RPi/ Asterik & FreePBX - Raspberry Pi General

This thread is dedicated for Asterik /FreePBX RPi project. The intent of this thread is to compile all information on installation,upgrade, mods,hacks, tips, tutorials,suggestions regarding anything to do with Asterik or FreePBX running on RPi. This is a general thread that anyone can contribute their knowledge regarding this topic as I am new to the Asterik scene. But am eager to get this running quickly since I received my RPi today. Some useful websites that have got me started to a quick start is posted.

katinatez said:
This thread is dedicated for Asterik /FreePBX RPi project. The intent of this thread is to compile all information on installation,upgrade, mods,hacks, tips, tutorials,suggestions regarding anything to do with Asterik or FreePBX running on RPi. This is a general thread that anyone can contribute their knowledge regarding this topic as I am new to the Asterik scene. But am eager to get this running quickly since I received my RPi today. Some useful websites that have got me started to a quick start is posted.
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Anyone here managed to interface their pi with a regular PSTN phone line? I've got an idea for a project with asterisk, but I don't know how to get it interfaced with the phone line

pbxiaflash has a working image already for both the 256 and the 512 versions of pi.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 04:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:55 PM ----------
You will need to use an ata to interface to the pstn network. I personally use a Cisco 3102 for my connection but others are available.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda app-developers app

pulser_g2 said:
Anyone here managed to interface their pi with a regular PSTN phone line? I've got an idea for a project with asterisk, but I don't know how to get it interfaced with the phone line
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What you want is a Linksys SPA3000. Usually less than $40 on eBay.
If you want something else, you need to look for a FXO adapter.


[REQ] Need Beta Testers (Animated Children's Book) [ENDED]

Hi Guys,
I have spent several years in the device specific forums here at XDA and finally I need some help from the community.
The company I work for is developing animated children's book for Android, iOS (and soon WinPhone7).
As an avid Android user, I find cross-platform applications are often sub-par on Android, and even across devices within the Android platform. Our company is dedicated to writing our applications from the ground up on each platform and particularly in the case of Android to ensure that our applications look great across all devices.
We are looking currently for users with Android devices to test and give feedback, volunteers are to send me a private message with their username, hardware devices they can test on and OSs. They will be send a custom build featuring their username.
The requirements and requested feedback is as follows:
Android Phone or Tablet
Stock OS preferrable.
MDPI or higher device.
An Interest in Children's books.
We would LOVE to have this tested on a Xoom Tablet.
OS Version
Device Name
Comments on performance and appearance.
Testing at the moment is focussing on the performance and appearance of the application but comments regarding the "story" and it's illustration that are relevent would also be appreciated.
I'm not sure if the rules of advertising apply here but if you require more information feel free to PM me and I can provide a link to our website pending allowance from admins to post our name and address.
UPDATE: Thank you for all those who have helped and provided feedback. My apologies to those who have not yet had replies. The BETA has now ended and the product will be releasing very soon.
I'd like to beta test it.
ante0 said:
I'd like to beta test it.
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Thanks ante0, please send a pm with the requested information and I'll get a build to you as soon as possible.
I'll help you beta test this out...pm sent...
Pm sent
Sent from my Xoom using XDA App
Thanks guys for your PMs, replies sent.
PM sent. :-D
Love to beta test it on my Xoom. I think my 3.5 year old would be glad to help too.
I'd be willing to beta test this on my Nexus One and my Xoom.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
I would love to Beta test the Application .
I have an Adam tablet running Android 2.3.
Would be awesome to beta test for you. PM sent
beta tester
i want to be a beta tester pm sent
Knavve said:
my 3.5 year old
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...love it...
only here on xda...
If you are still in need of testers, I would love to be involved.
I will get my XOOM 29 March. Right now has Nexus One with CM7. I would like to test it, because I have a daughter, so she will help me with test
Thanks guys, appreciate the assistance, please give me a couple of days to get back to everyone.
Sent from my GT-P1000
Replies Complete
Hi all,
I have now sent out the first few copies of the application for testing. I have replied to all PMs with either an email wit hthe file and instructions where supplied, or a request for a contact email to which I can send further instructions and the application.
If I have missed anyone I apologies, please message me again and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I have had a large number of PMs and I'm only human so in between relaxing for the weekend I have tried to reply to everyone without missing any out.
Thanks again and I look forward to some feedback from the community.
Me me me!
I'd love to test this out. My 3 year old and my soon-to-be-1 year old would love to be able to listen to different stories than the ones I've already bought. ^_^
And, to the person who wonders if this is practical... it truly is.
I'm sending a PM, hope I can be involved.
Hi Guys,
Please do send in more PMs. We have have had several testers on the Motorola XOOM tablet so we don't really need many more of them, but please if you have other devices get in touch, the BETA will be running for a day or two longer.
i am a stay at home dad with a 7 month old ..... i would be honored to be a part of something so important to the new generations development... lord knows the world will need our kids to be smarter

