samsung galaxy note 10.1 update for uk 8010 - Galaxy Note 10.1 General

has anyone got any news of this release as yet, i know people are using the German version, but two friends had issues with it so cautious of trying myself. just want the official version really.

kharmafish said:
has anyone got any news of this release as yet, i know people are using the German version, but two friends had issues with it so cautious of trying myself. just want the official version really.
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This has nothing to do with development. You should really ask questions in the q&a section.
No news re uk jellybean yet.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium


Help With Firmware

Hi got my phone on uk t-mobile it came with the build number R1FA014 - x10i i done the debranding tut and now im on R1FA016 - x10i
My question is is this the best firmware if not what is?
and should i still be able to update from se
Thanks in advance
16 is the current uk fw version.. but R2FB020 is due out (today!)... so if it actually gets release to SEUS today, as promised, then you will get that.
Don't know about the best firmware...but the latest is R2BA020 as far as I know. And I'm guessing new is better
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
How do i get R2BA020?
Go into the sony xperia x10 android development forum, I'm pretty sure the is a link there somewhere
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
RellikZephyr said:
Go into the sony xperia x10 android development forum, I'm pretty sure the is a link there somewhere
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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been looking for it there cant find it can some1 put the link on here please
This topic wasn't obvious enough for you?
Go to the decrypted roms thread in there, on the first page, I think the second post had all the rom links. Depending on debranding method
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
thanks for that is the best way to do it with flash tool is there any chance i could muck this up
yup.. u could end up brickin ya phone via flashin.. its risky! id rather just wait a day and get our proper update. all the others are different countries so you'll prob end up with some next apps that you wouldnt want. anywayz decision is yours!
Yes there is always that possibility. Just be sure read the instructions carefully and follow them. If you are not sure about something, don't do it, research it more then do it.
You do need to realize that there is a possibility that you could brick your phone doing this. But done correctly the chance is low, just hope the power doesn't go out half way through lol
Safe modding
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
so will i just be able to update from se with the current firmware that i have?
If se releases the official update in your country, then I don't see why not. But you must wait for them
Do some searching around this forum, you will prob find these questions have already been asked and answered
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
thanks guys for all your help


Samfirmware announced earlier the new leaked ROM based on 2.3.4.
I was not expecting for another one this month, as they said.
Anyone dares to install and give a feedback on it?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
China rom if you read this forum .
You shouldn't install it, it's is Chinese version:
*Popcorn and waiting on the lolz to start.
Chill jj. No, I have better things to do.
Like I said... SF just twitted it today and it was not anywhere in today's posts.
Intratech: I prefer tortilla
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
I will call you Estoban then.

Official ics update for note release date

I was wondering if anyone knew the official release date for ics on the galaxy note for att?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA App
and you felt the need to make a new topic why???
you're in the wrong forum. Had over to the AT&T forum. This is for the international G note
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
what is this kind of topic??? Make a search next time.....this has been discussed a lot of times for the International Note here - the At&T version is on another forum.
hegemytouch said:
I was wondering if anyone knew the official release date for ics on the galaxy note for att?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA App
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never, you can forget ics. Instead ics you will get froyo
hegemytouch said:
MOD EDIT: Offensive quote removed
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA App
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use thew link provided by the last post
there you will find the forum for your device
Thread closed
senectus said:
you're in the wrong forum. Had over to the AT&T forum. This is for the international G note
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
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Thank you for being one of the only answers here that weren't insulting. There's absolutely no reason for some of these responses.

Question about Stock Jellybean 4.2.2

I have a question I can't seem to find the answer to so I am hoping someone can assist me or at least point me towards a forum or thread to answer my question.
I read on June 25 Samsung is releasing a galaxy s4 running stock jellybean 4.2.2. Do you know if there is a way just to run stock 4.2.2 on my galaxy s4 at&t version without using custom roms like CM 10.1?
thanks for the help!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
beeznhoney said:
I have a question I can't seem to find the answer to so I am hoping someone can assist me or at least point me towards a forum or thread to answer my question.
I read on June 25 Samsung is releasing a galaxy s4 running stock jellybean 4.2.2. Do you know if there is a way just to run stock 4.2.2 on my galaxy s4 at&t version without using custom roms like CM 10.1?
thanks for the help!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
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Won't find answers until the specs of the device are released.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda premium
i'm trading my s4 for the developer s4
zlatsky said:
i'm trading my s4 for the developer s4
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How do you plan on doing this? Google Edition is gonna be worth way more among users. Good luck finding someone who wants to downgrade there GS4 for the none dev edition
Please read forum rules before posting
Questions and help issues go in Q&A and help sections
Thread moved
Thank you for your cooperation
Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
So there is no way to get stock jellybean 4.2.2 on my galaxy S4 I337 without using a custom Rom such as CM 10.1?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
Yes there will be, its called pure aosp...we just need a dev to compile it for us...hell, maybe ill start downloading the sources tonight and try and compile it...
Edit: I would need a tester though since my sgs4 was taken by my school
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
I would be more then happy to test it for you!! I would just need it to be loki'd. Let me know as this is something I have been eagerly searching for!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
Thermalwolf said:
How do you plan on doing this? Google Edition is gonna be worth way more among users. Good luck finding someone who wants to downgrade there GS4 for the none dev edition
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By selling my unlocked S4 and buying the dev edition probably costing an extra $50 or something minimal.
zlatsky said:
By selling my unlocked S4 and buying the dev edition probably costing an extra $50 or something minimal.
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If you're gonna sell, sell now because the regular version will certainly drop much lower in price then you're thinking, can promise that. :good:
Thermalwolf said:
If you're gonna sell, sell now because the regular version will certainly drop much lower in price then you're thinking, can promise that. :good:
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i'm not worried. at all. :good:

4.2.2 Updates around the world

Hey folks,
Sorry if this is already a topic somewhere else, tell me and I'll fix my mistakes!
I'm sitting in Canada waiting for the new update, and I was wondering whether any other XDA users already got theirs?
**** like this takes so much longer were I live . Any news on your ends, other countries?
I'm with Rogers by the way.
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
yasha.sinitski said:
Hey folks,
Sorry if this is already a topic somewhere else, tell me and I'll fix my mistakes!
I'm sitting in Canada waiting for the new update, and I was wondering whether any other XDA users already got theirs?
**** like this takes so much longer were I live . Any news on your ends, other countries?
I'm with Rogers by the way.
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
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hey man, im also in Canada and with rogers. I think it might be a while until it gets here. We usually get this stuff last
Please use the existing thread
[Discussion] HTC One - Updates
