[Q] Google Voice, No MMS or Emoji problem - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Just found out that GV does not do MMS AND does not decode emoji (receiving and sending)
After using it for a YEAR!
My girlfriend has been sending me mms pictures with her iPhone (yeah we've all been there having a girlfriend with an iPhone is quite the pain)
but i have not been able to receive any of them. (yes I really want those naked pictures haha )
On top of that, GVoice also does not decode emoji's or send them out (yep you guessed why i need it for)
When i receive emoji texts, it shows up as "\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd" on browser and it shows up as ? ? ? on the phone.
I just switched to the Nexus 4, Jelly Bean 4.2.1. So I am not satisfied when I have such a superior phone but unable to do simple functions like that.
Been toying around the whole day trying to get emoji to work, only to find out that if I was texted to my regular number, everything works fine, but if I was texted in GVoice number, the emojis disappear.
Does anyone have a workaround?
If possible, I don't want to switch to my regular number.

That's not really a nexus 4 issue, but more of the googlevoice application itself. I actually have been able to receive some mms (it sends it as an attachment to my gmail). Also I've had certain emoji and foreign characters work for me, which didn't work a few months ago. I can only guess googlevoice will slowly implement more features into their app.
I have v.4.2.54 of googlevoice if that helps. :fingers-crossed:

it never has done either of these. For the MMS part I don't think they have ever announced support

CoCoGirl886 said:
That's not really a nexus 4 issue, but more of the googlevoice application itself. I actually have been able to receive some mms (it sends it as an attachment to my gmail). Also I've had certain emoji and foreign characters work for me, which didn't work a few months ago. I can only guess googlevoice will slowly implement more features into their app.
I have v.4.2.54 of googlevoice if that helps. :fingers-crossed:
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I realized it isn't a Nexus 4 issue, but I did mention that I have a superior phone which is Nexus 4 and not being able to do simple tasks such as this is unacceptable!
I've also had certain emojis appear but with Jelly Bean 4.2.1, emoji should be fully supported by now.
As for mms, I read that if Sprint users(or if you're a Sprint user yourself) send you mms through GVoice, it will forward it to your email. Which is the smart thing to do and it SHOULD be that way.
Other cases I've heard happening are random hit and miss results from other carriers.
I'm using v

Ohh, I actually didn't know mms from only Sprint users work. But now it makes sense why I am only able to get it from certain people, so thanks for the info!
In the past I've tried setting texts to auto forward to gmail and tested out mms during that time and it didn't work. I haven't tried recently though. Until Google officially supports it, I just use other alternatives for mms like whatsapp :/.

Ryuuga said:
I realized it isn't a Nexus 4 issue, but I did mention that I have a superior phone which is Nexus 4 and not being able to do simple tasks such as this is unacceptable!
I've also had certain emojis appear but with Jelly Bean 4.2.1, emoji should be fully supported by now.
As for mms, I read that if Sprint users(or if you're a Sprint user yourself) send you mms through GVoice, it will forward it to your email. Which is the smart thing to do and it SHOULD be that way.
Other cases I've heard happening are random hit and miss results from other carriers.
I'm using v
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As mentioned, regardless of your phone being "superior," The limitations of MMS through Google Voice is not Because of the phone, but due to the limitations placed on Google Voice. Google Voice being a free service (for now at least) there is not reason for Google to use the extra server space to hold Picture data until you choose to download it. Just as your normal carrier, picture/data attached to MMS are stored on thier servers until you retrieve it (open the MMS and download).. There might be a possibility that MMS comes to Google Voice, but more than likely to only paid users. So until then, if you want those "naked pictures" you can either take them yourself, or have her email them.
As for your Emoji.. They are supported in Jelly Bean, you just have to enable them...
Settings>Language & Input> Check the box next to iWinn IME (Emoji Input)
Then when you click on a Input Box, in your notification bar and Keyboard Icon will appear. Open the Notifcation bar, click the "Choose input method" and Select Emoji Input.
If that is to many steps for you, then you can open Settings>Language & Input>Android keyboard settings>Add-on dictionaries.
Then install the "Emoji for English words" dictionary.
Then when you are typing you will get the option to insert a Emoji from the Auto-corrent bar.
Type "Smile" and a Smiley Face ☺ will appear
Type "Star" and a Star ★ will appear
More Emoji options: http://pastebin.com/UhsFze0u
Note: Note all phones will support these, so don't be surprised if you send a emoji to someone and they are wtf is that suppose to be because they see "3wsdfsa3" instead of the emoji. And IMO Emoji are childish, just type wtf you want to say instead of using a picture to do it. Guess it would make since if you were texting a 2 yr old that could only read picture books

