SIII to SIV ect will you be upgrading? - Galaxy S III General

Well it's now 2013 which means new line of smartphones in the next few months, to temp us to upgrade from our 2012 smartphones.
I've had my S3 since June, & tbh I don't personally feel the need to upgrade it to whatever comes out soon, as my S3 does everything i need it to atm & i don't see that changing anytime this year at least.
Ok 4G in the UK from other networks will be out at some point, & at a premium rates for a while, so the likes of Giffgaff ect won't see this until probably next year, and 3G in my area is good enough for the moment.
I also personally don't think 1gig of memory will become a limiting factor, not this year anyhow on software, but i could be wrong if game developer's decided to get to best from this year line up of top smartphones.
Now there no saying i won't upgrade as im a sucker for new tech, but i do feel the Galaxy S3 is still good enough for this year at least.
So what are your plans to you intend sticking with the S3 for 2013 or are ya gonna go upgrade to the SIV or whatever else is out this year?

I'll upgrade. Not sure to what though

I'll upgrade for sure... S4 or Note 3.

Definitely upgrading
Most probably to the s4
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Everyone will upgrade eventually, the s4 isnt due for another 5 months, alot of things can happen in that time

I will upgrade to S4 just to continue my collection of the S -> SIV and higher ^_^

i will upgrading S4 or Note3

i will not.

I'll be most likely sticking with my S3. Previously I kept my HTC Desire 2 years so I'd expect to keep it at least that long. In the end the poor internal memory did that phone for me. I don't have that problem this time so who knows I may keep it longer.
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Expect whiners complaining here like "only if Samsung release Exynos sources" or "I won't buy another eMMC bugged device".
Enviado do meu Galaxy Note 10.1

I will upgrade to S4. Hopefully the devs will continue to support.

dandroid13 said:
Expect whiners complaining here like "only if Samsung release Exynos sources" or "I won't buy another eMMC bugged device".
Enviado do meu Galaxy Note 10.1
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Yep, didn't realise how lucky I was because of the Nexus S helping with Galaxy S development. It was quite a shock with my S3 with how bad it was development wise. Next phone I choose, will be influenced heavily by how friendly it is for the devs. Touchwiz is simply not for me. Pure Android/Cyanogenmod is more up my street.

I think I'll pass SGS IV. I'm more interested in so-called X-Phones that Google will make. I know it's still just a rumor, but I can wait as I don't think SGS III will grow old that fast. It's still packing a very strong CPU & GPU.

I won't be upgrading as I will not be eligible for an upgrade until at least the end of 2014.
Jeez, I just got the S3

Upgrading to S4, defo
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I think I will upgrade my phone, but I doubt it would be SGS4. The next google-motorola phone is what I want, hope there won't be such problems with distribution as with Nexus 4

Won't be upgrading this year. My contract still runs to August 2014. Will likely upgrade to Nexus at that point.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Upgrade to SIV
Sent from my GT-I9500 GS4

Tuurrr said:
I'll upgrade for sure... S4 or Note 3.
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That's what I'm thinking too

I'll definitely upgrade. The S3 is suffering from the too small memory of 1 MB, which makes the phone lag too much, if you run a lot of applications.
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2


