Battery Life - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I don't want to ruin the moment... but any info about battery life on Nexus 4?
I don't want to waste ~u$s360 with a device that longs 4/5 hours...

And how are we supposed to gather this type of information?
Wait for hands on reviews!

[email protected] said:
I don't want to ruin the moment... but any info about battery life on Nexus 4?
I don't want to waste ~u$s360 with a device that longs 4/5 hours...
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is the only question that I

According to gsmarena, it has a 2100 mah battery
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

Yeah, the big downside of a non-removable battery is the inability to upgrade if the battery life sucks. I can go over 24 hours on my Sensation with moderate use thanks to the extended battery I purchased for it.

It's a far cry from the GNexs 1750mAh battery, the 2100mAh battery in this should last a little longer.

I heard somewhere (for the life of me I cannot remember where) that it has somewhere around 12 hours talk-time. Of course that's yet to be confirmed...

well your basically getting a gnex with 350mah extra battery. and this time they are using a Li-polymer battery instead of the normal Li-ion so the battery will not degrade in about 2 years it will still hold a good charge.

anything's better than the iPhone 5's 1700 mAh batter

As seen in the pdf manual, there are only two little screws keeping you from removing the battery
Sent from the Nodes of Ranvier

CJHolderUK said:
anything's better than the iPhone 5's 1700 mAh batter
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1440 mAh.
That said, it's not only about mAh -- the iP5 holds pretty close to the Maxx from a lot of reviews.

Zurginator said:
1440 mAh.
That said, it's not only about mAh -- the iP5 holds pretty close to the Maxx from a lot of reviews.
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Exactly. But Android phones, particularly the high-end ones, require an added boost. The iPhone 5 doesn't need the extra battery power; Apple have been very clever when it comes to power consumption. It's impressive.

ethanj93 said:
well your basically getting a gnex with 350mah extra battery. and this time they are using a Li-polymer battery instead of the normal Li-ion so the battery will not degrade in about 2 years it will still hold a good charge.
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Plus, no battery hungry CPU or screen like the Gnex!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Premium HD app

eep2378 said:
As seen in the pdf manual, there are only two little screws keeping you from removing the battery
Sent from the Nodes of Ranvier
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That, and probably some glue

I took a review concerning this topic:
LG Optimus also has 2100mAh (I know, doesn't have to be same manufacteur) and the same components and it has a really good battery life.
Always better than S3.
+ LG says that their battery has more charging cycles. In the data sheet of Nexus 4 and Optimus G it says 800 instead of the usual 500:
+ (OT) really flat display so you don't feel the distance of your fnger to the screen (same source)

eep2378 said:
As seen in the pdf manual, there are only two little screws keeping you from removing the battery
Sent from the Nodes of Ranvier
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2100mAh should be pretty good, especially without LTE.
Sent from my bootloader-locked MB865.

One other small thing to note, the battery is a bit higher voltage than your standard cell. 3.8v vs 3.6v, so that works out to 7.98Wh vs 7.56Wh.

manlisten said:
Yeah, the big downside of a non-removable battery is the inability to upgrade if the battery life sucks. I can go over 24 hours on my Sensation with moderate use thanks to the extended battery I purchased for it.
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Mine was giving me about 36 hrs with moderate use on ARHD ? Like a year ago ? Besides this phone will have so many kernels and rooms to choose from in like a month or so that will help you get better management of it that I just don't see it being an issue ??? And chances are you might not even have it after two years when the battery starts degrading ...


Battery Comparison.