I understand G Voice isn't a paid service and this doesn't do MMS by itself. But they could've done what they offering to Sprint users now which is by emailing you the photo to your gmail.
As for emoji, I know how to and already have enabled it in JB (as described in my earlier post) My problem is that G Voice does not decode emoji when I receive them and it doesn't show when I send them out.
The main reason I use G Voice is the convenience of logging all my texts and occasionally when flashing a new ROM goes wrong, I can still send texts through web browser.
Sent from my Nexus 4 device from the future

Ryuuga said:
I understand G Voice isn't a paid service and this doesn't do MMS by itself. But they could've done what they offering to Sprint users now which is by emailing you the photo to your gmail.
As for emoji, I know how to and already have enabled it in JB (as described in my earlier post) My problem is that G Voice does not decode emoji when I receive them and it doesn't show when I send them out.
The main reason I use G Voice is the convenience of logging all my texts and occasionally when flashing a new ROM goes wrong, I can still send texts through web browser.
Sent from my Nexus 4 device from the future
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1. No where in this thread do you mention enabling Emoji support.
2. You continue (through out the whole thread) to blame the lack of Emoji & MMS on the Nexus 4 or Jelly Bean.
Your problem is with Google Voice, in all cases. So you better off posting a thread in the Google Support Forums and not the Nexus 4 of XDA​3. Google has an Agreement with Sprint to allow MMS. This is due to being able to "port" your Sprint number to Google Voice, their for there has to be a way to have MMS since Google Voice becomes the Primary number/feature.
4. iPhone has the ability to send image to email (attachments) through the email app. Have her send it directly to your email.
I understand your need/want to use Google Voice. I also use Google Voice, so that I can text from the same number on my N7 as well as my N4. But you will have to find alternative methods of achieving your MMS / Emoji needs.
Don't Flash so many ROMS and you wont risk loosing Messages or need to text from the computer.
Have MMS sent to the Primary number of the phone, then back up the pictures to google drive.
Install a SMS/MMS Backup app, and run it before flashing a new ROM. Then restore the backup.
As for an Alternative to Emoji in GoogleVoice, I can not think of any, and I'm pretty sure this is not even a concern of googles to implement into the service. Thankfully

Ryuuga said:
Just found out that GV does not do MMS AND does not decode emoji (receiving and sending)
After using it for a YEAR!
My girlfriend has been sending me mms pictures with her iPhone (yeah we've all been there having a girlfriend with an iPhone is quite the pain)
but i have not been able to receive any of them. (yes I really want those naked pictures haha )
On top of that, GVoice also does not decode emoji's or send them out (yep you guessed why i need it for)
When i receive emoji texts, it shows up as "\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd" on browser and it shows up as ? ? ? on the phone.
I just switched to the Nexus 4, Jelly Bean 4.2.1. So I am not satisfied when I have such a superior phone but unable to do simple functions like that.
Been toying around the whole day trying to get emoji to work, only to find out that if I was texted to my regular number, everything works fine, but if I was texted in GVoice number, the emojis disappear.
Does anyone have a workaround?
If possible, I don't want to switch to my regular number.
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The google voice app does not decode emoji, but the service does support it. If you change the settings in the app to receive the messages in the messaging app instead of the google voice app emoji will work. To change the setting in the google voice app go to Menu>Settings>Sync and notifications>Receive text messages(then select via the messaging app)
Edit: It seems like some enojis work but others don't

