission using Root Explorer.
This rar file contains 2 folders:
1)Extras. These are files you may want to add to your ROM but they are NOT needed.
2)Needed. These are files that are NEEDED in order your ROM to work properly.
Thanks to
Huawei for base ICS
GADANA for base flashable zip
I think that if you release stable 4.2 rom it is better that older ics rom...
Sent from my U8800Pro using xda premium
gleb_grid said:
I think that if you release stable 4.2 rom it is better that older ics rom...
Sent from my U8800Pro using xda premium
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I already said that 4.2 WILL NOT get released,at least for now so no word about that.
I tried to install the rom and now the phone doesn't work anymore, I can't get into recovery, the image folder exists but does not go into recovery, you can know what happened? is this a joke?
baggino said:
I tried to install the rom and now the phone doesn't work anymore, I can't get into recovery, the image folder exists but does not go into recovery, you can know what happened? is this a joke?
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Did you follow my instructions?
Followed the instructions and installed the rom, and now my phone stays at the Huawei logo for few seconds and reboots and I can't boot it to the recovery to install other roms...
E: I installed step 2 from b928 update and it's alive again
Bravo... Avto perimeno apo 5 mines
Bravo! This wait of 5 months.
Sent from my u8800pro using Tapatalk 2
dingila said:
Bravo... Avto perimeno apo 5 mines
Bravo! This wait of 5 months.
Sent from my u8800pro using Tapatalk 2
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How are the results for you? Is it smooth enough? Could you provide some screenshots for the 1st post please?
Does it mean that the phone still be able to boot after flashing the rom(without needed files) from cwm but I have to move the needed files to system/app then to make it work properly?
Am I right?
JerSki said:
Followed the instructions and installed the rom, and now my phone stays at the Huawei logo for few seconds and reboots and I can't boot it to the recovery to install other roms...
E: I installed step 2 from b928 update and it's alive again
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I did the same thing......
Tip: you're away from any rom of sigg. SvTeam, this is the second time the flashing their creature, but I'm sure it will be the last........
What is your purpose?
baggino said:
I did the same thing......
Tip: you're away from any rom of sigg. SvTeam, this is the second time the flashing their creature, but I'm sure it will be the last........
What is your purpose?
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26decem said:
Does it mean that the phone still be able to boot after flashing the rom(without needed files) from cwm but I have to move the needed files to system/app then to make it work properly?
Am I right?
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Yes i just removed some big files because of the 200mb limit on mediafire.
Rom doesn't work. Done everything written
SvTeam said:
Yes i just removed some big files because of the 200mb limit on mediafire.
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have you tested?
26decem said:
have you tested?
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Nope. We dont have a coder right now so all modifications were done by me to have a stable ICS. I took the zip that bronxitas made and added tweaks and removed files to make it faster and smoother. So i thought it would work because that zip was working fine.
SvTeam said:
Yes i just removed some big files because of the 200mb limit on mediafire.
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Gadana wasn't even 200MB to begin with.
You can upload the rom in is entirity on another site like http://www.4shared.com/
ninfernix said:
Gadana wasn't even 200MB to begin with.
You can upload there in is entirity on another site like http://www.4shared.com/
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This is the one I used as my base : http://prntscr.com/nslna
ErisLT said:
Rom doesn't work.
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Xaxaxax... I don't speak anything... SvTeam, no comments about your super roms
Sent from my U8800Pro using xda premium
svteam is just a giant troll!!
His roms never worked, not a single one.
just ignore it

[GUIDE]How To Port ROMS to Your Device [AOSP]

* Iam not here to guarantee any successful PORTING. nor i am responsible
for bricked devices, dead SD cards, or a broken device. YOU are
choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger
at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you. But I will try
my best to explain all the necessities, so you won't mess up your Device.
Hello XDA'S Today i'm back with a useful guide/tutorial for ANDROID ROM PORTING
may have tried porting roms to their phones and has been succefull but most of the case is that we being end up in bootloops or cwm errors
So i'm dedicating this post for all users how are having a craze of rom porting or for atleast those wgo wanted to try rom porting
There are two phases or rom porting
1) Its finding the correct port and source roms for ROM PORTING copying the files which is explained here
2) After a succefull port also the rom may not work properly ,we have to sort out the bugs to for a rom to become perfectly working
So with no more blahh blahh blahh Lets start the PORTING procedure :fingers-crossed: :fingers-crossed:
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And lastly Before you a port a ROM, make sure you asked permission from the Developer!