I'm going to be a useful XDA Member!
I bought a genuine Galaxy S 4G battery which is rated at 1650mAh. It's Samsung Branded, says 1650mAh and everything!
So I decided to see how much, if any, improvement there actually is. I was doing this for my own purposes, but I decided I'll share results with you guys too! I'm going to drain both the batteries doing the exact same test, and time them! Simple enough, right?
Configuration of the test:
-SRF Frozen 1.1.1 ROM with included Twlight Kernel. Undervolted (Forgot settings, will post when change batteries)
-Display at 100% Brightness
-Bluetooth on
-Wi-Fi Off
-Background Data off
-Auto-sync off
-Streaming THIS youtube video on the desktop site using Dolphin HD with Flash 10.3 plug-in
I'll update when the battery dies. =D
So I got my results ready... Took a while but BAM:
1500mAh battery lasted 1 hour and 58 minutes.
1650 mAh battery lasted 2 hours and 16 minutes.
I will have to see how real world use is, but this is pretty encouraging considering I was just trying to kill this battery as fast as possible. I was pretty skeptical about this battery ACTUALLY being 1650mAh, even though it is genuine Samsung, but it is!
So if you guys want better battery life, and no extended back, I'd say spring for a Galaxy S 4G battery.
Yippeeee, I cant wait to see the results, im sooooo exited. I bet the 1650mah lasts just a little bit longer but thats just my wild guess.
Are you calibrating the batteries beforehand? Well running them out calibrate them and make better results in a second round of tests?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Hypnotic2010 said:
Yippeeee, I cant wait to see the results, im sooooo exited. I bet the 1650mah lasts just a little bit longer but thats just my wild guess.
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Pretty ignorant and condescending. =)
The Root said:
Are you calibrating the batteries beforehand? Well running them out calibrate them and make better results in a second round of tests?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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The 1500 mAh one was calibrated, but the 1650 one was not. If it's really important to you, I can do this tomorrow or another day I have time, I just don't have the patience to stare at my phone anymore, I want to use it. xP
Sprintguy1376 said:
The 1500 mAh one was calibrated, but the 1650 one was not. If it's really important to you, I can do this tomorrow or another day I have time, I just don't have the patience to stare at my phone anymore, I want to use it. xP
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I hear you, but if you want this to be a helpful thread this test needs to be done in a scientific manner. Successful science and patience rarely combine well. Please calibrate both or else it's more apples to oranges than it already will be. Technically, I wish this was a brand new phone with a stock battery being first calibrated and the replacement battery being put through the same circumstances at the same time.
Edit: specifying what the heck i'd want
Seems about right.
118 minutes for the 1500mah
136 minutes for the 1650mah
That is a 15% increase.
The 1650 is 10% bigger than the 1500mah battery at advertised mah ratings. I am guessing you have had your 1500mah battery in use for a few months at least. Lets assume that it has diminished to 90% capacity from the new state of around 97% rated capacity which would be ~4-6 months of use. That means your 1500mah would be 1350mah.
Your 1650 is really 1600mah new most likely (97% rated).
That would make your 1650mah battery's real capacity around 18.5% larger than the 1500mah battery's real capacity, which is right in line with your test of around a 15% improvement.
Not pulling these numbers totally out of my ass BTW.
muyoso said:
Seems about right.
118 minutes for the 1500mah
136 minutes for the 1650mah
That is a 15% increase.
The 1650 is 10% bigger than the 1500mah battery at advertised mah ratings. I am guessing you have had your 1500mah battery in use for a few months at least. Lets assume that it has diminished to 90% capacity from the new state of around 97% rated capacity. That means your 1500mah would be 1350mah.
Your 1650 is really 1600mah new most likely (97% rated).
That would make your 1650mah battery's real capacity around 18.5% larger than the 1500mah battery's real capacity, which is right in line with your test of around a 15% improvement.
Not pulling these numbers totally out of my ass BTW.
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Yay! Science worked! Now to test 1000 more times to avoid the small sample size argument. No, but really this thread just turned the helpful corner and I'm considering.
Edit: spelling (tori)