I've been a long time user of GVoice and actually just recently found out or never cared that it has the option to receive texts. I have tried numerous times and can not get it to work. I've changed to receive text messages via GVoice but it has never worked for me. Am I missing something?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium

Sorry to bump an old thread but just to let people know the latest version of my app Send It Pro now integrates Google Voice support meaning you can now send any file on your Nexus 4 (just got mine and loving it) to anyone from your Google Voice number. And due to the nature of how it works it doesn't suffer any of the incompatibility issues MMS has.
Doesn't resolve the issue receiving but allow you to send files directly from your G-Voice number is halfway there

Emoji (partial support)
If you turn on the emoji android keyboard (not on by default but available in JB) you can see emojis that are common between iPhone emoji and Android emoji (they are in black and white on android but it works).
Google voice only seems to support recognition for these emojis (so far I have only seen a heart and a lightning bolt from my iPhone friends) so even on my mac while they show up in color and normal, it is only for common emojis (imagine the same effect could be achieved on the phone with a custom emoji keyboard).
I just wanted to share this because while I don't care too much about emoji the emoji keyboard is not enabled on android by default.


No need to split sms on asop roms with latest Hancent app

Finally Hancent SMS app has rolled out an update where it converts to mms messages over 160 letters or more.
good to know, go sms pro only does splitting still
They keep rolling out new features, but don't deal with critical bugs.. like the wake lock issues that enabling popups causes.
What's the advantage of conversion to MMS versus splitting messages into bite-sized, if you will, pieces?
I personally like the splitting, and GO SMS numbers them so that the recipient knows when your messages are done or if they are out of order (I'm sure others do this, too, I just haven't checked personally so I can't make a statement there).
If I'm not mistaken, conversion to MMS would also require that one can receive MMS, no? Or that it doesn't cost them? Isn't that less cost-efficient for some when mostly everyone has unlimited SMS these days?
My understanding is a mms contains some sort of audio/video attachment, where as a sms is all text and limited to 160 chars (due to network limitations at the time).. Sms uses the same voice network, while mms uses the faster 3g network to handle the attachments.
1. SMS
SMS stands for Short Message Service and is the most widely used type of text messaging. With a SMS, you can send a message of up to160 characters to another device. Longer messages can be split up into several parts. Most cell phones support this type of text messaging, and sending a SMS is usually very cheap. SMSs can also be used to access various services from a portable device, such as Google and MSN. Spam sent as SMS is also becoming more common.
2. EMS
EMS means Enhanced Messaging Service and is an extension of the SMS. It provides SMS with functionalities such as text formatting (bold or italic fonts) and limited picture and animation support. If an EMS is sent to a phone that doesn’t support it, it will display as a standard SMS. EMS will probably be rendered obsolete by MMS.
3. MMS
MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service and this type of text messaging is an evolution of the SMS. With a MMS, you can send a message including pictures, video or audio content to another device. It is very useful to send a photo taken with a camera phone to another phone. Most new cell phones with multimedia capabilities support MMS. Because the size of the message is defined in kilobytes, a MMS can contain a lot more information than a SMS.
That's the definition of each one, and for me is very important I can sent messages of any size due to my work, I don't like split messages due to the fact that they brake and some of them loose content. I am also one that likes cyanogen and UD over a sense rom, so for me this is a must. I awaited long enough for this and finally is here!
I agree...still lags
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
gpz1100 said:
They keep rolling out new features, but don't deal with critical bugs.. like the wake lock issues that enabling popups causes.
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I agree still lags. Great features though.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