This Forum is Fast Becoming a Ghost Town

This past week, I noticed a dramatic decrease in forum activity. Perhaps many have already jump shipped to the N4. Whatever the reason, I hope there is still significant development and support until the new S4 is released. It was a short and sweet run as the best Android device. :crying:
Stop the drama.
Reported, activity is as usual.
Yeah noticed this also S1 & S2 forum's was significantly more active and still are to some degree than the S3 one.
Think it's down to a number of factors ie variations of the S3 doesn't help, alot jump ship to the LTE version when that was release, plus the Galaxy Note 2 & now the Nexus 4 as you said.
The Galaxy I9300 is no longer the top dog of smartphone, so intrest isn't there as much as past Galaxy Smartphones.
ixon2001 said:
Yeah noticed this also S1 & S2 forum's was significantly more active and still are to some degree than the S3 one.
Think it's down to a number of factors ie variations of the S3 doesn't help, alot jump ship to the LTE version when that was release, plus the Galaxy Note 2 & now the Nexus 4 as you said.
The Galaxy I9300 is no longer the top dog of smartphone, so intrest isn't there as much as past Galaxy Smartphones.
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Well said...
I remember the days when i had a Galaxy S1 and the forums were crowded!
It had countless roms and kernels!Not that we don't have enough here but there's no comparison...
I jumped ship from an I9300 to N7100.
The only thing I regret not having is the activity on the forum!
That... and Siyah dualboot!
All these freaking model variations are just gonna ruin everything because if you an early adopter maybe 2 months later another model with more Ram comes along and obviously everyone wants that and it has 10 months to build up a bigger scene and kill off any work done on the original.
I mean I was almost certain I was gonna get the S4 on release day but now things aren't as black & white as they where for S1 & S2.
Skander1998 said:
Stop the drama.
Reported, activity is as usual.
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There is nothing wrong to say what he/she feels in this general section. What is your problem? Haven't you got a better things to do?
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Exactly why I never buy a Samsung Galaxy on release day!
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This can go in the general thread.

should i upgrade???

i have samsung galaxy s2 international version (gt i9100), i didn't liked s3 so i didn't buy it now s4 is an announced and it will be available in few weeks should i upgrade to s4 or not??
it's a big upgrade from the galaxy s2 so if your not interested in another phone like Htc one or sony xperia Z then you should get it , i know i will :laugh:
My note n7000 has some juice left in it so i will wait for a note 3 and youm technology.If its size fits me well then i will get a note. If note3 is any bigger than 5.9 i will simply downgrade to 4.99. Though i love my notes 5.3 display.
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gdstheking said:
i have samsung galaxy s2 international version (gt i9100), i didn't liked s3 so i didn't buy it now s4 is an announced and it will be available in few weeks should i upgrade to s4 or not??
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In the same boat.. Have the i9100 and skipped the S3. Debating between the S4, One and Z..
You should definitely update. S2 is yesterday's news. Which phone to upgrade to is your decision to make.
Definitely upgrade bro. The s2 is old news now. Two generations behind. I'm going to upgrade from an HTC One S.
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
If you are interested in the Samsung's technolog in S4, I think S4 is a great upgrade. HTC One or Sony Xperia Z are also another options, but my suggestion is choose S4 if you decide to upgrade.
What was it about the S3 that you didn't like? And what does the S4 have that makes it desirable over the S3? I'm sure if you answer this you'll have your answer.
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Dannyada1988 said:
If you are interested in the Samsung's technolog in S4, I think S4 is a great upgrade. HTC One or Sony Xperia Z are also another options, but my suggestion is choose S4 if you decide to upgrade.
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I owned Xperia Z currently, has been using HTC flagship phones (Sensation/One X) also have S3.. I will be getting S4 for my wife haha...
I have a very bad experience with HTC after sales service.. might not be returning to HTC anymore.. The fool me twice..
Bought two flagship phone and was downgraded the flagship status after a few weeks owning it..
Tried Xperia Arc before now using Z, UI wise is not as nice as Sense and TouchWiz.. but acceptable with less rubbish...
I would definitely consider the upgrade if I was you. My wife has an s2 and the s4 is a massive upgrade.
Maybe not
I am using a HTC Sensation from 2 years ago, and I find the phone still able to meet most of my needs (except for the battery time :crying. I am not a crazy app user, but I do use some essential apps like camera, IM, evernote, forum, and occasional gaming as well. The phone is definitely slow compared with S3, Note 2, but does it bother me enough so i want to change my phone? NO.
I say unless you have heaps of extra cash that you don't care much for the cost, then upgrade; otherwise you can still get a good 1 - 2 years out of your S2 (which is a better phone than my sensations)
how about comming from an S3
Coming from S3, not really worth it IMHO. Most of the S4 software features will be coming to S3 in an update soon. But if you have a 2011 device like me, definitely worth it. It's a massive leap
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cammykool said:
how about comming from an S3
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coming from an S3...meh...I bet all of the gesture options could be available through hacks in the near future. So some people might not want to because it isn't that much of an improvement other than software. That being said, I'm the type of person that flocks to the best screen available. M personally, I would upgrade just because of the screen itself. :laugh:
bushako said:
What was it about the S3 that you didn't like? And what does the S4 have that makes it desirable over the S3? I'm sure if you answer this you'll have your answer.
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i bought s2 and after few months samsung announced s3 so at that time i didn't liked s3 very much bcoz of its design at that time and now after 15 months of use i need a change and s4 is only choice as i love samsung
ducksauce88 said:
coming from an S3...meh...I bet all of the gesture options could be available through hacks in the near future. So some people might not want to because it isn't that much of an improvement other than software. That being said, I'm the type of person that flocks to the best screen available. M personally, I would upgrade just because of the screen itself. :laugh:
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I hear ya. I have an S3, and just the other day went to T-Mobile and played with the Nexus 4. Oh man that screen is so much nicer. I don't think I'm gonna stick around with Samsung screens anymore. I'll see what the S4 is about, but if its anything remotely similar to the S3 its done. IPS LCD is so nice and bright. Makes me sad to look at my blue tinted S3, even though I'm using a custom AOSP ROM with a color fix for the screen, still not the same.
I can't decide between the S4 or HTC ONE >.<
(I currently have the Galaxy S 4g, which is like 3 generations old xP!!)
Coming from the S3 I was sure to upgrade to S4 but finaly I bought a Note2:silly:
gdstheking said:
i have samsung galaxy s2 international version (gt i9100), i didn't liked s3 so i didn't buy it now s4 is an announced and it will be available in few weeks should i upgrade to s4 or not??
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Depends on which phone you currently have now. Coming from an S3 or note 2, nope.
gdstheking said:
i have samsung galaxy s2 international version (gt i9100), i didn't liked s3 so i didn't buy it now s4 is an announced and it will be available in few weeks should i upgrade to s4 or not??
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Of course

