[Q] flashing stock - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hey HD2 guys. Need some help from a local pro. My girlfriend has an HD2 that is running just terribly. Force closes all the time etc. Upon inspection I see that she's running a version of CM7 from February 2011 (thanks to her brother). Can someone give me a quick runthrough of flashing stock. I am absolutely not a noob and know my way around kernels, ROMs, fastboot and recoveries. I would've just searched and started reading but its not my phone and I'm in a bit of a time crunch. Thanks HD2 community! Oh and the phone is T-Mobile if that's important
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

GetRipped said:
Hey HD2 guys. Need some help from a local pro. My girlfriend has an HD2 that is running just terribly. Force closes all the time etc. Upon inspection I see that she's running a version of CM7 from February 2011 (thanks to her brother). Can someone give me a quick runthrough of flashing stock. I am absolutely not a noob and know my way around kernels, ROMs, fastboot and recoveries. I would've just searched and started reading but its not my phone and I'm in a bit of a time crunch. Thanks HD2 community! Oh and the phone is T-Mobile if that's important
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Just download a stock RUU from the HTC website for your particular phone (i.e. EU/TMOUS, probably best to download v 3.14 for either), enter the bootloader through volume down + power and flash it via USB. Then, download HSPL4 and flash to a stock SPL such as 3.03 or 2.08.
If you want to flash a better Android version instead, just follow the guide in my sig.


[Q] Best guides to rooting?

Hi everyone!
I'm new to all this rooting - have a HTC Hero that is now my 'second' phone since I have recently upgraded to the Galaxy S. I would like to know what is the best guide out there to root my HTC Hero/G2 Touch to load a custom ROM - as i'd like to start using the latest 2.2 Froyo update.
P.S My firmware is currently 1.5 and I have build number on T-Mobile (UK)
If anyone could put me in the right direction i'd be very appreciative - might be a good idea (if not already been done) to create a sticky guide for rooting the hero phone as it seems very common.
Thanks in advance!
p.s i'm not a noob to computers but rooting phones is a new thing to me - so forgive me if i ask a few questions
IMO the guide here is the best:
Mainly because it is written by me............
But other than that - its probably the most up to date and quickest method available at the moment. I hope it helps and i'm on hand if anything doesn't go to plan (rare).
I second that, that's definitely the best guide on here.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
Cheers dude! Thanks i will give that a whirl soon
I am a Hero user since day one. I rooted my phone back then with one of the early methods. I had to manually chmod stuff and copy over files or something like this, I don't remember exactly.
Now I haven't followed the root/mod/rom world anymore, but want to install a new rom now.
Do I have to re-root my phone with a new method? Should I reset anything?
I'm a little confused with all the roms - i just want to use a stable froyo 2.2 - which rom would you recommend I go for (I am using a UK T-Mobile phone)
dvrvm said:
I am a Hero user since day one. I rooted my phone back then with one of the early methods. I had to manually chmod stuff and copy over files or something like this, I don't remember exactly.
Now I haven't followed the root/mod/rom world anymore, but want to install a new rom now.
Do I have to re-root my phone with a new method? Should I reset anything?
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It is recommended to have the latest custom recovery installed before flashing a new ROM. So if you turn off your phone, then hold HOME + POWER to boot into the recovery, you should get some writing come up at the bottom. The latest Amon Ra is 1.7 I think.
But apart from that, you can just put the new ROM onto your SD, then flash through the recovery, easy.
gavk-xda said:
I'm a little confused with all the roms - i just want to use a stable froyo 2.2 - which rom would you recommend I go for (I am using a UK T-Mobile phone)
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FroydVillain 1.5? I haven't updated from 1.4.4 yet but will definitely be doing so this evening.
EDIT.... Also there is that Fusion ROM,... Give that one a try aswel, try to run them for 48hours to get a good feel for the two.

[Q] What to do next?

