[Q] Pre-paid plans - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have U.S. Cellular, but with the N4 being GSM only it looks like I'll have to either go AT&T, or T-Mobile. But, with it being unlocked, can I use it on pre-paid plans, like T-Mobile, Family Mobile, or Straight Talk?

Yes absolutely. Any GSM.
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk

Jesus, someone create a FAQ and sticky this before this **** gets out of hand.

_guzzler_ said:
Yes absolutely. Any GSM.
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk
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Perf_white_gt said:
Jesus, someone create a FAQ and sticky this before this **** gets out of hand.
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Thanks as well, I searched the entire Q&A, never saw a definitive answer, sorry for spamming...

This thread can help you make the decision: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1455014
Perf_white_gt said:
Jesus, someone create a FAQ and sticky this before this **** gets out of hand.
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I propose:
1 thread only for people who complain about no external storage
1 thread only for people who hate LG
1 thread only for people who complain about no LTE
1 thread only for people who still fixate on capacitive buttons


Nexus One Plan *need input*

hey guys i ordered the nexus one for 529
i was wondering if my current g1 plan unlimited text and internet will work with it as soon as i plug my sim in
thanks for your input!
did exactly that. no issues at all
Should work. Still an android data plan.
There's already a thread asking this exact same question. Next time search. As others have said, yes.
uansari1 said:
There's already a thread asking this exact same question. Next time search. As others have said, yes.
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i actually did search thanks a lot, check how long ive been on XDA next time. so thanks but stop mini modding
now back to the subject thanks guys!
pr0cl1v1ty said:
i actually did search thanks a lot, check how long ive been on XDA next time. so thanks but stop mini modding
now back to the subject thanks guys!
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Yeah, I don't give a sh!t how long you've been here if you don't know how to search. Obviously your tenure doesn't really mean much, does it.
As I said... your question was answered in that thread.
pr0cl1v1ty said:
hey guys i ordered the nexus one for 529
i was wondering if my current g1 plan unlimited text and internet will work with it as soon as i plug my sim in
thanks for your input!
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No, this won't work.
You just wasted your $529.
Sorry man.
uansari1 said:
Yeah, I don't give a sh!t how long you've been here if you don't know how to search. Obviously your tenure doesn't really mean much, does it.
As I said... your question was answered in that thread.
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ive been here longer then you bub, and im not trying to start anything.
and thanks for the sarcasim bro
pr0cl1v1ty said:
ive been here longer then you bub, and im not trying to start anything.
and thanks for the sarcasim bro
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Look, Bub. Who cares if you've been here longer than I have? Clearly it doesn't make you smarter. You tried calling me out for suggesting you search, then I posted the other thread that you claimed didn't exist. You make me laugh. Now drop it... your question has been answered. I'll get out of your thread now.
Children! Children! Please! Yes we know he should have search. He said he did and found nothing. He could have just as easily said that he did not try and it would have made no difference.
@uansari1 Calm the **** down, theres more people to blame for being guilty of this than just him. And there are bigger things to be *****in' about than just this. RELAX
@pr0cl1v1ty Yes the sim will work just fine, just take it out of your g1 and place in Nexus One. You dont even have to alert tmobile, it will work as soon as it is placed inside.
@Paul22000 Was that really neccesary? Dont forget that plain text cannot correctly display voice. And an ignorant newbie randomly searching the forums could come into this thread and be misinformed by your statement.
I'm on the no contract 500 min/unlim text/unlim data for $60 before my work discount annnd new to Tmo. No complaints so far
Also... Enough with the search comments... it gets rather childish.
Blueman101 said:
Children! Children! Please! Yes we know he should have search. He said he did and found nothing. He could have just as easily said that he did not try and it would have made no difference.
@uansari1 Calm the **** down, theres more people to blame for being guilty of this than just him. And there are bigger things to be *****in' about than just this. RELAX
@pr0cl1v1ty Yes the sim will work just fine, just take it out of your g1 and place in Nexus One. You dont even have to alert tmobile, it will work as soon as it is placed inside.
@Paul22000 Was that really neccesary? Dont forget that plain text cannot correctly display voice. And an ignorant newbie randomly searching the forums could come into this thread and be misinformed by your statement.
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thanks man for the consideration.

