[Q] Which Wirless Charger? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

What wireless charger do you buy for use with this phone? Thanks.

well if they ever decide to release pricing and availability information I wouldn't mind grabbing the Fatboy Wireless Charging Pillow for the new Nokia phones.

This is probably a stupid question, but presumably the wireless charging won't work if there's a case between the back of the phone and the charging unit?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app

As long as the case isn't metal, it should still charge.

Since it appears Google isn't making their own, can someone list a few good wireless chargers compatible with the Nexus 4? Thanks.

just do a google for " qi charger" you'll find a few

The Palm one is compatible?
Inviato dal mio GT-I9300

Artius89 said:
The Palm one is compatible?
Inviato dal mio GT-I9300
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I would my best bet. The wireless charges that the iPhone use like that energizer pad?
#Galaxy Nexus HSPA+

Any QI Charger will charge the Nexus 4.
Touchstone chargers will not work.

Possibly this or the one-position variant of that product.

I have one of the Lumia 920 fatboy chargers, will that work?

I had the Nokia 900 wireless charger from Verizon and it wouldn't work correctly w/ my N4. It kept cycling from charging to not charging. I know it wasn't the chargers problem because it works fine with my dad's DNA. So not sure if I've got a faulty N4 or if the charger just isn't compatible. Anyone else try it?

I have the energizer wireless charger, while it works perfectly with my nexus 4, I must recommend against it.
The reason being the back of the nexus is glass, the surface of the charger is glossy plastic and combined with the slight angle of the charging surface, my nexus is happy to slowly slide on the charging surface.
Easy fix by putting some glad wrap on the surface, but detracts from the clean look of the charger
My 2c
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

dbdynsty25 said:
I had the Nokia 900 wireless charger from Verizon and it wouldn't work correctly w/ my N4. It kept cycling from charging to not charging. I know it wasn't the chargers problem because it works fine with my dad's DNA. So not sure if I've got a faulty N4 or if the charger just isn't compatible. Anyone else try it?
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Exact same problem here (charging-non charging cycle). Neither the wireless charging stand nor the wireless charger on the JVC sounddock works for me (both say they should work with qi compliant devices however)

appelflap said:
Exact same problem here (charging-non charging cycle). Neither the wireless charging stand nor the wireless charger on the JVC sounddock works for me (both say they should work with qi compliant devices however)
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I really think its a software issue with the Nexus 4... I have the fatboy charger and sometimes its perfect and other times it doesnt work properly

I'm waiting for a Chinese qi charger...
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2


Inductive Charging for Nexus 7?

Would this be possible? I know you can achieve AC charging on the Galaxy Nexus with the palm pre inductive charger but would it be possible with the nexus 7? Does it simply not give out enough power to charge the tablet.
Just noticed HP touchpad has it as well....should have done more research! Maybe this will become an info thread for people willing to attempt it since the back cover is easily removable.
So the touchpad charger (wired) will charge the N7. Does anyone know how much the touchstone puts out? I would like to have this charging mod on my Gnex and my N7 soon with just one touch stone in my house. Just want to make sure the touch stone can put out enough juice for the nexus 7.
Thank you,
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Not sure but don't think it would work. I have it on my gnex and the touchstone puts out 1 amp where the N7 stock charger puts out 2 amps. If it did work it would prolly take twice as long to charge but I could be wrong!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
HP Touchpad also uses 2 amps charger (in fact won't work with any other) by default and touchstone can charge it even it it's competelly dead. Full charge takes about 4-5h (i usualy charged it during the night), but i never bothered to check how much amps it gives via touchstone. I think it should should work with Nexus 7 as well.
That's what I saw, and also on the HP site it said same Approx. charge time as wired charger. Has anyone torn down the HP touchstone yet anywhere? I'm very interested in this. Wireless charging at home and possibly as a car mount as well.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Any luck with wireless charging mod yet? Would love this feature!!!
Nokia makes a wireless charging adapter, it plugs into a microusb and lets the phone work with their charging plate. I bet you could take that apart and it would be easier to find then touchstone stuff because you can buy it new. I'll see if I can find a link.