[occupy nvidia]how you can help

First of all I'm no trying to troll nor spam, I am a T-mobile G2x user and over at the G2x forums we started a thread, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1360051 this thread is to get nvidia to release the source code for the tegra 2 chip, this way we can get more stable roms and yes fully functional ICS build.
I'm only doing this because the Atrix uses the same tegra 2 chip, thanks for your understanding.
I sent mine!
Just to let you know, Nvidia is in no way required to release drivers for their SoC. That stuff is completely proprietary and doesn't fall under the GPL.
i sent mine!
Occupy ?
Dont think so, we're not pirates. I've sent an email to nvidia.
Please release source code for the Tegra2, so the developers can support our mobile devices and tablets better and faster. I want to take more advantage of the Tegra2 chip inside my Motorola Atrix 4g and hoping that you could give the community a hand about this.
Regards, Sinan.
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edgeicator said:
Just to let you know, Nvidia is in no way required to release drivers for their SoC. That stuff is completely proprietary and doesn't fall under the GPL.
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We are all aware of this, but maybe with a shot of luck they decide to help developers, and release at least some code.
Even Microsoft has released some of their code to the GPL.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
Also submitted. Regardless of what may come out of this, at least we tried.
I don't want to hijack the other thread. But I think the best action you can take is generate some publicity from the media.
Go to Engadget. http://www.engadget.com/
There should be a red 'Tip US' on the right hand side of the webpage. Let the problem get on the main page of Engadget.
Thank you/
Email sent.
Email sent - also if anyone is wondering what to say, here is what i sent to them...may not be perfect but it gets the job done:
Hello. I am writing today to ask that you please release the source code for the Tegra 2 chip to the public.
As you most likely know, the android os has a very large developer community. With this community comes ground breaking software development and can also make an already great product become an even bigger product.
An example would be Samsung hiring the lead developer of the CyanogenMod7 custom Rom for Android.
They also gave the team one of their latest devices for further testing.
Now that device is one of the most sold Android phones of 2011.
The Tegra chip has a following already because of the little bit of development that we have been able to squeeze out of it with out the help of Nvidia. (source code)
But we believe and know that we can develop upon it even further and show Nvidia and others what the Tegra is really capable of. Which in turn will bring more interest to the chip and devices that carry the chip and that just means more sales.
It is only a win-win situation.
Thank you for reading.
a Nvidia customer.
you guys are asking for specific stuff in a very generic matter. nvidia has a git hub with tons of stuff already! and im sure if you ask them for ics tegra2 drivers for the atrix or g2x they will deliver.
as for nvidia helping devs, its happend!
sent mine
i did sent mine.
hope this count.
Sent it, couldn't copy the message though...
---------- Post added at 07:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:28 PM ----------
Oh yea change the thread title to:
"Release the Tegra" Movement Thread [& how you can help] [Atrix]
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Then fix your post. Make it look professional so If any of the Nvidia Dev's see it, they'ed take it seriously...
Hey Guys,
I am a T-mobile G2x user and over at the G2x forums we started a thread, [ics2g2x] [occupy nvidia]how you can help!. This request thread is to get Nvidia to release the source code for the tegra 2 chip, this way we can get more stable roms and yes a fully functional ICS build.
You can help in multiple ways. It doesn't matter how you help, as long as you did that becomes a +1 support for this thread!
1. Call them at (408) 486-2000 and ask for developer relations.
2. Email them at http://developer.nvidia.com/contact. Make sure your info is accurate so that they'll accept it.
3. Advertise this thread at places like Engadget or some other well known information website.
4. Get creative do something that we haven't listed up here, anything counts... (As long as it's good)
I'm only doing this because the Atrix uses the same tegra 2 chip, thanks for your understanding.
Support Count:
1. cervantesjc
2. WiredPirate
3. edgeicator
4. picaron1
6. Semseddin
7. vinay427
8. cption
9. Jibraldor
10. J-Roc
11. hormosapiens
12. Alaq
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Copy and paste this into your post if you feel lazy. And update the Support Count every 1-2 days to keep this going.
I agree with changing the title in case anyone from nvidia see the thread.
however, I would leave any sort of "occupy" verbiage out. due to the recent media coverage of everything "occupy" related, it's not entirely a positive way to bring about change to what we want as far as code.
it seems a tad bit brutish to use that word to request something at this point.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
ifalldownalot said:
I agree with changing the title in case anyone from nvidia see the thread.
however, I would leave any sort of "occupy" verbiage out. due to the recent media coverage of everything "occupy" related, it's not entirely a positive way to bring about change to what we want as far as code.
it seems a tad bit brutish to use that word to request something at this point.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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Yea it might cause some problems.... Fixed:
"Release the Tegra" Movement Thread [& how you can help] [Atrix]
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Semseddin said:
we're not pirates.
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Speak for yourself lol.
Yeah, the thread title is a bad (polarizing) choice imho. I have enough trouble occupying my own space. And I certainly don't want to be seen in any sort of occupy movement. I work for what I have/want/need (and as an added bonus, to support the wants/needs of the occupiers, hurray for me!). But since the spirit of the thread isn't that sort of nonsense, I'm in. Message sent.
And no griping at me because I bit at the title... It was just sitting there staring at me with those "I want your stuff" and "Are you crazy? No I don't want to work for it" eyes...
Since I never do anything at work I will send them an email, spread this around, contact engadget, gizmodo, and more. I really want the ATRIX to become active. Its been dead around here a little.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

[Q] Mindstorms Intergration

Hello all,
During my studies I am designing a project involving a LEGO Mindstorms "Robot" and an accompanying Android app. I would like to send commands to the Mindstorms unit using Bluetooth. I know this is possible as while trialing some ideas in the MIT App Inventor I discovered Mindstorms command blocks.
I apologize if this is posted in the wrong place. I did do some searching around Google for a way to do this, yet I found nothing as of yet. I do not need a full script, just a link to the API/API Commands.
Many Thanks,
You could have a look at the Catroid project. It's an open-source Scratch port for Android which allows you to enable NXT support in the settings.
Maybe you can find some useful information in its code.
Github: https://github.com/catrobat/catroid
Especially this part of the repo might be interesting: https://github.com/Catrobat/Catroid/tree/master/catroid/src/org/catrobat/catroid/legonxt
nikwen said:
You could have a look at the Catroid project. It's an open-source Scratch port for Android which allows you to enable NXT support in the settings.
Maybe you can find some useful information in its code.
Github: https://github.com/catrobat/catroid
Especially this part of the repo might be interesting: https://github.com/Catrobat/Catroid/tree/master/catroid/src/org/catrobat/catroid/legonxt
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Thanks for the info. Currently reading through the source code now. Does show how much of java I have forgotten though.
Off topic but you have another supporter for your petition
deadwarrior63 said:
Thanks for the info. Currently reading through the source code now. Does show how much of java I have forgotten though.
Off topic but you have another supporter for your petition
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Welcome and thanks.

Looking for someone running Android O to Test a Few Things For Me

XDA Editor here,
You may have seen some of the tutorials I post on the Portal: https://www.xda-developers.com/category/tutorials/
I would like to test a few things out on Android O, but unfortunately I do not have a device that supports the Developer Preview. If you're interested in testing something innovative, message me on Hangouts at [email protected].
You need to have some familiarity with ADB commands.
Edit: I no longer need any more testers
MishaalRahman said:
XDA Editor here,
You may have seen some of the tutorials I post on the Portal: https://www.xda-developers.com/category/tutorials/
I would like to test a few things out on Android O, but unfortunately I do not have a device that supports the Developer Preview. If you're interested in testing something innovative, message me on Hangouts at [email protected].
You need to have some familiarity with ADB commands.
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Why don't you just post you requests here?
edit: I have a 5x on O right now. Would that include me in your request or only the Pixel?
bobby janow said:
Why don't you just post you requests here?
edit: I have a 5x on O right now. Would that include me in your request or only the Pixel?
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It's because the request involves a lot of testing back and forth, which doesn't really work that well in a forum setting. I'm done testing, though, but thanks for volunteering!

RetroPie for the Asus Tinkerboard (ROTT)

Hi, I'm Steve, I do some roms over on the s6/note5/treble forums. I recently purchased this board after noticing it was a big step up from raspberry pi. After buying the board I went looking for retro gaming options. Lakka exists. RetroPie is in development, done by custom developers. It is not an official RetroPie release or affiliated with the Official RetroPie on Raspberry Pi. However it works and looks the same. It is just an unofficial port. Currently it is working for many emulators. But Dreamcast, psp need work, and I wanted Saturn. I found the two guys developing the project and reached out to them(crash), and ultimately joined the team for ROTT(retropie on the tinkerboard). Links can be found in post #2. Please report any bugs as it will help us improve the project. Happy Gaming, or viewing, depending on what you do.
Current release is ROTT 1.1 Epic Edition.
** Fixed DC, PSP, and added Saturn.
The image repo/tutorial page is www.techtoytinker.com
There are no sales and no ads, just the info
ROTT v1.0.5b:
Just flash it to your SD card and go.
ROTT v1.0.6b BETA:
I was able to get Sega Saturn to run really well with some tweaking. It will be included in a upcoming build. Dreamcast is also fine. N64 and ps1 are good. Psp is doing better now. The GPU has been set to it's Max of 600, finally unlocking the advantage this board has on the pi for gaming.
ROTT is up to 1.0.8 now. The deluxe version has mame and mess included.
More information can be found on my personal website at www.techtoytinker.com
Please note, there are no ads or sales on the site, slash TV has been added also for tinkerboard, and nano pi fire 3. It's an Android based emulation setup that doubles as a media centre.
user e pass
ROTT v1.0.6b BETA:
What is the user name and password?
matt973 said:
ROTT v1.0.6b BETA:
What is the user name and password?
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Don't use that. Use 1.0.8 epic or 1.0.7, and it's tinker/tinkerboard
Thanks for the awesome img! I have a question, is it possible to integrate some Media players in this image? for watch movies under RetroPie?
godkingofcanada said:
Hi, I'm Steve, I do some roms over on the s6/note5/treble forums.
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Hi Steve, I'm Roger and this message/reply hass nothing to do with the tinkerboard (sorry everyone, for thread-jacking). It is actually with reference to the Jetson Nano. This is the first post that google found on xda, after i included "xda techtoyti....." in my search terms.
I'm messaging just to say "Hi" because I sent you a message using the "contact me" feature on your website but I check XDA on a far more regular basis, than I check my hotmail account.
I am still awaiting the postman to deliver my nano 4gb. It is 1pm here in the UK and the parcel tracking says that it is out for delivery, with the driver
please feel free to PM me
wodgey said:
Hi Steve, I'm Roger and this message/reply hass nothing to do with the tinkerboard (sorry everyone, for thread-jacking). It is actually with reference to the Jetson Nano. This is the first post that google found on xda, after i included "xda techtoyti....." in my search terms.
I'm messaging just to say "Hi" because I sent you a message using the "contact me" feature on your website but I check XDA on a far more regular basis, than I check my hotmail account.
I am still awaiting the postman to deliver my nano 4gb. It is 1pm here in the UK and the parcel tracking says that it is out for delivery, with the driver
please feel free to PM me
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The image for that board is also on the website
godkingofcanada said:
The image for that board is also on the website
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Yeah I know. Have downloaded it already and looking forward to testing it out
I'm hopeful of an Android port too, which was my reason for reaching out through your website.
I've already flashed my sd card with Nvidia's os and I've downloaded the Android ROM for the switch.
Still waiting for the postman though
Again, sorry for thread-jacking. Can I pm you instead?
2nd edit. Postman just arrived! Yay.