s4 outdated in 2 months...

aren't you guys afraid the s4 will get outdated once KLP gets pushed in may? judging by how slow sammy, htc and all these companies are in pushing the updates, I personally am afraid it will take months for us to get KLP. opinions?
So what would you suggest?
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20blks said:
So what would you suggest?
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i want to know how do other users feel about it.
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persheshhater said:
aren't you guys afraid the s4 will get outdated once KLP gets pushed in may? judging by how slow sammy, htc and all these companies are in pushing the updates, I personally am afraid it will take months for us to get KLP. opinions?
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Didn't stop people buying the s2 when that came out with gingerbread and Ics was looming.
There's always an update looming that's called life get used to it or buy a nexus.
The only ones who truly care are the nexus guys and the ones in the forums posting loads of new threads just to say "I WANT MY UPDATE AND I WANT IT NOW OR SO HELP ME I'LL NEVER BUY ANOTHER SAMSUNG AGAIN" which is stupid because they end up buying there next flagship device
dethrat said:
Didn't stop people buying the s2 when that came out with gingerbread and Ics was looming.
There's always an update looming that's called life get used to it or buy a nexus.
The only ones who truly care are the nexus guys and the ones in the forums posting loads of new threads just to say "I WANT MY UPDATE AND I WANT IT NOW OR SO HELP ME I'LL NEVER BUY ANOTHER SAMSUNG AGAIN" which is stupid because they end up buying there next flagship device
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it is not true that only the nexus guys care about because when you expect an update even devs hold back because they say that it wont be worth spending time on deving for a firmware that will get old very soon. but if you pay $700 for a phone i do not think you like to hear that you gotta wait months to have a major upgrade like KLP.
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persheshhater said:
aren't you guys afraid the s4 will get outdated once KLP gets pushed in may? judging by how slow sammy, htc and all these companies are in pushing the updates, I personally am afraid it will take months for us to get KLP. opinions?
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It's always a problem, and will remain so. Expect to get the update in 6 months.
Personally I think samsung is quite good at updating their devices. I mean, their 2011 flagship the S2 is going to get the 4.2.2 update. They won't abandon S4 as soon as that. Hopefully, S4 will continue getting updates for at least a couple major versions.
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persheshhater said:
it is not true that only the nexus guys care about because when you expect an update even devs hold back because they say that it wont be worth spending time on deving for a firmware that will get old very soon. but if you pay $700 for a phone i do not think you like to hear that you gotta wait months to have a major upgrade like KLP.
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That's the price you pay for not having a nexus and I didn't say that others don't care I said nexus guys care and others post loads of threads about when the updates coming to there phone.
So your expecting something that took several months for Google to make for the nexus and when its released these manufactures have to rewrite their code into the new update and for several phones how fast do you really expect that to happen
persheshhater said:
aren't you guys afraid the s4 will get outdated once KLP gets pushed in may? judging by how slow sammy, htc and all these companies are in pushing the updates, I personally am afraid it will take months for us to get KLP. opinions?
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What can we do? Only buy nexus? Gotta wait. Sammy has been the best at updating the android software. The S IV will be the only flagship running 4.2.2 besides the nexus line. I think that is great,
Livebyte said:
It's always a problem, and will remain so. Expect to get the update in 6 months.
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Why get an S4 if u can wait for an S5.... why wait for an S5 when u can wait for an S6.... why wait for an S6 when the S7 would be out soon after.... why wait for the S7 because we clearly know the S8 will be out soon after that....
do you see a problem with this waiting? you end up stuck with old boring behind the times tech...
barondebxl said:
What can we do? Only buy nexus? Gotta wait. Sammy has been the best at updating the android software. The S IV will be the only flagship running 4.2.2 besides the nexus line. I think that is great,
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lol nah we dont have to all get nexus. i think this time is a little different from the past, since s3 and s4 are pretty much similar(at least for the mainstream user) and KLP seems like a bigger update than the ones google usually pushes. it is true that tons of people bought the s2 while still having to wait foe ics but the s2 i think was a bigger upgrade compared to the s1 vs the s4 not being that much of an upgrade compared to the s3
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Why get an S4 if u can wait for an S5.... why wait for an S5 when u can wait for an S6.... why wait for an S6 when the S7 would be out soon after.... why wait for the S7 because we clearly know the S8 will be out soon after that....
do you see a problem with this waiting? you end up stuck with old boring behind the times tech...
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Couldn't have put it better myself its called life and the way the world works
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persheshhater said:
lol nah we dont have to all get nexus. i think this time is a little different from the past, since s3 and s4 are pretty much similar(at least for the mainstream user) and KLP seems like a bigger update than the ones google usually pushes. it is true that tons of people bought the s2 while still having to wait foe ics but the s2 i think was a bigger upgrade compared to the s1 vs the s4 not being that much of an upgrade compared to the s3
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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I'm sorry and i certainly mean no offense but what is your point?
---------- Post added at 10:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 PM ----------
Why get an S4 if u can wait for an S5.... why wait for an S5 when u can wait for an S6.... why wait for an S6 when the S7 would be out soon after.... why wait for the S7 because we clearly know the S8 will be out soon after that....
do you see a problem with this waiting? you end up stuck with old boring behind the times tech...
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That's tech for ya, so fast paced you just gotta buy what you want and upgrade when you can afford it, but always cherish the 2 months when you can say you have the newest thing
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Squirrel1620 said:
That's tech for ya, so fast paced you just gotta buy what you want and upgrade when you can afford it, but always cherish the 2 months when you can say you have the newest thing
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Its the same with all types of technology... PC's, Cars, fridges, TVs, washing machines, i think the only thing that hasnt changed in 30 years is Toilets.... (cept some crazy japanese ones...)
It comes totally down to personal preference, affordability, and need vs desire for when people choose to upgrade.
I have a friend who is still using the ORIGINAL IPHONE 1.... as he has no need for upgrades and as such hasnt... it does what he needs and thats that. Me on the other hand, ive had my S1 and S2 skipped the S3 becoz Dorrimanx kernel for the S2 has brought it sustained life for a long period of time. So i am now ready for an upgrade, S4 is definitely my cup of tea... (so to speak)
Following Samsung's trend,
The Samsung GALAXY S 4 will get Android Key Lime Pie probably in November (6 months after May)
The Samsung GALAXY S 3 definitely even later, possibly even early next year.
The question is are you willing to wait?
Livebyte said:
Following Samsung's trend,
The Samsung GALAXY S 4 will get Android Key Lime Pie probably in November (6 months after May)
The Samsung GALAXY S 3 definitely even later, possibly even early next year.
The question is are you willing to wait?
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Jelly bean was released in july 2012 alongside the nexus 7. Samsung started the Galaxy s 3 jellybean roll out in october.
I would Iove to wait for a Nexus device to come out with KLP but what are the odds of one coming out for Verizon? Probably very little so, I'll most likely have to go with the S4
runhappy said:
I would Iove to wait for a Nexus device to come out with KLP but what are the odds of one coming out for Verizon? Probably very little so, I'll most likely have to go with the S4
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Oh definitely lol. In fact if you want timely on verizon, you're better off with an iphone lol.

