Color temperature - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

is there a way to change the color temperature?
I'm not sure about it but in my opinion the colors look too cold/flat, they are a lot more powerful on my Optimus 2X and if I remember correctly they were also better on my 4X HD (which I returned), since the 4X HD uses the same display technology it should be possible to get the colors of the 4X on my Nexus.
Any idea how to do this?
- Hidden

I've played with and owned many android phones and the N4 is probably the most true when it comes to colors. Many of those more vibrant screens dont have true whites and over saturate colors to make them *seem* better. Maybe if you give it a little time, you'll get more used to it

franco's colour display app on the play market

spitefulcheerio said:
I've played with and owned many android phones and the N4 is probably the most true when it comes to colors. Many of those more vibrant screens dont have true whites and over saturate colors to make them *seem* better. Maybe if you give it a little time, you'll get more used to it
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That's nice and all, but I really don't like this cold look. (I think it's missing some blue but not sure about that)
roughavoc said:
franco's colour display app on the play market
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I can't find something like this?

Wouldn't missing blues make the color temp warmer?
I thought that the Nexus 4 actually had a warmer color compared to my G2. The whites look faintly orange.

junkbots said:
Wouldn't missing blues make the color temp warmer?
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That's why I wrote that I'm not sure. I would also say that missing blue would look warmer, but it seems cold with missing blue
(I will make a comparison photo when I'm at home)

I have made a side by side comparison with my Nexus 4 and my colleagues Samsung Nexus. The colors on Samsung Nexus are much very much more nicer and warmer than on my Nexus 4. Colors on the Nexus 4 are like washed out.
Please fix it, or i will be forced to sell this phone.

it is fixed.
the guy above me wanting contrasty colors installs this:
after this you'll not want to look at the gnex anymore - your nexus 4 trumps it easily.
the other guy wanting more even/warm colors can install the contrasty revision, too and a more harmless variant:
the colors will be neutral, you can finetune them with this app and make em warmer:
you are spot on about the blue btw. that is precisely what google has crippled, the bluechannel. thats why nex4 has the most unnatural colors of any ips device on the market. the display is capable of true wonders though, if calibrated.
as for those that think nex4 is supposed to display like this, ....carrots - they're good for eyesight. (-:

i dont want to root my phone.

then sell your phone.

molesarecoming said:
then sell your phone.
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lol sorry to say but this cracked me up

onlymarek said:
i dont want to root my phone.
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Lol you bought a nexus (which is primarily marketed for developers and those who love to hack,mod,alter,experiment and otherwise play with their phones) but you don't want to root your phone??! Better sell your N4 and get yourself an iphone,buddy.

nice manners. your mothers must be proud.
just for your information. i didnt paid for my phone just to **** it with some unofficially and unsupported ****. i rather wait for an official fix/update.

onlymarek said:
nice manners. your mothers must be proud.
just for your information. i didnt paid for my phone just to **** it with some unofficially and unsupported ****. i rather wait for an official fix/update.
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rooting doesn't brick OTA.
it's OK to have a Nexus without root, but you shouldn't be here at XDA, this is a hacker/developer forum
So if you want something, don't expect anyone to find a solution without root

ok. i understand.. thanks for the clearing D4rkSoRRoW. appreciate it.

onlymarek said:
nice manners. your mothers must be proud.
just for your information. i didnt paid for my phone just to **** it with some unofficially and unsupported ****. i rather wait for an official fix/update.
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lol..dude, lighten up.You are on a hacking site so what do you expect for your silly "I don't wanna root my nexus" comment.


Nexus runing iPhone OS

Made my Nexus run iPhone OS last night.... Sweet
You are kidding me, right?
Or you just have a screenshot on there.
...not! Where is the instruction, more sreenshots, downloadlinks???
However: It looks interesting but i dont think so, that you've manged it "last night".
I can tell by the pixels.
Come on guys.. you really believe someone ported an OS to a new platform 'last night' expecially when that OS has no source code available and is only available for a very specific hardware configuration - even writing and integrating the drivers woud be a nightmare.
I could just about believe someone porting WinMo and that would be a major undertaking (unless one of the HTC phones has sufficiently similar hardware).
Far easier to photoshop a picture of an iphone on top of an N1.
Look, I ran 1.6 on mine, lol, definitely a screenshot.
Why would I care or for the fact even want the iPhone OS running on my Android phone. The reason I got an Android is that I wanted an Android. Blah.
If you wanted an iPhone then go get one.
Got some newbies and some senior members here hahahaha
this is not iphone OS its a FAKE!!!, more than likely it is an app like on the windows mobile forum, for an iphone look, so hate people trying to BS everyone!!
r8zer said:
this is not iphone OS its a FAKE!!!, more than likely it is an app like on the windows mobile forum, for an iphone look, so hate people trying to BS everyone!!
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I hope you're kidding...
kolyan said:
Made my Nexus run iPhone OS last night.... Sweet
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Y u would even want to tarnish the phone by faking that is beyond me.
The picture doesn't even look photoshopped. It looks paintshopped! For anyone that's convinced this is real please take a look at the screen edges. The iPhone screen is smaller and this guy can't figure out how to stretch the image to the fit the bezel. Also his hand has no pixelation but the screen does? Funny funny... so funny. If you really are that lazy maybe you should get an iPhone.
cadavg said:
The picture doesn't even look photoshopped. It looks paintshopped! For anyone that's convinced this is real please take a look at the screen edges. The iPhone screen is smaller and this guy can't figure out how to stretch the image to the fit the bezel. Also his hand has no pixelation but the screen does? Funny funny... so funny. If you really are that lazy maybe you should get an iPhone.
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It's called a joke, get with the program.
I would have believed you if you said..."N900.."
There is actually a paid application in market that sort of fakes iPhone with wallpaper....that picture is just a loaded screen-shot of that app.
kolyan said:
Made my Nexus run iPhone OS last night.... Sweet
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Even if this were true, which is obviously isn't, why the hell would you do this?
Grats, you just lost multitasking? Enjoy doing 1 thing at a time while the rest of us do 5 (or 30).
And am I the only one that thinks this, but the iPhone OS is extremely ugly??? That home screen makes me throw up. A live wallpaper that I can choose, one that moves and responds to touch, or a boring black background with nasty icons?
Whether or not this is fake, the very existence of this thread thread enrages me.
If you're going to fake it at least change the network to one that's supported.
iVisionX01 said:
I can tell by the pixels.
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the black border at the top and at the bottom looks really noobish.