Group messaging problems and getting back replies as individual messages

So I have seen stuff all over the web about this topic, but have yet to find an answer. I am one of the many folks that has a problem with group messaging not working correctly. Here is what I have noticed so far.
If I use my stock messaging app to send a group message, it ALWAYS sends out as a group message.
When using Handcent, sometimes, yes just sometimes, when I send out a group message, it will send to each individual contact in that group message. Most times Handcent works properly though. Then every now and then, it sends all individual messages.
Anybody with an Iphone, or another Sprint Galaxy s4, I have no problems with. Theyre replies always come back as a group text
One friend, who has an android on Verizon, when he replies to the group, I not only get his message as if its just coming from him to me, it is also blank, and I cant read it.
Another friend, has an android, not sure what provider, but his messages can be read, but they also come back to me as individual messages.
Is there a different ROM that will solve this issue? I am using Stock 4.2.2, but it is rooted.
This is really annoying, so I wanted to see if anyone has figured this out yet.
me too
This is very annoying to me too. here's what happens to me.
My s4 is on Tmobile prepaid(has been for years since flexpay)
I use Google Voice for calls n text.
I use the native sms app to send/receive.
I use google voice to send/receive and to start my group messages.
Now my native app is starting to not send long messages, roughly 20 characters or more.
Same for my google voice app since the new yr.
I can send out group messages from my google voice app but the replies come back as individual.
All 1,500+ of my contacts use my google voice number to talk to me.
I dont know if this is related but I use Google voice build and will not update yet.
I've attached my version rom. I've used Jovy xtremeperia rom for yrs and its been the best rom I've used thus far. I jus started having issues a month ago with group messaging. I have not done anything different and I never update apps or my rom unless comments say otherwise.
someone please help us if you know anything. I do not use my regular number so if this issue is google voice related please advise. Thanks in advance

iPhone MMS not appearing on Messages but they show fine on Google Hangouts... WTH?!?

This one has me scratching my head looking for answers. I noticed this problem a while ago where my friends MMS sent from iPhones were not appearing on my Messages, I have the option for "fetch MMS automatically" and all I get is the little cloud but its blank, it only shows the time it was received, I've also tried disabling the fetch MMS automatically and even when downloading them it shows me the blank cloud. The doozy comes when I tried using Hangouts just to see what it was and to my surprise I could see all my SMS and MMS conversations from my contacts and all the pictures from the iPhone contacts were shown via Hangouts but they do not show on the stock Messages app.
Things I've tried:
1) Googling for answers only resulted in fanboyism comments and speculations that led to more fanboyism.
2) At first I tried contacting my carrier and they made me reset the APN settings to default, which I did and it was after that that I realized that it was only the iPhone MMS messages that weren't being received.
3) Tried disabling the Hangouts services via the Apps option on the settings menu. Restarted phone and still wouldn't work.
4) Been restarting my phone with each setting I change to see if it helps but no.
5) Been bugging my friends to send me MMS from their iPhones and one did get through but nothing more after that.
6) Made sure their iPhones had the setting of "Send MMS when iChat isn't available" enabled.
7) Made sure my old iPhone account was signed out of my old iPhone 4 so I wasn't receiving anymore iMessages.
I'm speculating that I either need to call my carrier again which is Claro PR and explain the situation to see if it helps, or maybe go to a store. Also, I've been thinking about Rooting my phone so I can uninstall some of the bloat, which included Hangouts but don't want to go down that path yet and I don't know if it would really help anything since I already tried disabling the service via the Apps options.
Please help me figure this out, I love this phone but this thing is bugging the hell out of me.
I have had problems with mms on hangouts and the stock app on Sprint doesn't support group mms. I have been using Go sms pro and everything works fine, including iPhone mms messages.
Hope that helps.
Sent from my Sprint LG G2.
p2cactus said:
I have had problems with mms on hangouts and the stock app on Sprint doesn't support group mms. I have been using Go sms pro and everything works fine, including iPhone mms messages.
Hope that helps.
Sent from my Sprint LG G2.
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Hmm... interesting a replacement messaging app, I would definitely keep this in mind so thanks a lot for the suggestion. I rather use the stock apps while I'm getting used to the phone since this is my first Android device but will definitely use this if resetting to factory defaults doesn't help my problem.
Any other suggestions for my problem are welcomed.
LG didn't enable MMS group messaging on stock messages. My HTC One and S4 had the option in settings to enable it...LG left it out. If you haven't heard, TEXTRA is one of the best, fastest, light weight messaging apps that can handle iPhone group messages without the bloat on go sms and handcent. Look it up on the playstore...ratings are great and all my Android friends use it now. I've yet ran into any issues with group texting.
Sent from my JEE TWO
SKyRocKeting727 said:
LG didn't enable MMS group messaging on stock messages. My HTC One and S4 had the option in settings to enable it...LG left it out. If you haven't heard, TEXTRA is one of the best, fastest, light weight messaging apps that can handle iPhone group messages without the bloat on go sms and handcent. Look it up on the playstore...ratings are great and all my Android friends use it now. I've yet ran into any issues with group texting.
Sent from my JEE TWO
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Hi and thanks for the reply, I've looked up Textra and seems like a nice alternative and has a very clean interface, I'm currently using Hangouts from Google without a problem but would have preferred the stock message app. It's weird because I went to my carrier and they did some test and everything was fine, turns out its only MMS sent from iPhones that won't show through the Message app from G2. Maybe I should try emailing them to see if I can get some answers?
Yea only the Verizon variant supports group messages. I posted a thread about this in the Themes and Apps forum. Could be the cause.
All my friends group text me all the time and send MMS using the Verizon version Messaging app and hangouts. The stock messaging app world best though.
Sent from my VS980 4G using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Ok Google sms messages fail to send.