Galaxy Note II to skip Android 4.2.2 and go straight for 4.3

now.note 2 willnot have 4.3 here is proof
Australian carrier Telstra has received a confirmation that the Samsung Galaxy Note II 4G model will skip Android 4.2.2 and will be updated straight to the 4.3 Jelly Bean. It doesn't seem to be a regional thing either - all Galaxy Note II units might be treated that way.
Here is the official quote from Telstra's support page:
Samsung have elected globally to skip the 4.2.2 update for this device and will instead go to a newer version of Android. No schedule has been provided for this update.
We already know that Samsung Galaxy Note II will live long enough to taste the Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie, so owners shouldn't worry about the Android updates.
Meanwhile, Samsung still manages to keep the upcoming Galaxy Note III under wraps, but a picture taken with it popped up in Picasa yesterday. It hardly gives us much info, but it does confirm the device model number - N9005. This will most probably going to be the Snapdragon 800 version of the phablet with the revamped Exynos 5 powering the N9000 version.
The Note III will be announced on September 4 ahead of IFA in Berlin. It's expected to bring 5.7" 1080p Super AMOLED display and 3GB of RAM.
I don't know why I'm laughing.
i hope it bring many new features
I guess I'll post something before all the complainers get here. I would've liked 4.2.2. I love the expandable notification drawer.
Yes . Somewhere in November.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using XDA Premium App
Sigh.. I guess it's pretty official. At least 3 more months of waiting. Going almost an year without an update for a flagship device is VERY disappointing.
crizolli said:
Sigh.. I guess it's pretty official. At least 3 more months of waiting. Going almost an year without an update for a flagship device is VERY disappointing.
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I'm tempted to upgrade because I'm getting bored, but there's nothing out there I want (tried the One for a few weeks and it was nice). I just want new software for my Note 2!
rquinn19 said:
I'm tempted to upgrade because I'm getting bored, but there's nothing out there I want (tried the One for a few weeks and it was nice). I just want new software for my Note 2!
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I'm in the same boat. There's no other device that I want, and the Note III is still far away. The 4.2.2 update was supposed to come out and make that bridge, that's why I find it very disappointing to hear those news.
Nice to see a 4.3 update will come to our devices but this will be arround end october/ november prolly.
With the Note III to come out
Great battery, superb performance, tons of apps and mods. Not bothered with official updates.
sent from galaxy note 2
LOL @ the complaints.
Oh how truly awful it is for you! You have to wait a little to get an update that most 2012 phones will never even see Officially, must be hearbreaking and truly disappointing that your phone is being supported and getting the very latest and greatest OS version.
I bet the very same people would be complaining if Samsung updated the Note2 to 4.2.2 now and took even longer to update it to 4.3 and 5.0.
By the way, can someone name me one other 2012 Android phone sitting on 4.2.2 other than the Nexus 4? also, please name me one OTHER 2012 Android phone, other than Note2 (plus possibly GS3) and N4 that is confirmed to be getting 4.3?
Love You!!
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
POLO_i780 said:
LOL @ the complaints.
Oh how truly awful it is for you! You have to wait a little to get an update that most 2012 phones will never even see Officially, must be hearbreaking and truly disappointing that your phone is being supported and getting the very latest and greatest OS version.
I bet the very same people would be complaining if Samsung updated the Note2 to 4.2.2 now and took even longer to update it to 4.3 and 5.0.
By the way, can someone name me one other 2012 Android phone sitting on 4.2.2 other than the Nexus 4? also, please name me one OTHER 2012 Android phone, other than Note2 (plus possibly GS3) and N4 that is confirmed to be getting 4.3?
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That's totally beside the point. It shouldn't have to take them >8 months to push out the latest version.
As of now we need to wait for the updates who follow official releases.. no matter what the time the manufacturers decide!
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2.
Camera improvement
I hope a big improvement in 4.3 camera quality because is the only thing I don't like in my SGN2. I don't know why the video is so perfect and the photos are blurred and the file size is so small even using the Snap Camera... :crying:
What update you N7100 users are sitting on? T-Mobile has 4.1.2.
You know I don't really care for 4.2.2 but there should be at least better options. Like the use of our big screen. It should be like the mega or more tablet like functions.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
S3 spotted with 4.3 android
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
Buildate 19 Feb 2013 hmm.
Skickat från min GT-N7100 via Tapatalk 2

