P3110 vs P3113 - Galaxy Tab 2 General

Sorry if this has been answered but I can't find much on it so I thought I would ask. What is the difference between P3110 and P3113? I have a P3113 but see more people talk about the P3110 and just want to make sure all ROMs and other stuff will work for me. Thanks for your help.

I have the 3113 as well but have been able to flash all ROMs except the ones made for vz tabs with zero issues.

The difference between the three main 7" tabs here is
P3100 - WiFi + GSM / phone
P3110 - WiFi only
P3113 - WiFi + IR Blaster
IR Blaster is Samsung Proprietary Product and they have not released the codes - so you will not find it in any custom ROM - you will have to stay with Samsung OE ROMs only to use it
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk 2

Wrong section. Read the rules next time.

The question you should be asking is what's the difference between the "development section" of this forum and the "general Q&A section".....?
Ones American WiFi and ones European WiFi ( They are the same thing and cross flashable, same as any 31xx ROM).

Menelkir said:
Wrong section. Read the rules next time.
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Sorry I know the rules I was in the wrong section by mistake.

bill_in_mtl said:
The difference between the three main 7" tabs here is
P3100 - WiFi + GSM / phone
P3110 - WiFi only
P3113 - WiFi + IR Blaster
IR Blaster is Samsung Proprietary Product and they have not released the codes - so you will not find it in any custom ROM - you will have to stay with Samsung OE ROMs only to use it
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks for this info. So if I don't care to use the IR Blaster I can use Roms and stuff for the P3110, is that right?

adamsmiley said:
Thanks for this info. So if I don't care to use the IR Blaster I can use Roms and stuff for the P3110, is that right?
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Yes - for instance, CM has pretty much dropped the P3113 updates and have recommended the 3110 for us 3113 users
Good luck with your flashing
sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk HD


Nfc on gnote n7000

Hi Gurus,
Is there any possibility that we can get NFC feature on GNote in near future?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
It needs hardware that the N7000 doesn't have.
Buy the LTE version if you want that.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
you can in the not toooo far future get SIM cards with build inn NFC...don't know how far inn the future that is yet though...
I was sure NFC was built in the Note. I'm surprised it isn't. I bought the Note thinking to keep it for a long time but now I'm disappointed because I'm sure I saw it advertised almost everywhere that the Note has NFC. %@C*//
abstract123 said:
I was sure NFC was built in the Note. I'm surprised it isn't. I bought the Note thinking to keep it for a long time but now I'm disappointed because I'm sure I saw it advertised almost everywhere that the Note has NFC. %@C*//
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I think I saw it on one of the teardown videos. It is not used however.
senectus said:
It needs hardware that the N7000 doesn't have.
Buy the LTE version if you want that.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
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Buy the LTE (AT&T) Note for NFC.
BTW if they do release a sim card capable of holding a NFC chip, your after market Alloy back will block it from working...
Also that Moneto link looks scammy to me, "Booster stickers" are complete bull****.
In fact If the sticker has any metal in it it'll make it harder for the NFC Arial to pickup any signal.
rahool_26 said:
Hi Gurus,
Is there any possibility that we can get NFC feature on GNote in near future?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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I'm sure you can as the NFC chip is built into the actuall battery not the phone it self here check out the link for your self its not that expensive http://www.exportprive.com/en/samsu...eb615268vk-eb615268vucstd--8806071790138.html
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA Premium App
abstract123 said:
I was sure NFC was built in the Note. I'm surprised it isn't. I bought the Note thinking to keep it for a long time but now I'm disappointed because I'm sure I saw it advertised almost everywhere that the Note has NFC. %@C*//
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Just get the nfc Offical battery for the Galaxy note
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA Premium App
Will the NFC battery work on the N7000?
Has anyone tested?
FRlTZ said:
Will the NFC battery work on the N7000?
Has anyone tested?
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yeah it should work just as any other nfc chip on simcard etc - but on gingerbread there is no application that support it yet
Anything else required other than the battery? I thought the att note had nfc hardware onthe battery cover?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
lol, you have no idea how NFC works do you?
The NFC is NOT built into the battery, Its a part of the main-board and Snapdragon architecture
see pics here:
this is simple.
you either buy the Korean Model (not recommended)
or you buy the LTE Snapdragon model
or you live without NFC and buy the N7000 (Exynos chipset) International version.
I gotta ask, what exactly are you guys using nfc for? Trying to figure out the hype. Please be as detailed as possible.
What the heck does the NFC battery do since the "NFC enabled" ones have the the extra connections for the anntena
intruda119 said:
I gotta ask, what exactly are you guys using nfc for? Trying to figure out the hype. Please be as detailed as possible.
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-You can store your information like for say your credit card info on your phone and if you find a NFC enabled payment device like seen in Toys R Us or Best Buy you can just scan your phone instead of having to pull out your card all the time. This replaces your card entirely.
-Android Beam: Let's you exchange information by putting two phones with NFC in them to exchange info like videos, pictures, links, and making payments(It's not made yet, but probably in the future).
These two are the only uses I could think up of right now that is right now available in the U.S. In other countries you can use them as bus passes too like in South Korea.
Android Beam only works in ICS at the moment..
intruda119 said:
I gotta ask, what exactly are you guys using nfc for? Trying to figure out the hype. Please be as detailed as possible.
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I know what I want to use it for in the future - context sensitive app launchers!
Sony is going to push this hard - look for sony nfc smart tags on Amazon.
Are you guys really that comfortable to store all that personal information on a smartphone?
Maybe later for me.
Well, If your using the Android pattern lock you should be safe, as even FBI can't break it
The NFC ready battery I think is that it has a NFC antenna, the chip is on the phone itself I believe...
Correct me if I'm wrong..
FRlTZ said:
Well, If your using the Android pattern lock you should be safe, as even FBI can't break it
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I'm sure when NFC is ready for prime time the note 2 maybe 3 will be out already.
Thanks button applied