Goodbye Fascinate, Goodbye Verizon!

due to the terrible customer service me and the mrs have received, we have decided to switch carriers to t-mobile. i am now rocking the mytouch 4g and she has samsung galaxy s 4g, so i still get to see some of the sgs features, but i will miss my fascinate. anyone wanna buy it?
What is the point of threads like this? I could understand if you are a developer that actively contributes or develops things to this phone...but ordinary users? Why?
Goodbye Chucklehead! Man, what an exciting day for us!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
Please post this in the appropriate marketplace forum if you're looking to sell your Fascinate.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
I give a dollar...
Member since 2008 with a total of 4 posts. You'll be missed buddy!
PWGB,TKSGB10-12, adren shot xix, honeycomb2.03, ec09 radio.
Hehe. He said my touch....
good day.
thank you all for reminding me why i am glad to be leaving the verizon world.
I just couldn't stand idle...
You broke our hearts, OP... and you had to rub it in our faces!!!
musicman04 said:
thank you all for reminding me why i am glad to be leaving the verizon world.
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Your idiocy will have the same reception at the My Touch (he he he) forums. But again at 1. 3posts a year who the f will notice you?
PWGB,TKSGB10-12, adren shot xix, honeycomb2.03, ec09 radio.
musicman04 said:
thank you all for reminding me why i am glad to be leaving the verizon world.
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Are you really gonna play that card??? You make your first thread and first post ever today. Soooooo, your only contribution to the fascinate community is THIS pointless thread that basically screams "look at me". But the part that absolutely baffles me is. What the hell is that "donate to me" icon even doing their with your nick? I'm glad we didn't get to know you here based on your only 2 posts in the fascinate world.
good day.
what is your deal?
is this not a place where you can place your opinion on something. i dont give a damn if i have 1 post or 5000 posts. am i not allowed to state how i feel about a phone provider? or do i have to get YOUR approval first. get a life buddy, its a cell phone.
musicman04 said:
is this not a place where you can place your opinion on something. i dont give a damn if i have 1 post or 5000 posts. am i not allowed to state how i feel about a phone provider? or do i have to get YOUR approval first. get a life buddy, its a cell phone.
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this is a development forum, not a ***** about your carrier forum. if you wanna complain about Verizon then go to the vzw forums.
Sent from my Incredible 2 using XDA App
when you click on the link for samsung fascinate general forum, i saw this
Discussion about the Verizon Samsung Fascinate (general discussion, tips & tricks)
GENERAL DISCUSSION, last time i checked means GENERAL. that does not mean limited to what this guy or that guy wants to see.
or am i just being an asshole?
i can ***** about the phone, i had 3 different fascinates due to them all having different issues.
times_infinity said:
this is a development forum, not a ***** about your carrier forum. if you wanna complain about Verizon then go to the vzw forums.
Sent from my Incredible 2 using XDA App
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Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
@deliquified I agree with you 100 percent
PWGB,TKSGB10-14, adren shot xix, honeycomb2.03, ec09 radio.
musicman04 said:
when you click on the link for samsung fascinate general forum, i saw this
Discussion about the Verizon Samsung Fascinate (general discussion, tips & tricks)
GENERAL DISCUSSION, last time i checked means GENERAL. that does not mean limited to what this guy or that guy wants to see.
or am i just being an asshole?
i can ***** about the phone, i had 3 different fascinates due to them all having different issues.
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More to the point this was a goodbye thread which imo (and in reality) is completely pointless....if when adrynalyne left or if jt left or something that *might* warrant a thread like the one u started
But really, if every active member of this section posted something when switching phones or carriers that's all that would be in this forums...let alone members such as urself that never.posted or contributed anything
That's why u are getting blasted by others
nitsuj17 said:
More to the point this was a goodbye thread which imo (and in reality) is completely pointless....if when adrynalyne left or if jt left or something that *might* warrant a thread like the one u started
But really, if every active member of this section posted something when switching phones or carriers that's all that would be in this forums...let alone members such as urself that never.posted or contributed anything
That's why u are getting blasted by others
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+1 on that sh*t ! ... some (most) people just don't get it ?!
You had me in stitches when you said you were switching to T-Mobile because Verizon customer service was terrible..
Sent by way of the GB delivery truck..