my Atrix Vs Nexus S experience

so my brother has a nexus S. i have an iphone 4, and i ordered from amazon last week the Atrix and i got it yesterday " returned it yesterday also . screen flicker problem. " anyway here is what i think between the 2 devices.
Speed :
surprisingly i found the nexus S faster in terms of response / no lag. my brother didnt overclock the phone. but in terms of use. the nexus S was faster.
the Atrix S sometimes lag athe app drawer, when you move an icon to the main widget screen. it might be cause of the stupid blur is too slow. but its for what its.
who knows when atrix would get faster than the nexus S if it got custom roms or clean rom just like the nexus S. but i dont think it will if any.
Games :
i tried need for speed shift on both phones. i couldnt tell the difference. in fact. it looked better on nexus S due to the colors .
however. we also tried the Nintendo 64 emulator. and some games like killer instect and golden eye run much better on atrix " almost not playable on nexus S. so we over clocked the nexus to 1.5 i think. it was better. but the phone started to hang and reboot
Screen :
personally, i think the super amoled is one of the best screens in the market. but i thought that high res qhd screen on atrix might make a difference. and i was wrong. i could still see the pixels on both atrix and nexus S. the difference is the colors are much better on nexus S. super amoled wins here hands down. qHD my @$$.
Sound :
i think both are the same. loud and clear sound on both devices.
Hardware design :
this is personal taste. but i did like the finger touch access on the atrix. even tho its hard to turn on the phone due to its awkward place. i found that its easier on nexus S. the curves on nexus S PERSONALLY looks better than the curves on Atrix.
Camera :
i tried few shots. i thought it looked better again on the nexus S. the atrix shots had this sort of dots/dust fliter on it. didnt look clean at all. dont know if my phone had a defective camera as well or not.
ll_l_x_l_ll said:
Speed :
surprisingly i found the nexus S faster in terms of response / no lag. my brother didnt overclock the phone. but in terms of use. the nexus S was faster.
the Atrix S sometimes lag athe app drawer, when you move an icon to the main widget screen. it might be cause of the stupid blur is too slow. but its for what its.
who knows when atrix would get faster than the nexus S if it got custom roms or clean rom just like the nexus S. but i dont think it will if any.
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I'm sure this is a Motoblur issue. Man, that thing is laggy! If you try a different launcher (LP or ADW, for instance), it'll get much better. I have seen that, even in single cores like Defy or Milestone 2.
Phantom1275 said:
I'm sure this is a Motoblur issue. Man, that thing is laggy! If you try a different launcher (LP or ADW, for instance), it'll get much better. I have seen that, even in single cores like Defy or Milestone 2.
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why do they keep using it ? your average phone user wont know its a blur issue and go for different launchers. he will try the phone at the store. its lagging. screw it and try the next phone.
ll_l_x_l_ll said:
why do they keep using it ? your average phone user wont know its a blur issue and go for different launchers. he will try the phone at the store. its lagging. screw it and try the next phone.
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They need something to differentiate their brand of Android phones from others on the market. Vendor skins are the only real way to do it for the average consumer.
The hope is that you enjoy the enhanced functionality or look that a custom skin brings and will steer your future purchases based on that (i.e. you like motoblur and don't want to lose it, so buying a phone with HTC Sense will be less attractive than another phone with motoblur).
I don't think that average users are going anywhere near a custom launcher (nor do they know what a "Launcher" is even if they stumble upon it in the market).
Demo phones tend to run fairly well in stores (if they have an operational demo) and the average use time for a demo phone is pretty small. I don't think most people would come away with a negative impression from high end phones using the demo units.
Thank you for the quick review.
Did you ship it back for a replacement or just a refund?
The fact that Android itself doesn't require a dual core phone with a gig of ram speaks in volumes here.
As the OP stated, he saw improvements for the Atrix when he played games on the N64 emulator; the phone is fast, yes, but things like aa locked bootloader and 2.2 slow it down when in comparison to pure Google devices with a good ROM.
I'm on a 2.3.3 rooted, deoxed, ziplined N1 and this is the fastest I've seen any phone go, and I have a OCed Capttivste and I had the Atrix as well.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA Premium App
Probably have a defective camera or something sense the camera takes very clear and sharp pics on mine.
And for the speed heck even when i first got mine everything was super fast motor blurr didn't cause any problems for me, And ya im not a normal user which pretty much everything i get my hands on i want too hack or overclock
Like my galaxy tab im running voodoo and have it overclock too 1.4ghzs.
And for the screen it looks fine on my atrix and i don't see any pixels unless i turn the screen on very bright than i see them which i usely keep mine on low which is good enough.
And for the power button were its located at i like were its at hehe sense if its in my pocket the power button doesn't get bump and its easy for me too turn it on.
Every buddy has there own preferences tho
CyberPunk7t9 said:
Thank you for the quick review.
Did you ship it back for a replacement or just a refund?
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for now i returned it back for refund. i need to know if i will get my money first. then i will probably order another one. i think thats a safier bet. unless can get my hands on here in KSA regardless of its price.
gordesky1 said:
Probably have a defective camera or something sense the camera takes very clear and sharp pics on mine.
