Wallpaper size? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Does anyone know the size that the wallpaper size? I can't find any answers after a long Google search.
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DarkenCypher said:
Does anyone know the size that the wallpaper size? I can't find any answers after a long Google search.
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Should be 1536x1280, if 4.2 follows the wallpaper configuration of previous versions, which is usually 2:1 the screen's resolution (to account for scrolling). Since the screen is 1280x768, should be correct. For instance, the Nexus 7 wallpapers are 1600x1280, and that device is 1280x800.
I think.

wild homes said:
Should be 1536x1280, if 4.2 follows the wallpaper configuration of previous versions, which is usually 2:1 the screen's resolution (to account for scrolling). Since the screen is 1280x768, should be correct. For instance, the Nexus 7 wallpapers are 1600x1280, and that device is 1280x800.
I think.
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This nails it. Probably only going to be able to find 1440x1280 but that will work just fine!

Thank you so much!
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weird wallpaper crop

What is this 3 box crop that's going on when i try to set a wallpaper from my gallery, can I just get a one box crop.
Thts the way google do it mate. Same on galaxy nexus, try wallpaper wizidri from play store.
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but what's the point behind them making it like that?
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So you can see what it will look like in both portrait and landscape.
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And all the 1280x800 wallpapers everyone said is correct for Nexus 7 are no good either, can't use the whole image The cropped parts are just too zoomed in and don't look high-res.
I'm having better luck using my 1920x1080 wallpapers on it.
I would recommend searching for 2560. It yields results for both 2560x1440 and 2560x1600.
This is where I looked for mine.
Salty Wagyu said:
And all the 1280x800 wallpapers everyone said is correct for Nexus 7 are no good either, can't use the whole image The cropped parts are just too zoomed in and don't look high-res.
I'm having better luck using my 1920x1080 wallpapers on it.
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If you don't use a launcher that rotates, you can use Wallpaper Wizardry from the Play Store to set the wallpaper to use the whole 1280x800 image. If you allow your launcher to rotate to landscape the image will be cropped and have black bars on the sides.
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wallpaper wizardrys black bars in landscape are what annoy me, i wish there was a solution where we could crop both landscape and portrait separately in stock Google
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Can I have different wallpapers on the Nexus?

Is there an app or setting that will allow me to have a different wallpaper on my lock screen and home screen like on the iPad?
I tried an app called MultiPicture Live Wallpaper. It allowed me to have a picture for my lock screen, and a separate picture for my home screens. The problem was that the picture I was using for my home screens would take a second or two to load after I unlocked the device.
Perhaps there's another app that can yield better results, or some tweaks I can do with that particular app.
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If you're willing to flash it, AOKP has that functionality
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Widget Locker will do it. Amazing app over all.
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i think the original wallpaper looks beautiful.haha.
Doesn't just changing your wall paper change the lock screen?!
Wilks3y said:
Doesn't just changing your wall paper change the lock screen?!
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Read the OP once more.
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snapper.fishes said:
Read the OP once more.
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What about it?
He was on about using another app : Multi.....
I am saying doesn't just changing your background internally, (holding the homescreen and choosing gallery) also change the lock screen image?
Or does he want 2 images -
One for homescreen
One for lockscreen
If so my bad