I have a desire hd and have rooted and flashed a custom rom (LEEDROID) and i am new to all of this. All i know is that rooting my hd has made it quicker and now i have overclocked it the phone runs awesome. Now i am curious as to what else i can do with it now. Any tips, hacks or apps would be appreciated or anything to customize my hd anymore. I am also new to this site and must appologize if this topic has come up before. thanx guys and girls
Hey man, can you point me how to root and flash new custom rom ? i got my htc dhd today Thanks and sry for offtopic .
Whatever you want. I suggest trying different roms, mess around with boot animation and try overclocking/underclocking.
ALWAYS back up first with clockwork recovery. (When you do this your phone can be restored to exactly how it was before you tried.).
Find what's right for you. The best thing I like aboot rooting is raising two fingers at the supplier and manufacture for putting unnecessary branding on it, then customising it and proving it's mine and I can do what I like.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
no probs mate. I am new to this all myself and have only had my desire 2 weeks now. I started by reading up on rooting on here (xda) and downloaded VISIONary to start. Plenty of guides are available on here or theunlokr.com which can show u what to do. Good luck and don't brick the phone

Noob questions.

Hi, so I've been reading the forums for a while, trying to figure out how to root my DHD correctly, as well as installing a custom ROM..
I have Software Number 1.37.771.3
I assume this does not need to be downgraded, but just want assurance. Alll the downgrades need to be from 1.72.XXX.X
What is the most popular custom ROM to install?
What does flashing new radios do? And are they necessary?
What does S-Off do?
How will I be able to install my stock ROM back once I install a custom rom?
I know some of these question can be found by searching, but some parts are not clear to me.
Hiya, 1.37 does not need to be downgraded so you CAN root that.
The most popular roms I believe are either ARHD or rcmix hd (but it is down to personal preference, some roms give you things some others don't/can't)
Once you install a custom rom, sometimes you need to install a different radio to get better battery life, gps signal etc etc.
Radio s-off gives you the ability to install a custom Rom on Ur dhd, I'm not sure if its true but I think it is a MUST if you wanna install a Rom.
Eng s-off is needed to flash a radio, but you only have to have eng s-off if you wanna flash a radio.
You can just radio s-off to install a custom Rom and not have to have eng s-off to install a radio.
You can get back to stock by flashing the branded/unbranded ruu through your computer (its easier that way, I had trouble doing it through SD card last night,just run the exe. File through computer and follow the commands) , it will get rid of custom Rom, eng s-off, custom recovery and root all in one go, so all you need to do after is temp root and radio s-on, and you should be back to stock. Or you can do a nandroid backup (someone jump in cos not too clear on this point either)
If anyone wants to jump in and say if I got it wrong please do, but that's what I done last night.
Is your handset branded by any chance mate?
Cos what I done last night was flash the WWE unbranded Rom and now I'm unbranded, cos I used to be branded by vodafone, now all the vodafone crap and stuff has gone from mine.
Oh also you might wanna check before you start whether u can get your hands on a branded Rom cos if you have trouble with handset and need to send it back then your gonna wanna get it completely back to normal.
Anyway hope this helped and if you need anything there's lots of people on here that will help you as best they can.
Good luck ;-)
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
The most popular ROM is probably either LeeDroid HD, Android Revolution HD or CyanogenMod
Flashing a different radio is not usually required but can give you better performance.
S-off lets you install custom ROMs of your DHD, you cant flash a radio and Im pretty sure you cant flash a ROM without S-off.
The stock ROM (version 1.32.405.6) can be downloaded from CyanogenMods downloads page. Link
This might be useful too. Link
Also HTC Ace was the codename for the Desire HD so if you see HTC Ace anywhere its the right phone.
ARHD 3.5 has just been released.
This was exactly the thread I was looking for, I've been reading these forums for the last week trying to get my head around all the information. Im guessing once you understand all the procedures it starts coming a bit more naturally, doing my first flash tomorrow
Rawrpaw said:
This was exactly the thread I was looking for, I've been reading these forums for the last week trying to get my head around all the information. Im guessing once you understand all the procedures it starts coming a bit more naturally, doing my first flash tomorrow
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Good luck mate, I did my first one last week, it was nerve wracking lol some people like me need a little more help and clarification from more knowledgeable members on here.
But we all in the same boat innit, just don't start too many threads on it cos you'll end up getting a warning like me, it was harsh but I'm gonna have to accept it looool anyways good luck and if u need any help just ask.
And make sure you follow all the steps to the point, cos you could end up with some unrectifiable problems ;-)
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
dazza_84 said:
You can get back to stock by flashing the branded/unbranded ruu through your computer (its easier that way, I had trouble doing it through SD card last night,just run the exe. File through computer and follow the commands) , it will get rid of custom Rom, eng s-off, custom recovery and root all in one go, so all you need to do after is temp root and radio s-on, and you should be back to stock. Or you can do a nandroid backup (someone jump in cos not too clear on this point either)
If anyone wants to jump in and say if I got it wrong please do, but that's what I done last night.
Is your handset branded by any chance mate?
Cos what I done last night was flash the WWE unbranded Rom and now I'm unbranded, cos I used to be branded by vodafone, now all the vodafone crap and stuff has gone from mine.
Oh also you might wanna check before you start whether u can get your hands on a branded Rom cos if you have trouble with handset and need to send it back then your gonna wanna get it completely back to normal.
Anyway hope this helped and if you need anything there's lots of people on here that will help you as best they can.
Good luck ;-)
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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hi, thanks for the reply, what you said has helped
yeah, my phone is branded to three. will i be able to use a stock rom given by the person on post 3? or will i have to get a branded rom from three?
roshh said:
hi, thanks for the reply, what you said has helped
yeah, my phone is branded to three. will i be able to use a stock rom given by the person on post 3? or will i have to get a branded rom from three?
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It depends what you wanna do, if you wanna unbrand your phone use the WWE ruu, if you wanna return Ur phone back to the way it was then use a official 3 branded Rom, and as you know if you want a particular custom Rom then just flash one of those.
I got my WWE ruu from xmoo's thread, it has a whole list of different ruu versions, so just pick the one you want but I suggest going for the 1.32 xx3 cos you can still root that version if you wanted to.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