And for the speed heck even when i first got mine everything was super fast motor blurr didn't cause any problems for me, And ya im not a normal user which pretty much everything i get my hands on i want too hack or overclock
Like my galaxy tab im running voodoo and have it overclock too 1.4ghzs.
And for the screen it looks fine on my atrix and i don't see any pixels unless i turn the screen on very bright than i see them which i usely keep mine on low which is good enough.
And for the power button were its located at i like were its at hehe sense if its in my pocket the power button doesn't get bump and its easy for me too turn it on.
Every buddy has there own preferences tho
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yeah i also do think i had a defective camera because it wasnt supposed to be like this.
and i am not dissing the atrix really i know its great art of a hardware. in fact when i retuned my atrix my brother told me why dont you go with nexus S ? it didnt feel right to me because somehow i knew i was going back step in terms of technology
its just the blur. 2.2, locked bootloader is really killing the phone. this phone, on paper, should be at LEAST 2 to 3 times more powerful than nexus S. yet the nexus S imho is winning in terms of pure speed and response. even zoom in and out in the browser was faster on nexus S. but once it was pure gaming ? the atrix ran circles over nexus S
ll_l_x_l_ll said:
yeah i also do think i had a defective camera because it wasnt supposed to be like this.
and i am not dissing the atrix really i know its great art of a hardware. in fact when i retuned my atrix he told me why dont you go with nexus S ? it didnt feel right to me because somehow i knew i was going back step in terms of technology
its just the blur. 2.2, locked bootloader is really killing the phone. this phone, on paper, should be at LEAST 2 to 3 times more power ful than nexus S. yet the nexus S imho is winning in terms of pure speed and response. even zoom in and out in the browser was faster on nexus S. but once it was pure gaming ? the atrix ran circles over nexus S
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Ya hopefully the devs will crack the bootloader which im sure will happen in the future sense there's alot of stuff going on in the dev section lately
What i would love too see on it is a voodoo kernel with overclocking too like 1.5ghzs the phone would be really flying than.
Very interesting. Yes, AMOLED looks amazing, but it burns in, and it's very power hungry. I have a Captivate, and one of the things I hate about it is the AMOLED screen.
I feel like I'm one of the only people that love my Atrix.
Rev1vaL said:
I feel like I'm one of the only people that love my Atrix.
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i love my atrix also
i gave up sprint and samsung for it
ll_l_x_l_ll , If you had a defective one, then how can you review it properly? How do we know what other problems your phone had? It would also appear you had a bad camera too? Is this really a valid evaluation ? Can you compare it to the Nexus S that way. I'm just saying Motorola has really delivered in the phone department on this one. The phone, believe it or not? is awesome on this device!!!!!
Rev1vaL said:
I feel like I'm one of the only people that love my Atrix.
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Nope. You're not
Also as far as the cameara goes it seems to be fixed with the new update
ll_l_x_l_ll said:
Screen :
personally, i think the super amoled is one of the best screens in the market. but i thought that high res qhd screen on atrix might make a difference. and i was wrong. i could still see the pixels on both atrix and nexus S. the difference is the colors are much better on nexus S. super amoled wins here hands down. qHD my @$$.
Camera :
i tried few shots. i thought it looked better again on the nexus S. the atrix shots had this sort of dots/dust fliter on it. didnt look clean at all. dont know if my phone had a defective camera as well or not.
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- The qHD screen color sucks for sure. Colors are distorted compare to IPS screen and color calibration sheet. Super AMOLED is vibrant yet suffer from burn-in problems and consumes too much power decreases the internet browsing time.
- The camera is a little pink here is my example of the quality. too much hype....
aloudermilk said:
ll_l_x_l_ll , If you had a defective one, then how can you review it properly? How do we know what other problems your phone had? It would also appear you had a bad camera too? Is this really a valid evaluation ? Can you compare it to the Nexus S that way. I'm just saying Motorola has really delivered in the phone department on this one. The phone, believe it or not? is awesome on this device!!!!!
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i had a defective camera. and the screen used to flicker on high brightness.and i did mention it. why cant i make an impression based on the other things beside the cam ?
and i do agree the phone as hardware is awesome. its the best in the market and imho better than the optimus 2x.
but as its stands right now. the nexus S was a better phone if you are not a gamer. and thats only due to the software being locked down and 2.2 along with blur.
i did mention when i started playing emulators that requires power, the Atrix did circles over Nexus S.
the screen whatever you like super amoled, iphone ratina, motorolla Qhd,, is something personal. but in my eyes i saw the super amoled better because i thought with QHD i wont be able to see pixels on screen " which is a good trade off. no pixels, but less colors. just like the iphone ratina " . and i was able to see the pixels just like how i did with the nexus S. so it came back to me which has better colors and again, imho the super amoled was better.
not saying the qHD is bad. if i can pick one of the phones right now thats both working perfectly, imma pick the Atrix. its just the super amoled is better to look at. and if you are not a hardcore gamer, you will probably enjoy the nexus S more for now. due to the lack open bootloader, roms. etc
What new update are you referring to?
LancerV said:
Also as far as the cameara goes it seems to be fixed with the new update
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Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