Wireless Charger

I have never seen a wireless charger. and I am planning on getting the N4, so... would any wireless charger work?
like the QI Energizer one?
ZeroHart said:
I have never seen a wireless charger. and I am planning on getting the N4, so... would any wireless charger work?
like the QI Energizer one?
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They stated ANY QI charger should work.
Does anyone know how much the wireless charger is going to cost? I don't see it in the playstore. Is it even going to be available in the playstore?
Will a Palm touchstone work with the Nexus 4? That'd be sweet because they're running ~$5.50 or so shipped on Amazon.
gtalum said:
Will a Palm touchstone work with the Nexus 4? That'd be sweet because they're running ~$5.50 or so shipped on Amazon.
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Apparently so, there are people on XDA who are stockpiling the Touchstone chargers. I mean you can't go wrong, they're $5.50!
Unlawful said:
Apparently so, there are people on XDA who are stockpiling the Touchstone chargers. I mean you can't go wrong, they're $5.50!
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Does the touchstone even use the QI charging standard? I can't find any info a about it.
JCreazy said:
Does the touchstone even use the QI charging standard? I can't find any info a about it.
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No sadly it doesn't work with my N4. Instead i bought the Maxell wireless QI charger, But the energizer or a duracell ersion should work
The Wireless Gear 5wc800 works with the N4.
Only you have to place the N4 with the usb port on the side where the power button is.
I can confirm this.
The only thing i hate about it is that i can't charge it while there is a skin on my nexus.
does 5wc800 work with a case?
Unjustable said:
The Wireless Gear 5wc800 works with the N4.
Only you have to place the N4 with the usb port on the side where the power button is.
I can confirm this.
The only thing i hate about it is that i can't charge it while there is a skin on my nexus.
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does 5wc800 work with a case?

Qi Standard Wireless charging Receiver for SAMSUNG Galaxy S4

Anyone buy one of these yet? Qi Standard Wireless charging Receiver for SAMSUNG Galaxy S4
I bought the one from monster watts. Works great.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
I got one from ebay and it only will charge without a case. Im using the panasonic qi charger.
On my S4, I use the wireless reciever from Monsterwatts.com with my Nexus 4 wireless charger- works great even thru the case
The one in your link looks similar... why not try it out and let us know? Its cheap enough.
Can we get the Qi wireless chargers for the Thicker 6400mAh batterys ?

