Widget sizes? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

First things first, I'm not sure if this is a device issue, an app issue or an o/s issue, but has anyone else come across widgets that take up more room than their intended size?
For example, Cal Widget should be 4x2 (and is that on my sgs2), but actually requires 4x3 space (hopefully the screenshot has been attached). Likewise, the various foursquare widgets seem to be the same. I've also seen a few 4x1 widgets that take up 4x2 space with the actual graphics centred in between the grid lines. In all instances, the resize option doesn't seem to be available.
Has anyone else noticed this, and is there a setting somewhere that I've inadvertently selected to cause this?
(It shouldn't be an issue, other than my OCD about symmetrical homescreen layouts kicking in!)
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Try with Nova / Apex and see what happens..

in nova there is a widget overlap option for scenarios like this. then you can long press the widget and if it is overlapping another widget or app.... you will have bring to front and send to back options

Thanks, tried Apex and it at least allowed me to resize the widgets. :thumbup:
I'll keep playing around to see if there's a non-launcher solution though.
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Setting one icon in the center?

My phone really only consists of 3 screens and I only use one icon for everything, which I have on my main home screen. Is there any way to place that icon in the center?
Since our phones only have space for four icons across, its kinda hard to place that in the center. I'm using launcherProPlus
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Pretty sure you can change the amount of columns and rows using launcher pro. You can also resize icons using lpp as well
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Tried to use launcherpro, but no such luck
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
launcherpro 5x5
install with long press NOT add button (lets you choose icon)
should work
if not, do a 5x5, use a clear icon and either just "know' its there, or choose wallpaper that has an "icon like" look in the middle - trial and error to line up "invisible" icon to wallpaper
hint - use non scrolling wallpaper option
hope that helps
ps - i'm pretty new to this so there may be a better way - but this way does work

Is there any way to edit GB leak in home screen

I installed The pre rooted GB today and so far am liking it, but I want more icons on the home screen. Is there any way to change/edit the home screen or what is the best option to keep the features of GB home but have the capability of editing and personalizing.
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here is a widget app that allows for more icons in a 1x1 space...
I think Launcher Pro allows for grid re sizing, though rotating the screen may make everything look "off"
not exactly the solution you had in mind i know but its the best i can come up with
for me i just use the app drawer and group apps accordingly...
leandrebean said:
I installed The pre rooted GB today and so far am liking it, but I want more icons on the home screen. Is there any way to change/edit the home screen or what is the best option to keep the features of GB home but have the capability of editing and personalizing.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You probably want to install an alternate launcher if I understood your need correctly.
Both ADW and LauncherPro allow resizing the home grid, so you can fit in more icons and customize the home screen in general.
I use ADW and it allows to set up the grid for portrait and landscape modes individually. Can't say for sure about LP, but it probably can do it too.

Assistive Light Widget Mod Help

Ok, so I love having the assistive light widget. Its the only flashlight app/widget I've seen with the ability to launch it and simultaneously view other apps or lock the screen and have it continue to operate. However. The widget is larger than it need be and is above all ugly as sin.
My idea is to use something like Desktop Visualizer to create a 1x1 transparent widget to place in a second dock in Apex Launcher or somewhere on the home screen.
My problem is I cannot find the corresponding app or action to link the custom widget to the Assistive Light widget.
Does anyone know what it is, where to look, or can find it? Because I have been at it for two days and continue to fail lol.
Thanks for the time and help.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2
YoungChrisG said:
Ok, so I love having the assistive light widget. Its the only flashlight app/widget I've seen with the ability to launch it and simultaneously view other apps or lock the screen and have it continue to operate. However. The widget is larger than it need be and is above all ugly as sin.
My idea is to use something like Desktop Visualizer to create a 1x1 transparent widget to place in a second dock in Apex Launcher or somewhere on the home screen.
My problem is I cannot find the corresponding app or action to link the custom widget to the Assistive Light widget.
Does anyone know what it is, where to look, or can find it? Because I have been at it for two days and continue to fail lol.
Thanks for the time and help.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Might I suggest TeslaLED from the Play store? It comes in very handy and has a 1x1 widget that isn't an eye sore. It also stays on whether you turn off the screen or start using other apps.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
mickeywdw1254 said:
Might I suggest TeslaLED from the Play store? It comes in very handy and has a 1x1 widget that isn't an eye sore. It also stays on whether you turn off the screen or start using other apps.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I will do just that. Thanks for the help.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2

Wallpaper Sizing

I apologize if this has been addressed before but I'm a little pressed for time right now. Has anyone else had the issue with their wallpaper sizes being different on the home screen and lock screen? As in when you unlock the device it seems as if the wallpaper zooms almost? If so is there a fix for it? I am currently on Apex Launcher if that means anything.
Thanks in advance
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
Yup mine does that too.
Using Nova Launcher with a PIN lockscreen and wallpaper set from gallery using a photo taken by S4 camera.
Edit: Just tried with different photos and still same resizing change from lockscreen to home screen. No idea why.
Sent from my SGH-I337M using xda app-developers app
Go to playstore and download an app called picspeed. Use that app to set your wallpapers. It wont oversize the pics like the phone system does. So when you pic your wallpapers from gallery and it ask what app to install with click picsoeed. It has 3 box sizes to choose from. The good thing is you can use any wallpaper in your gallery it dont have to be a download from picspeed.
Sent from my GOLDENEYE S4

[Q] Nova Launcher question(s)

Been using Nova Launcher Prime for quite a few months now. I really enjoy how light and slick the launcher is, however I generally add icons and little more than that. I don't really play around with the grid settings, margins, however I have seen so many great home screens for the Nexus 4 I'm beginning to get a little jealous as many are using Nova and not some bloaty launcher like Buzz.
I have found when using an icon pack, the dock icons are never the same size as the icons above on the main home screen. If I check "small icons" in dock settings they are smaller as I would expect, however if I uncheck this then the dock icons are bigger than the homes creen icons.
It gives any layout I'm trying to achieve an odd look. I wanted to give my screen an MIUI/Iphone home screen look where the icons in both dock and above are the same size. The only way I think I can do this is remove the dock, but then I won't be able to add dock backgrounds should I wish.
Anyone understand where I'm coming from here?
Also, if someone can point me somewhere to get the best out of Nova, put together some cool home screens etc, Thank you.
Have you tried resizing icons under nova settings>look and feel>icon size? Haven't really paid attention to the icon differences as I don't use a dock now.
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I've noticed that some icon packs don't play nice with nova. Meaning that the icons get stretched out and look like they're cut off. Now if I manually add the icons, they're fine. It's not all icon packs though. Have you tried other icons?
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I think there is also an option for the hight of the menubar itself (normal and higher). maybe this will help.