Sony xperia S vs galaxy nexus?

I was set on upgrading to the galaxy nexus but after using the device I am just not sure anymore. I have an i9023 and in all honestly I found the display of the gnexus underwhelming. It was too dim compared to nexus S LCD and the whites were pretty bad. I am just used to having a high quality LCD I suppose and dont mind it's shortcomings anymore but would be more annoyed at SAMOLED shortcomings rather than appreciate it's qualities. I am by no means saying that LCD is superior tech, just personal preference.
And then the loudspeaker is a disaster on the galaxy nexus, again I am really used to having an above average speaker on the nexus S and this is almost a deal breaker.
So then I used the xperia S and I really loved the screen, the viewing angles were unfortunately worse than nexus S but overall it just felt superior. Amazing colors and sharpness, contrast was acceptable as well. I didnt seem to have any problem with the face buttons of the xperia but I didnt concentrate on them too much which I should have since many people are dreading them.
The speaker was better than even nexus S and the camera is superb with the hardware button making it much better to comfortably take pics.
I also found the xperia S to be more comfortable to handle despite being heavier, the galaxy nexus is a giant.
And then it's 32GB which is really good, I feel for these sort of phones 16GB is not enough when you have 1080p video recording and HD screens.
Unfortunately the xperia S is still stuck on GB which is really sad for such a nice phone.
Ofcourse the biggest strength of the nexus is the software support. What do you honestly think is the better phone and why?
Galaxy nexus.
If you like the xperia the most then go for it. ICS Is just around the corner for him according to rumors. Just keep in mind that there's some xperia that can't be bootloader unlocked from Sony's webpage.
Sent from my
( •_•)
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Nexus S
Galaxy Nexus, nuff said.
Sent from my sandwich using a Nexus S
This is my battery life..... I love you Sony I like the phone and all what the hell is with this good for nothin battery life????!!!!!
Sent from my LT26i aka (xperia s)
Gambler_3 said:
I was set on upgrading to the galaxy nexus but after using the device I am just not sure anymore. I have an i9023 and in all honestly I found the display of the gnexus underwhelming. It was too dim compared to nexus S LCD and the whites were pretty bad. I am just used to having a high quality LCD I suppose and dont mind it's shortcomings anymore but would be more annoyed at SAMOLED shortcomings rather than appreciate it's qualities. I am by no means saying that LCD is superior tech, just personal preference.
And then the loudspeaker is a disaster on the galaxy nexus, again I am really used to having an above average speaker on the nexus S and this is almost a deal breaker.
So then I used the xperia S and I really loved the screen, the viewing angles were unfortunately worse than nexus S but overall it just felt superior. Amazing colors and sharpness, contrast was acceptable as well. I didnt seem to have any problem with the face buttons of the xperia but I didnt concentrate on them too much which I should have since many people are dreading them.
The speaker was better than even nexus S and the camera is superb with the hardware button making it much better to comfortably take pics.
I also found the xperia S to be more comfortable to handle despite being heavier, the galaxy nexus is a giant.
And then it's 32GB which is really good, I feel for these sort of phones 16GB is not enough when you have 1080p video recording and HD screens.
Unfortunately the xperia S is still stuck on GB which is really sad for such a nice phone.
Ofcourse the biggest strength of the nexus is the software support. What do you honestly think is the better phone and why?
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You can flash CM or AOKP and set your own auto-brightness levels, lowest stock ICS one is too dim compared to GB.
Galaxy Nexus for sure! i will get mine in a few days and its an awesome upgrade from my Nexus S i9023. HD Super amoled screen, deep black colors and great software support. The only thing that i absolutely hate is the Pentile technology, but who cares.. its still 316PPI.
madd0g said:
You can flash CM or AOKP and set your own auto-brightness levels, lowest stock ICS one is too dim compared to GB.
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No I set both phones to full brightness, reviews suggested the nexus maxes out at 200nits brightness and it seemed true.
Gambler_3 said:
No I set both phones to full brightness, reviews suggested the nexus maxes out at 200nits brightness and it seemed true.
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Ah. Well, Sony's well known for its Bravia Engine screens, so the colors might be better then on GN, but resolution wise it's other way around. I'd say the other things outweigh the possible better screen.
I'd go for Xperia S after playing on it in a Sony shop!
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
madd0g said:
Ah. Well, Sony's well known for its Bravia Engine screens, so the colors might be better then on GN, but resolution wise it's other way around. I'd say the other things outweigh the possible better screen.
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Xperia S has an RGB 720p screen....
The colors apart from white were fairly good on the GN but it just really lacked brightness. The only thing the nexus screen has over xperia S is infinite black.
Gambler_3 said:
Xperia S has an RGB 720p screen....
The colors apart from white were fairly good on the GN but it just really lacked brightness. The only thing the nexus screen has over xperia S is infinite black.
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... and development...
You without me is like Harold Melvin without the Blue Notes....
i will still prefer GN over Sony...
I'll go for google device no doubt..using an android without great software support is boring as hell..just my humble opinion..
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
I wish google really took the time to make the nexus its flagship and most engieered andriod.
like what apple does with da iphone.
but yet google for some reason lacks the appeal. ics is going there but you must reakky think of the coders.
I was in moution veiw today abd every guy was wearing shorts and flipflops. no swag. I wont say homo.
but those guys are designing this. if they can't dress themselves nicly, then thet sure as hell can't design an inface.
Sent from my LS670 using XDA
The better phone for you is clearly the Sony. You like it more for the reasons you stated. Don't let nexus fan boys talk you out of it with stupid posts like Galaxy nexus nuff said.
Both have pro and cons
If you not a crackflasher...Xperia S will be nice phone for you...
madd0g said:
Ah. Well, Sony's well known for its Bravia Engine screens, so the colors might be better then on GN, but resolution wise it's other way around. I'd say the other things outweigh the possible better screen.
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They have the same res..... 720x1280
Sent from my ice cream powered Nexus S
albundy2010 said:
The better phone for you is clearly the Sony. You like it more for the reasons you stated. Don't let nexus fan boys talk you out of it with stupid posts like Galaxy nexus nuff said.
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Galaxy nexus nuff said
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA
DeuXGod said:
ICS Is just around the corner for him according to rumors. Just keep in mind that there's some xperia that can't be bootloader unlocked from Sony's webpage.
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Updates for SE phones are always "just around the corner according to rumors". To my experience, never buy an SE phone in the hope of an update "coming soon". If OP think it's a good phone and are content with the Android version it ships with, get it. If OP won't be happy with a phone until it gets a certain update, wait until that update is readily available before you buy.
Which phone would be best for OP, I wouldn't know.

App for color calibration?

im going to get the N10 in the next week and the first thing i will do because im a color junkie is a calibration test so se how close/far it is from
i have been into hardware calibration for displays for some years so i see myself as a pro.
i have X-Rite Display 3 Colorimeter and Chroma Pure calibration program.
the test patterns i use is from AVSHD709
i have already calibrated my LG Infinia LED TV to reference quality,so if only the right (ISF/CMS) settings is there i can calibrate any display to near reference quality.
but its all about the settings how much you can change.
so the question is:
is there a App that i can change the RGB values and saturation/hue also gamma settings?
or do i need to get a custom rom?
i know some custom roms for the SG2 has some screen/gamma adjustments in EX tweaks.
if its not i will still post the results from the calibration so you can check it out to see how good/bad calibrated the Nexus 10 is
Edit: i just found one
but i need this for the N10
Theres an app in the play store called Screen Adjuster that allows to change RGB, contrast, brightness but requires root. Been wanting to try it but I cant root my tablet as my pc wont recognize my tablet in fastboot.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2
aznmode said:
Theres an app in the play store called Screen Adjuster that allows to change RGB, contrast, brightness but requires root. Been wanting to try it but I cant root my tablet as my pc wont recognize my tablet in fastboot.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2
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Just tried it out and it seemed to slow down the tablet.
404 ERROR said:
Just tried it out and it seemed to slow down the tablet.
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Try not to use contrast if you don't need it. That's what's slowed my galaxy s3 down
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
Apps on the market only apply a filter on top of the screen. You're going to want a kernel with proper color calibration support to prevent performance loss.
Here's anandtech's review of tablet displays.
vitaminxero said:
Apps on the market only apply a filter on top of the screen. You're going to want a kernel with proper color calibration support to prevent performance loss.
Here's anandtech's review of tablet displays.
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thanks for the link
damn the Nexus 10 is WAY off in the Gamut Chart!
how the hell can they release a screen thats is so off?
surley needs some calibration there
fix a kernel with RGB adjustments and i will fix a calibration that is better than on the iPad4.
after that you can just copy the settings and BOOM you have a reference display.
(that is if the screens dont differ to much)
i have the tools and the Knowlegde to calibrate displays but zippo knowlegde in hacking kernels
so Kernel Experts
Edit: first thing you will start with is the grayscale
when the grayscale is right (whites is white and not blue) then automatic you have your 6500k color temp (6500kelvin is messured from daylight in california if someone wants to know)
Also the Gamut is adjusted in position.
so its easy
with a correct grayscale everything (almost) else becomes right on spot.
one setting that they dont test there is Gamma
gamma at 2.2 is important if you want to see all details in darker parts of movies or photos.
gamma is adjusted with all three sliders Red/Green/Blue locked
So what i need is RGB adjustments and Saturation/HUE adjustments if its possible
comon hackers
we must beat the iPad!
If you want to have ICC support in kernel you've to ask a kernel dev. But I don't think that someone will implement this feature. Because the majority of users doesn't know or care about correct colors.
As the test results of your linked page show the N10 reaches a "good" neutral in white, gray and black. But the contrast is very low and by calibrating and profiling it you'll reduce it more. You've to calibrate D65 at 120 - 140 cd and after this to write a correction profile especially for blue and violet tones.
Apple does such things because their customers want to have and need good colors. But I don't see a market for android users. Photoshop touch is crap and there is no other "real" graphics suite / app. Given gamut is okay for daily use, e.g. viewing movies and surfing around the web.
So, don't be disappointed if your wish to cailbrate and profile the N10 won't be possible at all. An google seems not to have plans for ICC support in android, see!topic/android-developers/Ifnsdbkqxqo