Qi wireless charging

Has any one any experience with wireless charging on the Yotaphone 2? It supports the Qi standard but I've not ever had any device that can be charged wireless so I don't know what to expect.
There are some cheap chargers on ebay so I may get one to experiment with but wonder what others are using, how long a charge takes? is there a tiny sweet spot to get it to work? does it get hot? Any compatability issues?
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manmikey said:
Has any one any experience with wireless charging on the Yotaphone 2? It supports the Qi standard but I've not ever had any device that can be charged wireless so I don't know what to expect.
There are some cheap chargers on ebay so I may get one to experiment with but wonder what others are using, how long a charge takes? is there a tiny sweet spot to get it to work? does it get hot? Any compatability issues?
Sent from my GT-N8010 using XDA Premium HD app
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Hi there,
Yeah actually I got one for my YotaPhone 2, it's ADATA Elite CE700.
First I have to say I was very disappointed because apparently you can only wireless charging the YotaPhone2 with the main screen facing up! Also you should know that the spot where Qi located is a bit small (3cm in height in the middle of the EPD Screen), but that also depends on the type of wireless charger you would use. Something like Tylt Vu would Support more area thus its more hassle free.
It's also good to know that with wireless charging you won't get Quick Charging anymore. Because In order to do that you must use the MicroUSB port. But again how long a single charge takes depends the type of the Wireless Charger and the amount of output current it has which most of them are 1~1.5A.
For your last concern, any Qi Wireless Charger will do but try to get one of the Tylt Vu. It has the best reviews. And the phone won't get hot during wireless charging if you must know.
And something which I'm not sure whether its my wireless charger or it's general, is when the battery is 100% the charging won't stop, unlike the normal charging with dedicated adapter which cut the current when the charging is complete.
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Free mobile app
Hi, thanks for your detailed reply, I've now ordered two different generic chargers off amazon to experiment with, they are coming from China I think but were less than a tenner, I'll report back on these after ive used them for a bit.
It seems less than ideal for me to have to charge with the EPD facing down but I guess this is an engineering limitation. I'm sure there would be advantages and disadvantages of each side facing up during wireless charging.
I recently bought the Nokia DT903 wireless charging plate.
It works effortlessly with the Nexus 5. I can pick it up and place it back for charging with no connection worries.
With the Yotaphone 2 it does work, but it has to be in EXACTLY the right spot.... I'm talking millimetre precision here.... it becomes really frustrating to use and spoils one of the key benefits of wireless charging.
That's what is worrying me about Qi charging, I like the idea of wireless charging for the convenience, I work shifts and fiddling with the usb cable when I get in can disturb my partner, just being able to lay it on my night stand would be great, but sometimes I check the time on my phone in the middle of the night, or get up for the loo and nudge the charging cable and move the phone and if its really fussy about how it sits on the charger then I could end up with the phone not being charged overnight.
The ADATA Elite CE700 mentioned by Parisabs4 above looks like a good solution as it is adjustable and with the phone sitting on the cradle it is hopefully easier to hit the sweet spot.
QI charging experience
Okay so I've now tried 3 different Qi wireless charging plates and I have found that all of them exhibit the same problems whilst attempting to charge my Yotaphone 2
In the picture there are 2 single coil chargers and one triple coil charger (the one that is not flat) they are budget models, costing between £4 and £7 on Amazon.
I can get the Yotaphone to begin charging correctly on all three chargers, the phone says it is charging and the qi devices LED blinks to confirm charging. After 10 - 15 seconds the Yotaphone & chargers will stop charging, the indicators on the phone and charges indicate that charging has stopped. After a couple of seconds charging will recommence for about 15 seconds and the stop again, this cycle repeats for a few times then charging stops all together. Lifting the Yotaphone off and then returning to the charger will recommence charging.
My conclusions are that
My device has a faulty wireless charging receiver. (This is unlikely as im on my second device with the same symptoms after an RMA for a previous fault)
The charging software in the Yotaphone is buggy.
The Yotaphone is not fully compatible with the QI standard.
The Qi chargers I am using are not powerful enough for the Yotaphone. (Unlikely as I've now tried 3 different chargers but they were cheap!)
Has anyone else experienced this problem or is using a charger that is proving reliable?
I'm tempted to try the official wireless charging block as it ought to be compatible with the Yotaphone but its £40 wasted if not (although it can charge via a usb port too)
The "old" Samsung S-Charger does not work either.
I got the following white list from the Yota support:
WCP-400 LG, Nexus5
WCP-300 LG, Nexus5
DT-601 Nokia
DT-900 Nokia
T-100 Speed
T-200 Fonesalesman
UNINC-585Q Uway
MP-01 Mpower
T-201 Speed
A010 Nexus(Google)
EP-PG900IBR Samsung S5
WCH-10 Sony