What you'll need:
Notepad++ (When developing, always use this)
Android SDK (For Logcatting & DDMS)
Some basic knowledge about Android
If you are on Linux/Unix/BSD use your favorite Archiving Tool & Text Editor.
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What is base Rom:
The ROM which is Developed For your Mobile..
You can use either CM or any other AOSP roms as your Base ROM
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What is Port Rom:
The Rom Which you want to port to your Device.
Make sure that the rom has most of the hardware specifications as of your base rom
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Take any clean CM9, AOSP, CM7, CM10 ROM which is running on your device as Base ROM
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Extract it Using Winrar.
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
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Take the ROM you want to port. This Port ROM. Extract it also using Winrar.
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Delete app, Framework, Fonts and Media folder in System Folder of Base ROM.
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Now copy app, Framework, Fonts and Media folder in System Folder from Port rom to base rom system folder.
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Now open etc folder in both the ROMs folder.
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In etc folder of base ROM open permissions folder and copy all the permissions files in Port rom to your base ROM folder except platform and handheld_hardware
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STEP 8: .And Then open init.d Folder in Base ROM and Delete Every thing except banner and then copy all the files inside init.d folder of port ROM to Base ROM.
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Now open buid.prop file using Notepad++ and make changes to these of Base Rom as you wish.
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In build.prop file change these to same as Port Rom build.prop values.
Also Copy anything you Find Extra in ADDITIONAL BUILD PROPERTIES related to theme..
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COPY THE set_perm Lines in META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script From Port to Base ROM After Deleting set_perm lines in Base ROM's Updater-Script.
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If You find any extra file or folder in system folder of PORT rom than copy them to your base rom system folder.
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STEP 13:
SELECT META-INF, system, boot.img(if it is having), data(if it is having).
Right Click and Select Add to Archive..
Select Zip..
Type the Name.
Click OK..
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Click to collapse
Copy telocation.db and yellowpage.db From /system/etc folder to yours..
Copy content-types.properties file From /system/lib to yours..
Copy invoke-as from miui4 rom to /system/xbin and give it permissions on updater-script
set_perm(0, 0, 06755, "/system/xbin/invoke-as");
Note:It is needed for backup & themes app to work
Copy liblbesec.so from miui 4 to /system/lib and give permission on updater-script
set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/system/lib/liblbesec.so");
It is needed for superuser app from miui to work
Change values Some of the Values in build.prop of your ROM:
ro.build.version.incremental=2.x.x (version number)
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FOR ParanoidAndroid And PAC:
Copy paranoid folder inside system/etc to yours..
Go to META-INF/com/google/android/Updater-Script of your base ROM and open it with Notepad++
Copy this line:
set_perm(1000, 1000, 0644, "/system/etc/paranoid/properties.conf");
Specially For PA:
Now Open Build.prop in /system with Notepad++
Copy these lines in Additional Properties of Build.prop:
Depends on Resolution Of your device can be pa_hdpi/pa_mdpi/pa_xhdpi. Change it according to your device.
Depend on pa version. Replace x.xx with the version of PA you are porting.
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Specially For PAC Rom:
Now Open Build.prop in /system with Notepad++
Copy these lines in Additional Properties of Build.prop:
Replace the x.x.x with your PAC Rom version
Customize these lines according to your wish.
Depends on Resolution Of your device can be pa_hdpi/pa_mdpi/pa_xhdpi. Change it according to your device.
Depend on pa version. Replace x.xx with the version of PA you are porting.
Modify this line according to your AOKP version
Modify it according to your base ROM's build.prop
Replace any line in Your build.prop which appear twice mainly ro.cm.version and ro.modversion
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For HTC Devices:
To fix network auto select-
Decompile framework-res.apk
Go to \framework-res\res\values\bools.xml and change change <bool name="skip_restoring_network_selection">true</bool> to false
To Fix Graphichal issues:
Decompile framework.jar
Change these files with your base
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After a succefull port also there can be many bugs present which has to soved logically
here are somethings which can help in DEBUGGING
open the system/framework and find framework-res.apk file[can use any extracting app]
in both the roms and go to res folder then to xml subfolder and copy and replace the storage_list.xml file from source to port rom
( framework-res.apk\res\xml\storage_list.xml)
Porting Wallpapers | Lockscreen Wallpapers | bootanimation
Usually you get a wallpaper/bootanimation that doesn't fit your device. Here's a quick tutorial on how to port it to your device.
Download & Install FreeImageConverter then launch it.
