GPS signal lost while navigate - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm experiencing issues when I use the navigation. After a while the message "gps signal lost" comes up and my phone is not able to get a singnal again. Until, yes until I switch GPS off and back on. The fix comes within seconds and I can use the navigation for another...5 to 10min until I need to switch if off and on again...
Does anyone have the same issue and/or a fix for that?

Are you on Stock or Custom ROM?

Stock Rom, stock kernel. I only rooted it
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

Not too sure. I had an issue on CM10.1 with GPS.
Have you tried GPS Status and Toolbox from the market, you can reset your GPS.
Also Faster Fix, also from the market allows you to specify your region.
Let me know if any of this has helped.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

The problem is not the fix. It just comes up with GPS signal lost. As soon as I just switch gps off and back on, the fix comes almost immediately and I can use it for another 5 or 10min. I'm not sure if this might be a temperature issue. I mean the phone feels warm but not hot.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

I have the same exact problem on mine! I'm stock everything, not even rooted. Both times I've used my gps to get anywhere this happened. The first time I was dropping someone off at the airport and was driving for about 3 hours total and the second time was yesterday when I had a 4.5 hour drive.
The first time I thought maybe it was cloudy or there was some kind of interference, although when I would exit navigation and go back in it was fine for another 10 minutes. After yesterday, I'm beginning to think it is completely unreliable. I won't be able to use it to drive anywhere because it is so dangerous to have to fiddle around with your phone every ten minutes to get the navigation to work again.
I am glad I found this in a search so I know there is at least one other person out there with the same problem. Do you think we just got bad phones and need to get them replaced?

I think I've solved the problem for my phone at least (or it's just a coincidence). Today before I drove home 4.5 hours, I installed cm10.1 on my phone and the whole time I was driving it only lost signal once. Although when it lost signal I gave it 30 minutes to find itself and it was following me but couldn't lock on and was only accurate to like 50 meters or something. As soon as I reset the navigation though it was pin point accurate for the rest of the trip.
I installed cm10.1 after reading in another thread about someone whose nexus 4 took an outrageous amount of time to acquire a gps lock. He said it was fixed by wiping his data.
So of you're still having trouble with your phone you could try backing up your apps and doing a factory reset or flashing cm10.1.

I haven't installed CM10.1 yet but thanks for the suggestion.
I installed francos kernel r15 and had on single signal lost yesterday.
I think it's heat related. I repositioned the phone after the first time it lost it and it was fine for the rest of the journey (45min)
I think the OS disables the GPS when it gets too hot. But instead of switching it off, it just doesn't work until you reset it. Werid.
I'm gonna try CM soon to see if it makes a difference to me too.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

edgeball said:
I haven't installed CM10.1 yet but thanks for the suggestion.
I installed francos kernel r15 and had on single signal lost yesterday.
I think it's heat related. I repositioned the phone after the first time it lost it and it was fine for the rest of the journey (45min)
I think the OS disables the GPS when it gets too hot. But instead of switching it off, it just doesn't work until you reset it. Werid.
I'm gonna try CM soon to see if it makes a difference to me too.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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I have the exact same problem with my Nexus 4. Galaxy Nexus worked with no problem. Nexus 4, gps lock is achieved very quickly but then lost after 10 to 15 minutes of driving. After trying factory reset and manually reinsitalling the OS, I called Nexus support and exchanged phones. I never thought it was a hardware problem, but thats the only thing Nexus support could do for me. With the new phone, I reproduced the problem with both OS versions 4.2 and 4.2.1.
Now, the exciting stuff. For a little while I decided to revert back to my Galaxy Nexus (by taking my SIM out of the Nexus 4 and putting into the Galaxy Nexus). After doing so, I also did a manual reinstall of 4.2.1 (this was all before getting my replacement phone). To test the Nexus 4 with the reinstall, I used my Galaxy Nexus's wifi hotspot and connected my Nexus 4 to it and used the Nexus 4's navigation WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM! As soon as I put the sim back into it, the problem started up again.
My hunch is that Google location services (that use cell towers to triangulate) are somehow interfering with location services in general in software, and by putting the sim card back into the phone, I enabled Google location services to interfere with the GPS software.
No resolution to the problem, but just some interesting correlations!