Nexus s 4G flash to $50 Verizon prepaid

hello All, I love nexus s 4G, I wana buy it and flash it to Verizon prepaid
if some body have some guide step by step I have some information but is not enough for me...
also Im looking for Windows XP/7 drivers to be able connect it as COM port
is some body know pelase help me I need Verizon PRL files too
thank you Brothers!
ADMIN sorry for my post just ring here this is my first time first post, please move my message if so
not gonna happen
Why isn't it going to happen? pm me, i'll help you out.
why do you ask me to PM you? I'm unemployed right now, dont have extra money, and trying to save some by going to prepaid
This is public smart peoples community why don't your share your experience with other right here it would be very useful for many of us!
as soon as I discover it, I will publish here step by step instruction!
unless you know the exact memory addresses of anything sprint related, no. sure you can swap ESN's and change MIN's with a verizon device, but there is missing data that can't be changed easily. I've tried before,..
p.s. It's a felony
tylerwatt12 said:
unless you know the exact memory addresses of anything sprint related, no. sure you can swap ESN's and change MIN's with a verizon device, but there is missing data that can't be changed easily. I've tried before,..
p.s. It's a felony
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yes i believe you but im researching some peoples tells me that is possible...
i talking about nexus s 4g sprint version
it should be same procedure as EVO 4G change PRL info and passwords ind it should work... now im just discovering
tylerwatt12 said:
unless you know the exact memory addresses of anything sprint related, no. sure you can swap ESN's and change MIN's with a verizon device, but there is missing data that can't be changed easily. I've tried before,..
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hey thanks a lot for your post!!!
do you have actual verizon PRL's? would you pass me the link please
d00nald said:
hey thanks a lot for your post!!!
do you have actual verizon PRL's? would you pass me the link please
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I do, but PRL is only 1/10th of the problem. and the EVO 4G is completely different and the memory address on that would be a different location on this phone.
I won't stop you from trying, but here you go. It's all the DFS information
Wow, I attempt to help you via PM because this conversation itself is against XDA rules, and you think I'm going to ask you for money?
And it is common knowledge, why don't you look up "samsung epic meid repair".
It would tell you exactly!
You use a standard VERIZON PRL.
[email protected]
Those are the MIP/PPP settings.
You're welcome, next time, don't be a **** to someone whose attempting to help you. I will not answer any further questions, I have given you everything you need.
ps: http://corolada.com/prl
If you don't have any experience in ANYTHING in this field, you should not be attempting this.
slawson said:
Wow, I attempt to help you via PM because this conversation itself is against XDA rules, and you think I'm going to ask you for money?
And it is common knowledge, why don't you look up "samsung epic meid repair".
It would tell you exactly!
You use a standard VERIZON PRL.
[email protected]
Those are the MIP/PPP settings.