Spain, Romania, Germany (new version?) and Portugal all get 4.1.1 today!

Download size is 1023.9 MB so it looks like same OTA as the Nordic one. PDA all N8000XXBLK2.
The new German OTA says E-Plus (?) and is only 995.9 MB so don't know on that one.
** Seems like things are accelerating a bit. Hopefully get some 8013 lovin soon.
I am not in Germany - but I assume his is carrier spacific (the CSC)
The ROM is still the same as the other BLK2 - so, it's basicaly the same rom that has been released two days ago.
I'm running it on my USA Note10.1 - without any problems.
Used Titanium Backup to Freeze the Phone and Messaging app and used SetCPU to change the CPU to "onDemand"
no reboots and everything works fine.
Two days and counting!
I'm using the UK release on my 8013 as well. Only problems I notice are connectivity using a wireless USB keyboard and mouse is sketchy and trying to add an image to S Notes from the Clipboard crashes the whole system.
Sent from my GT-N8000 using Tapatalk 2
The change list is the same on all of them so they're basically the same ROM.
Yes I have been saying except for the German Rom which came out earlier all other Roms are the same.
BarryH_GEG said:
The change list is the same on all of them so they're basically the same ROM.
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Yeah I figured. Still fun to see more rolling out. Means 8013 is one day closer.
samir_a said:
Yes I have been saying except for the German Rom which came out earlier all other Roms are the same.
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The early German ROM has the same change list.
Yes but the CSC codes are different, it would be the same rom its logical because its for the same model it would be different for carrier specific models or different models like wifi
The UK rom has more languagea than the others , that what makes the different in size betqeen it and the german rom
Sent from my GT-N8000 using xda app-developers app
I just hope the final 8013 rom fixes the wireless USB bug.
Sent from my GT-N8000 using Tapatalk 2
mitchellvii said:
I just hope the final 8013 rom fixes the wireless USB bug.
Sent from my GT-N8000 using Tapatalk 2
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When you say "wireless usb", do you mean a usb host adapter connected wirelessly to our tabs? Or a wireless keyboard/mouse?
he means wireless keyboard/mouse I believe
banderos101 said:
When you say "wireless usb", do you mean a usb host adapter connected wirelessly to our tabs? Or a wireless keyboard/mouse?
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Mean using a USB toggle to connect wireless keyboard and mouse. Under these releases on JB the connection is spotty.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Ahh right......was getting my hopes up there....imagining the posibilities.....cheers
mitchellvii said:
Mean using a USB toggle to connect wireless keyboard and mouse. Under these releases on JB the connection is spotty.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
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Do you mean dongle?
yes he means a dongle which comes with a wireless keyboard and mouse
samir_a said:
Yes but the CSC codes are different, it would be the same rom its logical because its for the same model it would be different for carrier specific models or different models like wifi
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so what? r these new roms (in terms of features, fixes, ec.. left alone CSC) the same as the earlier german rom?
what I mean is: if I have that early german rom, is it worth installing this new one?
The new ones seems to have slight improvements but nothing dramatic. Unless you really enjoy flashing things might want to wait and see if they come out with a final final final version.
Sent from my GT-N8000 using Tapatalk 2
mitchellvii said:
The new ones seems to have slight improvements but nothing dramatic. Unless you really enjoy flashing things might want to wait and see if they come out with a final final final version.
Sent from my GT-N8000 using Tapatalk 2
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well what "slight improvements" mean?
I had an ICS 4.0.4 Italian ROM and flashed the JB 4.1.1 German ROM with no issues, so was wondering if it's worth trying this new one or not?
I can still wait for the JB 4.1.1 Italian ROM, but it seems that these new JB roms are all the same, only CSC changes.
Did someone get this update yet? I have a Portuguese note and still no update available for me.

Action against Samsung Europe

In January, I would bring an action against Samsung Europe.
Samsung told me that has never released an update because the device works well and has no bug.
Someone can someone tell me if the TAB GT-P6800 has any bug. It's very important to start with any action....
If I wrong section, please move this topic.
1. Exynos exploit
2. Superbrick (aka "brickbug"). There is a troll user that will tell you this is just false, but many a good elite recognised developer will tell otherwise. I have seen the JB kernel patch and JB code changes signed off by Samsung Engineers. So if you have ICS, you're at risk.
There are apps available at XDA and Google Play to check if your device is at risk for both.
I won't bother with links, you can Google the info yourself
Best of luck
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
UpInTheAir said:
1. Exynos exploit
2. Superbrick (aka "brickbug"). There is a troll user that will tell you this is just false, but many a good elite recognised developer will tell otherwise. I have seen the JB kernel patch and JB code changes signed off by Samsung Engineers. So if you have ICS, you're at risk.
There are apps available at XDA and Google Play to check if your device is at risk for both.
I won't bother with links, you can Google the info yourself
Best of luck
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Can you give me further info to PM?
I have self update to 4.0.4 but Samsung answered that TAB 7.7 is up to ICS because the device is ok and work fine. This is false because all device get at least an update.
XiliX said:
Can you give me further info to PM?
I have self update to 4.0.4 but Samsung answered that TAB 7.7 is up to ICS because the device is ok and work fine. This is false because all device get at least an update.
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Just Google it, there's lots of info about.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
any law suits?
take a look at this, maybe we gonna have chance to get the 4.4 kit kat
rezadentevil said:
take a look at this, maybe we gonna have chance to get the 4.4 kit kat
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Not 1 mention of 7.7 in there..
MRBR7 said:
Not 1 mention of 7.7 in there..
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ye i know,
i hope..... just hope. ...
rezadentevil said:
ye i know,
i hope..... just hope. ...
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I doubt they will bother wasting time on our device when they have almost dropped it from the line up as a new device.
Im in hong kong now and go to official samsung store all they sell is the 10.1 tab 3 and 8.0 tab 3 and 7.0 tab 3 plus a kids version.
they have a few tab 2 still.i havent seen the older style tabs like 8.9,7.7 in the shop.also cant see any tab with a 30 pin connector.
im hoping they make a new tab with good screen like our device,maybe the next gen of tabs...hopefully they have USB 3.0 aswell
so we can charge and usb host at same time easier like the note 3.
i dont know why they still sell the s2 phone everyhwere here and will continue to develope software but not support us top paying customers
that forked out big dollars for a 7.7 tab years ago.i could buy a new tab now for half of what my 7.7 cost when it was first released.

[DONE] how many people would like a note3 4.3 port for your n5110?

note: only for note 8.0 wifi N5110
let's see how many of you are interested
some more info about the port
- working kernel with wifi
- rotation works, but magnetic sensor does not
- some spen functions may not work properly due to different hardware
- camera not working atm
- no knox
- selinux disabled (or permissive)
read this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=50190830
ykkfive said:
note: only for note 8.0 wifi N5110
let's see how many of you are interested
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Very but for n5100 if you could
elliott0138 said:
Very but for n5100 if you could
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sorry but unlikely atm since i dont own a 5100 and hence i cant test it myself
ykkfive said:
sorry but unlikely atm since i dont own a 5100 and hence i cant test it myself
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Okay mate but keep informed on how your doing maybe you could port to n5100 and I and others coukd test. Would be great if you could
Count me in.
I'm totally interested
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
I'd give it a go!
+1 here... keep us posted - looks like you have a few beta testers.
Interested.......even more for a kit kat port
I'm in ...link??
Sent from my SGH-M919 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Count me in...
Woot woot!~
Sent from my GT-N5110 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505G mit Tapatalk
ykkfive said:
note: only for note 8.0 wifi N5110
let's see how many of you are interested
some more info about the port
- working kernel with wifi
- rotation works, but magnetic sensor does not
- some spen functions may not work properly due to different hardware
- camera not working atm
- no knox
- selinux disabled (or permissive)
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If you can able to port Note 3 over Note 8.0 wifi, I grantee that you will be a hero in this Note 8 forum, plus I will be more than happy to $donate$!!...
I was told by several recognized developers (note 3, S4 forums) that it is near impossible to do so because of different hardware specs.
I do understand that both are different hardware specs, but consider both called "note", all we need is crazy genius developer(s) to step in and make it happen
ykkfive said:
note: only for note 8.0 wifi N5110
let's see how many of you are interested
some more info about the port
- working kernel with wifi
- rotation works, but magnetic sensor does not
- some spen functions may not work properly due to different hardware
- camera not working atm
- no knox
- selinux disabled (or permissive)
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Defiantly yes please! Hell, i d be happy with a 10.1 2014 port! Anything with the new S note would be a godsend so i can sync back with my note 3!!!!!
Count me in!
Sent from my GT-N5110 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
hi all
i cant release the current port since i yet to receive permission from 1 of the developers
i have to look for alternatives or to port it myself. sorry about that
attached 2 videos here in case you want a preview
EDIT: video links corrected
jazzespresso said:
If you can able to port Note 3 over Note 8.0 wifi, I grantee that you will be a hero in this Note 8 forum, plus I will be more than happy to $donate$!!...
I was told by several recognized developers (note 3, S4 forums) that it is near impossible to do so because of different hardware specs.
I do understand that both are different hardware specs, but consider both called "note", all we need is crazy genius developer(s) to step in and make it happen
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i don wanna be a hero, i am not. but i will be glad to receive my first donation from you
actually i made a port of note 8.0 4.2.2 to note2 before, but got stuck at sensor problems. then i knew 4.3 for note2 was coming so i stopped porting it. however atm, a 100% port is yet to be achieved

[q] kitkat4.4.4 hotspot & tethering problem samsung galaxy gt n7000

Hi All,
I have install Kitkat4.4.4 recently. Everything is working great.
But only the Hotspot & Tethering not working.
On the phone I enable hotspot & tethering and the Icon came on but other device can't see or detect the hotspot.
Samsung Galaxy Note GT N7000.
Anyone please help.
I had this issue with a wifi usb dongle & I had to go into the profile and manually add the device to have it be seen. But I couldn't get it to connect to that pc for some reason.
Its worked so far on the other 3 tablets I tested it on though. Are you using a cheap/ebay usb dongle by chance like I did and it wouldnt work?
whng said:
Hi All,
I have install Kitkat4.4.4 recently. Everything is working great.
But only the Hotspot & Tethering not working.
On the phone I enable hotspot & tethering and the Icon came on but other device can't see or detect the hotspot.
Samsung Galaxy Note GT N7000.
Anyone please help.
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I'm using N7000 too on the latest build. I can use tethering. Did you perform a clean wipe?
knightrazor said:
I'm using N7000 too on the latest build. I can use tethering. Did you perform a clean wipe?
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Thanks for the confirmation here... I can't find my Micro-SIM adapters anywhere so I haven't been able to test anything that requires a SIM in my N7000 lately.
(The 4210 family is probably going to be getting dropped with L due to lack of maintainers.)
Entropy512 said:
Thanks for the confirmation here... I can't find my Micro-SIM adapters anywhere so I haven't been able to test anything that requires a SIM in my N7000 lately.
(The 4210 family is probably going to be getting dropped with L due to lack of maintainers.)
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You are welcome. I and the whole N7000 community thank you and your team for all the hardwork and dedication you guys have put into.
Thanks all. Solved.
Just silly me... installed wrong kitkat version.
Everything is fine now.
Could u share it to me
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA Free mobile app
wit bit said:
Could u share it to me
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA Free mobile app
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download the latest build from here >>> h t t p ://dl.omnirom.org/n7000/
*sorry can't post links yet