[Q] Which ROM is best for tethering

Hey all:
I just got a G Tablet a couple of weeks back and I put Vegan 5.1 on it. I don't have a smart phone but am getting one. I think the LG GT540 Optimus is the one I am going with. I have taken a quick look at the how to's for this phone and I noticed a how to for something called Eclaire 2.1 and a different thread for "custom 2.1/2.2/2.3". Which one should I go with. Do you know if either would allow me to tether with my G tab? thanks in advance
If you're really interested in tethering, better you buy Optimus One (P500) as it has tethering support in its stock ROM itself. Considering GT540, Mur4ik has already done with Wifi tethering. If you won't mind waiting for perfectly working tethering, then you can have GT540.
But I won't recommend it if you are just interested in tethering. Rather buy any phone that has Official 2.2/2.3 support.
Some recommendations like LG Optimus One, HTC Wildfire, Samsung Galaxy 3 (they both are upgradeable to 2.2).
thank you..
Can't really find your 3 recommendations at a similar price point as the GT540. Are you saying if i put the 2.1 eclaire and root the phone, tethering isn't currently working?
if you want a cheap android phone get the gt540 and upgrade it to the latest CM7 build that has WiFi tether support enabled and if you do get it make a swap partition on the sd card because i am making a softmod rom and it will have a few tweaks included for performance speed and battery
Ok. Just bought it. Partitioned many internal and external drives using windows but never done an sd through android. I'm sure its not so bad. Are the instructions for that cm7 on the forums some where? Thnx for the reply
yeah look at the how to thread in the dev section. it will help you mod your phone.
Sent from my GT540 using XDA Premium App
I read somewhere that you should upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2, then to 2.3. Is this true or can i go from 2.1 to 2.3 directly?
Also. I see a video on how to install cm7. What would be the prereqs, install fastboot and root the phone or?
If you want I can remote control your PC tomorrow to upgrade your phone for you?
appreciate it!!! but I actually get more enjoyment learning and performing this stuff than I do actually using the phone. Let me give it a try, if i can't I'll let you know. Haven't got the phone yet either. It will be shipped over the next few days or so
no problem just take the time to study the guides while the phone is being shipped.
Sent from my GT540 using XDA Premium App
Been reading some and there is a lot of info. I have a question. Can I just follow the instructions provided here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=12898827&postcount=3 , going to 2.1, 2.2 and so on(can i go to CM7 directly)?
or is there anything else needed to be done too, like rooting etc?
all you need to do is flash a fastboot 2.1 rom then boot into fastboot and direct flash to cm7 if you want.
Sent from my GT540 using XDA Premium App
2j44 said:
Been reading some and there is a lot of info. I have a question. Can I just follow the instructions provided here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=12898827&postcount=3 , going to 2.1, 2.2 and so on(can i go to CM7 directly)?
or is there anything else needed to be done too, like rooting etc?
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Just get 2.1 with fastboot then u can go directly to CM7
Thnx all. I will as soon as i get the phone
Thanks for the infos. I'll try them
Any rom that supports tethering should do.
I'd recommend 2.1 with Quarx kernel
Sent from my GT540 (GreenDroid 2.0) using XDA App
Hey All: Got the phone yesterday. I think I installed everything last night. Had some issues, though I bricked the phone a few times.
There is one weird thing. When I shutdown the phone. I press power to restart, it does this quick vibrate, then does nothing for like 30 secs, this is where i thought he phone was messed, but then it starts up. not sure what's up?
One more quick thing, how do you get into recovery mode, cause I think i need to do one of those factory resets after install right? thanx

