Keyboard problem - Milestone 2 General

Problems whit the keyboard i found setting QWERTY UK pressing the Shift key until the lock is not we once again and the next letters is capitalized even back then lowercase letters, press ALT + ? appears - as it appears - instead of / without pressing ALT, as defualt language phone is Italian


change keys on keyboard?

Does anybody knows if it posible to change the assinment of the keys on the keyboard?
I would like to change the Windows Startbutton into CTRL, So i can easy use CTRL C and CTRL V.
Do i have to change the keybddr.dll for it?
Not to be a "me 2"er, but I am looking to swap the comma and period. They're on the same key, but I have to use the "Option" button (round dot) to get a comma. Well, when I'm option-locked and typing numbers, I use the period a lot more than when I'm typing letters. I'd like to see a way to simply swap those two functions on that key.
Changing Map
I´m from Brazil and in my portuguese keyboard I had an issue with comma an period keys.
I´ve used the AEKMap program to remap my keyboard. On google, type aekmap an the link will come.
Here are the settins i used.
; layout [email protected]
Layout Alvaro, Full-size Keyboard
Hint Alvaro
Key 00BE c002C; VIRGULA
key 00c0 c002e; ponto
big ups!

binding "sym" key to use acented, language specifi

In winXP we have right "alt" key to enter accented letter in ie Polish or French language.
Its possible to make Universal "sym" key to act in similar way? What files should have to be changed?
best regards,
That what the SYM key is for.
Press the letter that most closely resembles the accented key you want, and then press the SYM key until you get the accented letter you're looking for.
Yes I know that after 3 times Ill have accented letter, but I was meaning that after pressing sym AND another key I'll get accent immidiatelly, like in winXP with nationall keyboard. Anyway, Thanks for responce.
Best regards,
Piotr E

How can I type a symbol like æ (extended ascii) ?

On a PC, I'd use ALT + 145, to write the character æ. But on the phone, no ALT key. How do you write these extended ascii characters on this phone?
Press the Blue Dot button (Like Function or ALT on a PC) It's on the bottom row all the way to the left.
Then press the Tab button (next to space)
See how it says "SYM" in blue on that button.. that brings up the Symbol Menu. There are 15 pages of special characters... Including the one in your example.
If you are using onscreen keyboard, just select input method symbol Pad.

T9 + landscape + full keyboard : bug ??

Hi, in opera i tried to answer a mail in landscape mode. Using T9 with the full keyboard, when i press the "M" touch for a word begining with this letter, example "Maison" ( i'm french ), i only got a ";" .... and no way to have something else.. if i press "A" after, it is stuck to this ";"...
am i crazy ?

where can i find the underscore _

Hello, i have a little problem.
I would to setup windows messenger on my X1 but i need the _ to compleet the setup. but where can i find the _ on the X1.
bring up the on screen keyboard. its a hassle i know but the x1 doesnt seem to have it mapped on the query keyboard
It works! Thankz.
You can use the àü button (just above the "Sym" key on the hardware keyboard) for this and MANY other characters...
For example type a "-" and then press the àü key and it turns that "-" into the "_" that you wanted...
This also works for $, £, and loads more symbols can even customise it (I set mine up so I have easy access to £ and €...)
thay AU key doesnt seem to do anything for me. do i need to set it up first?
No it should just work ~maybe probs if you've installed a keyboard? or manila ...but fresh out of the box it works automatically
Connect your phone in ActiveSync mode to your computer and open \Windows\sym.0409.txt
That shows you the list ...for each character it shows what pressing the àü key will change it to (you have to press àü immediately after pressing the original key)
You can move them around. Each line is representing one hardware key. Each time you press àü it jumps to the next character on the line in that text file.
Here is an extract of mine -
So when I type "a" and then press àü it changes to à àü again and it changes to á ...
So to get the GBP symbol I just type @ and press àüand there you go... I have £
im usign the diamond keyboard. it doesnt do anythign for me when i press that button. dont have anything else installed. ill try to look up that file, thanks.
i tried opening it. it has everything you have and more. however, it doesnt work.
i'm using the X1ButtonMapper software and assigned the Tab+s key for underscore using the command SendKeys("_"). at the same time I assigned the $, %, and + keys to other buttons. it made sending e-mails and SMS a lot easier..