matts2 said:
The "old" Samsung S-Charger does not work either.
I got the following white list from the Yota support:
WCP-400 LG, Nexus5
WCP-300 LG, Nexus5
DT-601 Nokia
DT-900 Nokia
T-100 Speed
T-200 Fonesalesman
UNINC-585Q Uway
MP-01 Mpower
T-201 Speed
A010 Nexus(Google)
EP-PG900IBR Samsung S5
WCH-10 Sony
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Thanks for that info, I've ordered a Nokia DT-601 from the whitelist, fingers crossed!
As a footnote I have found my tablet charger (a 2.1amp samsung) works with one of my qi charging plates to charge the yotaphone but any other 2.1amp charger exhibits the same problems as the regular 1 amp chargers I've been trying to power the qi plates. Also I've discovered the Yotaphone will not charge from the usb socket in my car but any other device I connect to the socket charges fine, this is one flakey device!
Sent from my GT-N8010 using XDA Premium HD app
yota releasing their own brand wireless, qi charger (has its own 4000mah battery) fairly soon I think. will be priced about £32
matts2 said:
The "old" Samsung S-Charger does not work either.
I got the following white list from the Yota support:
WCP-400 LG, Nexus5
WCP-300 LG, Nexus5
DT-601 Nokia
DT-900 Nokia
T-100 Speed
T-200 Fonesalesman
UNINC-585Q Uway
MP-01 Mpower
T-201 Speed
A010 Nexus(Google)
EP-PG900IBR Samsung S5
WCH-10 Sony
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Thanks matts2 for sharing the list
I bought a Nokia-601 (£12.99 of Amazon) an it works perfectly, I've just charged from 35% to 100% with no issues. It even comes with its own 1.5amp mains usb charger
I'm happy happy happy now
Sent from my YD201 using XDA Free mobile app
manmikey said:
Thanks matts2 for sharing the list
I bought a Nokia-601 (£12.99 of Amazon) an it works perfectly, I've just charged from 35% to 100% with no issues. It even comes with its own 1.5amp mains usb charger
I'm happy happy happy now
Sent from my YD201 using XDA Free mobile app
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I bought a cheap nameless one, have yet to receive it, I hope it will work in combination with a powerful adapter. Anyone got these cheap (5 USD) chargers working with their phone?
Another good QI charger for YP2 is/are the ones that IKEA sells. They have several models, but all seem based on the same platform powered by a 19V DC adapter.
I couldn't get any cheap QI chargers to work reliably with my YP2, but the IKEA chargers work great. They have some margin in positioning the phone on it, and prices start at around $30/EUR 25, so not to bad. I cannibalized the electronics from a JYSSEN to transplant them into a custom 3D printed charger case.
Does anyone have any experience using this Samsung 2A charger with the Yotaphone 2?
UPDATE: Never mind, I ended up buying the Nokia DT-900 since it's on the official list of supported chargers.
I bought my first wireless charger , a cheapo one from China just to see how they are. Cheap as in 4 USD. It does work but exhibits behaviour like described above. All night only charges it a little and the on light is not on much. I thought it was a problem with a cheap charger, but maybe not, it sounds like Yotaphone firmware. I don't have any problem finding the sweet spot.
I was reading about new LG fast charger that is coming out soon, first ever fast 15w wireless charger. But of course it will be expensive .
I bought an 3-coil-qi-charger-stand from China (eBay article 381639407985) about 10€. It works perfekt.
Cheap Single coil charger work also, but only if you place the Yotaphone at the exactly right position ( only 2mm tolerance). As the coil inside the 2,80€ single-chip-computers charger from China is often not places correctly inside the housing, you first have to correct that.
So tripple-coil is to be prefered.
One nice thing: Charging via QI and USB-OTG works fine at the same time on Yotaphone. You can put the Yotaphone 90 degree rotated on the 3-coil-charger-stand and watching Videos from a USB-Stick.
I even think about building an own small OTG-Adapter, using a extreme small micro-usb-connector (like used in universal QI reciver-plates), a very small USB-Micro-SD-Reader, some wire and epoxy. The SD-Reader will be placed on the lower frame of the ePaper. I use a bumper and would cut the neccassary space out of it. So I could build an nearly invissible (with bumper) SD-Card-slot. 64GB extra space is nice...
I'm using a Nokia DT-910 that I originally bought for my Nexus 5 a few years back.. works just fine with the YotaPhone 2..
No need to be careful with positioning or anything like that.. just put the phone on it and that's it.
The benefit of a charger like this is that you can actually see the screen while charging instead of it being flat on the table like some other models.
Link with pictures: https://www.microsoft.com/en/mobile/accessory/dt-910/
Has anyone used a wireless power bank with the Yotaphone ? I was amazed that this technology existed really
Parmo100 said:
Has anyone used a wireless power bank with the Yotaphone ? I was amazed that this technology existed really
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Never thought about it but they do seem quite common https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=qi+wireless+powerbank
Or you can easily make one yourself by taping a wireless charger to a powerbank
In that case there is a wire, between PB and Wireless charger. �� so NOT wireLESS, lol
Can I use a QI Wireless power bank to charge the Yotaphone in my pocket?
Sometimes my phone runs out of juice. Is it possible to buy a power bank with wireless charging capabilities and use it to tirelessly charge my phone, by placing the power bank in my pocket next to my phone?