When wil the Galaxy Note 10.1 (2012 edition) receive the Android 4.3 update

It is very quiet around the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2012 edition) has become since the new N8010 Note 10.1 (2014 edition) has come out. Everywhere you read what Tablets receive updates and what not. However, if you read anything about the Galaxy Note 10.1 N8010. Therefore my question: Does he get an update to Android 4.3 and here is a timeline of known. Thanks for the effort taken by you.
Verstuurd van mijn GT-N8010 met Tapatalk
wappiesoft said:
It is very quiet around the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2012 edition) has become since the new N8010 Note 10.1 (2014 edition) has come out. Everywhere you read what Tablets receive updates and what not. However, if you read anything about the Galaxy Note 10.1 N8010. Therefore my question: Does he get an update to Android 4.3 and here is a timeline of known. Thanks for the effort taken by you.
Verstuurd van mijn GT-N8010 met Tapatalk
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There was a news sometimes ago.
We will get 4.3 around novermber or december
Edris89 said:
There was a news sometimes ago.
We will get 4.3 around novermber or december
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good news :thumbup:
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Edris89 said:
There was a news sometimes ago.
We will get 4.3 around novermber or december
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I hope so!
Edris89 said:
There was a news sometimes ago.
We will get 4.3 around novermber or december
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Anyway, our tablet getting 4.3 makes sense since Samsung wants more of their devices to be compatible with their Galaxy Gear. kcrudup said in a thread I made yesterday that our tablet already has Trim, so I'm not sure what significant benefits we really get from 4.3.
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Edris89 said:
There was a news sometimes ago.
We will get 4.3 around novermber or december
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source please?
I cant believe how laggy Samsung has been with the updates already. My wife's Note 2, still 4.1, my note 10.1, 4.1. My T-Mobile S4 still has the old 4.2 without aps2sd, that every other major network player got months ago. Just ridiculous. Ive since sold my S4, but with Samsung missing entire versions of updates on their hardware, I have to rethink purchasing from them again.
stevessvt said:
I cant believe how laggy Samsung has been with the updates already. My wife's Note 2, still 4.1, my note 10.1, 4.1. My T-Mobile S4 still has the old 4.2 without aps2sd, that every other major network player got months ago. Just ridiculous. Ive since sold my S4, but with Samsung missing entire versions of updates on their hardware, I have to rethink purchasing from them again.
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I have the tmobile s4 and the lack of apps2sd update is tmobile not samsung, samsung released the update which is why every other carrier updated just not tmobile.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using xda app-developers app
If it wasnt for the lack of lte I would double think about not getting international versions of phones.
Stupid carriers suck
Sent from my SGH-M919 using XDA Premium HD app
I thought this was a tablet Forum!
RotaryXperiment7 said:
If it wasnt for the lack of lte I would double think about not getting international versions of phones.
Stupid carriers suck
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My opinion is that Samsung is the best OEM for updating its phones. Still no where near the Nexus(not even close) far cry better than let's say HTC. Kinda sucks the note 2 still on 4.1.2 but we are said to get 4.3 and I bet you we will get 4.4 and maybe even 4.5/5.0.
My opinion is the note features out weight 4.3. My biggest complaint is that touchwiz looks ugly compared to the s4 which IMO looks awesome. Oh well gotta love the spen. If Nexus were to make a wacom note sized tablet and added support for spen like stylus be all over it. Doubt it though unless Google and Samsung make Google edition note 3. Then again it would probably be 750+ unsubsidized lol
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 09:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 AM ----------
God I hope this tablet gets updated because spen is crucial to this tablet. So far I haven't found q good alternative to snotes
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda app-developers app
md1008 said:
My opinion is that Samsung is the best OEM for updating its phones. Still no where near the Nexus(not even close) far cry better than let's say HTC. ....
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Not so much this time. The HTC One on Sprint and AT&T already got 4.3, and HTC has officially announced that T-Mobile will get it this week.
my guess is december or next year even.
S4 has just received the official 4.3 update today and S3 will be the next in line.. the note2 is expected to get it by December so the note 10.1 will probably get it at the same time or after..
md1008 said:
Oh well gotta love the spen. If Nexus were to make a wacom note sized tablet and added support for spen like stylus be all over it. Doubt it though unless Google and Samsung make Google edition note 3. Then again it would probably be 750+ unsubsidized lol
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The Google Edition Note 3 is coming on Verizon. It is already on Samsung's site.
The Now 10.1 really should get the update sooner than December. Especially the WiFi edition. It's probably coming pretty soon. Sooner than we expect it.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
sbrownla said:
The Google Edition Note 3 is coming on Verizon. It is already on Samsung's site.
The Now 10.1 really should get the update sooner than December. Especially the WiFi edition. It's probably coming pretty soon. Sooner than we expect it.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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It's not the google edition its a developer edition. BIG difference.
elzeus said:
It's not the google edition its a developer edition. BIG difference.
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Okay so it gets an official stock Android ROM (zzzzz) update early ... My bad. I forgot whixh was whoch between all of the editions and Android versions and niche devices ... /embarrassed
I just can't conceive of a reason anyone would want stock Android on a device like the Note 3? Or any Note for that matter? Just get a Nexus? The stylus and software features will be gone! Isn't that what the Note is about?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Hope we get it soon! Or they are loosing their customers... I already was buying Sony Smartwatch 2 because Samsung says nothing when they update (or not) Note 10.1. Gear wont work until we have 4.3 inside our devices. I quess I will wait a week or two and if there is no news about 10.1 and Android 4.3, then I get Sonys Smartwatch2. Samsung should know that we of all need that update as soon as possible to get Gear working. We are keeping our Notes in bags!!! Why the hell Samsung is thinking that people who wear their phones in pockets need so badly Gear that Samsung updates their devices before our huge Notes?? Ridiculous!
Sent from my GT-N8000 using Tapatalk 4
Samsung confirmed five devices from the Galaxy line to immediately get Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie updates according to insider's information. The five are the Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4, Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy Note 8.0 and Galaxy Note 10.1.
According to this “first pre-list about upcoming Android updates” for Galaxy phones only five Samsung devices from the company’s current lineup will get KLP including the Galaxy S4, Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy Note 8.0 and Galaxy Note 10.1
acke999 said:
Samsung confirmed five devices from the Galaxy line to immediately get Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie updates according to insider's information. The five are the Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4, Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy Note 8.0 and Galaxy Note 10.1.
According to this “first pre-list about upcoming Android updates” for Galaxy phones only five Samsung devices from the company’s current lineup will get KLP including the Galaxy S4, Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy Note 8.0 and Galaxy Note 10.1
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Ok first off, those articles are from March and July, before the real name and version of the next release was announced. Second, just because Samsung said that back then, does not mean the official announcement hasn't changed things. I for one could care less. I love my tablet, with or without 4.3 and beyond. On my phone, different story, but I can still wait. Last time I got excited for an update was my atrix 4g and 3 days before Motorola had confirmed it would happen, they changed their mind and cancelled it. So I take news of updates with a grain of salt and a "if it happens, great, if not oh well" attitude.