I am having the same issue. Nexus 4 acquires GPS signal immediately. Using GPS Status app I clocked it at under 4 seconds. However, within 3-10 minutes of navigating, GPS loses signal and NEVER re-acquires it. I tried this with Google Maps, Mapquest and Copilot Live. Restarting the navigation application re-locks the GPS almost instantly.
Ultimately, the navigation function is not usable if you have to fiddle with the phone every couple minutes while driving. Google support was of no help. I returned the phone, but now regretting it, since it was perfect in almost every other way.
There are reports floating around that 4.2.2 software fixes the GPS issue. Can anybody confirm this?
I am on T-mobile in Washington, DC area.

Re: [a APP] LMT Launcher v1.91 for GNex/Nexus4/Nexus7/GSIII/HD2 and more... (ROOT)
Custom ROM and kernel fixed it for me
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

edgeball said:
Custom ROM and kernel fixed it for me
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Can you elaborate as to which custom ROM and which kernel? Thanks.

max_gorkiy said:
Can you elaborate as to which custom ROM and which kernel? Thanks.
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For me it is xylon room with Franco kernel
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

max_gorkiy said:
I am having the same issue. Nexus 4 acquires GPS signal immediately. Using GPS Status app I clocked it at under 4 seconds. However, within 3-10 minutes of navigating, GPS loses signal and NEVER re-acquires it. I tried this with Google Maps, Mapquest and Copilot Live. Restarting the navigation application re-locks the GPS almost instantly.
Ultimately, the navigation function is not usable if you have to fiddle with the phone every couple minutes while driving. Google support was of no help. I returned the phone, but now regretting it, since it was perfect in almost every other way.
There are reports floating around that 4.2.2 software fixes the GPS issue. Can anybody confirm this?
I am on T-mobile in Washington, DC area.
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I'm having trouble with it too, 4.2.2. definitely does not fix the GPS issue that I have too!

Did you ever got a solution for this?

I think it was a heat issue.
A custom kernel worked for me
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

edgeball said:
I think it was a heat issue.
A custom kernel worked for me
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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Hey edgeball,
I was wondering if using the franco kernel is still working for you, and if you have tried upgrading to 4.3.
I just bought a nexus 4 and i am very disappointed to have these problems with the gps as i use the gps all the time.
I have the same problem where the gps signal is lost but the other problem that i am having (after a few minutes of navigating is the signal becomes weak I get this halo around the arrowhead that indicates my location. This halo i believe is showing uncertainty of location, meaning I could be anywhere inside the circle. Then the circle gets bigger, like 50 feet diameter. Then my location starts jumping around. I will be on one side of the intersection, then the other, then back again. And every time this happens the route is recalculated.
Then ultimately I loose the gps signal and it keeps searching until i either reboot of turn the gps off and then on.
This morning I installed franco kernel and I didn't loose the gps signal during my 45 minute commute but I did have this second problem I described there the location becomes inaccurate I my arrowhead starts jumping around the intersection.
I was just wondering if you have experienced the same problem.
oh btw I am trying the franco kernel on slimbean 7 (4.2.2)

whobalagosh said:
I have the exact same problem with my Nexus 4. Galaxy Nexus worked with no problem. Nexus 4, gps lock is achieved very quickly but then lost after 10 to 15 minutes of driving. After trying factory reset and manually reinsitalling the OS, I called Nexus support and exchanged phones. I never thought it was a hardware problem, but thats the only thing Nexus support could do for me. With the new phone, I reproduced the problem with both OS versions 4.2 and 4.2.1.
Now, the exciting stuff. For a little while I decided to revert back to my Galaxy Nexus (by taking my SIM out of the Nexus 4 and putting into the Galaxy Nexus). After doing so, I also did a manual reinstall of 4.2.1 (this was all before getting my replacement phone). To test the Nexus 4 with the reinstall, I used my Galaxy Nexus's wifi hotspot and connected my Nexus 4 to it and used the Nexus 4's navigation WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM! As soon as I put the sim back into it, the problem started up again.
My hunch is that Google location services (that use cell towers to triangulate) are somehow interfering with location services in general in software, and by putting the sim card back into the phone, I enabled Google location services to interfere with the GPS software.
No resolution to the problem, but just some interesting correlations!
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Given this, would it be possible to fix this issue by only turning on "GPS satellites" and not "Wi-Fi & mobile network location"? By doing so, the phone isn't looking for cell towers and WiFi. I have no idea on this topic but if a SIM card isn't inserted into the phone, would that not mean that the phone is not using cell towers for location?