For Wallpapers & Lockscreen Wallpapers:
Click Add Folder... and add the folder were the wallpapers are
Then click Advanced Convert...
Select Exact Size and set the image quality to 100
Set your Width and Height resolutions for your device.
Uncheck Add "Converted by www.freeimageconverter.com"
Select Leave the same file name and leave the Postfix & Prefix empty. Then set your output in a folder.
For bootanimation:
Extract /system/media/bootanimation.zip OR /data/local/bootanimation.zip OR /system/customize/resource/bootanimation.zip (For Oxygen ROM, the bootanimation is built into the framework-res)
Do the steps above
Move the new resized folder(s) into your bootanimation workspace
Edit the desc.txt to match your device resolutions
Zip the contents ( folder_name desc.txt )
Set compression method to Store
Delete the extracted bootanimation files
Make sure this new bootanimation.zip is in PORTED
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Credits & Thanks to
# rishabh.raj37
# Peteragent5
Happy porting!
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for clarification
This method gives bootloop too often. It works only for very similar devices like Xperia J & Arc or Huawei u8818
Yes. This method gives a lot of bootloops. It only can be used on devices with hairline differences between specs.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
lozohcum said:
This method gives bootloop too often. It works only for very similar devices like Xperia J & Arc or Huawei u8818
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not really ,,i have tried porting with this and it worked succefullyy
may be you have to try it perfectly
1c3_5n0w said:
Yes. This method gives a lot of bootloops. It only can be used on devices with hairline differences between specs.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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have you tried this methode,,iam sure it will work,,:laugh::laugh:
ArjunrambZ said:
have you tried this methode,,iam sure it will work,,:laugh::laugh:
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I started porting roms about year ago so... yes I did, I tried many "methods". This works mostly for similar devices.
Now I'm trying to use source code
lozohcum said:
I started porting roms about year ago so... yes I did, I tried many "methods". This works mostly for similar devices.
Now I'm trying to use source code
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yah trying with source code is the best way ,but this tut is for users who really cant get it using source :good:
Arjunramb456651 said:
* Iam not here to guarantee any successful PORTING. nor i am responsible
for bricked devices, dead SD cards, or a broken device. YOU are
choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger
at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you. But I will try
my best to explain all the necessities, so you won't mess up your Device.
Hello XDA'S Today i'm back with a useful guide/tutorial for ANDROID ROM PORTING
may have tried porting roms to their phones and has been succefull but most of the case is that we being end up in bootloops or cwm errors
So i'm dedicating this post for all users how are having a craze of rom porting or for atleast those wgo wanted to try rom porting
And lastly Before you a port a ROM, make sure you asked permission from the Developer!
FOR ParanoidAndroid And PAC:
Specially For PAC Rom:
After a succefull port also there can be many bugs present which has to soved logically
here are somethings which can help in DEBUGGING
open the system/framework and find framework-res.apk file[can use any extracting app]
in both the roms and go to res folder then to xml subfolder and copy and replace the storage_list.xml file from source to port rom
( framework-res.apk\res\xml\storage_list.xml)
Credits & Thanks to
# rishabh.raj37
# Peteragent5
Happy porting!
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Can you port an AOSP/CM based rom using a Manufacturer/maufacturer based ROM as the base (i.e. touchwiz rom)?
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So i own a Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 from AT&T... If i wanted to port a 4.2.2 Touchwiz rom to my tablet, would the steps vary much from those you've listed?
Sent from my SGH-I337 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
---------- Post added 16th November 2013 at 12:02 AM ---------- Previous post was 15th November 2013 at 11:59 PM ----------
Neozx25 said:
So i own a Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 from AT&T... If i wanted to port a 4.2.2 Touchwiz rom to my tablet, would the steps vary much from those you've listed? I would be using a rom that runs on another tab 2 10.1 but not for AT&T. Or even if i wanted an AOSP rom, would be that difficult?
Sent from my SGH-I337 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Sent from my SGH-I337 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
HitBobLer said:
Arjunramb456651 said:
* Iam not here to guarantee any successful PORTING. nor i am responsible
for bricked devices, dead SD cards, or a broken device. YOU are
choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger
at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you. But I will try
my best to explain all the necessities, so you won't mess up your Device.
Hello XDA'S Today i'm back with a useful guide/tutorial for ANDROID ROM PORTING
may have tried porting roms to their phones and has been succefull but most of the case is that we being end up in bootloops or cwm errors
So i'm dedicating this post for all users how are having a craze of rom porting or for atleast those wgo wanted to try rom porting
And lastly Before you a port a ROM, make sure you asked permission from the Developer!