The only thing that really seems off is that it has very washed out purples. Its fine other than that. It strange as it can display blue and red just fine.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
thunderger said:
If you want to have ICC support in kernel you've to ask a kernel dev. But I don't think that someone will implement this feature. Because the majority of users doesn't know or care about correct colors.[/url]
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Fortunately a lot of devs seems to think different seeing the amount of stuff they've coded that average Joe doesn't know or care about.
I for one would love to see the OP succeed as i see nothing wrong with getting better colour accuracy on my N10.
I personally really hope that a color calibration app/kernel becomes available.....devs PLEASE make it happen!! I like the punchy (albeit 'ficticious') colors of the amoLED display on my Galaxy Note....Please devs, give us the option to control/enhance the color of the Nexus 10's screen!
Another shout for some calibration tools on the nexus 10. All my main displays are calibrated & it's quite a shock to pick up my nexus 10 & the see the washed out colours
Indeed, the guy who mentioned the fact that the average Joe doesn't care about color reproduction is forgetting the fact that not a single one of us here is an average consumer, I also own an iPad 3 and I really loathe the washed out look on our display, the iPad looks very similar to the calibration I have on my Sony TV while the nexus looks almost like a color less gray when its put beside them, they all look like crap when you put them besides my SGS 2 though, all I really need to be completely happy with my Nexus would be a way to calibrate our screens, I have already pretty much given the iPad to my little sister but I hate to admit that the colors there look much much better than on the Nexus.
And by loathe I mean that I completely hate and despise it, such a great display ruined by the damn color calibration, the option should be built into Android for ****s sake.
PLEASE devs make it happen, color calibration seems to be an issue shared between all of the recent Nexus devices, for example, the screen on the Nexus 4 doesn't look as good as the one on the LG Optimus G (Or so I've read)
It's a shame Google are apathetic on this issue. Users that want do photo work are forced to go to Apple. Small OT aside: It's the same deal with audio creation apps/interfaces, Google doesn't care. I'd rather set my sites on Ubuntu.
Another vote for getting some kind of good calibration tool for the N10. I can put up with a lot, but the black levels are killing me. I would even put up with some loss of detail if I could get better black levels.
So... Guys, how can we contact Google to ask them to fix this themselves or do something so we can fix it ourselves?
Fidelator said:
So... Guys, how can we contact Google to ask them to fix this themselves or do something so we can fix it ourselves?
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i will search tomorrow
but isnt this a problem for samsung?
pg_ice said:
i will search tomorrow
but isnt this a problem for samsung?
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Nah, the screen on the Nexus 4 doesn't look as good as the one in the Optimus G and the screen on the 7 is kind of washed out from what I've read, and from past experience I've seen that Samsung tends to calibrate their screens pretty nice, (albeit a bit saturated) on factory settings across all devices.
Hope someone can sort out the black levels, watching movies the blacks look grey specially with Dark Knight! Tried all sorts of things but nowt helping!
follow mode ON
I have Cromapure Pro with i1pro and DTP94
Fidelator said:
Nah, the screen on the Nexus 4 doesn't look as good as the one in the Optimus G and the screen on the 7 is kind of washed out from what I've read, and from past experience I've seen that Samsung tends to calibrate their screens pretty nice, (albeit a bit saturated) on factory settings across all devices.
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It's a shame for Google not calibrating any of their screens. Nexus 4 has those ugly washed colors, same with the nexus 10. And black levels, despite as many synthetic tests you will post (anandtech etc) are quite bad.
I'm so sure this is software... and 0 upgrades from Google. Its ok they will push next version of android as soon as avaliable, but nothing else, no OTAs for bug fixing. Any other brand would have already pushed several upgrades to new devices, bugs appear and samsung, htc etc gives you solutions (not always, but...)