GPS Problems 2.3.3 custom kernels

I have a problem with a long time to get fix on the GPS
Ever since the 2.3.3 i'm using custom roms and kernel, with 2.3.2 i only used stock as custom roms were randomly resetting and were draining the battery faster than stock.
I found that with stock 2.3.3 GRI40 the GPS fix work fine.
When i changed the kernel (one with voodoo sound and color) every time the fix takes about 3-5 minutes even when I just loose the signal in a tunnel.
Then came Modaco r13 built on GRI54 which is the best (feeling) rom for me its fast and battery time is great no random resets but the GPS fix again takes long.
What I did this time was not to move to stock kernel but move to back to the original 2.3.2/1 radio (used radio XXJK8 from GRH78).
This also fixed this problem!!
too bad as the new radio has better wifi reception in my opinion...
Anyone else also experience this?
I think maybe on the new radio they changed the access to the GPS in some way (driver?) that the custom kernels are not taking advantage of.... every fix with custom kernel is like the first fix instead of remembering all the sats
Ever since the 2.3.3 OTA update, my GPS takes forever to get a fix. It takes at least 5 minutes, and that's really frustating. My phone is not rooted and running the stock Android 2.3.3 OS.
I wonder if others are having a similar GPS issues like me.
Help me out here.
@mastiff78 : I have a similar issue since 2.3.3. Sometimes the gps fix takes forever. If I reboot the phone, the next fix is instant.
Strange and frustrating
Add me to the list of people suffering from long GPS lock times since updating to 2.3.3.
I've got this problem too. I don't use it that often but after waiting for like 2 minutes, my friend pulls out her nexus one and gets gps lock in like 30 seconds.
I am using a voodoo kernel with 2.3.3 and get a gps fix with the GPS Status app in about 10 seconds. Google Earth is quick to get a fix as well, and that was after testing indoors beside a window. Are you updating the A-GPS info regularly?
I have noticed in the last few days, since moving to the voodoo kernel, that the compass is pretty much useless. To be honest, I cant say if it was the 2.3.3 update or the voodoo kernel which is the apparent cause. It worked perfectly before so its unlikely to be a hardware issue.
Hi all,
I do have the same problem with my nexus s (2.3.3 stock kernel):
- fix after cold start takes ages
- I frequently lose gps fix due to a "weak signal"
I have compared my old htc tattoo with the nexus s (using gps test):
- the old one sees the same satellites with almost identical signal to noise ratios as the nexus s but the nexus s simply uses less satelites for the fix! When the nexus s suddenly loses the fix, the tattoo does not although it sees the same satellites and has the same SNR values.
To me, this seems to be a software issue!
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Good to know that I'm not the only one with that problem... Did anyone report this issue to Google?
Well, I thought it would be helpful to report this issue in the "Google Mobile Forum":
As I am not allowed to post links, please go to the google support forum:
Help forum > Google Mobile > Android Devices > Other Google Products > Nexus S frequently loses gps fix
Maybe you should describe and report your problem there as well...I really hope that we can draw a little more attention to this issue.
Thank you in advance!
tuck2 said:
Hi all,
I do have the same problem with my nexus s (2.3.3 stock kernel):
- fix after cold start takes ages
- I frequently lose gps fix due to a "weak signal"
I have compared my old htc tattoo with the nexus s (using gps test):
- the old one sees the same satellites with almost identical signal to noise ratios as the nexus s but the nexus s simply uses less satelites for the fix! When the nexus s suddenly loses the fix, the tattoo does not although it sees the same satellites and has the same SNR values.
To me, this seems to be a software issue!
Any ideas on how to fix this?
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Try a different radio, XXJK8 or XXKB3. I’m using XXKB3 at the moment; I’ve been able to see up to 12 satellites and sometimes 11/11 connection. Fix time is faster (60 – 100 seg average) than XXKB1, but it’s still slower than it was before 2.3.3 which was about 30 sec
I am running CM7 with SuperAOSP kernel and I have no problem at all with the GPS. It gets the fix in less than a minute without any data connection (so, without A-GPS) and when I drive with copilot the accuracy is consistently less than 5m. With netarchy's kernel GPS worked nicely as well. I've never tried it with 2.3.3 stock or other radios...

[Q] Is GPS working RELIABLY for anyone?