FOR ParanoidAndroid And PAC:
Specially For PAC Rom:
Can you port an AOSP/CM based rom using a Manufacturer/maufacturer based ROM as the base (i.e. touchwiz rom)?
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no i dont think so,because cm /pa have modified source code ,which differ from manufacture rom hence ,,not possible ,u will possibly end in boot loop
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Neozx25 said:
So i own a Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 from AT&T... If i wanted to port a 4.2.2 Touchwiz rom to my tablet, would the steps vary much from those you've listed?
Sent from my SGH-I337 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
---------- Post added 16th November 2013 at 12:02 AM ---------- Previous post was 15th November 2013 at 11:59 PM ----------
Sent from my SGH-I337 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Neozx25 said:
So i own a Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 from AT&T... If i wanted to port a 4.2.2 Touchwiz rom to my tablet, would the steps vary much from those you've listed?
Sent from my SGH-I337 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
---------- Post added 16th November 2013 at 12:02 AM ---------- Previous post was 15th November 2013 at 11:59 PM ----------
Sent from my SGH-I337 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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yes of course ,this methode is for aosp or for cm roms and not for manufacture roms,,there are other guids for porting manufacture roms ,go search the forum
only boot loop no progress!!!
i had tried this method more then 4 times but it didnt worked....
rom is not booting up and its stucked on boot animation and shows no progress although i left it for an hour but still stucked....
any idea??
and for details...
i am porting chameleon OS built for htc one s just see this....-
android v is 4.2.2
so i used aokp 4.2.2(stable) first as base rom but i failed more then 2-4 times then i tried cm10.1 as base rom but still i am at bootanimation.
i had also used the three libs from the port rom and base rom as mentioned in the guide but still nothing is going good......:crying:
can you tell me that am i missing something or i should try other guides?
if your answer is that i should try other guides so please lead me to a guide.....
playboydroid said:
i had tried this method more then 4 times but it didnt worked....
rom is not booting up and its stucked on boot animation and shows no progress although i left it for an hour but still stucked....
any idea??
and for details...
i am porting chameleon OS built for htc one s just see this....-
android v is 4.2.2
so i used aokp 4.2.2(stable) first as base rom but i failed more then 2-4 times then i tried cm10.1 as base rom but still i am at bootanimation.
i had also used the three libs from the port rom and base rom as mentioned in the guide but still nothing is going good......:crying:
can you tell me that am i missing something or i should try other guides?
if your answer is that i should try other guides so please lead me to a guide.....
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bro firstof all,, porting is not that easy as to read,,, here logcat is your only friends,,, get me the logcat
ArjunrambZ said:
bro firstof all,, porting is not that easy as to read,,, here logcat is your only friends,,, get me the logcat
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okay just wait for a day...
and thanks for your quick reply..
playboydroid said:
okay just wait for a day...
and thanks for your quick reply..
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Good evening to all, first of all thanks for the guide.
The rom part, it works most of the things, porting is a rom for nexus 5 to take on g2.
I have problems with wifi, vpn and security in the setting menu.
Practically the vpn and security go on crash, while the wifi is active but can not find anything.
Do you have suggestions?
Sorry for my bad english
jokerpoker1 said:
Good evening to all, first of all thanks for the guide.
The rom part, it works most of the things, porting is a rom for nexus 5 to take on g2.
I have problems with wifi, vpn and security in the setting menu.
Practically the vpn and security go on crash, while the wifi is active but can not find anything.
Do you have suggestions?
Sorry for my bad english
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it would only b possible if you could get a logcat about the problem,, and if the problem persist in the base rom,then its sure to be in ur port too,
ArjunrambZ said:
it would only b possible if you could get a logcat about the problem,, and if the problem persist in the base rom,then its sure to be in ur port too,
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thanks for the reply, it is the first time I use logcat, this is what I said when I port ROM.un my friend was telling me That might be the update script.
Inviato dal mio LG-D802 utilizzando Tapatalk
jokerpoker1 said:
thanks for the reply, it is the first time I use logcat, this is what I said when I port ROM.un my friend was telling me That might be the update script.
Inviato dal mio LG-D802 utilizzando Tapatalk
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yes when it coms to porting logcat is ur only friend,, well updater script doesn't have any relations with the rom actually its like a process to installing the rom as said, and fixing permision,,,
and please tell me when was this logcat obtained and this time get me a full logcat