For those thinking of switching to note 4.. Srs

I just went to my local tmobzsz and used the note 4, i have the g3 on zone rom with skydragon kernel so bare(bear? Idfk lol) with me.. I was really expecting a lot since it was a amoled 2k screen.
I turned it on and went straight to display settings and put the most vivid color settings it had and to my surprise my g3 colors were wayyy more to my liking (skydragon has a different color setting, colors really pop and my g3 has no tint, my girlfriends does tho) but yea my color settings are basically in the middle of the gallery icon in accessibility settings and i was really shocked to see how faded they were on the note and its not like my colors are crazy saturated to where everything looks weird but theyre amazing to me. Im really glad i went with the g3, the 805 makes no difference to me, i have greenify with no lag, and i used to game a lot on my phone but realised no matter what, if a game is high end, a small screen doesnt cut it.. our screen is sharper(ppi makes a difference) and the colors on skydragon are more vivid. Amoled always looked cartoonish to me aswell but thats my 2 cents. Think before buying or trading.
No phone has our high density, colors (on skydragon) or design. Yea the note 4 looks better than any NOTE OR GALAXY but our g3 is nexus like. And our brightness is blinding.
And for all those thinking of the n6.. That design killed it, dual speakers? Ok? Skydragon has fauxsound and with that app you can find around the webzs my speaker can be heard from 2 rooms away on full blast, 6 inches with wayy less pixels andd amoled ...after today. I have desided to stay.
Just waiting for mr faux to release a aosp kernel so those colors can be on cm
Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
I was never thinking about switching bit it's always nice to hear our phone is great. Thanks man. I played with an iPhone 6 that my boss has and of course it made me love my phone way more.
Definately trading my g3 for the note 4
MikeJennni said:
Definately trading my g3 for the note 4
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Just saying man... Were fully unlocked. Note 3 n s4 n 5 are still locked after years. And were the closest thing to stock android... With some bloat removed and aosp icon pack and my theme for tweaksbox. But your loss.
And about the iphone yea that screen is ****
Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
I find the G3 alot like the nexus in terms of looks too, i mean cover up the colour panel at the bottom they look nearly the same - all black looks mean as
I've never had any issues with the color reproduction on our device quite frankly. Of course, if you keep two devices side to side and compare then you'll find differences but if you judge the G3 standalone - I don't really think you can complain about the colors. Despite not being an AMOLED our G3's blacks are quite deep (and I've used AMOLED previously with the Note 2).
All in all, it's nice to see people still finding the G3 great. I find both the Note 4 & the Nexus 6 to be great devices. Maybe the Nexus 6 is too huge for some people's likings, but you never know until you've held one in your hands. Still, nothing that'll make me switch from my G3 so soon. ☺
I might be the only person that cancelled a note 4 preorder and bought a G3. I loved the form factor and size of the G3. Perfect for my hand.
I also primarily use a phone as a just that, a phone. Novelty wears off real quick with me and I know I will never use a pen interface on a phone.
Im right there with all of you guys. But i never really thought pixel density mattered till today idk if its the fact that its amoled or not but the sharpness difference are crazy. The n6 really shouldve chosen the g3 screen to be honest, with all those high specs, less than 500 ppi. Might let some dow , especially for the price
Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
brolic925t said:
and i was really shocked to see how faded they were on the note
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The Note 4 has the best phone display to date, as tested scientifically.
G3 or Note 4
Hi all,
I do look at this a bit differently. Although the screen of of the G3 is indeed beautiful I really don't think it weighs up to the amount of resources it takes. Same probably goes for the note 4. Maybe some users really see the difference but if I load the same wallpaper on both my "old" Note 3 and my new G3, I must try really hard to see any difference at all. This leads me to believe that the screen quality has reached it's limits as to what you can actually see with the human eye. What would like to see is a phone that actually uses its processor and battery just for better performance (as in speed and ROM and RAM capacity and battery life). Isn't it crazy that so much time and money is being spend on even greater displays which my eyes can't grasp anyway?
This raises a few questions:
1* How come we have a microSD card with 128 GB of ROM but most phones come with 16 or 32 GB?
2* If the Note 4 (or G3 for that matter) would have the same display as the previous model, but with the new battery and processor? How fast would it go and how long would a battery last?
Obviously I'm not a developer and maybe the above isn't quite as simple as I put it, but I do know this: My rooted Note 3 with Slim Rom on it, runs faster and smoother then my new G3!
Maybe someone with more knowledge can explain.
Note 3 / Slim ROM
LG G3 / Stock ROM
Pfeffernuss said:
The Note 4 has the best phone display to date, as tested scientifically.
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Yea until you see it in person and see it really isnt that great, tested familytifically
Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
brolic925t said:
tested familytifically
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Seriously ...... lol :laugh:
nerdo said:
Seriously ...... lol :laugh:
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Lmao. Had to. But seriously guys adjust your colors on skydragon and go test it out side by side. Sharpness g3 wins hands down, colors in my opinion are way better on g3 if you know how to set it up, coming from the n4 which had a **** screen till faux released his kernel with gamma settings, i became obsessed with screen colors.
Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
Willem1975 said:
Hi all,