You're welcome, next time, don't be a **** to someone whose attempting to help you. I will not answer any further questions, I have given you everything you need.
ps: http://corolada.com/prl
If you don't have any experience in ANYTHING in this field, you should not be attempting this.
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I appreciate your answer, and I apologize for my misunderstanding and I dont see any ilegal here! there are bilon posts at this forum how to flash other kricket, joost and many other...
and again thanks a lot bro!
Swapping esn's is against the law and therefore against xda's rules. That's why he wanted to help via pm. Word of advice, don't be an asshole and call people out like that when they are only trying to help you. :thumbup:
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
not a problem, directly discussing modifying the MEID is against XDA rules. Feel free to text me 727 237 5609 and I will help you with whatever.
slawson said:
not a problem, directly discussing modifying the MEID is against XDA rules. Feel free to text me XXX XXX XXXX and I will help you with whatever.
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U should have sent the number via pm
There are plenty of trolls on xda
I even censored it for you in my quote
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
gtuansdiamm said:
U should have sent the number via pm
There are plenty of trolls on xda
I even censored it for you in my quote
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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I obviously posted my number for a reason, I have an android device, with the ability to block numbers from texting me.
I've been here long enough to know what threads get trolled, and which do not.
I'm trying to do the same thing except I'm trying to switch to straight talk and I have a sph-d720. I need to know if there's a certain sim card I need to get from straight talk?
I've flashed one to Page Plus (a prepaid network that uses Verizon), and it works fine.
I used these instructions: http://bubhutsa.blogspot.com/2011/11/nexus-s-4g-pageplus.html
I initially had an issue getting it to activate because the esn was incorrectly printed under the battery, but customer support recommended I try the esn number in the status menu, which worked. Other than that, it wasn't all too difficult if you are comfortable modifying your phone.
You would probably be happy with a used gsm nexus s and prepaid TMobile
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2
xur17 said:
I've flashed one to Page Plus (a prepaid network that uses Verizon), and it works fine.
I used these instructions:
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hey thanks for post! is the page plus verizon and unlimited $50 prepaid is the same? or their deferent? thanks!
BrianDigital said:
You would probably be happy with a used gsm nexus s and prepaid TMobile
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2
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This is exactly what I'm doing
d00nald said:
hey thanks for post! is the page plus verizon and unlimited $50 prepaid is the same? or their deferent? thanks!
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I'm not sure. What is the $50 plan you are talking about? I am talking about the plans at pagepluscellular.com.