Wireless Charging for BB Priv AT&T

Just about to get my Priv (FINALLY!), buying stuffs to armor it up - quick chargers, cases etc..
So here is the question: as there is no official wireless charger for Priv, which 3rd-party wireless charger available is best for it?
84281227 said:
Just about to get my Priv (FINALLY!), buying stuffs to armor it up - quick chargers, cases etc..
So here is the question: as there is no official wireless charger for Priv, which 3rd-party wireless charger available is best for it?
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I don't have priv yet, but planning to buy one in a few days. These are the wireless chargers I was looking at:
1) Anker
2) Spigen
3) MoKo
4) Choetech
#3 has AC adapter included, but that is about it. I want it to be like a stand, so it will be easier to see what if I get a text, call...
Not sure if you bought one yet, but I've had mine for a few days and I can tell you the wireless chargers that will work well with this will be a select few. It seems the coil in the PRIV is near the very bottom of the back, so chargers like the spigen listed above (Which I have and use with my Nexus 7 LTE) don't work well at all. It continuously connects and disconnects because the coil is so low on the PRIV that it doesn't line up well. I also have the most recent Samsung QI charger that I got for my Note 5, and that one actually works pretty well because you can set the PRIV on it towards the very bottom of the device. Another example is trying to us the Nexus QI charging orb, which the PRIV won't work well with because putting it on there so close to the bottom causes the device to fall over the top because it's top heavy. So long story short a pad or flat surface charger will most likely be best as it allows you to position the device properly. Hopefully this helps!
PS: This is the best device I've had in a long time, and I've owned most current and past flagships. Reminds me of my days on webOS with my Palm Pres...but a million times better!
dmband64 said:
Not sure if you bought one yet, but I've had mine for a few days and I can tell you the wireless chargers that will work well with this will be a select few. It seems the coil in the PRIV is near the very bottom of the back, so chargers like the spigen listed above (Which I have and use with my Nexus 7 LTE) don't work well at all. It continuously connects and disconnects because the coil is so low on the PRIV that it doesn't line up well. I also have the most recent Samsung QI charger that I got for my Note 5, and that one actually works pretty well because you can set the PRIV on it towards the very bottom of the device. Another example is trying to us the Nexus QI charging orb, which the PRIV won't work well with because putting it on there so close to the bottom causes the device to fall over the top because it's top heavy. So long story short a pad or flat surface charger will most likely be best as it allows you to position the device properly. Hopefully this helps!
PS: This is the best device I've had in a long time, and I've owned most current and past flagships. Reminds me of my days on webOS with my Palm Pres...but a million times better!
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My Priv is arriving tomorrow I will use your recommendation when I will be buying wireless charger... It is just when using the pad, the device is laying down instead of being vertical so I could see and read messages...
By the way, have you tried to put your Priv in landscape on the wireless charger such as spigen?
Charkatak said:
My Priv is arriving tomorrow I will use your recommendation when I will be buying wireless charger... It is just when using the pad, the device is laying down instead of being vertical so I could see and read messages...
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Yeah I like the stand up chargers as well so I can view things while working. Let me know if you find a good one that works well.
Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk
dmband64 said:
Yeah I like the stand up chargers as well so I can view things while working. Let me know if you find a good one that works well.
Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk
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I just asked users on amazon if some of the chargers do work well with Priv. Will reply here if I get any answer. Have you tried to put your Priv in landscape on the wireless charger such as spigen? The reason I asked is because I read that some user had issues with some phones which would disconnect/re-connect, but when placed horizontally on the charger, all was well.
Charkatak said:
I just asked users on amazon if some of the chargers do work well with Priv. Will reply here if I get any answer. Have you tried to put your Priv in landscape on the wireless charger such as spigen? The reason I asked is because I read that some user had issues with some phones which would disconnect/re-connect, but when placed horizontally on the charger, all was well.
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Yes it does wort of work. The problem is that the coil is so low on the Priv that it falls of when trying to put it on there horizontal. Same with the Nexus orb. It's kind of annoying. One solution with the spigen is to put something under the priv when it's on there horizontal so it meets up with the higher coil as the spigen has three coils.
Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk
dmband64 said:
Yes it does wort of work. The problem is that the coil is so low on the Priv that it falls of when trying to put it on there horizontal. Same with the Nexus orb. It's kind of annoying. One solution with the spigen is to put something under the priv when it's on there horizontal so it meets up with the higher coil as the spigen has three coils.
Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk
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I saw 2 different Samsung chargers on amazon... Do you know the samsung charger's model # that you have described in one of your replies?
This is the one I have...
dmband64 said:
This is the one I have...
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Do you know if the main difference is the "fast charging" and if Priv might benefit from the below charger vs yours?
As far as I know the PRIV is not compatible with Fast Wireless Charging, but I'm not sure. The issue is simply the placement of the PRIV's wireless coil in the back of the phone. It's nearly at the very bottom of the phone so it doesn't align well with some wireless chargers. Most phones have the coil in the middle of the back.
dmband64 said:
As far as I know the PRIV is not compatible with Fast Wireless Charging, but I'm not sure. The issue is simply the placement of the PRIV's wireless coil in the back of the phone. It's nearly at the very bottom of the phone so it doesn't align well with some wireless chargers. Most phones have the coil in the middle of the back.
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Looks like Fast Charging is for samsung phones. I found couple of interesting chargers which are vertical:
1) http://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Miko...636&sr=8-5&keywords=vertical+wireless+charger
2) http://www.amazon.com/Aukey-Wireles...636&sr=8-6&keywords=vertical+wireless+charger
I think I would get the first one....
Anyone tried the Samsung wireless charger? I was trying with the Samsung wireless charger for S6 but it doesn't work...
Just found out my device is STV100-3 which doesn't support wireless charging.... Darn darn darn..... Ahhhhhhhhh
It should work with any QI wireless charger, assuming you have a model with wireless charging built in.
UPDATE: Contrary to my previous posts...the spigen charger referenced in this thread DOES work with the PRIV. I tried it again last night with a different cable and charger and it does work perfectly. It must have been an issue with the cable and charger I was using with it previously not providing enough voltage or something. Sorry for the incorrect information.
Also, I can confirm it does work with the Samsung chargers, but the PRIV's coil is at the very bottom so you have to line up the very bottom of the phone onto the charger. Hope this helps.
dmband64 said:
It should work with any QI wireless charger, assuming you have a model with wireless charging built in.
UPDATE: Contrary to my previous posts...the spigen charger referenced in this thread DOES work with the PRIV. I tried it again last night with a different cable and charger and it does work perfectly. It must have been an issue with the cable and charger I was using with it previously not providing enough voltage or something. Sorry for the incorrect information.
Also, I can confirm it does work with the Samsung chargers, but the PRIV's coil is at the very bottom so you have to line up the very bottom of the phone onto the charger. Hope this helps.
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Thanks for the update!
Moko Standup Charger
My priv has the official blackberry leather flip case, and I'm only interested in chargers that work with the phone in the case.
I just got the Moko stand up Qi charger a few days ago and it does NOT work reliably with the Priv in a case. It seems to work some of the time, but the night before last it charged to 60% and stopped. It's pretty easy to reproduce this behavior since it's never charged to 100%. One strange thing is that even when it only charged to 60%, it's pretty warm between the Priv and the stand. I know lipo lifetime is accelerated with heat, so I don't think using this, even if charges to 60% is a great idea..
I have a cheap square samsung charger that seems to work better, but you have to find the sweet spot.
I'm still looking for one that is 100%. Eventually, I want two, one for my desk and one for my car (air vent) but I'm definitely not going to try the Moko car version.
EDIT: I made shim (out of cardboard for now) to raise the phone up in the Moko dock by 1/2 inch. It charged to 100% for the first time! The phone is still pretty warm (about 94 degrees F) but that might be the way all of the Qi chargers work.
watsys said:
My priv has the official blackberry leather flip case, and I'm only interested in chargers that work with the phone in the case.
I just got the Moko stand up Qi charger a few days ago and it does NOT work reliably with the Priv in a case. It seems to work some of the time, but the night before last it charged to 60% and stopped. It's pretty easy to reproduce this behavior since it's never charged to 100%. One strange thing is that even when it only charged to 60%, it's pretty warm between the Priv and the stand. I know lipo lifetime is accelerated with heat, so I don't think using this, even if charges to 60% is a great idea..
I have a cheap square samsung charger that seems to work better, but you have to find the sweet spot.
I'm still looking for one that is 100%. Eventually, I want two, one for my desk and one for my car (air vent) but I'm definitely not going to try the Moko car version.
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After I got my Priv, I am leaning towards this one, but have yet to decide:
84281227 said:
Just about to get my Priv (FINALLY!), buying stuffs to armor it up - quick chargers, cases etc..
So here is the question: as there is no official wireless charger for Priv, which 3rd-party wireless charger available is best for it?
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This Meenova wireless charging dock is another choice -- adjustable, drop & charge.
Why BB want to have two versions? One with wireless and one w/o.........
US users are more privileged, while others over the other half of the world are not as privileged? :crying:
