Dissatisfied with EVO, what's wrong with you!!! - EVO 4G General

I glanced over at the sprint forum and folks are enraged that the Oct 25th release is actually just online & telephone order, and the device wont ship for about 4-10 days. I want the device but not that bad to throw a childish tantrum like a 6yo.
Yeah its a cool phone but it wont change my life it wont give me a raise and it's more important things to concern your self that unboxing on the 25th. Are women gonna give me a cell number and say call me I like your phone.. NO...that's what the Yamaha r1 and Mercedes is for..lmao.
3 additional phones will be dropping in the first quarter so I can still wait. Some of you are in need of a new phone since that evo might be on its last leg. My evo works fine and thanks for development of cool roms to keep me busy.
So for me its still no rush, cause the evo works , I rather wait for the kinks to get ironed out.. and I want gameloft MC4 working out the gate.. none of that device is not compatible crap....

Ummm what are you talking about? What evo 4g is shipping out the 25th??
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

cbucz24 said:
Ummm what are you talking about? What evo 4g is shipping out the 25th??
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
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Ooops I was speaking on the Samsung note 2, forgot to include that
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alaman68 said:
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lreyes said:
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C'mon guys, just let this fade into darkness.


So I mugged someone today...

Stole this Evo phone thing he had and found this forum.
It's pretty neat.
What Rom should I put on it?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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bwaahaahaa! brilliant trolling, bro.
Sent from my calculator watch.
this is why we can't have nice things. Dirt bag
d-evo_me01 said:
this is why we can't have nice things. Dirt bag
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Well did you already clone the esn to work on a different provider, that's what thieves do with bad esn phones that are stolen lol
I should put MUIU on it and Craigslist it as an iPhone 5 prototype.
Lol be like iPhone 5 now has flash lmao
This is funny
Sent from my rooted HTC EVO using the xda app!
sand1303 said:
This is funny
Sent from my rooted HTC EVO using the xda app!
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What makes it funnier for me, is that when I saw the thread, it was directly under the one that started "Mugged today, stole my Evo". Brilliant post, my man. Thanked.
I was drinking a monster and it almost came outta my nose when I read the tittle and it was right under the original thread.
I think I just peed my pants, that was amazing!
You ain't right....
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
The general section is already as useless as it can get on this forum...
At least this is is funny and original
Can't hate.
This is how it went down...
But I was OK and went home and this is what happened...
To Funny!10 char
LOL thanks epic even though kind of harsh in a way but LOL
About time we have something worth reading on xda. lol
Sent From My HTC Evo 4G On The Now Network From Sprint Using Tapatalk Pro!

Thought this was funny ..

Lol Verizon sucks at Photoshop.
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Verizon sent a flyer thing in the mail. Which I actually thought was funny, since none of us are eligible for upgrades til November.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Maybe they are running Jt's AOSP or CM6
ataranine said:
since none of us are eligible for upgrades til November.
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Speak for yourself, I paid retail for my Incredible, X, and Fascinate. I'm due for an upgrade in June.
spotmark said:
Speak for yourself, I paid retail for my Incredible, X, and Fascinate. I'm due for an upgrade in June.
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Lol I meant for the people in my house.. ?
spotmark said:
Speak for yourself, I paid retail for my Incredible, X, and Fascinate. I'm due for an upgrade in June.
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I bet you drive a german car dont you?
Yeah that pic is jt's asop, they're clearly fans. Lol
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Yea fun times!
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Bawb3 said:
I bet you drive a german car dont you?
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Lol. Nope, a Honda Civic, with a quarter million miles, and I plan to keep on driving it until it dies.
spotmark said:
Lol. Nope, a Honda Civic, with a quarter million miles, and I plan to keep on driving it until it dies.
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I had a Honda Prelude up until Monday. Totalled it in a 4 car accident.
Had almost 200k miles on it and it was still pullin' like a champ..damn shame.