Battery drain on the g2

Cheers everyone,i have a problem with my battery-it is draining too much power in standby mode.I flashed 7-8 roms(both sense,aosp or cm7) and with all of them the battery drains 31-34mah .I know this is not extreme,but i don't think its normal.My SGS drains 2-4mah no matter the rom,my hd2 drains 7-9mah with nand android.
By night,when i sleep,battery goes down from 100% to 78% (that's 8 hours)
As i said,i tried many roms,i changed radio,too.
For info my g2 is s-off and dz hboot.
Any suggestions?
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
Mid 30s mAh is the lowest I get with the G2. That's my battery drain if I have good, consistent reception or if I'm connected to Wi-Fi with wifi calling enabled.
With my average use (a good amount of texts, whatsapp messages, emails, small amount of web browsing), I'm down from 100% to low 60's or mid 50's at the end of the day. If I don't charge at night I can get 40 hours on a single charge if I am very conservative.
That being said I really don't think you can do any better, nor do I think your battery situation is anything to complain about. Regarding the the other phones with 2-4 mAh, I have read of those kinds of readings for other phones but in the end the battery life in terms of hours is similar.
I'm 32mA on standby, I seriously doubt the 2-4mA reading, old nokia's drew more than that.
Only advice I can offer is breaking your battery in if new or purchasing a bigger battery. I was pointed to 1600mAh Anker batteries recently, around £8 on amazon uk. Just waiting on delivery though I am reasonably happy with the stock battery, get a around 24hrs on a typical day.
Myrmidon83 said:
I'm 32mA on standby, I seriously doubt the 2-4mA reading, old nokia's drew more than that.
Only advice I can offer is breaking your battery in if new or purchasing a bigger battery. I was pointed to 1600mAh Anker batteries recently, around £8 on amazon uk. Just waiting on delivery though I am reasonably happy with the stock battery, get a around 24hrs on a typical day.
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2-4mA is the drain of the SGS.My battery record with sgs with stock battery is 3 days and a half with 8 hours display ON.I could never get that battery life with my g2.
I noticed a significant drop in battery life when I updated the latest version of google Maps. I wish that I could back out to a previous version. A normal drain for me prior to the update was minimal (say a quarter of the way on the icon) for an entire day's usage of phone and various apps and texting. Now, my battery drains down to YELLOW stage even if I'm only on Stand-by mode.
I am running the latest stable version of CM7 and had absolutely no problems or significant negatives until this gMap update.
spookhc said:
2-4mA is the drain of the SGS.My battery record with sgs with stock battery is 3 days and a half with 8 hours display ON.I could never get that battery life with my g2.
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That's impressive! I hadn't heard anything about such good battery life for the SGS. Makes me wonder exactly is the cause of the vision standby drain, with all the internal components current draw & screen off, I would have thought maybe around 10mA would be reasonable.
Myrmidon83 said:
That's impressive! I hadn't heard anything about such good battery life for the SGS. Makes me wonder exactly is the cause of the vision standby drain, with all the internal components current draw & screen off, I would have thought maybe around 10mA would be reasonable.
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I think samsung just did a better job than htc in terms of battery.Ofcourse,these 8 hours display on,are mostly with dark colours,i read books with white text on black blackground,maybe this is what extends battery life on the sgs so much.Yet,even if so,sgs has better battery life.
Remember were talking mili amps here ppl, I doubt anything can survive on 2mA...js
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
ptesmoke said:
Remember were talking mili amps here ppl, I doubt anything can survive on 2mA...js
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
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Ofc it can.I think its just the g2 does not go to "deep sleep" like the sgs,but is just screen off
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

Finally a solution for S2's horrible battery life that I can live with...

The Samsung Galaxy S2 has horrible battery life. The 1650mah battery will not suffice to anyone but light users.
In my eyes, there are many unacceptable solutions:
- Disabling battery hungry features (lowering screen brightness, undervolting CPU, uninstalling certains apps, disabling real-time sync, etc.) - I find this compromise unacceptable, I bought this device to use it with all its glory.
- Using a larger extended battery - I find this solution unacceptable, since in order for a poweruser to get through the day, at least a 3000mah battery is required. Such a battery, although exist for the S2, adds significant weight and bulk. The device becomes ugly and uncomfortable to carry around.
- Upgrading to a device with much better battery life - currently there are two, the Motorola Maxx, which I find ugly, and the Samsung Note 2, which is realy big to handle...
So, after much thought and experimentation, I finally want to report my success story (yes it's an old solution, but somehow most don't understand its enourmous power): I'm using a secondary battery. I bought another original 1650mah battery (with a seperate charger). The 1650mah battery is very light and small, so it easily fits inside my very small wallet. When I need to switch (middle day), I clocked the switch at just under 60 seconds (from pressing the power off button, to being able to fully use the device again with a fresh battery including the rubber case installed).
This is such a simple solution, it has practically zero drawbacks (If you don't mind losing 60 seconds of your life everyday...), it gives you the equivalent of a 3300mah battery (which is much more than any extended battery advertized as being 3300mah, even Mugen's), yet so few people use it...
wowwww you wrote all this just to tell us you have a secondary battery.
I know, it seems like an overkill but really, I spent 1.5 years trying to solve the S2 battery problem without huge compromises (and everything else apart from a secondary battery is a huge compromise), and I can only regret I didn't read a post like mine...
u wasted ur 1,5 years for just a secondary batt??? do u know how funny u're...
how about having a micro USB powerbank??
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
S 2's battery actually doesn't suck. It is better than most of android phones.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Noam23 said:
I know, it seems like an overkill but really, I spent 1.5 years trying to solve the S2 battery problem without huge compromises (and everything else apart from a secondary battery is a huge compromise), and I can only regret I didn't read a post like mine...
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samsungs 2000mah extended battery iis realy good its just pricey
Don't see how this 'sollution' is from a different category than the other ones you've stated.. It all depends on the user, and what he/she knows about saving battery without UC and stuff.
Maybe you would last longer with one battery if your stories would be shorter
Sent from the Matrix
Donnie Sins said:
Don't see how this 'sollution' is from a different category than the other ones you've stated.. It all depends on the user, and what he/she knows about saving battery without UC and stuff.
Maybe you would last longer with one battery if your stories would be shorter
Sent from the Matrix
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I thought I made it clear why the extra battery is a solution of a different category
- It allows you to have all the phone's features ON.
- It allows you to enjoy its comfortable, light and slick original design.
- It allows you to enjoy the equivalent of a *true* 3300mah battery.
- Minimal fuss (60 sec battery switch).
Nothing can come close to such a solution (for a power user who needs a long lasting phone). Practically no drawbacks, only benefits (in comparison to any other solution, which always present a severe compromise).
I think it's rather a good advice, than a "solution". And indeed, this is a feature you will miss whent it's gone: The replaceable battery. I've bought the 2000 mAh battery by Samsung. So I have the greater battery plus a secondary one, if needed.
BAZZI_US said:
I think it's rather a good advice, than a "solution". And indeed, this is a feature you will miss whent it's gone: The replaceable battery. I boght the 2000 mAh battery by Samsung. So I have the greater battery plus a secondary one, if needed.
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I agree, the word "advice" is more appropriate
Btw, are the 1650mah and 2000mah batteries interchangeable ? I thought they use different battery cover...
Noam23 said:
The Samsung Galaxy S2 has horrible battery life. The 1650mah battery will not suffice to anyone but light users.
In my eyes, there are many unacceptable solutions:
- Disabling battery hungry features (lowering screen brightness, undervolting CPU, uninstalling certains apps, disabling real-time sync, etc.) - I find this compromise unacceptable, I bought this device to use it with all its glory.
- Using a larger extended battery - I find this solution unacceptable, since in order for a poweruser to get through the day, at least a 3000mah battery is required. Such a battery, although exist for the S2, adds significant weight and bulk. The device becomes ugly and uncomfortable to carry around.
- Upgrading to a device with much better battery life - currently there are two, the Motorola Maxx, which I find ugly, and the Samsung Note 2, which is realy big to handle...
So, after much thought and experimentation, I finally want to report my success story (yes it's an old solution, but somehow most don't understand its enourmous power): I'm using a secondary battery. I bought another original 1650mah battery (with a seperate charger). The 1650mah battery is very light and small, so it easily fits inside my very small wallet. When I need to switch (middle day), I clocked the switch at just under 60 seconds (from pressing the power off button, to being able to fully use the device again with a fresh battery including the rubber case installed).
This is such a simple solution, it has practically zero drawbacks (If you don't mind losing 60 seconds of your life everyday...), it gives you the equivalent of a 3300mah battery (which is much more than any extended battery advertized as being 3300mah, even Mugen's), yet so few people use it...
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you still have to carry the cover everywhere too.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
you really cant notice the samsung extended battery is any bigger, especially if you have a case on your phone then it is impossible to tell. Much better than carrying and charging two batteries imo!
I dont have the extended battery and when using my phone hard over the day i can get 5 hours screen time on standard size anker battery. Have you tried using BBS to workout why your battery life is soo poor?
Chanz09 said:
you still have to carry the cover everywhere too.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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What do you mean "carry the cover everywhere" ? which cover ? I only carry the additional 1650mah battery in my wallet...
iamflamez said:
you really cant notice the samsung extended battery is any bigger, especially if you have a case on your phone then it is impossible to tell. Much better than carrying and charging two batteries imo!
I dont have the extended battery and when using my phone hard over the day i can get 5 hours screen time on standard size anker battery. Have you tried using BBS to workout why your battery life is soo poor?
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But you can't compare two 1650mah batteries to one 2000mah battery... the 3300mah solution gives you 65% more juice...
Regarding carrying an additional 1650mah battery, it's so small and light (30 grams) that after putting it in my wallet I forget about it completely. Charging two batteries is no fuss at all, if you have a seperate battery charger.
You are getting 5 hours screen time on 1650mah battery ? for me this is impossible, while every feature is ON (real time sync, auto brightness, facebook app, normal volt, constant 3G connection) I get this amount from two batteries (but the phone operates much more than 5 hours, more like 20). I do have bad reception at my work, which might drain the battery more.
2000+1650 battery is better than your solution, lol
nevelast said:
2000+1650 battery is better than your solution, lol
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And 2000 + 2000 is even better
But really, 3300mah is more than anyone would require in 1 day. It's really an overkill in itself (it's more than the Note 2 battery, and for a much smaller screen...).
you forgot the 1650 battery that came with the phone & money spent in vain?!
How do you charge both of the batteries? I mean you have one s2, or you use external charger to charge extra battery?
And My S2 lasts a day with 3hour of music, 4hour of screentime! No undervolting or compromise, Wifi n Data mostly on, I even use Google Now! Stweaks settings for best performance!
Sh4Dy said:
How do you charge both of the batteries? I mean you have one s2, or you use external charger to charge extra battery?
And My S2 lasts a day with 3hour of music, 4hour of screentime! No undervolting or compromise, Wifi n Data mostly on, I even use Google Now! Stweaks settings for best performance!
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Yes, I use external charger to charge the extra battery ($10 on ebay), and another $25 for the extra original 1650mah battery.
I think the battery life has a lot to do with the signal quality, and the signal sucks at my workplace (also, if you are using WIFI instead of 3G you'll again save a lot in battery, but I'm using 3G...).
Noam23 said:
Yes, I use external charger to charge the extra battery ($10 on ebay), and another $25 for the extra original 1650mah battery.
I think the battery life has a lot to do with the signal quality, and the signal sucks at my workplace (also, if you are using WIFI instead of 3G you'll again save a lot in battery, but I'm using 3G...).
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I use both, but mostly Wifi.
Edit: And I don't like keeping it on minimum brightness, it kinda changes colors in S Amoled. White seems yellowish, grey becomes something else, so I keep it around 35-40%