I've had this problem for a while and I i can't actually recall if it ever worked. Now with a Android Wear watch the issue is extremely noticeable since it hinders the use of one of its main features.
I have OK google from any screen and even when locked but for some reason when i tell it to send an sms it will do it BUT the recipient never receives it.
It creates the sms on my phone but the recipient never gets it.
Maybe its my texting app but i have used Stock, Google, Hangouts, Textra. None of them seem to send through the "OK google command."
Any one able to offer some insight on this issue?
If some one has it working on their note maybe list what sms app you are using.
update: When I use google now it appears to be sending to the right number but it has a "011" in front of it which is why it isnt working.

Samsung Messages or Google Messages

Just got my S10+ this week, and have been busy playing with settings, etc..I'm coming over from the Note 8 (AT&T).
Question for everyone. Do you prefer the built in Samsung Messages app, or Google Messages. I like both, especially now with the dark them more readily available.
What makes me lean more towards Google Messages is the ability to get messages on the web/browser. Was using it all the time on the Note 8.
Wanted to ask if anybody has switched back/forth between the two messaging apps, and if they have encountered any issues? I had switched from Google Messages back to Samsung's message app on the Note 8, and my messages were being sent to the wrong person. That's not a good situation to be in. I ended up switching back because of that.
Also, I noticed there is an updated apk for Samsung messages. My S10+ is using v Looks like they are up to v Anybody install that apk? Any good/bad things in there?
Coming from an S7 edge i was forced off Google Messages due to the handling of group messages. Sometimes it would work but other times texts that belonged in a group would come in separately. I would then have to click to download the text before it popped back into the group. Other times those texts would show up as expired (even though i just received them) and i would never see what it was. Needless to say i couldn't use it anymore so i ended up using Samsung Messages which never has that issue. Now that i'm on S10+ i'm tempted to try Google Messages again in hopes that it works the way is should as i do prefer it over Samsung Messages just due to the look and of course the web messages.
I've been flip-flopping between: Textra, Google Messages, and Samsung messages.......I've decided to stick with Google Messages.
The Samsung app, feels dated.... I do like the notifications I get when sending to other (At&t) users using the Samsung messaging app (tells when read, or they're replying...ect...), but I only have 1 person out of my 200+ contacts that it's worked on (my 17yr old son, who hates the Samsung messaging app). Plus, it just feels dated. No swipe to delete and long messages require you to "read more".
Textra is the lightest of the bunch, and I've been using for the past 4 or 5 years..... It's also the most customizable. But, Google has upped their game on the last release and incremental updates. It just feels "native" to the phone now. I also like the fact when you receive a PIN number, it recognizes this and copies just the PIN for you.
Google Messages gets my vote
BTW: No issues with group messages for me on the Google Message app
I like the Google messages app very much, but since the update to OneUI I have been using the Samsung version as it's good enough and themes the same way as the other Samsung stock apps, which I like a lot.
I prefer Truecaller messages because of its spam feature..