Hi Everyone,
I've seen three Note 3 on 4.4.2 and they ALL experience GPS resets and different times of the day. Unfortunately I do not have a Note 3 still on 4.3 and courtesy of Samsung I cannot downgrade. A number of users report that the issue was introduced on the N9005 with version 4.4.2.
I'm going to buy another Note 3 and NOT upgrade if this fixes the issue but I'd like to know whether anyone is using their GPS on the N9005 EXTENSIVELY, during the whole day and is not experiencing ANY odd GPS resets, GPS fix lost or other GPS related issues.
I don't want to know about the time it takes to get a fix or the quality of the signal. ALL of the phones I got to look at lost ALL satellites in places where there was NO reason to lose the fix, i.e. out in the open with clear view of the sky and ALL of them did so repeatedly.
If a new phone will fix the issue but I don't want to end up with another dud which I will then have to return. Because the issue is intermittent and somehow related to the time of day AND can only be reproduced outdoors this would be one painful exercise.
So if you do use GPS regularly to navigate etc please let me know how yours works and version of OS you're on.
I use mine about 6-8 hours a day.
Mainly to keep track of where the train I am on currently is and for navigating streets. And to map out and follow a route when I'm doing an urban or landscape shoot. (Photography).
I've never had issues with my N9005 DBT 4.4.2 NB7, nor on any of the previous versions. It's always accurate and always constant. (Except when I'm in a tunnel or on the tube. But that's physics 101.)
It has never lost all satellites, nor has it ever lost the connection without a perfectly valid reason.
I've done a factory reset and my GPS still takes over 10 minutes to find my location....... If it finds it at all.
uf21 said:
I've done a factory reset and my GPS still takes over 10 minutes to find my location....... If it finds it at all.
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What ROM are you on and is this your first device?
ShadowLea said:
I use mine about 6-8 hours a day.
Mainly to keep track of where the train I am on currently is and for navigating streets. And to map out and follow a route when I'm doing an urban or landscape shoot. (Photography).
I've never had issues with my N9005 DBT 4.4.2 NB7, nor on any of the previous versions. It's always accurate and always constant. (Except when I'm in a tunnel or on the tube. But that's physics 101.)
It has never lost all satellites, nor has it ever lost the connection without a perfectly valid reason.
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I agree with this post, never once had a problem.
I use mine for about 2 hours maximum everyday (so i can avoid traffic) mounted on my motorbike whilst riding to and from work, with a bluetooth headset in my helmet.
I am running a deodexed version of ND3
Sent from my SM-N9005
I use stock unrooted 4.4.2 on N9005 and GPS has been working fine, no issues.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
ewok666 said:
Hi Everyone,
I've seen three Note 3 on 4.4.2 and they ALL experience GPS resets and different times of the day. Unfortunately I do not have a Note 3 still on 4.3 and courtesy of Samsung I cannot downgrade. A number of users report that the issue was introduced on the N9005 with version 4.4.2.
I'm going to buy another Note 3 and NOT upgrade if this fixes the issue but I'd like to know whether anyone is using their GPS on the N9005 EXTENSIVELY, during the whole day and is not experiencing ANY odd GPS resets, GPS fix lost or other GPS related issues.
I don't want to know about the time it takes to get a fix or the quality of the signal. ALL of the phones I got to look at lost ALL satellites in places where there was NO reason to lose the fix, i.e. out in the open with clear view of the sky and ALL of them did so repeatedly.
If a new phone will fix the issue but I don't want to end up with another dud which I will then have to return. Because the issue is intermittent and somehow related to the time of day AND can only be reproduced outdoors this would be one painful exercise.
So if you do use GPS regularly to navigate etc please let me know how yours works and version of OS you're on.