T-Mobile Uk Roms

Hi all, just got an upgrade this week to the Atrix and thoroughly enjoying it so far. As a poweruser with the HD2 and all the hacks involved like android on nand etc, the first thing I did out of the box was root it.
Now to my point, all the custom roms I'm seeing seem to be for At+t and Bell (is that the right carriers?), and the forum is Atrix 4G. So can I as a UK user use these same roms/radios that are outlined in the development forum?
Any help is appreciated, Thanks in advance.
Greetings. I have the same backround as you . I nearly stayed with my hd2 but i'm glad I didn't. The only gingerbread rom for us is the orange one in the dev forum. I have had no success flashing this yet. Soft bricked 3 times and counting.
There is an international fruit cake in the works rich we will be able to flash from CWM.
So far rooting is fine.
Unlockingbootloader is fine.
flashing Cwm if fine.
I keep meaning to start a t-mob uk thread to collect all the info for us uk tmob users into one place. I will get round to it eventualy if some one doesn't beer me to it.
bates_1974 said:
Hi all, just got an upgrade this week to the Atrix and thoroughly enjoying it so far. As a poweruser with the HD2 and all the hacks involved like android on nand etc, the first thing I did out of the box was root it.
Now to my point, all the custom roms I'm seeing seem to be for At+t and Bell (is that the right carriers?), and the forum is Atrix 4G. So can I as a UK user use these same roms/radios that are outlined in the development forum?
Any help is appreciated, Thanks in advance.
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Hi there.
I am on Orange U.K, and i have successfully flashed this ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1169409. Following this guide to flash the ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1167373.
Many international users have flashed this ROM as well but REMEMBER to unlock your bootloader before even considering flashing this ROM.
When unlocking your bootloader, you will notice that you will only have around 300 total RAM but if you flash the hack relevant to your device, you will retain your RAM when you flash to Gingerbread.
Please follow the guide properly and don't skip any step. BTW, if your bootloader is not unlocked, we will probably be getting Gingerbread soon since the SOAK testing is about to begin very soon.
Similar story, i'm on Orange, followed those steps and it's working great. Just had to replace the missing sound files, but apart from that, works a treat.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Now since we have an unlocked bootloader, you can flash any ROM. Just make sure you flash the proper boot.img for your phone. See the fixes section for the pudding thread.
IrshaadH said:
Now since we have an unlocked bootloader, you can flash any ROM. Just make sure you flash the proper boot.img for your phone. See the fixes section for the pudding thread.
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I thought we still had to be careful with the Roms, as some of them contain files that are tied to the kernel version (until the port everything over). For example, the ninja rom, I believe it is crrently tied to AT&T at the moment. I presumed we had to wait for a safe INTL version..
I think we can install and lunch any Rom now. The only limitation for inte. users is Ram issue. Otherwise will work fine.
Sent from Motorola Atrix
Foka002 said:
I think we can install and lunch any Rom now. The only limitation for inte. users is Ram issue. Otherwise will work fine.
Sent from Motorola Atrix
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great, thanks. Maybe I'll try another rom then I'd like one without any MotoBlur stuff on it, although the French 2.3.4 is running very well.