I do look at this a bit differently. Although the screen of of the G3 is indeed beautiful I really don't think it weighs up to the amount of resources it takes. Same probably goes for the note 4. Maybe some users really see the difference but if I load the same wallpaper on both my "old" Note 3 and my new G3, I must try really hard to see any difference at all. This leads me to believe that the screen quality has reached it's limits as to what you can actually see with the human eye. What would like to see is a phone that actually uses its processor and battery just for better performance (as in speed and ROM and RAM capacity and battery life). Isn't it crazy that so much time and money is being spend on even greater displays which my eyes can't grasp anyway?
This raises a few questions:
1* How come we have a microSD card with 128 GB of ROM but most phones come with 16 or 32 GB?
2* If the Note 4 (or G3 for that matter) would have the same display as the previous model, but with the new battery and processor? How fast would it go and how long would a battery last?
Obviously I'm not a developer and maybe the above isn't quite as simple as I put it, but I do know this: My rooted Note 3 with Slim Rom on it, runs faster and smoother then my new G3!
Maybe someone with more knowledge can explain.
Note 3 / Slim ROM
LG G3 / Stock ROM
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The thing is, its not really the hardware that makes the phones runs smoother anymore, depending on what skin is ON android.. I HAVE A REALLY OLD PHONE RUNNING cM11 (just realised caps in on sorry)the motorola defy and it runs smooth. And its gunna be able to support android l because we have a def that resized the partitions to let it be able to run, and i bet its gunna run really good. The thing is companys add so much **** to android it needs the high specs just to run the software, screens dont really make a difference from 720 to 2k, its the size of the screen that kills the battery. I honestly dont know why google release the n6 with all those specs because android l is really optimized now it doesnt need 3 gigs of ram nor does it need that cpu the battery is a nice touch since it isnt removeable. But yea I ran L on the n5 and its butter smooth, kitkat on my n7 is butter smooth and i just added greenify to it, its so fast it looks fake. I guarantee the n4 is still gunna be really smooth because even carbon rom with all those extra features are stilllll smooth.
Its gotten to the point where specs dont matter but they see how people are and take it as a selling point(take advantage)
Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
If during some strange dream, someone had to give me an iphone 6 or 6+ as a present.. I'm sure that peace of crap would go straight into the bin! It has no class compared to our G3 ( if any comparison at all ) .. i say STICK with the G3
brolic925t said:
Yea until you see it in person and see it really isnt that great, tested familytifically
Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
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Ignorance is bliss.
Good luck with the artificially sharpened display. However thought of that is a complete moron.
brolic925t said:
The thing is, its not really the hardware that makes the phones runs smoother anymore, depending on what skin is ON android.. I HAVE A REALLY OLD PHONE RUNNING cM11 (just realised caps in on sorry)the motorola defy and it runs smooth. And its gunna be able to support android l because we have a def that resized the partitions to let it be able to run, and i bet its gunna run really good. The thing is companys add so much **** to android it needs the high specs just to run the software, screens dont really make a difference from 720 to 2k, its the size of the screen that kills the battery. I honestly dont know why google release the n6 with all those specs because android l is really optimized now it doesnt need 3 gigs of ram nor does it need that cpu the battery is a nice touch since it isnt removeable. But yea I ran L on the n5 and its butter smooth, kitkat on my n7 is butter smooth and i just added greenify to it, its so fast it looks fake. I guarantee the n4 is still gunna be really smooth because even carbon rom with all those extra features are stilllll smooth.
Its gotten to the point where specs dont matter but they see how people are and take it as a selling point(take advantage)
Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
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But why isn't there a phone producer that cut the fancy ****, and just makes phone with massice storage, a battery that lasts for 3 day's and a reasonable to good screen? That thing would sell like hotcakes I recon.
Willem1975 said:
But why isn't there a phone producer that cut the fancy ****, and just makes phone with massice storage, a battery that lasts for 3 day's and a reasonable to good screen? That thing would sell like hotcakes I recon.
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well, the thing is if the n5 had our screen, with our batt and 32 gigs or 64, that wouldve been that phone. but i seriously doubt any company would do that because then when they want to top that, they wouldnt be able to. they know people always want better so they never make perfect, they want us to keep buyin new **** so they can make moneyy
Pfeffernuss said:
The Note 4 has the best phone display to date, as tested scientifically.
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No. It is tested marketingifically IYKWIMean. So please STFU
Pfeffernuss said:
Ignorance is bliss.
Good luck with the artificially sharpened display. However thought of that is a complete moron.
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And believing in the advertiser's "reviews" is being a ad's slave, too
Pfeffernuss said:
artificially sharpened display
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Yeah? How about Pen tile "ripoff"? "Diamond pattern", they say. How about getting 30% less full RGB pixels than advertized on the box? Yeah, yeah, babe, pay to them, cheaters
Billy Madison said:
No. It is tested marketingifically IYKWIMean. So please STFU And believing in the advertiser's "reviews" is being a ad's slave, too
Yeah? How about Pen tile "ripoff"? "Diamond pattern", they say. How about getting 30% less full RGB pixels than advertized on the box? Yeah, yeah, babe, pay to them, cheaters
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Schooled. This guys good^
Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