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May I ask how u experience the problem maybe I just don't get it. Is the GPS not working at all while maps or any GPS based app is running? Or does the phone tell u that GPS is not working? I'm on 4.4.2 without any issues of GPS
4aces said:
May I ask how u experience the problem maybe I just don't get it. Is the GPS not working at all while maps or any GPS based app is running? Or does the phone tell u that GPS is not working? I'm on 4.4.2 without any issues of GPS
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Sure, my GPS is usually fine. Locks quickly and reception is OK. Obviously I lose signal in tunnels and in the CBD sometimes so this is not about that.
I could be in the middle of nowhere with nothing blocking my sight although it's obviously most annoying while driving. I lost the signal when I should not. It usually looks just like the GPS resets or so, without moving much at all the signal will drop from 20 satellites down to four then none within 2 or 3 seconds. Then it slowly comes back, gets a lock and works fine again. The lock could then last for a minute or two and then it just happens again. This seems to mostly happen in the afternoon to early evening.....don ask why :-|
I've tried just about everything. Initially I thought it was a hardware defect but my wife's Note 3 does exactly the same thing......what are the odds of having two Note 3 (bought different places about 2 weeks apart) the exact same problem? I had a quick look at a third one (not one of ours so I didn't get to spend much time with it) but it seemed to do the same thing as well, i.e. lost the signal while standing still with no buildings (and mountains etc) around me.
GPS fix
ewok666 said:
Sure, my GPS is usually fine. Locks quickly and reception is OK. Obviously I lose signal in tunnels and in the CBD sometimes so this is not about that.
I could be in the middle of nowhere with nothing blocking my sight although it's obviously most annoying while driving. I lost the signal when I should not. It usually looks just like the GPS resets or so, without moving much at all the signal will drop from 20 satellites down to four then none within 2 or 3 seconds. Then it slowly comes back, gets a lock and works fine again. The lock could then last for a minute or two and then it just happens again. This seems to mostly happen in the afternoon to early evening.....don ask why :-|
I've tried just about everything. Initially I thought it was a hardware defect but my wife's Note 3 does exactly the same thing......what are the odds of having two Note 3 (bought different places about 2 weeks apart) the exact same problem? I had a quick look at a third one (not one of ours so I didn't get to spend much time with it) but it seemed to do the same thing as well, i.e. lost the signal while standing still with no buildings (and mountains etc) around me.
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I found this on xda
I don't know about the rom since I didn't try it but in the quote of the link is how he fixed the GPS issue. Seems like it is a software problem. If your phones are rooted try the method described in the quote if not try reset with backup via Google. Good luck.
4aces said:
I found this on xda
I don't know about the rom since I didn't try it but in the quote of the link is how he fixed the GPS issue. Seems like it is a software problem. If your phones are rooted try the method described in the quote if not try reset with backup via Google. Good luck.
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Unfortunately this is for 4.3 only and allegedly this issue was fixed with 4.4.2
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Hmm ok... Than all I could tell is checking the GPS settings or factory reset. Sorry mate
ewok666 said:
What ROM are you on and is this your first device?
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Stock Singapore rom. It is not my first device.
When I bought this phone it had 4.3 jellybean Australian version. Everything was working great and after I updated to 4.4 the GPS has gone to sh!t.
uf21 said:
Stock Singapore rom. It is not my first device.
When I bought this phone it had 4.3 jellybean Australian version. Everything was working great and after I updated to 4.4 the GPS has gone to sh!t.
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Same here. I just don't get the part where it's always fine in the morning, then **** in the afternoon and perfect again in the evening.