[Q] Nexus 7 wallpaper sizing

I have read dozens of threads here and elsewhere that ask how to resize images on the Nexus 7 so that they are not badly cropped.
Not one question has been answered properly and one solution (PicSpeed) is a joke as it does nothing.
Surely it is not beyond the wit of man (or even xda!) to design a solution to this ridiculous problem? It's a huge disappointment to be prevented from using one's own images as wallpaper on the home screen background.
I await a development with interest.
No comments?
I download 720P or 1080p wallpapers and use quickpic app to crop them. This means they don't zoom in like the idiotic standard gallery crop.
Solves the issue.
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You could try wallpaper wizardrii from play store..just use the scale option once installed.
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1600 x 1280.
The standard gallery crop box will default to covering the entire image, there is no re-sizing which obviously degrades quality.
I use Simple Image Wallpaper. It's free in the Play Store and works great. Super easy.
1600 x 1280 doesn't work; wallpaper is zoomed into about a quarter of the full image. Tiny images and huge images & everything in between are all resized to show exactly the same part of the image - about a quarter.
Will try the other apps.
Thanks for the replies but I don't see anything overriding the inbuilt resizing.
BretonGirl said:
I use Simple Image Wallpaper. It's free in the Play Store and works great. Super easy.
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^ This
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Re Simple Image Wallpaper:- https://play.google.com/store/apps/...RnZWxpbmVhcHBzLnNpbXBsZWltYWdld2FsbHBhcGVyIl0.
Consensus seems to be it doesn't work and worse crashes the N7.
Mardler said:
Re Simple Image Wallpaper:- https://play.google.com/store/apps/...RnZWxpbmVhcHBzLnNpbXBsZWltYWdld2FsbHBhcGVyIl0.
Consensus seems to be it doesn't work and worse crashes the N7.
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Works fine on my Nexus 7 and I've never had a crash.

N10 wallpaper size?

Can anyone please tell me the exact size of artwork that I should use for wallpaper? If I get an image that's the same as the screen resolution, selecting it as wallpaper will actually reduce the resolution so that it can work in portrait mode effectively so you never actually get to see what the screen is capable of resolving!
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Homey said:
Can anyone please tell me the exact size of artwork that I should use for wallpaper? If I get an image that's the same as the screen resolution, selecting it as wallpaper will actually reduce the resolution so that it can work in portrait mode effectively so you never actually get to see what the screen is capable of resolving!
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3966 x 2560
Here is site with the right size wallpapers http://tsuntsun.minus.com/lSX5LCyRqNQVS
stonebear said:
3966 x 2560
Here is site with the right size wallpapers http://tsuntsun.minus.com/lSX5LCyRqNQVS
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That's great, thank you for the link!
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD

HELP. Why am I seeing black line on wallpaper?

Hi. Can anyone tell me the reason for the black lines on my home screen??
It's very irritating to see them..
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
I don't see any black lines. May be because images are downsampled. Can you post problematic parts of screenshots, or full-sized images?
Is it just on your wallpaper or always over your whole screen?
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indian84 said:
Hi. Can anyone tell me the reason for the black lines on my home screen??
It's very irritating to see them..
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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If the lines are on your screen, so they cant obviously appear in screenshots, post pictures taken from other camera.
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Happens to me sometimes when I set wallpapers. Just pick the same one and set it again.
Assuming it's the wallpaper and not your screen, you need to maximize the area set by the wallpaper as large as you can. You may be a pixel or two off, so when the wallpaper attempts to repeat itself to the next home screen, it fills the gaps in with black pixels. I had this happen on a wallpaper I had set, took me a few tries to finally get it to repeat properly.
I have the same wallpaper
hsn97 said:
If the lines are on your screen, so they cant obviously appear in screenshots, post pictures taken from other camera.
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They appear only on some wallpaper. And they are exactly at points where I crop the wallpaper while selecting it.
I had installed QuickPick and Crop Wallpaper and later uninstalled it. Can this be a possible reason?
I am running Paranoid ROM with Hybrid Properties set to Stock UI.
indian84 said:
They appear only on some wallpaper. And they are exactly at points where I crop the wallpaper while selecting it.
I had installed QuickPick and Crop Wallpaper and later uninstalled it. Can this be a possible reason?
I am running Paranoid ROM with Hybrid Properties set to Stock UI.
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It is the reason, if the issue is now gone
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Try an app called Wallpapyrus or something from Play. I never had to crop my pictures again. Guess that should help with the cropping problem if you hated cropping pics like me. XD
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Even after uninstalling the apps didn't help. I'm still those lines..
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