Battery Life Discussion Here

Since I usually start this thread I thought I would get it up here and ready to go!
Post all of your information regarding battery life, on screen times, tweaks, and tips here!
Hardcore73 said:
Since I usually start this thread I thought I would get it up here and ready to go!
Post all of your information regarding battery life, on screen times, tweaks, and tips here!
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Since i always post the same problem, battery life could be better, will probably get 8-9 hours, with 3-4 screen time. Gonna keep it stock kernal so its more stable.
i think 2800 mah battery not enough for daily usage
stormy_ugur said:
i think 2800 mah battery not enough for daily usage
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It's 2600 mAh, not 2800 mAh. And why do you think it won't be enough? They're probably making AMOLED even more efficient than it was last year and the new Exynos SoC is up to 30% more efficient than current offers because of the 14 nm half node.
They are slapping power user in the face with non removable battery. Now instead of carrying spare battery I need to bring a chunky PowerBank. Can't Samsung realize they are not apple and they abandon their core audience do them no good?
dandroid13 said:
It's 2600 mAh, not 2800 mAh. And why do you think it won't be enough? They're probably making AMOLED even more efficient than it was last year and the new Exynos SoC is up to 30% more efficient than current offers because of the 14 nm half node.
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is it not possible to insert 3000 mAh battery to s6? it won't be more usefull for users? why samsung still parsimonious? s5 has 2800 mAh battery & s4 has 2600 mAh battery and s6 will come with 2600 mAh battery. sometimes i can't understand to Samsung.
stormy_ugur said:
is it not possible to insert 3000 mAh battery to s6? it won't be more usefull for users? why samsung still parsimonious? s5 has 2800 mAh battery & s4 has 2600 mAh battery and s6 will come with 2600 mAh battery. sometimes i can't understand to Samsung.
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Like I said, if these rumors get confirmed, it's quite possible that the GS6 will perform better than current smartphones, even with a smaller battery. Which in that case allows a slimmer, lighter device.
Enviado do meu Galaxy S5
If the phone is getting a QHD Screen I doubt that there will be any better battery results than the other mainstream smartphones.
Just compare the Note 3 vs Note 4.
What about a poll with:
a) I want a phone slim like a post card with 3-5 hours SOT
b) I want a phone slim like a S3/One/Lumia with 12-15 hours SOT
LINK to GSMARENA Battery Leaks
It seems like a non removable battery with 2600mAh
The QHD on the Korean S5 LTE-A had about the same battery life as the US variant. Therefore, the QHD on the S6 should have the same...if not better battery life even with a smaller 2600 battery. I wouldn't worry too much only complaint is that it'll be non-removable
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dandroid13 said:
Like I said, if these rumors get confirmed, it's quite possible that the GS6 will perform better than current smartphones, even with a smaller battery. Which in that case allows a slimmer, lighter device.
Enviado do meu Galaxy S5
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i see bro. thanks for your explanation. i think you will buy a GS6 when it available for users
Since S6 was said to use Exynos7420 instead of Qualcomm........the consumption of cortex A57 would exceed A15 and Krait a lot according to Anandtech
pikatchu said:
What about a poll with:
a) I want a phone slim like a post card with 3-5 hours SOT
b) I want a phone slim like a S3/One/Lumia with 12-15 hours SOT
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I'll take Option C. A phone that is 12mm thin and has more like 20 hours of SOT.
There's no point in making super powerful smartphones, if we can't use them like the pocket sized PCs that they have evolved into. I'm sure there are many people who would love to use their phone to get actual work done without having to worry about the battery. Also, since batteries wear out over time, I'd rather have a bigger battery than what would seem to be big enough at first.
pikatchu said:
If the phone is getting a QHD Screen I doubt that there will be any better battery results than the other mainstream smartphones.
Just compare the Note 3 vs Note 4.
What about a poll with:
a) I want a phone slim like a post card with 3-5 hours SOT
b) I want a phone slim like a S3/One/Lumia with 12-15 hours SOT
LINK to GSMARENA Battery Leaks
It seems like a non removable battery with 2600mAh
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Because the CPU/GPU only within the same generation range on 1080P(note3) and 2K(note4) though on paper spec. the latter one should be a lot better but still same generation and indeed that kind of power isn't enough to push 2K. Hence, the CPU/GPU will always require to run at a higher clock and battery draining even just on 2D.
S6 is running a whole new CPU with 14nm manufacturing process, the situation should be much better though but I agreed 1080P is enough on a tiny screen and I also prefer more battery life.
Is the battery removable?
I don't think so
The battery will NOT be 2600 for the MILLIONTH TIME. IT'S ANNOYING ME HOW blind all these websites and you lot are. The info is right in front of you the batteries were for G925 WHICH IS THE CODE FOR THE S EDGE. NOT S6
Its funny to see how rumors, leaks and teasers mess with people's brains and expectations, the media really knows how to get in your heads. We will know by sunday's time, then all of you will really have something solid to criticize until the next device comes up, so just hang in there. I just hope it lasts me the whole day on moderate use, so that I can charge it overnight
Butthurt much?
Battery size difference of 200 mah is meaningless. What matters is actual battery performance. Is there a correlation? Sure. Does every phone last same length of time with the same capacity battery? Hell, no.
chong67 said:
Is the battery removable?
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Heard it is not, but I hope it is.
We will see next week.

3200mAh BL-T5 nexus 4 battery. Is that true?

I was searching for a battery for my mako and I found this
Is that true or fake? I see positive feedback tho.
Ahmed Kassem said:
I was searching for a battery for my mako and I found this
Is that true or fake? I see positive feedback tho.
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I'm also Interested
If it's 3200 mAh, why does the pic say 3500mAh? I call fake
It's fake folks. Those batteries are usually tested without a standardized current draw. Like if the standard is to draw 200 ma of current till it depletes , they draw 50 ma which then results in a larger output number. Slower you draw , more capacity you get on paper. Mako's battery is almost as good as it gets in this size with Li-ion.
So can one recommend me a battery to buy? Aliexpress recommended please.
Thanks in advance
I'd like to know if anyone can recommend one too, eBay/aliexpress is fine with me too
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
NO! my friend bought 3500 mah battery. We switched on GPS, 3G, max brightness, youtube video (looong video) and original battery (which was 2 years old) lasted 3 H 30 M and this ****ty 3500 mah battery in the same conditions (of course we charged it first then discharged to 0% then charged again like 3-4 cycles like this) lasted 3 H 25 M.
There is mod for Nexus 5 when you can put G2 3000 mah battery inside nexus 5. It fits well. I am searching for other phones original battery for nexus 4 which has more mahs then N4. Please if you know anything about this kind of battery of other phone, send me info about it. I want to make that mod to my N4
HSA batteries = CRAP