I love Google messages over Samsung. It worked perfect when i was with ATT. Now that i'm with Verizon I've had issues with google messages. They would come through late or not come at all. Switching to Samsung messages seemed to clear this issue up, as far as i know. No one has said they texted me and i didn't reply. Although that doesn't mean its working correctly, i may not have been aware of missing texts.. Anyone else had any issues with Verizon? i read somewhere a while back that Verizon text messages only worked right when using Verizon messages app. Not sure why that is... Or if it's true. If anyone can shed any light on whether there is, or is not an issue with Verizon messaging if not using Verizon app.
nugzo said:
I love Google messages over Samsung. It worked perfect when i was with ATT. Now that i'm with Verizon I've had issues with google messages. They would come through late or not come at all. Switching to Samsung messages seemed to clear this issue up, as far as i know. No one has said they texted me and i didn't reply. Although that doesn't mean its working correctly, i may not have been aware of missing texts.. Anyone else had any issues with Verizon? i read somewhere a while back that Verizon text messages only worked right when using Verizon messages app. Not sure why that is... Or if it's true. If anyone can shed any light on whether there is, or is not an issue with Verizon messaging if not using Verizon app.
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Been using Google Messages for last like 2 years and never seem to have had any problems on Verizon besides the typical sending and receiving from an iPhone of videos etc
Textra every day of the week!
One more benefit of using Google messages is you can enable chat feature now.
sharmajay said:
One more benefit of using Google messages is you can enable chat feature now.
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Not in the United States. At least not yet.
It is live for 2 of my phones now
Using Google messages, but really like the ability to pin conversations to the top in Samsung app.
Sent feature request to Google..lol
I prefer Android Messages over the stock one.
I love google messages but 2 minor things why I don’t use it on my s10 .
1. Wish google messages had schedule send sms feature . I use that quite a bit . No where in google messenger can I find this option .
2. The notification doesn’t have a pop up view bubble, quick read notification come on the top of the screen when I receive text . Couldn’t find a way to get google messages to do that like stock app notification does .
If there is a fix for both I’d switch back to google messages.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I prefer Samsung over Google mainly because of the ability to pin conversation and star message, the pop up bubble.
If Samsung had scheduler that would be awesome.
There's Qsms which is quite good but I don't want additional apps installed when Samsung messages works atm .
I use Samsung messages at the moment. But the one thing I really miss from Google messages is swipe to archive conversations...I liked to be able to hide conversations I don't use a lot without having to delete them.
mastaofdacat said:
I love google messages but 2 minor things why I don’t use it on my s10 .
1. Wish google messages had schedule send sms feature . I use that quite a bit . No where in google messenger can I find this option .
2. The notification doesn’t have a pop up view bubble, quick read notification come on the top of the screen when I receive text . Couldn’t find a way to get google messages to do that like stock app notification does .
If there is a fix for both I’d switch back to google messages.
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You can enable the bubble for Google Messenges notifications in Advanced Settings/Smart Pop-up View.