[Q] Weird behavior after travelling GPS and Playback

So ever since travelling from Australia to Europe my nice toy as been acting strangely.
I have a Note 3 from Telstra running the Telstra stock ROM
Before travelling it was the perfect companion for long trips.
Gained a GPS fix using Co-Pilot or Maps withing seconds of being activated, played movies for hours without stopping, played music constantly and let me listen to Audible books without a problem.
Upon landing in Portugal I found it nearly impossible to get a GPS fix although after 5 or 10 minutes walking around it would grab one for a few seconds
Driving through the English countryside it would grab a lock after 10 minutes or so, hold it for 30 seconds then drop it again.
After arriving back in Australia it seems to have gotten worse
Using GPS Test and GPS status shows that it has sight of 17 satellites but doesn't get a lock on any of them even after ten minutes of so. If I do a lot of walking or driving it will eventually grab a fix for a short time then "loose" all signals.
I know there have been some threads about GPS issues but they all seemed related to software induced bugs or network specific ones. From what I could see Telstra ROMS don't really have a huge issue with this.
Next my playbacks have started to act up.
Watching a video on VLC or the inbuilt Video player is fine but the playback seems to stop around 30 minutes and requires you to press play again
The same is happening for other Audio related playback either using google's music player or Audible.
It also seems to have major problems deciding which WiFi network to use, swapping constantly between available know networks.
Any ideas that don't require a hard reset or flashing ROMS would be gratefully received
nossac said:
So ever since travelling from Australia to Europe my nice toy as been acting strangely.
I have a Note 3 from Telstra running the Telstra stock ROM
Before travelling it was the perfect companion for long trips.
Gained a GPS fix using Co-Pilot or Maps withing seconds of being activated, played movies for hours without stopping, played music constantly and let me listen to Audible books without a problem.
Upon landing in Portugal I found it nearly impossible to get a GPS fix although after 5 or 10 minutes walking around it would grab one for a few seconds
Driving through the English countryside it would grab a lock after 10 minutes or so, hold it for 30 seconds then drop it again.
After arriving back in Australia it seems to have gotten worse
Using GPS Test and GPS status shows that it has sight of 17 satellites but doesn't get a lock on any of them even after ten minutes of so. If I do a lot of walking or driving it will eventually grab a fix for a short time then "loose" all signals.
I know there have been some threads about GPS issues but they all seemed related to software induced bugs or network specific ones. From what I could see Telstra ROMS don't really have a huge issue with this.
Next my playbacks have started to act up.
Watching a video on VLC or the inbuilt Video player is fine but the playback seems to stop around 30 minutes and requires you to press play again
The same is happening for other Audio related playback either using google's music player or Audible.
It also seems to have major problems deciding which WiFi network to use, swapping constantly between available know networks.
Any ideas that don't require a hard reset or flashing ROMS would be gratefully received
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I don't have the playback issues but I also don't watch videos on it but I DO have issues with GPS on two 4.4.2 phones. However, both of these lose the GPS signal only in the afternoon, usually between about 15:00 and 19:00. Outside of those times it seems to be OK, not that I ever tested it in the middle of the night, though.
What firmware are you on?
i highly suggest updating to the UK ND3 firmware. solved issues for a lot of aussies in the aussie thread.
Running android 4.3 kernel 3.4
Might try nd3. Its just an odin flash right?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
nossac said:
So ever since travelling from Australia to Europe my nice toy as been acting strangely.
Any ideas that don't require a hard reset or flashing ROMS would be gratefully received
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Keep in mind that the Note3 GPS seems to work MUCH better in ASSISTED mode (over mobile data) than in the stand-alone mode.
nossac said:
Running android 4.3 kernel 3.4
Might try nd3. Its just an odin flash right?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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It is but there is no way back to 4.3 and with a UK Rom I don't think Samsung will even look at it here.
Sent from my SM-P605 using Tapatalk
nossac said:
Running android 4.3 kernel 3.4
Might try nd3. Its just an odin flash right?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Can I also ask what exactly it looks like when it loses the signal for gps. Mine both go from full strength no nothing in a few seconds, without being moved, then out looks like gps restarts and where the satellites view normally has them scattered all over the place there is the only one blob at 12 o'clock.
Sent from my SM-P605 using Tapatalk
Sure I repliedbut it isn't showing up so here goes again.
Most of the time the phone says or can see 18 or more satelites but locks on none, I am guessing this see IA what the aGPS says should be there. I'd it does lock the satellites it locks on are all over one side with an accuracy of about 10 metres. After it locks it doesn't seem to like it and drops all the locks and starts aquiring again. Gets a lock then rinse and repeats forever. It seems add if the aGPS is a few degrees off and that the Note refuses to believe it's own eyes but trusts the aGPS
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
So just a quick update
After a lot of frustration amd Web searching I found a suggestion to tighten up the screws on the back of my note 3
So I gave it a go, surprisingly enough I found the top four screws were really loose. Tightening them up a few times I.e like wheel nuts doing diagonals then back again seems to have totally fixed my problems. From no lock ever to locking in about 5 seconds.

[Q] gps issues?

My note3 is awesome but the gps is a POS can anyone coming from the note3 to note4 for tell me if the gps function has been improved? Or is it just as unreliable(not locking on satellites) if its any better its worth the upgrade to me.....
I agree that it's worser than the one on my old note 1
If you can send me your gps.conf file I can fix it for you. Have to be rooted and it's in system/etc/gps.conf. Fix would work on any note 3.
I stopped rooting my phones because its just to much to maintain and keep up with these days. Initially my main reason for rooting was tethering but since i switched to tmobile and they give me 3 gigs for free. i found no reason to have to do it anymore.. i was always cool with the touch wiz roms anyway.. thank u for the offer though... can anyone else chime in on the difference if any in gps reliability between note 3 and note 4?
GPS receiver is quite deaf, horrible reception.
I just started noticing this weekend that my phone would find a lock no problem at first but can't maintain that lock. The GPS icon would disappear and then restart again after a few seconds to try and find a lock. Would happen every few minutes or so.
Yeah, I'm having an issue too.
It doesn't follow me, but it can pinpoint my location. It also jumps around to different locations around me when I'm driving.
Get this software and set it to auto update A-gps data.
I've been doing this since Note 2 and never had to wait more than 3-5 seconds to get full lock. It will entirely solve all your problems, and you don't have to root.
ozaghloul said:
Get this software and set it to auto update A-gps data.
I've been doing this since Note 2 and never had to wait more than 3-5 seconds to get full lock. It will entirely solve all your problems, and you don't have to root.
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I'll give it a try, thanks ozaghloul.
I can confirm 100% issues with GPS on my AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note 4. I bought it Sunday (12/28/2014) and noticed instant GPS inaccuracies, teleporting, not updating correct route information, etc. I got home, OTA'd, tried again the next day, same issues. Took it into AT&T yesterday (12/30/2014), guy instantly swapped, I stood right there and showed him exactly what was happening on the brand new,fresh out the box phone. "Hmmm, I'd give it a couple of days to.....uhhh.....calibrate, then bring it back if it doesn't work." Screw that, wtf is going on? Why do a select few of us have the problem and why does it continue to happen to the same people?
In another forum, a guy took his back not 1, not 2 but 3 TIMES, same gps issues everytime......... Add me to the list of people who've had multiple phones and the same gps issues. SIM related????? Maybe? I can't have another phone, I absolutely love this thing.
**EDIT** Had a Note 2 for close to 3 years, not one GPS problem.
switch mode to gps only. in high accuracy mode it downloads google wifi data and tries to avoid using the gps chip so you bounce around depending on how accurate googles wifi mapping is based on APs googles streetview van saw.
GPS only mode with daily AGPS data will be the best.
I've done everything under the sun. Nothing helps.
I will try zurkx's info tonight and try to remember to turn it on for the foreseeable future and see what happens. The issue is sporadic for me and I don't have it on while I'm driving all the time.
Zer()C00L said:
Why do a select few of us have the problem and why does it continue to happen to the same people?
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I fear it's a bit different: Just a few people get aware of the problem, many others simply don't notice or don't want to notice it.
Just have a look at my thread - pretty detailled:
Try rebooting in airplane, it seems to have alleviated the issues. Now I have a horrible download speed problem....

GPS lock issues

Wondering if anyone is having the same frustrating experience as me in terms of GPS locking on when first opening Maps or Waze. It seems like it's taking 2-3 minutes for Maps or Waze to actually figure out exactly where I am and properly display a route. I realize this was sort of normal years ago but not anymore. Before it locks on correctly, the route is created but a message about no GPS appears on the top of the app and I'm stuck not having directions. This was not an issue on my 5T. I'm on OOS 9.0.12 rooted. This has been the same on every version of OOS since I got the phone, even stock TMO ROM before I switched over.
Any ideas?
I use maps a lot for daily commute. For me the map gets GPS lock nearly instantly. I live in the Midwest so terrain is not a factor, and my home and work locations are not impacted by tall buildings, so I have a very easy case.
Have you tried some other apps that check number of satellites your GPS is locked to?
It's possible it is a hardware problem too.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
Frankenscript said:
I use maps a lot for daily commute. For me the map gets GPS lock nearly instantly. I live in the Midwest so terrain is not a factor, and my home and work locations are not impacted by tall buildings, so I have a very easy case.
Have you tried some other apps that check number of satellites your GPS is locked to?
It's possible it is a hardware problem too.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
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I haven't tried any GPS specific apps other than the navigation apps. I used to use those years ago but not recently. It happens in various places. I live in NH so I could be in the city for a bit and then out in the middle of nowhere with not much around later on. Seems like it happens no matter where I am. I'll get an GPS app and see whats going on with the satellites though, thanks!
Having the same issue since monday after installing latest update update to my OP6T. Can't use any navigation app....
Since I've gotten the phone, I've had issues with the GPS. Gps aiming me in the wrong direction, telling me that I'm on the perpendicular roads and all kinds of crap. Sometimes I'm on the highway and it'll think I got off at an exit. But I didn't! So now it's rerouting me then it realizes that I'm actually on the correct road. So it reroutes me again. All while I'm traveling 60, and every precious second counts.
How can I get the calibration screen back?
To me this sounds like an intermittent fault with the GPS. Hardware problem.
First thing I do as soon as I get any GPS problems with an Android:
I install GPS Status from the playstore :
Just start the app, then use your GPS and often the problem is gone. It's worth a try!
fehrcomp said:
First thing I do as soon as I get any GPS problems with an Android:
I install GPS Status from the playstore :
Just start the app, then use your GPS and often the problem is gone. It's worth a try!
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Hey, thanks for this. Even inside a building this works pretty well. It's awful that we need another app to do what the phone should do on its own, but at least it works.
xgerryx said:
Hey, thanks for this. Even inside a building this works pretty well. It's awful that we need another app to do what the phone should do on its own, but at least it works.
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Sometimes it's not necessary to use GPS-Status all the time. You can try to delete the app maybe your problem is still gone. Anyway, nice to know that you are able to use your GPS again!
There is a problem with the 6T Gps for sure. I tested two Oneplus 6T devices. Both work 100% . Gps is very nice most of the time. If I am on call I loose Gps lock and I need to terminate the call to get Gps location back. It's not app specific as it happens in all gps apps. Even gps status looses lock. It happens always in the same place. Unfortunately it's near my home. I have no idea how to solve the problem. I tried Note 3/S8+/S7 - none have this problem. Most people have no idea what I am talking about as it's location specific. Anyone else has seen this problem ?
xgerryx said:
Any ideas?
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Had a 6T and a friend also has one. The GPS is definitely crap.
It has lock in an open field. But if you are in a city, or there are various roads around you, good luck!
Managed to already do like 30km of a detour on foot thanks to it. It also caused Waze to tell me wrong directions.
I did check other phones, like a P10, and an S7 Edge, and a Note 4 (lol). They all had like full green signals, while the 6T struggled to achieve mid-range reception. There is something wrong with the antenna, or the gain, something. Hardware/build wise. I'd just get a OnePlus 7 or 5T (if someone can't wait). This is clearly something OP can't/won't fix. It's just not possible.
There was a site where they tested GPS lock... shame they didn't do one for the 6T.
Something is more than likely wrong with the phone itself. I have driven 10k+ miles in cities, country, desert freeways with no civilization for miles with this phone. I have never had a GPS issue. If it did have one, I'd be pissed since I'm a ride share driver and I go back to California on a regular basis visiting family from Las Vegas.
If you're rooted with magisk you can try installing the Global Optimized GPS File Replacer module
I use GPS constantly to handle traffic and the 6t works fine for me both in the city and out in the suburbs. No issues.
I will say maps recently changed something such that if it expects you to exit, but you stay on the highway, it shows you going down the exit for a few hundred feet until it realizes you aren't exiting. But that's a Google thing not a 6t thing.
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
DaOldMan said:
There is a problem with the 6T Gps for sure. I tested two Oneplus 6T devices. Both work 100% . Gps is very nice most of the time. If I am on call I loose Gps lock and I need to terminate the call to get Gps location back. It's not app specific as it happens in all gps apps. Even gps status looses lock. It happens always in the same place. Unfortunately it's near my home. I have no idea how to solve the problem. I tried Note 3/S8+/S7 - none have this problem. Most people have no idea what I am talking about as it's location specific. Anyone else has seen this problem ?
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Same exact problem, occurring only near my workplace. Consistently, on all versions of OOS so far. If I remember to start GPS Locker before opening Maps or Waze, it is much less likely to happen but it has happened twice even that way. Never had this issue with any other phone.
Same exact problem, occurring only near my workplace. Consistently, on all versions of OOS so far. If I remember to start GPS Locker before opening Maps or Waze, it is much less likely to happen but it has happened twice even that way. Never had this issue with any other phone.
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I am still fighting with this issue. Just did a big install in my car and I have use Android Auto when driving and it's even harder to fix when it happens. Have to go back into the phone and launch the GPS fix app and hope the GPS starts moving on the head unit screen. It's very, very annoying.
GPS works great for me. I have only used custom ROMs so not sure how it works in stock. But using microg and osm+ I have never really had any issues. Using a GPS locking app such as GPS locker seems to help. Using Google apps for location is not working for me all the time beings how Waze requires Internet access to find locations. And beings how I use t mobile service is not available in most of western Washington. Even when using GPS locker I never have lost lock once GPS was locked. There has been two times I had to use the update a-gps from the GPS test app. If using microg local gsm seemed to be the best back end for me.