GB 2.3.3 OTA to EVO Shift

My daughters have this phone and they recv'd the OTA yesterday
Wrong forum all together.... this is the epic forums
Sent from my Epicâ„¢ 4G using XDA Premium app
My buddy got it OTA last week actually.
Perhaps he is implying that this means the epic will get it soon.
a2tz said:
My buddy got it OTA last week actually.
Perhaps he is implying that this means the epic will get it soon.
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based on what? being on sprint??? that's about the only correlation.
1+2 = potato
Makes perfect sense to me
jdelano said:
My daughters have this phone and they recv'd the OTA yesterday
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Actually, this may very well be relevant. Perhaps it's a sign that they are readying the release. Who knows for sure.... It updates us on the status of the overall roll out. Whether or not it applies to Samsung as they seem to march to the beat of a different, unknown drummer is another story.
Thanks for the update.
#$%^&*%@@!!!!!! HADUOKEN!!!!
At ease men.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
LOL, yes just a generalized update concerning GB as an OTA from Sprint.
I am sure given my signature and number of posts; that you'd unserdtand I know where I am posting
Thank you for not disappointing me; I knew for sure I'd catch a flame or two... hehehe
Thank you Rob for coming to my defense
Maybe now that both of Sprint's favorite sons, the EVO brothers, got the GB update they can finally release it to the red headed stepchild.
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CapsLockKey said:
Maybe now that both of Sprint's favorite sons, the EVO brothers, got the GB update they can finally release it to the red headed stepchild.
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Or beat that stepchild, I'm hoping it means the same though lol
Sent from my SPH-D700

[Q] Rooting the evo with gingerbread 2.3.3

Is there a root for this yet! ( have fun)
You are going to get hell for this.. There are about fifteen threads about this. SEARCH. Even just looking in the evo forum you would know.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Being new to this forum myself, I'm kind of wondering if you're being sarcastic or something? Probably not... Expect to get "flamed" by others.
There's no root yet. But, there are two or three different exploits that have been discovered/developed very recently, so we should be seeing something released for our phones relatively soon. The most notable is AlphaRev's new hboot exploit for the HTC Sensation, which supposedly will be able to be used for most current hboots (so hopefully the EVO). But, nothing has been released yet. We aren't even supposed to know about it.
The best thread I know of to follow for the latest news is the one below, but you'll definitely know when someone releases something to root the 2.3.3 EVO. There are a lot of us waiting...
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It's a troll forum I think people
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ckoadiyn said:
It's a troll forum I think people
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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You think?
You are going to get hell for this.. There are about fifteen threads about this.
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Actually about 50 by now.
woonkie said:
Is there a root for this yet! ( have fun)
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OK - I will
1) When you were a kid did you like to bang on a hornets nest with a broom stick?
2) Do you tell your girl friend that outfit make her look fat?
3) Do you call your mom a beotch when she nags at you?
4) Do you tell your boss he is an imbecile?
5) Do you call your sister a cum-belching whore?
6) Do you not pay your taxes then nark on yourself to the IRS.
7) When you win the lotto do you give it back saying I am not that lucky and I don't deserve it?
What the heck is wrong with you? (Of course I'm Just Kidding)

[AOKP] Build 38 at the Wall Concert.

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Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2
I don't understand... but it's also possible that I lack the requisite mental state to understand.
Just photos taken at the Roger Waters concert using my fascinate and stock camera. Just some off the path info.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using Tapatalk 2
never heard of the group but wonderful photo none the less. ty!
requisite mental state...nice.
swagooo said:
never heard of the group but wonderful photo none the less. ty!
requisite mental state...nice.
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never heard of PINK FLOYD ( roger waters ) ???? Lol jk......bet was awesome show. Where was it ?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA
icemanwbs said:
never heard of PINK FLOYD ( roger waters ) ???? Lol jk......bet was awesome show. Where was it ?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA
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Yeah yikes.. I wasn't alive during the height of their popularity but I'm surprised that anyone in the English speaking world hasn't heard of them.
I actually kinda want to go see the show...worth it?
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using xda premium
This show was in Michigan. I used the stock camera with build38. The picture is of Roger Waters being projected onto a huge replica of the old Berlin wall. He did the entire Wall album.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using Tapatalk 2
A must see. The visual spectacle of a lifetime. Catch a show this year, this is his last tour.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using Tapatalk 2

