Setting one icon in the center? - Droid Incredible General

My phone really only consists of 3 screens and I only use one icon for everything, which I have on my main home screen. Is there any way to place that icon in the center?
Since our phones only have space for four icons across, its kinda hard to place that in the center. I'm using launcherProPlus
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App

Pretty sure you can change the amount of columns and rows using launcher pro. You can also resize icons using lpp as well
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App

Tried to use launcherpro, but no such luck
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App

launcherpro 5x5
install with long press NOT add button (lets you choose icon)
should work
if not, do a 5x5, use a clear icon and either just "know' its there, or choose wallpaper that has an "icon like" look in the middle - trial and error to line up "invisible" icon to wallpaper
hint - use non scrolling wallpaper option
hope that helps
ps - i'm pretty new to this so there may be a better way - but this way does work


How 2 turn off the home jumper thing on the bottom screen?

When I'm flipping left and right on my home/widget screens this short cut/jump to screen pops up on the bottom. I can't figure out how to disable it!! I try to go into my drawer/all app list and end up jumping to another home screen. Please help
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
You could just use a different launcher? I've moved to ADW Launcher and I'm loving it so far. Lots of options/tweaks.
Drop blur & just use an alternative home launcher such as adw or launcher pro.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Just downloaded new launcher. Good info thanks y'all.
Sent from my DROIDX
I use launcher pro (plus) the beta version is free, basically i turn off homescreen rotation (like it is in moto, which i agree with i'm only gonna hold the homescreen one way)
and i enable 5 rows in the homescreen Gives so much more room to have widgets. as well as icons, it looks kinda messed up if you go landscape homescreen.
It just makes sense to me and wish more wide phones (which is about all the new phones now) should come like that

Application menu

I was just wondering if any of y'all know how to remove some apps icons from the app menu? For instance better keyboard or some live wallpapers I've installed. I just wanna remove things that you can access from the settings. Thanks for your time.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I'm running LP (not sure if TW has this feature) and if you hit the
setting button > preferences > general settings> Hidden Apps > Choose the apps you want and hide them. I hid a lot it really comes in handy like swype tips.
I don't have launcher pro (which I'm assuming LP is) I'm using the default Touchwiz.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Touchwiz is a slow, uncustomizable, piece of junk. Use lp or adw
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Though I'm a fan of anderwebs, I find launcher pro to be a better product. It comes with its own widgets and is very smooth. You can also hide apps in your app drawer.
Not sent from my Vibrant using XDA App 'cause I returned it.
I also use LaucherPro but I will also actually answer your quesiton.
Go into the App List and press
Menu>View Type>Cutomizable grid
Then press
You'll see little red minus signs on icons that can be removed. When you've gotten rid of the ones you don't want, just hit Menu>Save and you're all set. Of course, this means that you'll have to move the icons of new apps if you like the alphabetical list.

Possible to change app icons and text below icons?

On a stock vibrant?
Get Launcher Pro from the marketplace
And desktop visualiser
Sent from my Galaxy S using the XDA App
dxtop pro, long press icon for options. you may need to grab an icon pack. gl
what about getting the entire name of the apps to show up instead of fading off. There's plenty of room if a second line is used.
Xianku said:
Get Launcher Pro from the marketplace
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That only allows changes to dock icons...what about application icons?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
rogerchew said:
That only allows changes to dock icons...what about application icons?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can change app icons on with Any cut or Better cut.
rogerchew said:
That only allows changes to dock icons...what about application icons?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you have Launcher Pro (Plus):
-Long press on the homescreen
-go to shortcuts
-tap the app you want
-a screen should come up with the stock icon and title for the app
-tap on the icon and change it to whatever you want (it will go to your gallery, so you'll need to have already downloaded the icon you want)

How do you change ICON picture?

How do you change the app icon picture? I am rooted and running cyanogen nightly 110 with launcher pro. Yes I can change the dock icon but not the screen icon, it does not give you anything option to change to custom icon.......This question only few of you might know what I'm talking about.
Check out desktop Visualizer in the market.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
thanks man
if you are rooted and not afraid of getting you hands dirty a bit, you can try using ninjamorph to change the icon permanently. It can replace any files you would like within a given application. If you like customization i recommend trying it. Ive changed icons, different color rosie buttons, and also icons in the status bar.

Dell Streak Activity Stage Official Rom 3.51! Widget Problem!

I cannot add widgets to the homescreen nor can i long press the homescreen to get widget options. If I press the settings button I can access walpapers and settings but the add button is greyed out on the bottom left when the window pops up.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA Premium App
You're using the stage launcher correct?
All but the small home widget takes up the entire screen, if there's anything at all on that screen you wont be able to add a stageui widget
Yes I am using Dell Laucher. I could have sworn I saw an engaget review showing the widgets that use the whole screen still had other apps widgets between them. Can you at least add more desktop screens on the complete other ends in order to add widgets to them or does the stock rom come with everything maxed out? I cant find any places anywhere to add anything.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA Premium App
You only get what they give you, which is a 4x4 grid x 7 pages.
All widgets are 4x4 in size except the home (small) one, which is 3x4.
On some stock roms, there's actually more widgets then pages so you simply cannot use every one at once.
Regardless, you should only load the ones you use often, stageui is notorously slow on the s5, having only the minimum needed ones does speed it up a bit.
The default layout completely maxes out the launcher I believe. (depending on rom and version)
How do you take some off? Move them over to the trash can? I think i have done that but they dont go away. If it does work how can i put them back on. If i remove some will that open up pages so i can put widgets on them?
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA Premium App
Just long press and drag them to the trash, if you have free room just click menu -> add stage widget to put it back.
Thanks! Your the best! Works like a charm and is much faster!
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA Premium App