[Q] C6602 vs C6603

Hello all,
Deciding to choose between the C6602 or C6603. I am in the US and it would be on Tmobile. Do both support HSPA+? I've also read that the ZL baseband can be flashed for LTE support in CA, has anyone tested in the US for AT&T or Tmobile? From what I understand, the ZL baseband supports those bands.
I would like to be able to choose between LTE and HSPA+
What is the best choice for my situation. These bands confuse me so I apologize, I did my research and this is my last resort to get a clear answer.
dsmero said:
Hello all,
Deciding to choose between the C6602 or C6603. I am in the US and it would be on Tmobile. Do both support HSPA+? I've also read that the ZL baseband can be flashed for LTE support in CA, has anyone tested in the US for AT&T or Tmobile? From what I understand, the ZL baseband supports those bands.
I would like to be able to choose between LTE and HSPA+
What is the best choice for my situation. These bands confuse me so I apologize, I did my research and this is my last resort to get a clear answer.
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why cant you ask in the right section? seeing how much phone you have and how long you been a member...
G1_enthusiast said:
why cant you ask in the right section? seeing how much phone you have and how long you been a member...
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You would think it's been asked before, lets have a look - C6602 vs C6603, and so it has, 3rd link down.
Wow thanks for the replies. These are so helpful.
dsmero said:
These are so helpful.
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Starting new threads in the wrong section about a subject that has a few threads already that I've shown can be found by Googling your own thread title is quite annoying to regular members who come here everyday.
XperienceD said:
Starting new threads in the wrong section about a subject that has a few threads already that I've shown can be found by Googling your own thread title is quite annoying to regular members who come here everyday.
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That doesn't give you the right to talk down to someone or give condescending responses. I posted in the wrong section, that has happened before and will happen again by others.
And I feel like you are saying because I don't "come here everyday" or post all the time is insulting. This is why I don't post, because they're is always someone ready to criticize at the blink of an eye.
I felt like my question was worth asking. I looked up and searched but my question differs slightly. I am in the US and was wondering if anyone else tried LTE.
dsmero said:
I felt like my question was worth asking. I looked up and searched but my question differs slightly. I am in the US and was wondering if anyone else tried LTE.
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Click the third link I mentioned, reread the rules, and watch the xda noob video.
XperienceD said:
Click the third link I mentioned, reread the rules, and watch the xda noob video.
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Sorry I am not a social degenerate on here 24/7 with 2000+ posts. This is an internet forum, not a communist country lol
Asking for a mod. Maybe if this is moved to QA it will stop the whining.
dsmero said:
Asking for a mod. Maybe if this is moved to QA it will stop the whining.
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So have you clicked the third link yet or. EDIT: I see you found it.
XperienceD said:
So have you clicked the third link yet or.
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lmao, yeah I have, it brought me to a site about you being a degenerate nerd outside the internet lol
whatever, this isnt worth my time.
dsmero said:
lmao, yeah I have, it brought me to a site about you being a degenerate nerd outside the internet lol
whatever, this isnt worth my time.
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I see the maturity of certain members here is on the decrease.
XperienceD said:
I see the maturity of certain members here is on the decrease.
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you started it with your smart remarks, now you can't take it. i'm supposed to roll over and let you talk down to me i guess.
dsmero said:
That doesn't give you the right to talk down to someone or give condescending responses. I posted in the wrong section, that has happened before and will happen again by others.
And I feel like you are saying because I don't "come here everyday" or post all the time is insulting. This is why I don't post, because they're is always someone ready to criticize at the blink of an eye.
I felt like my question was worth asking. I looked up and searched but my question differs slightly. I am in the US and was wondering if anyone else tried LTE.
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I'll answer any questions but when your too lazy to write in the right section or too lazy to look, thats when I become an asshole
G1_enthusiast said:
I'll answer any questions but when your too lazy to write in the right section or too lazy to look, thats when I become an asshole
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As i've stated before, it was mistakenly posted in the wrong section. As for looking, I've also stated that, there isn't a thread with my exact question, there are some close but not what I am looking for. Thats fine, you can be an internet tough guy on a forum, that will get you far in life.
I've contacted a moderator.
dsmero said:
now you can't take it.
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You can't, hence your crying about it.
dsmero said:
As i've stated before, it was mistakenly posted in the wrong section. As for looking, I've also stated that, there isn't a thread with my exact question, there are some close but not what I am looking for. Thats fine, you can be an internet tough guy on a forum, that will get you far in life.
I've contacted a moderator.
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....who care? you think i care if my account got blocked? i'll just make another one, ban my IP? i'll just refresh it big deal... its not like i'm getting paid for typing on forum genius.
OP - You should have searched & posted in the correct section. I'm not going to lecture you on this, we all have better things to do with our time.
The Rest - Seriously? What is your problem? Why can't you all just get on? If you have nothing constructive to say, don't post. This is the internet, if you're getting mad at someone you don't even know posting in the wrong place you take things way too seriously.
@G1_enthusiast - You think that XDA being a developers forum we don't have ways to know about duplicate accounts? Did you know that most browsers can be queried for a unique installation ID? IP's are an ancient and ineffective way to track users.
Thread Closed.

Lollipop confirmed for early April release by Bell

Good news folks. Lollipop will finally arrive for TMO and Canadian Note 4 users:
Can't wait for Arcadia Lollipop
HockeyNinja said:
Good news folks. Lollipop will finally be here:
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There are far too many threads on this; and this is the T-Mobile section, not Bell, rendering this thread irrelevant.
dc/dc said:
There are far too many threads on this; and this is the T-Mobile section, not Bell, rendering this thread irrelevant.
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Apologies, I only posted in here because the Canadian Note 4 variant is compatible with T-Mobile and there aren't any Bell/Rogers/Telus Note 4 threads. The TMO Arcadia firmware is actually the modified Canadian Note 4 firmware.
HockeyNinja said:
Apologies, I only posted in here because the Canadian Note 4 variant is compatible with T-Mobile and there aren't any Bell/Rogers/Telus Note 4 threads. The TMO Arcadia firmware is actually the modified Canadian Note 4 firmware.
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This is good news. Who knows, maybe will be better for the port that is happening for the tmo users. thanks for the information
Afterall, arcadia does flash on tmo!
dc/dc said:
There are far too many threads on this; and this is the T-Mobile section, not Bell, rendering this thread irrelevant.
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There is no Canadian Variant specific thread. mechanically the Tmobile variant is the closest to the Canadian W8. So I see no problem here.
Plus all development Roms for the W8 and within the T-Mobile android development section.
Sent from my SM-N910W8
dc/dc said:
There are far too many threads on this; and this is the T-Mobile section, not Bell, rendering this thread irrelevant.
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Love the "parents" on xda, thanks dad
Sent from my SM-N910W8 using XDA Free mobile app
tkjeeper said:
Love the "parents" on xda, thanks dad
Sent from my SM-N910W8 using XDA Free mobile app
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No but seriously too many threads nothing that has to do with us we are tmobile not att not sprint not bell. So why people see the need to post stuff like this is ridiculous. I remember a time when moderator would boot this to stickies.
God why do I get on here lol mods don't even complain as much as users. The guy made a valid point on why he posted it here. I second it ??
lorjay589 said:
God why do I get on here lol mods don't even complain as much as users. The guy made a valid point on why he posted it here. I second it ??
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I concur
diamantericos said:
No but seriously too many threads nothing that has to do with us we are tmobile not att not sprint not bell. So why people see the need to post stuff like this is ridiculous. I remember a time when moderator would boot this to stickies.
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Canadian roms run on tmobile FLAWLESSLY the very fact that they are getting an update and we HAVE someone who make Canadian roms in this section, is reason enough to announce. Stop sounding like the self righteous people over at the International forum.... if you are not interested in the information simply continue by and let the tmobile users who are excited for Arcadia dance on this.
Better yet go go ask the mods to make them a forum. I'm sure if you petition enough they will have it going ya?
Smh xda is a community site, time like this I wonder if that is the case at all. Why alienate certain group of people? Than again I don't blame you...if the mods specify this place is also for Canadian users we won't have this problem
daniel4653 said:
There is no Canadian Variant specific thread. mechanically the Tmobile variant is the closest to the Canadian W8. So I see no problem here.
Plus all development Roms for the W8 and within the T-Mobile android development section.
Sent from my SM-N910W8
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There needs to be a Canadian thread. I mean where are we to drop their roms, funny, everyone builds roms, and they leave out these guys!!!!
AxAtAx said:
There needs to be a Canadian thread. I mean where are we to drop their roms, funny, everyone builds roms, and they leave out these guys!!!!
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I agree I feel bad for the device lol but hey with a kernel they flash with eassseee
I agree that there should be a section dedicated to the folks in the great north that have similar phones to ours in the US!
But I sincerely doubt that T-Mobile themselves won't release Lollipop in early April when they and Samsung haven't made any progress, according to their website. And no T-Mobile support specialist is willing to divulge on any time frame.
LG G2 and G3 both moved to stage two at the same time 2 weeks ago while first being added when the update page was first announced and released and they are still in stage two as of this posting.
I suspect mid to late April for T-Mobile Note 4...
and, most importantly, why do we bother posting "news" that consists of a Twitter post...
next thing is we will post news based on what tea leaves tell someone..
Lmao the g3 got lollipop
Rogers confirmed (for what thats worth) as well.
Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk 4
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May not
ljwnow said:
May not
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Early April probably.
Let me clarify I wasn't insulting anyone I was simply stating why so many thread about tmobile and lolipop. I for one welcome anything that gives us a stable rom. My issue is Im a veteran member and thru the years with every major up date there are multiple threads. Either way there is no need for profanity in these forums . I actually love Canada I've been it was a pleasant trip.
