binding "sym" key to use acented, language specifi - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

In winXP we have right "alt" key to enter accented letter in ie Polish or French language.
Its possible to make Universal "sym" key to act in similar way? What files should have to be changed?
best regards,

That what the SYM key is for.
Press the letter that most closely resembles the accented key you want, and then press the SYM key until you get the accented letter you're looking for.

Yes I know that after 3 times Ill have accented letter, but I was meaning that after pressing sym AND another key I'll get accent immidiatelly, like in winXP with nationall keyboard. Anyway, Thanks for responce.
Best regards,
Piotr E


How does one support the SYM (symbol) key in a text app?

Blue Angels have a new key called the "sym" key which is activated by hitting the "Fn" key and then the space bar key.
On a native PPC app like MS Word, the sym key will cause the character to the left of the cursor to cycle through any accented variants of that letter. We're writing a messaging app and wish to support French, Italian, Spanish and German as well as possible, but there doesn't seem to be any Microsoft documentation on how to support this key and its functions. Any help is greatly appreciated!
BTW, this is my first post I was pleasantly surprised that there's a whole forum dedicated to these devices!
Hmm no one knows about this?

Question about Wizard keyboard

Does it has ESC key ?
I hate ppc "virtual" keyboard (default, RESCO, ...) because they cant send ESC key. This is important when you are using "vi" on PocketPutty application.
Or anyone know any virtual keyboard that has ESC key ?
From the pictures and the I-mate K-JAM manual it doesnt appear to. Stop using VI, its terrible ;p
no it does not have a esc key
dvoraksip in the SDK does send escape keys (most complete keyboard I've seen, sends ctrl, alt, win key, has backspace and delete etc). But it helps if you can type using dvorak!
You could write a program to send custom keystrokes. I wrote a program once upon a time to send any keycode to current app, and this could be assigned to a hardware key etc. But it's a bit of a waste of a hardware key.
Escape key?
Maybe, but I am not sure about Escape key defined in Unicode:
AEKMap - AE Keyboard Mapper for Windows Mobile
thereaperman said:
no it does not have a esc key
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nor a CTRL key. So a bit limited for terminal applications then!
You can get ^ and [ by using the Sym modifier on the Space key on H and K.
Dunno if that can be persuaded to send the CTRL-[ escape sequence though.

change keys on keyboard?

Does anybody knows if it posible to change the assinment of the keys on the keyboard?
I would like to change the Windows Startbutton into CTRL, So i can easy use CTRL C and CTRL V.
Do i have to change the keybddr.dll for it?
Not to be a "me 2"er, but I am looking to swap the comma and period. They're on the same key, but I have to use the "Option" button (round dot) to get a comma. Well, when I'm option-locked and typing numbers, I use the period a lot more than when I'm typing letters. I'd like to see a way to simply swap those two functions on that key.
Changing Map
I´m from Brazil and in my portuguese keyboard I had an issue with comma an period keys.
I´ve used the AEKMap program to remap my keyboard. On google, type aekmap an the link will come.
Here are the settins i used.
; layout [email protected]
Layout Alvaro, Full-size Keyboard
Hint Alvaro
Key 00BE c002C; VIRGULA
key 00c0 c002e; ponto
big ups!

scandinavian letters (ä,ö) with MDA Vario?

I just bought a MDA Vario from the UK so I'm having a hard time typing scandinavian letters with the keyboard, could someone please tell me how I could remap the keys to get letters ä and ö or is there already a program that can give me these letters? To clarify, I can type them using the Sym key but I have to press the Sym so many times it slows my typing too much. Thanks!
Help? How can I remap the ä and ö keys?
there's file sym.txt that you can edit to get öä's faster, transfer it to your pc with ActiveSync, edit with notepad or similar and transfer back to your phone. That's it. My 1st line of that file for example looks like this:
I think you'll find the sym.txt from "Windows"-folder of your phone.
There's also Scandinavian softkeyboard CAB available but I don't know what that really does, you can find it from this forum.
What to edit?
What is it i shal edit to get this to work?
i want my danish keyboard to work as well.

Special characters shortcut

Is it possible to make longpressing a character on the keyboard use a character of my choice? rather than bringing up a menu where I have to click on the screen to choose character?
I want to use the character Å (A with a ring over it, its in the norwegian alphabet)
I longpress A, and that gives me a menu on the screen with Â, Ã, Ä and Å, and I have to click one of those!
Instead I want to set my own characters like this:
Longpress A = Å (A-ring)
Longpress E = Æ (AE)
Longpress O = Ø (O-line)
I dont know if this exists or even if it is possible, but it would be a great timesaver!
This would indeed be very useful. Request seconded.
Just as a tip for my fellow norwegians, since aa (a with ring above) is the key that is most to use, I usually just copy that letter and just paste it when I need it later, and long press o to got oe and then press enter, and for ae I just long press a and use the scroll wheel to move one field down and then press enter.
Not sure if this works for you, but I manage just fine with this approach. The only thing that annoys me is the lack of support for foreign keys in the android browser.

